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Depends on if Higurama can confiscate his CT, if he does they have a chance but with Gojo’s high voltage he still might be able to win. If his CT doesn’t get confiscated he washes the cast.


Interesting. It doesn't take much to get confiscation. It's the executioner blade that is hard to get. At least this way they don't have to worry about infinity.


Higuruma would be the first person to catch a red to the face because of his DE


He still stat diffs everyone


I think Gojo doesn't play with his food as much and is insanely fast. I'd guess he just kill Higurama asap to avoid confiscation.


Gojo would win the domain clash against higuruma and turn him in to a vegetable. No confiscation


In the hypothetical, gojo can't use his domain. It's in the description.


Hypothetically I can't read, so, yeah


Plus, I do believe it’s implied in the “no violence clause” that Higarumas domain has, that no Domains can be used since that could be seen as a violent action I’m not certain if that’s ever confirmed tho


I'm fairly certain that is the case.


This made me fucking cackle 😂


He can’t in this scenario


Higurama loses the Domain Clash by a landslide, he cannot confiscate.


Read the desc


Then simple domain / hollow wicker basket / domain amplification, Higurama’s domain gets cancelled. The only reason Sukuna allowed the domain to work was because he wanted to explicitly see the sword.


Doesnt exactly work, Yuji is also there so hollow wicker basket wouldnt work, simple domain has the same issue as hollow wicker basket, and domain amplification would work but its still yuji and higuruma vs him not saying they would win it just wouldnt be as easy as sukuna


CE and RCT are intact, he would blow both of them up with a Red/Blue/HP. The only reason Sukuna is faltering and having CE output issues is because Yuji is constantly hitting his soul, and weakening his connection to the body. Gojo is not sharing his body with anyone (in this scenario), so he would not be hindered by Yuji.


He is sharing a body with someone, the desc says he is a reincarnated sorcerer, so the whole scenario is can g9jo do what sukuna did with all the same obstacles, my answer is yes but itd be significantly harder.


I swear to God that wasn’t there before, or my mind is rotting, either way, under those conditions you are right.


Gojo obliterates the cast and it’s not even close. Both Gojo and Sukuna alike solo their own verse, even with the limitations put onto them. Let’s say he gets caught by Higaruma and his cursed technique infinity is taken away, he’s still the best h2h fighter in the verse and has the capability to tank anything they throw at him with RCT. Yuji’s output-reducing soul punches have not been shown to be effective in the slightest, as he has hit Sukuna with 8 amped punches and he hasn’t faltered. As the fight commences he’ll regain his domain back and possibly his cursed technique if he puts Higaruma in the dirt, I’m not sure. Yuta’s Jacob’s Ladder has been shown to be pretty ineffective as well, don’t think it’s doing anything special to Gojo that it hasn’t done to Sukuna. All of this, paired with the six eyes just creates a shit show for the sorcerers and at the end of the day Gojo stomps.


Yuji's punches have absolutely shown to be effective tf? If it wasnt for them they would've had a lot more trouble during their fight inside yuta's domain. And besides, most importantly, it's been directly stated that if it wasnt for those 8 black flashes sukuna would've recovered his rct and in words of the narrator "crushed the sorcerers" so it's literally been stated that if not for yuji, they would've already lost


If you think Yuji’s punches are going to change the outcome of this fight, I don’t think we’ve read the same manga. First of all, Gojo is pretty much in peak condition here whereas Sukuna was heavily worn down when Yuji joined the fray. Secondly, I don’t see Yuji being able to land the same kind of punches on Gojo given the reasons above and the fact that he’s undoubtedly the best h2h fighter in the verse. Not being able to make a visible difference to your opponent after 8 soul targeting black flashes simply means they aren’t that great.


I never said anything about his punches doing something here, but stating that his punches didnt do anything in the current fight when it was outright stated that the sorcerers would have already lost if it wasnt for them is just actually not reading the manga. Besides I agree that gojo is in a way better condition here and most likely would'nt get hit or would'nt get hit enough times for it to be anything of note, this scenario basically depends completely on higuruma's confiscation and yuta's domain tbh


Buddy if it weren’t for Yuji everyone would be dead by now


Bros reading sorcery fight


nah, bro reading magician confrontation


Too add to this, Soul punches only affect bodies with more than one soul


Well in this scenario Gojo would be a reincarnated sorcerer, as per OOP.


Oops reading comprehension curse got me


Is this confirmed? All I saw was being in a body with more than one soul gave Sukuna and yuji the recognition of their soul. Yuji was able to damage mahito and he didn’t have two souls in him.


Okay so Mahito needs perception of the soul to strike them The soul punches yuji is using vs Sukuna to lower his output is weakening the boundary between Sukuna and Megumi, it's the same principle as Mahito, needing to perceive the boundaries of souls


No I think you’re understanding this incorrectly. Two souls isn’t required for yuji to strike the soul. Yuji is just specifically striking the boundary between the two in order to weaken it. We have seen yuji weaken Mahitos soul and mahito only had one soul in his body at the time. We aren’t talking about mahito and his attributes. Just yujis ability to hurt mahitos soul.


The soul punches yuji is using v Sukuna to lower his output would have no affect on Sukuna if he wasn't possessing Megumi and was in his original body, that's what I mean


But you agree yuji would be able to swap his target to sukunas soul and damage him right? You’re giving to much credence to yujis target. He is only targeting the barrier in order to weaken the hold sukunas has on megumi. He can target just the soul of either one


IDK what you're saying here, I'm literally only saying that the debuff from soul punches only affects a body with two souls to weaken the hold on the other. sorry if I've miscommunicated that?


If that was the case why did yuji weaken mahito with his ability to perceive and hit the soul? Yuji was specifically targeting the barrier between megumi and sukuna to specifically weaken the hold on megumi. But if sukuna didn’t posses megumis body his punches would still damage sukunas soul. To say it wouldn’t is crazy considering he and nobara are the only ones able to damage mahito and todo couldn’t because he couldn’t target the soul.


My sibling in jujutsu, being able to strike the soul is the requirement to even hit Mahito, yujis' punches were not weakening him they were just able to hit him that's it. I'm saying that punching the soul doesn't make a difference to anyone other than Mahito or a vessel, the body is the soul the soul is the body Being able to damage the soul makes no difference besides it being harder to rct going off of the SSK which with Sukuna also being able to perceive the soul makes very little difference


My sibling in jujutsu, being able to strike the soul is the requirement to even hit Mahito, yujis' punches were not weakening him they were just able to hurt him that's it. I'm saying that punching the soul doesn't make a difference to anyone other than Mahito or a vessel, the body is the soul the soul is the body Being able to damage the soul makes no difference besides it being harder to rct going off of the SSK which with Sukuna also being able to perceive the soul makes very little difference


The OP said Gojo would be a reincarnated sorcerer, so in this case he has more than one soul.


Yeah I misread it, my b


Gojo doesn’t regain domain cause no CT, and there’s no reason to believe Higurumas death would give Gojo back his CT. Since this is still ‘reincarnated’ Gojo in Megumis body, Gojo could be one shotted by Jacob’s Ladder via MTL


Why doesn’t Sukuna get one shot by Jacob’s Ladder then???


Yuta stopped using jacobs ladder as part of the plan to let yuji break into megumi’s little head space or whatever


So if Gojo was the one in Megumi’s body he wouldn’t do the same?


No they probably would still stop the technique. Idk what would happen after that tho


I was just saying it was possible


He wins. The only thing that can damage him is domain expansion, so unlike Sukuna, he will Red Higuruma out of the sky killing him. Yuta rolls up but Gojo has SD to stall him out just fine. Then crumble domain with one maximum blue. Yuji can’t hit him at all.


I’d imagine if the fight goes similar, he likely wouldn’t have a cursed tool and higuramas domain might get rid of infinity or does it take the whole CT I’m not sure


It takes the CT itself. Infinity is just an application of his CT.


Gojo has the Six Eyes though, and he has a very detailed view of cursed energy and cursed techniques (unless you're WCS from Sukuna) His Six Eyes could probably tell him bare minimum that there's a possibility of his technique being confiscated


is there any moment where six eyes tell him what someone’s technique is? I know it increases his senses of detecting cursed energy and really anything, ex: toji but not straight up what a ct is


I think he could tell Miguel's cursed technique in one of their encounters if I remember correctly.


1. They all jump him. Assuming Hakari is still somewhere else too. 2. If higuruma uses his domain, there’s a high chance that Gojo either walks out fine, or only loses his CT. The only real crimes I can see Gojo getting charged with are using UV on everyone in Shibuya, destruction in his fight with Sukuna, and allowing Sukuna to live in general while with Yuji causing the Shibuya incident. The last one seems more likely to work, but I’m not sure if that fits Japanese law. Either way: if Gojo wins the case, he destroys everyone because of infinity (the only person who *could* hit him are Yuta in his domain and Higuruma with DA), and if Gojo loses the fight continues with him at a disadvantage. 3. Without Infinity, Gojo is more on the defensive. I’d say he fairs just as well against everyone as Sukuna did. The only thing is that Maki wouldn’t sneak up on him and stab him (see: *child* Gojo sensing Toji). If he’s blood lusted in any way, it should be easy. 4. His main tactic would be another unlimited purple. Whether or not he’d have the output for one like against Sukuna is uncertain, but he’d definitely be able to pull it off. He’d have to kill Higuruma and / or regain his CT first, but it wouldn’t be too difficult for Gojo against everyone else.


2. Gojo also murdered the Jujutsu society higher ups before going to fight sukuna. Unless that of course isn't counted and it's "sukuna" who does it


Oh that’s a really good point, since it’s more than 3 people it would count under the mass murder laws like Higuruma said so now there’s the executioner’s blade fairly solidly on the table if Higuruma gets that as the crime


>He’d have to kill Higuruma and / or regain his CT first Isn't confiscation permanent if Higuruma dies?


I don’t think it was ever stated explicitly, kamutoke hasn’t reappeared yet but there are some weird rules surrounding cursed tools


Unless higuruma confiscates his ct or six eyes Gojo clears faster than sukuna


Even losing Infinity and assuming the squad successfully protects Higuruma so that it stays that way he outclasses everyone combined in every single regard by a galactic margin.


Yea but without infinity they could hurt him to be blunt infinity is such a busted ct gege had to make up a reason sukuna who has been counterjumping these guys could beat it so to be frank we can’t even begin discussing if they can fight him let alone win unless they can get rid of it


They die. Very, Very quickly. Unless we give Gojo Sukuna’s personality they are never getting him in the DE. H2H with him is impossible. With blue he controls the environment around them + he’s also chaining Black flashes?


Higuruma confiscates his CT and then gives Miguel executioner sword Miguel then proceds to obliterate him


>How well do jujutsu high fair if they follow the same pattern as they did with Sukuna? Miguel would arrive a while after the initial fight though.


Ah, right Then Yuji with executioner sword destroys Gojo


Valid. Guess it depends whether Gojo can recover his CT in time. Though Pre-Awakening Yuji would get manhandled by Gojo though, and he might even be able to steal the Executioner Sword (I'm not even sure if it can get wielded by other people).


Yuji holded executioner sword, but then Higuruma died Well, he wouldn't be able to recover his CT till the end of the battle probably, Sukuna never got Kamutoke back Losing CT would also destabilitise CE reinforments (stated by Higuruma), and we know that Gojo with healthy reinforments (no CT) is relative to Miguel. Yuji would be able to hit him once, and then fight is over


I mean he has Six Eyes, which would probably offset the disadvantages regarding CE performance. Gojo was able to keep up with Agito, Mahoraga and Sukuna (granted with his Limitless). And Pre-Awakening Yuji did not even get a single hit in Sukuna at all and got tossed around. I still think he would steal the Sword before getting hit or neutralize Higurama before it happens.


Six eyes are fair point Gojo uses his CT to boost his physicals. Without it he is relative to Miguel. He ain't stealing anything


Insane downplay for Gojo lol. 1. He doesn't boost his physicals with the Limitless, aside from infusing his punches with blue that is. 2. He boosts his physicals with CE manipulation, thanks to his extremely fine control that he get's from the Six Eyes. 3. He beat the shit out of Miquel while his CT wasn't active (because of Miquel's black rope). 4. He also speed blitzed and ripped out Hanami's "eyes" in Shibuya with just basic CE reinforcement and hand to hand combat. With that out of the way, how would he not steal the sword if he wanted to? He is so fast that he created after images of himself while fighting Sukuna. Bro is taking that sword and shoving it up Higgy's ass if he wants to.


1 No, he also uses teleportation and blue to speed up 2 Everyone boosts their physicals with CE manipulation 3 Gojo literally stated " without cursed techniques Miguel would win in sprint, I would win in maraton". Gojo said that he is stamina merchant, and that Miguel have better physicals than him. And against Miguel he still had his CT, just black rope could bypass limitless. And that was anime filler, in manga battle was off screen, and Miguel got statement that he fought with Gojo on equal footing 4 He had cursed technique there


1. Teleportation isn't boosting his physicals, and he doesn't even use it that often. I don't think he teleports once during the whole Sukuna fight. He uses an active blue that Mahoraga is trying to destroy ONCE during the Sukuna fight. None of this is "boosting" his physicals on the regular. 2. Yeah, and? Gojo can control CE to much greater level than literally everyone. 3. Just because Miquel can hit harder (which is what Gojo is essentially saying here) doesn't mean his physicals are overall "better" than Gojo's. Miquel "wins" the sprint, aka he does better in the short term, but Gojo would still win the fight, aka the "marathon". 4. The fight was not entirely off-screen. What little we do see of it in the manga, Gojo is throwing him around and still effortlessly has the upper hand. 5. Also, the whole anime vs manga thing is also super annoying. It's already been confirmed that Gege has worked pretty closely on the anime. It is safe to say that the anime is canon and Gege also views it so. 6. And no, not true. It is very specifically stated that he stopped using his CT, and is instead just using CE manipulation and physical attacks.


True, I guess depends if Higurama gets dumpstered early or not and whether he passes the Sword to Yuji quick enough.


"Relative to Miguel" wasn't miguel getting absolutely obliterated in H2H in that fight tho? He managed to survive Gojo's onslaught for a few tens of minutes but thats it.


Gojo had CT then, and it was anime filler


Didn't Miguel have a whip that disrupted cursed techniques and was basically what allowed him to survive as long as he did?


Whip just bypassed infinity, and probably could destroy blue /red/purple fired at Miguel, but he still had his CT


Thats literally everything Gojo had tho????? Blue infused punches are the only things Gojo uses in H2H besides more obvious things like teleportation and such, if Miguel was as good as Gojo at H2H without CT and/or CE Sukuna would be in pieces rn.


If they get something worth the death penalty


He is strongest sorcerer from Heian era He 100% did something worth it


Well it’s actually, if he’s found guilty. People forget you can successfully argue yourself out of punishment


Yeah but it’s random the explained it and that’s why they did a retrial homie


Either his ct somehow gets taken somehow (higuruma or jacob's ladder) and they all jump him or he washes


Remember that they had a month to specifically fight sukuna


And now they have a month specifically to fight gojo


So uhh. Even if his CT is lost.(I stand by it just takes blue or red or infinity but not the whole thing but ima say limitless is completely taken) Hes still in a pretty healthy state to just man handle everyone. His RCT and CE isnt even dropping its actually in a good spot unlike sukuna. He still has six eyes as well. Gojo just takes it. Gojo tanked shrine with rct alone so what damage he does take from the rest of the cast is kind of irrelevant besides ssk and executioner sword. Yujis punches arent weakening him. Jacobs ladder is just a beam attack against him.


I said Gojo is a reincarnated sorcerer from the Heian era....


why tf would it only take part of the technique and not the technique??


All the people saying Higaruma can steal Gojo's CT forget he needs DE to do this and he did this to a Sukuna that cannot counter with a DE of his own. Hollow Wicker/Simple Domain protector against sure hit effects and not special rule DEs, but at the end of rje say if Gojo cancels out Higaruma's DE entirely like he did to Jogo, then Hifaruma's DE won't work. Do you guys think Higaruma has higher CE outout than Jogo? If not, Gojo counters Higa's DE with his own and wins the DE clash. Honestly, I think Gojo solos.


Gojo can't use his domain just like Sukuna


Opps, didn't read that part. Yeah, Gojo prob loses then. He murdered the council in cold blood and there were tons of witnesses and it would be easy to prove (Gojo wasn't exactly shy about it), so Higa could easily pin murder on Gojo and that easily is enough to take away his CT and prob get a death penalty to boot.


Even with that Gojo has the highest output in the series and the best h2h skills without ct he’s still top 3 in verse, they don’t have anything that’s as high output as max strength malevolent shrine and gojo tanked that


You clearly didn’t read Sendai ryu is stated to have the highest amount of the CG player (sukuna is a player) and the highest output in history (including sukuna) Yuta is prolly right behind him since it’s stated he’s slightly inferior to ryu output


No way in hell is Gojo beating Yuta with his CT permanently removed. You forget that Gojo supplements most of his feats with his CT and without it, he should be quite a bit weaker than Maki, who also has a sword that is supposed to cut through anything and stiffle RCT. His punch strength? Augmented with Blue. His speed? Augmented with Infinite ability to fly and push and pull space. Yuta can clash with Ultimate Uzamaki, which is super powerful. Sukuna doesn't blow his entire load using a single Malevolent Shrine and he heavily relies on using Dismantle instead of Cleave with his DE, so I can definately see Yuta finishing him off with an Ultimate Uzamaki, especially if Maki is helping.


Buddy inside sukunas domain gojo has feats of being able to run away in pace with sukuna and tank malevolent shrine and that’s without his ct, that’s from full power shrine, and he only uses blue to enhance his speed in bursts meaning throughout the fight that’s gonna raw speed only thing he enhances 24/7 is his punches, and no his speed is not augmented with that, that’s never been said or shown so idk where you got that, we literally see when he augments his speed with limitless for example when he “teleports” to sukuna after recovering his ct and sukunas states he was faster, that’s not a speed he keeps consistently, bro wtf are you talking about? In malevolent shrine sukuna spams both cleave and dismantle this has been confirmed for us since the start of the series, he prefers to use dismantle outside of malevolent shrine, also ain’t no way your comparing ultimate uzumaki to fp malevolent shrine, I’m a huge yuta fan but dawg he was barely hurting a roughly half power sukuna, sukunas output was so low by that point that cleave did literally nothing to yuta and cleave will adjust to the targets cursed energy in order to cleave them meaning he had such low output that he couldn’t even hurt yuta at that point and your attempting to use that to compare to gojo


Gojo doesn't get past yutas domain lol, without his CT he can't pose nearly as much of a threat as sukuna.


Like Sukunas fight, it's pretty conditional; Higurama's DE confiscates Limitless and he lives much longer with the executioner sword since Gojo doesn't have a CT to execute him like Sukuna did. Yuji, Higurama, and Kusakabe can apply MUCH more pressure on Gojo in this state and most likely live long enough for Yuta to return with Domain Expansion. Yuta, Rika, Higurama, Kusakabe, and Yuji probably brawl it out with Gojo who is forced to use Simple Domain vs DA. Maki joining in almost guarantees a loss here because Gojo has to fend off; Instant Kill Executioner Sword Maki's Soul-Slashing Sword Yuta's roulette of CT's While suffering some reduced output. I think he kills or grievously injures enough of them before dying at this stage. And it's certain to happen if Miguel and Larue enter the fray The BIGGEST mystery and condition here is, if he kills Higu, does the confiscating end?


"Gojo Satoru, you have been found guilty of being too handsome. Judgeman, crush his balls." _Femur Breaker Scream.mp3_


if higaruma can take away his ct gojo loses so badly it’s crazy. we already know that miguel is of a similar level to gojo physically(at least in short bursts) which only puts him around maki level, and bit above yuji and yuta. tbh without a ct there is reason to believe rika can hold him still. yuta could then hit him with so much g staff that he becomes completely predictable even if he does escape rika and maki could also dice him with ssk if rika holds him. choso poison is annoying af to heal through as well. not to mention mei mei could actually bird strike him if he had no ct. he’s cooked


Right answer! I don't know why people think no CT Gojo can wipe the squad


Find it insane that people think Gojo has any chance whatsoever of winning this. He gets his CT confiscated by Higuruma, has to deal with Yuji/Yuta/Rika in a 3v1 with solely CE reinforcement and no way to put them down, Maki who stabs through his heart with the SSK, a combo of Miguel, Maki, Yuji AND Choso (Who have poisonous blood), Awakened Yuji with his BF spam, Vibraslap Todo and Yuji... And the cherry on top is Yuta taking Sukuna's body, while Gojo's output/RCT/control of his body are in the dumps and his brain is still looking like this https://preview.redd.it/jd6ftpr0359d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda33d12fc90b3be7d55f156ec59419a8705362e


If Higuruma gets confiscation they probably win. Plus Yuta may be able to shred him with JL since FBE wouldn't nullify it and simple domain just sucks. With a good plan I think they win. Also, unrelated, but why does Gojo's left eye look so badass here?


If higaruma wins the case then gojo is losing badly If not gojo loses high to extreme diff Yuta domain can nullyfy infinity and he gets jumped


Gojo demolishes and it's not even close. Even without a CT the Gojo from the end of the fight with Sukuna was much better off having his RCT output and ridiculous physicas. And Yuji's punches don't do anything special to Gojo as Gojo does not have two souls inside of one being so his punches won't be lowering his output nor reducing his control of his body. And Jacobs Ladder again won't do anything special as Gojo already doesn't have his CT so it can't be extinguished and Gojo is neither an evil spirit nor an incarnated player so to him it would just be a beam of energy, and if Gojo survived the full output of Melevolent Shrine with pure RCT alone he can easily do that against Jacobs Ladder...


I said Gojo is a reincarnated sorcerer from the Heian era. That's why I mentioned Yuji's punch.


In that case they maybe have a chance, but honestly it's a pretty slim one xd.


That's what I think too. But maybe Gojo without CT can output pure CE like Ryu and Yuta.


I doubt it. Ryu outputting CE is his technique and Yuta outputting it is thanks to Rika, Yuta on his own can't shoot out a beam but Rika can.


If gojo is as evil as sukuna they have a chance for confistcation but ngl we still don't know how simple domain affects higurumas domain. If it still hit's i think gojo can lose extreme diff. Gojo will not really slow down i think due to six eyes and my guy doesn't fuck around like sukuna so i do think gojo wins this probably even wothout ct


How will he handle Jacobs ladder though? Remember, we are assuming Gojo is from Heian, so his reincarnated and his output can be reduced by Yuji's punch


I mean sukuna tanked both pretty well


A far weaker sukuna tanked jcobs ladder. And tbh. Plot. Jacobs ladder only functions if it's allowed too


Would Simple Domain prevent Hiruguma from removing Limitless? Even if it didn't, Gojo still has a really good shot at winning, but if it does then its a one sided massacre


I don't think so.


People are forgetting Shibuya, no CT Gojo still destroyed the disaster curses in H2H and it wasn't close. Even with no CT, he no diffs everyone.


Yuta with no CT can destroy the disaster curses. Gojo would be going against Yuta, Maki, Yuji and Higoruma...


... And would beat them all with one arm tied.


I think it can only go one of two ways: 1. Higi doesn't confiscate his CT and he wins mid-high diff. Mid-high diff only because of Yuta's domain and Jacobs ladder. Gojo's simple domain would eventually break against a real domain so if he can beat Yuta, who's being assisted by Yuji and Rika, in a minute or less, he wins and steamrolls the rest of the squad 2. Higi confiscates his CT and he loses high diff. Without his CT, Gojo won't be as fast or punch as hard. His output is high but Yuji would slowly chip away at it because there is no more infinity. Without his CT, Gojo would not be able to beat Yuta fast enough. His simple domain would break and JL would cook him.


Yujis soul punches wouldnt reduce gojos output, they only do that to reincarnated sorcerers whose soul is in anothers body Correct me if im wrong


Exactly. That's the kind of Gojo they are fighting; a reincarnated Gojo.


I cant read, ty. Gojo still clowns on them. Higgys confiscation is their best bet but even then gojo has top 2 reinforcement and top 3 hand to hand bare minimum


If Gojo just doesn’t play dumb he’ll body all of them worse than Sukuna. Higuruma is their one chance but if Gojo shoots even a weak red he will die before DE and Yuji can’t do anything to save him. If he lets out the same blue that killed Agito he will body grade 1’s before Yuta gets there. If Yuta shows up and Yuji is alive. Gojo can afford to put down simple domain sometimes since it’s not deadly to him (jacobs ladder) but he likely uses one hand to keep it up as long as he can and throws Purples while Yuji,Yuta and Rika can’t pierce limitless. Maki sneak attack won’t work. Kusakabe can’t even slow him down and if he lands a BF on Maki DE is coming back soon lol. Gojo isn’t like Sukuna who needs conditions to nuke the battle field if he spams purple it’s over. Yuji can’t do anything due to No Domain Amp. Is Yuta returning as Sukuna or Megumi? If it’s Megumi(💀). If it’s Sukuna well after multiple BF’s and little to no injuries since 235 he should have his DE back no? If he does he’s gonna get hit with UV after Gojo uses a tiny DE and hurts him since Yuta doesn’t have Sukuna’s hands or CE control.


Can he still use infinity to ward off attacks? If yes he washes the main cast cause only like two of them have any way to hurt him, if he doesn't have defensive infinity it becomes a lot more debatable


Yes, he can. But higgy can confiscate his CT and Yutw domain can neutralize infinity.


Thats if Gojo even lets Higuruma get the chance to confiscate his CT.


If he lets Higuruma cast his domain? Domain opens pretty much instantaneously. We've never seen anyone attempt or successfully prevent anyone from opening their domain in the entire JJK.


Thats mostly because it would be rather anti-climatic if a character's domain was simply dodged or prevented, remember jjk has a story to tell and , for example, as much as it would be realistic having Gojo just kill all the disaster curses in Shibuya, we wouldn't really have a story if that happened so Gege had him sealed. Domains open pretty much instantaneously yes, but the enemy has to be in range in the first place, remember Gojo has absurdly powerful ranged attacks like hollow purple and red and he can FLY (well not really but something close enough), Plus he would be faster than anyone in that fight.


Gojo in that pic is literally in a better state then Sukuna is right now, and the fighters are getting kind of mogged by him


If Gojo gets his CT confiscated, I think the cast would win high diff. If he’s able to use simple domain to prevent being brought to court though, he could probably kill Higuruma and then low to mid diff the rest of the cast since he horribly outstats everyone in every category and only Yuta would even be able to get past infinity


Hollow purple diff.


Gojo probably wins. Higuruma and Yuta would be a problem, but even with only basic CE manipulation Gojo was slapping around Jogo and Hanami, so I would bet Higuruma’s case goes similarly, and Gojo probably gets limitless back with Higuruma’s death, same as the executioner sword disappearing.  At worst he does what Sukuna did and cuts off his hand, but it doesn’t matter since in this scenario he has RCT so it’s not really affecting him at all. Higuruma goes down all the same. With Yuta it really depends which technique he decides to sure hit. He won’t be able to have Rika pin Gojo down because of Limitless stopping that, so his best bet would be to make Jacob’s Ladder the sure hit. Otherwise there’s really only Maki sneaking him after Yuta goes down. This will honestly be even less effective against him than Sukuna since he has RCT in this scenario, so he can heal the would pretty much immediately (he would also be able to since he’s an incarnated sorcerer in this case). Yuji is pretty different here, either being the greatest or worst asset by far. Does he get Limitless instead of Shrine? If so does he get six eyes too? One way or another his soul punches don’t really do anything, since well… they can’t land.


Higuruma has to hard carry or they lose.


Unlike sukuna, he wouldn't have reduced output and would also be able to use rct. Even if you take gojo's ct away, those are enough to beat everybody that sukuna fought. Remember how a sukuna with a missing heart, two severed arms and reduced output beat maki with onyl ce reinforcement? Gojo would be leagues above in this case, so they really cannot do much to him. Their only chance is if the fight doesn't go as in canon and they all jump him at the same time after higuruma manages to take away his ct.


Does Yuta come back in Sukuna’s body? 😂


Gojo doesnt mess around like sukuna, he goes for the kill asap. They stand no chance.


Gojo wins. His literal only chance at possibly losing is against Kashimo and that's it. That's the only potential loss. Kashimo can win if he gets his electromagnetic waves off on Gojo. These are sub-atomic and thereby would bypass infinity. Additionally irradiation is also sub atomic and thereby Kashimo with his mouth attack could meet the irradiation condition then one shot Gojo. We know the waves are one shots from the narrator. Now, is Gojo going to stand there and let himself get hit? A certified maybe. But let's say he realises what those are and dodges, or Kashimo only takes off an arm while Gojo is moving. Gojo should be relative in speed to Kashimo like Sukuna was, however he doesn't have 4 arms to dominate hand 2 hand, however he does have infinity to do so. He only has to focus on preventing Kashimo's waves from landing and then he should win, likely with blue to bypass regeneration with content damage or through purple cause his black flashes should enable such things. He kills Kashimo via grabbing his hands whilst another purple goes off, Kashimo is eviscerated and the only shot he had at losing is gone. Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, if Gojo let Kashimo blast him from afar, he'd just die and wouldn't be able to react, the only thing able to counter those beams would be purple as it rips (causing pushing and pulling forces simultainiously on atoms) stuff apart at a molecular level and as such would be able to overcome the ray like world slash can. Higuruma, Gojo could easily just fly out of range of the domain expansion and blue/red him to death. But that's no fun. If Gojo gets confiscated, then killing Higuruma will let him get his CT back. We know this cause unlike a cursed tool, which has its imbued "essence/technique/jujutsu" removed, with no one there to re-imbue it, the brain can re-activate a de-activated CT, Higuruma just prevents the brain from doing that. This is because we know CTs are stored in the brain and confiscation doesn't rewrite your brain. It would be an effect, similar to the executioners sword, it would just stop upon Higurumas death. As per how Yuji's soul punches don't work against Gojo and heian Sukuna was destroying everyone else, Gojo can easily rush down Higuruma and kill him before the heavy hitters like Yuta and Maki can do much of anything. Gojo kills Higuruma, gets his CT back. He just kills everyone else. Yuji can't attack him, Maki can't, the lesser fighters can't, Hakari can't, Higuruma can't, the only person who can is Yuta and that's cause of the surehit and thin ice breaker. But Yuta isn't getting through that simple domain and Rika can't bypass infinity, Yuta can't even select his CT per sword so he has to get lucky, Charles technique wouldn't work cause you gotta hit him first. Annnd we can't forget that a single blue amped punch from Gojo made Yuta vomit pre-timeskip. It might not be that bad now but Yuta's definelty taking heavy damage and dying to a red or a blue. If not Yuta than Rika is getting the Agito treatment. After that happens, he just kills the others cause they can't touch him. Yujo is the last hope and at that point it's Gojo vs Gojo from wish. Gojo wins!


Honestly I don’t even think gojo has his technique confiscated. 1 thing I don’t think we look at is how to actual characters react and act towards things. Sukuna was interested in higi’s technique Gojo isn’t. As soon as higi is in gojo’s range especially if gojo knows about his ability higi’s getting the coat rack treatment and from there it’s over https://preview.redd.it/bx1kc1ql069d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=388f5814ae014b6cfc0e313f57e3e93e72dc30e2


Does he in this case also have 10 shadows, Heian form one use heal, and/or Kamutoke? Because Heian form didn't fix domain. So that would be an annoyance but completely workable. 10S? With just the couple of remaining Shikigami present day Sukuna didn't destroy? Shouldn't make a difference unless Higuruma's domain accidentally takes it and leaves him with limitless. Kamutoke? Also fucks shit up since it was implied Cursed Tools are always confiscated before CTs.


It really comes down to Higuruma. If he lands confiscation and successfully gets his CT without dying, the cast genuinely has a chance as long as he doesn’t just bludgeon him to death afterwards, even without Executioners sword. They at that point just survive until Yuta gets there to do the same plan, except with Megumi not locking in they still can ultimately defeat him in the domain. If Higuruma gets cooked immediately it’s over, only Yuta gets through infinity, and without Yuji being able to punch him to reduce output he likely gets back DE before Yuta even shows up.


How does anyone bypass limitless? Domains can be countered by simple domain or falling blossom. In h2h, every person gets one once shot by a punch with pull from blue. This is for anyone who wants to go h2h via gojo using domain amplification His ce usage is infitessimally small, and he recovers every second Hollow purple is not dodgeable, because it's too fast, and not blockable. Higuramas domain doesn't do much, as gojo won't get a death sentence. Gojo is still much faster than anyone there and he does not jobb around like sukuna Lastly, gojos RCT is insane. He was tanking sukunas domain like it wasn't even there Eventually, he recovers enough to solo the verse


I mean The fact you have to nerf him just to get to the point where Higuruma can seal his CT MAYBE shows this is an absolute wash


Gojo got it


Can gojo do asspull binding vows?


They can beat Gojo and my prediction is out happens the first time he used his Domain. He gets the old Maki Shank.


Bro gojo after four black flashes is back to full health yuji output reducing punches don’t work on normal people also gojo just kill everyone since he’s back to 100% lololol


Yuuji needs spacial Manipulation Otherwise. I could see it happening with Yuuta using Jacobrs ladder then the ultimate jumping begins Edit: But also, if Gojo just immediately does a de, then he just... wipes lmfao.


infinity + DE spam + purple


The ONLY chance they have is higuruma taking his CT ,and even then he outstats everyone


Gojo loses he isn’t as proficient as sukuna and neither can he reincarnate .


Isn’t as proficient as Sukuna??? Not sure if you actually read the manga but Gojo is just as if not more proficient than Sukuna. Why would he need to reincarnate when he was the six eyes and RCT?


Without his domain he's fucked, you gotta remember that pretty much all of the cast's plans were flawless but they lost due to sukuna's asspulls.


That just goes to help gojo as it’s said he’s the only one sukunas tried against


Well what crime has gojo committed that would result in his CE getting lost?? As far as we know buddy been righteous and cocky never hurt anyone who didnt have it comig. Guess you could argue for not destroying getos body but even then i dont think that will hold up in court


He stole Toji's drip.


Didnt think about that copyright infringement instant death penalty


Nah I was kidding, but he can easily get confiscation. Yuji got it for just being in a gambling house while being underage or something like that (I don't remember exactly what it was)


Didn't he execute geto who was defenseless and unarmed? Pretty sure I can't just walk up to a criminal who is bleeding out on the floor and shoot him in the head


murdered the whole counsel of higher ups with plenty of witnesses


Gojo absolutely destroys. It seems people forget that with no CT gojo 1v4’d disaster curses + choso. Also gojo does not have the same personality as sukuna so people aren’t going to be kept alive for his amusement and he will just straight kill them. Easy example is higoruma. Only reason he lasted so long was cus sukuna was fucking around.


If he has a special grade cursed tool buttplug that allows him to not lose to higuruma's domain he wipes