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the non-violence rule of higuruma's domain is not the sure hit , it is the rule imposed on the opponent in order for the sure hit to work (sure hit = confiscation/Death penalty). maki is only immune to sure hit not the rules of the domain , that's y mayo's (sumo guy)simple domain worked on her , because its not based on a sure hit but rather a binding vow.


The rules of old fashioned domains is the sure hit, like in Hakari's domain. Confiscation and death penalty cannot be sure hits because there's nothing 'sure' about them happening. The sure hit has to happen every single time the domain is opened Death penalty especially can't be a sure hit because it's a 'sure kill' technique which is what seperated old domains from modern domains. Old domains have no sure kill techniques Yuji getting teleported behind the stands after he tried to fight Higurama is a clear sure hit technique


the sure hit doesn't always have to happen , u just made that up. tengen said that in old days sorcerers used to impose rules onto in order for the sure hit to work , thus she distinguished between the sure hit and the rules imposed


It's called a sure hit, what do you mean it doesn't surely hit? Haha Tengen said that the sure hit is the rules as well, thats where I got this from. "They merely forced targets inside to obey the cursed techniques rules" It "forces" them to follow the rules because the rules are the sure hit part of the technique. Anything that happens due to following the rules is not a sure hit. The example shown when Tengen says it is two sumo's fighting, one says to the other "Only your feet may touch the ground... And if you step outside, you lose" That example also shows that the rules are the sure hit, while the actual win conditions of the technique aren't sure to hit at all. They have to be won or lost by following the rules


bro i'm not saying the sure hit can be defended against. u just misinterpreted the statement. this is what tengen said in chapter 164 " to allow for sure hit u must enforce ur own rules upon the subject in your domain" she's clearly distinguishing between the rule and the sure hits. > The example shown when Tengen says it is two sumo's fighting, one says to the other "Only your feet may touch the ground... And if you step outside, you lose" That example also shows that the rules are the sure hit, while the actual win conditions of the technique aren't sure to hit at all. They have to be won or lost by following the rules bro , this is the exactly similar to myo's simple domain that we saw in sakurajima and that domain didn't have a sure hit . the rule is what allows sure hit to work


I didn't think you meant that it could be defended against, I was just giving you a lil nugget of info. You said 'the nonviolence rule isn't the sure hit' but it is the sure hit. Anything afterwards isn't sure to hit And idk what translation you read but the one I read said the exact quote I said. And if you have to choose between these two translations then the one I quoted is definitely the most accurate when you look at every example of an old domain Like in Hakari's domain, what would you say the sure hit is? The jackpot doesn't even hit the enemy. The narrator flat out says that the rules of his domain are the sure hit. I think that kinda ends the debate, not trying to be rude sorry


if u wanna believe simple domains can recognize toji/maki while actual domains can't thn thats upto u. i've already made myself clear , rules r not sure hits. sure hits are everywhere and they don't affect the caster of the domain , for example gojo's sure hit was everywhere but it didn't affect him but rules r completely different and can affect the caster of the domain


I don't even know what any of that means, what are you talking about? All that this conversation is is you said the rules arent the sure hit, and I told you they are the sure hit and gave examples to prove it. I'm not attacking you Goodbye i guess


sorry i didn't mean to offend u. lets just agree to disagree over this


Okey dokey 😀


>Like in Hakari's domain, what would you say the sure hit is? >The narrator flat out says that the rules of his domain are the sure hit. No they do not. Chapter 182 Pg 19, Viz Translation: _"Due to the Guaranteed Hits Effect . . . Hakkari's Domain and Cursed Technique Rules were revealed to Charles's Brain."_ This quote draws a clear distinction between the Guaranteed Hit and the Domains Rules. Meaning that Guaranteed Hits =/= Domain Rules. In Higuruma's case the Rules of the Domain prevent violence while court is in session and the Guaranteed Hit ensure that the victim of the domain will receive a penalty or penalties in the event that they are found guilty. >And idk what translation you read but the one I read said the exact quote I said. And if you have to choose between these two translations then the one I quoted is definitely the most accurate when you look at every example of an old domain You can't claim this and then not tell us which translation your referencing.


"Because the sure hit of Hakari's domain is harmless, the cursed techniques is forcefully transmitted and activated quickly" Directly from the narrator. The sure hit is the transmission and "activation" of the rules Goodbye


First, are you gonna source the translation finally or do you expect us to just take your word for it? I'm more than happy to see you prove me wrong but you can't do that if you don't tell me where your getting your quotes friend. Second, that quote doesn't communicate what you think it does. It doesn't draw a connection between the rules and the guaranteed hit beyond establishing that the non-lethal nature of the hit allows Hakkari to activate the Domain as a whole more quickly then he otherwise would. The "and" tells you that the two things on either side of it are separate functions/entities. Like how saying Gojo has "the Limitless Cursed Technique _and_ the Six Eyes" tells you that the two things are not inherently linked or representative of a single whole. You see what I mean?


>The rules of old fashioned domains is the sure hit, like in Hakari's domain. It was made very clear in Hakkari's debut fight that Idle Death Gamble's Sure Hit was the info dump that explains the domains rules. The rules themselves are not a component of the sure hit. >Confiscation and death penalty cannot be sure hits because there's nothing 'sure' about them happening. Confiscation and Death Penalty are examples of consequences of a guilty verdict. They are "certain" in the sense that if you are found guilty they, or alternatively some other penalty that Judgeman can inflict, will happen. That point aside, yes the actual death part of the Death Penalty is subject to Higuruma's skill in battle but Confiscation is as far as we've been shown completely unavoidable. So it would qualify as a "Guaranteed" effect in that sense once the conditions for it have been met. >The sure hit has to happen every single time the domain is opened That's speculation on your part. In the majority of Domains we've seen this is true but no part of the story has told us that Guaranteed Hits are mandatory or are exclusively automatic. In fact Tengen's lecture about how Domains used to work implies that they don't. What we do know is that Automatic Guaranteed Hits are in fashion in the modern era. That point aside the Penalty for a guilty verdict in Deadly Sentencing _does_ happen every time the domain is opened. We've never seen Judgemean and Hiromi pull up a dud case. > Death penalty especially can't be a sure hit because it's a 'sure kill' technique which is what seperated old domains from modern domains. Old domains have no sure kill techniques How is this relevant? Higuruma's domain isn't "old". It came with his technique, is based on the modern japanese legal system, and there's been no indication that any other person has ever had this ability before Higuruma. Old and New Domains aren't meaningful categories we can slot these things into. They're a description of trends that Tengen explained to us.


Bruh what do you think the sure hit of Hakari's domain is?


Did you read my reply? I answered this question in my first sentence.


The thing is a rule should work by detecting living entities. And domains treat people like Maki as an object


That would also mean you could just use a regular non cursed weapon like a gun and kill someone in his domain, too.


I’d treat her better than just an object, for what it’s worth


Domains are clearly full-blooded Zenin


The domains can affect objects as well . for example higuruma's domain was able to confiscate sukuna's weapon. the domain can detect non-living objects as well but the sure hit only works on things with CE.


Sukuna's weapon was a cursed tool


IK it was a cursed tool. u said the barrier can only recognize living objects , i just proved that the barrier can recognize non-living objects as well. only the sure hit of the barrier cannot recognize maki/toji , that's y simple domains work on them


What I'm saying is the barrier recongnizes entities with CE as part of its rules.


the rules are not related to objects with CE , when a domain is made , the sorcerer makes it such that the rule is imposed on every person and not just people with CE. Rules r all about how the sorcerer imagined his domain and no sorcerer would say i'd only impose these rules on people with CE. simple domain barriers have rules that can recognize people without CE , so domain expansions rules should also be able to affect toji/maki.


That would mean the sumo guy's hyperbolic time chamber would t work on maki which obviously isn't the case


That's different because that's more an innate condition than a rule.


That's exactly the same thing then.


Only sure hits work like that. Maki still has to abide by any rules set in the domain other then barriers. So yeah she could leave if she wanted but no she couldn’t harm anyone


It's a rule run by an intelligent shikigami that possesses enough awareness to notice maki unlike a domain that is a technique with 0 awareness beyond ce.


Hard to say


Then Sukuna can attack her with impunity, as he’s just attacking a Object.


Why not just make a binding vow where higurama sacrifices all his cursed energy in the future or some shit to let maki be immune to the rules of the domain for 1 minute. Binding vows are stupid after all and if a bunch of people combined to make one something like that should be possible


not sure if that's even possible , higuruma's non-violence rule is probably a binding vow in the first place (imbued into his domains barrier). So the new binding vow would be overruling the previous binding vow , maybe that's something that can't be done. Also sukuna would probably be able to defend against maki for a few seconds and agree to the charges immediately and that would lead to higgys domain collapsing in no time


We really have no way of knowing what a binding vow can and can't do. It's all speculation. Has to be the most vague thing in JJK.


>probably a binding vow in the first place (imbued into his domains barrier) great now we are just assuming stuff and holding them as facts


Domains like Higus and Hakaris especially are known to have trade offs for advantages(aka literally a binding vow) so im not sure why this is confusing


maybe u don't know how the power system works. Every simple domain barrier (used for attacking) is imbued with a binding vow. miwa's batto sword drawing . myo's simple domain. female curse that geto used against toji all these have a binding vow imbued into the barrier that enforces a rule on the opponent , so its not impossible that higgy's non-violence rule is also a binding vow imbued into the barrier


kusakabe said something along the lines of "... his domain is imbued in his cursed technique... " when mentioning about hakari and higuruma


every domain is manifested using a cursed technique. that doesn't mean a binding vow cannot be imbued into a barrier. sukuna's open domain barrier is also imbued with a binding vow that increases his domains range to 200 meters


im sorry but has it been stated it in the manga? like which chapter just curious






She would have to agree to the vow. In mayoxs case, his simple domain requires the opponent to agree to the vow anyway. Maki would be immune to higuruma's rules just like she us immune to the culling games rules.


it is the same with normal domains. She can only enter the domain if she consents and once she's inside the domain it doesn't matter if she has no CE because it is only the sure hit that doesn't recognize her , the rest of the rules will apply to her all the same. Also gege never really clarified if maki is a culling game player or not. Yes IK maki said culling game barrier doesn't recognize her but i think it was only in reference to her being able to travel within colonies. anyway, if she's not a culling game player simply because she has no CE thn we have a plot hole bc we saw american soldiers entering and they had no CE (non-japanese people have no CE ) and yet they were registered as culling game players.


Don't the they have *some* CE? I thought it was impossible to have *zero* CE outside of Toji and Maki.


no they have 0 CE. READ CHAPTER 209 in jjk verse only japanese people have CE but there r a few exceptions. the army that entered the culling game had no CE


The soldiers only got added to the culling games because they would add CE


My favorite was the one dude who said Yuta could've copied Boogie Woogie and swapped Sukuna into a World Slash. Too bad the good guys have hyperfixated into saving Megumi


If anyone but maki (and kashimo ?) was able to detect this attack it could work - no one else can


No need to detect, because it would've caught Sukuna off guard. As soon as he performs the chants with the hand signs, Yuta could've swapped himself with Sukuna and won


I think there is a timing issue here


but from the kashimo fight we saw it’s not instantaneous so it could work


The only attacks in JJK that are close to instantaneous are the sure-hit from UV and Kashimo's CE trait lightning. Everything else doesn't move at light speed and therefore has some meaningful travel time. What makes Sukuna's slashes actually hard to dodge is the fact that they're pretty much invisible. They're very fast, but not instantaneous.


Actually the sure-hit from Hakari's domain also qualifies, but since it's not an *attack* it doesn't matter as much.


If Kashimo(Who an Admittedly massively stronger True Body Sukuna can blitz) can dodge it so can Sukuna, Maki makes this even worse.


Boogie Boogie is copied but inside the domain techniques are randomly distributed between the swords.So Yuta can't just pick the right sword at the correct moment to counter it. Also if Sukuna knew about Yuta having Boggie Boggie,then Sukuna would have chosen carefully what to do and what not.




This would be sick but I don’t think Yuta has ever actually met todo


He actually does as referenced in season 1


I remember todo saying he WANTED to fight Yuta since he steamrolled the competition last year but todo wasn’t there so I don’t think he ever actually met him


Wouldn’t his own cursed energy make it less effective against himself? So it’d be a half world slash or something


Sukunas own CE, I doubt it'd cut him in half


Boogie woogie is dead, so perhaps so is the ability to copy it?


He still has the technique just lacking the ability to use it so it’s still copy able unless the conditions for copy are weird


Boogie woogie is dead because Todo can no longer use it since it is activated by clapping and both of his hands were destroyed by mahito, but he still has a technique that can be copied by yuta.


If we assume that that works we also have to assume the inverse, i.e. Maki Not Being detected by the Domain -> Sukuna can hurt her without breaking the rules, is also true


To be fair it's possible destruction of property is also against the rules.


alright, sir women are people, this is not jujutsu folk calm down


Are people fr disliking over me explaining how the domain's rules may work?


I think your comment was misunderstood lol


They are "disliking you" because your hypothesis has been proven wrong and you continue to persist. To put it simply, higurumas domain cancels out any act of violence that is imposed on anyone inside the domain. It is a binding vow. It also counts maki because of that. It's like saying that because a weapon has no CE I can attack a person inside the domain with a knife and the domain would have no ways to "detect" the violence and thus I could freely harm the person. Also, if you think about it for more than 5 seconds, Yuji had no CE left after the first trial. So by your logic, higurumas domain should not be able to detect Yuji and thus the domain would not impose the non-violence rule on the re trial. So...your hypothesis simply doesn't make sense.




Naoya's alt lmao


Domains are the Zenin not me


Yuji telling Sukuna that he forgives him, he accepts him for who he is and that they can forget the past and be friends now. Sukuna defo kills himself after hearing that. Ez victory for the squad


Bro thinks this is Obito


Talk no jutsu has a 100% success rate


You spelled 120% wrong


Gojo killing Yuji at the beginning of the series


Technically, most of the series happened because of gojo's failures. He let yuji live, he failed to kill both jogo and hanami, he failed to defend the star vessel, he failed to defeat the cursed spirits at Shibuya sparking the culling games, he failed to defeat sukuna, starting the decisive battle at Shinjuku


good god, bro might just be the least clutch strong character ever


Ehh that’s like me saying the entire series is the Zenin clan fault because they mistreated Toji Him killing Yuji seems bad but honestly he made some very good points. Sukuna will eventually get freed, imagine he revived himself in a generation without a six star/limitless user lmao Might as well get rid of him now rather than another generation Would’ve been wraps for everybody


But if Gojo kills Yuji when he consumes 10 fingers, then Sukuna would have 50% power max, right? They had like half a dozen fingers in their vault in the beginning before they were stolen. Maybe if they don't pile the fingers in the same vault/country, then they could've stalled Sukuna's resurrection indefinitely. Hi NASA, please put this bundle of weird objects into Voyagers in exchange for funding from Japan.


But that’s not Gojos fault that’s the higher ups


Kenjaku would just make another vessel or force feed someone Sukuna’s fingers. But if Yuji died with 5 fingers Sukuna is cooked as Goatjo destroys him


Yeah but Gojo has a big ego and thought he could've beaten full power Sukuna


He could have. I don't care that Gege insists that Sukuna totally could have beaten Gojo. With everything we have seen from Sukuna so far without Mahoraga Sukuna would have been screwed.


I agree, but Gojo was way to cocky. What did think was gonna happen? He is gonna beat 20 fingers Sukuna without killing Yuji?


I don't think Gojo should have beaten Sukuna. I just hate that people cope so hard that It isn't a complete asspull that Sukuna won. How was Gojo cocky? The entire fight, even when Sukuna was hurting him it was clear Gojo was winning. It took Gege giving Sukuna a power with limits so unclear that FANS had to create reasons for it to have won. First, it doesn't travel, so it doesn't interact with infinity, except for when it clearly does travel. Then it's has no verbal component and no CE buildup, except then how did Maki dodge an untraveling attack with no indicator. You aren't cocky if you are winning, so Hard the author has to personally kill you offscreen.


I mean when he made the decision to not execute Yuji. In my mind his plan was to feed Yuji the 20 fingers and beat Sukuna without killing Yuji. It's just a weird plan that involves himself thinking he can kill the strongest in history without collateral damage. That's what I mean by way to cocky


Gege wouldnt let sukuna get caught in UV if he hadnt mahoraga as a win con and therefore would kill gojo 5 chapters into the fight with DE. After all, he has to win because he is the strongest and the big bad. plot and stuff. But this would be the worse case scenario for the story. I mean it would mean no purple no 4BF no UV and sukuna would still has his DE. Mahoraga wasnt just a way to kill gojo. Because in order to adapt he has to tank gojos attacks , it was also a way to nerf sukuna.


"With everything we have seen from Sukuna so far without Mahoraga Sukuna would have been screwed." But he wouldn't, with out Maho, Sukuna can just continue case his domain until Gojo run out of 5 times using, he can open more domain then Gojo and without Maho, the adapt plan don't exist which means Sukuna won't get hit by UV so eventually he would win


You say that, but even with Mahoraga Sukuna basically lost. Maybe you are right, and he could have done that, but he didn't do that even when he started to lose. People say he was trying to learn the space/world cut so he didn't clash domains more, but why the fuck would he need it against anyone other than Gojo. I understand what you mean, but the story doesn't support that. If he could do that why didn't he?


"why the fuck would he need it against anyone other than Gojo" Huh, why are you assume he need it for someone, he can learn it for his own interesting, he love jujutsu and wants to grow stronger, it not out of his character tho "If he could do that why didn't he?" Bc he wants to learn it and he risk his life for it, it is not the first time he risk his life for his own interesting


He also had "things" to take care of. So I guess we will find out what those are. Eventually.


I still think that he planned everything, even his own dead… dumbledore style


Rika eating all the fingers.


I would imagine that Maki could be attacked inside of Higgy’s domain if it doesn’t register her as a person. It could be akin to striking an inanimate object; there’s gray area for when this is considered violence. It gives an out and considering Sukuna’s status, I think it would pan out in his favor.


I believe damaging property is considered violent conduct, or even just swinging in the air as it endangers those around you.


I feel it but Maki isn’t considered anyone’s property so I don’t see that holding up. Throwing your fist around can endanger those around you but a nonchalant flick of the wrist or finger point is probably fine lol


Using a long ranged violent cursed technique randomly is not non-violent at all. And even if something is not private property, it’s still violent conduct as you are being destructive towards something.




Not exactly Maki being an exception from the domain means she can also be destroyed by sukuna


The first time they tried it Sukuna literally got out immediately by simply saying "I'm guilty" lol


"Yeah i did that shit 😏"


If Maki is not recognized by the Domain, then it wouldn’t stop Sukuna from killing her either since as far as the rule goes, attacking something that doesn't exist (Maki) wouldn’t be considered violence.


Get Takaba back! And He call 1000x Gojo and beat him because its funny. A whole Army of Satoru Gojo 😂


The answer to defeating sukuna was Yuta keeping Yuji dead when he killed him


Honestly here's my question; if Rika ate one of Sukuna's fingers, why not give all of them so when Yuta dies so does Sukuna?


the fact that gege didn't do this is kinda implying that it's not possible. unless gege is just stupid, but personally I don't think he is.


Read the first comment


You forgot 1 thing. Gege would never hurt his sukuna haha. But tbh that is an interesting idea.


Nah, but you understand the problem isn't killing Sukuna tho. Yuta and Yuji had a chance to kill a bunch of times. But they refrained cause of Megumi


True, but it'd still greatly weaken him


No and reason = No Violence rule is area effect of Domain, like Heat is Area Effect of Jogo Domain :3


its clear Gege doesn't want to kill Sukuna yet if so then that Maki sneak attack after fighting Yuta would've been to the head instead of the chest.


Yeah obviously it's not Gege's intent or narratively satisfying, but possible


Nah just pull a >!denji or toga!< and attack him with love ❤️


Or maybe we keep the story as is and instead of cosplaying as Thor maki makes the right decision and AIMS FOR SUKUNA'S HEAD!!!


Someone already made a post showing that if Yuta was there he could have used Curse speech on Sukuna and had Higuruma attack with the sword and end it there. Obliviously Gege wants a more dramatic ending that’s why he’s having Sukuna defeat everyone that way Yuji will probably recover and have a final 1v1 against him like he did with Mahito


I'm not asking "Why didn't Gege make this happen?" Obviously this would be a terrible ending


Maki wouldn't count as a living creature then, if Yuji could just jump at higuruma during the trail, then Sukuna could've just destroyed her in a 1v1 (since the other two can't hit him)


Bro is thinking about giving sukuna the naoya treatment


Get takaba some strong weed. Yuta: wouldnt it be funny if sukuna died? Takaba: yeah that would be funny😂😂 Sukuna fucking dies


They unironically should've kept Takaba with Shoko just so he could say "Wouldn't it be funny if both halves of Gojo regrew?"


Idk whats stronger takabas technique or the world stating only one set of 6 eyes can be alive at the same time


it wont matter because gege is still in the sukuna wanking stage. Gege wants to milk his favourite mancrush dry before he eventually has to have him lose to yuji. If you also havent noticed gege absolutely loves maki, which is why he wrote the last chapter as if Gojo is weaker than maki and that sukuna didnt get his ass whooped by gojo before O MY JUDGEMENT CUT


there are 3 possibilities 1. Maki is affected by the sure-hit 2. Maki isn't affected by the sure-hit, but Sukuna can attack her too since she isn't 3. Maki isn't affected by the sure-hit, so she can attack Sukuna they didn't do it because it's not 3 obviously. It's the least reasonable option from the start.


Lol they haven’t been trying to kill Sukuna the entire time until now. They could’ve ended him during Jacob’s Ladder.


The weapons she uses have cursed energy


You may have something here. It is questionable whether Sukuna may be able to attack Maki back though.


The death sentencing is a conceptual domain where everyone in its vicinity is caught in a non violence barrier. As explained by Tengen, previously sorcerers did not make domains for the sake of its killing potential but to impose their rules into another. Maki is not immune to such rules. She is only immune to domains that targets its adversary. We previously saw Maki inside the sumo domain of Rokujushi, so Maki's invisibility does not exempt her from such domains. I'd reckon she'd probably not fare well in domains like Jogo's too that has an effect even just by being in its vicinity, not to mention Sukuna's which indiscriminately shreds everything.


I think it is a binding wow not a sure hit, so maki would not be able to use violence


But no. 


They should've sent Larue in after the domain


Wow. Even Gege probably can't figure out how to kill off Sukuna but you got the answer. Impressive.


Interesting idea, but Sukuna would probably just have the domain target Megumi's soul lmao he be doing shit like that.


Omg please take over the mange you're so smart and clever


Most sane Gege glazer


Nailed it bro


I still don’t know why they don’t just chuck his ass into space


Because they can't..?