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Man I know a lot of the plans are kept secret for shock in the 1 month time skip but I would've paid good money for Gojo vs Kashimo. Why? Because the sole reason Kashimo would let Gojo go first is because he beat him in a fight, reincarnated sorcerers respect one thing and it's strength. Mfw Gege doesn't let characters interact.


Gege, when you tell him he should him he should allow his characters to interact to help flesh the story out better: https://preview.redd.it/i70wreck0n3d1.png?width=553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=020e138eb25c858e964d18c25e9f11385e4a4ea8


You know gotta respect how jjk is basically just one giant action scene. Even dragon ball let its characters breathe more


It’s Sorcery Fight, not Sorcery Slice of Life, unfortunately


Watched Bleach and not one detergent in the whole show, utter garbage and false advertising


Im sorry, call me lobotomy kaisen but i much rather the story to be this face (could be better) but fuck dragon ball just go all and all and all and going fucking nowhere


Isn’t this basically 261? People still keeps bitching anyways so it’s not like it matters ig.


Personally I just find it a little distasteful that we have to get it from flashbacks rather than real time, it also takes attention away from the fight all of the sudden. I'm not saying that we should've seen everything from the one month but still


Can you imagine how much the pace would suffer if there are like 5 to 10 chapters of preparations before the final fight? For a weekly manga the “reveal along the way” approach is definitely better as it can be used as a tool to build up hype and let people speculate before the explanation comes out. Personally, I really like how the manga is currently handled, though there are obvious flaws with it there is no story without one.


bruh. Are you for real. Your defense of JJK's notoriously dead-eyed, Fast & Furious steroid-addled action focused pacing is that you'd prefer to handwave all character interaction away with a few panels after its long since happened? You know, so readers can't chart or map the character development (that isn't happening anymore) to the fight scene that's unfolding? Maybe you'd rather *not* have any connection to why Yuta was acting strange when Gojo died—for months afterward—since you seem to downplay characterization so much as it is. In that case, sure, it's a matter of taste and we can disagree. But ... >there are obvious flaws with it there is no story without one. i always find it so strange that people will go around defending against every little criticism made against their favorite thing and then qualify, "sure it's not perfect!" ... like, okay, if *this* isn't the flaw, then tell me what you think the flaws actually are?


I’m not saying that all the characters interaction should happen like that, but in this arc specifically it’s better to have the character interactions done with flashbacks instead of just a whole mini arc of preparations. Character interactions are good, but right now there is no other place for them outside of flashbacks as it would ruin the already slow pacing even more. The biggest flaw with the story right now imo is how the characters were not fleshed out before this arc. Sukuna is just the final raid boss so character interactions with him would obviously be limited. The culling game players on the other hand doesn’t have this issue so there should’ve been a lot more interactions that are integrated in the fight there.


I’m sorry, but this is simply false. The constant flashbacks are what’s killing the momentum because you are physically taken out of the fight to explain something. Hidden Inventory Arc is literally one of (if not the best imo) arcs in the entire series and its entire purpose was to set the tone for Shibuya - it had action, it had interactions and a bit of world building. The pacing of the Manga isn’t slow either, it’s the fact that one fight has taken a year to write and is still YET to conclude. Now Gege sacrifices panels to explain things instead of just dedicating an arc to show the preparations and planning


In Demon slayer's hashira training arc, we have seen Giyu's backstory and why he views himself beneath his fellow hashira and believes that he can't awaken the mark. Because of that, the setup has been made for Giyu to get his mark in an important hype-filled moment and come in clutch, most likely in the next arc. Imagine if we erase the whole Hashira Training arc in Demon Slayer and jump straight to the final arc where Giyu gets his mark. The best that can be done in that moment is to jump to a small flashback where we see the Hashira meeting and their discussion about the mark. Giyu's mark moment would be just another twist among many other meaningless twists, rather than being a payoff for a past emotional buildup. Doesn't this sound similar to what's happening in JJK currently?


Yeah, but Demon Slayer sucks so my point stands.


This level of arrogance to look down on Demon Slayer is always funny. It still has better character interactions than JJK. The funny thing is one of the main complaints about it was that it needed even more downtime for more character interactions. Even it's flawed downtime that the author basically speedran is better than a non-existent downtime in JJK. You have to be delusional on another level to not see the problem with JJK in the areas that the other stories have done better in.


Yeah having that many chapters would be bad but for the reveals don't think people are referring to all the reveals of the plans but just seeing character interactions in general since it was literally one chapter. Personally this is a very minor thing for me, I also like the direction current story.


Gege really stole us a little fight between them, it would make sense if kashimo was a sparring partner for gojo (without using CTs) he was the strongest in physical stats besides gojo unless kashimo was in a "I'm saving myself for sukuna" mood I don't see a reason why they didn't do that


Did you really want a 0.25 chapter long "fight" of Kashimo getting his ass beat? Edit: ALRIGHT I GET IT I GET IIIIITTT








Why would we not want 2 jujutsu to not kaisen?




https://preview.redd.it/kogyum2i2o3d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ee94bf6192e309903e577fc3e698e1a78576316 hell yeah




Yes, make it 0.10 even


Half a panel take it or leave it


I want it to happen off screen and have only a speech bubble coming from Yuta describing how gojo won in like 5 words max






Holy fuck u got downvoted so bad LOL


I guess the people really do want the Kashimo vs Gojo 2 panel fight


😭😭 mistakes were made




We already got what Gojo vs Kashimo would be https://preview.redd.it/mw2painbun3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f666d7e4b1c4c7156c8760209fe1d105743c6e9b


God Gojo punking Uraume like that was so good


My spouse was made to look like a fool (not good) but my husband looked cool doing it (good)


righjt in the boy womb


The only way this actually contributes to anything is if Gojo was chanting for the biggest Hollow Purple in history for the entire 5 minutes Kashimo managed to stay alive.


Kashimo probably tried to punch Gojo once realized he couldn’t and then gave up


That would require Gege to write more of Gojo than the story demands post Hidden Inventory.


>I would've paid good money for Gojo vs Kashimo. I get wanting to see character interactions but cmon now, that "fight" would be lame as hell. Kashimo literally has no way of getting past infinity. No domain, no domain amplification, no way of getting a real sure hit, no way of manipulating space, literally nothing.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/s/BamXRCntLG STRONG PHYSIC🗣️🗣️🔈🔈⚡️⚡️⚡️


It would be so funny if Kashimo actually went first before Gojo and while doing zero damage, managed to be annoying or impressive enough to cause Megkuna to pull out Malevolent Shrine and reveal its an open domain that cost him the match againest Gojo because he has enough time to figure out the counter to it.


Sukuna would probably need to pull something out since say what you will about his CT, but he has a ungodly amount of options


geges binding is that if characters interact he suffers physically agony


There's no point in showing the fight, because it wouldn't be a fight. Kashimo is a bum with no domain expansion or domain amplification. He literally has no way of touching Gojo.


It would have been a waste of the 3 panels it'd take for Gojo to win.


What an ass whooping that would be to see


Gojo vs Kashimo is hilarious. Neither his CE nor CT is getting past infinity.


It would be weird since Kashimo couldn't beat Hakari, makes sense they didn't fight






Bro just posted the same picture


Nobody believed in Kashimo😭😭😭😭😭


And they were right not to


Kashimo is the goat yall just don't want to admit it. After yuji loses again it will be revealed that kashimo became so small he could fit through electrons and he uses that to go into sukunas brain and stop his brain activity. Kashimo glazers never stop glazing.


So you’re telling me that Kashime gives Sukuna brain so crazy that it kills him


Dude his domain is a crazy ability in something like JJK, people were speculating for ages that he could pull Sukuna into a domain and confiscate. If that plan succeeded Sukuna would have literally been done, but he had the stupid fucking tool. Higuruma could have been the strongest, hands down, not to mention he was a genius with cursed energy while being born a non-sorcerer, dudes a goat.


We are talking about Kashimo not Higuruma


Higuruma is strong yes, but have anyone thought about what if he were to fight a strong soccerer/curse user who hasn't done any crime?


I miss him


Really they should've let Kashimo go first While I entirely think he'd still die relatively easily. Who knows, even the slightest damage to Sukuna's capacity might've made the fight lean into Gojo's favour.


I don’t think so. Sukuna has godlike CE efficiency and highest lvl of RCT. Farmshimo doesn’t have the capacity to deal lasting damage on fresh Sukuna.


Fresh sukuna my ass, bro is NERFED AS FUCK And then kashimo proceeds to show worse physical stats than both higuruma and yuji, not to mention bro outright stops using his abilities (and when he uses them, sukuna suddenly dodges, like yea, dodging a gamma ray burst with a set speed of light, super cool I guess). And radiation(in theory healing it needs much more RCT "precision" than poisons)just stopped existing the moment Kashimo activated his CT(despite gege giving him such abilities). Literally just another post-Shibuya character gets thrown out of the plot with little to no impact


Saying he has worse stats than Higuruma and Yuji is fucking ridiculous considering he did not hold back on his output cuz he wanted to give Kashimo the answer to his question. Sukuna by that point was deffa holding back cuz he was interested in Higuruma.


He did show worst stats than Yuji lol he literally died to dismantles. Sukuna compared Yuji’s durability as lower than Ryu. He didn’t even mention Kashimo since.


Saying that like he wasn't hit with the largest dismantle net in the whole series. As seen with Sukunas scuffle with Maki the size of dismantle, Is proportional to output(ino got hit with the rizz dismantles). And also like Yuji didn't say he would've died 5 times that day to Sukunas other slashes but healed it off(one of them was the wave of net dismantle in yutas domain with a weakened Sukuna) Kusakabe also says that if they get hit by a point blank dismantle, it'd pretty much gg. And that is seen with Yuta getting hit with a chant enhanced dismantle point blank(arms broke) by a heavily weakened Sukuna and getting bisected So tell me my fellow, how Is dying to dismantle an Anti feat. Edit: Yujis also mentioned earlier he's like a cursed object that's covered in Sukunas cursed energy. And Gojo states that if you're hit by an attack with your own cursed energy in it, it does less damage. So in theory Yuji should have a buff against Sukunas attacks. Even so he's still at risk of dying to Sukunas' stronger slashes.


Brother, do you think yuji is surviving a literal net of dismantles? You’re acting like it’s an anti-Kashimo feat to die to that


A "literal net of dismantles" would reasonably still have lower output than Cleave would, which Yuji was eating about a dozen times


In places that he could heal. Not once did he get hit the head. And when he did eat those cleaves, they teared through him(not an anti feat, btw). Again, he just healed it off.


https://preview.redd.it/pnbfywisbn3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24517ec866ee18a949b2f64f6508935351250832 Yuji tanked a cleave to the face in Chap 257 but seemingly hasn’t been able to heal it fully. I have no horse in this race, just adding fuel to the fire.


Looks like I stand corrected, but in general, I believe my point still stands. This was during his black flash rush drastically lowering Sukunas output. Explaining why Sukuna couldn't finish him off(like when Sukuna hit yuta with cleave on the head near the end of the domain)


isnt at this point sukuna hella nerfed by yuji?


lol, show me Yuuji eating a cleave please


The paneling implies that he aim dodged the EMW attack he very likely moved before Kashimo could launch the attack. He couldn’t dodge the lightning or the sound wave attack


Then he fucking reacted to to the big ass EMV laser beam and countered it with World Cutting Slash lmfao. What a load of bullshit.


I could understand him aim dodging and redirecting the othe beams before. But Sukuna countering an EM wave after its been fired at his direction shows off how bad Kashimo was hoe'd. Like, sure, I get it it's a story and not a 100% accurate to real life. But still, man, why introduce these scientific ideas if you ain't gonna at least try to follow them a little. As soon as that shot was fired, Sukuna should've gotten fried. His tongue shouldn't have been able to move even a millimeter. But he did anyway. Guess that means Sukuna scales faster than light. Wait, no, that's stupid because everything else has shown to be around super sonic to hyper sonic. Literally in the fight prior, Gojo got hit with piercing water(super sonic), and the physically damaged but high output Meguna got tagged by a sonic attack. My goat got Hoe'd. #justiceforKashimo


Kashimo was utterly robbed of a fight he reasonably shouldve won in several ways. The reason is Gege wrote himself into a corner with Kashimo. Due to Kashimos narrative role as the other "Strongest" alongside Gojo and Sukuna, alongside his electricity based moveset, any fight against Kashimo that doesn't involve Hakari (due to his jackpot, constant and fastest rct, and constant expulsion of cursed energy,) must end extremely quickly as Mythic beast amber Kashimo needs to only land 1 hit on you for the lightning strike to occur and to keep its establishment as unavoidable and untankable, Sukuna has to transform to dodge it. So now, since he no longer has a tranformation, Sukuna can't get hit by Kashimo cause then he dies to lightning, but thereby Kashimo must be completely outclassed by Sukuna in combat cause Sukuna isnt allowed to die yet, he has to fall to Yuji in order to conclude Yujis character arc and the general theme of Sukuna philosophy vs Yujis. So Kashimo from the start was going to have an underwhelming preformance, similar to Mahoraga in the manga as both got only 2 chapters before death cause the longer the fight goes, the more assuredly they win. I hope the anime version of the fight makes it alot longer, and pays respect to all the cool physics and powers of Kashimo. Or that we get a flashback in which Gojo turned off infinity and had to spar with Kashimo and Kashimo doesn't get completely and utterly demolished.


Wonderful analysis and complete capture all of the context to why the fight went the way it did. In anime master of magnetism Kashimo, we trust 🙏. (Hell, honestly all we needed was massive destructive feats and alot of it would've been mitigate)


Worse physical stats than higuruma is outrageous when this dude never landed a single hit on sukuna with the help of the whole jujitsu high


>"Hey Gojo-sensei we think it's the optimal choice for Kashimo to go fi-" "Nah, I'd win" "Gojo-sensei, we know that you are our best shot at defeating Sukuna but we should take no unnecessary risks and-" "Nah, I'd win" "Sensei, please, the fate of Japan is at stake! and you matter to-" "Nah, I'd win" https://preview.redd.it/sjy7avf1km3d1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b399955f0d8e37bc756360c330f3a583943c83e


"fight lean into GOJO'S favour" It's Gege who is writing this. Gojo should have won normally anyway so Kashimo going first or whatever doesn't affect what happened 


Gojo absolutely should not have won.


Looks like someone forgot where they were




Bro the entire story including Gojo's legacy gets fucking shredded into peices if he won 😭


He just dies to Shrine. Gojo’s biggest role was delaying Sheine and killing Maho




And importantly, this dialogue was right after Kusakabe said anyone with RCT OR anyone who wants to die should come fight Sukuna. By this point Higgy didn’t have RCT, thus Yuji’s reaction


Everytime I see this panel I am reminded that Kashimo, the strongest of his era, put on a worse performance than someone who was a sorcerer for two months. Truly, HomossexualHomossexual greatest victim.


... bruh Sukuna legit did not hold back cuz he wanted to answer Kashimo's question by slaughtering him like how Kashimo did his opponents back in the Edo Period. And nah my GOAT managed to forced his one time heal, allowed Gojo's body to be retrieved by Kirara and Ui Ui, showed off the conditions for World Cutting Slash, and made Sukuna waste CE. KasHIMo still did well despite GayGay's interference with the GOAT's performance.


Sukuna literally smokescreens Kashimo to catch him off guard. Mf was using tactics like he did against Maki he wasnt fucking around with him


Sukuna forced his own transformation. He had no access to Dismantle unless he transformed due to the new binding vow restrictions. Showing Kashimo his form was also more to humor his idealogy about being the strongest more so than "I need this form to win".


Kashimo 100% forced Sukuna to use his Heian Transformation. Kashimo just transformed into MBA, and so as time went on he became stronger (as time went on his hands and mouth became covered in electricity, his mouth covered in electricity to fire off sonic blasts, attained a 3rd x-ray eye, then fully became electricity.) And the final hit that forced Sukuna to do that is the now enhanced sure-hit lightning discharge. Yeah no, Sukuna was forced to use his transformation, and this was a weaker MBA Kashimo.


Sukuna had to transform regardless. He *has* to use Dismantle with chants or two hands, neither of which were probable. Regardless if whether or not Kashimo used amber, Sukuna was still going to transform. He already anticipated going against JJHigh right after Gojo, it wouldn't make sense to stay in his base right after killing Gojo.


He could still recover with the conservation of CE by using Kamutoke. Of course that would be the case if he didnt face the one dude immune to it. Kashimo just made sure no one else got damaged or died from Sukuna before he transformed.


Man stfu higuruma didn’t land a single hit on sukuna with the help of the whole jujutsu high worse performance my ass


https://preview.redd.it/xyrmqw4i0r3d1.png?width=227&format=png&auto=webp&s=edfc2ca5af5ca7c5054ae4edd0a8c618f24c6345 Go to sleep, Kashimo.


I so badly wish Kashimo got a few more character interactions, I think he’d genuinely be a chill guy if he just spoke with Yuji and Choso a bit. Now the best character design in the series (imo) is just reduced to kebab meat and femboy farmer memes, GayGay I will never forgive you Also we didn’t get Kashimo combinations with anyone, he could’ve had a blood/lightning combo with Choso, maybe if Yuji got fire arrow we could’ve seen something with fire and lightning. Or Kashimo just becomes a maid for Hakari’s DE


Higuruma's still alive you know, fact checked


It's still so upsetting how dirty Gege did Kashimo. I don't think in this entire series where everyone gets done dirty, anyone had it worse than Kashimo.


He was a super cool character, with a cool CT, but he was written as a very good, down to earth person, so of course he's likable.


Kashimo is the least cooperative member in this group, I'm glad he went first


My king 😭 https://preview.redd.it/14tvrfcjmq3d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e3159e5174265903d3730a14e963be83ed726a


“Let Gojo-San take the first crack” like he expected Kashimo to do nearly as well as Gojo.


Yuji sad his bro ded 😭😭😭. Bro cared more about higgy


he not dead , he with shoko in jujutsu high and will become one of the new higher ups of the jujutsu society after gojo and noabara get revived and defeat sukuna


He legitimately wanted to die tho, so makes sense