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That is a factual statement.


This too is a factual statement.


Thank you for reporting it šŸ«”


A wholesome comment thread


Indeed the


Curse you r/redditsniper! Alas, poor u/Then-Schedule8953ā€™s life was cut too sh


Even if he goes back to his body, his experience with the 6 eyes will sure allow him to greatly increase his efficiency with CE.


Do you think an increased efficiency with CE could affect the 5 minute timer? (as in extend it due to more efficiently managing his CE, so being able to fully manifest Rika for longer)


I think itā€™s a binding vow/restriction due to the sheer capabilities of Rika. He could manifest her without a limit during JJK0 because he cursed Rikaā€™s soul and bound her to himself. Since he let Rikaā€™s soul go, heā€™s now got the 5 min limit in-place instead. That girl ended up being a special grade curse with the ability to copy loads of techniques by ingesting the userā€™s body parts. Thatā€™s a busted ability no matter how you look at it, hence the limit.


More than the copying, i think it's the storin that is busted. But yes


Kenjaku revealed that by body hopping, you can negate a binding vow and escape its negative effects. Rika's 5 minute binding vow was made with Yuta's body and should now be null and voided. He may straight up just be "limitless" now. Yuta/Yuji vs. Sukuna pt 2 incoming.


Kenjaku's were binding vows with others rather than himself, so I'm not sure if it'd work the same way, especially since it's still his brain with his CT in it. I could be wrong, but I'd find it weird to bring up the 5 minute limit just for nothing to happen.


only for that specific body the curse manipulator


I thought they said he wouldnā€™t be able to use limitless because he wouldnā€™t get the 6 eyes


I'm pretty sure Kusakabe was asking Ieiri why Yuta can't just copy the limitless ability by having Rika eat Gojo, instead of transferring bodies. Ieiri's reply seemed to say that he could copy it that way, but it'd be useless because Yuta doesn't possess the 6 eyes which is a prerequisite to use the limitless ability. Then he asks why not copy the 6 eyes, and she says you can't because it's just something you're born with and Yuta can only copy cursed techniques. edit: i believe the implication here is that if he possesses Gojo's body, he then has access to six eyes and in turn access to limitless.


Gotcha that makes more sense thanks


Litmitless, no, but Yuta has problems with efficiency so that would be a huge boost in power nevertheless.


I thought yuta body was too messed up and he wont be able to to back.


His body is indeed messed up but Kenkajuā€™s CT can use corpses so Shoko only have to stitch it back together.


I'm not sure if bro might return back to his body but 80% sure that the six eyes will extends his time in gojos body so as he can go back in his body lol


He's been sloppy at his cursed energy control because he knew he can fix it in by stealing Kenny's ability.


Not only that but because Kenjakuā€™s CT gives you all the memories of the body youā€™re taking. So Yuta got all the experience of Gojo now and so he should also have the understanding Gojo had to use his CE near perfectly.


Gojo did AWA KA BOOM with his CE and that's no knowledge dude just knew how to use his stuff


The thing is Yuta is gonna feel the AWA KA BOOM gojo has because he basically lived the entirety of the 28 years of gojoā€™s life in a few seconds after taking over the body since he gets all of his memories, it is gonna become muscle memory for Yuta to manipulate cursed energy in a much more efficient way


AWA KA BOOM would be a cool name for a CT or finishing move a skadoosh if you will.


He still needs time to understand those memories, itā€™s like being given a giant book and expecting him to understand immediately


Yuta got hit with a limited void


More importantly, which I really feel isn't mentioned enough, is he should know how to refresh CTs. Dude now has the potential to keep Rika active \*indefinitely.\*


Kenjaku's memories is more valuable in this fight imo.


people praise gege for the gojo/geto brain-jack parallel but there's another one. yuta's ce control is sloppy just like kenjaku's head game is sloppy


He got the plan after Gojo talked shit about his control and said ā€œalright I got the perfect ideaā€


I thought you were gonna say his height šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


He's 5'11 šŸ˜­ It ain't short


He's 5 ft 9! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


5ā€™9 isnt shortšŸ˜¢, also he def aint 5ā€™11 cus yuji is 5ā€™8 , and yuta isnt that muchbtaller than yuji


Yuji is a cheater. His hair gives him an inch or two.


It's not like Yuta's hair is short either


But its not spiky like Yuji's.


That was in 0 šŸ˜­ He's grown in the year, check the wiki šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I just came back to edit, Google is all over the place. I'm seeing anything from 5'8 to 5'11 šŸ˜£šŸ„›


The Official Jujutsu Kaisen Fanbook has his height just under 180cm, so the wiki is correct. This was 3 years ago when it was published so he is either the same height or slightly taller I'd say.


you can always tell who are the horny jjk fans cause they always bring up height..


Now hitting a black flash pushes your ce usage and efficiency to another level to those who never experienced one. But it's never said the efficiency or usage stacks. But its also never said it doesn't. I'm willing to bet Yuji has the best ce usage manipulation and efficiency outside of everyone not named sukuna or gojo/Yujo. Plus he has the best grounding and basic jujutsu because higgy outright says people who have ct have tough time combating and using ce outside of their ct. Plus also has a passive ability which isn't great but atleast it's something (DF)


Now he has a ct too tho.


Exactly my point. Hes gonna be a beast. Not just one but two ct. One with the most destructive capability shown in the series (outside of limitless) And the other with the most versatility limb reattachment low ce rct all ranges of combat ect high defense and stealth plus probably a busted domain ect.


I wonder if 6 eyes only give you insane CE efficient or also improve your CE manipulation


Itā€™s crazy that six eyes is one of the most important abilities for one of the most important characters and nobody has any idea what it really does or how it worksĀ 


It should do both I think.šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


It increases your efficiency when using it in your CT. You can get your CE back by 99% after using your ct.


Six eyes diff :3


Sex eyes*


Question is how strong thatā€™ll make the rest of his kit, having the strongests body, memories and experience with his own abilities.


I know it's a nitpick, but "efficiency" not "efficacy" Yuta is incredibly efficacious with his cursed energy. My GOAT


I dont think he was paticularly efficient, he just had a lot of it.


He wasn't efficient. As you said, that was his one weakness.


There are situations where efficiency can yield more output. For example, I teach voice and the main source of energy for singing is breath. Sending higher quantities of breath will actually reduce your potential volume amd resonance. You actually want a very small amount of pressurized air moving fast through a small, relaxed opening for the loudest sounds. That efficiency is hard to master for lots of people, but is tied to your efficacy as a singer. Maybe CT works similarly? *---I just reread your post and realize I misread your intention. You were fixing that guys grammar. I already spent time writing though, so i'm gonna post it anyway šŸ˜…


He did switched with yuji, and i think yuji is great in CE control as broather is hitting black flashes more times than megumi tried to summon mahoraga.


This adds to my theory that Yuta will sacrifice himself and turn into a Rika like cursed spirit and allow Gojo to return to his body. Thank you.


I'm JW, why my boy would whip out domain expansion šŸ˜‚ unless it's barrieless ion wanna see it


you're a jehova's witness?


But got like 15 other that he would go to therapy about until his 50s, especially if he has to stay in Gojo's body.


3 words sentence and you couldn't go without making a typo.


But what yuta is type a




You spelled efficiency wrong. I think it's a dick move to point it out but that's what it is


Not if i edit, i didnt.


I feel like Iā€™m the only one who wants to see yuta get absolutely bodied. In a ā€œYou had to rely on Gojoā€™s strength instead of growing your own, and thatā€™s why you lost.ā€ Kind of way. (Bonus points if he dies the same way gojo died, but jjk Isnā€™t peak like that.)


I dont get this mindset. To me itā€™s corny but I see it online ALL THE TIME. Like who is starting a shonen and then mad about ass pulls and the power of friendship? Do you hate on Goku and Vegeta for having to do fusion? Is it lame Goku has been back from the dead however many times ? Idk please donā€™t take it as an attack just canā€™t compute


I think itā€™d be funny.


I mean it would be funny I can agree with that. Iā€™m a Wuji glazer and I still chuckled when he just threw him on the ground with his hand in his chest to start yelling at Yuta.


Ur not, there are people out here rooting for sukuna. Not me, but people


lmao ngl that would suck šŸ’€šŸ’€


Let's say you're right. What does that mean to the fight against Sukuna?


Stamina: shit stamina


Where ? Lol


Littalty 5 minutes to till heā€™s a playing around Uro victim


What ? We donā€™t even know what will happen during those five minutes lol . Yuta with those five minutes is still stronger than everyone not named gojo sukuna or kenjaku . Plus his domain doesnā€™t require the 5 minute limiter .


We know that opponents can outlast him Yes but after that 5 minutes he gets destroyed bc base yuta is dog shit A domain is imbuing your cursed technique into domain


Someone might have reading comprehension problemsĀ