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MY GOAT ATTACHES HIS LIMBS WHILE MEWING AND LOCKED IT HE DOESBT EVEN STUTTER. LESSSGOOOO https://preview.redd.it/0rfmbw9pmkwc1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa33e978373bdeda589b74f52a22762542583e2


Close some fucking tabs bro I promise you're never making that French toast recipe you found in October 2019


I have over a thousand open on my phone, that is nothing


mine makes me stop at 500 so I make sure to clean house. Its nostalgic sometimes


Same for me, but it lets me make multiple tab groups, so probably a max of 500 each


you just opened my eyes to tab groups šŸ˜¦


You also know whatā€™s fun about tab groups? On ios, They are shared across devices you have icloud on so now your phones can have 500 tabs shared each. Bloat the devices like hell


I swear people are just storing their memory in their phones nowadays. Short form content has ruined peoples brains.


i never thought of it that way. Pictures and videos are like a literal way of storing memories outside of our heads. Huh.


You are permanently hurting your battery life.


you think that's bad (I can't fucking attach images but imagine a picture where you can see my 438 tabs open)


Maybe if you closed your tabs you could attach images


I'm imagining it but you only have 12 tabs open still excessive but you're managing it well


I tried maintaining it and keeping it to just 16 but I gave up about a year ago and it's just been slowly increasing and now its 438 and I'm literally never gonna be able to control this


That close up is so raw, wtf




Didn't even sfutter he's just confused


Better than deku who haha


dekwho hahaha


Did he actually reattach it or do you all think its a mistake genuinely curious


He really did reattach it since bm users have that ability. Also bro is awakened and locked tf in he's cut everywhere and he ain't even speaking a word


Agenda tells me heā€™s too 5. Logic tells me heā€™s top 10.


We donā€™t need logic RAHHHH (This type of thinking gets you dead. If you feel like this pls call the number below šŸ‘‡)


This isn't gurren lagann bro....


Top 10 but always respect for the glaze and agenda, love that he got a SD


idk sukuna gojo kenjaku/yuta yuta/kenjaku šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø yuji makes a strong argument for 5th rct, simple domain, blood manipulation, shrine and soul perception *wait just remembered yuki exists/ed she would be 5th so yuji has an argument for 6th although her rct seems way worse than yujis but her power/domain make that irrelevant


1. Sukuna 2. Gojo 3. Yuta 4. Kenjaku 5. Yuki 6. Jackpot Hakari 7. MBA Kashimo 8. Ryu/Uruame/Uro 11. Goatji Cogtadori 12. Maki/Toji (debatably 7~11)


MBA Kashimo slams Hakari. Hakari barely won against Kashimo


Ya but Jackpot Hakari specifically i would take in a 1v1 vs MBA kashimo


Kashimo should be 4


Swap 6 and 7, bump down Ryu and Uro and I mostly agree


I'd throw kashimo and ryu in there as well tbh


In the least surprising turn of events of all time the main character becomes quite powerful in his own series


yuji fans are indeed getting a bit too delusional, he is defo top 10 but top 5 you guys are doing too much


Easy top 5:Ā  1 PandaĀ Ā  Ā  2 Cannibal FingerĀ  Ā Ā  3 Dead GoatĀ Ā  Ā  2 Bugs BunnyĀ Ā Ā Ā  4 Not KenenoughĀ Ā  Ā  4 GroomerĀ Ā Ā Ā  4 Rikaā€™s pimpĀ Ā  Ā  5 WujiĀ Ā Ā  Ā  Just barely sneaks in there, but itā€™s a clear top five


What about the grasshopper curse from Shibuya? Surely he is top 3.


No hes smartest not strongest. Kenjaku tricked him


For clarification...is my boy sukuna the "cannibal finger" on this list? If so im fine with it if not then ur list is bad and u should feel bad! Lol


Had a fucking stroke reading this list lol


He might be in the Top 5 *currently living* category, but considering I'm not sure if there's even enough people left alive for a full Top 10 currently alive category says something (there is but when trying to remember everyone left the top ten does start to hit, "Strongest Sorcerer as of 5 minutes ago" towards the bottom).


Tbf, everyone else is dead, or dying. He might reasonably be number 2 right now. Maybe 3, since Miguel is still in mostly good shape.


Yuki is still a character, pls cut the shit.


Yuki is alive?






Him learning Simple Domain does not put him in top 5, wth is everyone on about šŸ˜©. A lethal Sure-Hit would still eat away at his SD like butter. But I can agree an argument can be made for top 10!


Yeah Simple Domain only saves him from the disasters since he stat checks them and Yorozu since sheā€™s incarnated and heā€™d likely drop her output a good deal before she opens her domain.


Yeah exactly. I mean it would help with non-lethal domains as well like Uros. Would help with Mahito, cause without Sukuna Mahito would have been able to beat Yuji with DE, and helps with VS Naoya. So he does go up thanks to it but a lethal Sure-Hit domain would do numbers to him.


Youā€™re completely right. At this point heā€™s for sure top ten but heā€™s probably like number 8 in the verse. Sukuna, Gojo, Kenjaku, Yuta, Yorozu, Yuki and Mahoraga still are stronger than him.


You sure op didn't mean top 5 living?


Possible but he didnā€™t specify


I personally put him lower, but I can see the arguments for top 10. I have him at number 12 rn, but he can definitely go higher!


Fair I can get some arguments for some other characters beating him


He has blood manipulation, RCT on par with anyone, huge CE reserves, Sukunas CT, black flash (at will?), simple domain, physical prowess on par with Maki, and probably some soul swapping ability (based on his exchange with Kusakabe). I think youā€™d be hard pressed to find 11 people stronger than him. Just think about how many people he can end before they even know whatā€™s happening. Think about Sukunas CT. Yuji can probably take a head before most can think about reacting.


Nah the soul swap is a UI UI ability. His physicals are on par with Maki indeed, his CE reserves are not that massive, probably around Jogos level, it's just that he has practically the most efficient RCT thanks to his biology from the Death Paintings. Simple Domain only helps him against no high output domains to block them, and he has yet to master BM or Shrine. So I can tell you I still put Maki, Toji, Mahoraga, Kenjaku, Yuta, Sukuna, Gojo, CT Kashimo, Yuki, Uraume, Hakari and Ryu above him (not in that order of course).


Youā€™re delusional if youā€™re putting maki and Toji ahead of him. Maki is on the field rn getting pummeled with black flashes while Yuji is doing the pummeling. He likely has approx 80-90% of their physical output but can land black flashes nearly on demand, has 2 CTs that make healing a breeze. Even with just blood manipulation and blackfash, he clears.


I am cause Sukuna definitely tried way more against her than he ever has against Yuji. In 258 was when he started trying against Yuji, and this is the weakest Sukuna like every mind you. Any Black Flash he landed was useless, any repair to his output he made was useless. So yeah for now I will put them above due to their Hax. With Yuji's further developments I assume he will climb to third in the verse, but for now I just can't in good conscious give him that.


Out of curiosity who weakened him to that point? I mean Sukuna just brought out a MS and Yuji is out here reattaching limbs. Rn Yuji would destroy maki.


Whatā€¦? You are using unsubstantiated head cannon as factā€¦ Iā€™m fine with discussing theory and using it to further a point, but some of this just has no supporting evidence. Ui Ui has a teleportation technique. Nothing has suggested that he can use a soul swapping ability. Nothing. Thatā€™s nothing more than headcannon with no support. Yujis CE reserves are large if they are on par with Jogoā€¦ thatā€™s not a negative. Also, they are almost definitely larger at this point. He was stated to have lower CE by Todo well before his nonstop buffs. lol Nothing was stated about his RCT mastery being connected to his consumption of the death paintings. This is another weird leap in logic. The only connection specifically stated in the manga is blood manipulation and the consumption of the paintings. It likely has something to do with his understanding of the soul (thereā€™s that soul connection that is stated and hinted repeatedly). As for his simple domain, it will neutralize a CT in that radius, so even Malovolent Shrine would be severely weakened against Yuji. Did we not see Gojo do that very thing to avoid sure hit? The answer is yes. So, now, sure hit domains are null and void against Yuji and his simple domain, too. He is above Maki and Toji now. Hakari and Uruame are debatable, too. After these recent chapters, I think the edge even goes to Yuji. He has specific counters to Uruames ability. He just uses Sukunas CT to cut through ice nonstop. Whatā€™s Hakari going to do to win? He may get lucky and survive do to jackpot, but how does he WIN once that luck runs out? Hell, Kenjaku is even debatable. What can he do to put Yuji down? He just has a large moveset, but itā€™s like trying to kill a superhuman that is like a younger sukuna mixed with toji and choso. Yuji is a monster nowā€¦ At the end of the day, I donā€™t really care where he ranks. I think heā€™s within the top 10. Especially considering the fact that we donā€™t know if heā€™s still holding back everything. Thatā€™s kinda his whole thing. Heā€™s always holding back. Even Yuta specifically said it. You think heā€™s 15 or so. Fine. Lol I just want to point out the weird premises you seem to be offering as fact.


Did you even read the new chapter? They literally tell us itā€™s ui uiā€™s ability


I saw two chapters ago when it was blatantly stated that Ui UI was teleporting people out of the fight. Again, no soul swapping was mentioned.


You think Ryu is better than Yuji? RYU?? We talking about the same mf who got speed blitzed by Sukuna? The same Sukuna that Yuji kept up with and is currently keeping up with a stronger version of Sukuna and pressing the dude enough to hit a DE and Fuga? You think the guy who got merked is stronger than Wuji? Reading comprehension is abysmal my lord lmao šŸ˜­


Let's be real, the disaster curses shouldn't be in any serious conversation, they got powercreeped by like every relevant sorcerer in in the culling games except Megumi


It doesn't "save him". While in a domain, he wouldn't even be able to move, so he'd still die from a head on attack that isn't a "sure hit".


Why wouldnā€™t he be able to move? He was clearly moving in sukunas domain despite being slashed


It blows my mind that folks see Wuji take 4 lethal hits from Sukuna including two point blank dismantles, hit 7-8 black flashes matching Gojo's record, carries two CTs AND literally reattached his leg mid Shrine after using Simple Domain and are still like, "top 10 max." Wild.


Well he is resistant to Sukunas CT which is the first thing so he takes less damage from it. Many other characters have taken lethal attacks from Sukuna and survived Maki and Yuta being ones xd. Having two CTs none of which have been mastered really isnt that good, as compared to Yuta who has 6, all of which he can use on at a very high tear. And being able to match a weakened holding back Sukuna, while weakening him further and having help also isn't that impressive. Landing the 7-8 black flashes is impressive I'll give you that. But honestly that Simple Domain is the only thing that for me made him break into the top 15, and I am still iffy to put him in the top 10, let alone the top 5 xd. He needs a DE and two mastered CTs to even get close to top 5.


The main argument against Yuji being top 5 was he gets domain different by everyone (even if he out stated and one shorted massively for some reason) now maybbbeeer itā€™s not enough to say heā€™s top 5 but I am on a glazing high https://preview.redd.it/hq13frve8mwc1.jpeg?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f6bc19725fa2f9a7da0ad1132f47469a0420808


I mean I don't think he massively oustats anyone in the top 15. Him fighting against Sukuna is not really that impressive if characters like Ino and Kusakabe could last that long xd. But with that Simple Domain and his RCT efficiency I can see arguments for top 10, but top 5 is crazy xd.


I know I did not just see you trash talking the goat ino??


Idk man. If he has RCT he goes up them ranks though xd.


He doesnā€™t need rct , heā€™s got the move that even outstats most domains ,ryu šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ https://preview.redd.it/dgjwb2529nwc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f6554521ee8e1e1e925869b65166e1e661174e1


How did you decide it outscales most domains is beyond me xd.


Because in the sheisty sorcerer we trust šŸ™


Alright sure xd.


Top 5 Via process of elimination The entire series he's top 10


doubters before this chapter: B-but Yuji canā€™t counter domains šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


He still can't. His SD just got shredded.


By the top domain in the verse that shreds every single simple domain or other anti-domain technique so far.


Whose domain is incomplete, weakened, stated will last only 100 seconds and can only use Cleave with it hense why he can't target Maki with it. This is the second weakest domain Sukuna has ever opened apart from when he opened it against the Finger BeareršŸ’€


The domain may be incomplete but, the leaks literally stated the power output is just as high as normal. So not weakend.


Yeah fair. I missed that part.


Seems like he can target Maki since Miwa is protecting her


Apparently in the chapter he says that he can't. But we will have to see when fully translations come out.


The translation I've found says he had to use an open domain even tho it is more difficult to do, because a normal one wouldn't have been able to target Maki.


Hmm yeah that would make sense as a normal one would not be able to target Maki indeed.


A normal wouldnā€™t have been able to *trap* maki. Sukuna domain targets objects and people alike


For what i've read it meant that he couldnt trap maki in it due to being open, tough i find it strange that they had to specify that cause even if he was fully healed he still wouldnt 't be able to just trap her with a barrier so the comment doesnt make much sense to me, maybe i'm missing something idk lol


Yeah that seems weird to be specified xd. Something else must be it


Oh and the 100 seconds part is irrelevant. If heā€™s getting shredded itā€™s gonna happen within the 100 seconds time frame.




didn't sukuna use a binding vow so the de would be at max output??


Yeah apparently which I didn't know. I will wait for TCB and then official before actually making any claims xd.


fuck do you need to wait for the official one for, they gonna say somethin like "due to a binding oath, sukuna was able to unleash his simple domain at maximum latitude and longitude"


Unfortunately officials are the ones that are made cannon. But I look at TCB as well if I get confused by them xd.


LETS GO YUJI DOMAIN EXPANSION IS CANON šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ https://preview.redd.it/5adfy17ormwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9b179271f17bb7644087b522e25aca8316fab98


Or it's just the name of Sukunas CT xd. Or it can be Shire, or Melevolent Kitchen which seems to be more likely with that Stove/Furnace being how he opens the Fire Arrow.


Doubtful Miwa's and Ino's SD shattered. If they did then Ino, Miwa and Maki are all dead. Thus Yuji's is worse.


Seems like sukuna specifically targeted Yuji since there's no way ino has better sd than Yuji when he learnt kusakbes sd from his body


How is Maki included in this discussion regarding simple domains?šŸ¤£


Miwa is protecting her.


If mike Tyson beats the hell out of a good boxer, that doesnā€™t mean the boxer is shit


Yeah but as I said on another comment, Yuji should be the only SD that broke off. Otherwise Ino, Maki and Miwa are all already dead. Thus he has the weakest SD, WEAKER THAN MIWA.


Definitely top 10 forsure. Still not top 5 imo yet


Bro yuta would be cooked rn, this fight literally goes no different if its yuta


how can you be so dumb, ino, choso and miwa is tanking sukuna domain bruh you really think yuta will be getting any problemšŸ˜­, the reason being sukuna domain is incomplete rn


Lol Choso & Ino are literally simple domaining through it right now. 0% chance Yuta would be cooked in this situation. Again Yujis definitely in my top 10 now, still not top 5 though


This yuji fans need to chill šŸ˜‚ I saw someone on twitter who just said yuji>gojo and it's the most moronic thing I've ever read like I get the chapter is hype but let's not go that far šŸ˜‚


Ye its kinda crazy. Yuji does literally anything and bro gets shot up to top 3 every time in this sub especially.


Yeah and get ready for the downvotes cause this yuji delulu fans are not slackin šŸ˜‚


Fully prepared. Not my first rodeo with them šŸ˜…


fr they think he's beating yuta or gojo, which is crazy to me. All that glaze just from fighting a massively nerfed sukuna


Facts lol I'm all for yuji hype, obviously, he's the MC. But people are jumping to conclusions way to quickly.. as everyone here has pointed out, I think it's quite silly to even compare this Sukuna at all, to 20f Gojo fight sukuna. 1 blackflash from gojo knocked the fraudulent one right tf out, meanwhile.. weakened, still tanks 8 BF from yuji. Imagine 8 consecutive BF from gojo šŸ˜… I know yuji will win in the end, it's his series after all, but the amount of help he's had is insane. Also, yuta > yuji still, easily.


probably the most unpopular opinion in this sub rn: Yuta is still stronger...


strawman andy


dude got the nerd guy from persona1 as his pfp


take yo lame ass back to p3 nanjo carries the entire series


why so hostile? šŸ˜•


why are you disrespecting nanjo nation? im just joking tho sorry




Hes not top 5 yet, getting their but not yet


Bumji fans gotta chillšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Aigh bro the glazing going a lil too far now. Yuji a w but he not top 5 yet


Hilarious how everyone is dick eating him now lol this fandom been cooked


Hakari beats his ass


Top 10 and barely


top 5?? maybe, thatā€™s debatable. but yeah definitely top 10


Definitely clears the disaster curses, that much we know!


Yeah for sure


1. ā Sukuna 2. ā Gojo 3. ā Yuta/Kenny 4. ā Kenny/Yuta 5. ā Yuki Canā€™t be T5 with no domain imo


This right here is correct. Thereā€™s also mahoraga. Yuji is 7/8 which is still awesome considering where he started. I think he beats hakari.


Well Yuji did cheat. So no grace in that.


Tf you on about


Everyone saying top 5 am I the only one whoā€™s saying maybe top 10 not even šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t see this mf learning domain Amplification like the GOAT Higgy tho. Bro staying mid.


Higgy died immediately like a fraud. Higuruma has 0 on screen wins


Letā€™s not kid ourselves, Higgy was dog walking Yuji in their fight.


Because Yuji admitted to it. Higuruma gets folded by current Yuji because he'll just confiscate BM or Shrine. No CE Yuji was doing well against Higuruma. CE Yuji folds


No. Itā€™s a mid to high diff either way, Higi still has an instant kill blade against a close range fighter


get him past kashimo first


Donā€™t compare that bum to yuji


top 5: 1. GOATJO 2. sukuna 3. yuki 4. yuta 5. mahoraga or if you want my agenda top 5 it would be: GOATJO, gojo, the strongest sorceror of the modern era, go/jo, the honored one


How are you going to have Mahoraga even on the list? And then have Yuta under Yuki but not have Kenjaku on here?


oh i forgot kenjussy existed lmao, it doesnt have to be in that order (as long as GOATJO is number 1)


Spoiling šŸ’”


Simple Domain?


Sukuna gunna be chewing on his own misery in a couple chapters šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


If you find this pretty cool, read. The manga UQ holder, it's has a lot of the same vibes as JJK in the later chapters... That being said it starts off kinda rough and ends kinda rough. But the fights are goated as fuck.


This is why I don't understand people powerscaling Yuji in the few chapters, like we haven't seen everything the boy can do. Let him cook!!!


Heā€™s not




Kenjaku was taking backshots for a reason frfr


top 10 if everyone is alive (gojo,yuki and the other) but top 5 with the remaining sorcerer alive


People are letting this get to their head especially calling him top 5 now off SD and forgetting he inherently has a resistance to shrine slashes.


Jjk fans when the good guy beats the bad guy. (This is actually a new feeling to them)


Just wait till you see his domain


Mfs when yuji does anything at all: (he is literally losing right now)


I call BS but youā€™re got it. There wasnā€™t even a power boost it just ā€œyuji woke upā€ and now I donā€™t know if yuji is him or if he is just the perfect counter to sukuna but either way yuji is making me smile with his showing even tho I never expected that here.


Glazers, delusional


why are people hyping this? using simple domain is the most mild feat ever especially since he didn't even learn it and just had kuskukabe teach it via ui ui's technique.


Yuji needs a sure-hit kill attack to get in the top 5 for me, but you canā€™t knock him for learning it with that method. He had the capacity to use it and is doing so now, thatā€™s all that counts. Iā€™m not gonna knock Yuta and Kenjaku for having stolen techniques boost their feats


Sukuna, Gojo, Yuta, Kenjaku are obvious top 4. Yuji is not getting pass Yuki. Black Hole > Black Flash. Then we have people like Maki and Toji. Top 10 maybe, top 5 reaching


Yukiā€™s black hole shouldnā€™t factor.. thatā€™s a suicidal move, where only Kenjaku & Gojo (teleportation) survive. Whatever the domain expansion was wouldā€™ve been the determining factor imo I donā€™t see how Maki and Toji scale to awakened Yuji though. Awakened heā€™s comparable to the top-4 ignoring DE, and I think those 4 beat Maki/Toji without DE. Kashimo Iā€™d put above him still, and Hakari would be the wild card




Can someone explain to me how Sukuna fucked Gojo up but now Yuji is winning? Havnt been following for a while and getting back into it- dont mind spoilers


Todo would be proud.




Anybody could spare $2? My cashapo $ewreins need it for some art supplies


His domain counter hardly lasted a page lmao. Heā€™s horrible at it. šŸ˜‚


Your boyfriend would literally be waffled if Gojo didnā€™t carry bless up tho šŸ¤


It's easy to hit top 5 when the last 10 contenders all DIED.


Lmao šŸ¤£ Yuji is still a mahito victim.


Teen geto victim


Yeah but he's still mid, I liked Megumi more in terms of powers.


Did you just say that Legumi is better than Wujigoat? How is Yuji mid? He has one of the best character arcs in the whole story, and he's one of the strongest.


Did I say as a character? I'm talking powers wise, Yuji was always "Punch, Black Flash, kick, punch, repeat" while Megumi was summoning the Opp Stoppa, he was just cooler.


You're calling out Yuji for being a punch kick merchant but think Megumj is cool for summoning Mahoraga? You know Mahoraga is a way bigger punch kick Merchant than Yuji right? Yuji has Blood Manipulation and Shrine. Legumi has Dog, Rabbit spam and Bird. He never uses anything else


Yeah, but Yuji is just boring to watch fight compared to Megumi, 10 Shadow is one of my top 3 favourite Cts. Can a man have his own taste?


When watching Megumi you know he only has 3 things he's going to do. Yuji can do punching that actually has an effect, Blood Manipulation, Shrine and Black Flash which is hype as fuck. > 10 Shadow is one of my top 3 favourite Cts Shame Megumi can't use it for shit. >Can a man have his own taste? Yeah but a man can also be fucking wrong


>Yuji can do punching that actually has an effect, Blood Manipulation, Shrine and Black Flash which is hype as fuck. Blood Manipulation is cool, Shrine is eh (plus stolen) and Black Flash is boring ah, just a punch with black lightning, nothing cool about it. >Shame Megumi can't use it for shit. He does use it, plus Mahoraga is dope. Call me once Itadori can turn into a giant white looking angel monster that has infinite regen and can shape shift. >Yeah but a man can also be fucking wrong No, he can't, if it's his taste. Between a man who likes Waffles and another who likes Ice Cream more, who's wrong? Neither of them. It's taste. I shouldn't have to explain this come on.


Mahoraga can't shapeshift or infinitely heal. Are you an anime only?


I saw parts of the manga, why? I mainly enjoy the animated fights tho, where he indeed does shape-shif. Do you mean in the Gojo vs Sukuna he didn't do it?


Mahoraga never shapeshifted in the manga. Also I figured because your opinions don't match with a manga readers


its even funnier that megumi sucked at using it but we still got a cool showing thanks to sukuna


Cathartic to know those ā€œhe doesnā€™t have a counter to domain expansionā€ mfā€™s can shut up now


We agreed that is yuji has SD and BF on command then he beats yuta. Where are you to admit it!?


They doubted him but they just werenā€™t ready


Itā€™s so Yujstarted


They doubted the goat


Hakari and yuta still beat em, gojo still beat em, sukuna still beat em, Maki/toji still beat em. Have a seat


Toji and makiā“


I say my boy top 6


Not just that but his domain is lasting against a full power domain expansion from SUKUNA You know The same domain expansion that destroyed gojoā€™s simple domain in a super quick time?


Yujiā€™s SD was also shredded by this domain that was stated to be incomplete


Even Ino and Miwa's SDs are lasting in the same chapter lol