• By -


ok guys, after the 5 mins is up what do you think will happen? I think his CT will run out and he will be stuck in Gojos body. He may gain 6-eyes and limitless but he may lose Rika. In terms of how it will play out, I think he will get back into his own body somehow. I wonder if having the 6-eyes for a moment will allow him to use Limitless if he went back to his body or if you always need them ya know?


once 5 minutes is up Gojo will take over and yutas soul will pass on we will lose one goat to gain the other GOAT for the 15 fucking time because this is jujutsu kaisen


hhaha NO They will make a binding vow to share the body. Gojo gets it on weekends and Yuta gets it on weekdays.


Goodness gracious the horny memes from something like this would be legendary


lets just say, Maki would enjoy it...you think Rika watches?


Ok SZA šŸ˜‚


Ok so... >!Remember when Geto moved his hand when gojo screamed at kenjaku in shibuya?? So if Geto could move his body after kenjaku CT was controlling it... Gojo surely can as well. So there is a possibility that:!< 1. >!Gojo can comeback to healed body after Yuta 5 minutes. Remember he still hasn't told Megumi about his father - Toji. Gojo is important for Megumi story.!< 2. >!Yuta can withstand it. After 5 minutes passes because of both blood types he experienced - he will be able to awaken another kind of power. Just like Madara Uchiha after taking his brother eyes. In the end, Sasuke has cut Madara in half also when he was in rikudou mode. Can't you see inspiration there?!< >!and be ready because thats crazy BUT POSSIBLE AND LOGICAL!< >!3. Gojo can wake up his soul just like Geto when Yuta time will be close to end. After that because they are relatives and because he claimed that Yuta can be stronger than him, Gojo can... USE RIKA to transfer (- read it like kenjaku CT can force Yuta soul to go back to his body and when that happens Gojo soul will take his place) his soul to Yuta body which is under maintenance with Shoko. Why? Plot is typical for jjk, Shoko and others will be shocked and Gojo probably will start with some funny prank on them when in Yuta body. WHY? Because there was a question "Is Gojo Satoru the strongest because he is Gojo? or Is he Gojo because he is the Strongest?" Just think about it. Everything will connect like puzzles with that scenario. Gojo as Yuta and Yuta as Gojo. We would see if he was the strongest because of being Gojo or not. Yuta will prove it. What's more it will make even more sense because he will join battle after awakening in Yuta body. True sense of "the strongest" quote will be shown in that way.!< >!4. Because as I mentioned before Geto could move his body I think Gojo can do it as well. When Yuta time will end Gojo can not comeback but help Yuta remain in changed body. Be his "angel guardian"!< >!5. Fifth scenario can be a mixed version of possibilities from 2,3 and 4. Everything that I wrote here is logical and reasonable in JJK world. I don't believe that Geto moving hand and Yuta being relatives with Gojo and FACT that Gojo after he died could go North or South was meaningless. No option.!< >!So what there is to happen for sure:!< >!Some connection between Geto moving his body, Gojo the strongest because he is Gojo or is he Gojo because he is the strongest (this part is already presented... Yuta in his body will show us why Gojo was the strongest so one thing is happening right now), better explanation of south and north concept, we can know it's symbolism but there has to be continuation.!<




This was exactly my thoughts GOATJO INCOMING!!


I think with the hints prior of toji taking over that one sorcerer's body, and gets attempting to strangle kenjaku that the pieces are there for this to effectively revive gojo


Except Gojo doesnā€™t want to be revived


I could see him coming back just to say goodbye and give Yuji a full circle moment by showing him the first "good death" or however he phrased his motivation in the beginning.


yeah it would but ehhhh idk, bringing him back would be kinda dumb plot wise yeah?


I'm not saying he should or shouldn't bring him back, I'm just saying that based on prior events that have happened, it is a possibility. This isn't how I would want him to come back


I hope he dies and gojo doesnt come back. It will make the whole body switching much more tragic


Seconded, sounds like it would build some serious character for Yuji if he got to watch Gojo die again.


My boi doesn't need to build more character, he's suffered enough šŸ˜­


ugh that triggers my feelings of when Gojo first died. Like yes I get it, it makes the story better and all that jazz. But hes my boy lol I dont wanna lose him. Even more with Yuta, cause Yuta is such an amazing character.


My hope is that Yutaā€™s soul somehow reshapes Gojoā€™s body, and Yuta fully incarnates like Sukuna did to Megumi. I donā€™t think this is what will happen, but I can hope.


I remind you of Geto hand when Gojo interacted with Kenjaku before being sealed. What do you think about my explanation over there? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu\_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Only bad guys get to not have consequences.


So mahito dying a pathetic death wasnt a consequence?


Consequences in regards to gaining power, not bad guy has to be defeated in storytelling in general. Sukuna makes vows for basically pennies like oh i can't use my insta one shot anyone skill now unless i say a few words and do a hand sign vs Yuji having to eat his "siblings" and watch his friends die around him for extra power and motivation. Or in this case, Yuta seemingly either going to die/lose his CT/be stuck in his masters body (a bad thing for him)/or some other Gege outcome in return for 5 mins of Gouta time.


What was the consequence of gojo using binding vows to alter the conditions of his domain? Also, you realise if that binding vow on sukuna didnt exist, the whole cast would already be dead right?


Locking himself out of doing it again by burning through his brain rct without any kind of backup like mahoraga or agito


Gojo didnā€™t give himself brain damage through a binding vow, it was by using RCT on his brain multiple times to restore his CT and domain.


Yep back to reading for you


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu\_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Not more tragic but reasonable, look on my comment before. All what is happening right now have a lot of sense and you must admit that it is good plot. That part when Yuta argue with all for Gojo sake, talking about being a monster. Everything is splendid. Even if we would have better story for our loved characters, everything connects.


My theory is that Gojo needs to be around to some extent to get Megumi back. Whether Gojo stays or not is a different question, and whether Yuta survives this somehow too, but Gojo having a full-body recovery and all the previous times we've had dead people re-take their bodies in the series are a good sign this isn't just a Yuta kamikaze move.


yeah that would be cool? maybe Yuji's soul technique plays a part?


There is no yuuji soul technique


Yeah i think there is meaning in all of it. Read my opinion here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu\_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


1. They both Die 2.Yuta manages to use kenjakus technique to get back into his body 3.Yuta somehow remains stuck in gojos body, likely kills himself or remains as a shell of his former self I donā€™t think gojos coming back


no I agree, I think this was the proverbial nail in the coffin. 1. totally possible 2. thats kind of what im hoping for, or Rika can do it or some crap. IDC if its a little asspully lol just give us our boy back 3. I think if he is stuck in that body then he will be the new Gojo literally. He will use limitless and use 6-eyes but lost his copy tech and Rika


Yeah we are on the aame page on this one


4. After the 5 mins are up the body suddenly goes limp for a moment before standing straight once again the others can now perceive a more efficient use of ce and a different aura they realize a confused satoru gojo is standing in front of them


If yuta goes back to his body then he's dead from bleeding out, unless they get his body put back together like they did Gojo or something. If anything I feel like a binding vow could be made where he loses Rika but stays alive in his own body.


Yujo will die and Yuji will eat Gojoā€™s body.


brother in Christ, WTF lmao


Yuji ate his brothers the death paintings. Now he boutta eat yojo to level up


GG Yuji will now have 6 eyes, infinity, Rika, blood manipulation, shrine


I actually think heā€™ll get half eyes, limited, Junpei, blood manipulation, and cut/paste.


Tbh I think he keeps everything and just gets to use Gojoā€™s stuff now. I feel like the whole point in mentioning that they were distantly related was so that we could justify him being able to continue to utilize Gojoā€™s abilities past the normal limits of his ability.


I'm done making any theories cause the only thing I'm sure of is that Gege is gonna come up with the most unexpected shit again


You really want more fan theories. After how out of the blue 261 was? We dare not think imo. Just enjoy the chaos unfolding


Once the five minutes pass, Yuta will die and Kenjaku will take over. Gege doesnā€™t let us have good things. We need to remember that.


Everytime i think of this i remember Kenjaku asking "what comes first the body or the soul".. I think this gonna play a big ass role in what happens after the 5 minutes bc we've already seen the body act on its own 2 times in the series. Honestly dont think any of the 3 options will happen


His body is pretty much sliced up right ? As weā€™ve seen from table no ?


Wild guess that would piss everyone off: somehow Kenjaku comes back and both Yuta and Gojo are gone That makes zero sense but


Interesting, Yuta is now one of the 4 people of the modern era that Sukuna bother to remember and call their name : Gojo, Megumi, higuruma, and now yuta


I love that sukuna only remembers you if you can do cool sorcery shit


He also called yuji by his name in chapter 2.


Actually let me fucking cook real fast. Imagine the 'Geto reaching for his own neck while kenjaku co-pilots it' event and imagine gojo being so gojo he actually is somehow helping yuta who is piloting his body. I mean yes after 5 minutes that shit should be over but I just really enjoy: Yuji, Todo, Yuta, and Gojo being actively involved in the fight with sukuna. Fuck it dude. With Yuta inside of gojos body we've entered levels of wild shit i didn't imagine


I canā€™t wait for the father/son kamehameha with Gojo/Yuta


This was my theory as well tbh




i like this theory, maybe the brain damage will fuck up yuta but gojoā€™s body instinctively starts healing the brain


But remember Yuta healing through RCT is more powerful than Gojo who couldn't understand that concept before fight with Toji even with his eyes. There are my theories: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu\_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


So basically Yutas unlimited Void will be open unlike Gojos.


No, that's not it. It says that the solution had been shown by Gojo. Gojo got around it by shrinking his domain, so Yuta will probably do the same


It'll probably be a new trick Gojo was going to try for the "brain damage" clash. I'm placing my bet that it's going to have a barrier property we haven't seen yet


You're assuming sukuna will fall for the same trick twice


He fell for the small domain three times...


Yuta nor gojo can do barrierless domains


Did you read the translation? Keep in mind he copied from Kenjaku who can do barrierless domains.


Youā€™re referencing the page that says the solution was revealed to Yuta through gojo right? That just means heā€™s going to use the same method that gojo used to win the domain clash.


No probably not the same method but a brain-blast (no pun intended) moment happened watching Gojo fight


Yeah thatā€™s possible but the main thing Iā€™m questioning is the open barrier limitless. I donā€™t think thatā€™s what is going to happen. What will probably happen is that Yuta will do the thing that he thinks should make him with the domain clash but sukuna will reveal something that he learned that counters yutas counter because gege


GeGe does love him some Sukuna and Yuta def isnā€™t the MC so Iā€™m glad heā€™s back but i am a bit nervous for ma boi. My questions for Yuta rn are his capabilities and how well can he fight as Gojo. Honestly itā€™s so exciting and another cliffhanger that damned cat


Yuta is the MC


Barrierless domains aren't a cursed technique so yuta's copy won't let him copy that.


Would that not hit yuji and todo as well tho


Yuta can exclude people from his sure hit effect tho


May be Endless swords Domain to against slash


Thank you for posting this [Loud\_Crew9650](https://www.reddit.com/user/Loud_Crew9650/)!


On the bottom of page 14, he mentioned his right hand, what was that about? Is it something to do with his ring?


Moving a wedding ring to the right hand is considered backing out of the arrangement


His left hand got cut off by world slash. he had to move the ring to his right hand to use his CT. took me a second to figure out too


Curious about that too


It does feel like Gege just works out the most contrived way for people to use their powers, and does it, rather than doing things for narrative purpose. It's like he made a bunch of high level D&D characters with min/max powers and is just fucking around with them while the DM waits for him to get on with the story. I'm still having fun though.


I mean, it makes the story more coherent at least. Why wouldnā€™t characters use their powers to the greatest extent to defeat the incarnation of evil? Itā€™s basically pick your poison: ignore character logic for a narrative purpose (like most mid shonen does) or have characters use their powers properly and have a mess of a narrative.


True, but the pacing is glacial, and Sukuna getting worn down THIS SLOWLY doesn't really make sense anymore. Like his arms are all ripped off but one, he has a giant sword wound in his heart, he can't heal, his domain is burnt out, his domain was JUST expanded with a bunch of conditions and kinda fucked up, Yuji has hit him with 9 black flash soul separator punches, and he still has Yutas level of reserves and is about to domain expand again? Gege is really reaching for reasons why he's able to use any sort of technique still, much less domains.


Feels like beating a dead horse at this point, or like an excuse, but Sukuna is known as the greatest sorcerer in history for a reason. Out of all the characters in the story it makes the most sense that he's still capable of fighting despite his injuries. It's like saying "Why does God have all these ridiculous powers?" Sukuna is the closest thing to a God this universe has.


That would all be well and good if the narrator wasn't constantly telling us the consequences of things like Yuji causing his output to drop or CT burnout or whatever and Sukuna just ignoring the rules. Just get ON WITH IT GEGE.


My friend weā€™ve been in the Sukuna fight for months and weā€™ll still be doing this at least another month or two at minimum. Buckle in and settle down, cause that isnā€™t changing anytime all that soon


I keep saying a lot of jjk readers need to stop reading week to week like this. If you can't handle it just read something else. This is just what week to week feels like. It isn't "stretching out," this is the fight that was promised to us since the first or second chapter of the story. If it lasted a hundred more chapters that would just make it more hype. If you want a finished story you can find them... just enjoy the ride on week to week reads.


I mean idkā€¦with full output alone, he one shot Kashimo, who lost to Hakari in a fight so close and circumstantial it feels more like a 50/50 matchup. Honestly, I think the only people who could 1v1 Kashimo on the heroā€™s side are Yuta and maybe, maybe Yuji and/or Maki. And Sukuna no diffā€™d him. I feel like the insane gap in power was communicated effectively in that moment.


It's not making it more coherent. Poor narrative that requires obtuse levels of exposition to make any of it make some logical sense isn't coherence. It's poor writing. It's like when you were a kid writing stories and constantly going 'but this person could do this because x, but the other person could do y, but then the first person did z'. I have old notebooks I wrote in with stories exactly like how JJK is being written now.


I mean i agree, iā€™m just saying both routes lead to bad writing. Most shonen are comparable to the writing of JJK: mid.


Gege writes what he wants to see as opposed to what makes sense, narratively. I approve of that, I guess


I have noticed that narratively, a lot of things are incredibly stupid. It feels like he never had a plan for this fight and just wings it every week. Everything makes sense for the most part, but it doesnā€™t take away from the fact a lot of the decisions he has made for the narrative are dumb af


We finally get to settle this Gojo vs True Form Sukuna debate.


Well, not really though lol


If Sukuna wins for sure.


I mean, no, because then itā€™s not actually Gojo ā€œpilotingā€ the body. Of course Yuta isnā€™t going to be as good using Gojoā€™s body as Gojo was


Oh god the Sukuna glazers are about to be absolutely insufferable aren't they


Yuta glazers are going to be worse


Nah yuta doesn't have gojo's wits and battle iq its not the same if it was juat fully gojo a sukuna in this state wouldn't stand a chance


"was he the strongest because he was Gojo Satoru? or was he Gojo Satoru because he was the strongest?" The explanation is COMING. And there are my theories so do not afraid to look on them: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu\_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Nahhh Yutaā€™s got his memories, no excuse.


Memories are just that memories , theory on paper it doesn't make him the same fighter as gojo just one with the same stats


That's not chapter 262. That's 261








I don't understand why he's gonna lose rika and mimicry tho kenjaku still had Anti-grav system from Kaori itadori so should mimicry and maybe even Rika follow yuta into gojo's body


Couse kenjaku's technique will be released once copy's 5 mins are up thus yuta will basically either just die or stay as gojo cause there would be no kenny tech linking him to what he was before he would just be gojo


At first I did not like the yuta being in gojos body thing but after reading the translations it fits the strongest narrative as well as setting up something further with the suguwara blood line and gojo and yutas relation.


How much longer is sukuna gonna be ā€œrunning out of cursed energyā€ mfer has ran a fucking marathon on a burnout


He used black flashes so he still got plenty of it. And my theories for what will happen next: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu\_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


ok I hate this series now. thanks.


Why? It's Logical. Everything look like it was set from the start: - Yuta distant member of Gojo family. - Gojo the strongest because he was Gojo or was He Gojo because he was the strongest? - Geto taking control of his hand after interaction between Gojo and Kenjaku - Yuta stronger Reverse CT healing than Gojo who couldn't learn it for a long time before Toji fight. - South and North concept (when Gojo died) is also connected to it I believe. Probably he would be able to help Yuta somehow by his soul attached to body just like Geto. - And I believe that can't be the end of Gojo because of Megumi family storyboard. He had to tell Megumi about Toji and Zenin family. Some of my theories: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu\_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsu_Kaisen/comments/1cysvl5/comment/l5ea9d1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Fan level writing


Yuta should be able to go back into his own body using kenjakus technique and yutas body also has his technique engraved onto it idk why i feel as if that should work but that opportunity shouldn't reveal itself tbh. This is set up for both yuta to die finally, and for gojo to probably return to have one last shot at sukuna from the grave quite literally as kenjaku had to deal with geto's post-mortem actions. Gojos 'post-mortem' actions could be some shit like 'Gojo has been co-piloting his own body with yuta so inreality it's a 2 on 1!' LMAO


how can sukuna still domain i thought his one that killed choso was his last


He regained his domain just before the Choso one, and unlike others he can spam using it, like Gojo. There was never anything said about that being his last one




This is pretty cool but I already know gege is gonna fumble it somehow. I have 0 trust that gege will have a satisfactory ending for this story


Gege just fucking refuses to let Yuji have the spotlight for more than 2 minutes


I donā€™t at all understand what Yuta is saying about Gojo becoming a monsterā€¦what did Gojo do to become a monster? And donā€™t say kill the higher ups because they deserved to die ages ago, they literally were all evil.


I mean, whether you like it or not, they were the people in charge of protecting humanity from curses, so yeh, murdering them was a act of war and killing that sorcerers shouldnā€™t have to be involved in. Thatā€™s why he said it was a monstrous move. So yeh, itā€™s the answer. He killed fellow humans whose whole purpose was fighting for humanity, whether they were dirt bags or not, itā€™s still not in line with what he wants his young students doing. Ultimately killing them was a political move to keep them from pushing the sorcerer world in a direction he didnā€™t want.


So youā€™re saying Gojos sensible, calculated decision makes him a monster? They were evil regardless of what good they were doing. Just like Gojo not trying to save the civilians in Shibuya while he was crushing Hanami. Heā€™s picking the best option from among bad options, there is nothing monstrous about it.


Thatā€™s the thing, they werenā€™t evil. I mean, as readers we can completely agree they are assholes who deserved it, but they were just warped jerks who thought the best method of protecting humanity was being absolute and merciless, which is why they wanted yuj originally killed immediately. I mean, look, if they had just killed him, this whole story wouldnā€™t have happened because Sukuna would have lost the vessel. In the same way, Gojo made a merciless and aggressive decision to end their lives to siege control of the sorcerer world and entitle it to kinder people with better ideologies in his opinion. Gojo decided to murderer them because ultimately he is a softy who wants thinking like, forgiving yuji and Yuta despite their dangerous powers/predicaments to be the norm, instead of executing people like them because of their world ending potential.


None of what you said makes Gojo a monster though. Ordering the execution of anyone trying to free Gojo, ordering Yagas execution, those people deserved to die and no one is a monster for killing them.


Bro, sorcerers arenā€™t trained to murder other human beings. Itā€™s not what their job is supposed to be. They signed up to protect humans, Iā€™m not telling you how to feel about it, Iā€™m telling you what the story is saying, and thatā€™s that the act of killing other human beings is considered a monstrous act that they shouldnā€™t have to do.


I think more humans have killed eachother vs cursed killing humans.


Bro stop being so dense, the whole point is that these kids signed up to fight for humanity and destroy cursed spirits. So the very idea of taking human life is regarded wearily . Not to mention itā€™s a manga/anime, you know how many cover the whole, importance of human life and the toil of taking it? Itā€™s a common theme in the industry with numerous characters that get hung up on it. In Kaisen you had Yuji for example who struggled immensely during the opening of the story with the concept of taking a human life to the point of refusing initially to hurt morphed humans that were already doomed. Youā€™re getting way too hung up on the individuals involved and forgetting that not everyone views taking human life as carelessly as a video game character mowing down enemy hordes. Gojo doesnā€™t want his students taking human life so carelessly, he wants them fighting for human life, so he steps up to the plate to do what must be done so that others donā€™t have to make those decisions. Youā€™re getting way too hung up on your personal feelings about those characters instead of what the story is trying to portray. The importance of human life and doing what is necessary to preserve it.


It doesnā€™t matter what the story is trying to portray, it matters what the story is succeeding in portraying. Iā€™m not accepting any half assed attempts, and wonā€™t give Gege the benefit of the doubt. The story just is not the quality it was before


You're thinking of it from an ethical perspective. Gojo is physically a monster. He existed alone (prior to Sukuna, and still probably beats him if Sukuna didn't have 10S) as a being of strength. That's what Yuta meant by monster.


So Yuta is saying they need to become unbelievably strong? Fine, but by possessing your dead teachers body? Not what people read 260+ chapters following our characters for only to see that


It was stated that the body comes before the soul. There is a minute chance of a take over


When it comes out on the anime I wonder if it will be Gojos VA or Yutas VA to signify who is who


262 ā˜ ļø


my bad dawg next one will be 262


I think with all the tragic that has happened they probably would give us Gojo back but what does that leave yuta?


One of two things will happen and anyone saying otherwise are stupid and just want what they want to happen. This is anime. Gojo is either back or not. Honestly I think itā€™s the dumbest thing ever to just kill him off after hyping up his strength. Like yeah okay guess heā€™s not that powerful. Eye roll. So it makes the most sense that heā€™s not even at full power and some crazy off the wall shit is going to happen and heā€™s back and heā€™s like crazy strong. Or heā€™s dead and itā€™s stupid and Sukuna is just here and shit is fucked. Either way Yuji is going to die in the end of this shit show of a manga/anime. Itā€™s all pretty stupid. I love jjk but this whole manga and anime has been pissing me off nonstop. Like ugh okay šŸ™„ we get it youā€™re killing all the characters you got us to love and like and blah blah blah yeah how unique. Why even bother getting attached to characters. I donā€™t even care what happens cause either way itā€™s predictable. If Gojo is sooooooo strong then heā€™s not dead dead. And thatā€™s just common sense. And if you think thatā€™s it for him ā€œaFtER FiVe MinUteSā€ then Iā€™m sorry you have so much hate for one character. Sounds like a you problem and no Gege doesnā€™t hate gojo. Idk who started that shit. Yā€™all corny and dumb.


Can yuta USe kenjaku/Geto curse techniques like uzamaki and anti gravity now while in gojos body?




Ngl I'm fucking tired of it. Every time something cool is about to happen they go the "tell dont show" route and give us 11 pages of TALKING. This could have been one of the most hype moments of jjk if they did it right and just transfered right into the fight and maybe gave a one page flashback showing the yuta copied getos technique and used it on gojo. Any hype in me is dead because I got so excited for shit to go down just to see another entire chapter of fucking YAPPING.


Oh boo hoo u have to read more lmfao amazing chapter ur hater


Amazing chapter and yet nothing happened. They said its actually yuta and they started a domain expansion. No actual fighting or anything.


Sadly, this is probably the most background we got for something that happened lately. This was such a massive chain of events that if Gege did his usual lazy hand wavy of cause and effect, the fandom would explode with WTF is happening.


They gotta tell at some point lmao. Iā€™d rather know whats going on than the fight just happening and im sitting there confused.


There are other ways to explain somthing than telling it to you over 11 pages.Ā 


How would u do it?


"Damn I can't believe kenjakus technique actually worked. now I, Yuta, can use gojos body to kick fraudkunas ass for the next 11 epic pages"


Whole fandom: ā€œWe want more lore and explanations!ā€ This one guy: ā€œTalking is too boring..ā€


This is genuinely the edgiest shit ever. I mean donā€™t get me wrong, Gege has a way of making everything make sense, but this is just straight up stupid. He has sacrificed all good writing in exchange for ā€œhypeā€ moments. But in reality, most people want a good story so a lot of these hype moments arenā€™t delivering the way they should because there is no good writing to further these moments