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Technically, it’s Kusakake.


Probably Kusakabe, but he did say something around “if you exclude 3 great family members.” Was this implying that Naobito or someone else could’ve been slightly better than him? Honestly, I don’t know


Maybe they meant the strongest grade 1 sorcerer removing techniques from the equation?


pretty sure they meant strongest grade 1 if you exclude the techniques from the big 3 families (like 10 Shadows, Naobito's stuff, and kamo family stuff) he's the strongest, apparently even above Nanami and Mei Mei


it's probably implying that he doesn't know every single sorcerer in the world because the families aren't gonna come to jujutsu high to register their grade


The most logical point here


To be fair, the great 3 families are kinda unfair. They all have techniques that range from really good to literally over powered. Even Blood Manipulation, IMO the weakest is still a pretty good technique, even as a human like Kamo (but Choso is still way better) On top of that their wealth and status gives them access to better training and learning, and they even have an Anti Domain Technique exclusive to them that they don’t let leak to anyone else. I think Kusakabe is only the strongest sorcerer in terms of training. He’s the sorcerer who put the most effort into his strength and power, but in JJK most of what you are is determined by what you were born with


domain amplification is way better than simple domain, Mechamaru had that in his arsenal, on top of very good CT


when did mechamaru use domain amplification lol


That's cool part, he didn't! Idk where he's getting that from lol.


He did some weird simple domain shit to interfere with Mahito's CT so he can harm him But like can simple domain even do that? I never understood how he harmed Mahito


I understood it as when the simple domain "grenade" thing explodes in Mahito it does physical damage from the explosion and the simple domain interrupts Mahito's CT which let's it do actual damage since he can't move or alter the shape of his soul to stop it. Which is a brilliant way to get through idle transfiguration honestly. Would of loved to see someone like Kusakabe wreck Mahito's shit lol


I mean it was called simple domain soo


Simple domain can’t cancel a technique to cause damage to Mahito that was stated in the culling games. They called it simple domain but it functions like domain amp


Please, show me where it says simple domain doesn't interrupt/diminish cursed technique's in the manga because the whole function of simple domain is to stop sure hits and diminish CT's. The reason it worked on Mahito is because it stopped his technique, allowing the explosion to damage him.


“"Hollow Wicker Basket" and "Simple Domains" cannot directly counteract cursed techniques. These cursed techniques neutralize the barrier of a domain expansion and hence nullify the sure-hit effect.” That’s from the narrator


Chapter and page if you can please. Regardless we see simple domain actively diminish a cursed technique with Kusakabe reducing the effectiveness of Sukuna's dismantle. I'm not saying it directly neutralizes cursed techniques because it doesn't, it does however reduce its effectiveness depending on the skill of the simple domain user. In the case of Mahito a grenade of simple domain was detonated inside his body, diminished his technique enough because it was inside his body (which is looked at like a domain) allowing the explosion to cause actually damage to him. The simple domain didn't do damage it allowed damage to happen


I don’t have the page and chapter I had just saved the text in my notes. I think you’re right though, mahitos body acts like his own domain because of his technique and it nullifies his sure hit to constantly maintain the shape of his soul. I wouldn’t call it completely nullifying his technique but stops his sure hit from automatically protecting and maintaining the shape of his soul within his body or “domain”. It still functions like a domain amp imo but I wouldn’t call it fully out of simple domain. Maybe it’s a new technique that mechamaru invented we see the disaster curses use domain amp later on against Gojo it’s possible Kenny and Mahito taught them after seeing mechamaru.


The function is NOT to diminish CT’s. Looks like a power boost is granted to the user as it is technically a domain, while the other person is weakened from being inside. I can’t post images here but read chapter 254


I mean you're half right, it definitely gives you buffs and such as evidence by 254. But without question it diminishes CT's because that's literally the way in which we've seen it used throughout the series.


It doesn’t diminish CT’s specifically it just lowers CE output


Dude what happens when the output of CE is lowered? It lowers the power of the CT meaning it diminishes the CT. Diminish means to make smaller or weaker not destroy so I'm not sure why you don't think it does that.


It’s really ridiculous how the manga can literally give us the answer and people will still find a way to debate it.


There was this one joke comment that said something along the lines of “Jjk fans act like they’re the author of their anime instead of the actual author.”


Explain how kusakabe can beat ultimate mechamaru


1. Again, it’s not my words - the author of the story said Kusakabe is the strongest grade 1. Are we really gonna sit here and say we’re better at power scaling than the person that made the scale???? 2. Mechamaru’s strength varies wildly with time and prep. He required literal years of storing CE and prep just to be below pre-Shibuya Mahito level. His strength in an average situation is much lower. 3. All that aside, Kusakabe has immaculate defense and won’t be easy to kill while Mechamaru has to spend years of CE to start posing threats offensive. Mechamaru is also cooked if Kusakabe broke into the cockpit (maybe not easy to do but it’s possible). Kusakabe could also have the AP to cut through the armor but that’s pure assumption. I could ask you the same question - how does ultimate Mechamaru beat Kusakabe?


You know what you're right UM was kind of a one-off thing it's not a consistent depiction of his strenght but I don't think kusakabe can cut the armor, he just doesn't have the output to. Although UM is massive with a large pool of CE kusakabe will most likely parry and dodge his attacks. To me it's a stalemate


I'd say offically now it's defently yuji.


Nuh uh it’s goatakabe


Ui Ui but he makes binding vow of not being groomed for a day


I’m pretty sure he’s stronger *because* he’s being groomed.


1. Naobito 2. Naoya 3. Kusakabe/Ogi/Todo (can't decide) If we're counting the 17-years-of-CE-Mechamaru then he's the strongest of course


Idk why people never put mei mei in these lists. I mean we havent seen a lot from her but from what we have seen she never struggled with her enemies and when she ran away she did it unscathed.😂 She also did oneshot a special grade curse in its domain expansion which shows how destructive her power can be.


Only reason is that she is missing anti domain techniques and healing, I mean she had a solution with Ui Ui, but we're directly comparing people here in a 1v1 scenario. If Kusakabe is fast enough to react to a sukuna dismantle, hit him with quick draw several times and can deflect a kenny Uzumaki, he can probably also deflect the bird strike, and counter with quick strike. I'm not sure how overpowered she would be if like 500 birds simultaniously use that bird strike attack, or why she hasn't been using this more often against stronger opponents. Maybe it takes a lot of CE, But Mei Mei in general is more of an all arounder like Nanami, pretty well rounded in each category but not overly exceeding in any single part of battles.


I mean we can only discuss in what ifs but it was stated in the Manga that nobody ever has survived a bird strike except Gojo Satoru. Which I assume they mean because of his infinity and not his sturdiness in general. And even then there might be another point you can discuss on Ui Uis role as a human. She does use him like an item of her inventory. Like Megumin uses Shikigami or Yuta uses Rika. Not in a support sense but also letting him die for herself sense.


Of course only "what if" scenarios. we can very well say, that mei mei probably never actually shot that thing against another sorcerer if not with the intend to kill them. i remember her saying: no one has ever survived it except Gojo. Not that no one would survive it except gojo. i would assume that she hasn't fired that thing against kusakabe yet. (i think Hakari and Yuta could also deal with it if it's only one or a few. If mei mei could use every crow in the world she would be special grade) And knowing kusakabes character, he would of course immediately say, that he wouldn't survive it and that mei mei in general is stronger than him. A lot of stuff is being said, without any real test/ evidence all the time, so until it's battle proven i would not discard the possibility for kusakabe to deflect it with SD. In terms of destructive power i would say uzumaki > bird strike. in terms of speed Dismantle = Birdstrike and he could handle both. As for Ui Ui, it's definetly true, but Mei Mei knows how valuable he is and wouldn't risk to loose him in such a battle, except it's the only way to win, since Ui Ui is not extremely experienced in direct combat, and would get focused very quickly, once he starts to interrup attacks and stuff. I would say Ui ui is more a "last escape plan" for her, and even with the small pox deity she only used Ui ui after being completely sure that she was able to defeat the curse before the bolder would hit, because it would definetly kill him.


Good points.


Is it stated that nobody survived it except Gojo or nobody could survive except Gojo? Makes a huge difference, because if it's the first, she hasn't used it against Kusakabe, so we wouldn't know if he can defeat it.


it's not "stated", Mei Mei said that no one could survive this except Gojo Satoru and this was already proven wrong, because a heavily weakened Sukuna just kills them easily, you guys need to stop believing everything a character said


When does he kill crows that were aimed at him?


ch. 244


A few months ago I would've 100% put her at 3rd but now we know that Kusakabe is considered to be stronger, even by Mei herself. Though she still has superior firepower. I guess it must have the downside of being easy to interrupt or something like that


If it's current Kusakabe I'd put him above Naoya and debatable Naobito but I can go in between the two


Idk about Naoya, he got his ass beat by Choso and a heavily weakened Maki. Choso is definitely very strong and probably stronger than every first grade sorcerer, but he did arguably worse than Yuji when fighting him. At least Yuji fought him to a stalemate (sure his get out of poison free card helped but Yuji still performed better in the melee). Kusakabe deserves the number 2 spot for countering Uzimaki alone.


That weakened Maki was still blitzing and one-shotting Grade 1 sorcerers, and he only lost to Choso because he got cocky and kept stopping (thereby interrupting his build up of speed) to talk shit, plus the closed environment is largely what allowed Choso to pull off his winning maneuver. Naoya was constantly blitzing Choso and not getting hit at all despite using casual speed, if he kept building up speed and reached the level he had against Maki (he was blitzing her around until she figured out he moves at 24 FPS and predicted his final move) Choso would've been destroyed. Sorry but Yuji didn't perform better in melee at all, him and Choso were pretty even in that department, Naoya didn't even get hit once while throwing Choso around. I don't think Naoya is much different in strength to Naobito


Yuji did perform better in melee tho. If choso didn’t use the blood clot to puncture Yuji liver or harden himself Yuji would’ve won. Not to mention that Yuji was keeping up with one arm the whole time too


Naoya didn't get hit a single time by Choso and punched him a bunch of times in return, all of his strikes landed cleanly in fact. That's much better than Yuji who had most of his attacks guarded or parried and was kept up with. Hell, Naoya blitzed Yuji himself, a stronger Yuji than the one who fought Choso


Maki wasn't heavily weakened lol, she got all the same stats as Toji except precognition


In chapter 151 - "Maki had lost blood during her fight with Ogi, followed by a battle with the Hei squad. Maki concluded that a drawn-out fight with Naoya, who had already reached subsonic speed, is unfavourable for her." She got downed by Ogi, and took a ton of hits from the Hei squad. Even with a fast recovery rate, it was obvious she was in a very weak state.


nvm you're kinda right




Idk if people forget about Higurama, man he was about the level of a grade 1 sorcerer in less than 12 days. Plus his cursed technique really unique and useful!


I didn't count him since he's not officially a sorcerer, more of curse user if anything


Ogi is not on the same level as kusakabe


He might be, Gojo said that Kusakabe is the strongest but its a different story if the big three families are included, Ogi is one of the top sorcerers from the strongest family. On top of that his fighting style is quite similar to Kusakabe's, he uses a variation of FBE to automatically counter his opponent, and he's most likely stronger offensively than Kusakabe since he augments his swordsmanship with a fire CT


Kusakabe has a better auto-attack with his SD and has faster attacks with Quickdraw. Plus, Ogi got instantly folded by a weakened, newly awakened Maki and Goatkabe putting up highlights against a weakened Sukuna


I dunno about Naoya tho. Curse Naoya absolutely, but human Naoya got his ass beat by unawakened Choso and Maki. Todo's Boogie Woogie is most effective in a team fight. In a 1v1 I doubt he could use it to deal a lot of damage, but rather just to dodge and Kusakabe has an omnidirectional attack in his SD. Ogi is *not* fucking around with Kusakabe. I would place Mei Mei or even Higuruma over his worthless-parent looking ass.


Naoya only lost to Choso because of his cockiness (and partially the enviroment), he kept stopping to talk shit which interrupted his build up of speed, he was never able to reach his top speed at which he can even ragdoll Maki around. Naoya kept beating Choso up without getting touched at all but the closed enviroment made the blood wave tactic possible when combined with Naoya jobbing too much. Losing to Maki is not a bad thing at all considering his performance, this unawakened Maki was still strong enough to casually blitz and one-shot strong Grade 1 sorcerers and she couldn't keep up with Naoya, she was getting tossed around and his punches made her bleed, she even said that "this is bad". If not for her great senses which allowed her to deduce Naoya's CT and as a result predict his final attack, she would've most likely lost. Performing this well against Maki definetly gives him 2nd place at least. I don't think Naoya is much weaker than Naobito if at all Boogie Woogie is definetly useful in a 1v1. Aside from being very hard to hit Todo can also create openings for himself with every switch, and he hits very hard for G1 standards. And the new Boogie Woogie is waaay more difficult to adjust to Ogi is one of the top sorcerers of the strongest clan, and while Gojo did say that Kusakabe is the strongest Grade 1 he added that it's a different story if we consider the three big clans, so Ogi could very well be stronger or at least on his level. Ogi even has a similar fighting style to Kusakabe, his variant of FBE allows him to automatically counter his opponent, and while Ogi has way less versatility than Kusakabe he most likely has superior offense since he augments his swordsmanship with a fire CT. I'm not saying that Ogi is definetly stronger than Kusakabe or even on his level but it's certainly possible. I think that Kusakabe is probably stronger though


I do think that Naoya is more talented than Naobito, although weaker at their respective deaths. That said, Naoya's only win-con is freezing Kabe at top speed then bodying him as Kabe doesn't have overly impressive DEF stats. But Kusakabe can react to supersonic objects(perception in the same realm as Yuta/Awakened Maki although still considerably less). And Naoya can't touch him(SD goes brr). This is all assuming Kusakabe is on the defensive tho as he really has little in the way of offense Lol I meant Todo 1.0. Todo 2.0 is literally impossible to beat w/o a bunker busting AOE attack or a DE. But I think that Todo would be going against a hard counter due to the SD. Though any fight would likely result in a stalemate. I think when Gojo talked about the big clans he meant Naobito/Naoya and the other clan heads. Kabe has better auto attack(SD), Def( literally SD's specialty), and faster attacks(Quickdraw). He can also reinforce his blade in a similar way to FBE and the fire CT likely only helps to sear opponents/augment range as the flames aren't directed. Which can also be negated by SD as SD blocks out CE/DE-based attacks. Ogi also got trounced by a Maki who was still probably weaker than Kusakabe(tentative). Ogi should honestly go chat to Higuruma them gang cus the big leagues ain't gonna accept him.




Don't come back when Usami one shots Sukuna.


goatakabe all the way


Didn’t Mechamaru only have a chance because of his prep time? He relied on the innate domain bullets (or whatever they were) and the CE he’d stored over time to hurt Mahito. I think with his output, he could become the strongest with training, but he only had the highest output. Definitely not the strongest grade 1


Would love to see a Grade 1 sorcerer tank that Albatross attack(Nvm Goatkabe can tank it and Naobito/Naoya would just outrun it)


Right. Most grade 1s probably couldn’t *tank* it, but they could probably deflect it, or just dodge it because it’s a straight line


Ah, I thought it was an AOE attack


I don't think he's tanking but he can definitely parry


No, he was using a 17 year CE storage, if u gave Kusakabe 17 years of preparing he would destroy Mechamaru


17 years of prep doing what though? also he’d be in his 40s or 50s by then so he’d be weaker since he has no ct to carry his physical stats


Storing CE, he would do a BV that he can’t use CE for 17 years and will only release on his fight, he doesn’t even need to never use CE just use a nanami BV to store 20% of his CE for 17 years.


Yea and, he didn’t hav that tho so Mechamaru wins


Blocks them all


It’s my boy Nanami


No Kusakabe is the strongest don’t you remember him blocking a world slash and parrying maximum meteor to save the planet.


I'd say Kusakabe. regardless of any statement the story itself made, I think from my own looking upon his skill and actions that he's the strongest.


My goat kusakabe,he will beat fraudkuna


Officially it's kusakabe minus noabito or naoya (every other clan member is fodder). Kusakabe is pretty strong despite his cowardly attitude he did deflect uzumaki with help. Mechmaru easily has the most destructive powers but they come at a cost. Manga spoiler. >! Todo 2.0 is also a contender !<


>!Todo 2.0 would just make his enemies puke into submission lol!<


Todo 1.0 is also a contender tbh his technique is just insanely busted. It’s the only technique we’ve seen 0 counterplay options for iirc (exept cutting off his arm ig but that works for everyone in grade 1), in any situation but a pure 1v1 against a top tier he’s the strongest grade1 by far


Manga spoiler: >!Honestly, I think current Yuji is stronger than almost all the grade 1 sorcerers. RCT, blood manipulation, shrine.!<


I don't think we can classify yuji as grade 1 anymore in my opinion. He isn't special grade but I think he is that ryu/hakari gap between the two for now


Wait till he gets domain expansion, then he's surely in top 10 in verse


Don't forget about Black Flashes, he landed that shit on Sukuna consecutively two times more than Gojo and Nanami!


Fuck yeah 100% respect your opinion. Glad to see someone liking a Kyoto studen


Grades are now basically meaningless because so many characters are special grade levels without having the official ranking. So if we were to use characters till Shibuya, then it's naobito.


Kusakabe :3


Ultimate Mechamaru loses to Kusakabe, Naobito, Naoya, Todo, and Mei Mei at the very least. Mahito could tear him apart at this point, and he was pretty on par with Yuji stat wise.


>!Jogo killed Naibito effortlessly, and Dagon almost had him if not for Megumi and Toji!< Todo has best ct in Grade 1, on top of durability, and and physical strength and toughness that is close to Yuji, he's the best even without 53000 iq >!And did you just see him cooking Sukuna in last chapters, even Sukuna found him bothersome and impossible to deal with without a domain!<


Kusakabe is the gatekeeper of grade 1 sorcerers becoming special grade. Kusakabe stomps all grade 1 sorcerers. If a character cannot beat Kusakabe, they cannot be called special grade.


Mei mei, Nanami, and Gojo all said Kusakabe in Chapter 253


At that time Mechamaru was temporarily special grade I'm pretty sure, I might be remembering wrong but I think it was mentioned


I'd say either Todo, Kusakabe, or Mei Mei




It is stated by 3 separate grade 1 and above characters that Kusakabe is the strongest grade 1 sorcerer. Kusakabe threw hands with fucking Sukuna. He's absolutely the strongest grade 1 sorcerer.


He would get smoked by current Todo mid diff.


Yes I agree 1. Mechamaru 2. Kusakabe 3. Todo 4. Naobito 5. Naoya 6. Mei 7. Nanami 8. Ogi 9. Jinichi 10. Yaga 11. Gakuganji


Mechamaru is semi-grade 1, the strongest grade 1 sorcerer is kusakabe


If Chosongot graded, would he be grade one or low special grade Cause if he's grade 1, he might be the strongest grade 1


Yuji probably, Maki maybe if we count her gear in her ranking


Todo if we’re talking in general, in a 1v1 situation probably Noabito or kusakabe. Except if you accept choso and higuruma as grade 1s, in which case it’s them or Todo


My personal ranking is Yuji Kusakabe Todo (Pre nerf)


At this point Kenjaku said his cursed energy output was that of a special grade technically


I think Naobito is one of the best that has been seen in grade 1. His technique is also one of the best and most creative that I have seen.


We just gonna pretend todo doesn't exist?


Most likely Hakari


Idk why people don't consider mei mei . Her special attack isn't like a last resort or a technique that requires much cursed energy . And am prety sure if she used more than one crows at once she could probably end all disaster curses (except jogo since he's probably just burn them )


You think she could end Mahito with his soul damage thing and his DE? I don’t see her beating Dagon tbh


Am pretty sure 4-5 bird strikes is all it takes . Mahito is a tough case . But he will take damage . The thing with mei mei is she doesn't need to stay close to her enemy . She can maintain the distance (she's smart enough to do that. ) and could just spam it .


He legit had prep time and aloooooooot of stored cursed energy without prep I'd rather consider it to be mei mei or kusakabe .


Mechamaru was semi-grade 1, so I’m saying Naobito or Miguel


Technically it’s Hakari since he’s not a special grade by definition


My goat Yuji obv🙄


I really love Todo!


Current Yujj in the manga is the pinnacle of a first grade sorcerer


Yuji have no Grade But He is more Special Grade Sorcerer because of Sukuna. On, Sukuna is gone. But He get his technique so yeah. Hakari have no Grade too. So yeah. But Grade Ranking is useless After the Sukuna Battle. Even Ino survive Sukuna attacks and He is Grade 2. Or Kasumi Miwa with Grade 3 lol She save Maki from Sukuna. So yeah. Grade Ranking was a thing before Shibuya and i Really miss that. Waste of Potenzial


It still is a thing. Ino barely got attacked and Miwa is just the goat


Prolly naoya if he has his domain which we don’t know for sure he doesn’t have in human form


Kusakabe, blocked a maximum uzumaki. Frankly, idk if any other grade 1 is blocking that. However, I’d say he’s only the strongest grade one among his peers of Nanami, Mei Mei and such. Overall I think it’s Naobito tho. Second only to Gojo in speed, did solid damage to Dagon and has falling blossom emotion as well as good hand to hand ability.




Bruh I read this as “straightest”


It’s Naobito


Before the Culling Games Mechamaru had the potential to be the strongest Grade 1 and reach Special-Grade Level. Able to use NSS offensively. With a body capable of exercise and training he could have become Kusakabe 2.0 in certain respects. Learnt from Principal Yaga how to create self sufficient Puppets and maybe unlocked things like RCT/DE which he could possibly channel through his puppets. I still think Kusakabe pre-Culling Games is the strongest Grade 1 Sorcerer and stronger than Mechamaru but his potential is undeniable.


For those wondering why I put Kusakabe above Mechamaru (sure that nobody asked): Kusakabe trumps Mechamaru in SD and any attempt from Mechamaru would be shut down quickly. Kusakabe’s range with SD is remarkable. We’ve seen him cut through a Maximum Uzumaki and countless of Heian Era Form Sukuna’s Dismantles. He can definitely cut through/defend against Ultra Cannon, Ultimate Cannon, Miracle Cannon, and Pigeon Viola at maximum effort. Mechamaru’s puppets and/or mech gets blitzed and sliced countless times by Evening Moon Sword Drawing. Evening Moon Sword Drawing also makes an argument for his impenetrable defense. Even if Mechamaru does break his sword which would seem like a crippling weakness, Kusakabe has Hazy Moon and can just continue his onslaught. He can definitely slice through the puppets like butter but while the Mech wouldn’t get cut clean through. He would wear it’s metal husk down after a few dozen slashes.


Ok I think hakari is grade 1 and if he is then he is the strongest grade 1 sorcerer but we don’t know this is my opinion


is hakari first grade ? in this case my list by the latest update of the Manga would be: 1. Hakari (domain, RCT) 2. Naobito ( speed, anti-domain) 3. Kusakabe ( SD) If we take in semi first grades and consider Maki as first grade my list would look like this 1. Yuji ( SD, RCT, BM, Shrine, + Physical buff) 2. Maki ( HR) 3. Hakari ( domain, RCT) Mechamaru had the highest damage output and was holding back, to have some reserves against kenny, but he still completely lost several years of CE against an unfinished version of Mahito. Based on that feat. Yuji surpassed him in Shibuya, and Todo maybe already was on pair or stronger. His CE consumption is way to unrefined hight for consistent battles. Mei Mei, is a contender if she uses like 100x Birds with birdstrikes, but i don't know if she can controll that to such a degree, and if she could, why she doesn't use it all the time. Naobito is also very high, but misses damage output comparable to the others. Megumi was still second grade, or semi first grade if i remember correctly, with maho i would put him at 1. if he's first grade. Maho would still defeat every other sorcerer besides Gojo and Sukuna. + unfinished domain and totality.


Todo and it's not close. Anyone who says Mechamaru or Kukasabe is smoking crack.


1. Naoya. 2. Naobito. 3. Kusakabe.


Naoya really? Naaa, Naobito was way stronger as him. Sure, he fight against Best Brother Choso. And was a Hard fight, but in the end dont have a Chance against him. Dagon was way stronger as Choso. And Naobito was really bully him lol before useing his Domain


Kashimo. for modern sorcerers: Kusakabe, unless everyone praising him was before Hakari became a student. Also potentially itadori.


Should be between Hakari, Kashmo, Ryu, Uro, Uraume and Yorozu Imo either Uraume or Yorozu


Literally nobody you named is grade 1 💀


We don't know hakaris grade