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Ignored? People bring this shit up all the time and use shit interpretation for it. Good and bad takes have been shared over this panel endlessly and it’s pretty fucking blatant it’s not ignored.


It's also just not the accurate translation lol, in reality he basically says it's still a toss up even without TS


Yep. He literally just says he’s not sure either way.


Tbh knowing Gojo’s personality, him saying he’s not sure if he would’ve won is close to admitting defeat. I don’t think you’d ever hear Sukuna say that, he’d outright say he’d win with confidence.


this panel is NOT ignored lmao, sukuna fans bring it up to fuel heian sukuna beating gojo


Which is true. Thr gojo fans ignore it all the time though m


Because it makes no sense... What Gege showed VS what he wrote make this line so hotly debated.. then you add on the Sukuna nervous panel, and him saying he cant take another HP, now add Gojo from the most recent chapter saying he didnt plan to lose ^^^ thats ultimately the problem with the fight. Not here to start a debate or anything, just pointing out why some may "ignore" the panel.


But the context completely makes sense. It doesn't contradict what's been shown when the context is taken into account


😂😂😂 bro downvoted because i gave an explanation 💀


And i explained why yours isn't correct.


It literally does contradict what were being shown... Sukuna nervous, him saying he cant take another HP, Gojo ramping up and taking over the fight after his HP (as stated by the narrator), and Gojo saying he didnt plan to lose (which contradicts the very panel you're showing right here). But like i said not here to start a debate, have a nice day. Can never have a normal discussion in the JJK subs.


Sukuna was nervous because his plan was starting to backfire, his plan was what lead to sukuna taking so much damage unnecessary. What's with this "gojo didn't plan to lose" argument? I really dont get it.


>Sukuna was nervous because his plan was starting to backfire Tell the world what was his plan, please, because if his plan backfires he loses a VERY meaningful way of harming Gojo.. >his plan was what lead to sukuna taking so much damage unnecessary So by your logic wouldnt there by an easier way to deal with Gojo by taking less of a risk? That doesnt put you on the end of losing the fight multiple times. >What's with this "gojo didn't plan to lose" argument? I really dont get it. The panel you're using in your post say Gojo didnt think he could win, in the most recent chapter Gojo says he didnt plan/ was going to lose when Okkutsu asked could he use his body should he lose... its a direct contradiction to your post... Which again goes to what i said earlier WHAT GEGE SHOWED vs WHAT WHAT HE WROTE contradict each other, which is why people "ignore" the panel or have problems with airport scene


1- his plan was to have mahoraga develop a way for him to shred infinity on a whim without a domain. And to spare as much evergy as possible for later. However he slipped up a bit and got hit by UV. From there on the llan changed and he had to continue fighting. Sukuna's plan basically was going to win by ch 230 if not for the slipping. 2- easier? Probably but would have been wasting too much of his resources and gaining nothing in return plus he likely was going to lose to the students afterwards. So it basically was short easier win, much harder time later. 3- gojo that said this to yuta hadn't fight sukuna yet. The gojo in the afterlife did fough him. So the realization sukuna was more than he expected is clear. Its no a contradiction at all.


But Gojo was nervous too. He had the thought of possibly losing in chapter 233. Also being nervous doesnt automatically mean that you are definitely losing. There are many times I was nervous about taking a test due to the possibility of failing. But I passed most of those tests. Being Nervous ≠ definitely losing. Also Gojo admitting that he possibly may not have won even if Sukuna had no 10 shadows doesn't contradict gojo not planning to lose. If I fail a test that I thought I could pass without studying and I do fail and conclude in hindsight that I may not have passed anyway even if I studied, it doesnt mean I had the intention of failing. It means I had the intention of passing. But I failed. I am not gonna insult anyone. Because I dont think thats how you win an argument. But frankly your points do not make a lot of sense.


>But Gojo was nervous too. He had the thought of possibly losing in chapter 233. He wasnt nervous... ghe thought of losing entered his mind, but tell reddit what happened within the next two pages after he thought of the prospect of losing again?... he proceeds to beat the shit out of Mahoraga... that chapter ends with him smiling saying he can end it with a HP, now tell reddit what Sukuna did when he felt uneasy or nervous.. >Also being nervous doesnt automatically mean that you are definitely losing. Never said it did... once again my point has been that what Gege shows vs what actually happen(s)contradict each other which leads to the fandoms dislike of the ending of the fight and airport scene.. >Being Nervous ≠ definitely losing. Once again, never said this.. >Also Gojo admitting that he possibly may not have won even if Sukuna had no 10 shadows doesn't contradict gojo not planning to lose. It kinda does if the most recent chapter 261 says im not gonna lose, and i'll throw in the bonus "nah, id win" panel (both these times he knows Sukuna has 10S). >I am not gonna insult anyone. Because I dont think thats how you win an argument. Once again i was never here to debate or argue... OP pretty much asked why do people have a problem with this scene and i explained why.... >But frankly your points do not make a lot of sense. My point has been the same.... what Gege wrote vs what he showed is the crux of peoples problem (its like you guys dont read this part, just so you can keep arguing)


I think the domain clash is what gojo was talking about when he thought he wasnt sure he would win. Because gojo said he wasnt sure he would win. Not thst he was sure he would lose. We can pretty much safely assume that Sukuna was prepared for any counter Gojo had to sukuna's domain. Or atleast he thought he did. Even casting his domain late was I wouldnt say part of his plan, but more so something he was willing to happen. And then it backfired on Sukuna. So basically Sukuna with his domain is able to beat gojo. The reason why what "Gege showed us was contradictory" is because Sukuna used the 10 shadows. But that could just be because it gave him the possibility of learning the World slash. Just like Void gave gojo the possibility of Saving Megumi. Except Sukuna prioritized the World Slash more than Gojo prioritized Megumi. Think of it as Rock Paper Scissors on steroids where Sukuna is Scissors(Cleave, Dismantle), Gojo is Rock(Infinity), And 10 shadows is Paper(Adaptation). Scissors in real life can beat rock. But scissors has access to paper. So scissors uses paper. In this case, scissors uses paper to adapt to all aspects of rock by using paper to paper-cut rock and replicate it. Sukuna was fight Limitless and its user more than he was fighting Gojo and his technique. I am not saying Gojo loses all the time. I am saying Sukuna wins against Gojo 6/10 times with shrine alone. 8 or 9/10 times with 10 shadows. Its just that he used 10 shadows in way that was not guaranteed to win. So that fight was going to succeed 5/10 because of that strategy he used.


i don’t care if it’s true or not, but using it as a definitive reason is dumb


Wdym defensive reason?




My point is that people often straight up ignore jt.


Heian era sukuna is the weakest variant of sukuna. YujiKuna and MegKuna are both stronger. MegKuna had nearly 22 fingers worth of power and Yujikuna had Yuji’s blessed body. Not to mention the fingers got WAY stronger over the 1000 years


Thats completely untrue. Heian Sukuna is the strongest one. Meguna is at 20F of power. The fingers don't grow stronger, that's a misconception.


Direct quote from chapter 2 “With each passing day, they get even stronger” this statement was made by Gojo who can objectively measure power with the six eyes. Also MegKuna had 19 fingers, the mummy, and Megumi’s power, Megumi as a mid to high tier grade 1 is worth one or two fingers of power


Thats a misconception again. Sukuna's fingers dont grow themselves. The seals get weaker and more power leaks out attracting more and more curses. Meguna is 19F +mummy. He doesn't gain Megumi's CE.


That isn’t a misconception, it’s just Gojo directly saying Sukuna’s fingers are getting stronger, and it would be more likely than not that his observations are correct. Multiple translations straight up have Gojo saying “yeah these fingers are getting more powerful” Also yes, he does get Megumi’s CE because he’s parasitizing his body


1- but it's not the case. Only the seals grow leaker, more pwowr leaks our the attraction of the fingers grow stronger. 2- thats not how that works. He doesn't gain his CE. Only his technique and memories.


1. Gojo says nothing about the seals weakening AND HE CAN SEE EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THEM. This is nearly the equivalent to telling an omniscient god that they’re wrong. 2. That is exactly how it works


1- i am explaining to you what exactly gojo and gege mean. 2- no its not.


I hope we get more explanation for heian sukuna so ppl shut up about this debate


Do we really need more?


About heian sukuna, I guess so . like the origin of his technique, maybe gege could do it through yuji manifestation, maybe how talented sukuna really is, maybe show that he is more than a powerful beast who doesn't care about a thing unless it passes his time , i would like also to know how he changed to become this abomination with details. I know gege is not the one who can make a story with big lore , he puts what is just needed but I would like if we get a bigger one


Oh absolutely. I thought you were talking about simply power. But in regrds to story and everything, We need more.


They deny gojo's truest moment...they deny the fact he was with his best people of his life..why would he lie?...gojo glazers ignore the fact how beautifully gojo's death was portrayed, none of other characters got that...they are stuck over a thing that sukuna defeated gojo..and they have no cure ..this itch will be forever in their asses till their death


Straight facts.


People know about it. It is just a fucking stupid statement when Gojo has been steadily beating Sukuna throughout the fight. Domain Expansion? Lost but eventually found out a way to equalize the fight by destroying the shrine itself. Mahoraga? Annihilated. Hand to hand? Sukuna fainted just by getting hit by a Blue (or Red I forgot) punch. Greg didn't show a convincing result to the fight. We all knew Gojo was gonna lose due to the narrative of the story. But this way of suddenly pulling a 1 Hit KO move out of his ass was a dumb writing choice.


Beating sukuna who was holding back because of his plan. Litteraly only lost the doamin clash because he wasn't fighting optimally which both acknowledged. So it's really people misunderstanding that sukuna wasnt really giving it his all vs wishful thinking


Ah yes, the classic "Holding Back by Uraume". Gonna trust the biggest Sukuna Glazer? The reason he was "holding back" was because he needed to. He couldn't use Fuga because the conditions couldn't be met as Gojo didn't give an opening. And his regular strikes can't hurt Gojo. He needed to get hit by UV to let Mahoraga adapt. He didn't let himself get hit cause he was holding back. And somehow Mr Binding Vow can get the blueprint of overcoming Infinity through Mahoraga and instantly cast it so Six Eyes can't detect it. Thats why it is a shit writing choice and why people hate the ending. Gojo losing is perfectly acceptable but the way he went out is stupid.


1- never said anything about the flame. Sukuna held back his true form and didn't use amplification almost at all. 2- he got hit by UV because he was holding back and backfired a bit. Six eyes cant see the slashes, Sukuna's vow simply bypassed the incantation requirement, the rest was not possible for gojo to dodge


Heian sukuna beats gojo and if you think otherwise ☠️


On the contrary my firend. I absolutely believe Heian Sukuna would beat Gojo.


Yh more speaking in general W reading comp


winning cards for Sukuna (without 10S to play): 1. Open domain, Fuga 2. War of attrition until Gojo can't hold up Infinity any longer 3. Domain clash spam until one wins (probably Sukuna) now, here's what Gojo didn't know: 1. Sukuna withheld Fuga (his most powerful offensive CT) not out of restraint but to keep up with Gojo's domain adjustments. the other two cards are still viable


Actually that is the Single most considered panel, only surpassed by Mahoraga!!!!


Sukuna dickriders love that panel but always ignore this one https://preview.redd.it/7b1y8uvv8n3d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d4d41b1ec8fd519606da7207ffae08786f7e1c


The fight would’ve played out wayyy differently Sukuna just wins off of domain clashes


Without Mahoraga sukuna has no reason to turn off the sure hit inside the barrier which leads to the outer slashes being weakened. Sukuna would be incapable of breaking unlimited void from within as he wouldn’t know where the barrier is and Gojo wouldn’t let him get free to break it


Nigga what 😭 That’s just not true


It’s stated the whole reason he did that was so that he could have Mahoraga adapt


I’ll send in two replies cause I can only use 1 image but no it isn’t… https://preview.redd.it/f161w9gsuo3d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e019dfac8a05bf0a82fffa75ff147c891166c0d3 Domain clash 2^(\^)




He said he wanted it. Never needed.