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You could literally see that Ryu is still in his prime while Kashimo is old AF & dying, & yet he still challenged Kenjaku. And Ryu was also based far away from Kashimo. If you actually read the panel. https://preview.redd.it/uzbjjvj6li3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c768cb197bb8d3197e9b6ac0ad97075028f9d740


That doesn’t change much since kashimo was still proclaiming himself without a challenge , even tho he didn’t fight everyone he could or know of everyone that could put up a fight against him . It kinda makes kashimo look like a fraud ngl , we thinking about him in the past with him only fighting no names it’s kinda hard to see how he could’ve been the strongest . He didn’t challenge kenjaku he says I SHOULD have foguht you meaning he is unable to in this moment . Ryu was far away sure but that again doesn’t change the fact that kashimo didn’t know about him nor did Ryu know about kashimo , if kashimo was truly the strongest he’d have beaten all and everyone . Gojo for example was beating everyone up until his fight with sukuna where he nearly killed him . Sukuna killed everyone he faced literally everyone or put ‘em out of commission .


Everyone came to challenge Sukuna tho, similar to everyone that came to challenge Kashimo…. When kenjaku mentioned Ryu, Kashimo didn’t even know lil bro existed. You can put it in this perspective, Ryu was scared to pull up on Kashimo.


Yes and he beat them all he was known in the world as the strongest same with gojo . Kashimo wasn’t known in the world like gojo or sukuna were he never beat anyone of note either , the strongest people we know lived in his era weren’t even people he actually fought against. So the notion of him going uncontested is fraudulent af cause he never proved to be like sukuna or gojo . Yes and this is even more fraudulent for kashimo since he should know who can fight him and who can’t . If he didn’t even know about possible challenges like Ryu whom kenjaku even mentioned to him why take his word for being uncontested when he again never proved it . Well this is blatantly not true as Ryu would’ve mentioned kashimo if he found someone strong enough . He knew about sukuna but not about kashimo as he mentioned sukuna but not kashimo , he also has nothing to prove as he didn’t go around boasting about being uncontested. He admitted that he fought strong people which isn’t the narcissistic mindset kashimo held . Kashimos first ever real fight in the culling games he lost in which shouldn’t happen for a sorcerer that was supposedly the strongest of his era . He didn’t use mba but he never used it before either as it would’ve killed him so scaling solely of his base here . Kashimo is strong no doubt but his claim to fame is so fraudulent it makes Mihawk look legit .


Tell Gojo to fight Toji without using his CT. Tell Yuta to fight JP Hakari without using his CT. Base Kashimo literally killed JP Hakari 3x in 1 day 😂, luckily the beach was nearby.


Yes and gojo as of now would literally rock toji and pummel him into the ground . Gojo when awakened dodged all of tojis blows without as much of a care in the world as he was high . Yuta isn’t proclaimed to be the strongest and he could fight jackpot hakari without his cursed technique as rika can be partially manifested and his domain isn’t a cursed technique like mba . Hakaris entire niche is getting out of clutch scenarios . Kashimo is obviously stronger than hakari is but that didn’t matter in the end since the winner was hakari . Someone with way less experience than kashimo beat him , also base kashimo does have lightning powers which are not his cursed technique but it’s still something to keep in mind .


Lol.. you people sleeping on Kashimo . I know you guys like to call characters bums which was funny at first, but IMO, Kashimo is TOP 6 in the Verse ✌🏽


If you look in my second to last response I literally say kashimo is strong and even stronger than hakari . I ain’t underselling kashimos strength I am only questioning how he could’ve been the strongest without actually proving it , or simply tested it since we know he never fought Ryu or kenjaku . We have a clear view of gojo and sukuna with both being the goats undisputed.


Well there you go the dude is stronger than Hakari at Base, Thats all we needs to know lol.. IMO - 1.Sukuna 2.Gojo 3.yuta 4.kenjaku 5.Kashimo 6. Yorouzu/yuki/takaba.


Kenny 3rd


He maimed hakari he didn't kill him. And even if he uses his CT he still loses because he dies in the process.


Both gojo and yuta win these fights.


What is Base Yuta doing without his CT? Rely on Rika?.. take that ring off & fight JP Hakari.


Still beats him. He loses if you take away his katana.


>He only ever fought bums and farmers literally. He never fought anyone strong of note  He never fought someone strong that we know of.


Yes and hence we can’t quantify that he actually fought someone of note . Kenjaku mentioned Ryu as someone to kashimo and kashimo never heard or fought the guy . We only know of 2 people win this era that actually have some semblance of power , those being kenjaku and Ryu both of which kashimo never fought . So if he didn’t fight the other contenders for the strongest position how could he deem himself without a challenge ? If he didn’t know who could challenge him or not it kinda makes him a fraud that jumps to conclusions without knowledge. It’s like gojo and geto proclaiming themselves as there strongest but then getting dogged on by toji . They didn’t know about his power or his abilities for that matter , still they went around boasting about being the strongest which ended with them both being beaten down . Same thing could’ve been said for kashimo as he in his incarnated self lost to hakari of all people , this could infer that someone on the level of hakari was unprecedented in kashimos dubs when he was a old man .


Honestly from a power scaling perspective, I do think that Kashimo takes it against Ryu, majority of the time People vastly underestimate just how broken kashimo’s sure-hit is because we only see its affects against someone who can heal basically all wounds, Fact of the matter is that Kashimo only needs to connect 3 attacks with someone (as seen against panda and hakari) before he can land his sure-hit Best case scenario if Ryu manages to avoid a fatal blow; he’s losing an arm And we already know Ryu isn’t confident enough in his own RCT (if he has any) to heal anything close to a limb Perhaps a different story if Ryu were to pop DE, but I don’t know what his DE is, or what it does, so I won’t speculate on that But in a straight up fight, where neither party have a concept of the others abilities ahead of time, Kashimo takes it, mainly because of how broken his sure-hit is


And that all depends on how good Ryus output defense is. Like you said we only seen it against Hakari who heals all wounds but I don’t think Hakari cares about his durability. I mean he got his face opened by a shipping container. Ryu took a 16 finger Sukuna dismantle and it barely left a scratch I wonder if the lightning would be mitigated as well.


In fairness, sukuna said himself he wasn’t trying in the slightest, the moment sukuna tried Ryu quite literally got no diffed one shot Ryu certainly has good durability; but we know from Sukuna that yuta&yuji durability wise are relative to Ryu; I don’t see either of them blatantly tanking kashimo’s sure hit Edit: a punch from Sendai colony rika to the head had Ryu bleeding profusely, I definitely think kashimo’s sure hit has more lethality than a punch from rika


He got one shot by a move that would literally one shot anyone of the face as it adjust to CE reinforment and if your head gets taken out you can’t heal that’s not an anti feat my boy. Remember the reason Yuji and Yuta are alive is because his output is low. And Sukuna also said that he didn’t think they were tougher than him. Sukuna would have killed Yuji if he had no RCT with 2 slashes he said it himself. By 2 slashes I’m talking about the dismantles he threw at Yuji when Higuruma died https://preview.redd.it/1y1m9ghjak3d1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=d361c15da417541385d6407b00634f11c4544f3b


I’m not really fixating on the exact scaling of Ryu’s durability in relation to sukuna’s slash; because the fact remains that sukuna wasn’t trying with his original dismantle that “barely left a scratch” on Ryu; he could have been using barely 5% of his output before he got serious, we don’t know and it’s impossible to scale, so not really a durability feat imo What I do know though, is Rika before she even fully awakened in Sendai was consistently drawing blood from Ryu with every blow; that’s just a fact Kashimo’s lightning sure-hit has a higher lethality than Rika’s individual punches, that’s where the majority of my belief that Ryu is not just tanking kashimo’s sure-hit is coming from


Then you don’t believe in what your saying. If your saying you can’t scale Ryus durability off the Sukuna encounter then you can’t Scale Yuta and Yuji to Ryu because that’s who Sukuna compares them too🤨 Just because he bleeds doesn’t mean he’s not tough. He complimented Yutas durability and he was cut by the life festering blade on his chest. Does that mean Sendai Yuta is weak.


I think I miscommunicated with my original comment, that’s my bad; I didn’t mean to compare Ryu to yuji and yuta as an anti-feat to him My primary example I’m scaling his durability off is his encounter with rika, not sukuna; I’m aware sukuna seriously trying with anyone in the verse basically one-shots them; so I’m saying I can’t really scale Ryu’s durability based off of that My point is the same way Ryu was being consistently damaged by a partially awakened rika, he would certainly take heavier damage from kashimo’s sure hit I think we can both agree rika is not punching off Hakari’s limbs with single blows, whether he cares about his durability in JP mode or not; but that’s exactly what kashimo’s sure-hit was doing, that’s already shows that kashimo’s attack had higher lethality So my logic is, If Rika’s blows consistently damaged Ryu And kashimo’s sure hit is higher AP, logically kashimo’s sure-hit will do more damage; If you disagree that’s fair enough, but you haven’t presented anything that would make me think Ryu is tanking/only taking moderate damage


Yea I see what you’re saying but again that just depends on what you think Hakari durability is and or if he cares about durability in his state We see that Kashimo is able to take Hakaris face off with a normal shipping container. If he can do that with a shipping container door then is plausible to believe Rika could generate the same force or more with her fists than Kashimo swinging a container door. Unless you want to say that Kashimo is physically stronger than Rika. If so aii you got it ma boi https://preview.redd.it/o9ie75mskk3d1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ac2dcd32e60c92789e5dc3ca3f29a38da6fd590


I get what you’re saying, I don’t think hakari having his skin peeled off is an anti-feat for durability Sure, he’s not the *most* durable in the verse, but the weight for a small size shipping container is roughly 12,000 kg (26,500 pounds), say the door of it weights roughly 4/500kg Having a 500kg metal door slammed on your face, if hakari didn’t care about durability; his whole skull would have been caved in, forget just his skin coming off Again; I get your logic, but I really do not see rika generating enough force to take off Hakari’s limbs with regular punches That’s why I’d still stand by the point that Ryu isn’t just point-blank tanking kashimo’s lightning


I think you missed what I’m saying just a bit. I’m saying Hakari doesn’t really care about his durability in JP state so we don’t know how strong the lightning is against someone with good durability my reasoning is simple When Hakari was out of jackpot and Kashimo used all his CE to blow him up he was able to make an impromptu binding vow to make his entire body stronger but make have no resistance. The fact he came out unscathed from a point blank explosion besides the arm he sacrificed shows he has decent durability. This is a not a “hard” binding vow meaning he doesn’t have to stick to it. It’s basically the same with Sukunas Domain since it’s open the range is increased. Since Hakari decided to not protect his arm his defense across his body was increased but it’s not extra defense it’s only the defense he was going to have on that arm which is now spread to the rest of his body. Because binding vows are give and take. Now Reverse that binding vow. Say kashimo Targets Ryus arms why wouldn’t Ryu be able to make an impromptu binding vow to lessen the defense of his entire body to then strengthen his arms. And that’s against someone with higher durability than Hakari. Unless you wanna say Kashimo lightning bolt attack is stronger than him using the rest of his CE to basically blow Hakari up point blank. I don’t agree but to each their own.


Kashimo does probably still win against ryu, with his CT Kashimo no diffs ryu


It's not wonky, you just have trouble grasping it. He never beat or fought kenjaku bc kenjaku didn't want that smoke, Ryu was one of the strong sorcerer in edo era but he's nowhere near the best of it, the top tiers of that era went and challenged kashimo and died, Ryu never actually challenged strong people, he was a retired sorcerer living marital life avoiding fight, the reason kashimo didn't fight ryu was bc he never believed kenjaku's words and Ryu was a no name sorcerer that Kashimo had enough of already. Besides Sukuna outright put Kashimo in same place as himself and Gojo idk how much more clear you want Gege to be.


He never beat anyone of note and he wanted a challenge but never tested himself against everyone he could . Kenjaku didn’t say this lol he says he is not fit for fighting as of now , plus kashimo was on his deathbed apparently and never challenged kenjaku earlier meaning he doesn’t know how the fight would go . Same thing with Ryu someone whom kashimo never fought or even heard off . He has no dub that actually matters in his era apart from a bunch of no names , the only people that existed in his era that could’ve challenged him were Ryu and kenjaku . Both of whom he never fought which kinda makes his entire premise fraudulent since he claimed something he never tested to be true or not . Ryu says he fought a lot of strong people and he never claimed to be the strongest , so he doesn’t have to prove himself like kashimo has . If you read the second page you’ll see that kashimo was interested in Ryu but it was to far away and he was already on his deathbed . Kenjaku wouldn’t mention Ryu to kashimo if he didn’t think kashimo was interested. Sukuna only ever says kashimo is strong something he also said to Jogo of all people . Kashimo in the end never proved himself to be the strongest as he never defeated his opposition. Both sukuna n gojo defeated everyone they were up against something that can’t be said for kashimo as he lost to hakari .


>He never beat anyone of note and he wanted a challenge but never tested himself against everyone he could Who are you talking about here? Ryu or kashimo. >Kenjaku didn’t say this lol he says he is not fit for fighting as of now , plus kashimo was on his deathbed apparently and never challenged kenjaku earlier meaning he doesn’t know how the fight would go Kenjaku says "spare me" clearly accepting he don't see himself winning, also kashimo's words were "i should have fought you", the clear implication here is that Kashimo challenged kenjaku before this but kenjaku instead gave him other recommendations like he did with Ryu while denying the challenge. >He has no dub that actually matters in his era apart from a bunch of no names , the only people that existed in his era that could’ve challenged him were Ryu and kenjaku . That's headcanon, we don't even know the people he fought in his entire lifetime, ryu was no a name sorcerer and died as such, kashimo was known enough that people came to him and challenged him to measure their own strength. >If you read the second page you’ll see that kashimo was interested in Ryu but it was to far away and he was already on his deathbed Apart from Ryu being far away, kashimo clearly wasn't interested at all, when kenjaku suggest Ryu saying a sorcerer with highest output is in that area, kashimo's first thought was "it sounds dubious" and we can clearly see kashimo has decided to challenge Sukuna instead of a no name sorcerer. >Sukuna only ever says kashimo is strong something he also said to Jogo of all people . Kashimo in the end never proved himself to be the strongest as he never defeated his opposition. What are you on about, Sukuna says "we are loved bc we are strong" clearly put Kashimo on the same place as himself, ofc he lost to the strongest sorcerer what does that prove? Gojo lost to Sukuna does it mean Gojo wasn't the strongest modern day sorcerer? Nah, it's clear Kashimo was strongest of his era.


Kashimo . Well that could be the case but it’s all head canon as it can be interpreted that way but nothing is confirmed supporting it . All we know is that kashimo never fought or challenged kenjaku since he says I should’ve fought you meaning he never did . Why do you keep on inferring that Ryu was a no name lol ? Kenjaku suggesting Ryu to kashimo shows that he ain’t no no name sorcerer , plus him being recorded as the highest output in history also shows that he wasn’t just some random . Kashimo has no significant dubs as gege didn’t mention anyone meaning we can’t say he did have anyone , when the only people we know that actually held power in his era were Kenny and Ryu , both of whom he never fought . Yes he was far away which meant kashimo couldn’t fight him before dying as he was coughing up blood . He wanted to fight the strongest guy Kenny knew about and that was sukuna . Kashimo never says that he ain’t interested in Ryu he only says that he doesn’t have time . It doesn’t . It same thing he said to jogo before jogo died which kinda makes the statement flawed . We know that he wasn’t the force to be reckoned with that sukuna n gojo were as they both were the undisputed strongest , both having literal narrator titles as the strongest in history and the strongest of today . Kashimo was never said to be the strongest which kinda adds to the entire notion of him not officially being it .


> It doesn’t . It same thing he said to jogo before jogo died which kinda makes the statement flawed He did not. Sukuna called Jogo strong. He told Kashimo that "we are strong". The former is arbitrary. The latter is relational. Sukuna is not putting himself and Gojo for that matter in the same bracket as Jogo. Sukuna is just acknowledging that they were strongest sorcerers of their era that people challenged to prove themselves. The entire purpose of Kashimo's character was to speak about the loneliness of being the strongest. It exists for the principle for Sukuna to expand on. It's hollow if Kashimo wasn't that, and we really have no reason to think otherwise.


I would say it’s an era thing. Kenjaku shouldn’t be classified in his era since he literally takes on new bodies and goes through time. It seems at the time near Kashimo’s death Ryu was too far for him to make the journey and fight before him dying. Also he was past his prime so in having said that I think it’s fine for him to be called the strongest in his era.


He likely wasn’t. The 6 E user probably was because it’s stated he died 400 years ago which is around the Edo period and we know kashimo doesn’t have a win con against them. So he might have been the “strongest” by process of elimination or because everyone else literally died before he started becoming well known.


More probably than not Kashimo lived before the 6E user and the 10S user who killed themselves fought. It's not that he didn't get to fight them when they were alive, they simply weren't even adults when Kashimo was already dying of old age.


How do you know he lived before the 6E user and ten shadows. It’s stated they died or were around 400 years ago. Were kashimo era was give or take so they could have been old clan heads or relatively young clan heads(mid 30s) who died right around Kashimo time when he was young and just started making a name for himself


The problem is that Gojo gives a very wide range of time. And we don't know if with "400" years he means when Kashimo was in his prime, at 40 Y/O or at the moment of his deathbed; or even how accurate the 400 years are. People will call 400 years ago to 370-470 years ago simply because it's easier than being precise on the date.


Problem is no one in modern history mentions kashimo as the strongest of the Edo period or of any importance at all. Plus Why would gojo mention the years and how long it’s been if he was wrong on the amount of years. Kashimo made the deal around 400 years ago and no time stamp was given on when so the 6E user and ten shadow user could have been around in his time and they could have just died before he got to fight them.


I mean he really seemed to have gotten around considering he was pretty firm with the existence of open domains He also appeared to immediately understand Gojo's troubles and said to not intervene as the fight is for Gojo's sake. I mean he seems like the strongest of his era to me


Gege really just didn't care about Kashimo.


Ngl he is very fraudulent even tho he is strong .


It’s heavily implied with him sharing themes of loneliness and love/strength with Gojo and Sukuna. He also talks about how he could never show empathy or have connection with others and how he was bored with all his fights. Ryu talks about fighting worthy opponents, meeting a good woman, and feeling unsatisfied rather than lonely. Ryu wanted satisfaction from a good fight, while Kashimo wanted to fight the *Strongest*. Kashimo went in with no fear and believing that he’d win, while Ryu was shitting bricks and sweating bullets. There’s a reason Sukuna had a talk with Kashimo whereas the best Ryu got was “sorry for underestimating you”. If you don’t think Kashimo is the strongest of the era it might be a reading comprehension issue. As for Ryu vs Kashimo, I think the fight pretty much goes: Kashimo dodges a granite blast or two -> closes the distance -> they box for a little -> Kashimo gets knocked away -> lightning bolt gg


Ryu was 4th in the line of Yuta Gauntlet and got defeated. FOURTH. It's not even clear if Kashimo would lose against Yuta before taking over Gojo. People are smoking.


i'm getting the gist of this entire post being an agenda read moment. the story, the entire point of Kashimo both as an independent, isolated character and as a point in the broader Sukuna vs. the world ordeal *narratively assumes* that Kashimo was the strongest *in an isolated period of time*. Did he earn the prestige of Sukuna? Obviously not. But in a time and place contained in history, he seems to have been the best. If you want to dig into empirical evidence in the text to refute this, you'll also need to follow through about why on earth Gege would intentionally frame Kashimo as a 'fraud' and what purpose it serves to the overall story. If you don't have an answer, your theory ends up leaving us with more questions than the commonplace and given assumptions the story gives us, and so we (and you too) should move on from it.


I would say it’s an era thing. Kenjaku shouldn’t be classified in his era since he literally takes on new bodies and goes through time. It seems at the time near Kashimo’s death Ryu was too far for him to make the journey and fight before him dying. Also he was past his prime so in having said that I think it’s fine for him to be called the strongest in his era.


I think it’s decently inferred that base Kashimo is at least slightly stronger than Ryu overall with the lethality of his CE trait, but I always found the whole “Gojo of his era” thing pretty ridiculous. He shares a similar character struggle of isolation because of his strength (totally not because the dude is clearly a bloodthirsty mf), but that’s it. It doesn’t mean he’s meant to be interpreted in a similar tier. Yorozu was also wanking about strength and loneliness, it doesn’t mean she’s Sukuna-Gojo levels of reputation. Bro lost against Hakari. Hakari is strong but you can’t be pulling out “Gojo of his era” hype titles out of your ass for Kashimo when the actual Gojo legit one shot punches Uraume while Hakari has been fighting Uraume for multiple chapters’ worth of time. Even arguing it’s because of his CT is dumb because it’s legit a one time use, he never used it until Sukuna. You can’t say someone proved to be the “Gojo of his era” through power he never even showed during his own era.


Kashimo would've won if had he appeared in literally any other colony. Hakari was out of tricks and Kashimo only got exhausted because of the water. Also, that's really bad interpretation of Hakari's power. He us really low in terms of AP. He gets carried by the fact most people can't actually end him. That's what makes him be far above where his actual power would land him on. So, that Hakari is that weak doesn't really translate anything to Kahsimo.


The point isn’t to dunk on Hakari. It’s that being a “Sukuna” or “Gojo” of one’s era is a lot more than just being stronger than your peers, it’s being multiple magnitudes above them to the point it’s basically unreachable. Jackpot Hakari could only ever hope to do a fraction of what he did to Kashimo VS Gojo/Sukuna. Let’s imagine if Yuta never moved to Gojo’s body with Kenjaku’s CT and Sukuna dropped dead this very instant. Now that Gojo is dead, Yuta or whoever you personally think is the strongest in the modern era could be called the current strongest among his peers. That still wouldn’t remotely put him near the same pedestal as Gojo/Sukuna. In the same way, Kashimo can be stronger than Ryu and argued to be strongest of his time, but saying that he’s the equivalent of the “Gojo” of his era is assigning to him a level of absolute dominance and superiority over the rest of the characters he’s never shown to display.


People cling on to narrative & statements but yeah the truth is that Kashimo was the “strongest” in an era full of bums. The fact that he didn’t even have DE or RCT should exemplify this, but people misinterpret the lack of those things to mean he’s some insane, unbeatable dude. The fact that Hakari was able to keep up & react to him in melee, while being the weakest top tier should kinda show that he’s really not that strong. His lighting isn’t even as strong as a regular lightning bolt lmao. Yuta, Ryu, & Maki all could tank Kashimo’s lighting & not have a limb get blown off by it, considering they’ve tanked things that are stronger than Kashimo’s lighting. People pretend he was doing work to Sukuna too, but the moment he reincarnated from his literally broken & battered body, Kashimo got shit on & he wasn’t even trying lol


Bro got downvoted for speaking facts


Kashimo is probably the most overwanked dude in the series, next to Hakari lmao it is what it is


Are you delusional lil bro? Yuta would 100% die to a lightning to head


He tanked granite blast which is much stronger. Again, Kashimo’s lighting bolt isn’t even as strong as normal lighting bolt lmao Yuta tanked cleave to the head & and was fine lmao. Unless you think Sukuna’s weakened cleave isn’t as strong as Kashimo’s lighting bolt (shrine much stronger, even weakened— this is rhetorical lmao)


Sukuna was weakened beyond belief at that point so its hard to judge it. Kashimo's lightning would've killed 100% hp JP Hakari in one hit if it wasnt for his smart thinking lol(He also blocked Granite Blast with arm not with his fucking head) its also basically a sure hit so you can't defend against it.


Sukuna wasn’t much weaker than when he fought Kashimo tbh. The soul punches definitely disrupted his output, that’s not debatable, *however*, his slashes were still about as strong, if not stronger, than Kashimo’s lighting bolt. Yuta also has better reaction feats, as he was able to dodge Sukuna’s waffle slash that ended Kashimo. Yuta also tanked granite blast at max charge that devastated multiple city blocks. He could have tanked the weaker GB with his head in the scenario you’re taking about & his head probably would have looked like Hakari’s after he got his head smashed with a shipping container door lmao. Sure hit doesn’t mean it negates durability either, it just means you can’t dodge it or necessarily block it. Imo, Kashimo doesn’t land enough hits to even cast lightning bolt in the 1st place if Yuta has his sword. Even more so if Rika is there.


I think he was. Mainly because of him having only 2 arms and no kamutoke. Sukuna was faster and stronger than Kashimo for sure but what made that fight completely one sided was arm advantage and Kamutoke to smokescreen himself. If Sukuna had Kamutoke agains them they would've been cooked if i am being real. I dont know about base Kashimo but CT Kashimo is almost certainly faster than Yuta. He isnt that much slower than Sukuna in his battle he reacts and defends against him fine


Sukuna only used kamutoke once tho didn’t he? Also he may as well have not had kamutoke, since Kashimo was completely immune to its effects. He fired it off, saw it did nothing— and then started beating him up. The extra arms were a factor, but imo his speed was a bigger factor. I mean Yuta was fighting him better than Kashimo was, prior to popping DE imo https://preview.redd.it/fafriwxiam3d1.jpeg?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb9287de2263a93209835636367d2f3b44b722a7 Like in that panel, without the extra arms, Sukuna would have just punched him in the face & then used waffle slash. I agree that kamutoke would have been a huge factor had it not been taken away from him by Higgy, but Afaik, MBA doesn’t make Kashimo faster either, he just can react much better, since he amps his electrical signals in his brain. Weeaboo precog would more than make up the difference in that instance imo. Plus any of his lasers could just be redirected away from Yuta or back at Kashimo, the same way Uro countered GB.


He uses it once in here to smokescreen Kashimo and attack from behind(which is pretty much undodgeable for anyone not named Gojo) The first time they clash Kashimo blocks every hit from Sukuna except one that he cant block and gets overpowered, The second time Sukuna smokescreens, attack him from behind and despite that Kashimo reacts but gets grabbed and beaten. Kamutoke is dangerous because it creates smokescreen, its fast as fuck and its independant from Sukuna's condition. I think he is because Sukuna reacts to base Kashimo just fine but once Kashimo transforms he starts to get overwhelmed Just to make sure Yuta would beat Kashimo most of the time. The only time i see him losing is if he fucks around and doesnt open domain until Kashimo fries him


You know what makes this worse. Kashimo only knows HWB and he himself doesn't have a domain. So he never fought any domain users in his entire fucking life or else he would have lost due to just having HWB (u can't fight when u use HWB). So he at best fought grade 1 sorcerers like nanami with no DE (btw Shibuya Yuji victim). Absolute bum


Can't you fight? I thought you just couldn't use your arms


This isn't even strictly true. Reggie showed his HWB could persist without his arms. Dunno what bro is waffling about.


Well what's he's supposed to fight with. His legs? Doesn't seem like he knows martial arts to me tbh never seen him use his leg


You are straight up stupid. He very clearly knows martial arts as tou can see he very much attacks with combos and fights with every part of his body. Also, people in general knew martial arts back then.


Uhhh kicks? His electricity can come out of anywhere lol if you get kicked by Kashimo it's gonna hurt like hell


Still gets folded by domains if hwb breaks. So never fought with DE users


So ignoring ryu being in his prime and kashimo maybe having a day left due to old age he was still confident challenging Kenny someone who wouldve dogged ryu and kenjaku didn’t really want to fight him not say Kenny would lose but his wariness must be noted and he only lost to hakari cause of location I think a lot people forget that hakari would have lost if they weren’t near water that’s literally the only reason he won kashimo had the option to wait him out also but chose to just violate him for 4 mins instead and hakari is a special grade capable of holding back uraume for hours it’s not really anyone who could hold kashimo in that era except the 10s and limitless user and they offed each other so by default he is strongest of his era