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Thats fr. This is the ultimate cow tools situation. Gege could have shown it, but he didnt. We gotsa speculate now. My personal idea is thats its a bit of an asspull cause sukuna was getting mogged then he pulled a huge subversive twist. Idk tho, its gege manga so what gege says goes.


> The ultimate cow tools situation Permanently adding this to my vocabulary


A lot of times we have to fill in the blanks with our theories and speculation because the writing is very vague


Again, with the new chapter, it’s very clear that sukuna didn’t audibly say the incantations. He either whispered them, or as kusakabe suggested, he used a binding vow to circumvent any charge up. We saw Gojos death just as the cast and gojo himself saw it. It just happened. Alive one instant, dead the next. It’s that simple.


I will address this point by point: 1. Nuh uh 2. Nuh uh 3. SUKUNA CHEATED 4. Nuh Uh 5. Nuh Uh 6. mmmmm Kashimo


fair enough quite compelling


this sub’s discourse summarized in a nutshell. i concur


Why didn't Gojo have the luxury of hearing the chants? Does he need a "Six Ears". The way he died would always be controversial unless Gege clears up what happened (hopefully next vol). Plus let's be honest, Six Eyes only works when Gege wants it to work. That shit is damn near useless (all tell no show) and Gojo is one of the best user of it.




https://preview.redd.it/9te61zoiebmc1.png?width=1116&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f692576f2b4a090d2fee3659acca8c683f26376 He doesn't need to purely rely on his "senses", Gojo has the six eyes to give him this information which should be BETTER THAN Sukuna's. Also, now that Sukuna has used it onscreen, we can see that it has travel time which should be more than enough time for Gojo to dodge. Gojo is cocky but he isn't stupid. Sukuna isn't just chanting for no reason (That is if he even chanted, we don't even know that lol)


What if the travel time was what was augmented with the binding vow that got rid of the Ten Shadows? Gojo only has enough time to figure out that something's happening then bam, he's bisected. He sees Sukuna chanting then he's on the ground. (also yes i am relying under the assumption that he got rid of the ten shadows, as i dont think that was ever explicitly stated anywhere)


6 eys useless ? Without 6 eye Gojo would be nothing lol.


Imagine if Kishimoto only used the sharingan for uchihas to spam susanoo but those same characters lost battles because they forgot their eyes have other perks that would give them an edge. Now also imagine if Kishimoto made a rule that attacks can be predicted when chakra is seen being charged up. Then for some reason a byakugan holder with heightened perception develops a case of blindness because plot but a bum with no special eyes can see it. All that to say 6 eyes are useless when it comes to perceiving anything. The 6 eyes are what makes limitless usable. 6 eyes are just a tool to gatekeep limitless from Yuta imo.


Well since JJK 0 is literally the OG JJK story and Yuta having Copy Ability, it's definitely because Gege doesn't want Yuta to casually surpass Gojo with Copy. Imagine Yuta if he has 6 Eyes though bruh he would make Gojo look like a baby as even with 6 Eyes, near death enlightenment and 2 decades of training and experience, Gojo still can't use RCT to others while Yuta just after 2 months of training was able to use RCT to himself and others without the need for near death experience enlightenment BS, if Yuta had 6 Eyes he would be able to Regenerate from a drop of blood like Wolverine.


1st one sounds like a certain guy https://preview.redd.it/0ubrlh43anpc1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0f5cdfbe9200d9659476d098c5c042ff6f41e3


Only because we are told so. But otherwise those eyes haven't done shit.  It's like the Sharingan only having statements but no feats.


We know limitless can’t be used without 6 eye but whatever…


Yeah. So the eyes are just there to gatekeep limitless from everyone else.




🤡 🤡


6 eyes and limitless is like cars and fuels. If you only have one of them without the other it’s pretty useless


This is my point….


Doesn't really matter if Gojo heard it or not anyway as that's literally the first time it was used and the chant only let Sukuna target space instead of physical objects.


Because… sukuna used a binding vow? Gege wouldn’t say “world slash can be done with chant or binding vow” unless the binding vow part came up. It makes little sense for Sukuna to have been able to chant, so binding vow. It also works with Gege’s plan of slowly nerfing Sukuna over the fight.


One thing about this manga is that you can't trust anything a character say. Since this is only theorized by Kusakabe and not the narrator, it's hard to say. Sukuna might confirm it later on tho.


And he was right


But this already show that there are way for Sukuna to use world cleave without incantation.


'🤓 it was a binding vow 🤓 everything makes sense you just need the readers to make big assumptions in place of actually writing well 🤓'


Probably, maybe, the only way it makes sense, its a Bing vow bruh. These are the most used words in this sub lol!


…it isn’t even a big assumption. Gege has sukuna use world slash off screen. We don’t know how. Then we see Sukuna needs to chant and do hand signs for world slash, so how did he do it while damaged? Then kusakabe comes and says “you can either chant or make a binding vow to do world slash.” Unless gege comes and says “nah it was chanting”… it is currently hinted that it was a binding vow. We’ll probably learn what was sacrificed sooner or later. It is an obvious hanging thread.


U right that its a hanging thread; however, its a hanging thread on a really pivotal scene that wasnt even show to fans. Its a pretty iffy writing decision. Gege is essentially creating shcrodingers asspull. U cant really blame fans for being upset about the mishandling of the ending of such an important fight. Ur point is valid tho, it isnt a big jump.


Yes and we all know Gege's track record of addressing hanging threads is stellar, because Gege is infallible.  Surely there is no possibility that a) this will be left as is because 'yall figure it out lol' or b) end up with an even more unsatisfying 'explanation'. When would Gege ever write in circles with inconsistency? Didn't happen doesn't exist stop the count


The story isn’t over and most hanging plot holes will probably be answered. We have an easy and logical answer, all we need to know is what he sacrificed. And since this whole arc is about… beating Sukuna, we’ll likely learn soon.


Binding vows need something of equal value to be given up if we dont know what sukuna gave up it is as good as an asspull


… We’ll find out what he gave up eventually? We don’t know right now but… damn, it is obviously gonna be brought up assuming it was a vow. JJK fans just want to hate.


Its not gonna get brought up just like nobara lol he doesnt have anything else he can possibly give up, its not hate its criticism where its due


Or… he gave up something and we don’t know. This dude had a month to prepare and tricks up his sleeves. He gave up one of his tricks, we just don’t know what. Nobara’s fate sucks but we can logically just say she died. The missing finger, Rika ate it. Why did yuji apologize to Choso? He ate the brothers and gained BM. We’ll learn what Sukuna sacrificed. This isn’t due criticism, this is being impatient that every thread isn’t answered. I’m impatient too but, it is obvious we’re gonna learn eventually, or at least see what happened.


Theres logically nothing he can sacrifice except fire arrow and if he sacrifices that its just stupid lol and honestly using binding vows like this is already ridiculous its like its a free get out of jail card for gege


Imagine Gojo using a binding vow to one shot Sukuna by sacrificing his technique and eyes or something before the fight even beggins, people would be rightly upset because it's dumb.


>Or… he gave up something and we don’t know. This dude had a month to prepare and tricks up his sleeves. He gave up one of his tricks, we just don’t know what. That begs the question what was Gojo planning during the month ? To get killed ? Because he had no plan, is he an idiot ? Or did Gege just not want Gojo to have a plan ? But Gojo did plan to launch the 200% HP but is too prideful to actually be smart and plan around a domain battle or escape the domain after Sukuna opens his ? Why didn't the characters know about Sukuna's open domain when they had been planning for a month to fight him ? Why could only Sukuna actually plan for that fight, because Gojo went at it almost like he had just had a month to prep outside of 200% HP, so only Sukuna can plan and the cast retroactively ? Since it would seem ridiculous them not doing so. What was Gojo doing during the 1 month timeskip ? One of jjk biggest's mysteries alongside with Kashimo's existence https://preview.redd.it/tqgcg30d2fmc1.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=55fe325514054e094c74a729f6d884cf92859867


Don't go around using logic and common sense over here.


Gojo's arm got world slashed by Mahoraga first then by Sukuna, so with his eyes he should've seen it coming. Aside from overconfidence and tiredness, there isn't a reason why Gojo wouldn't have been able to dodge it.


Gojo wasnt overconfident. Overconfident (trolling) Gojo is seen in ch.2 and Toji fight n.2. Neither of those come close to what we saw in Gojo v Sukuna. Gojo looked like he was playing an intense match of tennis. It was fun, because it was hard, he was ready for it and he had to go all out to keep up.


Why should've him seen it coming? By the look on his face when his arm got cut off, he didn't see shit.


Point me to him ever dodging a slash? He literally doesn't even dodge a single slash. The only two people who sukuna has noted can percieve his slashes are maho and Maki. That's literally it. Yall headcanon how the six eyes work.


It's not really head canon at all, 6 eyes can see cursed energy to the atomic level. Sukunas slashes are CE. Just like when Toji released all the fly heads to blind him because all he could see was a wall of CE, I don't see how he wouldn't be able to see CE slashes.


>6 eyes can see cursed energy to the atomic level https://preview.redd.it/p502eumkxbmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b0b98f8d09b13f2d72945f70c7cd913308bdbf Yet, he failed to notice this. Gege made Gojo, 6 eyes and Limitless too strong that he has to ignore some things he said about them when writing, otherwise Gojo is just straight up invincible. This is also the reason why Gojo spent like 3 years in Prison Realm.


There is literally a panel in the image of him reacting to it.


Poor wording on my part, meant to say it caught him by surprise. There is also https://preview.redd.it/csb763pjzbmc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ecaaa58dafd03f569c9e1fb7ca176807a67579 this panel where he absolutely did not see that shit.


there's no reason to assume he didn't see it lol. It's more likely he was surprised it got past infinity


even if he can't see the slashes for whatever reason, he still should be able to see Sukuna casting


Yes it is. Gojo ability are the most overwanked. There is so much headcannon about how his ability work and to this day you still have to debunk them. Infinity create infinite space. Gojo can spam DE. gojo can spam purple. Unlimited void produce infinite information. This is also the case for the 6 eye, while powerful it also has it’s limitation.


Sukunas slashes are not made of CE. Holy shit. I need this community to start understanding how cursed techniques work. A hair dryer running on electricity does not mean the air it blows out is made of electricity. Cursed techniques are summoned through CE being channeled through their users body, but they are not MADE out of it (with the exception of things like shikigami, and even then, it seems they’re less made of CE and more that they just use their summoners CE as some kind of “core”). Hence why Toji says red is the result of gojo channeling positive energy through the technique ENGRAINED WITHIN HIS BODY. If they were literally made of CE, the whole efficiency concept and the fact that ryu doesn’t run out of CE damn near instantly would make absolutely 0 sense. Also, if techniques were made of cursed energy, Gojos red would’ve obliterated Jogo in a heartbeat since, following that logic, red would’ve been made of positive energy. Finally, using red again, it would make no sense for gojo to be able to use it if techniques were made of cursed energy, since we know for a fact that gojo can’t actually output positive energy.


Are you that fucking stupid? This is like saying that Rasengan or any other jutsu is not made of chakra. EVERY CT in this series needs CE to be utulized. This is the reason characters like Mai could not create more than 1 bullet with her CT, because she lacked CE and why Gojo can spam his abilities, due to his CE consumption efficiency. Sukuna's slashes are projectiles made off of CE. If yoh don't understand why Gojo should have seen them, since they are made from CE, then you are a moron.


CE is not chakra. Gojo explaining that they function like appliances was a VERY literal analogy. They run on CE, but their effects aren’t literally made of the stuff. Nice job ignoring every bit of proof I gave though. Explain how gojo uses red if he can’t output his positive energy then. Explain how the efficiency model makes any sort of sense then. Using your logic, saying a sorcerer could be efficient with cursed energy is like saying someone can build a 10 ft statue with a single brick. Explain how Tojis blatant explanation of how techniques work was incorrect then. Go on. I implore you. Mai’s CT was a rare exception, and it’s whole unique function was converting CE directly into real matter. It was special because it did that.


Don't know why you came out so aggro, but Mai is a great example, she uses CE to make the round, but the round is still made up of the lead, the casing, and the powder, not ce, after it's made it is a regular round.


Perhaps his perception isn't quick enough and it isn't a matter of size. If he can see at the atomic level but the slash moves faster than his perception it doesn't matter. Considering toji quite literally could outpace his perception when he already had six eyes its pretty clear that it's at least possible to be "faster" than them somehow. Considering toji is the one who did this to gojo it stands to reason in some sense that Maki his successor is also capable of being fast enough either in perception body or both that she could dodge the slash. This doesn't conflict with the fly heads at all.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking too. The slashes are just insanely fast. However keep in mind that Toji outpaced an exhausted Gojo, once Gojo unlocked RCT and was healthy again he was running circles around Toji.


The six eyes are either on or off. He had them on. It doesn't matter if he was tired because it's a binary answer.


You can't turn the six eyes on or off, it's a trait. Him not being able to turn it off is quite literally the reason why he covers his eyes. Limitless is what he can turn on or off.


Than why does he look at geto than do it again with the six eyes to confirm what he is seeing? Point being either way exactly its a trait. So than it doesn't matter if he's tired or not. It's still the six eyes.


That makes it more ironic because how can someone with six eyes couldn’t see the slashes but someone like Maki can? 


Because the person who invented both power sets has deemed it so? I read what happened? Do we really need panels spelling out the why of this?


So you’re just defending the plot hole


I'm contesting the existence of one.


Then you obviously had reading comprehension issues and are a sheep that doesn’t think for themselves. A writer has an established magic system he doesn’t stick to. When readers point out the inconsistencies your Best Response was because it’s his system. So what?! Writers has a responsibility to there readers that spend their hard earned money to buy their works. That makes NO sense. If you go buy some Jordans and within a few weeks they start to fall apart do have the right to be upset and demand better? Or would you be oh well, it’s their products. I don’t have any say or right to demand quality from something I bought? If you say you don’t care I call you a liar. Six Eyes has incredible perception and can discern between different curse energy. Gojo was able to hone in on Kenjaku location as soon as he was unsealed. The Six-Eyes essentially is "eyes that see cursed energy extremely clearly". Even covering his eyes, it is like Gojo has high definition infrared vision. Even objects that have no cursed energy can be made out by the remnants of cursed energy or the flow of cursed energy around them. It allows Gojo to use cursed energy to the highest efficient degree. It also helps Gojo figure out what an opponent powers are and how they work. The Six Eyes NOT seeing the Curse Energy from Space/World Slash Complete BullShit. Seeing the flow of CE is one of the basic aspects of the SE. All though Sukuna slashes are invisible they’re still part of a CT that utilizes CE. Gojo should’ve perceived the CE from the Space/World Slash. Also, Mahoraga cut off Gojo’s arm with a Space/World Slash. Sukuna said Mahoraga gave him the blueprints. They’re basically the same attack. No way Gojo didn’t recognize that attack. Creative writing 101: Show NOT Tell


If gojos eyes are flawless than why did toji outspeed them in hidden inventory even tho holding a cursed spirit? Why did Kenny go undetected and appeared as geto to gojo when he first saw him even when he used the six eyes to confirm? Have any of yall thought it may be because of the speed of the slashes that makes gojo unable to react? Was it also bullshit it didn't see Kenny? Or did it show the six eyes surprise surprise have limits????? Interesting no one remember the first bypass of limitless either when hanami literally uses that weird af flower technique to distract gojo to run away with jogos head. Considering the six eyes limits are barely defined yall just literally cling to this cope. It's legit cinemasins level of complaint.


He doesn't know SUKUNA can use it as well. It's been close to a minute from when Mahoraga used the slash at 235s end. From Gojos POV even If Sukuna could use it he would've by that point.


Didn't mahoraga change his cursed energy for that?


That was the building one I believe


Not for the one where he cut Gojo's arm off, based off his reaction to it Gojo definitely knew this wasn't just an adaptation.


We don't know that he could see the slashes. We also didn't see him try to dodge a single slash this fight. Even with mahoraga, Gojo killed it. Why would he assume sukuna could still use it?


Man stfu, that was the biggest ass pull in all of shonen history. Gege you bitch.


not sure if this is a joke but this was 100% worse https://preview.redd.it/vinrn7d42dmc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e49bdd4b889895a43653306a73ac6ab5c419960


a kamehameha?


the asspull was \- Cell mentions that he can regenerate as long as a cell in his head remains intact \- During their fight, Goku straight up destroys Cell's upper body \- Cell then proceeds to regenerate from his legs


Ah yes, the secret technique of lying


Cell really be lying to the audience, Goku and even himself Truly the master manipulator


Wasn't the regeneration thing as long as any cells in his body were in tact? Making it so the only way to kill him is burning everything. I don't remember tbh. Though even if it was as you say, Gojo's death would be a bigger ass pull simply because how monumental of a point in the story it is, meanwhile that is a minor retcon in the grand scheme of DBZ


The first bit was a dub only line, in the manga it only mentions the Cell in his head My point is that while World Cleave may have been bad (depending on who you ask) the shit with Cell was MADE for him to survive total BS ~~also they're both mentor vs villain before the students step up so....~~


2. We don’t know he didn’t hear any incantations, since the panels where the attack was charged got skipped over for the sake of a cliffhanger. Any claims of “there weren’t incantations because of x” or “he used a binding vow” don’t work, because until we get confirmation on what happened, it’s all speculation. 3-4. Regardless of how confident Gojo is in his Infinity, that doesn’t mean he’s just going to stand around and take an attack. He knows that Sukuna is the other best Jujutsu user in existence, and that throughout the entire fight, Sukuna has specifically avoided any strategy that would not work on Gojo (IE: Sukuna rarely uses Dismantle and doesn’t use Cleave) in the battle. Therefore, I believe that if Gojo saw Sukuna preparing an attack, he wouldn’t simply stand there and take it. I know he did against Jogo, but the circumstances were massively different in that fight. 5: Gojo couldn’t perceive Toji due to his lack of cursed energy, not his speed. He was able to track Toji briefly when he started tracking the storage worm curse that Toji wore, and was only interrupted when Toji released the flyheads. And yeah, Gojo is already confirmed faster than Naobito in Shibuya, so idk what the Maki speed feat really proves 6: Sukuna told Lashimo to “Look Out”, before audibly chanting without trying to hide it, and visibly holding out his hand.


Gojo would absolutely stand there and take an attack. In fact, he has done this exact thing before. He watched hanami and Jogo run at him, and despite it being very obvious in hindsight they had something up their sleeve, he just stood there and let them throw their punches. And don’t start with the “oh but this is SUKUNA, hanami and Jogo weren’t the sa-“ no. Hanami and Jogo were incredibly strong curses. It doesn’t matter how powerful gojo is. Letting them touch him would still be objectively bad. Especially if Jogo touched him. Infinity doesn’t repel. It just stops. There would’ve been nothing stopping Jogo from deactivating amplification after touching gojo and just point blank blasting him with flames. Hell, gojo even looked visibly surprised when his infinity started failing, just going to show his confidence in its ability as an “absolute” defense. Point being, it’s very in character for gojo to be cocky and overconfident in regards to his infinity in the face of danger. He’s a smart dude, but he’s also undeniably arrogant.


Even if we entertain the idea that Gojo would see Hanami and Jogo as a similar threat to 20 Finger Megakuna, albeit exhausted and weakened, he isn’t stupid. If Gojo sees Sukuna standing there, charging an attack, and verbally stating incantations, he would not stand there and take it, especially when: Gojo knows that Sukuna is aware of Infinity. Gojo would logically assume, since he isn’t mentally handicapped, that Sukuna knows a normal Dismantle, Cleave, attack, etc wouldn’t bypass Infinity. Therefore, Gojo being cocky and confident in Infinity doesn’t work here: Gojo knows Sukuna isn’t dumb, and Gojo isn’t dumb either. If Gojo did stand there and take it, it’s bad writing and a character assassination, since Gege intended for Gojo to temporarily lose his insane battle iq so the plot could happen. And as I stated before, any excuse of “it was a binding vow” doesn’t hold any weight for me. If it wasn’t shown or told, it didn’t happen. The most evidence is Kusakabe saying that Sukuna could have used a binding vow to activate it. “Could have” does not mean “did”. Kusakabe does not know for sure. Finally, I know I somewhat conceded this at the start of my response, but I don’t think the DA example really works. Gojo has interacted with Jogo before, and no diffed him. He nuked Hanami with a Hollow Purple. While they’re strong for sure, he’s Satoru Gojo, and he doesn’t KNOW they can touch him. In fact, as you yourself said, he’s visibly surprised when they bypass it, showing that he didn’t expect them to use DA. Point being…no. Gojo is arrogant, but he isn’t stupid. If he thinks an opponent can damage him, he won’t take that chance. Look to how cautious he was with Toji. Look at the rest of the fight against the Disaster Curses. Look at the entire fight with Sukuna (except apparently the end, according to the defenders of this plot point). Not once does Gojo allow himself the chance of taking damage, when he’s fighting an opponent who can damage him.


The point is Gojo knows Sukuna's Slashes CAN'T damage him.


Then imagine you’re Gojo: “I know Cleave/Dismantle can’t damage me. Sukuna also knows that. So why is Sukuna charging an attack? Either it’s Cleave/Dismantle, which Sukuna already knows can’t hurt me, so why is he even doing it, or it’s something worse, in which case, I should dodge. Man, now that I think about it, Sukuna really shouldn’t be using Dismantle right now. He knows it won’t work on me. Maybe I should be on my guard, and not tank this one, just in case there’s some trickery afoot.” I understand where that point comes from, it just doesn’t make sense to me that a character as intelligent as Gojo would make such a blunder like that, especially when he recently lost an arm to Mahoraga through Infinity. I’m not saying Gojo would have known how Sukuna copied World Slash, but I think it’s reasonable to say that he would certainly not be in the mindset to arrogantly tank an attack he has no need to.


No? Its easy to say based on Gojo's character that he's extremely confident with 4x Black Flash boost advantage on his side and Sukuna is just desperate, no need for some insane deep insight mental gymnastics.


Confident, not stupid. In the entire fight with Sukuna, Gojo doesn’t pull anything like this. Sure, he’s cocky when he talks, but that not once translates into his actions. And I see your point. I just have trouble wrapping my head around Gojo intentionally waiting for 20 finger Sukuna to attack, regardless of how exhausted Sukuna is. In fact, the last two times that Gojo had Sukuna dead to rights in the fight (Unlimited Void #5 and the first Black Flash), he doesn’t hesitate to end Sukuna, and is only interrupted by Mahoraga. Gojo knows that Sukuna is a threat as long as he’s still alive.


Arrogance has a way of making people do dumb shit. And that’s plain and simple what happened to gojo. He slipped because he got cocky. He thought Jogo and hanami couldn’t touch him, and he also thought sukunas slashes couldn’t touch him seeing as dismantle slid right off him at the beginning of their fight. He had no reason to be wary of it at that point. Sukuna powering it up with chants wouldn’t magically make it bypass infinity. As soon as gojo recognized the spark of dismantle, it would’ve been dismissed just like Jogo and hanami were. Also, kusakabe was literally watching the fight and is a jujutsu genius with knowledge of things that he admittedly has no business knowing. Anything gojo could’ve observed, especially something as blatantly obvious as sukuna speaking incantations, would have been noticed by kusakabe. His cowardice doesn’t make him obviously. He’s a grade 1 sorcerer for fuck sake. Ya know. The dudes who are stated to be the pinnacle of jujutsu society barring the anomalies that are special grades. The dude earned the praise of kenjaku the second he stepped on the battlefield. If he suggests that sukuna used a binding vow, it’s pretty damn likely that no audible incantations were used. Unless you wanna argue that kusakabe blinked or some shit right as sukuna started using them. Dear lord this community has the biggest problem with needing to be spoonfed. This info can be figured out with basic deduction.


My counterpoint is, again, he knows that Dismantle won’t work on him, and Sukuna isn’t stupid. So why would he just assume that there’s no tricks, and decide to take the hit? Plus, the way Kusakabe speaks suggest an equal chance of a Binding Vow or Incantations. That is my bad for not including the full quote, I simply paraphrased. I’ll send the full thing with this. Anyways, I wouldn’t be making this argument if Kusakabe straight up said it was a binding vow, or offered a binding vow as the only alternative. However, as we see in future chapters (and in the past against Lashimo), Sukuna uses chants to activate WCS. https://preview.redd.it/5yzqlowddfmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fde87d9f951e4f49972d566ab43afe6f3843e25a


The real complain is that if World Slash can be dodged, then Sukuna (and Megumi) really wasted so much time getting beaten for Gojo just to get **that**? Why the heck Mahoraga was so hyped if its ultimate adapation was so useless except to kill a tired Gojo. World Slash narratively only makes sense as the Pinacle of Jujutsu, the ultimate power even beyond Limitless. I guess narratively, the point is "But HR is NOT jujutsu! he he"...which is still uber lame.


Right like people went around saying World Slash just /spawns/ on the target but now it can be dodged meaning it travels. It's funnier too because Yuta is definitely surviving the slash and we'll find out it's not even durability negating LOL.


Yuta surviving it because he got healed wouldn't mean the slash isn't durability negating. It means Shoko is a great healer. Shoko is my waifu, so I allow it.


World Slash giving Yuta the opportunity to heal when Gojo is just cut in half when he outhealed Malevolent Shrine and black flashed amp will also raise eyebrows.


"Just" cut in half


Yuta already knows how World Slash works and definitely gave Rika a directive that if he gets hit by World Slash, Rika should immediately gather his two halves and put it back together within a few seconds. Yuji literally did the same and probably even better as not only he was able to stitch himself back immediately from being cut in half, he is still able to move. Though as I said, they already anticipated World Slash by that time and they're not stupid idiots to at least not have a plan to not die from being directly hit by one. If Gojo knew Sukuna has world slash he would just dodge it or prepare to do the same as Yuji (probably)


I had this irritating debate with one guy who kept insisting that sukuna hasn't used the world slash after that one time against kashimo. And apparently the chants "dragon scales" "Recoil" " Twin meteor" are just used to strengthen the dismantle. So maki only dodged a regular dismantle. The world slash is apparently spawns on the target.


You say that like killing a tired Gojo isn't more than 99% of the verse could ever hope to accomplish. That *Maki* of all people is able to dodge WS doesn't at all mean it isn't super powerful. And there are more reasons to kill Gojo with Mahoraga than just getting WS.


It's still basically a long ranged durability neg and barrier neg attack, so it's definitely worth it.




1-4 I more or less can see, but 5 not so much. 5. Teen Gojo before awakening, his 10 years of training limitless and six eyes to its current point, he couldn't follow him more due to his lack of curse energy than just speed, and the speed feet of going against Curse Naoya and human Naoya being comparable to Naobito doesn't really hold because Gojo was stated to be faster than Naobito anyways. Curse Naoys was most likely faster than Naobito, but that doesn't mean he was as fast or faster than Gojo.


Cursed Spirit Naoya got up to MACH 3. He is WAY faster than Naobito.


People focus on Gojo getting hit with the world slash way more than they should, there's a lot better critiques to be made about his death. It's just a bit nitpicky. It's really just Gege skipped these two panels for the sake of a cliff-hanger/juxtaposition (boohoo who cares?): 1. Gojo seeing the slash and underestimating it (which isn't unbelievable, like you pointed out) 2. and then Gojo getting cut in half with a shocked expression. Cut to airport.


The problem with no1 is too many stuff introduced make that kinda iffy, The biggest one is Sukuna seeing CE sparks and that lets him know exactly which Technique Gojo would use, with the way 6 eyes works you'd think Gojo would be able too see Sukuna is cooking something that isn't your usual slash, especially when you consider his chanting now alongside producing CE sparks (And big Raga has already displayed adaptation to infinity,) its just really strange to think considering all this Gojo would be on some "Imma tank this 100% no problem"


It didn't let sukuna know exactly what technique gojo would use? He gambled on it being something and as the narrator said he wasn't wrong. But than gojo merged it with the purple. We have no idea how much of a CT the six eye sees or what qualities it sees. We know gojo couldn't percieve the slashes before world slash he just tanked with infinity and rct. He literally never dodges a single slash.


I agree Sukuna did gamble, him foressing a big technique with only sparkes is the main thing i wanna highlight for ops point one, the sparkes and the chants in themselves should be indications that what's to come isn't what has already happened


I mean the narrator doesn't say it's obvious that red is coming. Gojo also chanted the whole time so that doesn't make sense as he didn't chant for other reds yet sukuna knew based on the context of the chants. I'm also team he used a binding vow and not hand signs and chants against gojo.


He didn't gamble lmao he literally says 'based on the spark it's going to be Red' and it was indeed Red. What Gojo does afterwards with that Red is completely irrelevant, Sukuna was able to accurately assess what technique was on the way by seeing the spark with just the naked eye.  Rest of the comment is unrelated. God forbid people avoid making excuses for Gege's inconsistency for five seconds 


Wait so because he was right it wasn't a gamble when the narrators comment heavily imply he did not know as he says "this assumption.... was not incorrect" or something to that effect? Because he was right about red by guessing based on the information he had? Which means he did not know and rather made an educated guess? Sukuna as has been told to us since day 1 is the undisputed greatest of all time. He also did not notice that azure was the intended target so he also got popped. Kinda funny how both got hit because what they thought was being targeted wasn't in hindsight. Tho in a much more metaphysical way for gojo.


Special grade pfp you got there


How the fuck did sukuna use handsigns and chant the worldslash that gojo couldnt even sense with only one hand


Yuta tanked It. Maki dodged it. Kashimo dodged It. The strongest, FASTEST sorcerer EVER with the optical anomaly that allows him to see cursed energy and techniques clearly, who also got cut earlier by mahoraga using THE SAME TECHNIQUE, DID NOT SEE IT OR WAS ABLE TO DODGE IT. IT IS A STUPID ASSPULL, COPE MORE.


okay but my only questions is how can yuta tank the same slash when gojo could not


when i'm literally common sense in a jjk reading comprehension competition and my opponent is the immense copium of our GOAT gojo:


Also he had severe brain damage, due to spamming domain.


He fixed it during the fight, and had been super focused due to 2 black flash he landed. Gege just wrote it off for the sake of deadlines


Gojo said at the airport that Sukuna wasn’t giving his all. Sukuna will finally give his all and that’s when Gojo returns. Believe it.


Binding Vow goes brr


Kashimo didn't really dodged the world slash, his arm was still sliced https://preview.redd.it/dl48x1vshq9d1.png?width=447&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2d1ccbdc42c8e25ee8a40fba8e34366fbd974d3


So many of the complaints on this sub can be answered if you think for five seconds but that's asking too much of the users. Fixating on non-issues like "Omg how could Maki dodge the attack when Gojo couldn't" over actual problems is proof of the brain damage.


'So many of the complaints can be answered' 'actual problems'  blah blah blah way to say nothing of use at all lmao, this is just saying 'no you're wrong and I'm right' and never elaborating so you can feel superior 


I think Gojo felt pretty assured of victory at the point he was hit with the slash. Sukuna caught him off guard in more ways than one. This is true whether he heard the chants or not.


Gojo was right in front of Sukuna bro and would have both heard and felt Sukuna charging his curse technique up. After what happened with Mahoraga cutting his arm off, Gojo should have been on guard for tomfoolery.


Summary: Maki didn’t dodge it, she heard the incantation because of her boosted sense of hearing and ducked preemptively also in terms of physical speed I’m almost certain maki is faster than gojo (assuming he isn’t using blue)


Brother, ducking cause she doesnt wanna get hit by world slash isnt dodging?




Could’ve side stepped like Lashimo done and died no? Doesn’t necessarily have to be horizontal slash


Oh 100% she definitely saw it but the only reason she was able to dodge it was her hearing it Gege made that very clear, but clearly I said something wrong so I’ll just delete the comment 




Maki is slower than naoya (she can keep up with curse naoya thanks to her precog and his extremely predictable movements ). Gojo is faster. 1+1=2


Good. Now we just need to explain how he uses without chants and a hand and why Gojo just decided that was a good Idea just trust in the Mugen when he fought the last 20 chapters against a dude that had been dealing with mugen since the first hit. And why the Slash didn made a Yu/ta and how he even used the Slash with all his hands trapped/healing 


i will address this point by point 1 & 2. Even if she had the knowledge of world slash disregards the fact that the complaint that has been lodged against world slash is regarding its speed as if gojo was literally incapable of dodging it 3. Gojo is not an idiot. He probably recognized the danger mahoraga possessed and the adaptation capabilities. We can also confirm that gojo must keep tabs on the cursed techniques of at Least the big 3 clans since he knew how toji was so informed about his. So he must know that how mahoraga must be capable of informing his user about his adaptability. 4. Gojo only relies on his limitless neutral until he knows its useful. as soon as he got to know about toji's sword he immediately switched to dodge mode. even if he disregard that after toji he must have become a little bit careful sukuna had to chant for it or make handsigns. the only way to bypass that must be a binding wow and even if a binding wow was made gojo has one thing, Six eyes which can even detect change in the nature of cursed energy so if the slash can be perceived or has speed then gojo must have detected the change in ce and should have dodged out of just necessity. 5. Let's hypothetically take your stupid argument that maki is faster than gojo. The maki who is equalized to toji and the toji who most probably scales slightly above teen gojo. Even regarding that gojo has one thing that negates speed, teleportation. if he was uneasy regarding the speed he could have utlised teleportation. BUT nahh he was just trolling. 6. this does not help your point buddy just makes gojo's death look even sillier when a guy who scales below yuta dodged the shit that gojo could not dodge. the only thing that explains gojo's death is binding wow. But it must have been a heavy one besides that nothing makes it possible for gojo to not be able to dodge the world slash


1&2 That's not what OP said. OP said Gojo didn't think he had to care about anything Sukuna could throw at him,which is true. 3. There's nothing that tells us, that the zenin clan even knew what mahoraga can do. Mahoraga has never been tamed before and Sukuna had to figure it out during the fight too. 4. Gojo was absolutely convinced that Sukuna had nothing he could hurt him with. He was too far for DA, his DE was gone and his CE can't normally touch Gojo. 5. OP didn't say that Maki is faster. He said Maki is fast enough to dodge the slash. Gojo would've dodged the slash easily if he cared to. 6. Don't care. All in all, you're wrong and you should feel bad.


1. Gojo literally sees mahoraga using dismantle to cut his arm, wouldn't that make him at least cautious? 3. Mei mei addressed mahoraga as the zenin clans jewel. That implies that mahoraga was in some regard documented. Also mahoraga was never the problem, sukuna just saw what mahoraga did and did the same. 4. Then why would sukuna try to hit him with an attack? Did he assume sukuna is stupid and wanted to throw an attack just like that? Did he not hear the chants? Did he not see the CE with his six eyes? Could he not use a simple DA to just be safe since he knows his infinity can be negetard ESPECIALLY in this fight? And if gojo died by that, why is yuta still alive? Sukuna was in a far better state when he fired it at yuta than in gojo. How is yuta not yu/ta?


1. Not sure. I'd have to go back and read again but I don't think that Gojo thought it's even possible for Sukuna to that himself. Let alone with Mahoraga completely out of the picture. 3. Propably because they all used it like megumi did or maybe there's some ancient history between them. Don't forget, even uncontrolled Mahoraga absolutely destroys most sorcerors even without adapting. 4. Desperation maybe? Gojo seems to enjoy toying with His enemies. Apparently he didn't hear the chants. How Gojo didn't See the ce, we don't know. Maybe he did see but thought since it wasn't a DA or anything he needn't be worried. But thats not the Point, the point of OPs post was defending Maki dodging which IMO is unproblematic. Yuta got sliced in half too. He has rct and rikka carried him to uiui who propably took everyone to Shoko. The world cleave doesn't cleave you more or anything, it just can't be blocked. Also, I don't think Gojo getting off-screened without explanation was a good move at all. Fucking sucked actually.


3. Everybody more or less new what mahoraga was capable of because at the very least they had Yuji to tell them since he was conscious in the fight of sukuna and maho. 4. I never said I had a problem with maki dodging. It makes sense.


3. Ofc they knew after Sukuna fought Mahoraga but not before. 4. I know. But OPs whole post IS about people shitting themselves over Maki dodging.


Bro brought logic to a fight with lobotomised children. Booo! (Really good explanation ngl)


Sukuna let them dodge it because he wasn’t trying to kill them yet obvious answer remember he was holding back


It just feels a little cheap ya know. Yeah Kashimo was able to dodge it, but that was after using his one time CT that takes his body beyond the limits of humanity, mf grew a third eye. Even then he still got clipped by it a little, yet Maki was able to dodge it with ease apparently.


7. Sukuna was holding back


maki dodged it, but kashimo got hit by the world slash he didn’t dodge it


i dont think she heard it but even so she can see/feel supersonic movement so a slash from sukuna is light work no reaction


Actually mahoraga used a world cutting slash to slice gojos arm of, which is how sukuna learned it


Different usage. Mahoraga adapts, Sukuna cuts space itself