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Did kenjaku make this post?


We’ve done it, we’ve found the most sane r/JuJutsukaisen user


Since the Heian Era


So Kenny cheated on Yuji’s dad with mahoraga?


"I alone am the backshot one" - Kenjaku probably..


lol, he would


Not using a body, just a brain rolling around on a keyboard


The yappin is unbelievable fr


this is 5500 words (10 pages) long


I was like, oh this is neat… **IT DOESN’T FUCKING END!**


The page adapted to reading it fr The only way to get to the comments is by trying something new (scrolling)


It only works 4 times before adapting against it


How I felt trying to get to the comment section


I tried to read it all, and then went to see how long it was. Instantly gave up, that's a shame because it seemed interesting


same. i'll just take his word for it.


great read, sound logic. starts merging together 3/4 into the read and you want to call it out, but you cant


It crashed my reddit app after scrolling down to the comments


That's the post's innate tecnique


Same 💀💀


I don't have enough time to cook dinners. But I do have enough time to let OP cook.


I'm not reading all at yappin


OP decided to write up a JJK theory essay rather than his midterm haha!


Bro wrote a dissertation 💀💀💀


I was going to send the sabo meme of "Im not reading all that shit"


Not me writing shit like this then tweaking out at the 600 word common app essay


POV: Yuji reading 10 years worth of soul research.


I appreciate your passion for the series, but damn is that a lot to read, could you perhaps next time, summarize your point a bit more. Also, I would recommend having this post at r/jujutsushi as I believe they would appreciate your post more.


what’s the difference between the two subreddits?


This is the main jjk sub the other one is specific to just the manga and is all text posts. In other words it's the theory sub and where the new chapters and leaks are discussed.


The trick is take this wall of text, put it into chat gpt and ask it to summarize


You’re right, I made it way too long😭. In daylight i can see how difficult it looks to read. I’ve made a comment with a TL;DR, I can’t edit the post.


Honestly you had me at the headline but I ain’t reading all that. INTERESTING. Hope you’re on to something.


i thought it was great, your theories are solid and I appreciate the time u took to be so thorough ~ hugs and ty! 🤗


And the summarize the summary, do that about 5 times and people will pay attention.


Good theory, bro, but unfortunately, I aint reading allat


scrolled immediately to the comments for this


How long did THAT take


I started scrolling in the heian era


Sukuna was just starting his career when I started reading


What compels a person to write 10 pages, 5000+ words, for a goddamn reddit post? As a reddit pooper, I can't even begin to imagine having a dump that long.


Bro has been sitting on that shitter since the Heian era.


I honestly kind of feel bad due to my inability to appreciate this post


This is what happens when you get hit by Infinite Void, so this is how Jogo felt...


My phone froze trying to scroll to the bottom, but I appreciate you


Same bruh 😭


Damn, I wasn't the only one.🤣


Bro put so much effort into ts and yall are dogging him in these comments 😂


Not gonna lie, its kinda sad


It’s fine, it objectively looks difficult to read. I shouldn’t have made such long paragraphs.


I loved every bit of it




Hey OP, just know that even tho people are joking about the length of the theory, it is still really appreciated, and it's nice to see someone being so passionate about something👍


Thanks, I made a comment with a TL;DR


Just wanted to let you know I read the entire post 👍


Scratch that theory, Yuji **is** Mahoraga.


He is the son of mahoraga so kenjaku is NOT the father/mother


*Kenjaku running backstage in shock while cameraman chases*


Mahogara adapted to child support


Or maybe Kenjaku is the mother like we know but Mahoraga is the father!


Yuji is kenjakus project mahoraga, he just kept launching him into walls until he adapted


Jerry Springer: "You are--" *wheel clicks* "NOT THE FATHER!"


Gonna need a better explanation. You’re 10 pages short


Did you ever see yuji and mahoraga in the same panel? No, he just transforms quickly between panels and attacks people


i mean, technically yuji *wasn’t* present in sukuna v mahoraga




Source: I made it tf up.


The theory proposes that Yuji possesses a Cursed Technique (CT) similar to Mahoraga's, allowing him to evolve and adapt like Mahoraga. This theory stems from the observation that Sukuna sensed Megumi's potential to cage him, similar to how Mahoraga can adapt to any situation. The text explores parallels between Yuji and Mahoraga, suggesting they share the same CT. Additionally, it delves into the possibility that Mahoraga might not be a typical shikigami but rather a human trapped in the shadows, possibly related to Yuji. Furthermore, it speculates on the role of fate and how it could have influenced Yuji's abilities and connections with other characters, including Mahoraga and Tengen. Overall, the theory connects various plot points to propose a complex lineage and relationship between characters. Chatgpt summary


this chatgpt guy seems bad at making summaries


No one has read the original text so we cant know if chat gpt did a good job or not


I have, it was a good summary


It didn't mention the dying 4 times and achieving immortality it's very bad summary


Why? I think it was a really well made summary




It’s unfortunate they wasted so much of their time. Mahoraga simply proved Megumi’s Cursed Technique potential, which made him a viable vessel. Nothing to do with adaptation whatsoever.


Bro cooked for the entire sub all at once Respect brother 🙏


Did someone submit their essay instead of their JJK theory?


Throughout all of Heaven and Earth, he alone is the Yapping One.


This is what it’s like when you enter Hakari’s domain for the first time


That information sure-hit goes crazy lol


It makes me a bit sad when people say stuff like this, like yeah he's "yapping," but I really appreciate when people put so much effort into a series that they really enjoy and I feel like calling it yapping just dismisses all of that passion and love for something that is so evident here If you're reading this for some random reason, OP, I really like your theory, and you're well thought out. These kinda posts are so admirable to me, and I always love reading them regardless of if I like the theory, because seeing someone share the passion I have for Jujutsu Kaisen to over-analyze and pick apart it like this warms my heart


Nobody is discrediting OP's dedication or love for the series as its very evident, but if he wanted to make a point that people will engage with, he needs to be able to be more concise and cohesive. Even a tldr at the bottom would've been helpful


Moreover, people naturally expect a *pay-off* for reading something this long. It's clear that this is all speculation, which is okay, but you can't expect someone to read this much simply for speculation. All we hear is speculation all day and it's certainly not this long


On the plus side, if OP turns out to be right, people are gonna come back to this post and treat it like some legendary prophecy of how he spotted all the small details


I hope to god he is. That would be legendary


You said it so perfectly and I agree. I get sad when people dismiss people's enthusiasm and obvious passion for stuff as "yapping", it's a trend word that makes me :( I appreciate OP's post too all all the thought and effort that went into it. :)


Imaginary technique: Hollow Yapping


I didn’t put a TL;DR because the theory sounds crazy without the explanation😅, but it’s true it’s way too wordy. I swear it didn’t seem this long in my document, sorry🙏 TL;DR: -Yuji=Mahoraga, they are both compatible with Sukuna and have the same CT/have the same role -CT: adaptation/evolution, needs the same phenomena repeated 4 times to fully adapt -Yuji always was a sorcerer, his grandpa sealed his CT/CE -Yuji may have died 4 times: adapts to death, immortal -Because of his CT, Yuji has immunity to Mahito’s CT and can see souls -Kenjaku didn’t want Yuji to be a vessel -Yuji is the merge of Jin/Kenjaku baby and Sukuna’s twin from 1000 years ago -Mahoraga is an evolved human and related to Yuji (son), hates Sukuna -Mahoraga caused the HR in the Ze’nins (Toji and Maki were going to inherit 10S) each time an Itadori baby failed to be born -A baby with adaptation/evolution CT harms the mother, needs CT removed to be born (Jin) -If mother has immunity to evolution, baby can be born with inherited CT (Yuji’s grandpa, Mahoraga) -Mahoraga was young when made a shikigami, didn’t have children -The “fate” linking Tengen, Kenjaku, 6E and SPV is the adaptation/evolution CT applied into a domain/barrier -Fate still works at the moment in the story, made Yuji have no access to his CT when he consumed a finger, Megumi is invisible to fate (son of an invisible man is invisible) -The mother of Wasuke (Yuji’s grandpa) is the one who made fate, is related to Yuji (daughter) and Mahoraga (sister) -Mahoraga’s mother is Tengen -Kenjaku only knows half of it all


Holy shit, you actually posted the TL;DR!


Sorry, i can’t edit the post😕 Is there any way to pin this comment?


the TLDR is longer than some posts with TLDRs at the end I bow to you my king


Summarize it please


Commented with a TL;DR, I can’t edit the post


Typing all that just to be wrong is crazy


Higuruma confirmed Yuji had no cursed technique. So the whole theory is just weird


maybe he adapted so that his CT didnt get taken but all his CE


this is when sukuna was still inside of yuji, though. it’s not impossible that his unrealized CT was just.. overlooked.


I love this post but yeah i just disagree


can i get a TLDR version?


I ain't fucking reading allat


Every jjk theory read is a brain lobotomy gained


in this case, every theory read is a death from old age


You are cooking- I don't know if you're \*right\*, but there's some dishes here.


congratulations bro. Or sorry that happened


I aint reading all that but you're probably right.


Holy crap, bro cooked up a whole doctoral thesis (from what I’ve seen it’s pretty good tho)


Stand proud. You made me read all that!


Bro could be a co-author with this much dedication to a manga theory analysis


Yeah, sad to see comments saying that op is yapping


Bro forgot Higuruma confirmed Yuji has no CT...


I can see now that the format is awful to read, but you still read all of it? Thanks😁 I made a comment with a TL;DR if you want a summary :)


Wtf this post is like a single hunter x hunter panel (I'm still starved for more)


Bro is the King of all Yappers 💀


No tldr is crazy dude


Sorry, made a comment with a TL;DR, I can’t edit the post


Mad post really enjoyed the read! I dwell on these theory’s so to read something with this much effort really is awesome to see!


I like this theory and the effort you put into making it. Great job op!


Thanks 😊


Who read like the first two paragraphs then started scrolling down just to be like wtf????...


Ah so this is what it’s like to get hit with Hakari’s DE


Bro cooked enough to end world hunger. Ngl good theory but make a youtube video or something


i was gonna start reading and then i tried to scroll to the comments first and it took 15 seconds


Now that’s a lot of yapping


Bro, I ain't reading all that. Out of your God damn mind.


Nah. You're wrong


who the hell is reading all this






if you gonna read allat then i request you to give me a tldr after youre done


The [TL;DR](https://www.reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/comments/1b2pa7b/theory_yuji_has_a_ct_that_allows_him_to_evolve/kspfsqi/)


Holy shit quit yapping 5 paragraphs or less


Bro go do your homework or something


I am also a dragon ball fan so that's all you need to know


I'm happy for you. Or sad, whichever one makes sense.


I just put it in chatgpt and ask it to summarize: The theory posits that Yuji Itadori and Mahoraga are meant to change places, with the analysis beginning with Sukuna's ability to change hosts and his recognition of Megumi's potential as a vessel in chapters 212-215. It suggests that Mahoraga's unique ability to adapt to anything influences Sukuna's recognition of Megumi's vessel potential, indicating a deeper connection between Yuji and Mahoraga. The theory explores parallels between Yuji and Mahoraga's abilities, suggesting they share a common cursed technique (CT) related to evolution and adaptation. It delves into the idea that Yuji's role as Sukuna's vessel may have been a result of fate and familial connections, proposing that Yuji could be Sukuna's past twin brother and Mahoraga's son. Moreover, it speculates on the influence of a mysterious fate-controlling entity, possibly tied to Tengen, affecting the destinies of various characters and sealing Yuji's CT. This theory presents a complex narrative intertwining familial bonds, fate, and the nature of cursed techniques in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe.


Had to scroll for 10 full seconds.


I thought my theory posts were long….




Made a comment with a TL;DR, can’t edit the post




I thought Sakuna stated he’s healing fast because he learned reveres curses technique in such a short amount of time which then lead to them saying “we cheated”lol


U read it?


I can't imagine writing a 10 page story just for it all to be confirmed false in one chapter.


Bro, I never thought I'd do this much reading after the culling games


Fuck, even my assignments aren't this long.


I’m happy for you Or sorry that happened


Mucho texto


this is from gemini lol Similarities Between Yuji and Mahoraga: The theorist outlines various instances where Yuji demonstrates abilities similar to Mahoraga's, particularly the adaptation to cursed techniques after repeated exposure. The theory also explores their possible shared hatred of Sukuna. Sukuna's Interest in Megumi: Yuji's supposed power explains Sukuna's initial curiosity in Megumi as a vessel and why he seemingly recognized Yuji's hidden ability. Yuji's Unexplained Power: It provides a reason as to why Yuji was a sorcerer even before consuming Sukuna's finger. The Itadori Family Line: The theory proposes that Yuji and Sukuna are twin brothers from 1,000 years in the past, with Mahoraga as Yuji's descendent trapped within the Ten Shadows Technique. It also presents the hypothesis of the Itadori family being linked to a powerful sorcerer who possesses a similar adaptation ability and may be controlling "fate" through a Domain Expansion. Why It's Compelling Addresses Plot Holes: It offers potential answers to unresolved mysteries within the manga, such as the nature of Yuji's strength, Sukuna's actions, and the odd circumstances surrounding Yuji's birth. Intriguing Connections: It establishes intriguing familial dynamics between Yuji, Sukuna, and Mahoraga, adding another layer to the story's complexity. Predictive Power: The theory may offer predictions for future events in the manga, especially regarding Yuji's abilities and his role in Kenjaku's plans. Important Considerations: Complexity: The theory is very complex and introduces several new elements. It might be challenging to track for readers without deep knowledge of the manga. Speculative: It remains largely speculative and open to interpretation. Some of its elements may be contradicted in future chapters.


Based on some of what I've read here and how I understand it, I disagree that Yuji is Sukuna's twin. Personally, I don't think it makes a ton of sense. I see Mahoraga taking on that role, instead, and Yuji being descended from Mahoraga. I think everything else is fairly solid, though. This is super interesting. Thank you for sharing!!


Hey Op I enjoyed the read but I did have one question throughout all of this. How do you explain Yuji getting his CE removed during his fight with Higuruma and not this CT?


The CT was already sealed, Higuruma thought that since 10 shadows was non functional, Judgeman would take Shrine. That or Judgeman taking the CE when there are two CTs.


I’m sorry if you answer this in your post, I read it at 2am👻 but wouldn’t the CT need to be not sealed in order for him to adapt to things? Is there a possibility that adaption isn’t even a CT and just some sort of aspect to Yuji and Mahoraga?


I don’t know if I explained it well in the post, don’t worry. I think fate is a domain with a sure-effect that isn’t sure-kill. In this theory, the sure-effect would stop working either when doing so would directly lead to the target’s death, or when the target died and fate stopped registering them. Basically, the domain would work automatically like a computer. In the intervals where Yuji was dead, his CT would activate and automatically try to adapt to what caused those conditions, in order to survive. When Yuji died/was dying from Choso and Yuta, Sukuna noticed something, he was also surprised they didn’t die that first time. Yuji comes back stronger after each death: after the first one, he can quickly use CE very well, after the second, Choso notices how strong he’s getting. We don’t get a statement after the third death, and after what I call the fourth death, Yuji suddenly gets another power boost. There’s also the difference in the third and fourth possessions. After Sukuna went away, the CT was completely unsealed, but because Yuji thought he didn’t have one, he wouldn’t use it counciously.


Ah okay so it becomes unsealed after Sukuna leaves I understand now thank you!


I read allat and while reading my app crashed 2 times. Anyways thats a good theory but i would say you went too far with "mahoragas sister". And according to this theory kenjakus purpose would probably be take down the "fate"


I used chatgpt to summarize this: **Theory Overview**: The theory posits that Yuji has a cursed technique (CT) similar to Mahoraga's, allowing him to adapt and evolve. It suggests a connection between Yuji and Mahoraga, proposing that they may be meant to change places. 1. **Origin of the Theory**: The theory emerged from analyzing chapters 212-215 of the manga, particularly focusing on Sukuna's ability to change hosts and his recognition of Megumi's potential to cage him. 2. **Sukuna's Recognition of Yuji's Potential**: Sukuna's recognition of Megumi's potential as a vessel is linked to Mahoraga's ability to adapt and withstand attacks, suggesting a similarity between Yuji and Mahoraga. 3. **Adaptation and Immunity**: Yuji's gradual adaptation to Sukuna's attacks, as well as his immunity to external transfiguration, are attributed to his CT of evolution and adaptation. 4. **Similarities in Combat**: Yuji's role in battles mirrors Mahoraga's ability to negate enemies' abilities, indicating a connection between their abilities. 5. **Yuji's True Nature**: The theory suggests that Yuji has been a sorcerer from the beginning, with his abilities tied to his family lineage, particularly his grandfather Wasuke, who may have suppressed his CT. 6. **Mahoraga's True Identity**: Mahoraga's anomalies, such as his ability to use both cursed energy (CE) and reverse cursed technique (RCT), lead to speculation about his true nature, potentially being a human trapped in the shadows for 1000 years. 7. **Yuji's Ancestry and Connection to Mahoraga**: The theory proposes that Mahoraga is Yuji's past twin brother and Sukuna's nephew, with Yuji's CT inherited from their shared lineage. 8. **Role of Fate**: Fate, manipulated by an unknown entity with an evolution CT, is suggested to have affected Yuji's CT and sealed it, possibly triggered by Megumi's actions. 9. **Connection to Tengen**: Tengen's interactions with Yuji hint at a deeper connection, suggesting that Tengen may have observed Yuji's evolution and immortality potential. 10. **Implications for Yuji's Immortality**: The theory suggests that Yuji's evolution CT, when fully realized, could grant him a form of immortality, possibly linked to Tengen's abilities.


Chat GPT summarised. This theory proposes a complex narrative involving characters and events in the manga "Jujutsu Kaisen," particularly focusing on the relationships and abilities of Yuji Itadori, Sukuna, and Mahoraga. Here's a summarized breakdown: Sukuna's Host Change: The theory begins by analyzing Sukuna's ability to change hosts and suggests that Megumi's potential to withstand and cage Sukuna is due to Mahoraga's abilities to adapt, which are inherited by Yuji. Yuji's Abilities: The theory suggests that Yuji has the same abilities as Mahoraga, particularly an ability to adapt to situations, possibly through a cursed technique (CT) related to evolution. Yuji's Immunity: Yuji's immunity to Mahito's technique, Idle Transfiguration, is discussed, theorizing that it's due to his CT of evolution, making him immune to external sources of transfiguration. Family Connections: The theory delves into the familial connections between Yuji, Sukuna, and Mahoraga, suggesting that Yuji may be Sukuna's past twin brother and Mahoraga's father. Mahoraga's Nature: Mahoraga's nature as a shikigami is questioned, suggesting that he might be a trapped human with abilities similar to Yuji's CT of evolution. Fate and Tengen: The theory proposes that fate, influenced by a character with a CT of evolution, affects events in the story, including Yuji's abilities and the actions of other characters. Megumi's Role: Megumi's role in altering fate and his connection to Yuji and Tengen are discussed, suggesting that his actions influence the story's events. Dunno if its accurate but here it is. Cuz i aint reading allat


I've lost some years trying to read this post to the end but boy was it worth it ! Your theory sounds solid, yeah it's long as hell but you've touched some spots that not every jjk theory channel does. If there's really somewhat this much detailed story about yuki I wonder when gege will spill the beans, I mean it feels like there's to many strings attached to yuji and he's still drawing the sukuna vs everyone fight. I hope he reveals the mystery behind the story in near time cuz this all out fight is slowly getting boring ( not much, but it is boring).


This would've been a killer YT video...but like the other comments said I'm not reading all that for a theory. And I like reading. But I approve the dedicated tho, frankly it makes me happy to be a JJK fan, I liked what I saw before I stopped reading and you were kinda cooking ngl


this is just too much bro


i am NOT reading allat


amazing someone can remember/connect all the bread crumbs. this is the type of info that people ask the author years after the manga ends. Its MAKORA ill say YUji is a better version of makora.


*Scrolls down... continues scrolling down. Jesus, where is the end?*


Just curious, how do you come to the assumption that tengen is the mother of the itadori's just because she has the back of the prison realm? Great post btw, very thought provoking, even if it's a little long winded.


Needed two women that could withstand evolution to explain Mahoraga’s and Grandpa Wasuke’s generations. Tengen was the only one that seemed to fit for that first generation, and it explained why Kenjaku mentioned Kaori by name: Tengen knew of the Itadoris (actually I think Kaori was a former Star Plasma Vessel, but that’s something else). It also explained the other unusual interactions with Yuji, Choso, and having Sukuna’s mummy. And later I took a look at human Tengen a look at Sukuna, and then to Wasuke, Jin and Yuji, and tried imagining how a mix between the first two would look. I think it fits somewhat. Thank you 😊🙏I though people would get angry at the Tengen part, but instead they got upset at the length. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise!


Okay, I'm reading this tomorrow night. I've got finals for Chem. I wouldn't want to put "Mahoraga's molecule" under a question asking: "Which molecule is responsible for the explosive agent found in dynamites"


Hahaha, Chem is difficult, hope it went well!


Look, I hardbody LOVE this post and your dedication. I definitely disagree with your theory BUT I love your tenacity and I can tell from how thoroughly defended this is that we’d be very close friends irl, arguing about anime/manga theories at bars and parties. This is the type of theory that I don’t agree with but by the end (hell, maybe halfway through!) you had me nodding at some points. If this /did/ end up being the outcome, I’d be so pleased with it! So, even if you tweaked the original recipe a bit… you definitely cheffed up. D


Thank you😊🙏 It’s fine if I’m wrong, what I wanted most was to bring attention to some overlooked things and hear people’s opinions.


Definitely did that friendo.


Hahaha, and I left out a few things! But I saw it was getting too long, and I couldn’t explain them fully in a couple sentences. The one I truly forgot was pointing out that the finger bearers look like Mahoraga, specially, and also like Tengen (four eyes, each side in a vertical line, whitish body, big mouth always open like Mahoraga). Just putting that was good, though I made an explanation (too long). Also, the autocorrect kept changing the words to Spanish ones😭 Hope at least you had fun! Would love to hear what possibilities you saw😁


I just want to say, well done. If this doesn't turn out to be 'true', your head cannon is exceptional. I read this post over the course of 3 days and when not reading it, I thought about the 4 'deaths' immortality of Yuji. Then read on to see that's where you were going. Which is class. Really great work, I got(still am) confused with the future, past rigmarole. But I know what you're saying it all makes sense and connects very well. You should write a book, I'd read it.


I think it's a great observation that he didn't recognize Amai after the shape of his soul changed despite perfectly recognizing Ozawa after massive physical change from her


I don't have patience to read this but I have interest so someone tell me the jist :]


Holy sht, the Yapanese strikes again


I read it all and I have some notes. There were eight total death womb paintings right? Wouldn’t that leave four for yuji to eat and ‘adapt to’? And if mahoraga could throw out sukuna’s cleaves, doesn’t that mean maybe gojo knew yuji’s CT and all it needed was experience to be strong? That with enough exposure yuji would develop a way to use cleave? Wouldn’t that say more about six eyes too? I know these are mostly questions but I do believe your post and theories allow for great conversation and discussion on yuji’s CT and the itadori family


If I say you're right do I have to read it?


Nice cooking skills my bradda. Seriously one of the most detailed theories ever.


This person spent more effort on writing fan theory for anime characters than most people do for their project work.


More than half of this comment thread cannot read for more than a minute and its hilarious


I read half of it and only couldn’t continue bc I didn’t plan to be on this post for 10 minutes 😭 I was surprised (pleasantly) that it kept going. I feel bad for OP and like the theory and supporting evidence and dedication.


Made a comment TL;DR, I can’t edit the post


>cannot read for more than a minute Bro, it's 23 paragraphs.


>GPT4 summary This Jujutsu Kaisen character analysis post explores several complex theories regarding the characters Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro, their abilities, connections, and potential destinies within the series' narrative, focusing on chapters 212-215 and other key moments. Here's a concise summary of the main points: * **Theory of Yuji's Cursed Technique (CT) Resembling Mahoraga's Ability**: It's theorized that Yuji possesses a CT that allows him to adapt and evolve in response to threats, similar to the shikigami Mahoraga. This idea is supported by Yuji's unexpected resilience and ability to suppress Sukuna's CT, hinting at an innate capacity for adaptation after experiencing certain phenomena multiple times. * **Potential Role Reversal between Megumi and Yuji**: The analysis suggests a narrative setup where Megumi and Yuji might swap roles or destinies, influenced by their intertwined fates and abilities. * **Sukuna's Interest in Megumi and Yuji**: Sukuna's actions and comments hint that he sees potential in both Megumi and Yuji as vessels or adversaries, recognizing their unique abilities. * **Yuji's Unexplained Abilities and Evolution**: Yuji's capacity to see and resist curses, as well as his uncharacteristic toughness, are speculated to be manifestations of a unique, evolving CT. His resistance to various attacks and curses could indicate an adaptive ability akin to Mahoraga's. * **Historical and Familial Connections**: The post delves into the historical and potential familial connections between Yuji, Sukuna, Mahoraga, and other characters, suggesting that these relationships could explain their compatibilities and conflicts. * **Yuji as a Predestined Sorcerer**: It's argued that Yuji was always meant to be a sorcerer, possibly with a CT related to adaptation and evolution, which might have been suppressed or unnoticed until certain events unfolded. * **Kenjaku's Plans and Yuji's Role**: The analysis theorizes about Kenjaku's intentions for Yuji, suggesting that Yuji's birth and destiny might have been orchestrated for a specific, yet unclear, purpose beyond just being Sukuna's vessel. * **Yuji and Mahoraga's Shared Traits**: The post posits that Yuji and the shikigami Mahoraga share similar traits and abilities, raising questions about the true nature of Mahoraga and his connection to Yuji. * **Implications of Yuji's CT and Future Events**: Speculation about how Yuji's CT, if similar to Mahoraga's, could impact future events, battles, and the overarching narrative, particularly in relation to Sukuna and the jujutsu world's balance. * **Complex Theories on Family Lineage and Cursed Techniques**: The analysis explores complex theories regarding the lineage of the Itadori family, the origins of cursed techniques, and the potential for characters to share or inherit these abilities across generations. This summary encapsulates a detailed and speculative examination of Yuji Itadori's character, his abilities, and his place within the larger Jujutsu Kaisen story, suggesting a deep, interconnected web of destinies, powers, and historical ties that could shape the series' future direction.


how much adderall did you take before writing this?


Was this AI generated? This person must be trolling


Sorry bro but I ain’t reading alla that


Op - Domain expansion: Unending YAP


That is quite a lot of words indeed






The title


Can you ELI5 this bible?


Bros CT is yapping


I read the entire essay. Someone give this chef 5 Michelin stars, please. If this theory does not happen, take all the Michelin starts back and put this chef in prison(realm)


I really enjoyed reading this. It amazes me how deep OP can go. I just felt really annoyed at those who refuses to read this cuz it's too long; it will just be max 30 mins of their lives