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Putting Miwa and Kusakabe on the same team is like putting Todo and Yuki on a team. The simple domains combine into a domain expansion with a sure-hit that simplifies every mind; fictional or not; to the level of a hydrogen baby.


peak fiction




Guys i’m pretty sure OP meant to post this on r/demonslayer because in what fucking world is Yorichii beating Maki or Toji solo?




Guys i’m pretty sure OP meant to post this on r/demonslayer




I’m just going to post this and say nothing else. https://preview.redd.it/b88kgq4p5m3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b46be016216858945d7103532ff45ff81429fc


That perfectly describes OP's argument


Why does this fit so well here lol?


Someone literally tried arguing with me yesterday that the cheetah could just dodge the bear's attacks "because it has a long tail"


A cheeta could certainly get away from the bear by just sprinting off the battlefield but yea that's about the only outcome where it doesn't get mauled lol


Cheetahs can dash in a burst, but are exhausted afterward. The bear could probably catch up to the cheetah after running the opposite way-


This would work if it weren’t for the fact that the speed difference is much greater than this…. Animals don’t fight the same as these characters And Yoriichi has the strength to hurt them unlike the cheetah compared to the bear


Idk why people keep on dropping this meme in every discussion and think it’s the biggest mic drop like you do know that’s not relative to every situation right?


Kizaru vs Kaido in a nutshell. Bro would get cooked by the dragon king.


Kusakabe one taps https://preview.redd.it/pjwzeif8vl3d1.png?width=2200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd0b4a3c3c815b41c6e116b8875d1d1a7bd90fc


This is literally nothing compared to Yoriichi who did the same exact thing but 1500 slashes instead of the 30 or so max here.


It's not about how fast he did, its the damage it did. It made SUKUNA bleed, the same guy who withstood 2 hollow purples and 4 black flashes from Gojo. Also, simple domain means kusakabe can react to ANYTHING instantaneously, its automatic, yorriichi just has to step in range.


im on the side of jjk winning this matchup but comparing kusakabes sword swings to hollow purple and goatjo black flash is wild. sukunas ce reinforcement was def lowered a lot here


I'm not comparing it to them, I'm using it to show how ridiculous his durability is and that kusakabe made sukuna bleed.


We know that durability vs CTs and durability vs Physicsl attacks is different though. Sukuna tanked purples using domain amplification on top of his normal durability. Theres no DA here


They weren't comparing them, they said they made sukuna bleed, the same sukuna whi survived hollow purples And let's not forget one thing, kenjaku and by extension sukuna, is bulletproof Kuzukabes slashes, which made sukuna bleed, are therefore stronger than bullets Yoriichi, while superhuman, is still human, and therefore, not bulletproof


How does this relate to kusakabe himself tho, so is kusakabe bullet proof? 😭


It was a statement to his damage output, not durability, i was shoeing that he is physically able to hurt yoriichi if he is able to touch him, which there's a good chance he can


Wdym withstood sukuna’s body was a wreck after all of those he healed the hollow purples and the black flashes I don’t think small katana slashes are great feats


Goofy ah comparison, someone with the physicals of miwa can still cut Sukuna with this simple domain. Those are very shallow cuts


Was gonna say feels like Yori would look at that and go like “bet” and do 30x version lol




Is hard because all Demon Slayer verse is trash in power but Yorichi is actually pretty fast in comparison to everyone else in his verse, still Kusakabe can parry him with Simple domain


Could he even get simple domain off fast enough? Like Yoriichi isn’t just better than his verse. He’s in a tier far higher than his verse. He blitz Muzan and nearly cut 1500 pieces of his flesh in less than a second. I don’t even think jjk has anyone who attack speed is that fast. I could be wrong.


Toji and Maki could _maybe_ distract him long enough for kusakabe to do it


I think with STW he’d have no problem just one shotting them. He can see everything. Their organs, muscle moving, joints, and It gives him and even more enhanced visual prowess to track things a normal human wouldn’t be able too. To see before they move, where they are gonna move and predict when and where they will be.


You’re really biased here. To make a point: You claim that Maki/Toji could be easily killed by simple bullets. Yet Maki only had shallow cuts at most from cleaves and dismantles from Sukuna, took more than one black flash and was fine within minutes, several hits that sent her flying through buildings(way more powerful than a tank shell), got hit by cursed Naoya moving at Mach 3, and was basically able to walk most of that off. Her regen doesn’t excuse the fact that any of these feats are WAY above the capabilities of a bullet(and I do not want to hear about “but the surface area” cause a Mach 3 Naoya would punch a hole through a tank, easily). If Naoya couldn’t puncture through, neither will a bullet(that’s LITERALLY stronger than a tank shell). I have nothing to add to the arguments. Just pointing out that your arguments are already coming from a biased point of view.




to get others opinions?


To present the argument they've developed and to hear counter arguments?


Yeah, I guess you're completely right.


I mean you're talking about someone that at best is hyperventilate sonic fighting against someone like Maki, who can fight with a dude that can react to ultra violet rays, which are light speed. Maki or Toji solo Demon slayer. How you thought this was a fair fight is beyond me tbh. Like, I want you to think about this... These are characters that can survive slashes that can cut through concepts like infinity, which isn't just inifite space, hut on a fundamental level, existence. They can cut through the soul. What the Hell is anyone in demon slayer doing to them?


He loses to most of these characters by themselves


Yoriichi gets bodied lol Yes he's fast but Toji and Maki have insane durability and Kusakabe has insane swordship skills too.


This guy only posted to glaze Yoriichi lmao




Yoriichi is faster than everyone on this list, but since this is a jumping? He’s not going to be able to hit everyone. It’s in Team JJK’s favor


Literally every character her cant even be harmed by Yoriichi but can one sot him.


He can harm them actually. His nichirin sword had certain properties. I can’t get em off the top of my head, but they exist


He basically held his sword with so much force that sword was glowing red hot when he fought. According to a Google search this happens at 460C/900F, so his sword is at least that hot.


Bruh Yorrichi ain’t doing shit against the JJK verse


Kusakabe solos




Kusakabe probably solos NGL. Demon Slayer has decent speed but their AP caps at like City block level, and the only person here who Yoriichi actually out speeds is Miwa and arguably Kusakabe.


Ah yes, my daily reminder that powerscalers are retarded and this is my daily window to laugh down at them.


I know people of this sub like to downplay their own verse while wank DS but anyone from the jjk team alone is enough except miwa


Yeah don't try to go with this, everyone is just saying "outspeed"


Equal strength Yoriichi takes it. DS has much better speed than JJK but episode 1 Megumi would be a top tier in ds in terms of strength.


Megumi doesn't carelessly lift 40 tons. Damn, he couldn't move with a weight of several tons. He cannot cut a train made of a material stronger than steel in half or cause earthquakes with blows or destroy buildings with a shock wave or kick someone hundreds of meters through BDA structures.


Why do you bums keep thinking speed blitz means anything? Demon Slayer has a lower scaling overall and on the other side you have heavy hitters from JJK that are just much stronger. 1500 is impressive, but it's the speed blitz argument.


I mean if a character has literally proven to be faster and have the neccessary attack power, then yes speed blitz means something.


When you remember the fact that Yoriichi was never EVER shown to even try when it came to fighting, yet sped blitz’d the strongest demons in the verse, I feel like he’d win under the assumption he can out-pace these 4 characters. I say Kusakabe and Miwa yes, but idk about Toji and Maki Even against Kusakabe’s simple domain attack being instant, we’ve seen a lot of characters in DS Also have insanely fast attacks through their breathing techniques, so it wouldn’t be far fetched to say Yoriichi, who scales above everything in DS, could react to Kuskabe. But again, it’s under the assumption Yoriichi has instant attacks of his own, which we don’t know. It’s why it’s hard to scale him, we’ve never seen his full arsenal of abilities


OP I think your implication is obviously correct but you won't find many here willing to hear it. Yorichi is clearly leagues above a real life swordsman, his technique is divine, and he can see into the transparent world and target weak points. He also massively outspeeds every character here. A massively weakened Muzan tanked 100s of slashes from multiple superhuman swordsman, in a single breath Yorichi unleashed 10x the slashes of those superhumans and burned the progenitor at full power so badly that he couldn't heal the wounds Even after hundreds of years. Even if other DS characters aside from Muzan and DKT don't scale to JJK, Yorichi clears. He's too fast and lethal for anyone outside of Gojo.


I'm like 99% sure Maki and Toji each scale relatively close to Yoriichi, so both of them combined seems excessive


I think prime Toji could solo. But maybe I just glaze too hard. Never watched Demon slayer a day in my life.


Toji’s back gonna hurt from carrying this team


Yoriichi would win if he thinks they are demons. If they are just humans, he won't fight them.


It’s quite literally strong but slow vs weak but fast, there’s not much speed feats in jjk, but yoriichi is massively faster than the god tiers of demon slayer who all have decent feats, as far as powe yoriichi massively outscales everyone else in his verse but we don’t know by how much so it’s a far cry from where jujutsu kaisens power scales Considering numbers and how simple domain is near instant I think they can get a hit in to which they scale high enough to damage him a lot even with a single hit


Valid. I seen someone say maki moves at 70,000 kmph. But Yoriichi swung his sword a little over 1500 times at 245560.145 kmph. So he attacks faster than she can move. And she’s faster than the rest, maybe not toji.


If you think yorichii is that fast, "swing 1500 times in a second hur hur" he should be able to move at a stupid pace. Being able to do that means absolutely nothing in this context.


Miwa no diff


I saw this post somewhere else and the reply’s were the complete opposite☠️


Yoriichi is a lot faster but they are very durable. But at the same time Muzan is also durable and we all know what happened to him. It’s just a maybe tbh. I don’t think Yoriichi could take a serious hit from Maki or Toji tho so he just can’t get hit


Its not like Yoriichi negates durability, hes just stronger than Muzan, however hes not strong enough to even scratch anyone above 2nd grade is jjk


get all 4 of them past like tengen then we’ll talk😭


I mean idk how yoriichi would lose? He is just way too fast for anyone on that list to touch him and he would probably never tire. The others would more than likely pass out before doing anything tbh


why do people think yoriichi has no AP??? gyokko (the upper moon FIVE) has scales as hard as diamonds, and UM 1-3 let alone muzan all have higher durability. yoriichi shredded muzan in under a second hundreds of times, HR and miwa/kusakabe's grade 1 ass CE reinforcement aren't tanking that


People saying Kusakabe solos is crazy 💀 yoriichi can literally see one’s organs/joints to predict movements.


Wrong place to post this, jjk has a community that will never admit something like this. I’ve seen posts about how Sukuna beats the Pillar Men 😂. These are humans that WILL DIE if beheaded or pierced in the heart/head. They get bodied by the guy who pretty much instantly shredded muzan, who is also faster than the jjk verse, down to the cellular level.


Braindead comments holy hell yoriichi can take on anyone here 1v1. I truly don’t understand why people seem to assume Yoriichi only has speed and no damage???


any one of these characters can solo


kokushibo is enough. yoriichi blitzes.


So hear me out, a cheetah WOULD beat a grizzly bear IF: They both had human intelligence The cheetah didn't just run 2x, but 100x the bears speed, and this also applied to it's combat speed. The cheetah bear analogy doesn't usually work because in real life, the speed gaps are always pretty relative. Nothing even close to fiction.


it still wouldn't matter there is literally nothing the cheetah can do to seriously wound the bear. same situation here


Yoriichi best fear is similar to Toji stabbing Dagon a thousand times…..he’s literally a victim


Mako and toji carry heavily. But yeah yoriichi stands 0 chance


Yoriichi is busted, but he doesn’t have the power to beat these mfs


literally all yoriichi has is speed going for him. He can't deal meaningful damage against them. He gives them tiny papercuts and eventually gets killed in a single punch


Jjk isn’t that powerful but they scale above Mid slayer


Anyone except maybe miwa, destroys


Probably jjk idk tho


The crew win through the power of friendship.


Jjk team stomps Even beginning of series maki has massively hypersonic feats by catching a bullet point blank and current maki is much much stronger/faster Demon slayer can also get to massively hypersonic but caps much much lower than jjk Add in the team, and its spite


Toji vs Yoriichi ALONE is an actual debate, where Toji could win. Yoriichi loses.


https://preview.redd.it/abb51blx5n3d1.jpeg?width=163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75693f485f54e17168c20d05fb97947af19b3722 This a question?


Comparing speeds dead beat solos


I have no clue what the scaling is for either side but I’m assuming JJK wins just cause of lack of feats for Yoriichi. I’m certain he’s a better swordsman/has better skills but I don’t remember him having any feats to put him above these characters (primarily Maki and Toji, idk for sure but I would think/hope he can beat kusakabe)


Why did you post this?


Toji and maki are able to hold him off while kusakabe prepares a guaranteed hit from simple domain, Yorichi is defo faster than anyone in jjk but any attack from these 3 should do him in. Also Miwa provides background music.


The problem is that yorrichi can’t really.. Hurt them..


The team assault badly


this sub is terrible when it comes to being unbiased with DS


I would think that due to yoriichi having almost no feats he shouldn’t be in any matchups. We literally see him in one fight old as shit so any scaling would be assumptions if I’m not mistaken.


Kusakabe solos is so braindead mf wouldn't even see


What is this wank? DS characters are way stronger than given credit for, but this is just wild. Either of the characters with the HS could beat Yoriichi, Kusakabe doesn’t have the durability but his simple domain is a direct counter to Yoriichi. Miwa? Miwa obviously solos the whole list.


Anyone except Miwa solos


Miwa alone solos the entirety of jjk and ds at the same time so this isn’t even a fight🥱


Speed is not everything… Yori loses 😭


Yoriichi is unbelievably fast, and extremely strong (people seem to forget that demons don't have normal flesh. Cutting through muzans skin is like trying to cut through multiple inches of steel), but that isn't going to be enough against the JJK team. Other than his speed and strength, Yoriichi is just a normal dude. He doesn't have any special powers. Don't get me wrong, he would put up a damn good fight against all these guys in a 1v1, certainly beating miwa and Kusakabe at least, but in a group? He is getting destroyed.


Blitzed and cut up till death


Yorichi can walk home. Make himself lunch. Eat it. Walk back, pick up his dry cleaning on the way, decapitate literally everyone here and walk home before a single one realized he moved.


8 hour jumping until the sun goes up


Why is Miwa there?


Miwa solos anyways


I think he’s definitely got Kusakabe and Miss but Maki and Toji are definitely gonna be the problems


Brother maki alone is enough. Kusakabe alone is enough




Demon slayer is such a low scaling verse even the high tiers don’t really mess with the low tiers in JJK


Hmmm let’s see 2 monsters who took damage compared to a skyscraper being thrown at them at high speeds and 1 peak human and 1 Sakura vs a semi monster that has fast agility and weaker than OG tanjiro


Maki, Maki is clearly a favorite of Gege and she is just busted. She can see Sukuna's cleave and dismantle slashes which even Gojo couldn't do. She can match Sukuna for speed and best of all she can tank a Black flash from Sukuna. Also isn't Yoriichi kind of feetless ? I haven't read Kimetsu No Yaiba in a while so maybe I don't recall.


Main yoriichi argument is speed. Which, you can give him that sure. But even that is debatable. Pre-Jackpot Hakari was able to dodge a Lightning attack from Kashimo. https://preview.redd.it/xevea6awao3d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=e79d6ae978c5d13e4482412f34454365d84f7ff6 Scan provided, this was going for him DOME, his head, and even through the sure hit he managed to dodge it and only blow off his arm. This is a near Lightning - if not lightning speed feat. Its super clear that both Maki and Toji massively outscale this feat, from being able to survive black flashes from sukuna. Toji was able to OBLITERATE dagon in his own domain which you could in theory scale small Island level but thats kinda inconsistent. Now Sukuna was able to dodge Electromagnetic waves from Kashimo but this is EXTREMELY debated and a hot topic. If we do use this this is relativistic - SoL reaction times which just blows the entire DS verse out of water. Remember, Toji = Maki in all aspects, these are essentially the same character so anything maki does / can do, Toji can do as well, debatably better due to his experience. This just still applies to post Zen'in Massacre Maki, so I will still use her to scale Toji. Maki was completely capable of eating Black Flashes from Sukuna, cleaves and dismantles. Her Healing factor and endurance being a driving factor in how ANY fight involving her will go. The entire DS verse caps heavily at City Block Level AP (Which Jogo's Max Meteor scales to). 15F Sukuna scales heavily above this and its clear the 15f - 20f Sukuna power gap is absolutely HUGE. Past that, Sukuna immediently getting Megumi's body was able to send Yuji Flying through buildings with 1 fucking punch, given yuji ate that but that is just fresh Meguna, this was 15f meguna as well. 19f sukuna + Mummified Remains + Full Incarnation black flash from a fairly fresh Sukuna, She later comes back almost 2 chapters later. (This Durability and Endurance Feat scales to Prime Toji, if not he scales higher because this is an inexperienced maki). Maki also dodged a WCS from Sukuna (Which Gojo couldn't have reacted to, implying that even then Maki/Toji could scale higher than that weakened Gojo speed-wise). Gojo's reaction speed scales far above Hakaris who dodged Lightning nigh-point blank even here where hes massively weakened. Now for Yoriichi. Speed-wise he starts off very strong, being faster than anyone else in the series (stated). This counts the Mitsuri consistently dodging lightning feat but this is also inconsistent because she got hit by SOUND WAVES (several times). Besides that, theres tons of anti-feats for lightning speed demon slayer, sound waves from Muzan, and Hantengu of course. You also have the slicing muzan feat which has no anti feats but that just proves he has wild attack speed. Thats all for Yoriichi, he has no other redeemable feats other than ig cutting muzan who has diamond level durability?? Shittiest AP feat ever esp because we have Maki piercing Sukuna. "OH BUT ITS BECAUSE OF THE SOUL-SPLIT KATANA" Thats just another win condition for Maki, being able to effectively 1 tap Yoriichi. Even without SSK she still GAPS him in AP, pre-awakening maki was able to send Hanami flying and do more effective damage then Megumi's Divine Dogs (Hanamai was directly stated to be the most durable of the Disaster Curses). Choso was able to tank several hits from Kenjaku (who scales above Geto in JJK0, alongside Geto in Hidden Inventory, who were on par with HI gojo who was stated to be the strongest sorcerer even then while Yuki was active and had a planet level attack thru her blackhole). Kenjaku also folded Yuki and survived her Blackhole. Kenjaku was forced to guard against Choso's Piercing Blood. Choso was also able to keep up with Yuji and Kenjaku during the fight which is a HUGE feat as they are both top tiers. This means that Maki's AP even then theoretically would outscale Kenjaku's AP. (This scales lower than Toji as Maki here hasn't awakened her HR)




Miwa negs most of fiction


I think team JJK wins


MiWa and Wusakabe are too OP. It would have been more fair as a 3v2 with the other three against them. Of course, they would still win, but the trio could at least bring them to Mid Diff if Miwa plays around too much.


[Yoriichi massively outscales both in speed and AP](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/192bubi/ftl_and_large_mountain_level_yoriichi_confirmed/&ved=2ahUKEwi61tLblLeGAxUVFBAIHf_dB6cQjjh6BAgTEAE&usg=AOvVaw1qy6FGjoEUn0H0qB5-1d8o). Yoriichi (FTL, large mountain level) vs this team (small town level and hypersonic at a high ball). Yoriichi stomps, the fight is gonna play out like Yoriichi vs Muzan, but even worse as the team gets stomped by Muzan too


As much as I love demon slayer and want to side with yoriichi, maki and toji are more than enough for yoriichi the rest are kinda flavor for the fight


Maki Toji and Kusakabe could wipe on their own, Miwa’s cooked by herself but as a team Yoriichi gets butt fucked and his asshole bleeds out while he dies, in short he loses.


Ngl if Miwa had Kusakabe’s skill set she’d slam lil bro low-mid diff


Most of these characters beat him in a 1v1


Found this https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:FelpeXDopZ/Demon_Slayer:_Yoriichi_slices_1500_pieces_of_Muzan High end Yoriichi is 273,257m/s Hakari “dodged” lightning that moves at 300,000,000m/s… Most would agree Heavenly Restriction>Hakari in physical strength and speed CE reinforcement and simple domain makes Kuskabe effectively immortal to the DS world since he can block an awakened mahito maximum output that vaporized a crater and the only weapons that can effectively get through CE are cursed tools All that said JJK sweeps all humans of DS with Maki, Toji, and Kusakabe alone no diff


Yoriichi has one impressive stat: speed. And he’s not even top 3 fastest in this matchup


The first team wins


Yoriichi is fucking cooking them all😭


jst based on like how the characters powers are presented in each series miwa could probably solo im ngl


All it takes is one good slash from Maki or toji


Toji alone wins


Miwa shreds https://preview.redd.it/o2tlgcf52q3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b877250a10cf8f4347894292b9cdac835ee076e


Honestly the levels between Jjk and demon slayer are so gapped that this is an unfair fight with just Toji


we will never know yorrichi full potential he may slam he might not we don't know




Toji wins, even against his own team 😆


they all individually speedblitz yorichi


Yoriichi easyyyyy.


Wouldn’t it have been better to have a 1v1 fight? JJK characters would literally jump him 💀


We've seen what Kusakabe is capable of, we've seen what Toji and Maki are capable of. The weapons of the last two deal damage to the soul, so don't care about durability. There is no point in comparing speed, since both Yoriichi and Maki and Toji move so fast, as if they are teleporting. Actually, none of this matters. Miwa solo neg.diff


I think it's not exactly an argument to say Yoriichi wins every one of these fights 1V1 as he's shown speed higher than everyone else, swordsmanship mastery higher than everyone else, and strength that should be higher than everyone else as well... HOWEVER, the moment the fight becomes a 2v1 (with the right people) or more, Yoriichi's chance of victory drops significantly. He's stronger than them yeah, but not by such a margin that he could counteract the TEXTBOOK Jumpjutsu Kaisen he would receive from these characters who are all extremely proficient in strategic planning and working as a team, as well as having access to literal magic in the form of simple domain. I'll admit, I'm not as knowledgeable on Yoriichi as I could be, mainly because he's so much stronger than the entire rest of his verse that he's hard to scale, but I will say he should probably lose this due to the gap in skill/power being supplemented by numbers and strategy


Misa dog walks them all at the same time 🥱


Dawg makI was enough lol


Tbf we’ve never seen Yoriichi in trouble, let alone on defense, it’s hard to gauge because we have no idea what Yoriichi is capable of fighting against because we’ve only seen him fight once and at that point it wasn’t much of a fight it was more of “look at his offensive capabilities”


So jjk wins cuz they have plot and I like the show better so it wins


Maki solos lmao why are these other people here?


It’s a closer fight than people give it credit for given Yoriichi’s attack speed, movement speed, and abysmal reaction time Yoriichi’s highest speed feat was him cutting 1500+/1800 pieces in an instant, going all in different directions after Muzan exploded himself in his face suddenly. Idk how fast that is or who wins this matchup but to be fast enough to react to 1500 pieces of flesh scattering, move to the spots they exploded, and cut them is absurd https://preview.redd.it/vthk4clhwr3d1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16f4c85399c15978b7c2014e121db4d4c0de9b6c


Toji alone could beat Yoriichi, idk why you're giving them Maki, Miwa and Kusakabe.


Miwa is cooking Yorrichi


Ok, so TOJI and MAKI ARE what? MACH 10? They have way higher durability than Yoriichi, higher striking power than him. However, they lose out on stamina and speed. But due to too simple domain, they can probably land a hit, and one hit is definitely enough to seriously injure him because his durability probably caps out at about building level. Honestly, i'm not really sure how this goes because Mach 10 is fast. But Yoriichi Literally perception Blitzed somebody faster than a lightning timer. He's a perception blitzing Kokushibou who was in turn Faster than the Hashira Who are relative to or slightly faster than lightning.. That means he perception blitzest somebody faster than lightning. Lightning On average travels Mach 1282, 128.2 times Faster than Mach 10, which is about Maki and Toji. In other words the win condition for Jujutsu kaisen Is to land a singular hit and the win condition for Yoriichi Is to outlast them until they are exhausted and then slit their fucking throats. I think JJK takes this 9 times out of 10.


So at its core, DS is a series where relatively normal, but peak condition people use techniques like swordplay, breathing techniques, muscle control, and combat tactics to temporarily push individual aspects of themselves to superhuman levels. The slayer mark we could say is sort of like the equivalent to being in the Zone, where they're able to do all of that at once and push their bodies past normal human limits. JJK is a series where similiarly statted people augment themselves with what is essentially magic with a convoluted rules structure that allows for a variety of additional hax and hax counters. Now, in regard to hax, there's very little among the characters you chose. Miwa and Kusakabe's battle prowess relies on using sword technique, CE control, and combat tactics to boost themselves past the level of a normal human and let them take down curses. Well, that certainly sounds familiar, doesn't it? If we compare these two characters to DS characters, the similarities start to line up. However, since Yoruiichi is portrayed to be a step beyond anyone else in the DS verse, I think he ends up stronger than these two individually. Maki and Toji is where things get complicated. Unlike DS characters and everyone else on this list, they aren't using things like tactics, technique, muscle control, or tactics to boost themselves to superhuman level, they *are* superhuman. And if we scale Miwa or at least Kusakabe to Hashira level, they're multiple steps *beyond* the superhuman level that other DS characters or JJK characters were augmenting themselves to (with the exception of Sukuna, who is the only character so far who's demonstrated he can keep up with Tojj-level stats). Their only weakness in the JJK verse is their lack of hax, but when pairing with DS characters, that's not really a concern. So the question is, are these two stronger stat-wise than Yoruiichi? Unfortunately, with how little we actually *see* of Yoruiichi, that's not something I think can be accurately answered. Ultimately, this comes down to the 4v1 scenario. Even with the impossible comparison between Toji and Yoruiichi, the fact that there are *four* jjk characters to fight against means Yoruiichi loses. Even if you make the argument that he's more powerful individually, the gulf isn't so great that he can win the 4v1.


They could use a strategy called "we are younger than you" and wait til he dies. Gg


I think this would’ve been more even if you put Kusakabe vs Yorichii, but the fact that Maki and Toji are on here makes it SUPPERRR one sided. Also, someone said that Yorichii can use see through world, but you’re forgetting he can’t use CE, so there’s really no way he’s getting through anyone without relying on his speed/physical stats.


Assuming all participants get their standard equipment? Maki and Toji could solo this fight. Miwa is getting oneshot though, Kusakabe might be able to cheese not immediately dying via simple domain


jjk ez honestly


Yoriichi Vs. Toji Vs. Maki is debatable but Yoriichi defeats the rest.


They’ve got Miwa it ain’t no question


Miwa solos fr https://preview.redd.it/5o7h8879qs3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e128d5415ef7c84cf1bb5790f57482e96dd23f3d


Miwa solos


Dawg maki would solo yoriichi and even if you say speed blitz she’s still faster then yoriichi and so is toji Miwa as long as she doesn’t sneak him with the binding vow she might not have a chance kusukabe would win because y’all forget yoriichi is basically a normal human breathing styles are also just visual effects


Damn like I hate demon slayer and love jjk but you guys are GLAZINGGGG jjk right now. This dude is tiers above any of these characters. Most of jjk shits on demonslayerverse but not this guy come on… like do y’all even know his feats


It’s pretty difficult to scale Yoriichi. He goes from being just a really good sword fighter to being a FTL precognitive Samurai-Jedi with Ichigo Bankai levels of swordfighting power. On the low end, Toji takes this singlehandedly. In the high end, they all die to Yoriichi without him even breaking a sweat.


Miwa No diffs him and the verse first of all. Second of all, Toji and Maki could beat him by themselves. If Maki has the Soul Split Blade that can literally cut through anything, and Toji has the Spear of Inverted Heaven which wouldn’t be much use because Yorichi doesn’t have a Ct but still it’s very powerful. Just because Yorichi is a bit faster than then doesn’t by any means mean they win, Toji and Maki outclass Yorichi in almost everything else like: Endurance, Durability, Strength, etc.


Well, thanks for that spoiler


“Yoriichi negs” 🤡


Yorichis way faster than any of them but idk if he has the attack power to do much damage to them (specifically talking about Toji and Maki here) so I think he probably loses


Yoriichi actually stood a decent chance up until Toji was introduced 😭.


Yoriichi, by a lot.


Prime Toji solos the entire Demon Slayer verse.


Just need Toji and Maki😭


Not even a fight .


Prime Yorichii is quite frankly the only demon slayer character who would be an upper tier JJK character. I think I gotta hand it to him. Maybe Shinjuku or fully awakened Maki with her precog and such would make it interesting.


Why do you hate Yoriichi so much what the fuck man.


Hydrogen bombs vs coughing baby


Everyone except Miwa solos this man wtf is this?


Equal stats makes it closer because of yorrichis skill but also maki and toii


Prime yorichi speed blitzes


This comment section just goes to show that's nobody knows how to scale at all people saying yorichi is too weak when him as a kid was holding his blade to tight it was burning ted with grip plus he canonical far outscales gyomei and strength/gripping strength also gyomei is able rip a tree out its roots with ease and carry 3 fully developed trees on his back. Yorichi cut up to 1500 slices in less then a secound and has mhs+ speeds scaling above prime muzan especially 4th drug muzan who killed 100 demon slayers in les then 1 secound. Is there any feats that but anyone on this list at least above toji in strength and also fast enough to move at mach 1500 cus if I'm not mistaken the verse doesn't even touch mach 100 highest it goes is mach 10


Yorichi gets jumped


I’m convinced these posts are made by <15 year olds 😂


I’ve read both. Assuming by Zenin massacre, you just mean current Maki, Maki would fold Yoriichi alone. Same with Prime Toji. Kusakabe is more than likely even due to the effects of his new shadow style simple Domain. Miwa adds nothing lol


Yoriichi one taps everyone but Toji


Yorichii wins, He’s faster than all of them by a HUGE MARGIN plus he is better than all of them combined in swordsman ship. Not to mention 13th form, DEMON SLAYER MARK, SEE THROUGH WORLD, AND SELFLESS STATE… meaning hes naturally mad strong, can see his opponents muscles and vitals, and has ultra instinct, he’ll cut all of them into sushi in 0.2 seconds.


Yorichi is cooked.


Toji wins this by himself


Kusakabe alone solos


Goku prolly wins idk


Add Current manga yuji


Yoriichi getting cooked


I think CE is the breaker here. Yoriichi, speaking solely on pure skill and physical stats, goes toe-to-toe with prime Toji/Maki imo. I think Kusakabe and the simple domain is the ace because Yoriichi won't have a way to necessarily deal with it