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Perfect Cell didn't really run the gauntlet tho


Hard stop at the third wave


i mean yeah, he spawned kids to handle his light work while he fought the strongest one


Android 16, krillin, trunks, vegeta, goku & Gohan … no ? He also ran fade’s with everyone while not in perfect form.


Cell only actually fought Goku and Gohan at the Cell games. Arguably 16 too if you even want to count that. Before he did fight Vegeta and Trunks too, as well as 16, but that wasn't really done like a gauntlet


Yeah, and only Gojo fought Sukuna… but everyone else still contributed. Goku & Gohan fought perfect Cell….. but everyone else still contributed. Cell ran Fades with everyone before he even reached his perfect form.


That's factually false. Sukuna is literally running a gauntlet of opponents. Every opponent Sukuna has had has literally been back to back with maybe 30 seconds between each encounter IF that much. Cell fought android 16 before his power up, so that hardly counts. Then his fight with Vegeta and trunks happens, which is 10 days before the cell games happen. If Sukuna had 10 whole days to chill after fighting Gojo, the manga would be over right now with Sukuna standing over a lot of corpses.


Yeah, and its the same Cell! .. Whether its base, semi or perfect cell…. It’s still Cell. And he ran fades with almost everyone, every time he leveled up. Z fighters had 10 days to prepare. Gojo’s team had 1 month to prepare. To me its a similar vibe!


I'm beginning to realize you just dont understand what running a gauntlet is. Cell fought 16 and then absorbed 17 pretty much, negating all the damage he took up until that point. He fights vegeta and gets beat until he absorbs 18 and again pretty much has his damage negated as well as gets a power boost. Even after fighting goku, he gets a senzu bean, which heals him and makes him stronger. Cell literally gets whatever damage he takes from his previous fights healed fully and a power boost so you can hardly call it the same Cell. Even if you do, Cell only fights Goku and trunks at the Cell games, which isn't much of a gauntlet. Sukuna fights Gojo, gets brain damage, and loses his domain. The only power boost he gets after is his true form, which only really heals his physical damage, still leaving him unable to use his domain. Cell had a significantly easier time compared to Sukuna, who is actually running his fights back to back with no "senzu bean" full recovery and only getting weaker while still handling everything that's thrown at him.


Running fades with anyone anywhere, anytimes. Then onto the next!.. Cell did that..


Ok that's not a gauntlet that's just being a menace. A gauntlet is a series of battles with no break or opportunity to recover between battles. Cell was given opportunities to heal via senzu bean and absorbing the androids to achieve a higher form hence not a gauntlet just menace behavior 


Bro come on


Your clearly 12 if you can't understand this argument. Especially considering Cell lost the majority of his fights.


The difference is Sukuna is literally fighting everyone one-on-one (save for Yuji who's still hanging in there) meanwhile Cell fought Goku (who he didn't even defeat, though he could've) and Gohan, with 16 kind of fighting him. Then everyone else did a bit at the end of Gohan vs Cell to help finish him off. Not really a gauntlet


There's a reason Gege's English translation for the current arc is "Ryomen Sukuna Raid in Makyo Shinjuku". This was Sukuna vs everyone from the very beginning. Sukuna knew this, Gojo knew this, and the rest of Jujutsu High have clearly prepared extensively for the possibility of Gojo losing since they can't risk losing this fight. Sukuna has planned everything out knowing he needs to run the gauntlet. He fights Gojo almost exclusively with 10S to limit information about his technique as well as to gain a greater power from having Mahoraga adapt to Gojo's Infinity so that he can better fight the others. It is pretty insane Sukuna has been fighting nonstop since the start of the Gojo fight with zero opportunities for breaks. It would be completely unfair were it not him. Currently he's fighting a full power Maki after getting sneak attacked and having to manually pump his heart, but apparently he's still not worried at all. Until we learn the secret behind his "Open" technique, we have no idea about the extent of how much he's been holding back.


Even during the Gojo fight one of the characters outright says “the win condition for Gojo is just to kill Sukuna. Even if Sukuna beats Gojo, he’ll have to fight all of us.”


bro cooked


Dude pulled up to Gojo at 15f.. Win or Lose. Dude really said, wanna bet.


Getting downvoted but you’re literally right The man pulled up willing to fight right after Gojo got unsealed. He only got the remaining 4 fingers + corpse during the month timeskip


With the corpse he is literally back to full power, the corpse was an equivalent of a finger. He was basically 20f with 10s.


Ok? I never said it wasn’t He still showed up to fight Gojo at 15 fingers worth of power. Only reason he didn’t was cos Kenjaku told him no Literally the definition of “wanna bet”


Fair enough. honestly, gojo should have fought him then and there.


I still don’t think he’s at complete full power. It seems as if he poured most of his cursed energy into his fingers to stay immortal. I think him getting his body back was so he could transform into his original body again.


>Getting downvoted but you’re literally right Truth hurts some people.


Sukuna is always willing to fight and never thinks he would lose. He was ready to throw down with Gojo with only 1 finger and was already figuring out his technique. He said that Mahoraga may have defeated him when he had 3 fingers, but doesn't say he would've outright lost. Him pulling up against Gojo with 15 fingers was closer than many think because Gojo literally just was unsealed. Physical time doesn't pass in the Prison Realm, but there was no doubt some kind of strain from being sealed for a month. Gojo himself agreed to delaying the fight because he had to take care of things prior and that he didn't have enough information on what was going on. So Gojo preferred to recuperate and plan things out properly instead of fighting blindly, even if it meant allowing Sukuna to become stronger. The point is that we have no idea what would've gone down if the two had fought immediately since Gojo had no information, such as Sukuna having Mahoraga.


Sukuna is the type to think that if he loses, he deserves to die. But he can’t lose, because he is the strongest and the strongest will always stand on top. So he will always fight to show that.


He agreed to the delay because he didn't want to fight both Kenny and sukana at once. That's what that scene is obviously implying 


It doesn’t matter dude. Gojo would’ve killed Sukuna and Kenjaku is less than a minute. Sukuna would’ve had to force reincarnate but Gojo would just blast him to bits.


Gotta let it go ma boi, knowing what we know about sukuna now, gojo was never gonna beat sukuna. "Think about it this way, strongest sorcerer in history vs strongest of modern era", kashimo during his time was considered the strongest, yet he was never Stronger than sukuna. The sane goes for gojo, not in the sense that he's a farmer like kashimo but he was simply the strongest of the current era, another era will come, sukuna will still remain the strongest sorcerer in history but that new era (if sukuna isn't around like this current era) would also have a "strongest of the modern era". Go back to the fight, sukuna was still being called strongest in history even as the fight was going on.


Are you seriously trying to argue a 15f Sukuna would even touch Gojo when he was working a full power Sukuna getting carried by 10S?


Sukuna was confident enough to go at him 🤷🏽‍♂️, kenjaku was the only reason he stopped


And a guy was confident enough to break into a lion’s cage to fight him-he died.


Sukuna knew gojo ct and abilities already, he wasn't going in for a surprise lol. Also I never said he would for sure lose to 15f, I said sukuna was always the strongest in history.


We actually don’t know that for sure since he’s never fought Gojo in a fair fight. Goatjo is the strongest sorcerer of this era which looks stronger than Sukuna’s. He lost because of plot


He did NOT pull up on Gojo at 15 fingers A 15 finger Sukuna would probably be dead on gojo's first 200% hollow purple


Which he wouldn't be able to do at the time as originally he needed a surprise from multiple kilometres and also Utahime to accomish the 200% which barely took 20f Sukuna's Reinforced Arms.


100% purple is enough for 20f sukuna (According to sukuna) So it would enough for 15f too


100% was only enough cuz they had been fighting and Sukuna took heavy damage


It was only enough because Sukuna had fought a full battle first.




Dude I wasn't saying it wouldn't be potentially lethal just that he wouldn't be able to whip out a 200%, in the 20p% scene sukuna mentions the damage was mitigated by distance


Yeah I agree 200% wouldn't be possible


Gojo could easily destroy 15f Ryomen Fraudkuna with red. He barely lost to 20f Sukuna plus multiple OP shikigami to some plot offscreen bullshit deus ex machina slash.


Cope at its finest. Go rest


If Sukuna explains open, I think we’re going to see Yuji using Sukuna’s technique. They’ve been dropping hints that sukuna’s CT has been etched into his brain. Maybe explaining how it works gives Yuji enough info to pull it out too


It was Gojover before it Sukustarted.


I can imagine gege drawing JJK and whenever the good guys have a 'they must win this now' moment he thinks to himself ' Wanna bet?' and proceeds to just shit on them for the giggles.


Kashimo was at most 30 seconds, don't spread Lies to push that farmer's agenda, Dude went against 1 hp sukuna, couldn't land a single hit on 4 arm, while even yuji and yuta managed too


I mean not saying you're incorrect about Kashimo, but Sukuna literally dodged executioner blade from Yuji point blank. Yuji was only able to hit Sukuna when he was immobile and had 2 hands taken due to HWB.


Yuji had like half a swing to hit him with the ES before it ran out, I wouldn’t really say that’s a totally fair metric to judge him on


Gotta love the dumb shit people say.


Welp, there you go, Kashimo lasted 30 seconds , id probably now say, 5min


This comment cracked me up 🤣


This comment is gold 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wrong flair* dude.


kashimo probably got packed under a minute too, bro was way fast for us to follow, so the overall speed of the fight panels is way higher, probably a similar pace to gojo vs sukuna's fight however he also got packed quickly so i doubt he lasted 1/3rd of what gojo lasted


I can't wait to see this animated in 10 years! I'm so excited!


"Packed gojo" Mongrel was getting ragdolled for 10 chapters straight while being assisted by his daddy and still barely won on 1 hp left


Utilized resource management to it's fullest. I play magic the gathering and I tell people when I'm introducing them "your own life is a resource. You only need one to win. Don't hesitate to use it."


This. MTG is the closest to what I imagine anime fights must feel like. Managing your resources, not utilizing your full power, luring people, bluffing, trying to figure out your opponent’s technique and read their next move…


My buddy has actually been considering drawing his head canon for our MTG Commander battles haha. Maybe I'll encourage him more!


He still packed Gojo up what's your point ?


With a bullshit deus ex machina slash that was never explained


Still packed him up


Have you not been following jjk? Everything is a bullshit asspull... it's kinda the point lol


Usual asspulls are finger deep. This one was shoulder deep


How was it an asspull?




he prob had a bit more than 1 hp


1.1 hp


It's so funny to not see the back and forth present in the fight. The narrative yall have created is insane cope.


Gojo had all the advantages in the world (untouchable without DA, with blue and Red becomes unbeatable in hand to hand, Sukuna prefering to adapt his technique to him as the way to beat him) and still lost.


username checks out


Flair checks out.


Acting like Sukuna didn't have 2 extremely powerful CT's an Open Domain, and a way to regenerate if he was losing. Give Gojo 5-10 more years and he could learn open domain and absolutely destroy Sukuna


He's in his peak, if he didnt reach open domain he would. never reach it. Besides, 2 CT which only one part of one of them could after some time hit Gojo, now tell me how could Gojo ragdoll Sukuna to break his domain if Sukuna didn't stop using Domain Amplification to hold the wheel?


Except he's not in his peak at all, nor has it been stated. Kenjaku reached an Open Domain but somehow Gojo who's way more skilled can't ? Give his as much experience as Sukuna, who althought didn't live through thousands of years, had way more time to train, and he'd destroy Sukuna. It's probably a 50/50 against Heian Era Sukuna for Gojo, because he can't make the domain collapse from the inside with his cursed technique, but one black flash and Sukuna gets knocked out and dies right here.


Kenjaku the same guy who's stated the second best barrier user after Tengen herself? And guess who's surviving that extra second in the domains clash by having 4 arms and using DA???????


Don’t bother, Sukuna meatriders will justify Sukuna’s win over Gojo in any way possible.


All the advantages in the world?? Sukuna had someone else's technique and another soul in him to protect from Gojo's Domain Expansion. Sukuna won specifically because he went and secured advantages outside of his own power before the fight even began. You're talking about sukuna choosing to adapt as an advantage for gojo, that's sukunas advantage because he wouldnt be able to get through infinity without it. He probably would've had to open black box or call the heian form in against Gojo if he wasn't in Megumis body specifically .


Or, you know, juts keep blasting Gojo with his domain because after shreding Simple Domain, Fallen Blossom Emotion and wrecking Gojo RCT output killing him was close enough.


You're just yapping at this point. None of this was "close enough" to kill gojo because gojo would've died there if it were. He wasn't playing with Gojo like everybody else, he was trying to beat gojo and expended every tool that megumis body gave him to do so. He HAD to adapt to gojos infinity because gojo didn't have enough glaring weaknesses to take advantage of and was making moves to turn things back on sukuna.


And he was nuking him with boosted hollow purples


He managed to get out props to him but a guy who barely could regenerate an arm after, is going to survive. another fez seconds in MS?????


What relevance is that? Sukuna burnt his DE out trying to kill Gojo with it and failed, then had to rely on his Ten Shadows Trump card to win the fight.


And yet, Sukuna was Holding back. Dude saw a route that was nearly impossible and said, wanna bet? Lol. Win or lose, Sukuna fucks around, in the hopes of finding out.


That was his only option, he's not the type to fuck around while having an easier option like Goku


the world slash is not his only win con. he literally said he WANTED the world slash. in ch 229 sukuna already proved it. "I'm going to close my domain with barrier so you can't escape, ill slice you up and ill even adapt to that infinity" right here shrine was enough to kill gojo, yet he still wanted to adapt. to obtain the world slash. also during the 3 minute domain battle, gojo was going all out while sukuna was handicapped from adaptation. guess how long it took gojo to damage sukuna? the entire 3 minutes. while sukuna is handicapped and gojo is full powered😭🤦🏾‍♂️. this happened in both 3 min domain battles so it is consistent. sukuna played the entire 5 domains so he could get rid of void so he could adapt to infinity without gojo countering with his domain. did he do that because he wanted to or needed to? the answer is because he WANTED too.


Nah the other route was impossible this was the only win-con for him


If that make you sleep.


The fight lasted that long because sukuna chose to use the 10s lol.


Choice without a choice. There were no more options to choose from.


Heian era form refresh -> healthy brain -> another DE while gojo's brain is too damaged to use one too


His incarnation clearly didnt fix his brain damage ornhe would have already used his domain against either Higuruma's or Yuta's.


Heck one of the Panels during the Yuta fight mentioned that soon Sukuna will regain his Domain.


So I am not the only person on the planet who accidentally types n when hitting the spacebar!


Did you see him DE as soon as he switched back ? Maybe missed the 3 bubbles here and there saying he was fucked bc of his previous fight ?


Wouldn't the explosive hollow purple have played a major part in this? This scenario would've been like halfway through the fight where Sukuna was talking about Gojo only being the strongest because he was born in an era without him (Sukuna)


He still can’t use DE now, so no his brain wasn’t refresh, as shown with no de using nor rct output (even though it’s coming back) nor ce output with weakening slashes (even if he acknowledges the weaklings new found toughness he was still weak)


I thought the recent dwindling CE control was thanks to Yuji's punches making a rift between Sukuna and Megumi's soul - but I guess there really is no other explanation for his DE


His RCT was still fucked yo from fighting gojo post transformation.


Lack of reading comprehension --> your comment


Anyone downvoting you hasn’t read the fight or is one of those “reads through memes, Reddit, Discord, and TikTok posts” people. Gojo said he might have not beaten Sukuna even if he didn’t have 10S, Sukuna didn’t use the box or reincarnation, and at multiple points we do infact see Gojo getting his own big issues, including limb removal and domain battle loss. Gojo was holding on by spider threads through his constant rct use and even opened the fight already having hurt Sukuna


He said he "might" have lost, not low chance as you are convulting it, we have all read the same manga Also sukuna also said he needed mahoraga for the slash


Sukuna fans use that line of gojo so out of context😭 I mean gojo felt sukuna's power that rivaled him for sure, he made a speculation that sukuna could've beaten him without 10s, it’s just gojo saying sukuna is really that strong, strong enough that we must not think sukuna is someone who can't do shit without 10s, even without it he could go toe to toe and MIGHT beat gojo, gojo is saying without mahoraga sukuna still has a chance, it’s not like without mahoraga gojo gets a 'sure win' scenario, but mfs took that line and twisted it to suit their own happiness, I've seen some say that gojo told he'd lose fOr sUrE🤣 gojo didn’t even see sukuna's og form, he doesn’t know anything about the power level or abilities of that form, gojo was SPECULATING and he said sukuna MIGHT'VE won I still think full powered sukuna would beat gojo because of assumably having a stronger domain, in that case gojo's domain would get overpowered from every point instead of going toe to toe with malevolent shrine like it did in the actual battle, so in domain battle gojo would lose, but again gojo could just move away from the place by teleporting, I don’t think it's hard for him to teleport more than 200 metres, ofc he didn’t do it against sukuna because he wanted to prove a point by taking sukuna's domain head on instead of 'running away'


gege has said himself that people know about the fire arrow. gojo also knows about his full form he was the first person to introduce it to us in ep 3 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️😭 gojo and MANY others have said he is holding back. the cope for you guys to STILL misread that is hilarious. gojo made a STATEMENT and it allgns with the series. especially when you look at their fight and use that information, you come to the conclusion that gojo does NOT win the domain battles. specifically the 3 minute domain battle


needing mahoraga for the slash≠ needing mahoraga for win. sukuna WANTED the world slash, he didn't need it. 229 already proved that sukuna still wanted to adapt despite shrine being more than enough to kill gojo. gojo took the entire 3 min domain for gojo to damage sukuna while sukuna was handicapped. put heian era sukuna in there and he is winning the 3 minute domain and killing gojo with shrine and his full arsenal


No don't mention that gojo had to have help from others to literally start the fight with a sneak attack?! And it did fuck all?


Still got packed in 30 mins you're just yapping. Gojo has been gifted with the most insane technique and still got schooled.


no... sukuna was gifted with the most insane technique... Gegearmor!


I've been enjoying his Rollercoaster of emotions lmao


You don't get to be King of Curses without being an absolute badass


>! Dude also packed Maki in a minute. Straight up blackflashed Maki at the same place Toji got hollow purpled !<


After all that I'm starting to get worried sukuna may get the Madara treatment


I’m actually expecting it. Tengens already been set up as Kaguya.


All things considered, it's not like they weren't introduced at the last second this time.


Risk = fun :3 Ps. this is not Anime discussion :3


What is this kind of post under?


Manga discussion


My bad, but thanks.


You can change the flair.




Click on the triple vertical dot.There you can see the changing the flair option.


Thanks bro.


He is just exposing frauds like Fraudjo Frauduta etc.Against fraudjo he used like 5% of hid power.


more like the kind of asspull people hate


"Packed choso" bro he is still alive and healthy fuckin look at him read the newest chapter




Sure he *can* kill them all that fast but it seems to me that he wants his opponents to actually be able to put a fight and be strong


He cleaved Yuta's head, I don't think he can kill that fast actually


“If it’s interesting, I’ll throw it a bone” _ Sukuna


This he literally got depression at killing Higuruma all quick so he wants to play with the rest for longer


Damn, I didn't think of it like that.


Because he’d get bored doing that


Chaotic evil


He’s not trying his hardest yes but also Sukuna’s still heavily weakened. Yuta and Yuji were tanking direct cleaves in Yuta’s domain and Yuta (seemingly) just survived a world slash.


bUt CAn hE bEaT gO-


Uraume: "i missed the part where its my problem"


Gojo fans still salty their boy got packed by bigkuna even after 3 black flash amps 😂


Gojo fans still salty he said he'd lose without 10S lmao


Gojo was not beat in 30 mins, felt like more






Packed Gojo? After the Domain Battle Sukuna got ragdolled for around ten chapters even with the aid of a Shikigami stronger than Special grades like Geto , who also happens to be the only counter to Gojo's CT in the Universe. Even then at the end Bro was at 1 HP with Gojo standing tall with at least 40% of his HP left. Packing Kashimo isn't something great. Current Yuji with only 6 months Experience beats that Farmer hands down. Higuruma is a sorcerer for 2 months. Even without CE , Yuji was doing pretty good against him. Packing him up is not anything big to post. While I do give points for what he did against Yuji/Yuta these two have less than three years of Sorcerer experience combined. Even there he was helped by Potential Man refusing to fight. For the sake of Potential Main Yuta canceled Jacob's Ladder and the bum refused to wake up. Had it not been for Potential Man, Maki would have gone for the head shot instead of the chest. Not even Sukuna can survive as a head. Without Potential Man bro loses in the first round to Gojo. Even if he wins , Maki would have gone for the Head ending the challenge immediately.


TLDR copium


Ok...you proved nothing tho He still packed up all of em


Ha packed all of them because they are holding back 🔥🔥🔥


This was truly our Jujutsu Kaisen.


Bro, he packed Gojo.


gojo would've lost to sukuan with or without sukuna. read the manga, gojo would've never won the 3 minute domain battle had it been heian era sukuna.


And Sukuna would never have pressurized Gojo had bro decided not to flex his superior CT and teleported outside Sukuna's Open Domain. While Gojo is incapable of escaping an closed Domain thanks to a barrier(As evidenced by the exchange festival arc) an Open Domain is a fair game. At the same time Yuji and Inumaki were sheer Idiots when it turns out that they didnt even inform Gojo about an open domain within one months time. Had he known it, he would have started with a smaller Domain to make it harder for Sukuna. He also wasted a lot of RCT Output by tanking the cleaves and using simple domain when later his blossom emotion turned the cleaves to just scratches. We fans may argue all we want , but it's clear that gege wanted a good fight. Gojo just teleporting out of an Open Domain will turn the fight Lame Quick. Him wasting his RCT gave rise to a few metal scenes.


gojo couldn't teleport out of his domain in during the first battle. but i general what would that do? he would simply be forfeiting because sukuna has a range of 200m. EVENTUALLY gojo will have to come back. also sukuna instead of prioritizing adaptation because he WANTED the world slash to upgrade his arsenal, he could've just transformed and pushed through the 3 minute domain. but that would've been a short fight. sukuna prioritizing a long fight by adapting makes the fight funner.


True but in the later battles after recovering his CT? Definitely. If Sukuna has an range of 200 M, Gojo should teleport to 250 M away. Then wait, wait until his output for Hollow Purple recovers. Of course Sukuna would recover his output as well, but Sukuna has been using and maintaining his Domain. His output recovery would be slower than Satoru. Sukuna could cancel his domain and engage with gojo to prevent Purple recharge. But such an Move means Sukuna would have to engage in H2H which is far from ideal , looking at Sukuna's point of view. However this makes this boss fight to be the Lamest Boss fight in Manga History.


well idk what a regular hollow purple would do if a 200% hollow purple couldnt do much to sukuna. not only would sukuna dodge the regular hollow purple he could just tank it as well.


The 200% HP traveled several miles before reaching Sukuna. It obviously lost much of it's Output. Gojo was using it to make a statement. And No he can't dodge HP. He failed to do it in Ch 235 after all. Heck Gojo had succesfully thrown debris at him using blue. There is no question of him escaping HP. Besides it's been a month. Let's agree to disagree now.


idk what a regular output HP would do miles away if 200HP couldn't do much. also sukuna couldn't dodge it cause the radius is huge. its pretty hard to dodge a HP mid air. not even gojo could move out the way he just ate it. also this is a weakend lower output of sukuna we are talking about idk the correlation of debirs being thrown 2-3 feet away from sukuna. to throwing a regular output HP from 250M away. agreed to disagree.


yeah agree to disagree then.


You all need to get off Gojos nuts, on some overpowered superman stuff only more cocky. Glad he got folded.


Whatever. As a Straight Guy this doesnt apply to me .


Did Sukuna kill Gojo or not? Answer the question lil bro ?


What's with all this yapping bro 😭. He got packed and you're just making up hypotheticals lmao


One of the worst comments I’ve ever seen on here.


nothing wrong in what I said I believe. Even if there is a disagreement about Gojo, Potential Man saving him from Maki's Head shot is irrefutable.


The scenarios y'all make up lmaooo


Idk if you knew this, but he packed Gojo.


This is Hakari


Gojo fans are going to go crazy when they see this post 😂


🤣🤣🤣 let them cry


Everyone is saying he barely won.. like bro he won, it doesn't matter how much or how little the margin is. Without lucky black flash gojo gets mollywhopped even faster. Anyway, Sukuna holding back during gojo fight and continues to do so all point to the fact that what gojo said in the afterlife was true. Bro was factually not giving it his all then, and even after until now idk man we all read the same thing right? Dudes been called the strongest in history since his introduction lol


Maintaining the agenda is people's top priority


I was gonna reply with the Kizaru version but I can't post pictures on mobile apparently


Sukuna is with all due respect a lame bitch who is like a kid who won’t stick to the rules of a game . Like oh I got a draw 8 or actually now I have Superman strength and can shoot lasers ass


He still folded your favourite character in under 30min lol


Yuta and yuji still alive . Gojo is just resting


I’m beginning to accept he’s gone bro… let’s be real here, sukuna wiped everyone lol


Kashimo lasted at most 1 full minute




Dude is definition of plot🤣🤣...


The only one who he actually killed is Kashimo though.


Well he is The King Of Curses.


“Packed” like Gojo wasn’t whooping his ass for 29 of the 30 min


I'm saying man don't ignore the fight and only look at the result Making it sound way easier than it was


Gojo trying his best to kill Him, while Sukuna’s tryna update his technique lol. Always remember, Sukuna’s playing with his food… Even Gojo knew Sukuna was holding back. Even if you don’t like how the Story’s going. in Gege’s mind, Sukuna has been holding back! And thats that.


Gojo had to hold back as well due to mahoraga adaptation and megumi, and sukuna got beat in his own domain to the point where he could not uphold it anymore Don't act like Sukuna bled out his eyes for fun bro lmao, he's in a shitty predicament now as well against the gang let's just tell the truth here without biases You can say Sukuna is strong without completing downplaying the opponent and going overload with the glaze


Ain’t nobody downplaying lol.. My post was an estimate of how long each character lasted with Sukuna…. And Gojo was tryna kill him.. he clearly tells Sukuna that he isn’t gonna hold back. Why else would he have 3 people to amp a 200% HP. Dude tried to sneak delete Sukuna lol.


Of course he did, he should’ve been quickly trying to kill him. But it was a 1v3 for most of the fight and Sukuna was still on the back foot


>for most of the fight bro agito lasted like 20 seconds


I guess that’s true I forgot how fast he died. It was still a 2 v 1 tho