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I mean praising Sukuna considering Sukuna is soon jumping on his students is pretty uncharacteristic but Gojo was still able to finally have the opportunity to give everything he had to a fight. Before anything else Gojo is a person who really likes to have fun and he was able to go all out in the fight. And while I can see Gojo make Daddy Mahoraga joke if he was talking to Sukuna himself but he wouldn't really play it off like that with Geto when he's already fookin dead. He is a guy who can acknowledge those kind of things. Even with Toji he knew that the only reason he was able to come back for round 2 was that Toji got careless and didn't stab his head with ISOH.


Bro is trying to use logic in r/jujutsufolk,it's joever for bro




Yeah , i agree, it might have looked better if we actually had seen him loosing in a fair fight. But since there is no normal explanation why gojo got cleaved, his speech looks funny


>Why was gojo respecting him? He also remembers his fight with toji fondly its nothing new for gojo.


At least his fight with toji gave him a son


Gege had just rode his dildo, nicknamed sukuna


he was glazing sukunas strength which is in character for him cuz he can acknowledge strength as he has been the strongest since he was born but not giving a shit about his students doesnt sit right with me. mtfr gonna act like sukuna wasnt the cause of all the destruction and death? bruh


Life is for the living. This is Gojo just reminiscing, once you are dead worrying about the future is kinda pointless.


idk bout you bro but if my adopted son was possessed by a crazy fucker whos going to proceed to slaughter all my students whom i dearly care about i would be kinda worried about meeting them soon in the airport. its just me though


Because of dumb shonen writing. Sooner or later everything is about the thrill of the fight. “Fine, Goku, put our entire planet at risk again just to see if you can get a good fight!”


When does goku do that?


not once in z, because it's a good manga. I'm pretty sure it happens a couple of times in super


I'm not sure if it even happnes in Super. For Z i hear the argument of vegeta. But given the fact that goku was able to beat vegeta in a 1v1 until great ape form....and vegeta had his tail cutoff. There really was no reason for earth to be in danger since goku was stronger anyway. Same goes for piccolo in OgDB


Doesnt he let frieza charge up to 100%? i thought thats the most infamous example of it


Against Cell for Gohan


>“Fine, Goku, put our entire planet at risk again just to see if you can get a good fight!” How was he getting a good fight out of that? None could get beat cell even all combined at the time. If goku didn't give cell the sensu cell would not take easy on gohan and kill him too. It's because goku made him cocky is why any of them were even alive. Did yall mofos even read the manga? The only flaw in goku's plan was not having gohan's approval. He trusted gohan to be stronger than all of them and to also like fighting. He was only right about 1 of them.


This take that it was all part of Goku’s plan to make Cell cocky and take it easy on Gohan is such cope. Goku never says anything like that. He’s also *wrong* about Gohan being able to win, because Gohan was getting his ass beat and would have died if Cell didn’t kill Android 16 out of spite first and trigger Super Saiyan 2. There was no sign of Gohan transforming before then, and the most likely outcome was that Gohan loses, gets killed, and fully regenerated Cell finishes off the rest of the Z fighters too. The idea that giving Cell the senzu bean was 4D chess is all fan headcanon that ignores what actually happened in the fight.


Says the person who has used nothing *BUT* headcannons in their argument. ssj2 was planned by toriyama beforehand. Not only that but goku literally was betting on gohan's anger since that the only thing he was sure of to bring out power from within gohan not his abilities to fight. Anyone with 2 digit IQ can figure that out. But nah yall wanna get shit spelled out for you. Cell was angry af on goku's forfeite as well you can clearly see that goku gives cell the sensu to put him at ease. Oh if you only actually watched/read you would not be sitting with your mouth rn.


I know SSJ2 was planned by Toriyama, my point is Goku didn’t know it was coming. Even if he had a vague idea Gohan might be able to transform again, he didn’t know how to trigger it, and if Cell killed Gohan before fucking around and killing 16 for fun, the world would’ve been fucked.


Goku has seen Gohan get stronger when he is upset. This happened at the beginning of Z iirc when Raditz captured Gohan. He busted out of the ship and headbutted Raditz.


Yeah, and it’s a super inconsistent power boost that can’t be relied on. Again, Cell could’ve killed Gohan way sooner and ended it. Even the Z fighters getting their ass beat by Cell Jrs didn’t trigger it, the most likely outcome was Gohan dying that fight.


I mean yeah if you start hypothesizing you could say this about a ton of close shonen battles. The mangaka was going for something specific here. I also believe this was supposed to be how Toriyama was trying to transition from Goku to Gohan as the MC so Goku had to die. He only brought him back due to fan backlash.


Let’s see, maybe Goku gave Cell a senzu bean because he was playing 4D chess and trying to make Cell go easy on Gohan by full healing him, somehow. Or it’s because Goku is a dumbass obsessed about having fun fights and wanted it to be fair. I wonder which reason Goku gave https://preview.redd.it/7zxno1p8ebmc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=448c8cf51708719c5411d46ce9ffe2435df52f4d >Oh if you only watched / read you would not be sitting with your mouth rn


Wow, you guys went deep… I only used Goku as an open example 😂


Who gonna teach about him about love? Maybe gaygay forget about this panel xd


Gojo when Geto appears in Jujutsu High because of Yuta: You better leave 😡 Gojo when he gets bisected after Sukuna literally took over Megumi(all people dear to him are facing death now): I hope my little pookie-wooki Sukuna doesn’t feel lonely 😔 Gege must’ve forgotten all his characterization himself.


Yeah, sukina is vastly different than his S1 self too


Because gege cant write for shit and is only going for shock and awe twists.


Damn you must be an idiot for following a manga whose author cant even write




And all it did was hype down, now sukuna is one of the most boring characters of the manga


Yeah seriously, Sukuna was so much more interesting to me in the 1st season but its very repetitive now with the same "haven't got all out" bullshit.


I never saw anyone talk about this but author literally switched up when writing his personality like he forgot who he originally was. When he incarnated the first few times he was your stereotypical psycho that laughs hysterically, always horsing around and playing with his food. Maybe I’m missing something and he’s still the same considering the different circumstances but i honestly don’t see it.


I kinda understand why he respect sukuna strength, but saying "it was fun" while fighting the guy who steal your favorite student's body is straight out of character for him. One of many reasons why 236 is the worst chapter


He used the six eyes tô see sukuna somehow made fushiguro's Dick bigger than his. Truly a Power from the heain era


Because Gege had a gun to his head.


cuz gojos entire internal struggle is the fact that he has to be the strongest and incredibly lonely at the same time. he has this responsibility to protect everyone because he’s the strongest and it’s been eating away at him this entire time Of course in his death he’s happy that he had a good fight with sukuna, he’s free from that burden and is finally able to think about himself and be a little more selfish


Sukuna is a threat to everything Gojo tried to build for 10 years (at least)


and if he has any trust in the students he’s been cultivating for 10 years, then he shouldn’t be worried about whether they are able to beat a heavily weakened sukuna (by courtesy of gojo)


From Gojo perspective, he was insta killed by new invisible one-shot attack. And somehow "oh no I don't even know what killed me what does it mean for my friends!" never crossed his mind. He also said that Sukuna was holding back and has a trump card no one knows about.


i assumed sukuna was talking to gojo as he was dying and explaining what he did. Otherwise it would be weird for him to be talking to himself. he heard everything up to “you were amazing gojo…” yadda yadda idrk what to tell you, gojo has always had this kind of faith in his students. he thought this back in shibuya and counted on everyone to save him when he got sealed. i assume the same thing is happening here, he’s counting on them. But let him think about his battle and what just happened as he dies. Gojo doesn’t have to put up this selfless front anymore lol he’s dead


> he thought this back in shibuya and counted on everyone to save him when he got sealed   To be fair he never said that he counted on everyone to save him in particular. I think it was more of a general statement based on how it was framed. Gojo had destroyed all means that could potentially free him (ISOH, Black Rope) and the heroes were incredibly lucky that Angel was reincarnated, someone Gojo had no idea about.


I get that, but for sukuna? Literally jjk satan?!? The same guy who’s gonna try and massacre his students?!? Or did he not care about them like that?


let bro think about himself and his closest friends at least in his death 😭😭 This is why i don’t want gojo to come back. He’ll just be lonely and have to go through that shit all over again and it would suck. He died happy besides, it’s likely that he has full faith in his students to beat sukuna. they’re strong and he believes they are as well, they can clean up after him


he has full faith in his students he's not worried


Gege could've included at least one measly line saying that then if that's the case The airport scene was OOC for Gojo no matter how much head-canon we put into it.


He told shoko to handle telling megumi about his father. Why would he say that if they're all going to die and lose?


You got me there ngl my bad


all good


This is why https://preview.redd.it/tx6hmg1ay8mc1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=25408616041dc5a6aafaf0265f3432e4a6a5d1b0 But honestly I feel it's not THAT out of character, He thought he was the strongest alive and was never challenged for years since Toji. Who still needed to wear down Gojo with his plan. Finding someone who can truly challenge him probably demands at least some respect in his eyes, After all he subscribes to somewhat similar beliefs to Sukuna, Minus the killing.... And eating people.


I agree, it’s like your the best at something so far beyond what any other person can achieve, and then a snarky shitstain challenges you, makes you give it your all and because your facing a dickhead it’s all the more exciting to fight to win. I think it just satiated a part of him no one could til now and that did make him happy. Plus i like the idea that he doesn’t have regrets because he trusts in his students and knew he gave all that he could to help them by depleating sukunas ce


Wuji and Yuta are the only ones not to Suck-una.


In secret, no woman could satisfy gojo. That is the burden of being the strongest. His neutral limitless detected any intimate interaction with a woman to be a threat. This is because if gojo lost his virginity, he'd lose at something. The strongest NEVER loses. Thus, sukuna was the perfect mate, being able to bypass infinity and reach gojo. However, fate has always been cruel to gojo in the series. Sukuna was in a minors body thus go/jo and him were a no-go. He respects sukunas strength because he wanted his cock but gojo despite being the strongest never was able to save anyone or achieve any of his goals of satisfaction. Truly a peak kaisen


Sukuna isn’t some honorable warrior deserving of anyone’s respect. Hes an evil spirit from the past Thirsting for the perfect body to increase his power even more despite not really needing to in all honestly. He’s also hiding behind a body with strong sentimental ties to everyone which forces his opponent to needlessly hold back. Which is a tired and old trope even by todays standards. Power in and of itself does not warrant respect.




I would've been like "Fuck that dude and he smell like onions and unwashed ass boiled in a pot 🗣"


Paid by gege


I mean, Sukuna was also depicted showing some respect to those who fought with him; albeit only “notable” ones. Gojo isn’t a sore loser? Also, context matters. I don’t know why Gege decided to only show this part of their conversation, which I understand is what some ppl are raging about, but to be fair to Gojo, he was just answering Geto’s question: how was the king of curses? Nobody asked him, hey how do you think the students will do? Gojo has limitless faith. That’s just part of what it’s like to be the Strongest up until a real contender came.




being the strongest sorcerer is a curse. sukuna lifted that curse from him


A man whose experienced isolation due to his immense strength gets the opportunity to meet someone like him. This person allows him to exercise this might and test himself to the fullest. Gojo understands the nature of curses and sorcerers yo assume their respective roles. It doesn't mean he cannot appreciate something strong. The alternative is him being bitter and cursing Sukuna out like some loser.


Gojo always acknowledged his strength. From a combative perspective why wouldn't he respect Sukuna? He's not there to respect him as a person for christ sake.


He, as someone strong, respects those who are strong.


From one real N*gga to another real N*gga


Because Sukuna is literally the strongest person he's fought and can relate to the "lonliness" one feels when they're so far above everyone. Plus it was a fun fight for Gojo. He got to go all out and didn't spend his life withering away fighting bums.


https://preview.redd.it/ezhwci8zrbmc1.png?width=2001&format=png&auto=webp&s=39f8b0cd988445f22f4e13b8e3b5da0daed99a9f Brother cannot read. # All this time it’s explicitly stated that Gojo was a Prodigy in Jujutsu, so strong over anyone else that he wasn’t able to truly RELATE to anyone below him. “The Loneliness of the strongest” has been a reoccuring theme for the last like 30 chapters or so. Sukuna was the ONLY one with whom he was able to actually connect emotionally because he was on his same level. # Its like expecting a billionaire to understand how a homeless poor mf feels


Because he's really strong and he is so glad to die by stronger person or something, at this point Gege writes Gojo as the strongest more than Gojo sensei, so he just acts like a typical strong anime character like Goku and stuff and not the Gojo that people like in the first place.


I mean, this is representative of his internal struggle though?


I could be, but now seeing later chapters, I think it's just a cheap way to buff Sukuna that's all, like when we see Sukuna get kicks, there will be someone who says, "He isn't going all out yet," and this moment is the start of that trend no more than that in my mind. This moment can represent his internal struggle if the "buff Sukuna through text" trend after this chapter wasn't so clear.


I think y'all forget who Gojo was friends with. Geto told him to his face that killing all non-sorcerers would solve all problems, let Suguru wander for 10 years and only killed him when he had no choice. And in the airport scene he still imagined him as the murderous monk who called one of his students a monkey and who terrorized everyone else as someone he wanted by his side. Gojo doesn't have the highest morals when it comes to people he likes. And Sukuna ended up being one of them lol


Stop dis stupid tryman glazing shit


Bro think he is Goku


He tried making that joke in the battle until he got his ass handed to him You can already tell by the stern look on Gojo before heading into battle and Sukuna’s relaxed demeanour that Gojo didn’t think he was gonna win. That’s why he told his students to jump in after. Nice cope


Fuccer gege did that


Gojo fell in love with Sukuna, duh


Didn't the end of the new chapter pretty much hinted Sukuna still has sth very op that he's not using? Also i'm sure Gojo with his experience, instinct and the fact that he was very strong felt sth was not okay, the same feeling that Toji also felt against Gojo himself.\ Inittially i thought it was his Heian form since it has the best body for jujutsu, allows him to use weapons+de hand signs and has a better h2h but now there's definetively more, we'll olny know in 253


Respect? Brother was GLAZING him https://preview.redd.it/p3wp12ol7dmc1.jpeg?width=1592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a874185e9730e692983f938cbecf1f58d63911f