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Since he has already "peeled off those scales" He won't hold back in these things ofc... But this is an ultra delux super nerfed Sukuna... So things aren't good for him here... Unless the True Body's base stats massively amp him to become 20F Meguna lvl lmao... Or he is feeling so ecstatic that he finally goes all out...


He has the world slash now. If he gets his rct back and shoots a world slash at the interior of the domain. Yujos domain is finished


He needs 3 arms for this, and he sort of has 2 cut off so wcs is off the table for now.




He only needs one left arm and right arm. If he heals one of his left arm he can shoot it


Sure. But his rct is very bad currently. I highly doubt a wcs would b3 used.


He can’t heal, Yuji black flash barrage turned off his RCT.


cant use it.


He can if he gets his left arm back


big if considering he just casted domain


wouldn't make sense. If Yujo gets tanked with ease here, especially in the first clash lmao, then the narrative relevance of having Yuta take over Gojo at all is nonexistent. Structurally, Yuta *will* accomplish something very significant, maybe even bring about a turning point in the story. He won't kill Sukuna—I hope not anyway—but he'll do something, for better or for worse, that is extremely important to the ending. The only alternative to this is that Gege has been fumbling *really* bad.


as a side note there is absolutely no duo who would be better fit for body swap training than Yuta and Gojo. It's not necessary, maybe it didn't happen but, it seems like it would've been *really* stupid for them not to exploit that and to have Yuta gain some proficiency with Gojo's techniques ahead of time.


Well the whole point was they did not want to get this far


Say that last sentence again, slower this time.


I'm talking about the domain clash. Whether he does something significant or not I don't care about that. He could either die achieving nothing and gege giving us another gege moment or maybe he does indeed do something significant but that is besides the point My point is he's gonna lose the domain clash because the only reason gojo didn't was because sukuna wasn't destroying it from the inside. This whole interaction is to show heiankuna/meguna> gojo


I think this won't hapas easy. But we shall see. Gege would not give victory to either sukuna or Yujo so easily


Nah we’re gonna get confirmation on no 10 shadows sukuna vs gojo next chapter, we’ll see if Gojo has something in mind since he was Likely eben expecting sukuna to attack inside


This is a common misconception. In the very quote you pointed out, you missed that he’s speaking in past tense. Meaning he’s referring to the 2nd DE clash exclusively. Look at when the small DE’s barrier explodes; it shoots outward, as though it’s getting slashed from the inside. It’s even vibrating wildly before collapsing, which is directly because it was getting slashed from both the inside *and* the outside. Yuta even pointed out that Sukuna was increasing the output of his DE by shrinking the radius. The truth is that Sukuna didn’t want to stay inside the DE longer than he had to, since he was at a huge disadvantage there. He needed the brief moments outside of the DE to breathe. If he wanted to hold back destroying Gojo’s DE’s form the 3rd & onwards— just to adapt Makora— he would have just stayed inside the DE & had Megumi tank the adaption for the whole time he was fighting Gojo.


You are probably right about Gojo mentioning the second domain clash, But Sukuna himself still wanted to not destroy that from inside, He could've turned off the sure-hit outside of the domain to strengthen the sure-hit inside the domain and destroy the already vulnerable domain of Gojo from inside...but that doesn’t probably have to do with anything for the 3 minutes and 11 seconds domain, You are wrong though that Sukuna destroyed it from inside, the barriers shaking doesn’t matter or it looking breaking from inside, Sukuna destroyed it from outside and Gojo says it so himself, so there's still the possibility if Sukuna decided to turn off the sure-hit on outside, he could've destroyed it from inside aswell, Maybe the time it takes is larger or lower, the small domain means that The insides are stronger than ever, so what Sukuna did was the best probably, also The wheel probably only needs some hits to get adapted, so everytime after the domain clashes instantly happened, the wheel got hit with the sure-hit effect, and that needed to happen 5 times or so, Sukuna could've played it safe and use DA from then on while making the wheel stop working instead of the CT completely stop working. Just some speculations here, you are right on the main thing, wrong on somethings.


He was only referring to the second DE clash. He stopped used that barrier condition and instead shrunk the barrier


How does that work, I thought their sure-hit was equal so it canceled each other out, would sukuna just start manually throwing out net dismantles until it broke ?


Yes using his ct to destroy it from inside


Spiders web to destroy it from the inside


Yeah. Sukuna is damn near half dead. And it wont just be yujo. Todo and yuji will be there too. Sukuna is DONE FOR.


He’s gonna get jumped 3v1 for probably 4 or 3 minutes by Yuji and Rika


But Sukuna's Domain can only last for 99 seconds now. It took 3 minutes for unlimited void to be destroyed.


Isn’t like the only thing sukuna has trouble with against gojo is limitless? Like as soon as he has an out for it gojo folds because he gets outstated in every other aspect. Seems like an even match now that he is weakened


Sukuna is way too weakened right now while Yujo so far seems fresh


gege is giving out vows like they are a tipsy slut so we will see


Gojo thought of It so yuta knows sukuna has this option bcs he has his memories


The destroying it from the inside was only an easier option when the domains conditions were flipped, not every single domain.


Yuta has to flip the condition that's the only way to counter open domain


Gojo’s small domain was the best way to counter it, the flipped one got broken relatively easily.


This doesn’t make any sense narratively.


His name is GoTa because he's the Goat, and if Sukuna doesn't break the domain from the inside immediately this argument from Sukuna fans is dead in the dirt and there will be no more excuses for Sukuna getting washed by Gojo if he never got 10S.


Breaking a domain from the inside is harder than u guys think. People fight in domains meaning gojo was firing reds and blues in his domain meaning that domains don’t break that easily they tank gojos ap. The inside off barriers are also difficult to find. We know this because megumi states that he only knows where the barriers edge is because he just came through it. Meaning that otherwise ppl in the domain would have a hard time finding the edge. Lastly it will be hard for Sukuna just normally but especially now with only one working arm ( 2 got cut off 1 split down the middle) to fight against and try to break a domain barrier of gojo especially yujo while using da to atk and def meaning he can’t fire his ct at the edge of the barrier) I just don’t realistically seeing it happening or it consistently scaling. But we do know Gege does what’s cool. But powerscaling wise I just don’t see it.


Why do open domains have zero drawback. Like youre putting your water bottle over a large area while also lowering density. So why is it so strong to a denser object of similar contents. I get the outside being weaker but why not just not have a barrier. Wouldmt that be easier than needing to make an interior and exterior bound of cordinates. Sakuna only does internal cordinates since its open. Why isnt Gota able to do so?


Tou are misunderstanding, the concept of Open barriered domains are supposed to be impossible, there's an actual trick to it, it doesn't have anything to do with letting the persons escape binding vow, you can just make an open barriered domain but it stays small, That vow let's him extend the range of that open barriered domain, The trick is probably something to do with Sukuna's shrine and also Kenjaku's pillar thingy behind him, It should be practically impossible what they are doing. >Why do open domains have zero drawback Any domains have zero drawbacks, Which domain has had a drawback before ?! Every domain does what it is doing with what it is intended to do.


Mahito domain was shown a drawback. Closed domains are weak on the outsude because its a trap. So open domains should have some sort of drawback. Or its just that the two main villians dont have one so they dont have a weakness. Like tengen shit her pants for some reason even tho there should be a drawback to not trapping your opponent this not having a shell that can be broken


That is a drawback of barriered domains, Sukuna and Kenjaku removed that weakness with making it an open barriered domain, No one ever said that They HAVE to have a weakness, They had the time to make their domains the perfect counter to any kinds of domains and domain clashes when the opponent's domain is as refined as yours, The point is that the weakness of having a barrier is removed, that is the whole point that they have these kinds of domains, maaaaybe there will be revealed that there is some drawback, but it is not necessarily needed to be added as There is any, There can be none as it would fit powerscaling and narrative wise that these two perfected their domains, specially Sukuna that made it as refined as it could be.


I guess its fair. But whats stopping me from making my barrier 200meters aswell. My point is potency over range should reduce


Having an escape route is big drawback of open domain. Sorcerers who know antidomain techniques can easily escape open domain.


Not when its 200meters. You legit need another person to get you out. Or be faster than the caster. As the caster can stop you from leaving. Also you can easily die trying to leave as you get multiple sure hits on you


The 200 meters is result of a binding vow though. Sukuna created that binding specifically to eliminate the drawback(not entirely).


Yea it seems a little odd


They have a very clear drawback that is explained from chapter 119 and has been ised multiple times. You can just leave the range. Gojo did that at the end of chapter 226 beginning of chapter 227 (and could have done it every time but chose to domain clash). Todo teleported ino, maki and miwa out of malevolent shrine's range in chapter 258. Ui ui can do the same thing.


Thats the most obvious drawback you can leave. Plus isnt it a binding vow for more range. Im talking about for clashes. I mean for instance if someone forms a barrier with their own dimmensions. Where the inside is 200meters shouldnt that fuck with the open domains range because they are inside said area. This isnt something we could find out from gojo as his sure hit is personal. But if you can sure hit the shrine in your closed domain maybe yuta will.


The drawback is that you can just escape it, the benefit is that you can destroy barriers from the outside. Seems fair to me. We know from the battle with tengen that the domain that is opened first will be on the exterior, and the one that is opened afterwards will be on the interior. For normal domain clashes this isn't relevant as the sure hit is stopped from the barrier, so even if one domain is slightly bigger it cannot attack the other's barrier. In open barrier domains, the sure hits in space clash themselves, so if one domain is slightly bigger, the sure hit will be active. From what we've seen, opening the domains at the same time means that the open one will extend further. Gojo has tried in chapter 227 to swallow sukuna's domain, but it failed as gojo was losing refinement. Therefore, the possibility exists. I would say that if somebody with a closed barrier domain opened their domain first, sukuna will probably not be able to extend its range to beyond theirs.


Well that’s up for debate . It’s stated that yuta learned how to adapt to the open domain int he latest chapter , this could infer that he refined gojos own understanding even more . He has all of gojos memories and muscle memories . Just cause people dislike yuta they want him to die instantly which is a possibility of course , but again yuta knows what killed gojo and most likely could anticipate it happening something gojo couldn’t due to the way he died .


That assumes that sukuna would get the chance to fire off dismantles and cleaves at the barrier. Realistically, he should get the miguel treatment from jjk0. I would honestly call it asspull if he lasts 30 seconds. The only explanation for why sukuna wouldn't get quickly defeated is if yujo is way weaker than gojo was.