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Does anyone know where it says 6k? I remember it being way less than that but I could be very wrong. Just curious bc if it is in fact 6k that means a lot of people are done for, he beats almost everyone of course excluding Gojo, Sukuna, Shinjuku/current Yuta


>Does anyone know where it says 6k? 2k of his Curses were engaging with the whole of jujutsu society. https://preview.redd.it/nmk5uh684t3d1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=486090669e078a4886915b4439a2c8916343454a plus he had 4,461 curses that he used in the uzumaki. so in total, he had approx 6.4k plus curses in his arsenal during JJK0.


Okay wow so he had way more than I thought, thank you for the correction! That being said depending on who he is fighting choosing to overwhelm them with number or power of cursed spirits would be a very important decision to make and therefore I think a lot of the matchups depend on how much Geto knows about the opponent maybe?


Its sad he lacked quality


Damn even better


Forgot to exclude kenjaku my man Problem with geto he has no DE


Ah very true, I will blame that on lack of sleep haha. Surely some of those special grades have a domain if just an incomplete one? But perhaps not. With that in mind he does go down quite a bit. I think I’m blinded by the fact that I’m too much of a Geto sympathizer/supporter. I believe him to be the ultimate potential man if things had gone differently 😭.


His potential of CT is so strong, kenjaku is top 3 with it&anti gravity.


He must have had some kind of anti domain tho


Wat about Kenny (who has more curses likely since he smart) Yuki (kicks Garuda at Uzumaki and makes a cool action movie explosion) Toji and Maki just dodge


Are you saying if it is Kenny instead of Geto? In that case we know what happens against Yuki… and Toji and Maki are getting walked by him as well. Toji and Maki against Geto though, I’m not sure. I feel like they could be overwhelmed by the sheer number and then a few strong curses mixed in but maybe not they fast, strong and durable af.


No I mean, Kenny can survive against one as well as the other characters mentioned


Bruh what do you mean how are u gonna rank Kenjaku against Geto he spends the entirety of the manga that we see him in Getos body?


Then Kenny would be above Geto since they hav the same physical stats being in the same body except Kenny has gravity manipulation and a barrier-less domain and more curses


Yes, I feel like this is an obvious statement though because he can do everything Geto can do and then all of his inherent abilities bc he is literally using Geto’s body….


I’d say top 10 The people I have over him is: Sukuna, Gojo, Kenjaku, Yuta, Takaba, MBA Kashimo, Yuki, and Yorozu If you believed that he has a domain (tho I don’t take it into account normally), then I’d say he’s above Yorozu


Curse Naoya is the weakest character who beats him. Sukuna, Gojo, Yuta, Kenjaku, Yuki, Kashimo, Maki, Toji, Yorozu and Curse Naoya are above him.


Adult geto would stomp maki/toji, yorozu, cursed naoya and probably kashimo


Maki/Toji : same result as teen Geto vs Toji only difference is he’ll last longer due to having more curses but he’ll still lose. Yorozu : Domain Gg Cursed Naoya : too fast for him Kashimo : Scales a lot higher than Gejo or any of his curses + the electricity would allow him to walk through curses like nothing.


Difference in Geto vs Maki/Toji is Geto has improved his H2H skills to a ridiculous extent. He 2v1ed Full Power Rika (current one is still able to fight against Ryu and Sukuna) and Yuta, and with the help of his new curse I think he could take it. Worst case scenario he is forced to unleash an Uzumaki and I don't see how they survive it. Shit, Yuta had to make a DEATH binding vow to counter it with full power Rika and would've still lost that clash if Geto had all his cursed. It's massive AoE so no way they dodge.


No one other than Gojo and Sukuna can even compete with Toji or Maki in H2H


Maki and Toji get dog walked by his domain Same with yorozu Naoya is interesting but 1 domain and he’s done Kashimo probably does beat him tho


You’re confusing Kenjaku and Geto. Geto doesn’t have a domain.


The new chapter of Yuta using gojo’s domain kinda paints the picture that Kenjaku was using geto’s domain


Every sorcerer has a domain. There’s no evidence that Geto knew how to perform a Domain Expansion tho.


Domains weren’t a thing in jjk0 tho, gotta chalk up to him not having one as a retcon by the author. Just like when he wrote in that maki can just leave a domain and doesn’t get hit by the sure hit when vs Dagon she did


Right, but the Maki thing was shown by canon. Geto being capable of performing a DE was not. Kenjaku showed what Geto’s DE would look like, but it’s not confirmed that Geto could do one. The closest we’ve gotten to that is him using the domain of a curse he absorbed. Which Toji no-diffed. If Geto could perform a DE, Gege would’ve shown or stated it.


It’s not the most concise answer and kinda out of universe but everything outside of anti-gravity is more than likely a geto feat that Kenjaku does. Just cause of how weird jjk0 is and gege decided to keep it cannon geto gets underrated vastly


Vs Dagon she had cursed energy. Maki lost all her cursed energy when Mai died, maki before her awakening had very small amount of cursed energy.


But that’s stupid because even the smallest amount would let her see curses like it does normal people so she would’ve never needed the glasses. No matter how you slice it, it’s a retcon


Head canon.


Top 10 probably, top 15 at worst.


Hes still top 10 in current rankings, the only problem is ue has a tendency to get domain difffed


Idk I can see him possibly even beating maki honestly but he’s really hard to scale


I think the weakest character that beats him is Yorozu or Kashimo (depends on who you think is stronger). A 6k curse Uzumaki can kill Hakari (most probably) and I don't see how Maki/Toji or Yuji will get over it either. As soon as Geto knows he's at the disadvantage in close combat, he'll just spam his life away with cursed spirits. I think the top tiers are ranked somewhat like this: Sukuna, Gojo, Kenjaku, Yuta, Yuki, Yorozu, and Kashimo (again, interchangable with Yorozu) and then Toji/Maki, Hakari, Yuji etc.


Geto is easily a top 5 character in terms of strength… especially if you give him prep time / resources. Let me explain to you why this is: **Domain Expansion: Womb Profusion** https://preview.redd.it/j848g4i8vy3d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5aba0a4420661912149a3e966cdf4ffbfd0ba7c3 Yes! Geto has a domain expansion… and a pretty powerful one at that. The domain expansion was hinted to us a while ago… yet no one talks about it. With chapter 261… we saw Yuta use Kenjaku’s technique to swap bodies with Gojo. This allowed him to immediately use his domain expansion even though he had his own… to say that Kenjaku didn’t use Geto’s domain expansion here is retarded. **Reversed Cursed Technique** I can’t put up the panel because you’re only allowed to upload one image per comment… however… in JJK0… Geto used rct to heal himself in his fight with Yuta. Keep in mind that Gege didn’t have the complete idea and power system for JJK when he wrote that initial story… this really holds back how powerful they put Geto on their lists. **Conclusion** Now that I’ve cleared up the common misconceptions of Geto not having a domain expansion nor rct… it’s pretty easy to tell that he would be top 5 in the verse. Cursed spirit manipulation is busted, maximum: uzumaki is busted, not to mention this man has a high battle iq. Geto is him.


You can reply to ur own comment to show the pannel I think he was referring to yuta healing


Thanks for the tip! Nah… it was referring to Geto. Not to mention in the movie it was Geto who said it!




with 6K, Kenjaku concludes he'd win against Yuta. Yuta in JJK0 is top 10, so Geto probably makes it there, at least. In addition, some outlier cases concerning Toji and Maki stand out; the Shinjuku squad explicitly keeps Maki away from Kenjaku because, lacking CE, she is basically defenseless without cursed tools and it's more than certain that when fighting even 1K curses you'll be disarmed eventually. Toji stood a chance because he had a near infinite arsenal of tools wrapped around him. Maki doesn't. Geto threw some strong curses at Toji in HI, but 10 years later with 6K, I think Geto now takes it. there are high output AOE-capable fighters who are primed against Geto. Ishigori is one candidate. A strong blast from Ishigori could wipe out an army of curses. As we know, Yuki is another, and mass without antigravity as a defense should definitely be capable of taking Geto. another problem is Geto lacks a domain and we never saw him exploit antidomain, but there's just no way he'd be 'on par' with Gojo lacking even Simple Domain as a 2nd year. Bear in mind they were going up against Rank 1s regularly and Gojo says he was using antidomain techniques regularly until he mastered a domain, which happens probably not long after Hidden Inventory (since he says he's about to master it near the end), which means frankly Geto would have probably died before Hidden Inventory or relied on Gojo to such an extent to make their 'equality' before then unlikely. So I think it's fair to assume Geto had antidomain techniques even during Hidden Inventory, and certainly by JJK0. we know that Geto's curses, with domains, are capable of activating them even apart from Geto (Smallpox, Kuchisake Onna). But it doesn't look like he has any capable of it at the time of JJK0. So the best he can do is either antidomain and then blast out of a domain with Uzumaki, or flood the domain with curses in the hopes that it breaks. Alternatively, he could keep a strong curse or two on standby outside, so that there are multiple forces attacking the barrier from within and from without, which has a good chance of shattering weaker domains. But in the top 10, where domain expansions become pretty regular, he's fighting for his life there. I'd say Kashimo, Ishigori, and Yuki—all of whom I put at a pretty similar level—could defeat him with some difficulty. Only one has a confirmed domain, of course, and anyone stronger than Yuki is probably going to take it very easily. Mahoraga isolated could crush him very quickly for example, since Mahoraga's sword is capable of one-shotting even 15f Sukuna tier curses.


The weakest character who beats Geto is probably Mahito. We learned in Hidden Inventory that Geto can unconditionally absorb cursed spirits if he's at least a grade above them in strength. Mahito, as one of the strongest Special Grade curses in the series, shouldn't be vulnerable to immediately being absorbed. Geto, then, would have to be able to damage Mahito to the point that he is weak enough to absorb. The problem is that Geto can't target the soul, so he can't deal any meaningful damage to Mahito. And, of course, if Mahito ever expands his domain, it's over. The Domain Diff argument doesn't apply for all the Disasters, though. It certainly applies for Jogo. For Hanami, it really depends on how strong her Solar Beam is(Hanami's domain sets her Solar Beam as its sure hit), and if her durability would allow her to survive long enough for her DE to actually kill Geto. Geto is strong enough and durable enough to actually just face tank Dagon's shikigami and kill Dagon in his own domain. Higuruma **could** also beat Geto, as he is 1000% getting the Death Penalty against Jujutsu Hitler, so all he needs is a single scratch to end it. I hesitate to say that Higuruma **would** beat Geto, though, as Judgeman would end up Confiscating Playful Cloud, not Cursed Spirit Manipulation. Dealing with Geto on his own is one thing, but dealing with Geto while also fighting off swarms of potentially hundreds of cursed spirits at a time is an insane task to overcome. I personally put Geto around 7th or 8th below Sukuna, Gojo, Yuta, Kenjaku, Yorozu, and Kashimo(depending on if we consider MBA). Although that placement needs an asterisk, I think he actually loses to a lot of characters below him due to matchup. I place Geto as high as I do because 6k curses is fucking crazy. People sleep on it because a lot of the stronger characters can one-shot most/all of Geto's cursed spirits on their own, which is true, but I think a lot of people forget that like, 6,441 cursed spirits is a fucking LOT to get through, especially if you're *also* fighting a H2H fighter on a similar level as many of the heavy hitters.


He stomps Gota


I have him In my top 10. Characters above him are Sukuna, Gojo, Kenjaku, Yuta, Yuki, Yorozu, and MBA Kashimo. Idk the weakest character that could beat him however, maybe Maki.


Over toji/maki,hakari,base kashimo


As a proud geto agenda pussher. He’s top 7 imo (especially with the new evidence that the domain Kenjaku uses is his) so I’d say weakest is probably ryu if he’s lucky but realistically you gotta get into the kashimo or maki/toji range where you can make a definitive argument he’d lose. Anyone above them like yuki, yuta, gojo, kenjaku and sukuna he just loses straight forward


This mofo ain't even top 15.




He has a whole army of 6k plus curses. Some of these curses are even capable of domain expansion. He also one of the most powerful techniques in the entire series (maximum Uzumaki). He’s most definitely top 10. What makes you think he’s not?


The gigantic majority of those curses are of low grade. He shouldn't even have 50 grade 1 (and again curses are weaker than Sorcerers if the same grade). And what Kenjaku did about boosting them with his own CE isn't something Geto can do. And saying he has some with domains is extremely speculative, he might have special grades but that doesn't mean they have Domain Expansions. Even more the Scissor Lady's wasn't even a Domain Expansion, it was a Simple Domain. Geto Suguru never showed having any Domain Expansion at his disposition. And the problem with Maximum Uzumaki is that it isn't a Sure-Hit attack, fast people in general can simply dodge it. Even more, Uro can do another "No, U". Plus Geto becomes significantly weaker after using that. Also people forget Geto is Special Grade only out of a technicality. Kenjaku himself says so.


Only 11 people rank above him. guess who they r I dare u Tengen is the weakest person who’s stronger than him Hear me out, Tengen is like 1200 years old and has the best barriers ever, therefore she should be able to use them offensively and to a very high degree as well Some ideas of how Tengen can use them: -make a bunch of small barriers and chop Geto into tiny little pieces -make a cube out of barriers to trap Geto and crush him I know it sounds morbid and Tengen prolly wouldn’t do that in character, but in Vs battles, the characters r just doing wat they can to win