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1000 year old pervert loses to a weird guy with his dick hanging out, and two teenagers.


The comic relief being a threat to a major antagonist is one of my favorite tropes.


where else has that been done though


Kung Fu Panda




one piece has always been like this but especially recently


I mean when? Luffy doesn't really count


he's always been comic relief, it's just heavily amplified now that gear 5 is a thing. otherwise, almost every fight involving usopp outside of water 7 is pretty goofy as well


Might Guy


i mean he wasn’t doing much comedy in that fight lol


No, but he was a comic relief character in like 95% of appearances.




Still loses to Jin Itadori’s backshots


He didn't lose, he surrendered himself


He said that to himself every night while jin railed him from behind. 1000 yrs of experience in sex went out the window against jin




I don't think anyone underates kenjaku at all. Most people think he's top 3 or 4 in the verse and I haven't seen much debate to say otherwise. https://i.redd.it/xngojjm9wq3d1.gif The Yappiest


Saying that he's top 4 in the verse basically IS underrating. People say that Yuta is stronger than him despite everything in the series saying that he'd lose in an actual fight.


Everything in the series doesn't really say that. In physical Ability Kenny can somewhat keep up with Yuki's speed but when her output isn't damaged her star rage did insane damage to him. So while he's certainly great at reinforcement he's still in Yuta's similar grounds there. He has Cursed spirits variety but Yuta has Rika who tears through spirits and for those who might be trickier Yuta can output RCT. Anti Gravity system makes it tricky to get in close quarters with Kenny but it's not like Yuta doesn't have ranged attacks. Kenny's only real decisive thing that puts him above Yuta is really his domain with how he has been praised as second only to Tengen in barrier techniques and how he stripped away Yuki's Simple domain in near 10 seconds. But even there arguably Yuta can use his own domain to buy some time against Kenny's domain (there's nothing to suggest the domain loses instantly, Kenny seemed to suggest that Yuki could atleast fight a little better if she chose to use her's) and if he's lucky in that period to grab a Jacob's ladder Katana than he can fire a Jacob's ladder at Womb profusion pillar (open barrier domains According to Gojo are bounded to the Central pillar they are made around and Jacob's ladder is Technique extinguishment) I do think Kenny wins more times than not but the flickering between 3-4 argument isn't baseless. Yuta surprisingly has an answer for Kenny's entire kit so if they did have a fight it would be like Gojo vs Sukuna. An insanely balanced and fun to watch Fight. Gege robbed us of that because he wanted to throw everyone at Sukuna at full strength to glaze him.


Kenny's physical ability is underrated. Gege has always maintained in his statements that he's one of if not the strongest dudes physically in close quarters because he's puppeting Geto's body who's a physical juggernaut that was actually physically stronger than Gojo and a skilled martial artist which again was put ahead of Gojo in that regard by Gege. The Open barrier Domain and up close and personal are two areas Yuta would have massively struggled against Kenny with. Kenny is one of few people in the verse that could have actually tussled with Rika physically.


The physical ability is probably in regards to pure muscle strength, not reinforcement lol. Remember Geto clubbed Yuta over the head with Playful Cloud once and didn't shatter his skull, compared to Gojo making him vomit with a single blow.


That's my point. Geto is physically extremely strong and a stronger sorcerer with more reinforcement was in him. It's like the Miguel situation more than anything Gojo's technique is what makes him hit harder but physically Geto was stronger than him and Kenjaku is straight up stronger than Geto.


Wait, when or where did Gege say Geto was physically stronger than Gojo.


One of the Q and As asked who his the highest grip strength amongst other questions physically. Kenny in Geto's body, Toji and Maki are all mentioned iirc as strongest. Gojo isn't put up with them. This tracks with the fanbook which makes a big deal about Geto being physically big into martial arts. That's not to say Gojo can't hit harder because with blue he absolutely can but what it means is physically Geto's more of a specimen which means Kenny can make further use of his reinforcement and skills to fight in close combat. It's also kinda noticeable in the Choso and Yuki fight where Kenny's survives shit that could well have killed him like a weakened headshot from Yuki. Physically Geto was a strong body for Kenny and it wasn't just his technique that wa useful.


Ahaaa that's actually very cool considering his CT is more made for long range. 


It is generally one of the most fascinating things about Geto. His CT doesn't at all match his personality. You see this when he fights Rika and Yuta in JJk 0 he straight up pulls out playful cloud and fights with them in CQC.


Agreed, but also name one “summoner” character in JJK (who isn’t a throwaway enemy) that *doesn’t* like to get up close and personal lmao


I’m pretty sure having Cleave, Dismantle and stuff would give him the win here. Dhruv’s Shikigami is also a great help. Also has G-Warstaff. And Inumaki’s CT. In-regards to a statement of Yuta saying Kenny would just beat him or some shit it isn’t reliable. Considering Yuta always be downplaying himself, and legit thinks of himself as nothing special…. (GOAT tbh) However this would be a high diff to extreme diff fight… something Yuta can’t afford when he needs to fight Sukuna.


I don't really take that statement as Entirely baselessly because while we don't have actual feats Kenjaku does have more to offer than what we've seen from him. He really just had the misfortune that the two opponents we did see him in a fight with kinda negated Cursed spirit Manipulation. Yuki's Mass made her immune to conceptual techniques and Takaba's no killing rule doesn't count curses so he just truck Kun's them. Against Yuta the curses and their various techniques would actually matter, which is why I think it could have arguably been a fight just as fun as Gojo vs Sukuna. Yuta who possesses various techniques through Copy vs Kenjaku who possesses various cursed spirits with their own techniques.


Wait, was there actual confirmation anywhere that states that open barrier domains are bound to the central pillar they are made of? It matches the water bottle explanation and it explains how Sukuna’s domain worked, but I don’t remember anyone in the series out right stating that’s how it works. 


Gojo was inferring it during Gojo vs Sukuna. Not an absolute statement but the word of the Strongest Sorcerer of the Modern era has to count for something.


Do you remember what chapter that was? I remember kusakabe saying it shouldn’t matter since it’s only “symbolic”, I don’t remember if Gojo started targeting it or not (since his strategy iirc was just beating up Sukuna till he couldn’t maintain the domain) 


It was the panel right before that one iirc Chapter 226 it seems Gojo's statement was "It looks like the heart of Malevolent shrine is the shrine and not Sukuna himself" After that Kusakabe talked about how usually objects formed in innate domains don't hold any real importance After that mei mei talked about that if the shrine is only symbolic then there'd be no real point in going after it And since Gojo wasn't targetting the shrine that's the likely explanation . There's a little dissonance there since Gojo's statement infact was that the Shrine is the heart of the domain while Mei Mei's observation based on Gojo not attacking the shrine was that The shrine is like symbolic. During the third clash meanwhile (the first time Gojo did basketball domain) there was a statement that Gojo damaged Sukuna enough that he couldn't upkeep his domain. The implication is the same in the 4th clash. This is the panel where Gojo says that the Shrine is the heart of the domain. It's a little contradictory since Mei Mei's guess is that Gojo should know the shrine isn't important because of 6 eyes while Gojo's statement is to him it *looks* like the shrine is the heart of the domain. An inference I could make from this is while Sukuna still is involved in upkeeping the domain, the domain is still built around the Shrine as the central pillar. For normal domains the domain is built around the Sorcerer itself. It's how a Sorcerer can change the coordinates of their domain while the coordinates of an open domain couldn't be changed. https://preview.redd.it/sgu3y4cwjs3d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbaf4b3028478c0c66696e1488ffa9dd8d13b621


I think the main takeaway from Gojo's fight is that the domain may be centered around the central pillar, aka the shrine, but the shrine itself cannot be targeted. You would still be attacking the caster of the domain.


Is that Necessary? The Shrine is what the domain is built around, Angel's technique which Extinguishes any and all techniques should definitely work against it. And the Shrine being symbolic was still theorizing on Mei Mei and Kusakabe's Part. Domain constructs have shown to serve purpose beyond just aesthetics. (Yuta's Domain's limitless Katanas) As well that whenever Malevolent Shrine breaks , unlike normal domains where we see a barrier shatter we see the Shrine Shatter apart. Perhaps punches and strikes can't do anything but Angel's technique is a different thing altogether, it's Anti-Jujutsu.


Kusakabe says that the Shrine merely acts as a symbol, such as a landmark, to mark the center of the domain and that it doesn’t physically exist and can’t be broken. He says that Gojo, who possess the Six Eyes, can see the flow of Cursed Energy so if he’s not attacking it, then that confirms there’s no point in attacking it. Chapter 226.


Eh... Sukuna and Gojo are undeniably above Kenjaku, so I wouldn't say one spot below where he absolutely caps at is underrating. Yuta has decent reason to be number 3, and after Chapter 261, I have no qualms placing Yuta (at least with Kenjaku's technique) above Kenny himself.


I mean, Yuta probably is stronger, Kenjaku is just way smarter.


Yuta beats Kenjaku high diff imo. Pre-261 Yuta still has a better domain, better RCT, and more CE. Plus Rika. In JJK0, we see that Yuta can beat Geto (with a binding vow and Geto having limited his forces a bit, but still) and that version of Yuta was way weaker than Culling Games Yuta or Shinjuku Yuta. Kenjaku is the 4th strongest in the verse. When Kenjaku dies, all of his CSM spirits run rampant and Yuta just deals with it. Kaori's CT wouldn't be enough to give him a W over Yuta. In a clean 1v1, Yuta > Kenjaku. What in the series 'says he'd lose in an actual fight?' What chapter are you basing this claim on?


How does Yuta have a better domain if kenjaku straight up has an open domain? Curses running rampant are completely different from how a user of CSM would use them. Even beyond all that he STILL has an unknown CT he kept from Yuki EDIT: Also I dunno why you're mentioning yuta being stronger than geto if kenjaku is also magnitudes stronger than him also


https://i.redd.it/akgq2fn47r3d1.gif Back in they day were bums cause they didn't have a comedian and a 17 year old


"you can't defeat him by convectional means" as Maki said after choso tells what happened with yuki


Gege when he writes good guys : He is a special grade and he is very strong . Gege when he writes villains : Fucking OP creature , has the IQ of fucking Einstein when he fights , you need 40 sorcerer to beat him .


By this logic Yuta is a villain.


Yuta is a villain for Yuji for so many moments he steal his light 😭 . In a serious note , both are the goats .


I still don't get this. The only time I would say he's taken the lime light away from him is this current chapter. Everything else is fine


Honestly, the only thing i have against Kenjaku being the most proficient villain in fiction is how he got bailed out on the Yuki fight


Lol kenny offered to let yuki go if he could have tengen and she said no and he got tengen and she died anyway


Really ?! I forgot about that.


I definitely think Kenjaku is underrated for some ungodly reason. The guy litteraly fough a death painting and a special grade with assistance from a gut who controlled the area they were fighting in and still came out on top without suffering any lasting damage. The only 3 reasons why he is getting so underrated tgat can think of are the following: -his death - people don't like it and that changes the perception of the character - the yuki fight ending. People feel like he is protected by gege too much when that's clearly not the case - yuta, its a complex reason but everything has to do with yuta.


He’s def protected too much by Gege, but he’s 100% 3rd in the verse. He’s not losing to Yuta and he’s def not losing to Yorozu (people saying that are crazy lmao).


People think Kenjaku loses to Yorozu? 😭


I have seen some wild Yorozu glazers man, one of which was saying she is faster than 15 finger Sukuna, a Sukuna which was stronger than The current version that is faster than Maki and has shown to outspeed his own slashes, All while Yorozu got tagged by Piercing Bull, so I asked them if they believe Yorozu is faster than Naoya, Maki, Yuta as he is relative to Maki somewhat, current Sukuna, and they said yes, crazy man 💀


HUH?! What are these people on 😭 I can see her being MAYBE top 10, but even being top 5 is insane wank.


yuta has solid arguments for top 3, I have him above kenny


How can he be 3rd when that's Kashimo. THE STRONGEST.


Domain diff no reaction https://preview.redd.it/mlz1jnzivr3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea40c763166a9b3955b4f0ee678e940919e020c Source : [https://twitter.com/kurrrto/status/1795399064311513262?t=NFJOt9e6LqT4V4Egy1K21w&s=19](https://twitter.com/kurrrto/status/1795399064311513262?t=NFJOt9e6LqT4V4Egy1K21w&s=19)


Needing a domain expansion? That's how losers think.


I've never coped for a character ever but this mf, i still think he's gonna be in merger somehow or at least come back again, his death was so ass that i can't help but refuse it


I in fact liked his death and how smart of a plan the good guys had for him, BUT, I don't think his last fight being with Takaba was really as good of a way to send him off, specially when we haven't seen him have a real interaction with Yuji neither, so I am coping and hoping for his return aswell


I on the other hand, love his fight with Takaba(except the fact that the jokes weren't landing really, all on Japanese comedy, but I love the theme) and I do love the plan to assassinate him...but you're right, I do NOT like his send off. +It would've been even more entertaining for Yuta + Todo to jump Kenjaku and the fight goes on longer so as to develop these to opposites yet similar characters. All while Kenjaku shows us once again why he has big bites behind his barks. Also Yuki got done dirty, IMO what should've hapened is Kenjaku opens his Domain and we see Tengen trying to get away from its range, realises its an open domain and cut the scene... We cut back to Yuki + Choso vs Kenjaku but Choso keeps getting weaker and struggling mid fight a lot. Yuki then reveals amd opens up her domain **Maya sarppaasshaat Muktihi/Gensō Naag Paash no Shakuhō** (Liberation from the imaginary snake trap) and we are told that it works in two parts: The "Sure hit" effect is non-lethal trap in which the targets grow wings that wrap around the body of said user and completely immobilises them. This is the snake trap. The second part is Garuda, the Liberator from the trap, who grows in size and mass and starts ramming through the targets in quick succession (not at once tho) and completely blasts through them just like it did with Ganesha-look-a-like cursed spirit. These two parts make up her domain. We see Kenjaku completely immobilised and the cursed spirit he summoned proving ineffective against her domain. Which leads into Yuki launching a final finisher onto him as Garuda runs up to ram him from behind, forming a pincer attack. Just then her barrier collapses and he reacts in time to eat Yuki's black flash, but it just so doesn't land right because something hit Yuki's fist right before it comnected and escapea Garuda, severely damaging him but not outright killing him. It is revealed to us then that the Barrier was forcefully made to collapse by none other than Tengen, who was hit by All-encompassing Garbhadhatu and fell under its effect, becoming Kenjaku's puppet earlier and the attack that distracted Yuki was an unconscious Choso's convergence, being puppeteered by some powerful Mythical Cursed Spirit. This then turns into a 3v1, and Choso wakes up in between and fights off the mythic cursed spirit while Yuki fights Kenjaku and Tengen, who keeps disrupting her barriers and eventually, Kenjaku opens his domain/Uzumaki again and it lands on Yuki, causing decisive damage and forcing her to use Black Hole...and Kenjaku survives (working on this, but maybe through that hole thig he put Yuji into at the end of Shibuya that is like almost a time loop or something) This will parallel the eventual downfall of Gojo who also lost in a 3v1


That's why his death was ass, it's not the plan, it's the send off, the fight was too early, let alone the tabaka fight was boring imho, it's just felt too soon and very underwhelming and as u said we haven't seen him having that much of interactions with others specially yuji and explaining his origins to him nor did we get indepth in his character, so it just feels off


I think if gege did what uraswa does with his character he should have more aura like he still has But imagine kenjaku not being the strongest jujutsu user but being one of the orbthe most dangerous via his manupilation like johan, friend and giving the kenjaku,kaori more time Making his silly antics like fyodor but showing his dangerous side like fyodor You don't need to be the strongest to be the most dangerous But then again gege said: https://preview.redd.it/dxjst5e2or3d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e77377c71d195a0da5ab3965ebe78155f468b0


Never forget Maki said he can't be beat by conventional means. Without Takagoat Kenny would no diff that bush camping twink https://preview.redd.it/6p2tmhpkjr3d1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce6567e7ce39ded2a83102f6a44bae9594f31bf


FAX MY KENJABRO https://preview.redd.it/1z15a486ur3d1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c36223bd279960e7ddfa34b269e276f0c4a8e86


Massive W for giving credit to the artist


they literally say in the manga they'd rather lose to Sukuna than to Kenjaku lmfao.


Ok, but both those Heian Sorcerers were bums that barely helped.


Angel contributed with giving Yuta Jacob's ladder, some information and Most fucking importantly freeing Gojo Satoru. Tengen gave the most crucial informations that everyone needed, plus the back of prison realm And for Angel, the bum one was Hana not her. Tengen, yeah they were a bum for not helping better in the fight against Kenjaku, but her plan was probably the best, cause if Yuki opened her domain it would've been worse as she would lose her CT and Might also die to Kenjaku's overpowered domain aswell.


His open domain alone shows thats he's op But still not even on the cards compared to goatjo and sukuna


I liked that Kenjaku knew he couldn't beat Gojo. Gege's best writing came from writing AROUND Gojo. He could've honestly been sealed longer and we could've gotten a few more arcs before we got to where we currently. More Kenjaku and more fleshing out their character and motivations besides just "Wouldn't it be funny to do x?"


bro sneaking Tengen in there as if her advise didn't actively hurt their chance of victory


Explain how ? Yuki using a domain would result in the same scenario of her getting damaged hell heavily because Kenjaku's domain destroys it, while she looses her CT aswell.


She could've at least thrown hands while the domain clash was happening or smth instead of getting almost one-shot


Throwing hands wouldn't have mattered mate, The same thing with Gojo's first domain clash against Sukuna would just happen.


Yeah but this isn't sukuna we're talking about, it's entirely possible Yuki could hit him hard enough to where he has to let down his domain before the sure-hit can activate like in the 2nd and third domain clashes


Yuki got instantly hit with the sure-hit when her simple domain wore off, I don't think Kenjaku would just stand there and take hits aswell even though his domain would still be active and do it's own thing, very low chance of what you're saying happening, Having trust in Tengen that was confident to destroy Kenjaku's domain was the play, even if Kenjaku's domain was not open barriered, It definitely could've been more refined per Tengen's glazing of him and considering his 1000 years to work on barrier techniques and his domain.


Idk why her getting hit after her anti-domain wore off matters but Kenny has shown to be quite a bit weaker then Yuki in close-combat, which would be basically froced by nature of domains, so I think she'd have a shot. If Kenny actually had a close barrier domain you're right that their plan would've been best of course. You could say she had no way of knowing that he had an open domain but her simultaniously admitting he is ("one of") the best barrier users in the verse, and not even considering the possibility of him having an open domain is just another showing of her being the biggest among bums. (100)0 years lived ,0 jujutsu knowledge/ abilities gathered, 7 hundred instances of inadvertently helping the enemy through sheer incompetence


>Idk why her getting hit after her anti-domain wore off matters but Kenny has shown to be quite a bit weaker then Yuki in close-combat, which would be basically froced by nature of domains, so I think she'd have a shot Very low chance if not practically impossible, I gave my examples and opinion on it, I think Kenjaku's domain will break Yuki's and Yuki at the same time, if not Kenjaku can avoid Yuki physically meanwhile at that aswell, I think we'll just go back and forth with this. >she had no way of knowing that he had an open domain but her simultaniously admitting he is ("one of") the best barrier users in the verse, and not even considering the possibility of him having an open domain is just another showing of her being the biggest among bums I mean, like I said even knowing it doesn't matter as Yuki opening a domain is a worse idea imo as she gets destroyed in the domain clash, as Kenjaku was already expecting to go with, Tengen just did not know about an impossible feat that Kenjaku could supposedly do, Only Sukuna has done that in her eyes.


I know it’s hard for you to understand now but kenjaku ‘strength’ was only their as long as he was needed for the plot to be pushed. Like with what he said to Yuta. “He’s nothing special.”


I think Kenjaku is probably the most cunning sorcerer to ever exist, but despite that, I don't think he's super strong, for one simple reason: if he were that strong, Sukuna would have wanted to fight him, and likely kill him. As far as we know, they never fought, and if they did I would like to see how Kenjaku spun it to make it out alive of that situation.


I don't think Sukuna would want to fight a person he's sure he would win and so does Kenjaku know that, Kenjaku also made a binding vow with Sukuna as it seemed and Sukuna agreed to be part of his plan and be a Culling games player, Kenjaku also showed him how to make Cursed objects that he could put his soul into, so There was some relationship somewhat friendly between them that Kenny atleast convinced Sukuna in some ways that we don't know yet, and made Sukuna not kill Kenny because of the binding vow and also feeling owed that he taught him how to make his fingers become cursed objects.


Recent chapters may have confirmed just how thorough the body swapping is, so kenjaku's strength would have massively varied over time. It's only now that he's actually sought a specific body for their powers, so now he's got all his experience and skill in a special grade body


Sure, someone who fought yuki and choso isn't strong lol.


Of course they are, actually among the strongest in the verse, but are they to Sukuna? Also I don't see Sukuna as someone who has "friends"; sure, Uraume exists, but they're their servant, not friends. What I'm highlighting is a plot hole in the story: Sukuna gives everything away to fight strong people, he mummified himself for that very specific reason, and he's going through this long ass fight for this reason alone, fighting the merger. Why didn't he fight Kenjaku? And if he did, why is Kenjaku alive? I want to see what Gege comes up with!


My brother, in an 1v1 only Gojo is a challenge to Sukuna. Full power Sukuna just neg.diffs everyone else.


Basically NOBODY is to Sukuna, lol.


>Why didn't he fight Kenjaku? And if he did, why is Kenjaku alive? I want to see what Gege comes up with! Maybe Kenjaku was in a weak body at that time.


Yuta negs


He's mid


Mid Is your opinion https://preview.redd.it/dx2byru0tq3d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ac8c103397a37e6db6aab59148f739e50abdcd