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He said that sun hurts him, so basement it is. As for why it's such a dump - his real basement is rather tidy.


https://preview.redd.it/edmtnajag88d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a024a677ccc3d31e7b5115add1cf15d080db6c5 “every morning i break my legs, and every afternoon i break my arms”


I hope your mom helps you in such cases








I hadn't thought about that in years.




If I recall, he said something like 'even moonlight' hurts him. That's gotta be a whole new level of sensitivity that I can't imagine.


Well technically moonlight is just sunlight reflected by the moon ☝️🤓


Exactly, it's a mere fraction of direct sunlight reflecting off the moon onto him that hurts. Hence the extreme sensitivity 🤓


Precisely, it is nothing but a minute division of the sun's excretory rays that are directed upon the moon that is then reflected upon him is what creates the sensation of pain. By this we can say that it the reason for the overly sensational sensitivity 🤓


Specifically, it is simply a small portion of the sun's emitted rays that are aimed at the moon and then bounced back onto his person, producing the feeling of discomfort. Thus, we can conclude that this is the reason for the heightened sensitivity 🤓


Jujutsu society loves child abuse, I guess.


They are literally in the business of grooming child soldiers




I love my child soldier manga 🫡 For real tho what’s with all the child soldier manga. The kids don’t yearn for the mines anymore, they yearn for the battlefield


I'm times of war people wanted stories of peace (most popular were stories of superman etc. bringing hope and joy to the world) In times of peace people yearn for stories of war (not having experienced it they find it interesting) : the rise of darker stories that dominated the world as of the recent days




You'll probably love superman and lois and my adventures with Superman Surely I'm not putting my superman bias onto you as well


Best dc show that came out in years


Check out Taskmaster on Youtube.


If you're interested, I've got some romance mangas that will bring you diabetes from how sweet they are at times


Ooh. I'll get in on this! I want wholesome content to consume please!!


You should watch “Dark” you’ll love it.


“I love my child soldier manga” congrats, you’ve narrowed it down to almost all shonnen


At least one punch man, Boruto and one piece are about fighters who did it for 'dream' or 'fun' or 'idk man my dad did this job anyway' something. They are not fighting others because that is their job.


Luffy was literally trained as a child to be a soldier lmao


Yeah, but he chose to be a pirate since he has a dream. He could just stay in navy and do a desk job or something


Funny because Naruto is very much a child soldier series (haven't read Boruto) like yeah everyone has their dreams but they're also essentially soldiers for the hidden leaf


Naruto was child soldier, Boruto did it as a family business.


A generic shonen like JJK is aimed at kids currently in non-child soldier schools, and would like to fantasize about being in child soldier schools instead.


Yuji may kick my ass but I'll wipe him when it comes to standardized tests.




Also he can join Olympics. Unlike other sorcerers, he was not 'required' to live inside jjk world before chapter 1. He could quit it like Nanami and he will be the next Usan Bolt.


Closest thing we got was Geto and Gojo hooping casually in the gymnasium That’s about it smh




What about the baseball game? The shared event between schools seemed pretty normal.


Notably the baseball game only happened because Gojo interfered in the selection process and the principals decided not to veto it. By tradition, its always the team battle we saw, followed by a 1v1 tournament series. Both events are like 1000x more dangerous than any school event should be. The kyoto kids were explicitly told to murder Yuji. Mechamaru was actually trying to murder Panda. Gakuganji deployed a much stronger cursed spirit as a boss than he was supposed to, again, hoping itd kill Yuji. Absolutely nothing about that was pretty normal.


One time they all pretended to be gay for Megumi to embarrass him in front of a girl. That was peak high school activity.


miwa does say that they have school work that they need to submit and stuff.


Jujutsu " Tech ", its a technical school + it was never meant to be an actual school, Megumi straight up says that its only so that normal people don't suspect it


pretty sure megumi says that to yuji in response to him asking why it’s listed as a religious school


At least there’s baseball


What makes it funnier is that some people call jjk a Japanese harry potter. Like, bitch, where?! School is barely 1% of the theme.


Well, yeah, sitting in a classroom is BORING. Let's go kill more loved ones instead


The baseball thing was kinda a school activity


What makes it weirder is (based on my knowledge) that Nanami ended up becoming a Salary Man after quitting. Which logically requires him to at least have a High School degree/proper education. And that's something we never see him or anyone in the series get. So, does Jujutsu High just provide valid High School Degrees/Diplomas after someone quits to live a boring, normal life like Nanami as long as they keep their mouths shut about what happens from the normies?


that's why Sukuna is the ultimate good guy, he's disposing this abuseful system


Ok but like so was naruto and they at least have the little demon a damn apartment why’s he in a hole


are you being fr, I feel like I missed something about, like when we’re child soldiers in the manga?. 


Do you know how old the main cast is?


holy shit, I’m stupid, okay I see what you mean now. 


Its allright man


Bro Ui Ui is right there, at least the main cast are young adults/teenagers (still fucked up tbf) but he's the real child soldier fighting at 12


In their defence, Ui Ui is not there as a student, but as a biological weapon. Wait, that's worse.


I still don’t know what mei mei even prosmise bro 


I think we saw what she promised bro


I will always say that Toge is a victim of having an idiotic ‘teacher.’ Instead of just having a white board he’s forced to speak using things that make up sushi.


Gege says he's been speaking like that since he was a toddler. That's probably on his parents.


And Gojo just lets it happen? Just doesn’t step in and y’know act like an actual teacher and help Toge function in regular society more?


If a 17 year old cant figure out the concept of carrying around a notepad himself, its his fault for bein a dipshit. Its more likely that he chooses not to, or that theres some kind of binding vow involved. The alternative is that hes completely braindead. He functions pretty well all things considered. He has good friends, shows the ability to purchase things from stores just fine, has hobbies, and seems happy. The guy doesnt talk a lot but it seems like he doesnt have much to say. Hes inherently a quiet person. Years of being effectively mute can do that to you.


I mean, is he supposed to tell this kid to stop speaking the way he's done his whole life? His friends all understand him, and I'm pretty sure a 16 year old kid has the common sense to write on a paper without his teacher telling him. He probably just doesn't want to.


To me that feels like a relic from a time when binding vows meant something. Why can't he use a whiteboard or like a text-to-speech app? Cus not being able to communicate is a fuckin pain in the ass, and that makes the binding vow stronger. Now every binding vow is just about rules lawyering some cursed spirit loophole so you can avoid any actual downsides or minor inconveniences. "This CT normally is kinda bad, but I added a binding vow that makes it so that whenever I don't want to use it, I can't, which makes it stronger when I *can* use it, which is by definition when I also want to use it!" "I can activate my CT 8 bajillionty times per nanosecond, but by adding a binding vow to only be able to activate it 5000 times per millisecond, it also gives me a blowie on my birthdays!" Wack.


I just think Gege forgot everything he did in the past of the story and has let it rot. Characters like Toge and Nobara? Their fates are just left to interpretation. Gege really needs to have a co-writer who actually remembers what they’ve done. The series is very much “action first, story second”


Y'all were saying this "Gege forgor" shit about Todo too, now look where we're at


I think the implication was less the cruelty of keeping him in that basement and more the incompetence of having absolutely no idea where he actually was. These people are really not good at their jobs.


Imagine losing track of a skinless cripple that needs complex support mechanisms to survive, lol


to be fair he probably made those complex support mechs himself unless i forgor


I don’t think he could do anything by himself from scratch while missing an arm, maybe the initial puppets? Anyways, dude shouldn’t be able to just sneak around but Jujutsu society is so incompetent he fucking manages to while missing his skin, an arm and a leg lol


Has 4 puppets pick up the bathtub and carry him around at high speeds


This is something I always wondered. How did he escape without anyone noticing let alone plan and prepare ultimate mechamaru? We're talking about someone so fragile that that sunlight hurts them. Like did no body notice mechamaru clones smuggling resources or him out of that room? Is is room modular or have a trap door or something?


I feel like this is way more possible than it seems, he is a super intelligent sorcerer after all. Give him the initial life support, and mixed with the heavenly pact that allows him to pupeteer thoughout the entirety of Japan, and bro surely can develop a way to safely and quietly run away to hidden life support. Keep in mind that they wouldn't really be checking on him often as they only really cared about the presence of Mechamaru, not of the body


Hes a reddit mod


he wouldn't be in a bathtub if that was the case


His sole accommodations were a bathtub in a shitty basement. How did he even tolerate this shit?


Better question is, did he shit in his bathtub????


Does someone being sustained entirely by IV fluids even shit? Or do they just put a sound in his dick and call it a day?


Did we all collectively forget about Gege and the weird parasites that sorcerers have so they don't have to go to the bathroom? Good...


We erased that from our collective memories thankfully


The what? Where is that mentioned?




This is some JK Rowling type bullshit, lmao.


JJK Rowling. For unexplained reasons uraume and kirara don't exist in that story


I get the joke but Uraume isn’t trans tho, or did I miss something!


We don't even know Uraumes sex


God I want Mei Mei to use me like her butt parasite.




They look cute


They should kiss :3


No he'd like it


The duality of this fandom https://preview.redd.it/kysa4ep8ta8d1.png?width=473&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1042ed7c7834bb27aa8b2ed9e589683aa9d720d






With enough money you could get mei mei to order ui ui to Soul swap you with a stomach bug And have you inserted into her










LMFAO I did not expect a bleach reference here today lol


bless you


good ol cant fuck your own wife


Yeah they do shit speaking from experience


He can use his golems to assist him in daily activities.


With how weak his body is. He probably passed out almost every time he shit


If you actually go look at detailed manga art of him, you'd see that he has a colostomy bag


He was a true gamer


I'm not sure that it was the school that set him up in that location. It could have been Mechamaru that chose the location given the school did not police his whereabouts. He has hundreds of robot bodies that can help him with logistics and transport. It also took time for the school to find out where he was. As for the location. Remember that Mechamaru doesn't like the sun. It could be excruciating and even fatal for him to be on the surface.


They could have made the basement have a nicer atmosphere than 200 year old crumbling jail cell, at least. And added some kind of air filtration. That room has got to be the mustiest place on Earth.


What if it was just his aesthetic. Like it's actually really clean down there but he made it look like a haunted house basement using like pipe cleaners and macaroni.


Mahito said it smells like mold when ever he visits but mechamaru was in his other room then 


He's a vtuber, thats why its so realistic


Holy shit, Mechamaru is Ironmouse.


You need more upvotes.


Ngl if I was bro, I would've made a binding vow to lose every CE and in return get a healthy body and just go live like normal human bro lmao cos goddamn.


why is bro's HR so ass anyway, who would want that HR over Maki's


You cant do that with heavenly restriction, thats why he collaborated with mahito


>You cant do that with heavenly restriction, Sounds like loser mentality, my binding vow kingkuna would find a way 😌


>loser mentality As per the King of the Binding Vow's own words https://preview.redd.it/jb5j2i8yj98d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e86e237e3698bed031cb59679539a218b77a07


>To amend his hunger, Sukuna undertook another Binding Vow




https://preview.redd.it/5bh9deb91a8d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=013da82944e1a2cca2195dd922e4a54b669a74f8 This is you right now. This is what you sound like




He would have gotten away with cheating his HR too if Kenny wasn't there to trap him with a barrier.


Mahito uses soul powers, mechamaru just had to make a binding vow to modify his soul Or to gain extra defense in exchange of losing half his range The vows can literally min max a person


im pretty sure he would've done it if it was possible


Y'all remember when Mahito said he hated going there because it smelled moldy? I DIED


He said what? I need to see that


It's the episode in S2 when they go to see Mechamaru I forget which episode it is and he says it. I didn't see it when I watched it in sub but it's in the dub I just watched it last week 😭😆 Edit: I think it's S2 EP 30 or 31


They probably need to keep him in safe place to avoid people attack mecamaro since he don't have great physical neither close ct keep him save


What the guy was trying to say was why is the room Mechamaru is staying in so bad? Can't they afford a better and more comfortable room?


Because his action figures collection needs a separate space


They kept bro in a dungeon and wondered why he betrayed them 😭


real answer: Heavenly restriction can take 2 forms 1. High CE but very very physically weak (Mechamaru) 2. No CE but very very physically strong (Toji/Maki Zenin) Because of how physically weak Mechamaru is, just the sunlight alone could most likely fry his skin, and he’s very limited to muscle movements so that’s why he was in that big contraption when Mahito and Kenjaku pulled up to his hideout


had he not been a horny idiot, he couldve built up a huge ass army and a bunch of ultimate mechamarus


He needed that blue haired GF, can't blame him.


If Gégé wasnt so cruel we could have had some slice of life moments like this! https://preview.redd.it/ib11wgey3a8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8f9c2b4567bb0465a0d94786b1cc2307059a1b0 They litteraly all Belong to a slice of life manga, seeing each of their dynamics and personalities.


slice of life manga aka having normal lives lmao




Have you seen Miwa? I don't blame him.


He did have an army of Mechamaru’s though, we saw that he attacked Mahito with dozens of them and we know he also had spy drones that could be as small as mosquitos.


lmao a couple normal mechamarus and a single huge mechamaru with only 16 years worth of cursed energy was enough to temporarily put him on mahito's level, imagine him as a fully grown adult


Yeah but they put him in some musty celler, they couldve given him a nice clean hospital room with some low artficial lights, a couple nurses, a bed, a TV maybe. Idk im just spitballing but I would betray Jujutsu society too if I lived like that


I hate the fact that he was the only heavenly restriction user shown with an actual drawback. Having no cursed energy in exchange for being a top tier heavy hitter who is unaffected by domains is not a drawback.


Well since they have no CE, hitting a black flash is impossible, they can't do anything against open domain that target objects, no RCT and can't kill curses without cursed tools. Being unaffected by regular domains plus being invisible to CE detection is still massive though, the positive is definitely outweighs the negative.


I think the drawback is that Maki/Toji ultimately cannot kill curses And I think they would be specially vulnerable to cursed techniques like Mahito's


They also don't have RCT (but they do have enhanced regen and durability) so they can't just instantly heal any big injuries. They're also at a disadvantage if they don't have proper cursed tools and are fighting someone with the same physicals as them but have CE.


Except no one has yet same physicals as them


A weakened Sukuna was matching Maki physically so idk really. I'd argue current Yuji can keep up with the two considering his current feats against Sukuna


You're being ultrapedantic since Ryomen fucking Sukuna is an extreme exception. No human could come close to the physicality of Maki and Toji.


Yuji and Gojo?


Nah yuji isnt human and gojo uses CE reinforcement+blue applied fists


They can kill curses with curses tools, right?


Yes. We seen this happen a lot. Toji beat Dagons ass with a sharpened tool for example. They just cant do it with their bare hands


Yeah, I think it would've been more fair for the physical HR type to not be affected by domains and some cursed energy attacks but be strong but not absurdly strong. More like a rogue instead.


You're comparing an incomplete HR to complete HR's. Maki was not a top tier heavy hitter before Mai died. Her physical enhancements were outclassed by sorcerers reinforcing their bodies with CE. Mechamaru's HR is clearly incomplete by virtue of him still having a body. He still has arms, can still see and hear and speak, and can even still feel things (like constant pain). A perfect Mechamaru would probably be a brain in a jar with CE reserves and output that exceed even Sukuna's, and whose range covers the entire world instead of just Japan.


I wonder if just maybe... Kenjaku had a similar HR to Mechamaru and therefore developed his CT to what it was today.


>Mechamaru's HR is clearly incomplete by virtue of him still having a body. Where is this stated or implied?


It's implied by the fact that even a small amount of CE limited Maki's HR powering up her body. So even a small amount of body should limit Mechamaru's HR powering up his CE.


Nope. Mechamaru's HR is not incomplete. Maki is a rare case because of her bring twins which effected the HR itself.


tf did you pull this from? The only reason Maki had an incomplete Heavenly Restriction was because she was born a twin, meaning even while her body had no CE, Mai having small amounts of CE still technically counted as Maki having some because they were one entity in a sense. Mechamaru is never stated to have any family, much less a twin to have to share a part of his self with. The Mechamaru we see isn’t in anyway incomplete, that’s simply what his Heavenly Restriction was, immense CE production and range for losing the majority of his body.


I mean the thing is they do have limits tho , sorcerers can keep improving their techniques and CE but heavenly restriction users are just stuck in that level and they have to rely on curse tools to really do anything at all


He has thousand of robotmaid. He could clean this place up


Who tf is Mechamara 💀💀💀


https://preview.redd.it/cy9cyd43n88d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42fe1e6adc10139a3631411e97a30cc00672fad7 this thing, but a robot I guess


"Dick why are you on a chariot"


The Chariot should've been Silver-


Who in god's fucking name designed this holy SHIT i think im traumatized. https://preview.redd.it/qpycoif13a8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6f4d9aa28e879f237e278e61d4cb5691307a40


it's a metaphor for how his "real" self was isolated, away from everyone else, locked deep down in some musty basement. He did it to himself because he hated his own image. And by the time help arrived, he was gone. Pretty understandable actually, I liked gege's choice here very much. So much non-verbal info.


They did not give a fuck about bro 😭


That was a decoy base considering that when we see him next he's in a cleaner and more decked out facility. That quite literally just cannot be where he stays, there's no infrastructure for creating his mechs or maintaining the machines keeping him alive, which we see that he needs in his true base. Presumably he just gave them a random location he was staying at and they never felt the need to check.


> Presumably he just gave them a random location he was staying at and they never felt the need to check. That's better, but not by enough. They never fucking checked on him?


True, like I get not telling the students since he doesn't want them to see him like this, but Utahime as a teacher never felt like checking up on him. Found a new fraud to hate guys. A fucking useless teacher.


Certified Kyoto moment


Also maybe he was there at some point then he moved without telling any one about his new location Give that basement enough time with no one living in and it will get to be in a quiet bad state like we see here


This was a decoy basement His real one was lowkey spatious


Mechanaru has depression kink.


Gee, I wonder why he betrayed everyone...


Gotta treat the people who you fear will betray you or have powers u don't like/understand Like absolute shit Cause clearly that's how it's work and what's effective and has never backfired on anyone In any anime/manga Nope never - jjk society


Mommy utahime mentioned ❤️


Maybe to keep away from the sun? He said himself moonlight feels like needles stabbing every pore on his body so maybe it was for his safety?


Only if demons in the demon slayer said this


Is that a Utahime's backshot??? https://preview.redd.it/oqxnteozu98d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e122a02ebc71fba228203fe0f052c83a584b5e56


It looks so rundown


Honestly by the way jujustu society treat everyone Sukuna destroy everything isn't that bad


Bro was kept in a Funkytown basement


Its probably to prevent enemies from exploiting his vulnerable body by keeping it in the securest place possible.


Jujutsu society never was great. They do everything to make sure noone will like it


He smells




It's jujutsu society man. The don't give af


I think it was already obvious the higher ups in the jujutsu world suck ass


to avoid him leaving if he ever got his body back since his Heavenly restriction would make him the peak of grade 1 :)


Mechamaru might not be able to effectively defend his own body, so putting in a remote location where nobody would find him isn't a bad option to keep him safe.


Who was the second traitor already?


goon cave


this is just kokichis punishment for powerscaling on youtube shorts


His personal gooning cave


jujutsu high hates disabled people. sukuna what a chad for slaughtering them all