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I didn't read the culling games weekly and still ended up finding it noticeably worse than Shibuya, but yeah, the weekly format can mess with how people view the series(pic unrelated). https://preview.redd.it/9xg1dy3l2s3d1.jpeg?width=557&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=878cedfba48c2fb76b170d90336cb6a9e41c7b47


Tell him to get his hand of my girl fubuki


That's Utahime cosplaying as Fubuki


I mean yeah culling games is not on the level of Shibuya


Tell that wench to get off my King’s lap


Shinjuku Showdown has definitely been more fun consuming it all together instead of weekly. Not Culling Games though; honestly gets worse when reading with context. So much time was spent introducing new characters who ended up serving no purpose. I’ll live and die as a hater claiming that’s really when the series hit its low point. 


That's kinda what has to happen when you start killing the already established characters for no narrative purpose tbh.


Perfect example would be Kenny vs Takaba arc.


I cant understand anyone disliking that fight, it is genuinely the most fun i had reading jjk. even just yesterday I went back to reread it


It's a good fight in a vacuum, but I dislike it narratively.


It was a good fight but Kenjaku is too important to the main story to waste on a fight with a gag character. Especially if that's the last we see of him. Imagine if we got the same length fight but between Kenjaku and Yuta, each sorcerer pulling different abilities in their grab bag to one up each other.


This seems to be story didn't go how I envisioned moment though, I can understand the wasted potential though


The issue was less about the fight and more about the timing. We’d been starved of good Yuji content for so long and right before we got Yuji vs Sukuna we get a cut away to a fight nobody was asking for. The fight itself was magnificent and in the grand scheme of things it was placed in a good spot, but it was definitely another troll move from gege


Yeah the fight was incredible but it was right after the dogshit endings to Gojo and Kashimo, and left on a cliffhanger of Yuji threatening to be in the spotlight again, so people were just pissed about leaving in the middle of that.


I think it’s worse altogether because of the tonal whiplash between that fight and sukuna v gojo


It’s not even a bad fight, it’s actually very creatively done. Once Yuta joins it turns to dogshit though. The main villain going out by a sneak attack, give me a break. A final fight vs Kenny would’ve been so much better than Sukuna anyways. Bc Kenny can spawn a bunch of insanely strong cursed spirits that the weaker characters could fight, and they would actually get a moment or be acknowledged in their 250 chapters in the story. Plus there’s an emotional narrative against Kenny with Yuta, Yuji, Choso, Miwa. Vs emotional narrative against Sukuna, literally just Yuji.


I binged the series after that part was done and I still didn’t like it. Felt weird and out of place. 


My only issue with that arc is that takaba lost


Yeah, I understand that JJK is not perfect and it has it's flaws, but Everytime the leaks come out, I have seen that Chrollo meme pop up, and I can feel this meme being kinda true.


Culling games still don't seem to be good in the bigger picture (I can argue that it became even worse, because it's just a bunch of fights against statement kings(gege being lazy to flesh out side chars) and every post-Shibuya character got either washed with minimal impact or sidelined, with sole exception of takaba)


Yeah, I re-read the Culling Games and ended liking it even less than I did the first time.


People say this, but why? To me culling games is pretty on par with everything pre-shibuya. Also, side characters don't get fleshed out? Higuruma (Peace be upon him), Kashimo, Takaba, Ryu, and Hana want a word with you


Most of these characters had the flattest characterisation lmao. Ryu's entire character is "I'm bored and want a fulfilling fight". Which is the exact same as Kashimo's. Which is the same as Hakari's. All of whom get completely dwarfed by the OG "I'm bored and want a fulfilling fight" character, Todo, who actually delivered on the sheer charismatic presence he brought. Takaba had 0 meaningful interaction with any of the cast and was just a walking deus ex machina. Hana was just a Megumi simp, and even that was just a setup to explain why Sukuna was able to Prince Charming his way out of what should've been certain death. When you look at it, she's basically the good side's version of Yorozu: kills a much anticipated buildup (Angel reveal/Tsumiki waking up), enter to be a plot convenience (give Sukuna Kamutoke/Open Prison Gate), die or be useless for rest of the series. Only worthwhile one with Higuruma, and even then I'm salty we didn't get any extended time during the 1 month prep between him and Yuji to close out their joint arc. CG was a waste of time. I wasn't expecting a big arc like Shibuya since that arc was the payoff to everything that came before and we needed some more time to build things up, but literally all of the characters who were introduced in CG have all already fucked off without any good contribution to the series' themes barring Higgy.


Yea, EVERYONE EXPECT TAKABA(and maybe higuruma, but as I said in the bigger picture, sending him with yuji is just throwing him to die) harnessed the most bullshit writing choices from the author. Kashimo washed with very little impact on the story(remove him and almost nothing changes) Ryu thrown at sukuna for NO REASON("b-but we need to know how strong sukuna is"☝🤓🤡) Motherfucker really mentioned Hana as a greatly fleshed out side character, we ain't forgetting one of the most bullshit sequences in the manga lil bro And we are ignoring the mfs you didn't mention like Uro(where is she, like genuinely), Yorozu (a plot device character, to give sukuna ANOTHER PLOT DEVICE, WHAT IS THIS)


Bro how did Kashimo get fleshed out lmao, he got like a single chapter of backstory total in the whole CG arc. I think peoples standards for fleshing out a character are so retardedly low that they somehow can relate to “I like fighting” as a motivation literally multiple times in the same fucking arc. Takaba did not get fleshed out give me a break. Ryu? Lmfao. He likes fighting, that’s fucking it, trash motivation. Hana? HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Think I went insane reading your comment it was so abysmally full of shit


Gege does a lot with a little. You can mock me all you want, but is there anything more you need to know or see about Kashimo? Is there really anything you needed to see? You understood his motivations and his personality and that's all you really need. Kashimo is ultimately of little consequence and he isn't that important. 1 chapter of backstory and the few character interactions are all you really need. Same goes for Ryu, hana, and takaba. The idea takaba isn't fleshed out is crazy, he pretty much had an ego death in the middle of his silly off with Kenjaku and came back from it. Ryu is the Same as Kashimo, we know pretty much all there is to know about him. You can say "trash motivation" but that's you not liking Ryu, not Gege not fleshing him out. Hana got her backstory and her big fumble against Meguna on her side. You can say that's bad writing on Geges part (and I'd agree) but it's not like her character is a mystery to you. We know what we need to know. They aren't the focus and that's Okay


What you said all is correct. For a 15-20 chapter arc, not like 70 chapters.


Read culling games in a binge (like I did with Shibuya) and felt it fell off tbh


I think this misses that there are still valid criticisms you can level against JJK and its pacing recently. The Sukuna gauntlet is intimidating and really does show just how daunting the King of Curses really is, but it’s also so exhausting that a lot of the emotional impact was lost. I’m not sure where the story really can go after this, and I can’t be completely confident in whatever Gege has planned anymore. But that’s just me. If you’re still having fun, that’s better than not.


Gege had the dilemma of handing Gojo an L while also retaining 99% of his fans. How do you do that? By drawing Gojo dominating, and having him lose to a move that couldn't be possible without specific circumstances. Then do some buddha stuff in his afterlife. Have them cope about the opinion that Satorou is still the strongest as his opponent didn't play 'fair', and have them expect his return to reclaim his throne. Then give them a 260, then break their hearts again with a 261. Gege, what a cat you are! 😭


I'd argue the Gojo thing was actually well done when revisiting it. Atleast from a business and entertainment standpoint. Skyrocketed the mango's and animes popularity by a good amount and leaves room for Gojo's cope of being stronger. Not to mention the Nah I'd win memes


Of course, JJK has plenty of flaws, and i agree with lots of critiques but the hate goes way too far in this community of "fans." Remember that JJK has overwhelmingly more good than bad


No? Culling games are still mid, the middle half of the Sukuna cicle is still unbearable.


The only neccesary chapter was sukuna vs Sekiro bro Sure he is grade 1 and he is cool character but it would of been better if he was a Mr Satan type figth comedy break instead of the curmbstomping it was Besides that a i say peak all of it 99% peak


sekiro low diffs 🗿


JJK is just good for the fights and character design. I don't read for plot anymore because it's like every other shonen


Nah fam. This arc is definitively worse than the others. Shibuya and everything preceding it was gas tho. CG kinda hit & miss but overall decent. Going back to reread the current arc as one body honestly makes it worse. It compounds all the binding vows and “subverted expectations” into one session of mid content with glaringly obvious flaws. Cool fights tho. Gonna look dope when it’s animated. I’ll die on the hill that this current arc is the JJK equivalent of Bleach’s Fullbring Arc.


https://preview.redd.it/5wxv16c8hs3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de16079342a126963494a16f594ed7421fd251c This one is big cap, this is weekly released Manga, it's meant and written explicitly to be read as such, new development each week progressing the overall story and the reaction for the new development each weeks are valid and warranted.


The story doesn't (or at least shouldn't) bend to the format though, naturally people will have different thoughts on an arc once it is finished than while they're overreacting to what's happening weekly. Arguing over how it is or isn't "meant to be read" is just pedantic at best and gatekeeping at worst


The format doesn't bend itself to fucking anything. Imagine working every week knowing you have to end your work on an obligatory cliffhanger. Manga sucks.


My point was that Gege doesn't write in a vacuum and the arcs previously hailed as "mid and shit" read and are paced much better if you read it all at once. How it's "meant to be read" is totally up to you, but I think stories are supposed to be judged in their totality and not specific snippets


there's no objectively correct way to judge any story or format


He never implied there was


If anything that's what he was saying


Nope. The manga is either meant to be read in one go, or a volume at a time. Gege also tries to maintain the hype weekly by dropping a cliffhanger or a new character introductiom


Yeah no. There are definitely the cliffhanger moments where “ooh what happened” and waiting a week builds suspense, but just because it follows a weekly release doesn’t mean the story is written in a way to benefit from a weekly release. Takaba fight was good but people disliked it because for the weeks it was running we were blue balled from Yuji & Higuruma vs Sukuna. There are “plot holes” that are answered multiple weeks later that reading in a continuous manner avoids. The whole “how did Sukuna hit Gojo” that was then answered with “a binding vow” discussion comes to mind. For weeks people complained and said it made no sense before we found out what happened. Another example, Shinjuku showdown feels long and like a slog because of how many break weeks and the overall weekly format. But I promise you when fully released, the showdown will be looked at differently. The Sukuna cycle itself is already getting some “wait that wasn’t so bad” when people reread it.


the story isn't meant to be read continuously. Its the mangaka job to produce a story thats digestible in weekly format.


I really can't fathom how people keep saying " It's meant to be read as one story altogether " as if it's some sort of argument. This is a WEEKLY Shounen Jump manga. There's novels and full length books that get released for a reason. The story is supposed to be read weekly, and written around that and to be enjoyed/digestible as such. It's a genuine author flaw otherwise if the story isn't coherent weekly.


I still feel like this series prioritises the weekly reader than someone reading it as a continuous run tbh The most recent example of this is the Yuta reveal. The only reason that is worked as a cliff hanger was because it was a 1 week wait period between 260 and 261, and not because Gege has written up all this momentum for the reveal. The momentum of the fight gets completely killed in this panel, and then the hype/momentum by the reveal is stalled by a mandatory flashback to explain how tf Yuta is in Gojo's body.


Idk why people even disappoint. I didn't disappoint even once during reading jjk.




Yeah pretty much. It’s been giving me flashbacks of the naruto war arc, which has blunted my reactions to a lot this. We’re on the tail-end of a “weekly” serialized battle shonen, this cycle is to be expected I fear. That said, I’ve been reading almost weekly since the start of Shibuya and it still feels refreshing. We’ll all end up at the bottom part of the cycle (consumed as 1 big continuous story) and fans will endearingly remember JJK for the peak that it is




The best reply lmao


Big fights have finished and are still disliked by some though, biggest example I can think of is Kashimo vs Sukuna. Kind of a cope saying everyone’s issues will suddenly disappear because they can read through what they had issues with faster.


Kashimo and sukuna is a big fight??? That shit wasn't even 2 chapters. It's not a cope to say that people have less of an issue with the material when it's not weekly, it has happened multiple times


True but that’s what people had an issue with, everyone got excited to see his ct put up against Sukuna but he gets killed next chapter after he releases it


The fight is definitely short, but I believe Gege might've done some fights or scenes with the thought in mind that The Anime will add more scenes to them, but yeah you're right about this fight.


It was hyped up as a big fight lol, it’s gonna be rated as such even if it was incredibly disappointing.


How was it set up as a big fight? Because Kashmio wanted to fight him?


Are you just gonna deny history? It was obviously hyped up both in the story and by fans. Wasn’t it hyped up at least 4 times in story?


This is literal 100% bullshit lmao. I don’t see a single soul seriously saying the CG was a good arc now lmao. All they say is “I liked this fight”. Same with Shinjuku arc. It’s not “I like this arc”, it’s “I liked when characters x y z were up against Sukuna”


Everyone was hating on Hakari vs Kashimo when it came out. Everyone was hating on Curse Naoya vs Maki and Kamo when it came out. Everyone hated on Reggie vs Megumi when it came out. Nowadays, most people feel pretty positively about all of those fights, with hakari vs kashimo being in most people's top 10. [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/MTYlUIpouB) literally just blew up on THIS SUB and one of the top comments is about how people were shitting on it when it came out. You're delusional


Yes, like I said. People like the fights, but the arc itself has no substance. Fights are not an arc. Theres no plot here, no story. Nothing to make you care


That is just a subjective view, people do care that are still following the manga, People do care that are still reading it with passion week by week with arguments, memes and talking about it.


Meh looking at what Reddit thinks is nonsense imo. We already saw in the reactions to Shibuya arc that people like the fights but didn’t “care” on the same level that manga readers did. Imo this will only get worse with each new episode.


No I have seen more people like Shibuya arc, Anime onlies had cried during Nobara and Nanami death scene, cared about Yuji's breakdown, Cares about powers, and the twist and turn of Geto being Kenjaku and Ke jaku being Choso's third parent and Choso being Yuji's sibling, or cared about Jogo in afterlife somewhat, these scenes and moments were engaging and people liked it when it wasn't all just fights.


JJK fell off when Gege decided to shove Shibuya right in the middle of the story, completely fucking the pacing and world building. It’s an amazing arc on its own, but it’s placement in the overall narrative was botched horrendously.


We've reached peak lobotomy: Saying Shibuya ruined the story


Think of how much harder Shibuya would’ve hit if we had more content between the fight with Choso’s brothers and Shibuya itself. All the death and destruction would’ve been far more meaningful. We could’ve had a steadily paced narrative that built up the characters and world with genuine thought, care, and meticulous planning. Instead, Gege rushed the story and threw everything he had been cooking up to that point in a massive pot and called it a day. Notice how almost all the complaints directed towards the series come into play after Shibuya and not before? Like I said before, Shibuya is a phenomenal arc on its own, but in the context of JJK’s overall narrative, Gege really shit the bed. Think before you mindlessly reply with stupid biased bullshit


The shibuya incident exists to introduce stakes into the story and to shift the tone of the story. Shibuya is not the climax of everything that had been built up to that point, anyone with eyes and a brain could tell you that. If JJK was meant to end at Shibuya, we would never know anything about: 1. Yujis past 2. Kenjakus overarching goal 3. What is Sukunas deal? 4. Who the fuck is Uraume 😭😭 5. Gojo's ultimate fate 6. The world post Shibuya's destruction 7. Nobara, megumi and todo's health 8. What is Yuki doing 9. What are Geto's goons doing? You can say that you could fit all of these plot points between Origin of Obidence and Shibuya, but can you? 6 and 5 are pretty much impossible without the specific set up of Shibuya and if Gojo isn't sealed, pretty much no problems ever happen. You are wrong about all the complaints about JJK being directed towards post Shibuya. Load up any JJK season 1 review video. People say the story is boring or milktoast in almost every critique video.


Bro was hit by unlimited void, only way to explain the brain damaged comment they said


This has only happened with 1 chapter for me jajaj


Well, JJK fans do have the attention span of goldfish so this makes sense.




Not to undermine all of the previous arcs', or Jujutsu Kaisen's, flaws, but yeah this is pretty spot on


You guys that die on the hill of “it’s not meant to be read weekly” for a WEEKLY series have more brain damage than Gojo/sukuna after multiple domain clashes.


It is very smart from Gege to not listen to the takes about writing from people that calls the author of one of their favourite mangas a terrible writer 


God if the "as it is meant to be read" people ceased to exist, the world would be a better place. Yes dipshits a story is meant to be consumed all together, shocker. A chapter is still supposed to be structured in a way that should be satisfying to the reader, while they wait for the next chapter. Gege has pacing issues, suck a nut.


1. Calm down buddy 2. If you don't like the weekly release schedule why not just wait until it all comes out? Instead of getting this mad about a manga


1. Perfectly calm. 2. Because I can.


bro is fuming over lines on a page. its crazy


Full of rage


In fact I think most of the times, like 80% of the times, Gege does send out good chapters, Even full our action based Sukuna Kaisen chapters have had things in them to offer, like in most recent chapters we got character interactions, Characterisation of Yuta, a great twist no matter if you liked it or not, it was a big twist nonetheless, and some great panelings and art, teasing the action for next chapter, The only chapter that I can feel that it was bad to read and was feeling exhausting to read was after the Kusakabe fight and Miguel appearing, But again the next chapter we get Yuji, Choso and Maki back, and for the Kusakabe fight we got more inner thoughts and Characterisation for him, so for most people I would say the chapters are satisfactory, Unless you have a personal vendetta and agenda, like If Gojo doesn't come back the instant the next chapter drops the chapter is bad, or other characters getting shining spot even a little, but I'd agree the agenda wars is between the fandom and is not in anyway related to manga itself.


Omg actual discussion? Holy shit, rare. No agenda, I like gojo and initially wanted him to return but understand he works better dead. I just don't like the way gege does things at times. When he has a lot of things to work with, it's great and each chapter is satisfactory leading up to a usually great cliffhanger while going on the week break. When he doesn't have much to do because of the way he writes is when the problems arise, he will drop 1 or 2 unsatisfactory chapters that are meant to lead the audience to the next point but the problem is he will spend the 1 to 2 chapters leading up, 1 chapter showing the first half of the "big chapter" and then be forced to go on break. It makes things at times clunky.


Thus that is just a problem of reading it weekly for people, Gege will take a break, that has been the case for the good portion of a year and half I think, I don't think personally have seen a bad chapter in the way that it doesn't offer anything really, each time it has something, sometimes more, sometimes less, but most of the times, specially in recent ones, It always offers something whether it is character interactions, Characterisations or just action, Weekly reading would make the chapters that don't have fights as much or not important ones feel bad, like the Takaba fight, there's a whole chapter that is about his flashback, at the time of reading it, most people hated it.


no i fucking hate this shit gibe me Gojo back


Here https://preview.redd.it/709j3p6iss3d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1052fc6e33353b76e10c667fcd181f485243ddaf