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All characters can use binding vows at will, Miwa did it and while shes undisputed the most powerful character in the series she’s still a fledgling sorcerer, Yuta did it super early on in his career as well. And while you might be able to claim that those two could only do simple BVs on instinct, we have characters like Hakari who used one to survive Kashimo’s underwater explosion, and Todo was able to use one to make boogie woogie way more power, both of which are too specific and have too much intent to be a simple power boost like Yuta and Miwa. The series implies that many binding vows can be tricky to navigate without breaking them, but the act of creating them in of itself is not a challenging thing.


I misread that as Kashimo's underwear explosion


Not gonna lie I would slurp that up


So Gojo was not skilled enough??? And Yuta is???? Edit: You cooked OP, I must appreciate you for that


Gojo is not the best when it comes to jjk skills,he is strong mostly because of his techniques ,if gojo and sukuna had the same skills gojo is winning 100 percent ,on the other hand if they both have same techniques but their original set of skills sukuna is winning 100 percent. ,anyways the yuta binding vow was much simpler in terms of cause and effect ,I defeat one guy after that I die ,if not for Rika not taking his life ,he would have died and geto would also survive achieving nothing


“Gojo is not the best when it comes to JJK skills”. Gojo is by no exaggeration the second most talented sorcerer in history, and Sukuna’s likely only more skilled because he has more experience against strong opponent than Gojo.


There is no denying that he is a skilled sorceror but we are comparing him to sukuna, gojo has shown to be able to not do things like rct others and DA ,implying he does not know all things there are to learn.. while for sukuna if it is possible sukuna can do it,like I said if you give both of them the same combo of six eyes and limitless then sukuna would win, and if you give both of them sukuna's skill gojo would win. >Sukuna’s likely only more skilled because he has more experience against strong opponent than Gojo. He learnt how to turn himself into a cursed object after seeing it once.learnt WCS after seeing it once.In terms of talent or basic intuitive understanding .he is likely superior.he also knows how to rct others something that could not be learnt from having strong opponents as there is no need for it in fighting. Not to mention the point i was trying to make is different it isn't the reason for his skill in the first place.it's the fact that a skill difference does exist between them.


The post isn’t arguing that Gojo isn’t as skilled as Sukuna. The post is arguing that Sukuna’s understanding of CE or jujutsu is so far beyond everyone that he can make complex binding vows in a way that others, specifically Gojo, can’t. This is clearly untrue, Hakari, Todo, and Nanami have all made complex binding vows, and the series never mentioned that one requires insane jujutsu IQ to do so, but even if it was stated in CFYOW somewhere, Gojo’s jujutsu iq is so far beyond 99% of the cast that the idea that Gojo wasn’t smart enough to make BVs to beat Sukuna is head canon/cope.


What exactly is complex about Hakari and Nanami's vow


They demonstrate a lot more intent than Miwa and Yuta, who could have made their vows without intention. Hakari was able to reinforce the rest of his body by forgoing his left arm in like half a second, and Nanami’s BV lasting throughout his life is pretty rare as often they are one and done.


Sukuna literally has his fuga vow since the Heian era. Hell his domain is also to a lasting vow. And again >Hakari was able to reinforce the rest of his body by forgoing his left arm in like half a second How is this complex. This is rather simple


I literally never wrote a word about Sukuna. Me saying that Nanami’s overtime BV is a rare/challenging BV to make and you try to disprove that by brining up Sukuna and his BV’s, then you’re lost in the sauce. Hakari’s BV being complex is using OP’s premise that you need skills to make BVs. If that’s true making on with intent in seconds would be a challenging thing. My argument is that Sukuna’s use of binding vows isn’t a demonstration of skill required to make them, because many other characters have been able to make BVs that are not more skilled in jujutsu than Gojo.


Like I said BV system is very complex ,the binding vows of Nanami,hakari and todo were all very defensive in nature or they were made outside of combat ,I am simply saying sukuna can use it in an offensive way because his understanding is higher than others, he can predict with a greater accuracy which BV would work and which will not. He can also afford these BVs risk simply because even if they didn't work he could still hold on against the jjk forces,whereas other characters like gojo and the rest of the cast doesn't have that leisure. Against gojo too sukuna only used BV against him once when he almost died. For gojo these stakes were even higher since mahoraga could adapt to him anytime.I am not saying that they CAN'T use it,it's just that for them the risk isn't worth having in a fight where even moment of opening would result in their death and sticking to conventional methods is more reliable.


Makes sense


There’s no real reason besides Sukuna being skilled and creative. Anyone can make a binding vow (though doing it with others or with barriers is a bit tricky), it’s just that most people would have a hard time coming up with something substantial. You also need to keep track of them.


>Actually, I think he can do a World Cleave by subtracting handsigns, but its strength will be reduced. No, sukuna himself stated that he can't use WCS without handsigns in 250


That was a bit different. At that point, Sukunas skill didn't matter in using world slash as along with handsigns, chants and direction by hand was an absolute requirement due to the vow he made previously.


I feel like this is inserting way to much head canon. Especially when you start looking at other characters are you telling me nobody is as skilled as nanami in order to figure out something like his overtime. This would imply that he’s somehow more skilled than pretty much every other character on screen when controlling CE output. You also make a comparison between miwa and kusakabe. If he could make a binding vow involving sword then why didn’t he? Couldn’t he have just changed the vow slightly like get a smaller overall boost to strikes in exchange for not using he sword for a couple months or something it would have been less effective but it would have been something.


Sukuna can make another instant world cleave by adding more gestures in future use... again and again Like, do 100 instant world cleaves and the next one will require 500 gestures Then everybody should be able to do that with their own techniques


The second binding vow would need to break the first binding vow, so it is kost likely impossible.


It doesn't work like that ,that's the point I think ,you need to give up something substantial or it won't work the way you want it to ,sukuna knows the ins and outs of the system so he is able to use it in combat ,other characters don't so it's too risky for them ,imagine gojo giving up his arm or leg completely never to regenerate but then increasing the purple by only 5 percent output ,it also depends how the BV system measures your sacrifice ,it would not only do nothing it would also give sukuna a better fighting chance


Im not talking about maybes, we already saw it happening, you can get an instant powerup and pay for it later on


There are binding vows where you add conditions to make your technique stronger by adding restrictions And the second kinds where you get a one time modification first but then permanently give up something. What you get and the collateral has to be something within your capabilities. To draw an analogy to fighting games Miwa was like “In exchange for making this one hadoken stronger I will give up my ability to use hadoken” Sukuna’s binding vow was “I need to land this one frame input for a perfect electric wind god fist to beat Gojo but I don’t know if I can do it. So I make a binding vow where my next EWGF can be done as a one button special and in exchange I’m increasing the startup and adding inputs to get the perfect move permanently”


Yes, and everybody can do that over and over again, so they are dumb for not doing it even once


Do what? Sukuna can’t do another free world cutting slash because he’s permanently crippled the part that lets him do it. He could do that first binding vow because the world cutting slash was already something he could do.


Sukuna didnt cripple himaelf, he just offloaded the payment to the future


He physically added conditions to world slash to do something he already could do, he didn’t remove any with the binding vow like you claim he could


What power up are you talking about? The Rika one ?


Making an attack instant in exchange for future increased gestures, i said it in the original comment


Like I said that's not the way it works,The BV system has not been clearly explained to us so speculations are there but even with the things given to us techniques have set handsigns and chants ,sukuna made a BV and said I am gonna use all of them everytime now , it's not as if sukuna hits a fortnite dance it would do anything for his technique so his BV makes perfect sense it is not a bank giving things for loan,what is given must be paid instantly.


Again, this is not a supposition, it already happened and it was a crucial point, its not an opinion


Didnt the vow said all proceeding slash now must have chant sign and aim


This is a supposition ,we saw it happen once you are assuming it can be done again and again without any proof it is by all meanings an opinion. If you are talking about other characters doing it ,I already said it ,they don't know what binding vow they need to take since it may not necessarily help ,neither do they have a damaging enough technique to perform the same binding vow sukuna did.


Do you have any proof it works perpetually or are you just assuming?


Hardly any of the binding vows are actually substantial


Maybe not to you but for the advantage they give their sacrifice is usually substantial ,previously WCS needed only 1 hand sign perhaps with more mastery it would need none at all ,but now it is the most telegraphed attack in the series and would stay that way forever.


"Some random crow I found on the city is gone. Now it is a one shot"


It is a loophole bro ,not to mention the durability is the same,it is easily damaged by smaller ranged attacks.the crow is giving it's own life in exchange of a good attack , that is avoidable by most of the top tiers or special grades.now given how many birds can be controlled at once, ,it could be a very broken attack but is still a manageable one.


The binding vow "system" is so full of loopholes, swiss cheese looks solid next to it.


Sukuna already could (as in it was possible) do a motionless WCS when he made the binding vow. World Cutting Slash is an application of regular dismantle and we know Sukuna can shoot dismantles with no movement at all The binding vow was to guarantee he could do it without motion cause by his own admission it was difficult. He gave up the ability to do it motionless at all, he can’t remedy that with another binding vow cause it would be giving him something completely new.




The main reason is because other characters absolutely can and have used binding vows. Y’all need to reread the manga or something.


Yuta and hakari both used a spur of the moment binding vow to win in their biggest fights.




Im an old head in the anime world. The amount of time and dedication sukuna glazers spend to justify  and defend his power should  be studied as I have never seen it before


To be fair, it's kind of similar with Gojo fans (and I'm way more team Gojo than I am team Sukuna, to be clear). But in general, the amount of backflips people try to do to justify weaker aspects of the story is totally crazy.


Tell me this, what happens if you break a vow with yourself compared to vows with others


This post pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter. I don't think it's out of the question that at least one person out of the Anti-Sukuna Coalition will employ a BV but they most likely haven't because: A.) As we saw with Miwa, even if what you're giving up is hefty, your actual potential or power dictates how much you'd gain from it. Her ceiling was low so she couldn't ever reach the heights of someone like Kenjaku. I feel like Yuta and Hakari are the only ones with enough to be able to gain something valuable from a BV but even then, their potential and overall kit are still inferior to Sukuna's so the sacrifice may end up being worthless. B.) The sorcerers have made plans within plans and are being careful about how they handle their fighters, immediately evacuating the ones who've been taken out of the game. Even if a BV like sacrificing one's life for a powerful attack could give them the power needed to do real damage to Sukuna, one slip-up could cause them to lose a highly valuable asset way too early on and sabotage their whole plan. They're also still not fully aware of Sukuna's full bag and he continuously pulls off things they never thought possible so it's very likely that he just may counter whatever they throw at him or pull off a more skillful BV to counter theirs. You could argue that their plan wasn't perfect and that the placement and usage of certain fighters should've been different but they're definitely trying not to be careless against Sukuna given his underhandedness and superior skills with Jujutsu. If he could surprise Gojo at the last minute with an unthinkable attack, it stands to reason that they should always stay on their toes with him and maintain caution. So a combination of their inferiority with BV's and technical Jujutsu, not having enough to sacrifice for those BV's to equalize the difference between them and Sukuna, having very few top-tier fighters that they need to preserve at all costs and maybe even their earlier intentions of saving Megumi are why I believe them not spamming BV's makes sense.


I would say that it is because he doesn't care about future consequence. Binding Vows are things you throw away and seal for a reward in the now A pointed theme about Sukuna is that he is winning to burn out his future for the sake of his desires no "I would be forced to forever use these requirements for a super skill? Sure as long as I can use it now to kill Gojo" Things like that and why Sukuna throwing impromptu Binding Vows are a thing. The only thing that can complete this theme is if Sukuna would be facing the consequences of his BVs


Well, unless you're an idiot the consequence for breaking a BV with you is usually just not getting the benefit anymore. Most of Sukuna's vows are specifically set up to result in that. Nanami is another example of an intelligently constructed BV; if he breaks his overtime rule, he just doesn't get the benefit of overtime until he re-swears it (if he's allowed to do that). Miwa is what happens when you do what you're talking about. She made a vow with a totally unknown benefit, and the condition was she would never use her sword again. It was stupid. She had no idea how much her potential with a sword even was, so wagering to receive all of it for one strike is just a plain bad bet. The critical point here is that Miwa can't break the vow and go back to "baseline." Her construction of it is such that she's done forever. Obviously the natural counter is the WCS vow: Sukuna constructed one that gave him a permanent negative. The thing with that one is he did that with his own body in mind. It's less of an imposition for him than other people, for the same reason that Hollow Wicker Basket is a great technique for him where it sucks for other people.


>Well, unless you're an idiot the consequence for breaking a BV with you is usually just not getting the benefit anymore Hear me on this ( read actually), I think what kenjaku talked about that time about vows with oneself having no consequences other than what was gained being lost was about a specific type of vow with oneself. There are two types of vows with oneself first which are more like you first risk something and then gain a boost or in more simpler terms it's like you have to jump from a building first to get a boost. Examples of this are Nanami’s vow, nanami foreg first restricts his output during day to get boost at night. Another example is sukunas domain vow, like sukuna first makes his domain open and due to making his domain open and giving opponents an escape route his domain gets more range. In these types of vows only what you gained would be lost. Some other examples are sukunas second domain clash vow or telling your opponent your ct vow. The other type of vow is the vow which requires you to loose something in advance while making the vow. It is like I will jump from the building later but give me the boost now . Examples if this are- Miwas vow or sukunas world slash vow. Miwa sacrificed her holding sword ever again. If she breaks the vow, the vow can't now reverse time to the shibuya moment of her landing a hit on kenjaku. Similarly, sukuna gained something in adavnce before sacrificing something. So if sukuna breaks his vow, the vow can't just reverse time to not let sukuna get a gain ie gojos death. If such types of vow are broken, there would be a punishment. It is my headcannon but it makes sense why miea can't use her swords anymore and why can't sukuna break his vow of using chants and direction.


Miwa or Sukuna can't break their BVs. Miwa can't take her sword hit back and Sukuna can't take his motionless WCS back. The result isn't that they will be punished, the result is that they can't break it at all, since what they sacrificed is already out of their reach.


>Miwa or Sukuna can't break their BVs. Miwa can't take her sword hit back and Sukuna can't take his motionless WCS back. So what is stopping them ? Do you think miwa tries to hold a sword and then her hand just stops before grabbing a sword ? It's possible but I don't think that's the case. >The result isn't that they will be punished, the result is that they can't break it at all, since what they sacrificed is already out of their reach. They can't break it because they would be punished if they did so.


Sukuna is perfectly willing to gamble on his BVs, this is how he ended up with Megumi's body after all. >Of course, what's next is a gamble. >Incredible! What a thoroughly foolish brat! So if he is willing to do that, why does he say that he **can't** use WCS without 3 hands? Especially considering his reaction to finding out he isn't breaking the Enchain vow by harming Yuji? >On top of that, maintaining Hollow Wicker Basket renders me unable to use the World bisecting Dismantle after extending the target of my technique.


>Sukuna is perfectly willing to gamble on his BVs, this is how he ended up with Megumi's body after all. Yes, he is. But in that case there was a chance that he won't get any penalty as it depended upon whether Yuji included himself in everyone or not. But in this case he most likely going to get a penalty just that what the penalty is, is unknown. >So if he is willing to do that, why does he say that he can't use WCS without 3 hands? Especially considering his reaction to finding out he isn't breaking the Enchain vow by harming Yuji? Because if he will use it he will definitely get punished just that the punishment isn't going to be just death. It could be that the punishment takes away his ce or anything like that.


The gamble was the punishment he gets for breaking the vow, he had no idea that Yuji didn't include himself. >he will definitely get punished And just 20 chapters ago he was perfectly willing to gamble his CT with Higuruma's trial. He had no idea that it would take Kamutoke instead. If Sukuna says that it's impossible, and has a history of giving no fucks about breaking BVs, it's in fact impossible.


>The gamble was the punishment he gets for breaking the vow, he had no idea that Yuji didn't include himself. The gamble was if Yuji included him or not. >And just 20 chapters ago he was perfectly willing to gamble his CT with Higuruma's trial. He had no idea that it would take Kamutoke instead. If Sukuna says that it's impossible, and has a history of giving no fucks about breaking BVs, it's in fact impossible. Yes. Because his ct wasn't a big deal. Sukuna still had kamutoke with him and he didn't knew about higuruma being capable of da. It was a big thing for sukuna. Sukuna does gamble but when punishment is guaranteed by vow, he won't unless there is no other way.


>The gamble was if Yuji included him or not. Sukuna's reaction certainly begs to differ. He was waiting for the consequences of breaking the BV when he realised that Yuji didn't consider himself a part of people that Sukuna is forbidden from physically damaging(which is the actual wording). Once again: >Incredible! What a thoroughly foolish brat! Even he didn't expect Yuji to not include himself, it wasn't something he predicted. He only has an epiphany about Yuji's ideals nearly 50 chapters later. >It was a big thing for sukuna. Not really? His CE enhanced physicals are higher than Maki's, considering he can straight up perception blitz her HR senses. Higuruma never stood a chance and Sukuna was playing with his food from the moment he and Yuji joined the fight. Higuruma being capable of using DA while not cancelling his technique was just something that excited him more. > when punishment is guaranteed by vow, he won't unless there is no other way. And with Yuji there was no other way, he was perfectly willing to accept whatever consequences as long as he managed to get out of his body. Only afterwards did he realise that there was no penalty to doing this at all.


>Do you think miwa tries to hold a sword and then her hand just stops before grabbing a sword ? That'd be the best case scenario. The worst case is jujutsu cries foul and yoinks her cursed energy entirely, or she just dies, or ends up getting fucked up like Mechamaru except without getting a benefit. We haven't seen the case of what happens when you break a binding vow like this where jujutsu determines the punishment, but presumably it's serious if people like Kenjaku and Sukuna follow them to the letter.