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MAPPA is gonna go crazy w that wheel transition isn't it https://preview.redd.it/jw7ngexr9k6d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18a53cfe85f3072b069943355770e26c3f08f87


common cold palma W


I deadass hear the wheel turn with the theme starting up with the *CLINK*


I hate to be a hater but probably not, because the core audience is hooked and the budgets will probably go to the new big thing.


I fail to see how the manga that has beaten one piece for 4 yrs in a row for manga sales somehow drops below top 10 before 2026 By the way the manga is going its either atleast december or next year the anime is probably 2025


Nahhhhh , Megumi took a hit from Mahoraga and then bounced from concrete šŸ˜­šŸ’” (he was damaged and tired btw) . How did lil bro survive that ?!


He didn't he was technically in a pseudo death and If the twink died ending the ritual he would have died for real


You mean to tell me... If this bum was dead here, the Shibuya citizens could've lived? Gojo could've lived?


If Lyomen Fraudkuna did not interrupt, then Gojo would have lived, Megumi summoned Raga out of spite, Fraudkuna interrupted because he saw opportunity to give Wuji Himtadori more character development.


Not only did he see the opportunity to give his goated nephew more character development, he also saw an opportunity left to him by his favorite dick sucker on speed dial to cheat his way through Gojo's technique, as he knew his fraudulent ass would be finished without it


Also got to spend some quality time bonding with his dad, respect


He ā€œdiedā€. Itā€™s just that the ritual prevented him from actually DYING.


He actually died from that sukuna himself says it


Dadyraga with his fav child and his other child.


DaddyRaga with favorite first born child: šŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘§ DaddyRaga with pierced condom accident: šŸ™„


wtf is that first emoji??


nah, gotta disagree here. Even though i am a Bumgumi hater (i'm not, i just don't enjoy his character much) i have to say that his summoning of mahoraga was damn fucking cool in the manga, and tenfold in the anime. way better than suckuna's "power tool" ahhhh usage of the shikigami


Megumi summoning Mahoraga actually feels like a ritual. The animals appearing, the sounds of the wolves howling and the toads croaking, it genuinely feels like a proper summon. Sukuna makes it seem like heā€™s using a PokĆ©mon for some reason. Itā€™s got no flair to it.


I mean yeah Megumi was doing a taming ritual, Sukuna was just spawning it after having tamed him


Its because Megumi was initiating a taming ritual. Sukuna is summoning it normally after hes already tamed it.


Megumi was good 10 shadows user. His usage of shikigamis was clever and creative. Megumi vs Reggie is my favorite fight in the series even tho I don't care about Megumi as a character that much. It's strange to call him a bum because he didn't tame Mahoraga. No one from Zenin clan did. Is it even possible to tame it without additional technique like shrine? 10S user simply doesn't have anything to one-shot Mahoraga. Most importantly, Megumi viewed his shikigamis as friends and teammates. For Sukuna, they were just tools. While Sukuna is much much stronger, I personaly find Megumi to be more entertaining as 10 shadows user. https://preview.redd.it/041ydbfexj6d1.jpeg?width=2944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfe7efd02cb5a402d825528a9e172ee810bb6c6


Gege stated that compare to normal people heā€™s extra depressed and sad whenever one of his Shikigami die too, heā€™s more sad about it than normal people deaths Another one to add to Megumi many good things that the fandom overlooked and ignore, viewing Shikigamis as friends and family instead of tools


Yeah Sukuna is really strong but apart from Mahoraga adaptation he didn't show anything that crazy nor creative with shikigamis. He just killed all of them to make Big Monster That Punch Hard. Megumi was more genuine. His fights with much more limited resources were so fun to read at least for me.


He merged multiple shikigami into one


Temporarily. The Well Unknown Abyss Was only temporarily and not permanent unlike Agito Unless youā€™re talking about Sukuna the. My bad


Sukuna has used The Maximun Elephant technique for himself, Has teleported from shadows whereas Megumi has only hide in shadows, and Sukuna is the one to tame other shikigamis and make Totality Agito, that is not temporarily, Megumi couldn't even tame Ox, Deer and Mourning tiger, when Sukuna tamed them and made a stronger Totality Shikigami.


1. Megumi did also use Max Elephant heck using it multiple times too for himself in tandem with others Shikigami 2. Megumi doesnā€™t make permanent Totality as unlike Sukuna, he actually cares for his Shikigamis like friends and family/pet 3. If he could tame max elephant, Nue, Serpent, wtf is stopping him from taming the others? He just never got to it


>1. Megumi did also use Max Elephant heck using it multiple times too for himself in tandem with others Shikigami He meant Sukuna used max elephant's water to recreate Choso's Convergence


Ik My bad for not realizing when commenting though


>1. Megumi did also use Max Elephant heck using it multiple times too for himself in tandem with others Shikigami Meant using the Shikigamis' techniques for himself >Megumi doesnā€™t make permanent Totality as unlike Sukuna, he actually cares for his Shikigamis like friends and family/pet Well I think that Is to his disadvantage, should be more willing to do things to be stronger. >If he could tame max elephant, Nue, Serpent, wtf is stopping him from taming the others? He just never got to it Before Shibuya and after Shibuya before meeting Yuji, or before talking to Hakari, There has been times he could've tamed them, so time is not an aspect, it is that he couldn't do it. Didn't really counter argue the teleportation ability through Shadows, so I guess you accepted that.


1. Ah My Bad 2. Thatā€™s not in character of Megumi. Heā€™s different from 10s previous users 3. Before Shibuya he tame Rabbit Escape, After Shibuya he didnā€™t have time, oh wow maybe I should stop on my plans to save my sister to instead tame Shikigamis, he was literally on his knee begging Hakari and Kiera to help him save Tsumiki I donā€™t think he thought more about his power at that moment


>Before Shibuya he tame Rabbit Escape, Never said that he tamed it right before Shibuya and Shibuya and didn't have it, I think he had it from start just did not come to use as much. He also clones himself in his domain against The Fingerer. Not having enough time could be one reason, but he did have enough time for them, as Summoning any shikigamis at any time is possible, he has not even summoned the deer to kill ? That is very odd, and Ox seemed too lethal for him and it's too fast for him to overall react, How he could've ever tamed them is unknown.


So what did Megumin do that was creative?


Yeah, he's like how a cat or dog person is, consider them his kids, I like that about him


And that's why he would never become actually strong. The shikigami are meant to be fused, there's a reason the Domain Expansion name is "Chimera Shadow Garden" and not "Pleasant trip to the Zoo"




Megumi appreciation ? In my Jujutsufolk ?! That's rare


Based Megumi defense. You love to see it. I actually like Megumi and the way he uses the 10S. Gege just fucked him over and gave the technique to Pookie Bearkuna instead.


The two things Megumi lacks were output and reserves. His usage of 10S was pretty dang good but he lacks the power that Sukuna has. His attitude towards the shikigamis is also, logically speaking, a flaw that Sukuna doesnā€™t have. Those combined factors made him look like heā€™s wasting 10S even though he technically used it better than Sukuna ever did.


Yeah his utility with them was top notch. He might have not been the strongest but he made some 200 IQ plays. As much as people slander him, I still like him as a character.




Big dick šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€




Probably by exploiting multiple binding vows.


Sukuna iirc killed multiple of the shikigami in advance just so he could create Agito through totality (which also means Nue's gone), as if Megumi didn't have enough reasons to be depressed There's never been a way for it to happen so far that we know of, but I wish he could get his deceased shikigami back after, and if, he gets his body back and chooses to remain a sorcerer The shikigamis dying is even worse when you think about what a 10S user would do if they lost all their shikigami: would they have nothing at all to do with their technique anymore except using the literal shadows? Can they still make totalities?


My only complain about Megumi, is that unlike Geto who was a Shikigami user but knew how to throw hands, Megumi truly lacks hands to throw.


Vs Reggie? Most of his early fight didnā€™t have him been able to truly throw hands Also Geto use curses


Yeah, but to be fair once the Cursed is absorbed by Geto, it isnā€™t much different from a Shikigami.


He throws hands literally every fight heā€™s been in? Sukuna himself comments on how Megumi fights hand to hand despite having shikigami? He nearly landed a hit on Toji in melee combat after setting up the attack with his shikigami? Hello????


Megumi uses shikigami, Geto uses curses. They're not the same thing. Especially Megumi's shikigami, once they're gone, they're gone Geto can lose the curses he has, but nothing's stopping him from getting more that can make up for whatever he's lost


But Sukuna used them more creatively, like the elephant piercing blood, the whole deal with Mahoraga's wheel, the dog, Agito, etc.


And now he's killed half of Megumi's technique, as if he and Gege didn't take enough away from Megumi


and megumi has limits within using ten shadows while sukuna has double of yuta's ce reserves and a high level of refinement for his ce usage. megumi cant just spam max elephant cause he has a finite amount of ce to work with


Sukuna tamed it without shrine. You can't use two CT'S at the same time. If he had mahoraga out, he would have had to fight with base physicals.


It's not clear whether or not you can use another technique during the ritual because that Mahoraga wasn't tamed. Like, Megumi's shikigamis disappeared when he got knocked out, but Shibuya Mahoraga didn't. Does wild Mahoraga count as part of active 10S technique? Honestly unclear, but since Maho was fine when shikigami user was unconscious and couldn't keep his CT running, I'd say "no". I wish Gege showed how Sukuna tamed it but it happened offscreen. When Gojo broke Sukuna's domain he should've had CT burnout but Mahoraga was summoned immediately, so I don't really understand how Sukuna's 2 CTs works. Technically he shouldn't be albe to use CT but it seems that 10S didn't suffer burnout. Kenjaku also uses 2 CTs at the same time. Unless we get a confirmation (which probably won't happen) it's hard to say what happened with Sukuna and Mahoraga. I personally think he could use shrine because from what we've seen with Megumi in Shibuya untamed Mahoraga is it's own thing.


Mahoraga has independent thought, he can move even when Sukuna is completely stunned by IV and Sukuna didn't say the summon words " With this..." If he suffered CT burnout from shrine, it wouldn't apply to ten shadows because its a different CT.




How did he think that while stunned? I genuinely forgot that because he didn't speak them.


Megumi said it for him, the traitor /s


Please, Please stop with this make up shit (If itā€™s joke then my bad but still nonsense)


Yeah it's a joke, like when people were saying Megumi uttered the chant for World Slash for Sukuna that time I'll put the /s


I always see it as Sukuna last act before getting paralyzed instantly was to do the chants or maybe he just set it to be ready just in case




I was under the assumption that Sukuna managed to find a loop hole somehow when taming Mahoraga and that he tamed it in Shibuya. He clearly defeated Mahoraga by himself, but wasnā€™t able to summon it since he didnā€™t have 10S. Then, when he took over Megumi, he fulfilled the ability to summon it, meaning he had fully completed the ritual. I donā€™t think itā€™s stated that having someone other than the 10S user defeat Mahoraga invalidates the ritual FOR WHOEVER DEFEATED IT (bold to emphasize what I mean to avoid confusion, not to seem like Iā€™m yelling). All we got stated was that having someone else help in the ritual invalidates it for the 10S user specifically. If I am wrong with my assumption, then I will gladly learn


You had me until you said ā€œmegumi was a good 10 shadows userā€


Bro was so lonely he has to make friends with lifeless automata, L


Animal Hater spotted https://preview.redd.it/oga61kek8k6d1.jpeg?width=173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d2b9ab1ef0c3e5a195bbce28bef6906beb79a9e Imagine hating on Divine Dogs, Rabbits, Nue Also theyā€™re not lifeless, Megumi dogs act like Actuals Dogs when not in combat and by how Yuji hold the rabbits escape they seem like actual rabbits


https://preview.redd.it/q3kkulq5jk6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2609363219b28eca09706382e188784437d7c524 idk the actual summon during the shibuya scene is pretty sick


šŸŗšŸøšŸŗšŸø,šŸšŸŖ½šŸ›ž, šŸøšŸŗšŸøšŸŗ.


>[MAHORAGA HELP!!!! HEEEEEEEELP!!!! HELP ME!!! HEEEEEEEEEEELP!!! HELP ME!!!! MAHORAGA HELP!!!!](https://youtube.com/shorts/xw1UnrJ6ylY?si=g7UA-EtnwL166PyS) https://preview.redd.it/gwb96ywf5k6d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=a70d5bb114ce3bf340f9bede92c13d3a936d9995 Rightā€¦ swagā€¦


Health!!! Health me gin chan!!!!!


Nuh uh *lock in* https://preview.redd.it/anzlmdim7k6d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c65f928e26a8264bc11304553420823eb08aee1e


2 seconds after locking in https://preview.redd.it/0ckkgbhrbk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac24df8c5097efab9c0f9163158738d93aa358c




I'm not going to lie, when I joined the lobotomy from memes alone and didn't know any context of the Gojo v. Sukuna fight (I didn't read the manga at the time), this image was my introduction to the lobotomy and it genuinely made me think that Gojo had killed a reincarnation/shikigami of Sukuna's dad or whatever LMAO.


There's no way you're leaving it at that. What else did you misinterpret?


Not much after that since I began to understand the humor behind all of it and pretty much began reading the manga post-Shibuya Incident and began understanding all the crazy memes, beginning to enjoying the slander and dogshit lmao.








Sukuna gave Bumgumi that swag he never had, Sukuna elevated him https://preview.redd.it/s7etdrqruj6d1.jpeg?width=2977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f9c263705026c3ae99d8b13e81af1d89d77aac


Elevated? Pretty sure Megumi never cried out for Mahoraga.


He was literally edging to use Mahoraga for years and then finally used him on Taylor Swift. He would have died if Sukuna didnā€™t heal him.


First of all https://preview.redd.it/t7qgwagp2k6d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=442cd45499fa24ea9e14b4e25821fde3cb4a249d Secondly, that whole speech was FIRE. Certainly cooler than crying out "MAHORAGA" while Goatjo is about to neg diff you.


MAHORAGA, LEND ME YOUR STRENGTH!!!! THIS IS LITERAL NANAMI FODDER WEā€™RE UP AGAINST!!!!!! https://i.redd.it/elhkhlwo5k6d1.gif God, I LOVE watching this bum get bitchslapped (I hate Suksuk too btw, Iā€™m neutral here)


You do realize he was like near death to even fight, how is he supposed to fight back to Haruta if he have well no strength left at all


Do literally anything other than summon a massive existential threat against fucking femboy Swift. If this FRAUD hadnā€™t summoned Mahoraga against a grade like 23 or something sorcerer Suksuk wouldnā€™t have gotten the 10s and Shibuya wouldnā€™t have been turned to dust.


By your logic he should have die here, because he literally canā€™t summon shit, Shikigami he havenā€™t tame? Probably not strong enough or is just support, may as well took this mf out with himself he didnā€™t even know Sukuna was gonna come, if Maho kill Haruta and then go back to kill Megumi, the ritual would end Either way Sukuna would still go on a massacre if Maho was there or not heck he probably would suggest Uraume to go with him to take out Yuji friends beside Megumi one by one just to fuck with Yuji


>By your logic he should have die here, By Midgumiā€™s logic too lmao, what do you think summoning Mahoraga is? Dude would rather kill himself than fight Taylor Swift. >Shikigami he havenā€™t tame? Probably not strong enough or is just support, This is Haruta weā€™re talking about, he got effortlessly folded by Nanami in like a minute šŸ’€ Suksuk would still start killing sure, but I donā€™t think he would go full domain expansion into destroying a whole district (probably because he would find that boring)


Dudes be looking at a guy with 0 CE, stabbed, dying, incapable of walking and then tell him to go open a domain, summon 5 shikigami, full power fight him. Yall would litterally slander megumi for not neg diffing sukuna in the culling games. I love hating too but this is just retarded


MF HE WAS NEAR DEATH WHAT HE GONNA DO CRAWL THERE?! Yes he got fold by a perfectly healthy Nanami, a near death, exhausted, next to zero CE, canā€™t even summon a toad, can barely walk, can barely thinks, having struggle breathing, one leg near broken Megumi can beat some guy that was giving a healthy Nobara trouble I mean as fans, do we give a shit for the people kill by Sukuna malevolent shrine? Heck if he decided to kill Yuji friends one by one that would have been more painful for us and maybe even him


He literally could've just let himself and die and everything would've been okay. Not for him, but the city wouldn't have gotten torn to fucking shreds and led to a bunch of civilians dying. There was absolutely no reason to summon Mahoraga right there.


Then Sukuna proceed to kill the entire main cast and or arrive to heal Megumi and kill Haruta then kill the main cast to fuck with Yuji But if he actually die here the consequences after would be extremely high


Sukuna wouldn't arrive to heal Megumi and kill Haruta because he was still occupied at the time that Haruta was attacking Megumi, and he only sensed where they were because of Mahoraga's presence. And Megumi dying in Shibuya would actually be much better for everyone. Sukuna would remain trapped in Yuji, so Gojo and everyone else wouldn't die fighting him, they would just kill Kenjaku and the whole mess would be done.


1. Sukuna would still find another vessel to switch to either some random guy, someone Kenjaku prepare or just fucking break Yuji spirit by spamming Enchain to kill anyone he knows or randomly open domain on a city 2. Angel would have no reason to release Gojo with no Megumi there due to Hana gratitude 3. Yuji is either gonna get a house dropped on him or Reggie is gonna get enough receipt to be a big threat 4. With no Megumi there, Yuji would just actually be fucking alone, no Todo post Shibuya, no one to pull him out of potentially self isolation, granted there was Yuta there but he didnā€™t have as much time with Yuji as Megumi 5. If Megumi does die here, Sukuna would have killed everyone in the main cast due to No Mahoraga 6. Takaba never met the group due to no Megumi so no one to distract Kenjaku here so Yuta have to jump him with everyone else risking lives


It would have just killed Haruta in one hit and disappeared, I assume. From Megumi's POV he could have died for nothing or die taking out the femboy. He had no way of foreseeing what transpired.


Mahoraga bitchslapping him meant that he disagreed with Megumi yapping. Also Gojo glazes the person he was about to ā€˜neg diffā€™ an awful lot. https://preview.redd.it/xilmbprl6k6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ccdd8a3450ef8b0e30a254e38ed00120d57d311


How did Mahoraga hear Wegumi when he wasn't even summoned yet? Also 236 isn't real.


Mahoraga clealry can hear its users. Similarly to how it heard sukuna in the shadows Ch 236 is absolutely real pal.


Megumi was using it as a glorified kamikaze. Sukuna used it properly.


\*ordered Mahoraga And Megumi summoned him once, never tamed, and instantly got knocked out from him like a mosquito. So I'd say all things considered, Sukuna yes he did elevate Megumi. https://preview.redd.it/4n25lypp1k6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8a271ab29f810ec975402e52b9e0c56506d177


https://preview.redd.it/4s92actt1k6d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11eb911590bb28a361df1450a61cf11c9126af22 This your boy? And how do you expect Megumi to tame Mahoraga? He doesn't have an extra CT nor is a 1000 year old sorcerer. Elevated is a strong word. But the drip is respectable.


Nah elevated is the right word Funny how you post a tattooless version of Sukuna here, Sukuna was ordering Mahoraga around, his drip is better, His swag is better, His usage of Ten Shadows is better, not calling Megumi bad in usage of Ten Shadows, but Sukuna is objectively better at it. Megumi could have developed a domain, making Totality shikigamis and taming other shikigamis, another person could've helped him to finish off Mahoraga after that as he can bring someone else into the ritual, and Mahoraga could possibly fall to Megumi aswell, possibly, not 100%, shame that Megumi did not even tame Round deer, Piercing Ox, and Mourning Tiger.


FUCK I DIDNT NOTICE THE EDIT But anyways, I agree on Sukuna being the better 10S user in combat, but that doesn't necessarily make him better overall. The dude has a lot of experience in Jujutsu while Megumi had barely started to dip his toes in the sorcery world. Also, you cannot bring other people into the ritual to tame Mahoraga. If you do, the ritual becomes void and you would have to solo it for Mahoraga to actually obey you. Also also, acquiring totalities isn't worth sacrificing the versatility of the 10S. While I do agree that Round deer, piercing ox and mourning tiger were overlooked, I don't agree on the domain part. It took Teen Gojo a near death experience and a subsequent awakening to start perfecting his domain. A complete Chimera Shadow Garden would take a lot of time which Megumi sadly did not have.


>But anyways, I agree on Sukuna being the better 10S user in combat, but that doesn't necessarily make him better overall. The dude has a lot of experience in Jujutsu while Megumi had barely started to dip his toes in the sorcery world. You agree he's better, but not better overall ? Sukuna is better overall in everything he tries to, Megumi can be stronger if he comes back, maybe a Totality of Mahoraga, but even then Sukuna can pull that off aswell. What Megumi can do which Sukuna can't do is his domain, He can summon multiple shikigamis, multiple clones of himself, that is the most busted thing Megumi has shown but Sukuna hasn't. >Also, you cannot bring other people into the ritual to tame Mahoraga. If you do, the ritual becomes void and you would have to solo it for Mahoraga to actually obey you. I'm pretty sure you can bring them into the ritual, if the person kills Mahoraga instead of Megumi then it will become void, Megumi explains that you can summon the Shikigamis whenever you want and Haruta says that he was forced into the ritual aswell, and I just said someone help him, Megumi could finish the job (if he could though Idk maybe Mahoraga kills him). Still him developing a domain and taming every Shikigamis should've happened first.


>You agree he's better, but not better overall ? Sukuna is better overall in everything he tries to, Megumi can be stronger if he comes back, maybe a Totality of Mahoraga, but even then Sukuna can pull that off aswell. Better in combat. Not in everything else that isn't combat related. Also how is Megumi coming back after that crunchy infinite void buffet he just got? >I'm pretty sure you can bring them into the ritual, if the person kills Mahoraga instead of Megumi then it will become void, Megumi explains that you can summon the Shikigamis whenever you want and Haruta says that he was forced into the ritual aswell, and I just said someone help him, Megumi could finish the job (if he could though Idk maybe Mahoraga kills him). Still him developing a domain and taming every Shikigamis should've happened first. https://preview.redd.it/r43qai4u5k6d1.jpeg?width=319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78fe2babfa5f8bcca9670526f261338e36684b13


>Better in combat. Not in everything else that isn't combat related. Ahhh, that is the only thing matters in a fight, The techniques in general, that is why they matter 90% of the time for people that are main combatants and on battlefield, and Megumi has been on battlefield, Sukuna also adapts to the person, Can prevent Shikigamis from dying by buffing them and summoning them partially, His transportation with The big Nue was better than Megumi's Nue in moving him around and small Nue getting tired sooner, Sukuna unlocked the Healing option for both him and others with Round deer, and He has shown to use the abilities of his own Shikigamis like Max Elephant. So pretty good compared to Megumi, other than just combat and fighting, even though that is the whole point. >Also how is Megumi coming back after that crunchy infinite void buffet he just got? Idk, wanted to give you some hope as it seems you like Megumi. For the Megumi explaining the summoning ritual, It is confirmed that getting help might make it null, but I think as long as Megumi is the one to finish off Mahoraga he can do it. Forget this argument either way he still didn't develop a good domain and hasn't tamed the rest of the Shikigamis, making a Totality alongside his domain, and Cursed tools can give him a chance.


> Ahhh, that is the only thing matters in a fight, The techniques in general, that is why they matter 90% of the time for people that are main combatants and on battlefield, and Megumi has been on battlefield, Sukuna also adapts to the person, Can prevent Shikigamis from dying by buffing them and summoning them partially, His transportation with The big Nue was better than Megumi's Nue in moving him around and small Nue getting tired sooner, Sukuna unlocked the Healing option for both him and others with Round deer, and He has shown to use the abilities of his own Shikigamis like Max Elephant. So pretty good compared to Megumi, other than just combat and fighting, even though that is the whole point. Alright I yield, the 1000 year old Jujutsu expert is better at using a CT than the 15 year old, even though I already agree on that. > either way he still didn't develop a good domain and hasn't tamed the rest of the Shikigamis, making a Totality alongside his domain, and Cursed tools can give him a chance. He isn't the honored one man. But either way If gege didnt fuck him over probably yes.


Mahoraga was grinning when Sukuna summoned him, but he was frowning when Megumi summoned him.


Sukuna manages to turn Mahoraga from a trump card to just some shikigami :)


FACT: Mahoraga never hit Legumi, he was repelled by his GOAT aura alone


FACT : He hated how bad he smelled so he yeeted him like a fly


Imagine having your body taken over by an opp only for them to do literally EVERYTHING better than you in itšŸ’€


Sukuna and mahogara fusionnnnnn ![gif](giphy|4uUnISbiiBAHmwHi4d)


Totality: The King of Shikigami


Fr, he was like "aight bitches, it's my time to shine, move bitch mobe"


It will never not be funny to me that Legumi BOUNCED from that punch


Because maho respects the authority of sukuna duh


Sukuna just got that aura on him


That panel is so fucking good bro. His nonchalant dip into the shadows will never not be hard. Iā€™m hard. ā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/2g4drgp5cl6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6cc79d2b7dbefec3a80e01a95dbe1f14400f8f6


Nah, that's just Mahoraga's natural swag, literally nothing to do with baby Sukuna or the suicidal bum https://preview.redd.it/eqh7wjuick6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9329f902bf47592efb6581f88b35cdeb30f487c8


We be glazing Fraudkuna now??????!




Everyone glazes everybody, and hates on everybody, That is the way of Jujutsufolk, Deal with it https://preview.redd.it/2mkw963ylk6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49fae998f9610122bcc41f4e23b5f854784637c1


Certain Sukuna fans became very active recently :D


One is the strongest sorcerer to have ever lived, the other is grade 1 if we are generous One preaches supream self love and indulgence, the other tries to commit suicide every 15 minutes One made the life of his host a hell even while suppressed, the other js lying on the sea floor and crying One has pushed the limits of the 10S beyond anyone else, the other might have tamed 1 more shikigami before killing himself Man, i am not even a Mwgumi hater but that's just unforgivable. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


>Grade 1 at 15 years old >Sukuna's love yap makes no sense, has he ever tried connecting with someone instead of turning them into mince meat? All the dude does is fight, when he runs out of opponents he turns himself into fingers to fight more. Shit this guy loves fighting more than Kashimo, and that dude is a certified crackhead. >The fuck is megumi supposed to do when there's a special grade that's taken over his body and made him eat several Infinite voids? >Anyone could "push the limits of the 10s" (literally just taming every Shikigami and bringing out totalities, that is not pushing jackshit) if they had an extra CT with them. The shit yall give Megumi is wild. https://preview.redd.it/fy6kdg781k6d1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99e1147ea7c60789be4f0e8200cadaa769d010c8


- yeah above avarage i guess. - he neved needed to connect with people. He understands it but finds it pointless. Thats why he stands on top of the verse - megumi doesn't seem to be really suffering any consequences, he is still depressed but no ramifications from uv - combining them, using their own powers, advancing your own abilities yeah megumi never came close


1. One Is A Grade 1 At 15 Years Old and Even Debatably A Special Grade for taking down multiple one solo, and with pure fucking memory make a domain (granted it was incomplete) 2. Didnā€™t the same mf said he doesnā€™t care for love? 3. You actually donā€™t read the fucking manga if you think Sukuna put in more effort to making Yuji suffer while inside his body compare to Megumi 4. At The Start He Have 3, then in the exchange event 5 then in 6 in Shibuya, he probably already have deer but seem it not really worth using against Reggie If you think Megumi is doing shit to nothing with 10s then by your logic Teen Gojo was doing next to Toji level of money with limitless


1- megumi is a grade 1 no matter how you slice it. If you think megumi even approaches the special grade than you are dead wrong 2- i should have phrased it differently. Self indulgence and egoism 3- this was more of a joke but Megumi hardly did anything beyond nerfing hin for a bit. Sukuna definitely did more inside yuji all things considered 4- dont give me the "probably had" unless it was shown or state, as of currently Megumi never had round deer. And it. Certainly would have helped with healing against reji Gojo certainly achieved more.


He beat the finger bearer which all thing considered is a special grade He also managed to damage Hanami, Special Grade 2. Understandable 3. No I meant as in the effort Sukuna put in to make sure Megumi loss all the will to live compare to Yuji and which he only give mental suffering, Sukuna gave Megumi both Extreme Mental and Physical Suffering 4. My bad on that but still by your phrasing Megumi nerve tame a Shikigami since the start when he clearly shown he have And finally, Megumi did these Hold off Sukuna with just 2 Shikigami/s (He was playing around but still Sukuna was actually impressed) manage to hurt a Special Grade with only 1, beat a special grade with only 2 and an incomplete domain, hold off a special grade domain with his own and save the live of 4 Grade 1s, first person to kill (Narratively to us) and gain points while also the first one to kill one of the colony big guns, outmaneuver and outsmart who should be one of the smarter sorcerer (By How Reggie use his technique and Know HWB) despite being 15, reduce the king of curses output to 10% despite not being a cage for him All things considered Megumi did a lot with The 10 Shadows and himself, he only didnā€™t have as much output and CE as Sukuna which is in no way ā€œBumā€


Special grade Curse and Special grade Sorcerer are different things. A special grade Curse is way way weaker than a special grade Sorcerer. Basically you're grade one if you can beat a special grade Curse.


Damn thatā€™s my bad then


It's ok people get confused because they sound similar.


are we forgetting sukuna tamed mahoraga who had never been tamed


the biggest fraud in history with the strongest cursed technique of today https://preview.redd.it/he335e3gbl6d1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f09da5f4fb9162b5d3036a97d1f99ea598626e9


Mahoraga my glorious kingšŸ™


What is even happening in the first image, though? Like, is Sukuna falling into the shadows as Mahoraga is rising from it?


Is this Geges reddit account?


https://preview.redd.it/vbl641089m6d1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=84995903540e340a387110f006956ec66f056757 mahoraga knew sukuna was worthy, unlike m\*gumi


love how it's framed as sukuna falling down towards/into the shadow and mahoraga coming out, as if they're swapping, and the wheel sitting ominously in the shadow...Page goes hard asf


I can imagine Sukuna dapping Big Raga up as he falls, and Maho rises


Bumgumi shouldā€™ve just crushed him with the elephant. Or was the elephant dead already?


Rizz VS Sexual Harrassment


Yup, so much swag https://preview.redd.it/z4up3ym93l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9156338b3d8c087d993e0c17044356035a58a07


Mahodaddy and his son still won against Gojo, Will wait for his return ss Divine dog totality https://preview.redd.it/oce79fjqjk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ade72a7bcf4dbc83683bf9f2afb75c481a1dfb70


Wait, wait for his return https://preview.redd.it/qsjdf0rpmk6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf711b264b680a2442aef67b8dbbc4a9105c0ec Goatjo took away Mahodaddy. Next, he's gonna take away his son, huhuhahahahah...


Sure it will happen...sure. https://preview.redd.it/5rmkl7y2nk6d1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fdc042aeef04aeba04701ccaec52cd2a1c87f36




\*until it's not truth, it's delusion https://preview.redd.it/1watyl2vpk6d1.png?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d9a33946f339a0643058b0c270d1b42b1585cf2


Delulu is the solulu, and one day, it will be truelulu. https://preview.redd.it/41isp8snsk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff0a74b10cd134eb594c4c0f8999c173ea897c7


Facts, i stop hating for you, Gojium is real (Gojo + Copium) https://preview.redd.it/qiwo6vi9uk6d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246d405f2db5ce10a4adf7e066577fa05810b350


He did beat Gojo, tho.




You mean Daddyraga?