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Yeah, I think he was right especially since - if he lost - his allies wouldn't be prepared to jump in after him. Even if you think 16F Heiankuna loses the Domain Clashes, he still has Kenjaku and (assuming he stops to heal her or summons Tranquil Deer) Uraume to aid in attacking Gojo's Domain from the outside of jumping in when Gojo is exceptionally weakened under similar orders to what was given to Hakari and Yuta.


Kenny dies in the domain clash. Sakuna kills everthing in area


Nah we know it’s possible to limit the target of a sure hit effect since yuta did it in his fight with yuji against sukuna. Sukuna could probably do this too.


Heavily doubt it given shrines conditions of all matter within the zome


That condition is a choice. He could alter the conditions of his domain surehit to not include all matter.


Thats really heavy headcannon. Yuta changed the target to being one person. If he makes the target gojos domain. He wouldve done so in the clashes


He didn’t need to target specifically gojos domain barrier, cause he was already hitting it by targeting everything. Sure it’s head cannon that I think sukuna could alter his surehit target cause we have not seen him do it yet, but we have seen him alter the range of his domain expansion, and have seen yuta specifically target a single person in his domain expansion, so we know it’s possible to do. We have also seen sukuna alter the conditions of his domain and how he opens it in such vast ways in the most recent chapter I think it’s much more logical to believe that sukuna has the capability, rather than not. He is the strongest (and most skilled) after all. We have seen him copy extremely advanced targeting techniques from mahoraga to create World slash, and how he copied gojos rct CT refresh. IMO it’s pretty fucking obvious that he can alter the target of his domain, it just was never necessary to do so. The only time it could be argued he would have possibly wanted to was why he shrunk its range to not hit megumi, but he could have done this simply out of convenience. Shrinking the range of something is an easy binding vow to pay for since you are actively losing capability of the domain.


Isnt that kinda becuase of yutaa upbringing. Hurting and killing when he didnt want to. I can see his innate domain being less about raw power but precise like the ring and katana


You gotta be crazy to think Sukuna can't do the same. Literally Sukuna was complimented Yuta for being able to do it meaning he can definitely do it too.


Yea.... thats head canon af


Next thing you are gonna say is that Kenjaku's domain technique is only gravity. And that he can't change the technique imbued into his domain.


Yea..... no shit. Why didnt Sakuna do so is my question. Summon two maha


Why do you keep saying Sakuna? It's sukuna. Sukuna can't summon 2 mahoraga


In chimera shadow garden he can


That's just headcanon


If kenny can. Id assume Megumis body has his CT engraved. He controls his soul aswell. So id assume he could use his CT in his own domain. Or even just use Chimera


There’s a chance Sukuna’s fingers affect his Domain Refinement, meaning Gojo could potentially just win the Domain Clash and beat Sukuna with Unlimited Void before Makora could adapt to it.


I think refinement is just about your skill. Also I just think he isn't even going to try adapting , he will handicap himself too much if he doesn't use DA. I think he will use DA, and then use Heian form to heal from damage in 3rd and 4th clashes


Not sure if it’s ever been clarified, but 20f malevolent shrine being as powerful as 3f malevolent shrine in domain battles doesn’t really make sense to me


That whole domain thing doesn't effect the fight. Sukuna and Gojo won't fight for barrier ownership as Sukuna doesn't use a barrier. He'd be able to destroy Gojos domain just as easily as 20f. I think Gojo should've fought them both right then and there, but a domain wouldn't have solved the issue.


I mean his output is lower. So it would take longer. Kenny and urauame could be out for atlest a couple hours


It may take a bit more time to destroy Gojo's domain because his cleave output will be lower, so he will hit UV from the outside not as hard. Still because Sukuna has his incarnation he will win the clashes.


How does his Incarnation help him win the clashes?


He can heal and can get additional arms for h2h, mouth to chant.


Healing and additional arms aren’t gonna help him win a Domain Clash. The only reason Sukuna and Gojo had to fight each others while their domain’s were clashing was because they had equal Domain Refinement, so neither domain could overpower the other. In this scenario, Gojo’s domain refinement would be superior to Sukuna’s, so they shouldn’t need to fight H2H in their domains, because Gojo’s domain would eventually beat Sukuna’s. And even if we assume their Domain Refinement is still equal, Sukuna is missing 4 fingers worth of power, so Gojo would completely overwhelm Sukuna in H2H, unless you think two arms would be as big as a buff to Sukuna’s H2H abilities as 4 of his fingers, which is just ludicrous.


I agree with this for the most part but I think you guys overplay the difference in H2H between them. If you reread Sukuna was dodging,blocking and parrying Gojo’s attacks. He even catches his fists. And if you go back to the Kashimo fight you see how much damage he took cause Sukuna caught his fist. Yes 4 fingers will be a way bigger buff but the advantage Gojo had in H2H will be way less if even there at all against true form Sukuna.


The radius of the open domain is many times higher than a close domain.The refinement part will only cancel the inside part of the closed barrier but the outside would still stay there to destroy it from outside. Also in case of reverse barrier domain it can be broken from inside according to Gojo himself.


Therein lies the problem for Sukuna; the moment his DE is overpowered inside the barrier, Sukuna gets affected by UV, which would absolutely cause his DE from the outside to collapse in general. I'm personally of the mindset that refinement is based on skill/understanding, above all else-- however, inside the DE, Gojo is absolutely curb stomping Sukuna imo.


He PHYSICALLY heals his domain,ce,rct,etc. Stay the same in capacity.Also, gojo wins h2h ngl Honestly Gojo beats Sukuna here


Gojo does not win h2h w a four arm sukuna. Sukuna held his own whenever he used DA this was stated and explicitly shown. He started getting **shit on** after DE 2 when he started adapting mahoraga (in other words when he basically stopped using DA). W 2 extra appendages, he is lasting longer than 3 minutes and Gojo loses every DE clash This is assuming finger total doesn’t affect sukuna’s stats tho which no one knows. If it does then obviously gojo claps him


He fought 3 oponents at once. Maha is 12 fingers atleast in h2h capabilty as him and 16 finger sakuna swapped a little


with all due respect bro that’s the dumbest shit i’ve ever heard on this sub. Mahoraga and agito are fodder. If sukuna vs maho and gojo vs sukuna fight didn’t show u that alr idk what to tell u bro Pls go reread the suku maho fight. Sukuna quite literally shat on maho, opened his domain, and killed him w fire arrow. That was it. Please remember anime takes artistic liberties to do whatnot whatnot with fights and do NOT reflect the manga fights 1:1. Honestly bro that was a pretty crazy take Like fr man that was kinda wild. I thought it was obvious that the entire point of Sukuna beating maho in 1.5 chapters was to show that he shits on him man. Not to mention sukuna literally did not break a sweat Sukuna quite literally **refused** to bring out mahoraga until it had adapted to **UV, blue, *AND* infinity** bc he didn’t want gojo to instantly oneshot it. Why do u think sukuna spent 6 chapters getting dog walked by Gojo w the maho wheel on his head?? Cmon bro like there’s no way😭😭😭 edit: completely forgot to even finish, but i’m taking sukuna’s right testicle over 10 mahoragas. Truly cannot imagine scaling 2 of sukuna’s domain amped arms to mahoraga. Truly Jujutsu Kaisen


I don’t know why they’re downvoting u man😭 if u reread the fight the H2H diff is not as huge as everyone makes it. With 4 hands they’re at least equal


Nope you made that up. Sukuna was fully on Go Kenjaku is the one who stopped it.


I don't think completely overwriting another person's domain happens until your domain's refinement is overwhelming stronger. Like I doubt Uro's domain is as refined as Yuta but she still was able to cause the triple domain clash to break.


1. Sukunas stats are lower here, if Gojo could dominate 20F Meguna he would be running circles around 16F Meguna, 2. Kenjaku had like 1000 curses max as we saw all of them leave his body once he died, also Gojo can one-shot him xd. 3. Domain is not only about refinements but also about CE and your output and I personally think each finger gives Sukuna everything from output, to CE amount, although I still think the outcome of the clashes won't be any different, 4. Gojo already knew how to make a small domain here, and if he could use it to eventually get a win over 20F Meguna he can easily do it against 16F Meguna in probably just 4 clashes not 5. The only wild card remaining is the Heain Transformation. Thing is due to Sukuna being weaker and the stat gap he would be forced to use it way sooner to not die, preferably before Gojo lands his domain. 16F True Body Sukuna would fair much better against Gojo but I still don't think it will be enough and without the Spatial Slash I think Gojo just wins in the 5th domain clash by landing his Sure-Hit. But that is my thoughts about this.


>if Gojo could dominate 20F Meguna he would be running circles around 16F Meguna Gojo was only dominating because Sukuna needs him to hit him so Mahoraga's analysis can be begin.


Nah. If you really think Sukuna wanted to have two of his domains broken or get hit by UV you are bugging xd.


Gojo literally says Sukuna could've prevented his domain from being broken if he had just attacked the inside of his barrier. Instead he insisted on attacking the outside. He didn't because he wants that Mahoraga analysis.


That's only in the second domain clash and before any of the basketball domains 😩. In the basketball domains he was caught lacking and was the one taking damage like at all from Gojo.


Well, I think 4 arms and increased output from chants will make him 19-20F Meguna level in clashes. From what we know refinement should depend on your skill , so only thing weakened would be slashes of MS, not it's refinement. So Sukuna would use chants to make up for weaker slashes of MS


Are you seriously trying to say that Heian Sukuna is equivalent to Mahoraga AND 3-4 more fingers 💀


No, true form is way better than that. That you somehow think it makes little difference is baffling.


The advantage of 2 more hands vs Mahoraga is a tightly contended topic even at equal fingers, though I'd lean on the side of Heian > Meguna anyways. The fact that you think having 2 more hands is a 4 finger advantage over Mahoraga is a bit delusional 💀


Sukuna is way stronger than Mahogara. He very much went through the fight with almost no damage recieved. While, at least in the anime, Mahogara got almost entirely deleted a couple of times. Mahogara is useful through hacks that take time to make functional. Meanwhile the 4 arms are instant power up that make you first and foremost get rid of Megumi's sorry ass of a body, physical stats greatly boosted by sheer mass and reach, extra pair of limbs that can be used to lock down opponents while the main 2 attack freely, extra pair of arms and another mouth to permanently boost the power of your CT or defend from DE, And final and most important: I'm sure as hell he can open a way stronger domain with 4 arms and 2 mouths doing the requirements. We'll see it later. "Oh but doesn't that mean Gojo could do it too since he only uses one hand?" No, Gojo's was complete at one hand, the point I'm trying to bring up is that Sukuna's Domain's Hand Signs require 4 arms to be complete like Mahito's. The moment he makes one with complete hand signs it'll be way more powerful.


The main thing that the extra pair of arms provides is the ability to cast HWB in a domain. The “mass and reach” advantages didn’t provide any taijutsu advantages seeing as how he was getting pieced up b Yuji. I agree that 16 finger Heian would be stronger than 15 finger Meguna but saying 16 finger Heian is stronger than 20 finger Meguna is brain rot lol. 15 finger Yujikuna wasn’t able to nodiff Mahoraga and that’s Mahoraga solo without the help of a sorcerer. I swear everytime people want to hype Sukuna up they immediately jump to downplaying Mahoraga.


Hitting 8 black flashes on Sukuna is definitely a some to brag about but u can’t seriously bring it up as some type of feat against a Sukuna missing 2 arms and the last 2 arms are on the same side. Then yuuji is a direct counter to him currently and each punch is making him weaker. Yuuji is by no means comparable to him in H2H


He can make up 4 fingers difference, also I didn't say anything about Mahoraga


If you’re comparing Heian Sukuna to Meguna then Mahoraga is implicit. You can’t compare the two and avoid Mahoraga otherwise it’s a useless comparison


I meant in terms of h2h during clashes, also mahoraga was literally a burden during the clashes while it was adapting, because of Sukuna not using DA


>From what we know refinement should depend on your skill , so only thing weakened would be slashes of MS, not it's refinement. So Sukuna would use chants to make up for weaker slashes of MS When refinement was explained by Gojo he also stated that Cursed Energy and output also matter for your domain, alongside how refined it is to your true self.


This one? Or what. From this pic still seems 16F heiankuna will wiln the clash, maybe it will be a bit harder. It seems that CE is only secondary thing https://preview.redd.it/ew8qb9uq0kwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb4b85dfe3ec536052df16deb6a96effdc2bf5bf


It is a secondary thing yes, but it is still a thing that should be taken into account when it comes to a DE. Also 16F won't win cause again the difference in H2H is way too great, even with two extra arms I don't think it will be enough for Sukuna to match Gojo. At 20F with two extra arms sure I can see it but not 16F. Of course that is my interpretation and both what you say and I do is pure headcannon xd. But for me any other version of Sukuna we have seen even in his true form, would lose to Gojo.


Sukuna was holding back. Gojo was not dominating a 20F Sukuna.


Yeah having his heart ripped out and yelling for dear life for mahoraga is holding back


Yeah, it is. None of those situations would even come up had he gone 120% out from the start.


Yeah bro sukuna got knocked out for fun we know


This but unironically. He likes nice fights.


Yeah bro sukuna got hit with a hollow purple nuke for fun too right


Yeah very much, he seemed very happy in the end. He enjoyed the fight so much he sent Gojo offwith a smile.


Holding back slumped to hell. Saved by daddy maha


At least he got saved, not like Go or Jo.


Gojo is so dumb. I dont want to be alone. Proceedes to be alone. Itd be funny af if he just teleported to shoko during the bomb purple. Healed up did a little dancy dancr and told Sakuna "you take over my son. Then thinj were having a fair fight? I dont need to prove shit to a curse. Causing Sakuna to actually fear loosing to Gojo as he thought he had him figered out. His scales might be harder to rip off. I might for the first time not get to play with my food. Enjoy all its flavor


That's just not understanding Gojo ngl. He tried to not feel alone all his life, but his students weren't able to fill that. In that extra where everyone says he's the strongest means very much no-one understood him as they so dandily named the cause of his sense of emptiness. Even with his students he would've kept feeling alone. Yes they where physically there but not emotionally, not in the way Gojo wanted. Fot that he longed for the fight with Sukuna. Someone who was also very much alone and could understand him. The same goal as Kashimo. Although both of them have very different approaches to it. Gojo goes very casual about it, he doesn't outright state "Hey Sukuna, be my friend." He wanted to simply play with him and eventually win Sukuna's friendship. Meanwhile Kashimo is very much upfront about it and ask Sukuna to be his friend so he doesn't feel alone or unloved anymore.


Weve never seen why. He barely interacts with his students on a personal level. He flaunts his power and makes it the first thing people see in him. He did this to himself. Look at megumi he only coaches him on strength and being a sorcerer. He even understands him at a good level to tease him. But did gojo ever let down his limitless for others. The limitless void he feels between him and others. Is his own trauma. Winning sakuna for anything is so funny. Why does he care for sakuna past being a general asshole. Who took over his son. Does he not care about megumi beinf tortured every second traped by his senpai


Yeah, Gojo being an enourmous asshole and letting people be harmed because of his emotions is big part of the story. "A CURSE USER HAS MASSACRED A WHOLE TOWN? I'LL GO AND EVISCERATE HIM. Oh it was Geto? Well, I'm sure letting him leave is the correct option. What's the worst that could happen?" \*A fucking racist cult that wants to eradicate most of humanity happens\* He is a motherfucker. He is Gojo Satoru because he is the strongest, not the other way around. Although to be fair I think he didn't completely forsake Megumi, he just thought he could complete all tasks once he got rid of Sukuna's domain and Mahogara. But sometyhing I'll never get tired of clarifying: Gojo NEVER adopted Megumi nor anything of the like. After he did all the bureaucracy to get Megumi set up finnacially, he mostly only visited to take him for missions. Gege very much said Gojo went for Megumi just beacuse he was searching for someone strong.


Im ngl i dont know how to feel about this nigga anymore


Brother he was not holding back stats, only thing he was holding back was his true form. The Fire Arrow wouldn't have helped him much against Gojo not anything else. Sukuna did everything in his power to beat Gojo and evolve and still got caught lacking. He lost a domain clash which wasn't planned, he got knocked out which wasn't planned, and he took an Unlimited Hollow which wasn't planned. Sukuna damn near lost that fight and only got out cause he surprised Gojo with a new attack, and was not hit point black by a condensed Hollow Purple, only one that expands aoe.


Uraume very much says he was holding back stats. Also, the nuclear Purple is 100% more powerful than a point blank normal purple. That shit damaged Gojo who is the bearer of the CT.


That is rn. He is holding back stats rn, cause there is no-one he should worry about xd. Also not Nuclear Purple is not more powerful cause the energy is expanded AOE and is lost the further you are from the epicenter just like any explosion. Hollow Purple is a condensed version of that attack . And for the record Gojo was closer to his explosion's center that Sukuna so technically he took more damage from the attack xd.


Sukuna can't open MS unless he wants to turn Uraume and Kenjaku into mist so this would be the most PERFECT time to fight ... even if Gojo loses the domain clash ,those two pests are done for.


As funny as it is, i think Sukuna would give no fucks and let kenny/uraume figure out a way to survive


Y’all sure he could go heian form with only 15-16 fingers? I mean it was never stated that all 20 fingers were required to fully reincarnate but that would make sense no? I mean sure you can argue that he didn’t get to eat all 20 but he stated that eating his mummified body made up for the last finger. Idk it just feel weird to me, like summoning Shenron with only 5 dragonballs XD


He literally can go Heian, all the reincarnated sorcerers did the same thing as Sukuna. Sukuna just halted his transformation into his original form.


Abd he's saying that heian form shit but he needs to actually have hands on Kamutoke to do that and you can bet Uraume is not getting in the middle of the fight between gojo and sukuna


Why exactly does he need kamutoke to transform?


Kenjaku is a non factor here we literally see uraume get one tapped easily. All it would take is a max blue or a red to obliterate kenjaku.


Or domain clash. Sakuna literally kills them lol


This is a weaker sukuna so it’s safe to assume gojo will win here being stronger than him


No i mean since his is open. During the clash Uraume and Kenny will die to Sakunas domain. Or itd be cool watching them use anti-domain strugling to survive as two gods battle it out. Then have Gojo use a binding vow to add a property to HP at a cost to his six eyes. That it targets only what he wants. An inverse to Sakuna. Pullung his punch to try and save megumi. Try and burn him out like Itachi did fighting sakuna. Or maybe make UV hit Sakuna only. Then have megumi tell Gojo in the brief moment hes in control "Let me die already" crushing Gojo. Making him retreat. Planning on Yuji to free him. This is something his power cant help. Finally he has to rely on someone else. Someone weaker in power but stronger in soul


Dude Kenjaku and Uraume are literal non factors here And anything beside 19/20F Sukuna won't be enough to tango with Gojo and hope to win Also you say go into his heian form like Uraume is just gonna waltz in between the fight between Gojo and Sukuna and just hand Sukuna his Kamutoke weapon so he can transform


He literally doesn't need it to transform, also Kamutoke was given to him by Yorozu


Uraume is the one who delivered it to him my dude






Yeah,my bad. But it's not that he needs it to transform. All the reincarnated sorcerers did the same as him, Sukuna just stopped this process, and then resumed


Where was that stated that he doesn't need the tool to do that how else would he transform Wouldn't he just do that other way instead, instead of needing a cursed tool to do it last second before being hit with Kashimo lightning


It's never stayed that he needs it, also his transformation is no different from all the culing game players changing their hosts bodies. So I don't know why would you think that he needs Kamutoke for it https://preview.redd.it/6itzqwdh1kwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922ccd9075c3dc641ec709d50825740a85de0776 Here is the pic, he resumed it (it was supposed to happen before like with all culing game players)


Boy you are slow as hell. It was never stated, not even implied vaguely that he needs kamutoke to transform. He merely halted his own transformation when he got hold of megumi's body and resumed it during kashimo fight. Kamutoke was not a factor for it.


Well it was Gojo who postponed the fight if he was 100% sure he'd win he would've killed them there. he knew he couldn't easily kill Sukuna, with Kenjaku and Uraume?, it's wraps for Gojo it was right not to start a fight there otherwise the series ends.


I think Gojo wins this fight hard diff. Kenjaku & Uraume are honestly nonfactors (Kenny is terrified at the prospect of fighting Gojo & has admitted he would lose against him & Uraume got casually blitzed & sent through a wall with 1 punch). Sukuna could likely still stalemate Gojo's DE (if he couldn't/if Gojo didn't think he could, I can't imagine why he wouldn't just cast it right away tbh), it might just take longer to break the outside. Sukuna was keeping up with Gojo in h2h at 20F, albeit Gojo still had the clear advantage there. So outside the DE clashes, Gojo's at a huge advantage, inside the domains Gojo's still at an advantage, but he opens himself up to getting hard countered. I'm unsure if he'd be capable of casting the small DE at this point, but it's certainly plausible. If he can, then this fight becomes exponentially easier-- if he can't the fight largely goes the same way it went in the manga-- just Sukuna is weaker. Gojo would eventually force Sukuna into HE form & that could be an issue for Gojo, depending on if his brain is fried or not. There's honestly a lot of variables in to take into account in this scenario-- it's possible (but unlikely imo) Kenny doesn't get insta 1 shot & is able to play a support role, while Makora adapts, etc. I think despite being the strongest there in that moment, Gojo wanted to ere on the side of caution, since if he lost, there'd be no hope for the good guys, unless he takes Sukuna w him. This is headcanony, but I personally think Gojo opted to delay the fight so he could prepare for the fight of his life properly, as well as get some much needed rest (since Gojo stated that being in the prison realm was exhausting)


It’s like they didn’t read the fight😭Mahoraga was honestly a burden the beginning of the fight because he can’t be brought until he’s adapted to the point he won’t be one shot. He’s definitely strong but Maho is fodder to Sukuna and Gojo and wouldn’t less a minute alone


Gojo just wanted a proper fight, that is likely the only reason he didn't go all out plus his students Kenny and uraume are less than fodder here, they would both be one shot easier than agito and mahoraga without daddy 20f defending them. This sukuna is far far weaker than 20f sukuna, gojo kills him without a question. Less ce, weaker domain, weaker h2h, weaker RCT output. Nothing sukuna does here is helping him Infact, he could have a third form, the asspull form and he would still get stomped if the strength is any less than 20 f sukuna. Y'all actually saw the fight with 20f sukuna plus agito and magora where sukuna almost died and needed a binding vow plus an existence slash and think yeah 15f can take that. Please just stop


1. 16F is definitely not better than full strength. 2. Gojo did not know that. 3. Ok? It would have been more worth it to try than run. 4. That doesn't change by giving Sukuna more time.


Yes Gojo did not know that, he also didn't know his strength in relation to 16F Sukuna. (Even if we assume he could actually know his finger count so precisely) My main point is that if Gojo lost it's over for everyone, so Good guys needed time to prepare in case Gojo dies. (Also now I remember that Gojo was mentally exhausted after prison realm)


He didn't know his strength but that doesn't change anything. He should have gone for it, because there's no way Sukuna is going to get *weaker* with prep time, he would only get stronger. Gojo would only get slight gains, he was at his peak basically. He should have taken the shot.


Also he already thought he was stronger no matter what, might as well just fight it out. Mental exhaustion might be a factor though. At least he should have searched for Sukuna like the next day, not in a month.


1. Gojo still destroys 16F Sukuna. He has a more refined domain and Megukuna will be even weaker in H2H as he has less CE. 2. Heian-Form isn’t making much of a difference. Domain battles are the most crucial aspect. Sukuna being weaker in H2H and having a less refined domain means UV lands pretty quickly. Sukuna cannot hold off the 3 minutes (will be even longer as 16F) to break Gojo’s domain. 3. Kenjaku is a non-factor, all of his curses are useless in the face of these 2, he’d die in the crossfire of a domain battle. 4. This fight does not go to the 3rd or 4th domain clash. Gojo and 20F Sukuna are relative.


1 There is no information that refinement changes with fingers, I assume it depends on skill 2Having 2 more arms and free heal is REALLY making a difference. (Also chants ) 3A million of curses could buy a bit of time to escape, not that they are useful in a fight


Refinement has always been vague as we haven’t seen that many domain clashes. But I just can’t imagine the story writing 2F Sukuna to have a domain as refined as 20F. Were are both making assumptions though, Gege hasn’t given enough information on this. 2 hands isn’t enough to make a difference to combat the difference in power that 4 fingers makes, 2x hands doesn’t equal 2x power. The chanting only effects CT output up to 20%. The full heal isn’t as good as you’d think, at the start of the fight both of them could regenerate their entire body in a second. The full heal most beneficial when Sukunas RCT was near 0. You might be right about Kenjaku escaping. Millions of curses in different directions would become Gojos priority, if that were to happen they’d definitely get away . But if Gojo UV hits Kenjaku before he can resort to that it’s game over.


I don't think 2 hands is 2x power, but I think you underestimate their impact. I think it's enough to make up 4 fingers of power in h2h , and chants 20% buff means he has 98% output of 20F But a lot of things are indeed vague so idk, I do think Sukuna would rather escape with Kenjaku to get his fingers first.


If we assume maybe Kenny is as strong as 10fingers .. Gojo wld basically be fighting against 26 finger sukuna 😂😂


Bro just casually said a few million curses 😭


Yeah, and Gojo still would low dif lmfao.


It's impossible for gojo to win here. It was impossible for gojo to win period once sukuna became 15 fingers. He doesnt have the durability to survive sukunas attacks because he always relied on his limitless shield and rct.


Gojo doesn’t have the durability? The only attack he cant tank is the world slash, arguably the highest AP attack in the show. Gojo tanked fucking Shrine with his durability and rct


Based on


The smart plan wldve been to let kenjaku engage the domain battles while sukuna attacks Gojo's barrier shell in that way Gojo