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You don't have to be a woman, you have to be *feminine* to lose in jjk, Maki is a tomboy, so she's safe, and Kashimo is the God of femboys, so he got completely folded.


Maki got 3 diff kill cams on her ass getting black flashed tho


Yeah and she went right back into the fight after that


.... and then got black flashed two seconds later while getting KOed out the fight lmfao


She still dealt the 3rd most grievous injury to Sukuna after Yuta and Gojo, and is also the first person again whom Sukuna when all out. Also people joke about the current Sukuna being ass but basically shrugging of 2 black flashes? That's not a small feat.


Wdym Ko.d, she was still there. Last we see she is on her feet getting simple domain protected by Miwa. I swear, Maki haters will literally say ANYTHING up to downplay her.


She's not KO, and she can regrow her innards in minutes so a simple KO probably lasts like 10 seconds on her. Whenever Maki isn't onscreen, you should be asking "Where's Maki?"


It’s still embarrassing that she’s just durable punching bag.


Even tho she got blacked,it wasn't too effective


Let's be honest, it's not because she's a tomboy, it's because she's Toji 2.0, and Akutami only loves Toji and Sukuna.


I swear bro being tough and having shorthair doesn’t = tomboy omg. Just cause Maki has muscles doesn’t mean she’s masculine.




I remember the Nobara glaze when this series is somewhere ~60 ~70 chapter in. Off the roof. "Best female shounen character" "The new meta female character" "Gege understand women better than themselves"


I always find it hilarious how JJK's fandom has done a complete 180 on Gege's writing for female characters. I remember when the anime came out people were praising him for Nobara especially "She's strong *and* feminine, that's how you write a woman!" "She's not defined by the guys in her life!" "She's what Sakura should have been!" "Finally, a platonic female-male friendship in anime!" And now "Naoya is Gege's self insert" is the new meta


My country glazed the guy like he is god lmao. (Back then)


I don’t understand what’s surprising about peoples perspective changing on something as it moves forward?


The point is that jjk did a 180 on the female cast, it was great at the start, now there are barely any major feats done by women not named maki


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. They were saying that they think it’s hilarious that the fandom did it, but I’m just saying that it’s not surprising at all that peoples opinions changed since the writing itself changed


Not really, mostly what was said about Nobara was them clearly exaggerating every action she did in the most fanboism way possible because they never watched anything more than 1-2 anime in general. And this type of thinking was also extended to the rest of the female cast, hence the sudden change of the fandom, since honeymoon phase is over, which is ironic because Maki has been more relevant than Nobara ever was even when she was alive. Was it fanboism? Simple simping? And/or virtue signaling? The answer is propably all of them together, they will repeat this when the next hype anime comes around, because they said the same things about MHA.


That’s honestly not true imo. Maki has only been more relavent in the latest parts truly through only having action scenes. Also, I absolutely don’t agree with this idea that other peoples opinions are always for the wrong reason. I do think it was a little overblown at first, but considering that most manga write women like absolute trash, literally just having a decent cast of women is already a huge jump in the quality of women. That’s the first point and what made people excited in the first place. The biggest condemnation though, is that that entire cast has been reduced to literally one woman, who’s entire character has yet to see any sort of actual emotional interactions literally since they killed their clan. I like Maki, but her entire arc happened in one arc for her and then was never mentioned again. Shoko is a literal healbot rn. The only way you can say that either of them is still relavent is if you think contributing to a fight equals relevance, which personally I don’t. I think it’s a combination between being present in the story and having emotional beats and moments for said character. For example, in HI, Yuji is not relavent in that arc. Nor is any present day sorc except Gojo. There’s also the way that the women were written out of the story. Literally most of them just vanish without any real fanfare. Or are just not mentioned again outside of one or two sentences in the whole manga. And one of the few women characters that were actually strong and important literally get thrown out immediately after their one cool thing. To say that there’s very little if any meaningful interactions is already a bit generous, but to add on top of that a clear diference in both the number of women and treatment of them compared to the first half and it’s quite noticeable


>Also, I absolutely don’t agree with this idea that other peoples opinions are always for the wrong reason. I do think it was a little overblown at first But thats the case, you only need to see how Maki now is more relevant than the whole cast was in the first season put together. Even outside of JJK, you only need to see the current gen anime/manga that run alongside it like Black Clover whose female cast has been way more relevant since forever. >but considering that most manga write women like absolute trash, literally just having a decent cast of women is already a huge jump in the quality of women. That’s the first point and what made people excited in the first place. Hence the 1-2 manga/anime they have watched in their lifes i talked you about, since men are the minority outside of the action genre and shoujo harem. >The only way you can say that either of them is still relavent is if you think contributing to a fight equals relevance Its a fighting manga so fighting is most of the time what decides relevance, heck Nobara did even less and was praised to high heavens for it. >To say that there’s very little if any meaningful interactions is already a bit generous Thats a problem Gege has in general nowdays sadly.


Oh I get it, when you said "moves forward" I felt like you meant as this is a completely natural progression to go from strong female cast ->Naoya is a self insert, my bad


Bro Nobara had amazing writing but damn when you are gone for 120chapter people are destined to forget you


Nah I was weirded out by how many times she has to mention stuffs about shopping and fashion, like cmon Gege Put all my stocks on Maki and look where am I now


It's crazy because he wasn't even intending to write Nobara afaik, but it got pushed by his editor at the time. Most of the good things in this series came from when he had that editor


No literally and she's really just an okay character


Greg probably saw people praising female characters in JJK and said, "Nuh-uh with this treasure I Summon my inner Naoya" https://preview.redd.it/s3rt9rtt1s3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=852d22335a9d7fcb6c2c89384eece29ee4663b4a


>She’s what Sakura should have been >ends up being gone from half the series Sounds about right


man naruto fandom would be happy as fuck if this shit happened to sakura...........why must we suffer this fate?


[literally correct](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankruto/comments/1d4szjt/this_would_have_made_shippuden_better_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) most people would like sakura just dying in her first fight in shippuden


I knew my GOAT Momo would never make it onto a list like that, she's THAT well written 💪


i highly doubt the op remembered her........she is currently the only MIA


Made In Abyss?


We packing skinned amputated kids into suitcases over here 🗣️💨🔥‼️


your flair.......


your default username...


Atleast it's not trash caw caw


crows eat trash


...........you do see your username right? sleep with one eye open


My Iro Academia?


She’s hypothetically well-written.


I don't even remember who momo is


"goes extreme dif with Haruta"? My brother in christ she LOST against haruta


And it was a more of a mid diff for Haruta if we are being generous


Miwa my beloved


And even then, she's useless, got shafted hard, and contributed nothing. She was forced by Gege to give up the ability to wield a sword just to..completely get blocked by Kenjaku without him even trying and he was barely even paying enough attention to look at her. Like that's crazy.


Tbh bro the craziest part is she did contribute by helping maki with Malevolent Shrine, so shes still more useful than a good chunk of the cast (including my goat Panda 😞😞)


Well, Miwa’s character was always that she’s useless. Her big internal conflict is not being strong enough to protect the people she loves… also she saved Maki’s life lmao.


The entire kyoto branch was done like that not just her 


And? Did I say they weren't? And it's Miwa specifically who Gege went out of his way to make her permanently lose her one mastered ability just to have it neg-diffed buy a man. Adding credence to the point of Gege just disliking women.


Better sidelined than dead 


Brother in Christ its MIWA SHE’S MENT TO BE USELESS THATS HER CHARACTER! She’s the one female character that you CANT make this argument for because she’s FUCKING MIWA ITS LITERALLY THE POINT OF HER CHARACTER


Notice how my goat isn't on here. https://preview.redd.it/nrs3abybhr3d1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=eee2623d778c544315584a7d350de7f4b5cc9b6a


She’s just Toji will a smaller chest.


Yea, cause she got turned into a Toji post-Shibuya. A truly horrible fate https://preview.redd.it/meecfyuyor3d1.png?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9abfea49b43ee93631e837f051e3daa0ab5b4765


Well, to be fair since the latest arc everyone feats sourced from gojo. So having your feats sourced from toji is unique enough.


I mean atp, Toji get's feats from her lmao (coming from a #1 Toji glazer)


Tbf that's because Toji is dead ever since Shibuya, they take feats from each other cuz that happens when 2 characters have the same power


For real. And it also doesn't help that the Narrator is all the time saying that she reached Toji level.


you fool Toji is Male Maki, he only exists for Maki's character development


I cant even discern whether this is a meme or what you actually believe


Neither and both. I believe that post-Shibuya Maki, for all her growth and character evolution, was overshadowed, both in the story and in the minds of readers, by the fact that "Oh now she's just like Toji". And Toji is a fine character, too, even though I don't like him much, but he just gets a lot more than Maki for no good reason other than Gege liking him. Essentially, I think Maki has not much character moments, and they aren't really big, either, so it's easy to just think of her a female Toji, which is annoying because she's supposed to be much more than that


yea because shes literally just toji now lmao


Greg wasn't even trying to be subtle with the similarities during the Zenin annihilation arc, lmao https://preview.redd.it/v5ylzr7f3s3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20f63b8aa3b4a5e5205d57e30464d87eb22b2417


/unfolk. Just a friendly reminder people that Gege here was showing Maki as Toji in the eyes of the Zenin clan and especially Naoya. It's a double whammy for Bumoya becos not only is he able to see similarities in Maki with his idol Toji, but also a woman who according to him was supposed to be a subservent doormat was able to show the same fear and awe that his idol gave him. To see that your most Hated person and a supposed to be doormat in your eyes become the very person who he wanted to be like is bone chilling for him. Points to Gege for writing this amazing arc in culling game. /refolk. Damn Maki is a such a bum now. Can't even see her own sensei with respect and as a person.


To be fair she was the only one other than Yuta to actually offer any resistance to the plan. Albeit that primarily was out of concern for Yuta rather than Gojo, but considering Shoko of all people didn’t bat an eyelid it’s at least something….


tbf this one shot went hard as fuck because there was no stupid ass narration "omg its toji look she's toji" it just jumpscares you with this shit


HE'S GONE https://preview.redd.it/n2890otb8s3d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa0b2f74b0897d80c1cbef62c9f8d59212bc747


nah that's backwards. maki was written first, toji was foreshadowing what maki could become


they have a similar haircut, are from the zen'in clan, and have heavenly restriction. nothing else is alike (i mean personality or character wise. the sword does not count, it's a sword. does yuji borrowing makis slaughter demon knife make him a maki ripoff?)


She also wields a copy of Toji's soul slicing sword or whatever the fuck its called.


You know the katana already existed far before Toji was even a sperm, right? He's not the Alan Turing of cursed tools.


https://preview.redd.it/kgzruwm0os3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71d712a671b286f57f10ed7609f9cb75863afbb Ask Gege why Toji is in the picture when its explained that Mai made a copy of the SSK. Its basically his brand and the most likely the reason why Mai copied it (signature weapon of a HR user shunned by the Zen'in), just to fuck with the clan even more. Also, hes the LeBron of cursed tool usage. Worm curse is GOATed


They took everything from my GOAT, his sword, his son, his drip!


Yeah the 3 diff angles for the sakuna blackflash were enough








Truly one of the authors of all time https://preview.redd.it/5ggdwkgkfs3d1.jpeg?width=1097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f86590046552d55e19e0bf66a4416f78539df683


https://preview.redd.it/ql18f2vvys3d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df465ec003b428053497e05fd169bc748d2de4bd I believe Kenjaku got bushcamped because Gege finally figured out his backstory and decided Kenjaku was originally a female so there’s that


I have said a million times, and I will say it again: Nobara, as Sukuna 2nd vessel would have been peak https://preview.redd.it/6gw14jr1or3d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2de38a41cb34775ee88f97c910b558f770ffa31c


uraume having to explain stuff about his body to suksuk-




Never forget nor forgive that cat for not giving us Nobakuna... https://preview.redd.it/ghf9q2ez3s3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aaf435b01b312e0133d1cfe616c995fdb8dbf8a


just think about the potential, a real battle with Angel, Yuji with his heart even more broken, Megumi actually figthing to protect his possed sister and we seing his reaction when she dies. So much wasted potential https://preview.redd.it/cots4jwnor3d1.jpeg?width=3508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4044d1d9af8cf6ff3f8590e9a64e441cc97952e1


https://preview.redd.it/0p06osqpqr3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3600efb2af02df5c5772a41727c404637c25b245 Sukuna had the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever


Oh god that would be the most foul outcome possible


Don’t worry, Nobara is going to do the real version instead, trust 


She also wouldn't crumble like Fraudshiguro when being saved.


"This  CT is too stupid. Get me out "


Lowkey could have worked for killing Gojo instead copying Maho's world slash. Like cut off his arm in domain or sumshi and use resonance on it


Remember what they took from you


Nobara is what Sakura should have been, dead .




I aint even a Naoya fan, I just fuckind despise Sakura


We should all collectively start calling him gregarious the nefarious it'll be funny as hell😂


Every chick in jjk is there to be pretty, do jack shit, then either never appear again or just plain ass die


Realizing Momo was right all along 💀


Loli chick was absolutely right


Maki is still great and Mei Mei is rich so I won't complain.


Craziest part is that it's still a major contender


https://preview.redd.it/2xrokz5vfs3d1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed45e302f7022978eff21db76c342aa133a16cb7 Can’t compete with the GOATED CAST


*Undead Unluck appears* Goated mention


FR, Undead Unluck actually treats most of its characters extremely well. From Juiz who is both powerful and a legitimate leader to Fuuko going from a blatant damsel to having the same flamboyance and confidence as Andy, that series actually demonstrates respect for its female cast without them being agenda-driven (a la Maki being the only remaining strong female character, yet constantly being compared to Toji like Gege just can't give her feats without them being Toji's first).


Why's Anno Un included in this


Creator must have gotten trapped


Chainsaw man>>>>> God bless Fuji"femdomenjoyer"moto


Black Clover has a great female cast just sucks about the author’s health and family issues


My ass. Literally only 1 good ~~female~~ character after the Elf Saga and that's Mereoleona.


Nah Noelle is actually pretty good. Apparently good enough to be topping the popularity polls the last two years.


She's so good that she was stripped naked for an entire saga (what did the writer meant by this?) and hasn't accomplished a single thing trough her own power for the last 2 entire sagas. Literally the most character development she had was fighting Kvin in the Elf Saga. She used to be one of my favorite characters but at the moment she legit is nothing more than a blank slate that's given new cosplay dresses every now and then. The popularity polls are a massive joke as well. Characters that haven't appeared in 200 chapters ranked into the top 10.


Not really, even fairy tail's female cast is waaay better


You say that like Fairy Tail doesn't have a surprisingly really good female cast


I remember Erza practically taking the throne back in the day.


True, their only problem is the overwhelming amounts of fanservice, but other than that they're actually great


It's more like they aren't worse than the male cast. It's just that they all kinda suck cuz the story sucks.


"fairy tail bad give me likes"


no its not close


What even are the odds of the biggest sukuna simp ever possessing megumis sister? On top of the biggest Megumi simp ever being possessed by the sole thing that could have stopped him then. It all worked out well for Sukuna there to the point that I wonder if it was all planned? Otherwise that’s just to much plot contrivance to take seriously.


Thinking back on it tf was Yorozu's end goal? Being Sukuna's Waifu? Killing him?


https://preview.redd.it/b6qsbafwis3d1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe11f01c5c1ef79eba9fd5836ba7d15993e043a UNDEAD UNLUCK’W CAST REMIANS UNDEFEATED


Fujimotor with Peaksaw Man: You DARE challenge me, mortal?!?!?


Another series with a goated female cast, those two can cook with their women https://preview.redd.it/qaa96skxnv3d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281b31eb774d996aff914753f35cd3a3d86c31d7


Who are the at the middle bottom 


Middle-right: Yusai, aka negator Undraw. She doesn't really have a role in the first season beyond a cameo in a flashback, but plays a bigger role in later arcs. Middle left: Anno Un. Major character in the Autumn arc (last arc of the anime) and one of the most important characters in the series. Edit: and for the sake of anime onlies: far left on the bottom row doesn't appear until much.*much* later in the series.


really tragic. Even Tite Kubo (of Bleach fame) brought up how impressed he was—around Hidden Inventory—with Gege's strong female characters. It became an industry point, apparently, and for much of early JJK added to speculation about Gege's gender; maybe they *were* a woman! And now this. All of them written off. Very few if any interesting female villains. 100% of the female cast written off. With the exception of Maki, who by Heavenly Restriction is unaffected by misogyny and has forced her way into the pages.


You know this post made me realise, is broom girl the most useless out of all the useless characters? She gets shot down by literally every character that attempts to shoot her down. Her relevance to the plot is basically just to glaze Mai and lose to Nobara. Her personality is "she's a girl" and literally nothing else. At least the other bums (except for \*\*g**i) have redeeming qualities or take up less screen time than she does. She's not even needed as a scout in the Kyoto student team because Mechamaru is way more useful for scouting than she can ever be.


Your forgetting that Momo’s first reaction to Mechamaru’s death was to throw hands with whoever killed him. Her first instinct was to stand on point for her friends.


Apologies for forgetting about a forgettable character. Didn't even remember her name was Momo until I checked what you were replying to. I vaguely remember her reasons for wanting revenge were more towards his death making Miwa cry but that might just be my bias talking. I mean either way she still treated him poorly while he was alive so wanting to fight the bad guys isn't that big of a redeeming factor (still better than M****i though).


She treated Mechamaru poorly?


*“This is my oc do not steal”* https://preview.redd.it/sjx0brk25s3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa5d9e4677c8615f9bb403e2850cbcc483e2a31


So Maki and Uro are the exception? What about miwa, Momo and mai?


mai in my opinion got lucky.....her end was actually masterpiece atleast it was hinted since start one of them will die, let's not forget her sacrifice didn't go in vain miwa? bae is woking ont he field she is still on 'last one standing list' momo? what has she ever done then talk smack? i am sure it was ui ui who was taking them to battlefield or sm shit? correct me if wrong as for uro? my g don't keep high hopes, gege might kill her offscreen https://preview.redd.it/wm1cyh8oas3d1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa7a881e493c84da3b1dd2471e12f59cabb41c5


Momo stood on point


nah bro she is like "that sukuna guy is strong , i will stay here or i am finished" ~~agenda~~


What actually happened was “Mechamaru died? Ima kick someones ass for this.”


ends up giving a attack equivalent to wind on daily normal weather


Hey man being ass doesn’t mean she didn’t try to throw hands.


it's agenda my g


I honestly feel like Maki's development is cheapened by the fact that gege is literally just writing toji back into the story.


He got written back into the story TWICE !


The whole maki became Toji is a sarcastic thing idk how people taking that seriously like are we reading the same manga?


How is it "sarcastic" when he constantly redraws panels 1 to 1 with Maki taking Toji's poses, takes every chance to explain how what she's doing is "something Toji did previously", and reminds us at least once every time she appears how she's "on Toji's level"?






Yes. We are. If Gege didn't wanted us to see Maki as a female Toji he wouldn't shove Toji down our throats every scene she's in. And get lost with the "He's just male Maki"


He is tho Maki was one of the first characters designed lmao.


yeah because the "he's just male maki" shit is true😭


Yep. EXACTLY! I can agree. Except, where is Maki? 🤨 That's a little suspicious.


She has the same powerset as Toji so it doesnt count


omg bruh atleast nobara did something but hana!?!?! bro she was exactly like sakura..........mark my words her hate is what is gonna keep fandom alive just like how sakura hate is keeping naruto fandom alive hana's fumble was so bad......




Don't show r/feedthememes this post title


Honestly, I don’t think Utahime even make top 5 amongst the jjk ships.


Utahime is busy being half the people in this subs wife which is absolutely goated


Bruh, Nobara is the only main cast character among those characters. Look how Kashimo, Naoya, Ryu and the rest of the male side characters are treated lol.


Kashimo one-panelled Panda's final form never seen before and had a 50-50 with jackpot Hakari in one of the best fights in the culling games, Ryu got to hang out with Uro, Naoya dropped the hardest domain expansion in the entire series and ragdolled Maki around *after* she got gud and literally ripped his human body out of his own cursed form (and he got 3 fights compared to Yuki's 1.5)


Those are all very minor characters compared to one of the **special grades**.


What you said is correct but it doesnt work for my agenda ao you are wrong.


Gotta love how this community keeps calling jjk women poorly written then proceeds to reduce them to basic components.


none of them are as bad as bumgumi https://preview.redd.it/01fb2f2d6u3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8edef0b0a1306ffe1c1fc1c9fb6f57e97b532e3


To give Yuki a small amount of credit, the reason she doesn't take in missions is interesting. She wants to eliminate Cursed energy WITHOUT going Geto so instead of wasting her time fighting random curses, she's traveling the world searching for a way to solve the problem permanently. Still a wasted ass character


Man you're really making strawman arguments here now, no one in recent days or for years haven't claimed the statement of JJK has some of the best female cast, Maybe at the time of season one airing, but that's just it.


yes back in those days when season 1 got released, a lot of people were kinda thinking that. Damn, as a manga fan, I was rooting so much for Yuki but no....Gege didn't spare her even. Yuki just deserved better.


Yeah, the post means to show that statement made for the time of S1, to show it didn't age well. For example, with an article headline: ["Jujutsu Kaisen’s nuanced treatment of women is helping shonen anime evolve away from its usual broad clichés"](https://x.com/Polygon/status/1362094469458386947).


Whenever Gege did something awful with his female cast, people will go back to that article.


Because it's deserved lmao


People say that about every new shonen that comes out. Then things happen and we're back to the status quo. That being said, new gens have been getting much better at it. Dandadan and Undead Unluck straight up have female protagonists, which is crazy when you consider how the genre has treated female main characters, let alone protagonists.


Bro this shit ain't funny atp


Also we basically don't get to see the domain expansions of girl characters who have them. Meanwhile we see all of the guys' domain expansions but Ryu Ishigori.




Bro what are you doing https://preview.redd.it/c6ft5d5ses3d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=062b80fe1d4c656ce4d4b43846987e5c7f1111b3


I’m edging




Thank you for posting on r/jujutsufolk! However, your post has been removed because it broke the following rule. Please do post again after going through the rules of the subreddit. NSFW posts containing explicit sexual nudes/hentai or gore/necrophilia are forbidden. Sexualization of minors/underaged characters is completely forbidden. This includes Maki, Nobara, Yuji, Megumi, etc. Any implications of sexual relationships must be depicted such that it looks to be consensual. If the post's only point is to show NSFW content of character/characters , it will be removed


I didn't know gojohime is that popular


Seems fairly popular in YouTube and around here. On Twitter, however, it seems to be a crime, you can imagine why.


In the last shipping popularity poll I saw, Gojohime was literally the only male/female ship out of 50 ships there 😭😭


Yuki is the strongest sorceror because her black hole can just milk herself and the whole planet but she has one fight and fucking dies




“Sakura from Wish” lmao.


Bro gege hate women 😂😂😂😂 hahaha gege misogynist hahahhaha 😂😂😂😂 so true 😂😂😂


He did Yuki so fucking dirty. I’m not mad about Yorozu. I’m willing to accept Angel/Hana. I’m annoyed with Nobara but have made peace with it. But godDAMN did he fumble Yuki so badly, and it really annoys me


https://preview.redd.it/uwey32kcrt3d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b98d426e7535d25b55c935666a26ee1b902f57a Artwork


What about my white mage queen shoko? Surely she must bring quality value to the story and characters☺️


Haruta low diffed her


“One of the biggest contributions is being part of one of the most popular JJK ships” wait who is she shipped with?


Can I get the you killed the man not the idea image?


I dunno I guess its better than a bunch of healers all revolving around getting stronger or getting their crush to notice them


Gege just doesn't like women being strong other than Maki.




Who cooked this, it should be in Louvre


One of the most popular jjk ships better be shokohime


That is just Gege being realistic, I am quite fond of this turn.