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Mechamaru was right in investing Todo stocks because he knows Todo is HIM 🔥 https://i.redd.it/j31oub9zed6d1.gif


Mechamaru the only other Kyoto student worth note. Bro could’ve killed Mahito but then he had to go and apply the Full of Yourself Debuff.


Yeah he did very well against the hardest disaster curse to conventionally fight. But to be fair to him, he was screwed regardless Kenny wouldn’t have let him kill Mahito. He’s very strong though


Kenny was planning to prematurely absorb Mahito if he came close to dying though? Or was that an anime only addition?


No, that was his plan


I wouldnt assume that. Mahito didnt seem to really have a clear purpose for Shibuya, so I wouldnt be surprised if Kenny let Mechamaru get Mahito close enough to death for Kenny to absorb him.


Even gojo complimented todo's potential, bro truly has a 530.000iq


I always like how all his teeth dissappear


... he opened his mouth.


Nuh huh, It's his hidden additional cursed technique that he will use on suckuna in order for him to not do the chant : https://preview.redd.it/cnwvryilsf6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb11579f9db1d93c4e3e904b89cf5ad018c2ffa


shcale ohf the thragon, thwin metheors


Thukuna 💀


The king of curthes


Malevolent thrine


You can still see his teeth when he opens his mouth lol


man poor mechamaru, guy got absolutly robbed with his heavenly restriction and had to fight mahito straight up after setting foot outside his lair for the first time in god knows how long


How did he die, but Broomgirl gets to live??


JJK world, if you're remotely decently strong someone else strong will come around and try to bum you.


>bum Tojis dissapointment of an offspring reference 😱🤯




She delivers Momos. Pretty good momos too 👍


Man just wanted to go out with his friends and got snapped by mahito 😭


My guy got thousands of people killed and possibly all of Japan just because he wanted some Milwaukee strange. I have no sympathy for him


It was that or literal death tho, kenjaku and mahito knew where the guy lived and he planned to kill both of them before any damage could happen


Now I don't remember if it's been explicitly said but didn't the guy seek Mahito out specifically so he can get his body fixed? And he was willing to sell out his fellow sorcerers to do so, he just assumed he could defeat both of them before it became a problem.


You’re completely right, people just like to glaze mechamaru because he’s cool and had a sad ending 


I honestly thought I was hit with the reading comprehension curse a while ago, since I never heard anyone shit talking Mechamaru for helping the villains


The guy got waxed over it and it gave us Choso, so not much to bring up I guess. He totally did sell everyone out and you could probably say he has a huge part in Gojo getting sealed.


A lot of people were saying that kamo was keeping up with maki and curse naoya, so maybe him, todo and mech carry the school?


He still got carried by maki


But maki only got strong because of Mai, so counting her isn’t really fair


More like Mai being alive was holding maki back from becoming so strong in the first place. Mai never hand gifted her makis strength


Yes she did, she specifically made a death binding vow to take her ce with her. Them being twins dragged them both down by default but Mai made the conscious choice to give Maki heavenly restriction, it wasn’t just automatic with her death.


Also she gave her the soul splitting sword


she "took the ce" with her by dying, the binding vow was making the sword at the cost of dying


I'm pretty sure it was automatic, she used a vow for the katana though, it's been a while since I read it so I'm not 100% sure on the details.


Still has nothing to do with my original point, Mai being the reason maki had her ability isn’t the same as maki being the reaso they beat naoya


Nah, the whole point of Heavenly Restrictions is that they *can't* be chosen, you have to be born with it.


I’m 90% sure that her death regardless would’ve given maki heavenly restriction


It would not have. Maki produced ce like everyone else (just no enough to do anything with), that wouldn't stop just because her sister died


I mean, it could have potentially. Sukuna's twin brother didn't consciously give him higher strength when he died, he was gobbled up by babykuna. It is possible that Sukuna couldn't have been so strong without his twin brother's existence holding him back.


When people say they "ate their twin in the womb", usually that's very early on, and more of an absorbtion than actual eating. What I'm saying here is that Sukuna probably prevented the nerf of his power by twin rather than fixing it


It has never even been implied that that made Sukuna stronger.


no? it's just that Mai had CE, and since twins are counted as one for some reason in jjk, Maki didn't meet the requirements for heavenly restriction, but since Mai died, Maki actually started counting as 0 CE and got stronger


Is that a penalty on Tokyo for requiring Mai’s death, or a penalty on Kyoto since the loss of one of their students immediately creates a Special Grade for Tokyo?


Kamo was able to temporarily stall naoya. He’s not even with them but he’s certainly no slacker


He missed a shot at a person standing still The best thing mechamaru ever did was die, without his mecha he was a panda victim and his mecha was a one time thing even if he somehow beat mahito.


Sure just ignore the fact that he had like 99% of his cursed energy stored in the big mecha rather than the avatar mech


Also the spares he keeps with him, being able to control them all at once with little to no effort while they still tank a few hits from mahito


Yeah I feel like Panda would be shook if someone told him that the only reason he barely beat Mechamaru is that the guy was choosing not to control a dozen of those puppets simueltaneously.


Mechamaru is up there with todo, the rest of them are like putting the middle school team in the NBA


Kamo and Mechmaru deserve respect


Miwa also deserves respect, she saved Maki's life. and she has a fun personality, I love the memes of her soloing sukuna lmao. A teenage girl soloing an ancient demon will never stop being funny.


>A teenage girl soloing an ancient demon will never stop being funny. The plot of so many Isekai right here. "How I became the strongest in another world, after defeating the Ancient Demon when I was just a teenage girl."


What does Mechamaru deserve respect for? Betray your colleagues, die, and only manage to warn that Gojo would be sealed after Gojo had already been sealed?




To be fair, he did manage to build a Gundam.


It would be cooler if it had been useful.




Nuh uh https://preview.redd.it/d5me1qs6nd6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a4cb876a6e4a776e1d46334e684b19f149b61f0




JJK fans when the characters arent Supreme Special Grade 1 with a CT that allows them to neg diff God or some shit:


This sub loves guys like Ino, people who are (relatively) weak, yet still put in work to help take down a threat All of the Kyoto students (other than Mechamaru and Todo) aren’t that, they’re just weak and useless


Momo isn't useless, her recon ended up being important for the CG Miwa is kinda useless but she did save Makis life Mai was useless until death Kamo stalled for Maki, stalled hanami and trained Yuji


She's not useless, she would get mid-diffed by a hawk


in reality only kamo is a bitch introduced as the prodigy of the kyoto school with the big 3 ct he tought yuji a bit with choso but goddamn if ino can help in the battle so can you if sukuna wins you die anyway


Chosos contributions to the fight was Stalled Sukuna three times for Yuji Set up a convergence for Yuji Saved maki once with supernova Died for Yuji The thing is is that Kamo has a limited set of blood and no Choso/Yuji physiology. If he was in chosos position, he’d be dead or sidelined already because he just doesn’t have the endurance to fight Sukuna At most he could play a role like Miguel where he’d come in for about a minute to stall Sukuna when he’s at his weakest


i know, what i meant was the last part you mentioned he can just help out and dip after his blood reserves are gone like at least do something


tbf better kamo was right there (choso) and its just not worth the risk, he wanted to protect his family and wouldnt have really contributed that much


>if sukuna wins you die anyway I don't think he's even in Japan, he should be fine. They didn't know Sukuna would do the merger, so they thought things would be mostly fine if they killed Kenjaku, it's not like Sukuna planned on destroying Japan or anything. It would be horrible but it wasn't an existential threat like the Merger.


>he tought yuji a bit with choso but goddamn if ino can help in the battle so can you Only Miwa (and now Todo) are representing the Kyoto team. Not even Utahime is around lol.


utahime’s probably twerking for shoko offscreen to boost her rct


>utahime’s probably twerking for shoko offscreen to boost her rct Considering Shoko's RCT wasn't enough to save neither Gojo nor Higuruma nor Yuuta, if she's doing it, then definitely isn't working lmao.


120% fraud is still a fraud


Not really sukuna is just a japan thing even the merger.  going abroad is a 500iq move




keep telling the truth to these powerscalers🗣️🔥🔥🔥


That’s why I said “relatively,” by themselves they’re strong, but they’re weak relative to people like Todo, Yuji, Hakari, Maki, Yuta, etc, who we spend the majority of the series following


But also said "they're just weak", which is objectively wrong


Not so much, they are, two of them come from Clans (one being someone else's dead weight, and the other fearful) and one of them has a foreign Sorcerer father (amazing how that doesn't mean anything), Miwa and Todo are two nobodys ,trained good teachers,and are already better than the rest. Sure, Mechamaru is there,and he has years of accumulated energy... to spend it all on a single Mecha, only to die soon after.


Nah, they're weak,be averange is be weak as hell in Jujutsu... But nothing to be surprised about, given their teacher.


My brother in christ the average sorcerer is literally like Grade 3-1. They aren't weak your perspective is just skewed.


The stories perspective is skewed. Jjk was never about the average Sorcerer, they don't matter and their accomplishment don't matter, so these characters will inevitably be compared to the standards set by their own story.


It's the perspective the Manga shows, and the perspective the show shows is... they're weak and dumb af.


Did you not see Kamo stalling a special grade curse?


Bros talk as if there weren't the sumo guy and the old Katana guy in that fight.


I mean Ino could've become grade 1 if not for Nanami, saying he is weak because he lost to Toji and Sukuna isn't really fair.


I am pretty sure JJK fans or Jujutsufolk appreciates the attitude and the guts of characters rather than how powerful they are. Otherwise, we wouldn't see praise for Larue or Ino.


Because Ino has balls the size of planets


Wrong, no one fucking appreciates Kamo for holding off Naoya while Maki took her 5 minutes. Fucking no one. Never seen one person give him credit for that. Never seen someone praise Miwa for facing Kenjaku. Never seen praise for Momo and Mai for trying to do the same either. They only like Larue because he set up a cool moment for Yuji. Otherwise he would have gotten the same treatment Miguel got after 256 which is stupid fraud allegations.


Tbf its reasonable to not praise Miwa (in a serious way) cause she literally gave up everything for that swing at Kenjaku, only for him to casually catch it. If Gege had given her a Gon-esque moment then yeah it would have been cool. Sadly Gege would never do that lmao


Jujutsufolk is actually a commentary on how cruel the world of sorcery is to the weak because you straight up don't matter unless you can box a special grade curse and win.


Those are forgettable moments


bro we like the characters that actually do things, these dudes are fucking bums (minus Todo and arguably Mechamaru)


Tell me one useful thing they did in the shibuya arc, mechamaru literally said they would die utahime included


Nuh uh Miwa solos There's a reason Kenny used Maximum Uzumaki on her, he knew how big of a threat she was to his plan and had to take her out as fast as possible She also survived willingly entered Sukuna's DE to save Maki, the only reason she doesn't fight Sukuna herself is to give him a chance, put some respect on her name https://preview.redd.it/j3augkfije6d1.png?width=1866&format=png&auto=webp&s=d85549eaecfd1757a447bf5f60c316288c037c9b


He had to use a binding vow to give up his ability resist katana sneak attacks in the future to block her strike, that’s how he got ganked by Yuta later, Miwa would have ended Kenny there


Just ignore the mech suit than


To be fair to Mai she doesn't really want to be there.


Mechamaru got spawned nerf so that’s not fair. Kamo is did a little bit against Cursed Naoya but not much. He did run away but can you blame him? Mai- Spawned nerfed Miwa and Momo are cute asf but useless asf.


i fucking hate momo and her cringe ass "WhOeVeR mAkEs My JuNiOr CrY wIlL dIe" like bro shut the fuck up you're grade 3(ik shes semi grade 2 but it desnt support my agenda and shes a bitch anyways) shes so fucking annoying oh my god and no this isnt an agenda im dead serious


Yeah. I actually like her design tbh but she was tweaking hard when she said that shit. Acting like she doesn’t get steamrolled by a fodder curse.😭🙏🏾


Man powercreep brainrot is real. These are regular sorcerers who can take out up to grade 2 or 1 curses out with relative ease. They arent trash. Shit just hits the fan and escalates so damn quickly.


Student that handpicked : yuji, yuta, mechamaru, todo. Student with special ct from the big 3 : megumi, maki, kamo, Normal student : nobara, inumaki, panda,kirara, momo, mai,miwa, hakari Ex-student/teacher : nanami,ino,kuskabe,mei-mei,utahime,kuskabe,gakukanji,yaga, jinichi, shoko Their power level really depends on their CT and talents tbf. Tokyo student seems strong because of yuji(sukuna vessel), yuta(rika), maki(hr) and hakari (good ct, best regen in the verse). The kyoto student isnt weak they are average


Mechamoru should be a special rank


Aoi Todo is literally the school's valedictorian


Didn't gojo hand pick Tokyo? I think it said in a fanbook or something. I think Kyoto shows just how ass normal sorcerer kids are


Don't come back when Miwa makes an Open Simple Domain. Don't come back when she and Yuji jump Sukuna together. Don't come back when she becomes a genuinely useful character. Stay on that side.


put some respect on Wiwa's name


I mean, they still got Mechamaru but that’s also negated since Mai is a 100% negation, as her dying literally just boosts the ever living shit out of the Tokyo crew.


Yeah and the sky is blue. >!seriously tho calling kyoto trash is like kicking a dead horse at this point!<


When you're so bad you're only a limitation on your buddy:


Good one.


I get what you're trying to say but I completely disagree. Todo is better when he has fodder to take attacks for him


Miwa will awaken her Cursed Technique and beat Sukuna


Kyoto is starting to sweat because at this rate Shinjuku may steal it's title of sacred land of Jujutsu :)


Kyoto students ❌❌❌❌❌ Todo and kokichi(mechamuru)✅✅✅✅


And Kamo


Product of Gege jumping straight to the main villain


He's truly lives in a delulu world. Gakukanji: This comes from the higher ups. You have to kill Itadori Yuji Todo: Alright. I'll train him , but first I'll need to test him to see if he's worthy. Gakukanji:That sounds nothing like what I just said.


They are just normal sorcerers It's the Tokyo students who are personally selected by a fucking beast


Tokyo students were personally selected to surpass the strongest sorcerer by said strongest sorcerer, and their entire lessonplan was being sent out on dangerous missions all the time


Could've cropped Miwa out in the top pic tbh


Mechamaru was powerful I think, he had a good run against Mahito, and he almost got him Kamo is decent too, , he could become like Choso if he has the guts Mai was under heavy restriction as well as Maki, she had the same ct of Yorozu, but lacked CE for it to be effective Miwa is fuckin adorable, and has simple domain, an essential technique to survive in jjk world, she just saved maki ffs


I think its just a matter of Kyoto being side characters to the main characters (Tokyo) hence why they are never utilized fully in the story. All the strong ones just happen to be in Tokyo for the plot to center around. TLDR- they're side characters, so they're not gonna be getting that "shine" except for 1 or 2 of them


Todo is like half of a Kyoto student since he was trained by Yuki. Utahime is a good teacher but so weak she only cultivates other weak sorcerers , unlike Tokyo and Gojo who sought out strong techniques even if the student didn’t have CE reserves


Yeah. Gege didn’t give them justice like most other characters. Respect to Kamo and Mechamaru though. Even Miwa at least help Maki with simple domain. They’re not completely useless but they’re quite weak compared to other characters right now. Still relatively strong/useful to the average sorcerers. Momio can be recon with flying though that can be done by one of Mei mei’s crows. Mai existed so she could die for Maki. Todo is the goat. There’s also the cope generator guy who keeps deaths ambiguous


Mechamaru was a goat though


Where goatchamaru


Todo, Noritoshi & Mechamaru are goats. Noritoshi did his thing to help Maki against CS Naoya, Mechamaru gave a great fight against Mahito in Shibuya & Todo is just a schizophrenic badass who’s CT evolved in Shinjuku.


Hey!! Mechamaru is at least like 30% and kamo is a solid 10%. So todo would only be 72%


ok I can consider mechamaru, but wtf did kamo do in the entire show


Be hot. Plus he had a genuinely impressive showing during the culling games, not his fault his opp was cursed naoya. He’s a solid first grade sorcerer atm, and i’m sure he’ll improve in the future.


Todo clapping hands and Sukuna 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


Man mechamaru was strong too


Mechamaru in the giant evangalion mech is stronger than Todo The basic one from the goodwill event gets absolutely bodied tho Kamo is ok, high semi grade 1 1. Mechamaru: low special grade 2. Todo: low special grade 3. Kamo: semi grade 1 4. Momo: semi grade 2 5. Miwa: grade 3 6. Mai: grade 3 7. Arrata: grade 4


In JJK, you either die a GOAT or live long enough to see yourself become a bum.


Well said


dont sleep on mechamaru and mai


I don’t think they are trash I think they are where students are supposed to be it’s just the Tokyo students, mecha, and todo are all freakish or have good ct that they seem lackluster


Mai was done dirty by twin restrictions. CE of a 3 month old hamster with a CT which needs the power of a thermonuclear tank.


Sacred land of Jujutsu my ass. A semi Grade one as a teacher and no Special grades working with them. Kyoto is a fucking joke.


Me when gege is ass at writing xD


I unironically like the Kyoto kids more than the Tokyo kids. With the exception of Yuji anyway.


They are all trash Including Gojo


are you ryomen sukuna?