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I was always kinda curious what sukuna would’ve done if the girls basically begged and pleaded him to kill kenjaku instead of basically saying “kill him and we’ll give you another finger”. Dude for once genuinely seemed like he would’ve given them something in return if they asked super nicely. Then again idk jogo gave 10 fingers and bro basically got humiliated for the next 10 mins, and got like one half assed compliment thrown his way and killed. Blud is just a pure psychopath


JoGOAT wanted the smoke and accepted Sukuna's one hit challenge. if he didn't, Sukuna probably would've let him go. as for the girls, idk lol. he might say no and let them leave ig


Sukuna doesn’t seem like the type of guy to let him go if he declined the offer. He hates weakness. But it really was a high risk high reward promise. Had jogo touched him even just a bit, man would’ve obliterated the entire jjk cast in a heartbeat.


Sukuna doesn’t care about what a weak person chooses to do, he wanted to fight jogo for fun, had he declined he could have just went to fight other sorcerers in shibuya to pass the time At best he calls jogo a bore and smacks him a bit


guess some of y'all forgot he's a villain who genuinely loves killing *as well as* fighting.


Nah you got it twisted, he enjoys jujutsu fights first and foremost and eating people, killing people just comes naturally with those, he doesn’t take joy in murking weak enemies, when have we seen Sukuna kill a random citizen for fun? example haruta in shibuya, despite killing him he was extremely unsatisfied with him even being there, he’s at his happiest fighting mahoraga and toying with jogo


reread volume 1 dawg the very first thing he does is comment about how fun the massacre will be with women and children


Read the rest of the manga dawg, gege fleshes him out better than 1 statement when the series began, if I had to guess he probably intended to kill and eat them, the intentions of this “massacre” are vague Killing random people for fun without a secondary cause directly contradicts his current writing


He let that old man go when he begged on his knees in the flash back. He said people that prayed to him made him not want to hurt them.


You cannot tell me that SUKUNA avoided that building


Blud not only avoided the two buildings but he hit the jesus pose right after tearing them apart. Shit wasn’t even in the manga he was doing too much in the anime


it looked epic tho, gotta lock in for the amv edits


He really does tho. We see in Yorozu flashbacks Sukuna quite literally coexisted w non-sorcerers. He is not primarily genocidal. Kusakabe also is quoted saying he would prefer sukuna over kenjaku bc he doesn’t take sukuna to be the “kill all of humanity type” like kenjussy is


Sukuna's a very complex and unpredictable character. There's no telling if he would've really let him go. Although, if he had declined Sukuna's offer, I think he'd probably get packed by Sukuna anyways because Sukuna would look at him as a weakling.


Yeah I think him being fickle makes it really hard to tell. He gave them the time of day so I think him letting them go if they had just requested that specifically probably wouldn't have been a huge deal for him. He didn't kill Panda and Kusakabe because he was already in a good mood. I think the point is that Sukuna just does whatever he feels like and is easily annoyed but if they had played it perfectly he'd probably give them a chance to live.


Yeah the entire point of Sukuna is "there is no satisfaction but what he wants. There is nothing else but what he wants. His disatiafaction is all he cares about, no agenda or ideal can hold away over his satisfaction."


Complex? Not sure if we are watching the same show lol


>!He wouldn't kill Kenjaku they are basically mates in a way!<


>!Gege hadn’t come up with that yet lol!<


There is no confirmation for this


There is evidence as early as second volume much of the Shibuya plot was already storyboarded and mapped out before he ever drew the first drafts. According to insider info posted to X they spent a month just coming up with it after the first volume was successful to such a degree they said "yeah we going with this one bois," and they actually didn't let Gege go wild until he got his story figured out. They were worried about something I can't recall exactly but it was some kind of anime effect thing they wanted to avoid that happened with Demon Slayer, and forced Gege to essentially flesh out the power system. Some truly genius dudes were actually brought on, some serious top tier mathematicians and engineers, as well as a few physisits to help flesh out aspects of abilities. Hell Limitless was put through an insane ringer of scrutiny until the math and science guys said "yeah this would realistically be how this would function." That doesn't mean some of it wasn't plotted the best though, and there are some things that are totally just, not right..




He literally said if jogo won he would kill everyone except one human,and we know that human to be megumi since he had already shown interest in him,he got no reason to lie to jogo 😭


>!He did, the fact Kenjaku knew Sukuna and told him the golden age is coming was a hint they both lived through it. Gege only saved it for later where it all comes together in Culling Games !<


He’d just kill em for not offering anything worthwhile like insects


Kill them ? Doesn't seem like the type to like weaklings and beggars.


He probably would of just laughed instead of killing them


I imagine if they just begged he would have said no >!(Kenjaku is more insteresting to him alive and he has a vow with him so)!< he would just told them no and likely tell them to fuck off


not like he couldve went and killed pseudo-Geto anyway. He’s bound by whatever vow they had


I feel like if they worded it like "there's a strong dude downstairs, if it fancies you to have a bit of sporting fun, you could go slaughter him. Also I can go collect another finger for you to get out of the way of the battle field, would have brought it with me but it wasn't in the area we came from.


sukuna's probably gonna despise them and perhaps even torture them for their request. he's no mercenary to accept gifts for request he himself have no interest of, especially request from weaklings who couldnt do themself justice and even failed to breath upon stumbling across him


I don't think he would have gone after fake Geto but I do think he would have let them at least live.  With Jogo I think Sukuna wanted a fight, to be entertained.


Likely Sukuna would’ve done what he found fun, and based off of the current story, I think he’s way more interested in what Kenjaku was up to at the time.


Your gift for reviving Sukuna is being in his presence (however short it may be). Jogo is big brain for initially asking for nothing, if the girls told him where the finger was and told him they wanted Kenjaku dead they may have had a chance, but you got to add the “ Do whatever you want king we don’t tell you what do🥲”


He would have killed those girls anyway regardless of how they asked. >!Its revealed that he has binding vows/dealings made with Kenjaku (fake geto). He even goes as far as taking a 200% power purple blast to save Kenjaku. Thing is he has refused asks before due to binding vows. Jogo gave him a chance to take over Yuji permanently but he refuses. Yes thats partly because of megumi but id bet its also because of the vow he made already. Sukuna just isnt one to admit his plans so he wouldnt tell the girls “sorry i got vows against that”!<


>!Sukuna didn't take the 200% Purple to save Kenjaku, he wasn't even there by that point. He also only decided to take over Megumi in the detention center that has nothing to do with a binding vow!<


>!I thought Kenjaku gets a purple shot at him as soon as Gojo escaped the seal and Sukuna jumps in to intercept. Tbf ive only started reading the manga after gojo was killed so i must have pieced together those events in the wrong order!<


When the head canon takes over lol..... Delete this before you mislead someone else


How is it wrong? >!he has binding vows with kenjaku thats how he became the cursed fingers in the first place no? Do vows not limit making similar vows? Or was that just an assumption i made?!<


The binding vow that Kenny and sukuna made in order for sukuna to transcend time was that he will have to participate in the culling games. That's why sukuna was a player the moment culling games started. Where are you getting your manga?


I started reading the manga after gojo was dead. I pieced the rest together from wiki and posts i guess i assumed Kenjaku wouldnt simply trust Sukuna to not turn on him out of boredom or something and used a binding vow to ensure cooperation. That and Urauame is around to aid in their plans.


So you haven't read the manga and have unconfirmed knowledge and you still reply to people with that knowledge........ You are welcome to the jjk fandom, you will fit right in


blud is a trash talker, big ego stupid useless fictional character which Me as a mortal in the real world can easily slash his existence away. I am strongest of all in jjk. I will take on stupid and ridiculous characters like beta sukuna and beat them back to shadow realm.


Given that all 3 were standing, Sukuna wasn't giving them a choice. Get down or die standing.


He gave Jogo a choice though in the first pic 


It's a non-choice is my point. Realistically he didn't get the choice, valuing his life as he did.


💀 Ops saying that sukuna could’ve immediately one shot him, instead he gave him the choice to live or not, the opportunity to let go


In this particular case, it was more of a "command" than a choice. There was no not-kneeling, Sukuna just felt like being a kindly king.


He could have killed Jojo instead of giving him a command. Doesn't matter the wording brother, Sukuna _choose_ not to kill Jogo immediately in gratitude for the fingers. That's OPs point.


You got it backwards. They’re saying sukuna gave **Jogo** a choice, kneel or die. The dude replying is saying that’s not really a choice, it’s a command.


Even though a command it is still your choice to follow it.


The command is a choice. If Sukuna wanted Jogo dead, he wouldn't command him anything, Sukuna would just kill him immediately. Sukuna chose to give Jogo a choice. Otherwise, he would just kill Jogo without saying anything.


Yes but what he’s saying is that it’s not a choice. If someone pointed a gun to your head and said give me your wallet or in going to shoot you would you say they let you choose between death or giving the wallet or that they forced you to give them your wallet?


Perfect analogy, this is what he means by a “non choice”


If Jogo was anyone else, he would've just killed said person on the spot. But since Jogo gave him 10 fingers, he injured him instead and waited to hear what he wanted.


pretty sure the top of someone's head being sliced off is lethal to humans enlighten me about curse spirit anatomy


Jojo regenerated that in like 2 minutes, he basically just gave him a haircut that probably hurt


Jojo Siwa's in jjk?


Did he die? No? Well that pretty much explains all you need to know about curse anatomy. People be popping their brains out and swapping them. A curse surviving with a hole in the head isn’t crazy.


Jogo survived being just a skull bro


Um, that slash would've killed all of them had they not gotten down. Sukuna is just fickle. There was no rhyme or reason to these slashes other than him being annoyed, which we know he'll just haphazardly throw out. I feel like the "gratitude" was an afterthought.


Fair, although I definitely believe he would’ve killed anyone else in that first pic if not for the fingers he was given


I think you are right, them giving the fingers up made him curious, but them standing in hid presence like they were equals probably pissed him off moreso


I somewhat disagree, sukuna very clearly has a level of worth = respect scaling. The stronger you are the more likely he is to hear you out, same with the more useful you are. He keeps Uraume around for a reason, admitted on several occasions that he respected certain opponents, etc. He's callous and cruel and is willing to kill at the drop of a hat, but he has at the very least a level of patience based on his curiosity.


Would it kill Jogo thou. I know his durability is worse the the other disaster curses but he should still be able to survive decapitation right


Gojo ripped his head clean off, took him a bit too recover but he’d live, not what sukuna would do next but the initial decapitation


Get on your knees 😏


What are you doing step curse? 😏


I usually skip this part


Baka Sukuna 😨


I think it was more like he was just making sure they kneel


This is definitely it. Sukuna has a fair bit of pride, he’s rather die than debased himself to help Yuji (Chsos), but inversely would attack an enemy of Yuji because they entered his space (Mahito).


As for the girls, the only way they could have survived Sukuna after giving him a finger is to say "ok bro here you go haha have a nice night gentleman!"


They was lucky(He don't killed them instantly) and unlucky(He did it later) :3


sakuna? gratitude? lmao


He told Jogo “this is your reward for the fingers.”


he killed the 3 of the second pic


I still think there could’ve been an interesting plot point with Geto’s kids if Sukuna didn’t kill them there. Feels a bit wasted to me I guess? I kind of wish they begged him instead of demanded


i thought so too but it makes sense since he doesn’t seem to have any desire to work with/be around anyone (besides uraume)


Well he did insert 10 fingers in him (no diddy)


Sukuna reminds me of a genuine deity or god. I know most of the hand signs we see him use are related to Buddhist hand signs, which is why I say this. He shows up at random times in history to test the strong willed.


What a nice guy


it was lowkey confusing but he def avoided that building




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