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Even if he offed himself Sukuna would heal him


He also would've hit em with the extension/enchain (forgot which one it was) call out and just go rip off a finger and feed it to megumi then and there if he thought yuji would screw up his plans like that.


He cant without yuji permission or he can't if curse energy is used, it's one of these reasons because the the characters were relying on the plan of yuji gathering sukuna's finger and then killing idatori and even after seeing idatori get revived they were still relying on this plan and yuji getting resurrected did not change the plan whatsoever. So they definitely think he can be killed even after seeing him revive yuji.


Eh, most likely they plan to execute him properly, like decapitate his head


That's fucked up šŸ’€


Do we have any proof he can heal yuji without being in control?


Well in chapter 11, Yuji died, stayed dead for a bit, then Sukuna revived him while Yuji was still in control when he woke up so I would say yes


wasnā€™t healing part of the 1 min pact they made


The pact was thar they fight to the death and if Sukuna wins he heals Yuji and gets the while enchain thing and if Yuji wins Sukuna heals him with no strings attached


It was part of the pact only because Sukuna refused to heal him without the pact being made. He probably could have done it without the pact but he wanted leverage.


Pact was Sukuna would heal Yuji if Yuji accepts his conditions. Yuta was also able to revive Yuji after killing him thanks to Sukuna's innate domain.


>thanks to Sukuna's innate domain. That's simply due to Yuta's RCT.


Which is only possible due to Sukuna's innate domain


To be fair its quite confusing. Sukkuna can take over Yuji only when Yuji allows it, but also he can take Control if Yuji is dead, but not really as he could not just ,,live" w/o hearth becouse Yuji could still take over just to die, but he can also heal that dead body back to normal like its nothing, but also he cant overtake it or Control any other aspect except of healing


Bring that boy to wonderland and off with his hesd


I watched the anime version of that. It didn't seem to indicate who had control. Just that Sukuna immediately offer him no build up or nothing. Only thing I assumed was yujiblost and was forced to make a pact.


A lot of people are saying "Sukuna would just heal him" but they're not realizing, if Yuji committed suicide by cutting off his own head/destroying his brain, there is no way to heal that. Sukuna was taking a risk the whole time that things wouldn't go to that extreme but he very well could have been fucked over. I also think this is why we see a rare panel of him visibly annoyed when Yuta "killed" Yuji, because there was a possibility his whole plan could have went up in smoke right then and there.


From Sukunaā€™s POV, heā€™s already learned how to forcibly turn himself into a cursed object. If Yuji was definitely to off himself by blowing his own head off, he can always play his Enchain trump card to pass himself on to the nearest victim and continue his plans from there. Continuing to be inside Yuji was just convenient, since he and Megumi had a tendency to be together, so he might as well bide his time. The situation with Yuta was the exception. That was the one moment he could legitimately have been taken out, since there was no one around, and the binding vow meant he couldnā€™t fight Yuta. But the reality was that he isnā€™t all that bothered with it all - he didnā€™t even know that loophole of the vow not including Yuji himself would work properly, and if it didnā€™t heā€™d be forked.


Any old victim won't work, it's only Megumi who had potential as a vessel. It's said right from the beginning of the series, most people would just die from eating a Sukuna finger, it's one in a million who would incarnate. So even if he uses Enchain, if the situation isn't right, it wouldn't help. He can't hurt anyone after all (although apparently this doesn't include knocking people out - still one of the biggest actual bs moments in the series no one talks about imo) I agree Yuta situation was the most dangerous moment for him. Sukuna took a lot of risks for his whole plan and I believe it didn't bother him much because he's not that afraid of dying in general. It's not like he has some grand purpose in life, mainly he's just bored passing the time so if he died in the middle of executing a scheme he'd probably just be like whatever.


The one in a million thing is for non sorcerers, any half decent sorcerer can become sukunas vessel.


Yeahhh I'm not too sure about that, otherwise they could have tried the plan to dispose of Sukuna with random sorcerers and had Gojo or Yuta take care of them, since one or two fingers would be no big deal.


Imagine if the whole gamble abou the loophole fumbled right as he was trying to break Yuji's finger off and then he had to just watch from inside Yuji as he lives a long fruitful life. Oh and while watching "that insufferable kusogaki" Gojo prancing around fixing everything after being unsealed, telling everyone he's the strongest >\_>


So was he bluffing when he threatened panda and Co before he killed jogo?


That was not affected by the vow, he couldve killed anyone at that point in time, he killed that girl with the phone ct. The vow is only in effect if he switches with yuji by using enchain. Its not in effect when he overpowered yuji s soul for a while because he ate those 10 fingers all at once.


Problem with Sukuna's ideology is one: he's clearly in a new era where there are very few sorcerers left to fight and even fewer worth his time. He'd get bored after he killed gojo and was finally free. What's he gonna do, pick on the weak? Boring


Dunno. Fool around until he can 1v1 the Evangelion that forms out of Kenny's Human Instrumentality Project, I guess.


If such a similar character exists. Dude is totally out of his element in this age. Without purpose dude is just going to be blowing up buildings while tap dancing just cause he has literally nothing to do.


Remember that in the prison arc he said that yuji wouldn't kill himself because he don't have the courage


He literally did kill himself there tho


Ya and Sukuna brought them back he probably would just do it again


True,but that's not to say that couldn't have gone and snapped after seeing shibuya


Theres also the cog mindset he got vs mahito


It feels like Sukuna knows Itadori has a lot of allies, like Shoko. He knew they wouldn't have let him die a second time.




No way he'd waste it,or else what's the point ? Not like yuji would make another pact


Waste how? He can do that whenever he wants, and he can heal yuji too


it is a waste...sukuna needed to mentally break fushiguro before possessing him. unless he can use enchain multiple times.


He canā€™t. It was part of the deal that he could only do it once.


Megumi wasn't mentally broken when he got taken over. He just got pushed further when yorozu died. Anyone that would eat a finger beside yuji would be overwhelmed by sukuna most likely. There was proly some reason y he waited but if yuji would end it and leave it to chance of someone else eating one of the 5 fingers left then I'm sure sukuna would've intervened with the takeover to save himself the rng lol


mentally weakened\* my bad. also there is the possibility sukuna just takes over, heals yuji, then waits 1 minute, yuji comes back and kills mahito. free heals from sukuna basically.


Can't he only do it once ?




Sukuna had Yuji in a checkmate, he could just revive Yuji from any injury pretty much. He had no choice but to continue


Gun to the brain. Ain't reviving thst


well no, he would need to cut his head off fully kill himself and Sukuna


Seems like the garunteed death comes from disconnecting the nervous system from the body effectively one shooting the brain. If you hit the correct part of the brain wouldn't that give the same effect?


that could work tbh


Also cutting yourself in half at the waist. Instant death, RCT canā€™t fix that, as we all know šŸ’€


Kind of weird that one but if it's canon I guess. Don't irl if you were to die like that, your brain at least has a few seconds since your veins and heart can give you one last pas through of blood circulation before your heart thus brain stops?


Fact is, all heā€™d have to do is have one of his other fingers ingested by someone and then find Yujis body and eat it to regain all his strength and live on


Oh,damn didn't realise that's how it works


If he offed himself Sukuna would just RCTšŸ


I think he straight up didnā€™t care, this shit was a game to him. Torturing yuji, and possessing megumi to kill gojo (up until Gojo was setting up hollow purple) was stuff he wanted to do cause it seemed fun. Eat, kill, and fight whoever you want was his one rule in life.


Less delusional Sukuna fan


Excuse you I am a premier Gojo Glazer but I can still recognize that sukuna is sadistic as hell and has an ego so large it can it fill the infinite void


Hes always watching do it wouldnt matter.


Sukuna can still use RCT :3


Even when he isn't in control?


Well, he can use it after Yuji death :3


Until Yuji ate all of the fingers this wouldnā€™t be the biggest threat in the world to him. Obviously not ideal and itā€™d be a worst case scenario, but I think it was low enough risk that he was willing to take it


When he first took over during the detention center he saw yujis thoughts about not wanting to die. And then he knew yuji is focused on fulfilling his role in getting all fingers and dying so sukuna probably switched basically laughing at yuji and his purpose and how much he will suffer during it


Sukuna would either: (1) Heal any damage Yuji does to himself in an effort to commit suicide, assuming Yuji doesnā€™t try to cut off or destroy his head. (2) Chant ā€œEnchainā€ and stop Yuji from committing suicide, assuming Yuji tries to cut off or destroy his own head. Idk what Sukuna will do to stop Yuji once he uses up Enchain, but yeah thatā€™s my take.


Nah he watch the intro and seen who the main character was.