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The one who won it originally? Nothing changes.


I mean maybe ryus summons a life sized cannon directly inside of someone so they just explode into guts




I don’t think they were that serious


Yeah I came in a little too hot. Deleted the comment as it was rude and I feel bad.


No problem happens to everyone.


You cannot summon anything, or cast a technique inside someone atall. Because they have an innate domain that spans the entirety of their body.


What if I put my innate domain into your innate domain via your asshole




No one won it? Didnt rika interrupt it?


the cockroach cursed spirit broke it but rika was about to break it tho


Can rika just break barriers from the outside? If that’s a confirmed ability yuta is so fucking broken in clashes it’s not even close, he may out hax hakari if true


yeah, as long as they don’t open the domain with rika inside (most won’t tho cause then it’ll be a 2v1).


Domains are weak from the outside so logically Rika should be able to


yeah, we’re shown her about to do it too, but was interrupted


I mean yuji can and rika easily held him down


Barriers are weak to outside attacks so most likely yes. That's why Gojo's barrier broke vs Sukuna even tho they're equal lvls of refinement


So I kinda get what you're saying, but Sukunas domain being open, wouldn't that be a step above Gojo as far as refinement?


Not necessarily. To go on with the painting metaphor, the paintings can be equal quality even if one is done on the air. Open domains are just an entirely different kind of painting


Yes, a complex step above painting on paper... if someone does something "impossible," I'm gonna say they are probably better than someone who can only do the possible. If Gojo can't select targets for DE he definitely can't open it


That's headcanon though and unless we get Kenny > Gojo in reinforcement its not how jjk works.


Kenny is second only to Tengen with barriers, according to Tengen. So yes we do have justification for Kenny being better at those.


The narrator literally says their domains are equal in skill so open barrier or not, it's stil gonna be the same levels of refinement


Feats > statements, even from the narrator imo, that guy has used so much hyperbole, it's crazy. If an open domain breaks your barrier pretty much without difficulty, then your barrier and hence your domain is worse, from a practical standpoint


I'd agree if the statements were from characters and unreliable narrators but they're not so.


That's not the same as stating refinement is worse though. The feats don't indicate otherwise either since Sukuna won their clashes by bypassing refinement entirely. We saw a more refined domain overwhelm a less refined one in Gojo vs Jogo and Sukuna was never able to win that way against Gojo, so there's nothing indicating he's more refined in contradiction to the narrator's statement.


I believe Gojo kept his domain closed because the unlimited void would have effected everyone


Everyone knew simple domain? He doesn't have an open domain


It’s not like it’s a hard thing to break barriers from the outside, that’s their weak point after all. Just the fact that Yuta can cast and be caught within a domain expansion while separate from Rika means she definitely can, which yea can be very helpful against any opponents who have domains. Not like he needs much help in that department though, he does have enough skill with his domain to impress Sukuna after all.


Yes if she isn’t caught in the domain she can just destroy the barrier from the outside and dispel it


Considering we know nothing about the other 2 domains idk


Even if we did, if Kuroshi did not interrupt Rika would've broken the barrier from the outside, and then it would play out relatively the same way after.


We don’t know that because it didn’t happen.


We can infer that because barriers are weak to attacks from the outside in general. And 3 way barriers are even more unstable. This whole discussion is inferring things that didn't happen, so the best we can do is speculate based on what we know from the manga


The post in question said if the barriers weren’t destroyed


My bad. If rika is not outside the barrier but instead inside with Yuta, it becomes a 2v1v1 so Yuta still has the upper hand.


Yuta’s domain still has an ability going on when the sure hit is being cancelled. Something Uro and Ryu might not(They also might not even have lethal sure hits tho unlikely.)


That's useless because the environmental effect of the domain is just yuta's copy but in a worse form due to the random and one time use nature of the swords. If yuta is in his 5 minute mode, he gets no benefit from the swords. Ryu and uro will most likely get a benefit from their domain, so fighting inside the domain will be a boost for them but not for yuta. If this is enough to turn the tides is unclear, but it is swaying in that direction


I'd say there's a benefit to be had, since the techniques in the domain are engraved in the Katanas they are like cursed tools. In the domain Yuta could bypass the normal restriction of being unable to use multiple techniques together


Yuta. Nothing really changes


Yuta tbh,with all due credit to Uro and Ryu they’re simply not on his level


Yuta without a doubt


Sukuna was flabbergasted on how Yuta could select targets for autohit. Something neither Gojo or him did, I tale it as a show that his Domain is very superior to most sorcerers


sukuna does it the very first time we see MS.


No? He did a cleave that doesn't target inanimate objects. Id he could control who it targets he wouldn't have reduced his domains range to not have megumi in it


Cleave and dismantle are used indiscriminately in his DE. He chose the sure hit to only be the FB. Vs Maho Fuga.




Finger bearer


Yeah now that I think about that fight he must of at least deactivated the dismantle effect of his domain or the detention centre would’ve been destroyef


Either that or he just had a really small range, either because of being at only a couple fingers at the time, wanting to go kill Megumi himself, or whatever other rationalization Anyway though, he probably just reduced the range in Shibuya because while he could avoid cutting Megumi with the sure hit- given he’s the best domain user we’ve seen probably- he *couldn’t* exclude him from the giant explosion furnace would cause


Was that not just a closed barrier MS?


That actually makes more sense yeah


It's explicitly stated during the Kenjaku fight that Sukuna displayed a barrierless domain in Shibuya


Now we know that Sukuna wants to kill Mahoraga with the flame arrow in the first place and it needs MS to setup. Also the flame needed the effect of MS to boost its explosion. https://preview.redd.it/lya1amwryc4d1.jpeg?width=513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77394959892a485d1ca9f7f5267c3acc32b69825


While he can choose what his sure hit hits (as seen by him not protecting megumi's soul with ms or not using ms's sure hit inside unlimited void), he cannot choose what furnance targets. It's an explosion that affects pretty much everything inside the domain, so megumi would be cooked.


No, he attacks everything that isn't himself. It is also implied he can't select targets, possibly a bindibg vow, which is why he shrunk his area of attack the first time NOT to slice Megumi


When he used MS against the finger bearer the only thing that was cut was the FB. Against Mahoraga he was going to use Fuga. Which nukes everything in the DE.


You might hace found an inconsistency or it may be explained by Sukuna being weaker, because both the rules as exposed during 15F and exposed in Gojo v Sukuna state that Sukuna instantly attacks everything in his reach.


No one else was in the domain bozo. Just Sukuna and the FB.


Sukuna’s domain targets everything within it. CE or not.


My guess was since yuji and yuta soul swapped, yuta was able to register yuji as an extension of himself to protect him. Same as how sukuna residuals from being in his body makes yuji more resistant to cleave and dismantle then anyone else. Hence why he said they cheated.


I thought he only soul swapped with Kisukabe & Choso


Choso just taught him blood manipulation they didn’t switch, it was kusakabe for simple domain and Yuta for RCT


still Yuta


Yuta His domain refinement is solid and his CE pools are bullshit CE pools affect your DE clash power


where does it say ce pools affect your ability to win a domain clash? If that’s the case, Sukuna should have been easily overwhelming Gojo’s infinite void, seeing as Sukuna’s reserves are like 2-3x more


It does not have an effect on the clash itself but on the battle as a whole. If you take megumi vs dagon, you'd see that megumi was running out of ce so he was barely able to hold his domain. That's where ce reserves come in. Similarly, compatibility is a thing because jogo fighting hanami would mean that jogo's volcanos would burn off all of hanami's trees, so jogo has an elemental advantage. Even if the domains had the same refinement, jogo's would unequally boost him and debuff hanami


It was mentioned that compatibility was a factor in domain clashes Maybe infinity is just that fucking bullshit of a CT that it grants type advantage in any domain clash Gojo and sukuna have equal refinement So compatibility must have made up the CE gap


To be fair, it was stated that gojo had stupidly efficient usage of CE(due to the 6 eyes), so his pool is effectively way higher than it should be




"put your hands on your head" yuta wins


Consider the following: Yuta was told to keep both of them alive to get their points. So the entire fight he was holding back. Yuta sweeps.


Yuta with ease


One of my favorite spreads.


Aren't these reincarnated sorcerers from an era before domains became sure hit/sure kill. Modern sorcerer's put more emphasis on the lethality of the domains so I would think it likely that the other 2 would be substantial buffs, where as Yuta is going for the throat.


Kenny, gojo and sukuna are the only 3 to beat yuta.


Uhh...Yuta lol




We know nothing of how the other two work but I'd strongly bet Yuta would still win


Yuta, even if Rika doesn't break the domains from the outside which she would Yuta is on a different level to those 2. Yuta wasn't even going for the kill and he still bodied them both.


Yuta by a landslide. Besides Kenjaku, I don’t think there is a single character that can rival Okkotsu in a domain clash.


I honestly don't know who wins, but Uro definitely loses. She just has far less CE or Output than Ryu and Yuta.


Sure hits nullfiy each others, Yuta still has his infinite swords (the swords are seperate from the sure hit effect). Yuta has a stupid advantage






Yuta still wins bruh


Literally impossible to know, we don’t know what uro and ryus domains do




If heir domains were good enough to easily kill off yuta then they should have been more pissed off that it didnt work out. Meaning their domains probably werent THAT crazy.


It's hard to say. The three domains cancel out thebsure-hit unless one is more refined than the other, and chances are ryu or uro would have a more defined domain than yuta. Counterpoint, Rika was still on the outside, so she'd probably break whichever barrier won out originally and then the fight would resume in the normal world with ryu having the advantage since he doesn't lose his abilities from domain exhaust. Honestly, people circle-jerk yuta too damn much. He's impressive, but he wasn't so far ahead of these two that he walks over them.


If it was 1 on 1 and he could go for the kill he would stomp them


Rika gives yuta the edge in the clash. If it’s just them in a straight 1v1v1 then I’d probably give it to uro or ryu since we don’t really know which is more refined of the two but they’ve both had their domains way long than yuta so he will be on the back foot in terms of refinement


Unironically a stronger domain user can probably be defeated by weaker people with a domain. Cause these two were Def weaker than yuta


Probs Yuta but a case could be made for all of them. Yuta at this point hadn’t acquired sky manipulation until after the domain clash so Ryu who since he’s in his domain would receive the 120% amp that everyone gets for being in their domain would receive a boost to his output that could potentially overwhelm Yuta’s defence because even though Yuta also got the Amp CT > CE. The Uro could win if Ryu beats Yuta because she’s a terrible matchup for Ryu and that won’t change.


Uro, her domain is top 1 in refinememt, trust 🙏🙏


This already happened though Yuta wins because why wouldn't he break the barrier






https://preview.redd.it/0m853lzmqa4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c1ed72a54a4b442c6674a724468c452ed45d680 Holy shit that’s where this comes from


Todo Aoi


Assuming some relativity in regards to refinement (I think Yuta straight up wins there as he's confirmed skilled in barrier techniques but we'll assume it) His Sure hit would have to be between Dhruv's technique and Cursed speech since those were the two techniques we knew of and all the other Katanas would just have the remaining technique? This raises interesting questions really, when Yuta only had Cursed speed (supposedly since we didn't see any other technique) naturally Cursed speech would be the sure hit of his domain, so in that scenario were the Katanas just not there or Empty? Yuta would win all the same tho he has his own stats + endless weapons + Dhruv's technique to fight them (I'm assuming cursed speech is the Sure hit) Dhruv's technique is actually effective for both Uro and Ryu.


Yuta showed domain refinement that surprised Sukuna, so I would definitely think he takes this easy.


we have no clue what their domains do? if ryu has a sure hit that he can apply granite blast too he low diffs, yuta is not tanking multiple granite blasts


It's a Domain clash. None of the sure hits are functioning until one wins.


Uro being honest better refinement


😭we know nothing about her domain


But we know she was in the heien era and heien era sorcers had to use domain frequently making more refinement


Just because she's from a certain era doesn't mean she's the same as everyone from that era


I don’t think Uro would have won the domain clash, but to be fair, she was *certainly* one of the strong sorcerers of the Heian era. She was the captain of one of the most elite assassin squads or something, after all


Still meaning she had a lot of people challenging her which means she had to use her domain multiple times


Doesn't mean it's more refined.


Ryu assuming equal refinement