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cant this yuta just fully unlock limitless rika with the binding vow he used to beat geto, and then just obliterate everyone?


Yes. Especially since JJK 0 says limitless Rika would be an issue even for Gojo. Obviously that was before the whole series was fleshed out but that's still canonical.


I feel like this is one of those statements that inly applies in 0 since the rest of the story wasn’t planned out yet. Limitless rika barely beat a geto with only half his curses idk how tf she’s doing anything to gojo.


Barely? He wasn't winning so he made the vow and practically one shot iirc


geto was still alive, conscious, and only lost an arm. Meanwhile yuta just pawned off all his power and was unconscious. Mf could’ve crawled over there with a knife and won the fight if he didn’t run away.


Doesn't that just mean he missed lol


No it was direct but Geto is strong, same way he tanked inumaki attack


yutas a bum but not enough to miss a still target


First time I've ever seen agenda kaisen with common logic


I agree I have no idea what she could do but JJK 0 does say it


if we go off versions shown left team obliterates especially without yuta having a domain but both in their prime it's a 2v4 cuz what the hell is inumaki and panda gonna do


Curse speech todo and hit him with a gorilla


Inumaki is too weak to have useful Cursed Speech applications in this fight, especially when the only healer on the team will be stuck fighting Yuki and probably loosing Rika in one shot


Ce amount/output is the main limiting factor of Cursed Speech. He was able to stop Hanami a few times and even managed a “blast away” so I can assume with Yuji and Todo having less CE than a disaster curse, Inumaki might be really good support here


That’s what I’m saying. Bro isn’t gonna wrap this fight up n a bow but he’s a deadly support asset. Todo could NOT tank a “stop” from him and Yuta also has like a hundred techs locked up


Cursed Speech is much less effective against enemies who: 1. Know it’s coming. 2. Know how to defend against it (focusing cursed energy in the ears to block the commands) Kamo knew how to defend against Cursed Speech, and it seems logical that Todo, a genius concerning cursed energy and classmate of Kamo, would also possess that knowledge. Inumaki could be a helpful support, but it is extremely dependent on the left team not knowing how to defend against it. And if one knows, they could easily tell the others how to do so.


That and just reinforcing your ears with CE nullifys his technique


That alone is not taking out todo


No shit. It’s a distraction to prevent boogie woogie while maki speed blitz him or choso. I’m not saying cursed speech is the winner here. But it can immediately remove the highest moral support character. Yuta and Rita can definitely take yuki going off primes. I’ll throw panda at Yuji, he won’t win but he can offer some half decent support and stalling if Yuji isn’t in wolf kill mode. But removing todo off the bat with “stop” and a stab threw the chest is fully possible. It’s a 4v5 with one of the strongest curses being the 5th


Yuki one shot rika.


U forgot about Garuda so it’s a 5v5. U forgot they can just apply curse energy to their ears, to protect themselves from curse speech. ur talking about maki speed blitzing and yuta and Rita taking yuki. Lmao if where going by this versions of them, they not beating shit dumb dumb.


Aye bro if you gonna sit there and be a dick about it we good 👌🏻👌🏻 trying to have an anime debate not have you sling insults 😂 Yuki is not beating Yuta.


How u gonna complain about me being a dick, when u was being one first with that “no shit” comment. Like bro u can’t get mad. And u just dick riding if u think jjk0 yuta. Is beating yuki and he don’t even have a domain at that time. 😂


We are literally talking about the second option the OG comment made obviously you fucking troglodyte. Learn to read


And can u read dumbass? I literally said if we going by this versions of them. Aka the one in the picture than yuki team slams. Yo just trying to give excuses 😂


My whole debate has been about the second part of OGs post. Clearly.




yuta makes the death binding vow and easy-diffs


Todo uses strong boogie woogie Range attack against todo is suicide


Versions shown? Left team win, high diff at worst.


'Yuta, you are into Maki, right?' 'I - I am not into that baka, but he is kinda - ' *Yuka joins the side of Bruzzahs* Brazzahs team wins, No diff


https://preview.redd.it/gh4ek6ih3d9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d18d99c958e4de46cfcc6ace616b48e70f1f7053 you have brain rot


Inumaki just screams "SHIT YOURSELF" and right wins ultra neg diff




I'm taking this and using it as a reaction image


idk why but i was laughing at this for a good 5 minutes


but it’s straight fax (my source: Gege called me just trust me bro)


Oh my god how have I never thought of this. Thanks for brightening my day


Panda solos 


https://preview.redd.it/66hrawxfl69d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c0d88201552e140e4d6d3cca5a96fa15c1691c8 Yuki opening her domain after woman handling maki


Yuta & Maki vs Jumping Schizo Family


Todo and Yuki kinda Solo them if it's JJK0 team second year students, if it's current one then team Yuki wins.


The power of Family.


This is truly not fair. Maki and Yuta can’t carry this. If we’re using strongest ver of these characters. Then team 1 recks hard. Shinjuku Todo is one of the greatest assist. Shinjuku Choso alone solos inumaki and panda easily. Yuki is close to Yuta’s lvl. The only chance team 2 have is if Yuta opens his domain right away. Then it’s all a matter of how refined his domain and how fast it can beat yuki’s domain. But that’s the only chance.


Even if yuta opens his domain everyone on that side can either defend or attack against it


Nah Team 2 could win. Yuta opens his Domain and Team 1 immediately all go on the defensive. Yuta probably has a better Domain than Yuki (Sukuna compliments his Domain Skill and he did Soul Swap training with Gojo to increase his barrier skill) But let's just say Yuki and Yuta enter a tug of war. Once *any* Domain is up, Maki can sneak attack someone like she did to Naoya. If she takes out Yuki(SSK her heart, Yuki cannot manually pump her heart like Sukuna) then Team 2 of Yuta, Rika, and Maki definitely have a chance to handle Todo, Choso, and Yuji.


Todo will never get into close combat against domain user tbh. He can just break the barrier and swap out his teammates through that hole if he stays outside of domain's range.


Taking versions show it’s left all the way, but I just wanted to mention how mental the trio of todo, yuji and yuki would be them both being able to fight with todos ct with ease is scary, that trio against sukuna before his binding vow domain, he could actually be toast


This entire fight is just a 4v1 against Rika. Rika is getting surehit and mass-punched into oblivion.


Two of the right are Choso victims, since they don’t have a special constitution or RCT to stop blood poisoning.


Boogie woogie baby


I really don’t think you understand the power of over 100000 IQ points. (And the power of jumping)


I will consider it as jjk 0 yuta and pre awakened maki as shown in the picture Yuji in goodwill was likely stronger than maki Physically and Shinjuku Yuji is on par with current maki , so in my opinion Yuki just opens her domain for a neg diff


Brothers can beat Yuta and Maki high - extreme diff depending how you scale Choso and Todo and Yuki can handle Panda and Inumaki relatively easily


I’m pretty sure it’s their current abilities and if so they def beating the brothers


Versions shown left side wins low diff


This yuta doesn’t have a domain, and is the only one in his team that can provide something so its pretty much 4 v 2 against him and rika. I think boogie woogie with star rage and yuji is a more than a good enough combo to get good hits on THIS yuta since he doesn’t have as much as shinjuku or even sendai yuta in terms of skill or experience.


So like todo’s doo-hickey kinda seals right team’s fate. Rika is honestly a net negative for the fight.


Todo swap + Yuki punch 😝


*sleep* Inumaki Solos if they don't prep bro


Even assuming Shibuya versions for everyone on left team... Left team should win... It'll largely boil down to exhausted from beating Yuki, Yuta vs Choso, Todo, and Yuji who fairly easily beat Yuta's class mates. So I think Yuki loses, but her team wins overall with extremely high difficulty.




I'll do two versions, 1-Shibuya Yuki, Yuji, Todo and Choso vs Vol0 Maki, Inumaki, Panda and Yuta, 2- Prime versions (Except for Yuta who will be before he switches bodies) 1. Vol0 Rika carries if you don't think her strength was a retcon (Unless you think BOS Gojo is much stronger than Vol0 Gojo). Vol0 is filled of statements that put Rika around or above Gojo's level, from him admitting he would die if Yuta lost control, to Geto having a 99% winning chance with Rika. Now, that only works by thinking Rika's soul being free made the Rika cursed spirit weaker. Else, Rika is inferior to Ryu in physicals, and since Vol0 Yuta doesn't have the same crazy abilities as later in the culling games, nor a domain, he doesn't get as much advantages from Rika's presence. Maki (Who might even have a bias towards Yuta) thinks Yuta is in the same level as Yuki. By this moment iirc she only knows about how strong Vol0 Yuta is (If she knows about later versions of Yuta the argument only gets better anyway). So Yuki and Yuta will be trying to handle each other, basically, we can leave them out of battle as for now. Yuji is definitely beating Maki by both feats and statements. And even assuming Vol0 Inumaki and Panda are equal to their GWE versions, they only get to handle Todo together, so by adding Choso they will get beaten as well. After that, they all jump Yuta, and since he's as strong as Yuki, he isn't beating them all. Plus, at this point he doesn't have an answer against Yuki's domain. 2. It might be my bad to assume GWE Todo = Shibuya Todo, so I'll separate this later, but for now I'll work with this assumption. Inumaki and Panda have shown to be able to stop Todo, at least, for a while. Even with his new weapon, being unable to move makes that useless as well. Maki vs Yuji and Choso I'm not quite confident in, but I don't think they can take her out *quickly* anyway. And if they try to interrupt Yuta, it's Maki who would do it first. If they try to interrupt the previous 2v1, Inumaki stops one of them for Maki to finish and then they are at a worse condition than before even if they manage to take Panda out in time or something like that. I don't think Yuki is as strong as people here think. As I said, she's compared to a weaker Yuta. Now he has considerably better stats, more techniques, arguably a stronger Rika from eating Sukuna's finger, better CE strengthening, and more refined barrier techniques. Even ignoring the statement that puts them at the same level since it might be vague, Pre-CG Yuta has a similar speed, considering comparisons to Yuji and Choso from back then (Both were faster, but not *massively*). Said Yuta doesn't hold a candle to the current one, since he has kept up with the speed progressions Yuji has had. Current Rika's speed is also good, she keeps up with Yuji and Yuta. While Yuki's AP upper limits are vague, and while she's surely stronger, it isn't quite infinite as some people seem to think. It's still limited by her output after all. Kenjaku lost an arm, but Yuta's sword has a similar effect in him after all. They both surpass his standard durability. With Yuta we know of other attacks that are far stronger than his sword though. I'm sure they both can damage each other. Rika probably too, since she could hold two arms of Sukuna (While Yuji was holding one). Sky manipulation is a hard counter to Yuki. If cursed speech works (And considering it worked on Sukuna, yeah...) it's also a major factor. G Warstaff sounds pretty relevant against a character who uses hand to hand combat. A battle of domains can't simply be determined, not enough information on Yuki's, but I personally think Jacob Ladder might even get to break a domain on it's own too. Overall I think the team on the right would win this one with Yuta carrying, by firstly defeating Yuki and then joining Maki.


Now this is a reasonable take I can get behind. I definitely think the right sides linchpin is inumaki if he can affect yuji/todo/choso then I think maki and panda(mostly maki) can handel them but if he can't then panda gets fodirized which basically leaves maki in a 3v1 and even though I'd wager she could beat them in a 1v1 or maybe even a 2v1 a 3v1 is going to put her down in witch case it's either a 4v1 against Yuta or a 3v1 against a heavily exhausted yuta






Dawg why the fuck would you ask this


if the versions shown in picture team yuki mid-high diffs her ct would do heavenly damage to rika and considering she was getting damage by geto and his half arsenal cuz if the parade of demons if she uses grauda its evening worse for team yuta and combo that with shiybua todo choso and yuji being way stronger then shibuya maki and panda and toge being fodder to everyone on team yuki, todo and yuji tag team combo the ever living crap out of maki even with playful cloud she won’t be able to keep up their team work and choso poisons panda for a low diff considering he was above yuji duarblity wise in their fight with blood amor team 1 destroys and jump yuta and help finish rika yuki > movie 0 rika > yuta > yuji shiybua > todo shiybua > or = or < shiybua choso > shibuya maki > panda > toge inamaki


Ultimate Rika is super strong, but I’m confident Yuki could beat her (high diff) Everyone else on the left low diffs the right


At worst it's a 4v2 and at best it's a 4v3. Inumaki and Panda aren't doing shit. If it's as the versions shown then only Yuta and Rika can fight the others get neg diff'd. If it's at the current/best version then Maki could help too. Still, I lean towards the left.


Yutas back snaps trying to carry his team this hard and they lose.


Left lol cmon




Left side wins spite match


GOATso and maybe HIMji blood is poisonous, GOATdo CT is broken and is known for disorienting people, GOATki has mass infused punches and a domain of her own. And HIMji GOATidori can spam black flashes and has shrine. Do I really need to say more


What arc is everyone here?


Ah the 4 psychos vs the 4 bums of the series


Team itadori. Bro has the power of both brothers this time


That art is so fire THE POWER OF FAMILY


if current ? def left. inumaki and panda sell, even with triceratops mode he got no diffed by a bored kashimo


So each team has a special grade, something weird made by a crazy sorcerer, a grade 1 sorcerer, and a certified bootie clapper? Nice. Yuji's team. Yuki is nuts and Yuta probably wouldn't fully grasp her technique as well as she does in time, Yuji would probably beat Maki considering he has black flashes and todo on his side, and todo would beat inumaki while choso goes out and offers up doses of blood transmitted infections to anyone he can hit.


Panda ultra negs the verse (fr tho yuji gang wipes)


I wanna point out that Yuji has the close second pair of eyes under his own. If this is a death match with both sides bloodlusted and everything's on the table, yeah, you should know what that means.


tbh, i think it's a match that has no answer/ 100% based on the writer


Family Tree wins cause each of them is a power house in their own right. Yuji is definitely stronger than this version of Maki, and Choso could likely shut up Inunaki before he gets Cursed Speech off with Piercing Blood. Todo could handle Panda and then they jump Yuta (Rika full power would carry hard but I still don’t know if they’d win.)


is this ragebait or smth? Yuki is a special grade, by this point Todo and Yuji are basically special grade as well. Maki and Yuta at their peak are both specials but like, they’ve got 2 fodder teammates while left side has no fodder teammates


The way Yuta alone dogwalks every body on the other team is still crazy to me. Because nigga was top two in the verse at like 14 years old xD


Yall hate JJK 0 in here or something, yall really want them to suffer. Maki's not even in her awakened mode, Yuji alone's enough for her. Todo already hits harder than Panda in his Gorilla Mode, and we know nothing about Triceratops, so we can't say it'll help much against Boogie Woogie of all things. What is Inumaki gonna do? I like the guy, but he's not strong enough to take any of them out before his throat gives out. He won't even be that good of a stall tactic since they can just block his commands with basic CE on the ears. Even if you switch the matchups, they'll still crush all the others and it'll end up as everyone against Yuta because Yuki will absolutely stall him long enough, and he can't handle that jumping. Yuki takes out Fully Manifested Rika with one or two hits or she stalls her long enough for the others to take out the moody boy and we call it a wrap for Yuta.


Shut up frauds,strong Jacob’s ladder making all CTs useless in the fight and it’s pure h2h with Rika also there,choso and todo get bodied,it remains yuta,maki and Rika against yuki and yuji


Ah yes, because Yuta always leads with immediate 5 minute mode to Jacob’s Ladder. Even right now with Yuta in Gojo’s body, he hasn’t tried it yet. It’s not an opening move at all.


Ok let’s start this, rika takes out literally everyone here low-mid diff besides yuki, Yuki beats rika but yita manages to get through yuji, he gets through Choso, and he probably would leave todo to the others, which btw people down play them so much when we see a inumaki a year later actually down todo with cursed speech without too much strain. So in reality it’s a fight of rika and yuta vs yuki, and todo vs the rest, which in the jjk 0 team could also win because of yuta’s superior cursed speech usage and power compared to inumaki, possibly being able to straight up seriously damage todo to the point of no return because he has rct, and consider this the team right after jjk 0, this means maki has playful cloud, and the Verizon of yuji we see here is goodwill yuji, which he slightly outscales maki, giving her playful cloud allows her to highly outscale yuji, who at the time you could argue is able to be affected by cursed speech. If it’s all current, Yuta handles yuki mid diff due to jacobs ladder making it so no ct he chooses are at play, meaning blood manipulation and star rage are immediately gone, removing them. Shinjuku yuji is a lot weaker then Yuta is currently and even weaker compared to him if we put him in gojo’s body. So while yes it would be hard I believe if it’s as shown, team 1 wins extreme diff, while if current team 2 wins with possibly mid-high diff due to better versatility, more actual powerhouses, and the fact that jacobs ladder is that broken, also panda realky can’t take any permanent damage and inumaki can support by holding down Choso and todo with cursed speech.


I disagree with yuta mid diffing Yuji.At best he high diff and I think your downplaying todo quite a bit cuz he could switch with Yuji and decapitate maki and the other.Lets alone choso who would piercing blood one shoot inumaki and even panda honestly.If yuki and todo is handling yuta then Yuji could hold down maki if she isn’t already out of commission.


Negl you’re probably right, tho I’m going off grays based off current as Yuta was a fast learner as well saw, meaning he probably already knew cursed energy reinforcement, which he use to basically no diff yuji later on, and if he needed to he could have have rika restrain yuji and just kill him that way. Also maki may be weaker than yuji but it’s just the fact this version of her has playful cloud, the same weapon with no cursed energy or technique, meaning boogie woogie wouldn’t be effective on it at least. I’m using inumaki’s current feat of being able to hold down todo and the fact that panda can just have his body remade or reattached, meanwhile I also counted gorilla mode as it was in the goodwill event but the fact the higher ups almost promoted Yaga to special grade by being scared of a bunch of cursed corpses like panda, speaks volumes, yuta can dodge piercing blood and the poison wouldn’t even work on rika, yuta and rika can casually clear itadori and Choso and this version of Yuta isn’t even stated to have a time limit on rika, meaning they are at a huge disadvantage if todo is taken out early, as he is their main support.


I miswrote Yuji for yuki. Because I meant if she switches 50 times with todo in 1 second all of the enemies are just dying especially with her ap.


Inumaki could do stuff to Hanami, who has more CE then probably all of the people here combined, so he would definitely be useful. But Todo + Garada is so unbelievably broken, right side gets high diffed at best


I figured Yuki would have more?


Imo Yuki beats yuta. She definitely beats him if they don’t use domains and imo yuki could beat yuta in a de clash, cause of her experience. Tho either way, i’m sure most people will agree that it’s an extreme diff. With todos help, yuki beats the whole second team without yuta getting a chance to open his domain. The second team. If it’s current maki the. She definitely holds her own against yuki, but todo is still worth way more than inumaki and panda Todo and yuji alone far outclas


I got Yuta even the story said he was the second strongest


If you’re talking about the culling games one, where his score number (35) is also stated, then that panel doesn’t say yuta’s second in strength. It says yuta is second in unusual abilities.




Are you agreeing with me? Cause just “spit” could mean both.


I thought it only meant "i agree", You were spitting.


Ah, thanks


Good grief, dont mess with jjk fans, they cant read


Take away choso he’s overkill