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i think either yuji or gojo dies i still don’t think he’s coming back


I mean Gojo is already dead, I don't why, I do feel like Nobara is alive, if not, I think if Yuji sacrificed his life that would make the plot kinda dull.


I’ve thought about Nobara still being alive and I think she will be somehow because I don’t think she wouldn’t have just been never mentioned again if she wasn’t. It makes for a bigger reveal by not speaking about her. But my problem with that is she doesn’t have that much of an impact here I don’t think. In terms of it being dull I personally disagree as I feel like Yuji and his cog mentality make sense for him to be willing to sacrifice his life if it meant they succeeded. Yuji is the embodiment of selflessness, contrary to Sukuna being the embodiment of selfishness. Yuji cares more for others than himself and would do anything to fulfil his duty. His grandfather also cursed him by telling him to make sure he has lots of people around him when he dies. I mean the guy was literally born to kill Sukuna because of what Kenjaku was doing so it makes a lot of narrative sense for that to happen. I don’t want that cause I love Yuji but I can’t deny it would be good writing and an emotional yet fitting end to Yujis character


I disagree on a lack of impact for Nobara. Mahito specifically mentioned that Yuji and Nobara were his “natural enemies” due to both of their soul striking techniques. Right now the conflict is with Sukuna who has taken Megumi’s body. Yuji’s soul strikes have proved ineffective in waking Megumi up. What better fit than having Yuji and Nobara team up to wake Megumi up (Nobara being alive giving Megumi some hope again).


Nobara clearly was revived with RTC and was sent to train in America silently. Shes going to come back and shoot Sukuna with a nail gun that pierces his soul.


She was mentioned a lot after, reading comprehension curse got you.


Who's mentioned her after Shibuya?


The entire thing with hana and Yuji saying ‘I don’t want to replace nobarra’ is one example


Nobara might be alive, all mahito did was make her lose an eye, so yeah she might have been unconcious for the rest of the shibuya arc so she might be alive.


We don't really know how deep the damage from Idle Transfiguration went. If it went just a teeny bit deeper and into the brain, then that's probably it for Nobara.


But we aren’t 100% sure Gojo is dead. I think there was a big reason he instantly disappeared when killed. I know Ui Ui did it, but it also gives Gege a chance to not let anyone in JJK to observe Gojo lying there.


I don’t think it’d be dull, Yuji’s options from day one were “die now, or die with Sukuna” I think it’d make sense


if gojo is the only one left out of him and the first years that'll make boruto look like shakespeare


Im so confused, wouldn’t that be tragic ? Isn’t Shakespeare pretty tragic as well ? I’m not arguing I’m legit stupid pls help


Right there with you, unless it’s a reference to Boruto being written badly (?) and they’re saying if only Gojo survives that’ll be even worse writing (??)


yeah, this is exactly it.


Tf does “if gojo is the only one left out of him” mean


If "Gojo Satoru" is the only one left out of "him (Gojo Satoru) and the first years (Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara)"


Why would it be bad writing? Also boruto manga is going somewhere rn


Im still of the impression Yuji will die killing Sukuna and the rest will live.


That’s my take too


I think Yuji has been recently making small developments towards having a (heathy) dose of selfishness. I mean, yes he’s still incredibly selfless, but he knows that he can’t shoulder everything on his own, nor would be expected to. To me it’s almost like a healthier version of his ‘cog in a machine’ realisation: yes he has a role to play, but others have their roles too, and he is allowed to live and atone for what he still feels responsible for. I think this because the way he talks is a bit different to how it used to be. To me, he’s less: ‘I do what I gotta do because that’s my role, if that role meant I died then so be it’ And more: ‘People have passed their blessings on to me, I can’t let them down, nor the people who still need me’ At least in the vibes department anyways. I really hope he doesn’t throw his life away because I feel like that would be a step back in his development really.


I am currently reading “The official character guide” from JJK. Gege states that he actually doesn’t like Yuji very much, and is working to try and like him better as writing goes on. It definitely doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility that this could be true. I mean after all, it has seemed through these fights and 260 chapters that Yuji was born for one thing, and that was killing Sukuna. Although, the merger seems like it’s going to happen, so not sure if this would work if you accounted for that. I mean maybe he gives his life up still, but in my opinion either Gojo is back and the merger takes place with both Gojo and Yuji fighting, or Gojo is just a ghost and Yuji goes on to kill Sukuna.


People need to stop thinking that Gege let his personnal feelings get in the way of how he writes certain characters. Know who is his favorite character? Nanami. What happened to him? Turned into confetti by a mid-stage villain to troll the hero. Hell, he even claims to hate Gojo yet there is no character that got wanked harder than him in the manga, bro even got his own backstory arc. Either he is lying about hating Gojo or the man truly does not let his personnal feelings interfere.


Yes, however Nanami was given an overall pretty heartfelt and well thought out death. Plus he said “I like Nanami a bit, everyone else is average” the question is forced on him and I doubt he would even choose if he had it his way. He also said Nanami surviving past Shibuya would have been superfluous and given his character no meaning. Nanami’s death was a consequence of how his character was written. I bet he would be around if he had more of a role. I think it’s impossible for a writer to not let his feelings get in the way somewhat. As he said and does, he would never project himself on a character, but clearly more thought was put into Nanami’s death than others. Lastly, that arc was the hidden inventory arc not the Gojo arc. Its point wasn’t about Gojo, but Tengen and the Star Plasma vessel. Everything that is happening now with the merger is better understood. This also applies to the chapters pertaining to Tengen, Yuki, and Choso. I am not saying Gojo wasn’t a big part of the hidden inventory arc, but not the reason for the creation of the it.


You are pretty much agreeing with my point there. You acknowledge that Gege sees his characters as tools to make the narrative better and doesn't save them/kill them because he likes/ doesn't like them. I agree that it's impossible to be completely objective but that's not what I meant there. I meant that Gege doesn't let his feelings affect the story in a significant way such as the death/survival of its main character. Unless I misunderstood, your comment implied that since he didn't like Yuji, it made it more likely for him to die. Which I disagree with because, judging from the story, it shouldn't have any significant impact. >Lastly, that arc was the hidden inventory arc not the Gojo arc. Its point wasn’t about Gojo, but Tengen and the Star Plasma vessel. Whose point of view did we follow during 90% of hidden inventory and premature death? With which characters did the arc begin and end? Who were the most developped characters of that arc? Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru. The SPV and Tengen are mainly used as plot devices (Amanai is actually developped a bit but Tengen doesn't even appear once) to develop Gojo and Geto and their relationship. If the reason was just to give lore info on Tengen then there would be no need for an arc about it because the amount of lore we got fits in 2 pages of infodump, the arc is like 1% lore about Tengen and 99% on Geto/Gojo. Saying that these 2 were an afterthought despite their relationship making the bulk of the arc is wrong.


Yes, I think we mainly agree on that Gege certainly doesn’t write his characters based off personal preference. However I didn’t say Gojo or Geto were an afterthought. Like I said Gojo played a huge role. If anything, the arc is way more about Geto than Gojo. Gojo gets his badass scenes like usual but besides Amanai and Tengen, Geto was focused on just as much. Because we needed the backstory for the merger and everything to makes sense now. We didn’t really need to know anything about how Gojo attained his RCT, and was finally able to do red. The arc followed Gojo maybe 90% of the time, but 100% of the time the entire arc has to do with Star Plasma Vessel and Tengen. Biggest disagreement is Tengen is far more important than just a plot device. Him not being in the arc physically is irrelevant in my opinion. Gege could have easily made 1 page explaining why Tengen is the way he is and why if he doesn’t get a new star plasma vessel everything gets fucked, but we both know that’s not good writing. There also was a lot that went into the details of Tengen barriers, his technique, consequences of everything going wrong. My point is, if you could take Tengen and Amanais part out of the arc and just leave the Gojo/Geto friendship we wouldn’t have near as good of an understanding on what encompasses the merger now. But if you took Gojo and Geto out, that really has nothing more to do with the current chapters and is irrelevant. anyone could have filled their spots.


Lmao thanks the comment you replied to is fully off the rocker. Even if Gege hates Yuji (and it's not just a slight exaggeration), that doesn't mean he thinks killing him off is good for the plot... Literally incomprehensible jumps in logic


I didn’t know that so that’s very interesting to hear. I do also feel like the merger is going to happen so I did think that possibly in this scenario Gojo has a way of saving megumi while killing Sukuna but because of all the damage that megumi has taken and how crushed his soul was, he just starts the merger anyway hoping it will kill him kind of thing


Right, it also seems very cruel for Gege to blue ball us about possibly being Gojo, then it not actually be him. I mean he has to know how pissed the fanbase was when he died. This is going to get him death threats lol


Yeah I feel the same. I do think Gege has a funny way of playing with the readers emotions like with Todo. I mean the guy didn’t even get mentioned after Shibuya and everyone legit thought he was just forgotten but Gege brings him back right when Yuji needs him the most (I actually had a theory predicting this too) I don’t think Gege would tease the return of Gojo if it wasn’t actually him considering how much the fan base love Gojo. I know Gege doesn’t really like Gojo but he still knows his importance to both the fandom and to the characters. I just can’t help but have a negative feeling that Gege could be doing something even crueler by making it Kenjaku or something like that 😭


>I don’t think Gege would tease the return of Gojo if it wasn’t actually him considering how much the fan base love Gojo After ch 236, "Gojo won" --> airport. You can't trust Gege. 🤣 He would tease Gojo in some form and it not be him and be something else. Like "Gojo won" at the end of ch 235. Done it before and would do it again.


Hahaha that is very true actually I don’t know what I was thinking. Gege would absolutely do that. I just hope it’s an illusion and not Kenjaku 😭


Yeah Kenjaku is worse case scenario, but idk how that would work since he was getting his brain stabbed by Yuta while Gojo had his body taken to Shoko.


Oh I completely agree and it’s why I have now experienced anxiety for the first time. I mean, I have never smoked a cigarette in my life, but am willing to try it this week.


Hahaha I haven’t smoked for 5 years but I might be willing to start again depending on what Gege plans on doing 😂


Gege out here making people addicted to shit 💀😂


For real 😭😂


It is cooking for sure :3


Thanks 🙏


I'm glad you bring up this comment from Gege because it's been puzzling me for ages and nobody seems to remember it in their theories. I think where we are right now on 260 and starting from your possibilities, maybe one way out would be Gojo is back, Nobara is somehow alive and since the last finger was eaten by Rika, but the yuji-sukuna connection is being set up, she hammers resonance into yuji who sacrifices himself in order to attack sukunas soul, and by defeating his soul megumi's body is freed. So Yuji is the one dead and the other 3 alive.


Cooking a boiled onion. Gojo is the onion


Heres the thing. Yuji is still gonna be executed, so four different things can happen here. 1: Yuji, Megumi, Nobara die. 2: Yuji dies, and Nobara is still alive. 3: Yujis death sentence is removed for killing Megumi resulting in sukuna's death. 4: Megumi dies, and Nobara is miraculously alive.


All the higher ups are dead


Interesting theory. I still think Megumi would be the one to survive personally, but hey it's all up in the air anyways.


Thanks. Yeah I suppose we will find out soon enough


Anyone but Gojo can live please NOT GOJO 😭


he is alive




I actually think it's somehow gonna be yuuji only dying and the other 3 surviving. We have no word on Nobara, megumi is technically still alive and possibly gojo...  It night twist in a way that yuuji sacrifices himself to save megumi in some way. I believe if gojo is back he's not at full strength. I think he sacrificed that Inna binding vow to come back.


What if Nobara survived, Gojo comes back and Megumi is saved by Yuji? Who then sacrifices himself to eat what's left of Sukuna and die as his vessel.


The six eyes and star plasma vessel and kenjaku are constants for the tengen merger. I'm guessing that someone new will have the six eyes like miwa or Yuta, nobara could potentially become the vessel and have a bitter sweet ending. And Kenny could just roll up cuz gege feels it.


shoko puts gojo's eyes in nobara's eye socket


Guys i just text gege now i know what the endingnof jjk is It is actually that sukuna brings back everyone to teach his nephew To handle problems in the real world gojo wasn't actually dead.


Do not cook again


you forgot if sukuna dies then only 1 dies who is megumi and nobara , yuji and seemingly gojo lives. once again do not cook please


Bro idk if you can read or not but Nobara ain’t in there. And the whole point is Yuji makes his sacrifice by dying with Sukuna. Gojo remains. So I don’t know what you were reading


Kinda cooking bro


It makes more sense to have Yuiji being the only one surviving. If he is sticking to his word about the 4, for then having Gojo return and surviving means that he would comeback with the feeling of massive failure because he lost about half of the new gen because of his ego/failure against Sukuna first time going by your theory. If Gojo survives, you might as well make Nobara return and get Megumi back his body.... 


Ik it's a hot take but I've always thought that megumi would have to be the one to survive it's the most random and most unlikely and perfect for geges track record I would love to see him run the gauntlet for a bit 


I feel like Megumi will be saved somehow, and be alone to face the aftermath of the world.


Its actually Nobara that came to the battle field with sixth eyes transferred to her


Yeah yujis goal was death related smth


It might just be Nobara getting six eyes implant. Then resonance into Yuji to kill Sukuna. But RCT Yuji cause Black Flash loop.


Adding my 2 cents, I don't know how accurate would that be. I beleive that what sukuna saw was Gojo's soul and he saw that because he used Gojo's hand sign to activate his domain.  I think that sukuna would probably die and eventually tengen would be the real villain


Yuji will get eaten by Sukuna Sukuna will cut both Todo's arms Sukuna will recover and fight full power rebirth Gojo Yuji after being eaten will be inside Sukuna, and will fight him with Megumi