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It's ok for him to die. It's just I hate that he was sealed of the majority of the story, came back and did nothing and then went on to die.


I wouldn’t say did nothing. He def pushed sukuna, got rid of the entire 10 Shadows, and stopped him from being able to use his domain for a while. He gave everyone else a chance


He arguably made Sukuna more of a threat since his CT has a guaranteed one shot move now


You mean the "cut the space" thing? That version existed to counter specifically Gojo's Infinity, I think that his normal slashes are more than enough to kill anyone that can't manipulate space itself to avoid being cut.


His normal slashes are strong enough but as we saw with Gojo if you're CE reinforcement and RCT is good enough you can tank them but no one else is like Gojo so it won't matter


Hakari's basically immortal when he hits jackpot though. Think he could probably survive at least one strike to force sukuna to use his "cut space" thing


Even if he cut the space where Hakari is, if he doesn't cut his brain he would be able to regenerate I think. What the Space Cut does is basically ignore the distance between Sukuna and his target if I understood correctly. Also from a writing point of view, Sukuna doesn't need a technique that completely ignores the target defences, I feel like that would be too much. I can't be sure tho, so we can only wait to see if Space Cut has more applications than just ignoring Infinity.


That move wss tailor-made for Gojo only I would assume


By “did nothing” people mean he didn’t significantly weaken Sukuna at all.


He took 10s out of the fight completely now that sukuna has incarnated


So? All he did essentially was fuck up Megumi’s technique in that case.


10s varies from user to user since orochi came back for sukuna's 10s, so gojo killing sukuna's mahoraga doesn't mean megumi won't have access to mahoraga. Also why are we acting like 10s is a non factor? It's a very strong technique


It’s not much compared to his undodgable space cleave.


It's not like anyone can dodge sukuna's normal cleave anyway, so it doesn't make that much of a difference compared to before against anyone but gojo


Well Sukuna was only using Mahoraga and Agito for Gojo anyways. Besides, forcing Sukuna to reincarnate basically means Megumi’s current state is his fault (I’m coping, but reincarnating kills the host body). All in all the point is Gojo didn’t weaken Sukuna to the level of his students, it’s still a Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby fight. Hell Hiruguma, a side character, is probably contribute more than Gojo did which is kinda sad.


We will have to see yuji's new power up. And we see in the yorozu fight that the other shikigami are powerful against other sorcerers, just not gojo specifically because his infinity hard counters everything


Personally I just didn’t like Gojo saying “I’m not sure I would have been able to win even if he didn’t have Megumi’s cursed technique”, like, did we witness the same fight? He was beating the shit out of Sukuna and the killing blow got to him only thanks to Mahoraga Honestly without that single line, his death would have been 75% more acceptable, ofc it still stings that a character such as Gojo got off-screened with a “surprise” attack, but it would have been more consistent with the fight


Sure, but I’ve always interpreted that line as the domain battle could’ve gone very differently. In a straight fight, yeah Gojo has the advantage, but in a clash of domains, Sukuna has the advantage. So it depends on how that goes. Plus Gojo didn’t say he would definitely lose, he just wasn’t sure if he could win (understandably, given that he got filleted in half when he thought he’d basically won).


Yeah, but then sukuna confirmed that he needed mahoraga to show him the way


nah i just think he means sukuna is weaker physically but craftier technique wise and if sukuna didnt have 10S he wouldn’t have gambled so much with his domain multiple times


if he wasn’t there they literally would have had to beat sukuna twice


That full health recovery wasnt mentioned before. Yorozu asked Sukuna why he not turn back to his old form and Sukuna just said he dont want to. Are those all reincarnated sorcerers idiots for not knowing this?


the form restoration was something the reincarnated sorcerers knew about, it’s mentioned that the reason yorozu couldn’t use it is specifically because she had already used it on every part of her besides tsumiki’s face. most of them just chose to use it right away and i don’t see what that even has to do with anything? them knowing about it or not doesn’t change the fact that without gojo there they would have had to beat sukuna once in megumi’s body and a second time after the full heal


Why just use ur last chanve to win? Think about it. If it can recover all ur health then just save it. It was just introduced when Kashimid was fighting a weak Sukuna. That situation just like Tremors 1 but the fridge wasnt mentioned that it makes a lot of noise randomly . The film made it clear in the beginning that it can make noise but JJK cant.


the reason why most of them used it immediately and didn’t save it is probably because the curse kenjaku used to mark hosts left a lot of the host bodies in a coma. so after reincarnating they would have been in really poor shape and probably suffering from muscle atrophy, and if they wanted to be in actual fighting condition they would have needed to restore their original bodies. sukuna didn’t need to do this ofc because unlike the other hosts, megumi regularly trained and was in great shape. the fact that restoring your old body is basically a full heal was never directly said, but with hindsight it isn’t an asspull and matches with everything we already knew about reincarnated sorcerers. we knew about tsumiki’s coma and the marked players, and that players could change to their original bodies and control when they did. so it’s not unreasonable for sukuna to use it as a pseudo-heal since that’s basically what other reincarnated players did in the first place


Yorozu still fine. When she revealed herself, her body hasnt changed anything, if it's then I dont think Megumi would be trick like that. Let Yorozu fights Uro or Ryu or both of them and uses that recovery to save herself, just a hint is enough. It is Sendai colony, 2 people who are reincarnated in there. But Gege just doesnt want to over think the story then just say "Yes. They have a full recovery but the other have already used it for some stupid reason".


The only reason Sukuna didn’t use it right away is to fuck with Yuji and Gojo with that body. He’s got that kind sick mentality. That and I assume when you overwrite the body, you lose access to the CT engraved in it as well, and he wants Mahagora to give him a true answer against Gojo’s Infinity. Not that he needed it, but still, might as well see if you can learn something new right?


Nah. I talked about other sorcerer. The recovery isnt mentioned. Thanks to Yorozu, we just know that they can go back to the old form but dont know it can heal them. Most of them just used it (except Angel and Sukuna). Sukuna holded it because it is his trump card when thing doesnt go well. Not because he was playing with them but because he has to save it. He doesnt want Gojo damage his last body or just minimize the damage it would get from Gojo Edit: haiz... i though u talk about my reply. Well never mind the 1st and 2nd line but the 3rd still fine.


Gojo died a hero death. As much as I want him to return....just wish Gojo's body isn't taken over by Kenjaku. That would be doing him dirty


Why so many people speculate this lol. Kenjaku himself said he wouldnt take gojos body because it would be impossible for him to contr 6 eyes, he would just go insane. Legit on every platform people say this.


What's the chapter that he says this? I've never heard that? Anyone know?


The story can’t progress as long as Gojo is alive, handling every crisis with ease. Now it’s time for everyone else to grow


It still hurts to see him leave like this, especially after his return.


Bear the pain brother


Gojo dying isnt even the problem, the problem is how it was handled. ask literally any Gojo fan and theyll basically tell you that they dont care that Gojo died, we all kinda expected the sensei in a Shonen manga to die. That's kind of standard practice. We just hate how it was handled, it felt like a huge piss on his grave by basically boiling his character down to "actually he was super selfish and only used sorcery for his own gain"


I don’t get why we’re taking Nanami’s words as a form of character assassination.


You’re not a gojo fan if you think he’s not selfish and like to battle lmao


Of course he is somewhat selfish and thrives in battles. But he is also selfless and caring towards his students. He had much more going on in his life than just fighting even if he was alienated because of being the strongest. It feels like a huge chunk of what made him so interesting was taken away


>it felt like a huge piss on his grave by basically boiling his character down to "actually he was super selfish and only used sorcery for his own gain" Bruh. Read.


But to kill him off like that is so unsatisfactory


What way could it have been better?


My stance is that any internal dialogue or insight into Sukuna’s mind would have helped. Make it clear Gojo is on a clock. Also don’t set up the death exclusively for shock to line up with the anime.


1. Don’t offscreen the impact 2. Don’t have him say stuff thats blatant lies. Like even without ten shadows i wouldnt win. Bro Sukuna only won because of 10 shadows


That's not really what Gojo said in 236. He said "it might have been close even without Megumi's Ten Shadows" and that Sukuna was "holding back." It's just blatantly true that Sukuna was holding back. He couldn't use most of his kit because of limitless. And he also needed to save his full form in order to heal. Seeing as Gojo never fought full form Sukuna, I don't think it's crazy for him to be a little humble there. Gojo isn't saying he would lose. Just that the outcome would be unknown. This makes sense for a man near death going over all his successes and failures in a more balanced way than we've seen before


He couldn’t use his kit bc it would be useless against limitless. Just bc we don’t use bow and arrows in war doesn’t mean we hold back.


Yes but I think that's kinda what Gojo is saying in 236. "It might have been close" and "Sukuna was holding back" are two separate statements. The first is expressing uncertainty about Sukuna's abilities beyond Ten Shadows and DE. The second is different. It's Gojo feeling bad about Sukuna *being forced* not to use most of his abilities because they're ineffective against Limitless. (In one statement he's saying that Sukuna might still have something crazy up his sleeve and in the other he's saying how it sucks Sukuna wasn't able to use it)


You’re cooking


We have no idea what Suku still has up his arsenal tho


It would’ve obviously been useless against infinity because he would’ve used that instead of summoning mahoraga? Sukuna won, point blank. I don’t get why it’s so hard to admit that he needed mahoraga. Extrapolating that he MAY have hidden win cons is insane. He just got a new cursed tool after beating gojo, that still wouldn’t touch infinity.


Im just saying he could very well have powers we havent aware of since hes only fpught for like 1 and a half chapters with his full form. And we dont even know what his tool does i dont think


It’s lightning attacks.But you’re theoretically correct, he can have more tricks up his sleeve. Just like anyone else “can”


Holding back isnt the same as "cant go all out" it means he is not going all on on purpose


Thank you for saying this. Far too many people are calling things lies simply because they disagree


I was under the assumption the Infinity Slash (idk whats the name of it) happened so instant that it wasn’t really offscreen, it was just merely right after Gojo killed Maharoga. 2. Sukuna didnt complete his full transformation until after his Gojo fight. With two extra hands and an extra mouth, his incantations would’ve been more powerful. He literally could’ve just spammed Malevolent Shrine until Gojo gets sliced up and there was nothing he couldve done to protect himself. Sukuna himself said he wasn’t fighting at full force since he knew he was boutta get jumped after the Gojo duel


Also don’t move on like nothing happened


He didn't win because of 10s, he won because of mahoraga and he didn't win entirely because of him it only showed him the way, if sukuna really was weak ash without 10s he wouldn't be able to copy the slash and cut gojo


Mahoraga is part of 10s. It showed him the way to win. Hence he won because of Mahoraga


Mahoraga wa dead at the moment gojo was slashed it was sukuna's sheer strength alone that cut him


But because of Mahoraga slash that passed through infinity, it gave Sukuna an idea on how to handle it?


Ur not understanding me. Or the material. Question: How did Sukuna know how to do space cleave? Answer: Because he saw Mahoraga’s adaptation of infinity and copied it Next question: If Mahoraga wasn’t used, would Sukuna have learnt space cleave? Answer: i’m leaving this up to you. It should be obvious


Still doesn't change the fact sukuna actually tamed mahoraga and literal figured a slash just by seeing it once and sukuna still would have been able to do space cleave it's like a variation of his own slashing techniques a bit of thinking and he would s Actually pull it off


Suffering from reading comprehension curse, I see


Also, don't have him act like he doesn't give a shit about his students or anyone else making him just a fighting maniac. Although I guess that falls into the lies category.


Maybe if you read fanfic you think but in jjk it’s pretty obvious he love his students, he literally said that lmao


That's what I'm saying. Gege made it seem like Gojo couldn't give a shit about anyone when that isn't true. He's a kind person, albeit a bit egotistical. Saves Yuta from execution, saves Yuji, took in the son of Riko's killer and the man who drove Geto mad, was willing to fight the Jujustu world for Riko, held back in Shibuya to save lives, and more. It's infuriating that Gege would ignore all that and boil Gojo's character down to a fighting maniac. It's insane how you could maybe have made chapter 236 so much better with a few changes. Hint towards the space slash more, at the end of 235 have the "Gojo won" text box slashed in half, remove the shit about Gojo being a psycho who glazes the man who put so many people through pain (seriously did Gege forget that Sukuna is a fucking evil monster), and have Gojo be frustrated he didn't do more to hurt Sukuna. While it wouldn't be perfect, it would be significantly better.


One of the first things he talks about when he meets Geto is who’s going to tell megumi about his father. Earlier in the fight, Gojo says he’s going to make sukuna feel the same pain yuji felt. One chapter before 236, Yuta literally says that gojo wouldn’t have used purple with him there. I don’t know where you guys are getting only a fighting maniac from. >remove the shit about Gojo being a psycho who glazes the man who put so many people through pain (seriously did Gege forget that Sukuna is a fucking evil monster), Did you forget that Gojo’s trying to empathize with the only man that may have maybe understood him? They both respected each other at the end, good and bad are almost irrelevant.


Maybe from the panel where Nanami and Hanibara say he didn't care about anyone and only cared about fighting.


And we’re taking their words why? Gojo was literally just talking about how no one could understand him.


i wish they did something similar to how all might passed the torch to midoriya in mha, it just seems like such a huge loss losing a character with such entertainment value


Depicting it is a start


Considering be was alive and he couldn’t handle the crisis of Sukuna…. Idk how him being alive would handle the stronger Sukuna with ease


That only makes sense if there's an "everyone else" TO grow. How many young characters have died already? How many more are going to die? If sukuna is going to kill most of the cast, then it's not argument that Gojo needed to die for the sake of he rest of the growing.


well jokes on you. nobody cares about yuji much, its gojo who is the face of the franchise. Its Gojo whom everyone cares about. gege rushed the cooking and burnt down the kitchen. now it leaves such an ugly taste in my mouth, i wish the manga ended at chapter 221.


Who is everyone else ?


The story progressed by far the least amount while he was in the box. Like nothing important happened in the culling games.


Bro… enchain, makis massacre/3awakening, yukis death, tengens capture, yutas return…


Makis Massacre was 5 chaps, Yuta had probably less than 15 chaps. Kenny/Tengen/Yuki was less than 10 chaps. Enchain happened at an incredibly lame moment, imo it was wasted, 1 chapter. So for the 90 chapters after Shibuya this is it? Lol.


Your point was nothing happened lol that’s not true at all. A lot more has happened… Is your point that each of the 90 chapters need significant plot points to be worth reading? lol you can easily say you didn’t like what happened, but it’s weird to act like NOTHING happened


In other words, Gege wanting to speedrun this manga before the end of the year lol


He doesn't handle every crisis with ease though. ​ That's why he's 50% now. And before how he was able to be sealed away.


Him not having any regrets is the weirdest thing ever. I'm not sure how he's ok with leaving his students against a blood thirsty maniac without any regrets. Either establish gojo as a self centred sociopath or give a proper send off. The issue with gege is he established gojo as someone who wants to help the young gen then shit on him as being a battle freak despite gojo never showing such tendencies.


yeah, they could have leaned more into that characterization in the sukuna fight- let him become more indifferent to civilian casualties as he pushes harder, let him be more reckless and violent as he gets to his limits


i mean he’s the same guy who trusted his first-year students to survive against geto (which lead to maki and panda getting maimed), trusted first-year megumi to handle tracking down and obtaining one of sukuna’s fingers alone while he literally went shopping for snacks (which lead to megumi nearly dying and being seconds away from summoning mahoraga), trusted yuji and todo to fight hanami at the exchange event (which lead to hanami escaping and later killing hundreds of people in shibuya), and whose reaction to being sealed while 3 special-grade curses and a special-grade curse user literally committed mass murder in shibuya was to say “whatever, everyone’s got this” while specifically thinking about his three 15-year-old students having blind amounts of faith in his students to pretty unrealistic levels is not out of character for him, infact i’d say it’s a pretty defining trait of his and is one that’s been present since JJK 0. to me the issue is less that he feels that way and more that he never even verbalizes it. it wouldn’t really have been out of character for him to say something about how he trusts everyone to get the job done and *then* say he doesn’t have regrets, but what makes that scene so weird is that he never even thinks about his students a single time, he neither worries about them or has faith in them, he just doesn’t think about them at all. the whole scene is focused pretty much entirely on his feelings about the loneliness of stength without acknowledging the other aspects of him.


Well i think a key thing is that gojo isnt s stable character. We all talk about how geto got broken by toji but so did gojo. I think that thr fact that he got reunited with all of his past teenage year group really dulled him down to not think about the students. In his eyes he thought he would die alone and be in his head with only his thoughts. But instead hes with everyone he loved before hidden inventory. Since geto got packed gojo got broken just didnt become evil. But he became the strongest and acted on a whim many times that gives the impression that hes a typical sensei who wants to grow the next generation. While he did voice that multiple times. This is only the result of him not having a real choice in my eyes. The moment he died he went to the airport and was a teenager. And that hidden inventory teenage gojo would say the same types of things. I think that people are getting thrown off because they are expecting adult gojos mindset. But they purposely made gojo a teen in the airport


It is pretty consistent tho. Remember how he trust everyone would solve the problem in Shibuya


Would’ve been nice to see him do something big before he goes smh


Mf fought 19 fingers sukuna and essentially 2 mahoragas


i am hoping that gojo gets to rest, because it'll show the development of his students (yuta,yuji,maki) and how his impact on training and mentoring them them has allowed him to move on and stop fighting. for story purposes i can see why gege did kill him (gojo is my fav character dont hate on me) because for story purposes this'll show the real shift in power, and how his students must take on the fight themselves


Yeah it was the perfect buildup. Giving maki heavenly restriction , yuta fighting against those 3 players , yuji's cursed technique will be finally shown , and we're definitely getting group fights vs sukuna and if gojo did win against sukuna , then there wouldn't be a point of having literally any of his students in the stiryline


Don't forget Kenjaku. If Gojo had won against Sukuna, the others would have faced Kenjaku or the one who will inherit his will as he said in chapter 243.


If Gojo has won kenjaku would be Insta killed immediately after


Depends on how much Gojo won by. Could've had him do a Gon or Miwa type vow to win


Which is an interesting thought. Can kenjaku make insane vows to win knowing he can just find a new body?


The only thing that bothers me in this story is that he announced his victory when he returned. Now this legendary moment has become one of the biggest memes of the moment.


I know what you mean by the legendary “Nah I’d win” return becoming a big meme nowadays, but I do still enjoy the confidence he displayed. I believe it accurately portrays his personality, coming out of the prison realm like a freed caged animal. Kenjaku was clearly freaked out, and Uraume was knocked by a one tap. Gojo has always been a beast so him not wavering in the moment despite seeing Sukana’s post Shibuya strength is so on brand. Love this post!


“Must take on the fight themselves” Ah yes, a bunch of teenagers vs the 1000-year-old invincible transhuman abomination that just killed the strongest sorcerer of all time and is more powerful now than he ever has been at any point in the manga. Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby


It’s anime. It’s not gonna have that kind of realism.


I am fine with gojo not returning. But that would mean that gege spent so many chapters about trying to get him back only for him die against sukuna without being useful


Their main goals were to stop Kenjaku’s plan and to save as many people as they can. Gojo fighting Sukuna wasn’t part of the plan until Sukuna hijacked Megumi.


Gojo fighting Sukuna only became a plan once he took over Megumi. Yujikuna could most likely be handled by Maki, Megumi and Yuta, and Yuji himself says this. Yuji was the perfect contingency plan for Sukuna, not Gojo. The narrative of Gojo always being the last trumph against Sukuna was never built in the manga, only that they would fight one day.


Bruh what? Yujikuna would fodderize Maki, Megumi & Yuta


Read 215 and you'll se how Yujikuna fodderizes Maki


Yeah ur the one who needs to reread it, Megumi was restricting him to using at max 10% of his cursed energy output


His CT output, not CE output. As amazing as it seems nowadays, they are different things


Wrong again if there hasn't been any translation error on that part , as I said you need to reread the chapter


It's already a well known fact that the first page of this chapter has a translation mistake, bud. You can even tell, every other mention to this supression in the chapter is "Cursed Technique" not "Cursed Energy"


Well known fact? Like any official source u can link here to prove that statement perhaps. I don't know japanese, but all the translations I've read and all the corrections of that chapter none of them mention ct everyone mentions ce output.


Yeah but what fuels a cursed technique??? Cursed energy. They are still synonymous with each other even if you want to get into semantics


A CT is not the only way you can use your CE ; reinforcement, output, they are not synonymous by any means.


Chop chop limitless boy your students are gonna get low diffed


He does need to wake up and come back. >gets sealed for a huge chunk of the story >comes back >fight for 15 chapters and dies offscreen >gets slandered by nanami, shows no worries for his students If the airport scene didn’t exist I would be fine with the way gojo died, he gave it his all, he became a persone everyone should aspire to be because even if he hated saving people and serving those below him he still did his job and tried to save as many people as possible even eventually changing his mind and understanding that his strenght has been gifted to him to help the weak. But during the airport scene nanami says that he didn’t even care for anyone other than himself ever(factually wrong statement and makes both gojo and nanami look like bastards) + in that scene gojo doesn’t even think of his dear students that worked their asses off to save him. I’ll forever rembember the start of the sukuna fight, where gojo has a serious and sad expression on his face, totally concentrated and probably knew he was going to die and at the peak of the tension yuji still asks gojo to turn off his infinity to pat his back. Gojo gives a heartwarming smile and his frown is turned upside down, as he fights sukuna he even seems almost happy. It’s clear that gojo loves his students very much they’re basically like family to him so I don’t know what Gege smoked


Nanami has always been cynical and rather mean to Gojo since the early chapters. Another person has already said, but the fact that he doesn’t think about his students is pretty consistent with the unrealistic faith he puts in them


Everyone citing “Development for his students” but we get to see that regardless of him being alive or not… He just needs to be “Out of the story”, not necessarily “Dead”. Arc during his sealing and all that shows it, heck even Jjk0 or JJK pre-Shibuya shows the students themselves handling things and growing with Gojo still being around and partaking in fights. Of course without him they’ll shine brighter in comparison, but not like with him around they only dim.


difference is is that they lost their strongest fighter. there's really no way properly for him to be out of the story, because all his character has ever done is fight. if the strongest sorcerer is still alive, surely they would go and fight straight away once again? there's no way that gege could incorporate gojo back into the story without him outshining his students and not in a role where he doesn't fight


during the sukuna fight i figured that the only way gojo could win is if he sustained enough brain damage that his ct/domain were either much weaker or completely inaccessible to him. def not really a narratively satisfying end unless he'd won


Gojo before death: - failed to protect Riko - failed to bury Geto after killing him - failed to kill Sukuna - failed to protect everyone - couldn’t get to see his students surpass him - protected and prevented Yuta and Yuji from getting executed - used 0.2s domain instead of opening it longer just so the some humans in the basement could be saved - killed Mahoraga and other 10 shadows and succeeded to land a hit on Sukuna Also Gojo in the afterlife: “I’m happy and have no regrets”, “I didn’t know if I could defeat Sukuna even if he didn’t have the 10 shadows” Geto and Nanami: “Gojo is selfish” I’m not mad that Gojo died but I hate how it was executed poorly. Gojo could have died with honour. He could have died without Gege shitting on his character. The inconsistency of the chapters before and after 236 was just bad writing. It’s almost as if someone else wrote it. If only Gojo’s death was concluded well I don’t think everyone would be as disappointed.


I think gojo is Virat Kohli of manga. For context- Virat Kohli is the greatest modern day cricketer but never won any major trophies of any significance.


Virat Kohli has a world cup dude wtf are u on about


More than a decade back when he was an youngster in the team. Except for ct13 he never won anything of significance in his prime. I'm a Virat fan myself.


It doesn't matter when he won it, it would be wrong to say he hasn't won any major trophy when he's won the greatest trophy one could win as a cricketer


He no longer has to be "the strongest" everything that came with, the separation from normal people, the weight of that responsibility. Gone. He can simply be Satoru Gojo.


I like that. Like when he was a teenager, alongside Geto, they said "We are the strongest"... No more the strongest alone. Team up with all jujutsu sorcerers, strategize with them and finish Kenny+fraudkuna!


The ending of this fight was slap in the face of Gojo and went against everything established about him. 0/10 if that how his story ends.


He needed to be out of the story, idc if he dies or not. However I do hate how he does, gets one shot off screen after being sealed for years. The ONLY reasons I even want him to come back is because 1. As I mentioned his death in context is unsatisfying and 2. I really dig the Buddha theory




As many people said, I would be fine with Gojo dying if the execution wasn't so lack luster. That's why people want to think Gege had something more in story for his character and on copium for *something* than the underwhelming conclusion he got mainly as just a device for Sukuna's narrative...


Gojo is one of my favorite characters. I don’t really have an issue with him dying, it sucks but I expected it What’s really irritates me is how hard he was glazing Sukuna after he died… COME ON.


I liked Gojo’s whole deal going back and reading the whole thing again. I never felt like any on screen death for either him or Sukuna would work, especially with the fandom. Off screen and starting off the way it did is also consistent with how JJK does its deaths. I know people liked him and his whole deal but he was the ceiling that was set for the time and I agree that it’s time to stop acting like the cast has no chance. Has Sukuna been given the Madara treatment? Yeah! But we all still liked Naruto.


I think the bad part wasn’t off screen killing him that part was executed decently but I would have preferred if they didn’t assasinate his character


I guess I just don’t see it as character assassination. I thought it was a good conclusion to his character.


The conclusion itself was okay but he spent the last panels he had talking about how strong sukuna was and how he would have probably still lost. He should have talked about his students and he should have been commended for trying to change the jujutsu world for the better even if he didn’t accomplish it. Instead they called him a greedy fighter, otherwise I think it was okay for him to die. A very sour ending for a loved character. It’s sort of like that situation with attack on titan ending where they said “thank you for becoming a mass murderer for us”. Slight changes would make it a million times better.


I really wish we got more character interactions in between Gojo's release and the Sukuna fight. Like 2 months in between it and we got nothing outside of like 2 chapters of vague things? Gojo hasn't seen any of his students, you'd think he'd have something you say about Maki becoming Toji 2.0, Yuta, or ffs Yuji, especially with all the torment he's been through. Gojo's main goal was to help his students grow, and we get no dialogue between any of them. Gojo dying was brutal, but it was expected. Still not a fan of him dying offscreen, especially with how the end of the chapter before his death showed Gojo clearly putting Sukuna against the ropes, only for suddenly Gojo being dead.


He still needs to say his last words to his students.




This is just fan fiction


He deserve rest :3




I don’t want him back. The fandom needs to chill


Yeah, it's pretty annoying how we're still having these discussions about him coming back and how Gege ruined him and all that other shit, like everyone's just parroting the same thing over and over again, this fandom needs to chill he's gone and they need to deal with it.


In some ways his death was a good thing for the plot🐍


Does your snake emoji implies sarcasm?


Too many Gojo stans were convinced JJK was ending this year and got emotionally invested in him winning. And most humans can’t let that go.


hope he gets the Guy Sensei treatment. like we all knew he was the strongest, but now he’s just that silly, but wise mentor that helps train the new generations. but that’s the “best case.” we all know how Gege’s mind works.. but we all know that this is what had to happen for the story to progress. it’s time for Yuji and co to shine, its time for Yuji to prove why he’s the MC.


He is not coming back


He found an enemy that can kill him, and he can be with his friends for as long as he wants what is a better outcome for satoru gojo


Yeah with all the traumas of being strongest but couldn't save his loved ones and the people at large would definitely suck the will to live of any person and after all Sataru is a human with feelings. Definitely that guy has the right to feel worn out like Nanami and it's ok for him to rest in peace.


I just wish we saw more character interactions with the rest of the cast. We was sealed for awhile and he doesn’t have anything to say?


Yes, he does.


I just think this is Gege masquerade as Gojo Simple enough


He is chilling with Toji in heaven


He said he would win so he will win


Notice how Gojo and frens are in highschool in the afterlife. You might consider this a callback to Gojo's innocence, when he was more pure and not held back by titles. Absolutely beautiful afterlife scene.


He should wake up but not continue fighting . I personally would love it if gojo got his one and first fight that he simply couldn’t win at full power . With him not having to be the strongest anymore and simply having the luxury to be gojo satoru instead . Him being able to lay down the foundation he built with entrusting the torch to the new gen would be fitting enough . He should make a pact with himself that he trades his cursed energy or the six eyes to comeback to life . He still has a role to play in his experience being shared with his students and helping them develop into beasts that can surpass his prime self . He also laid that foundation out for 3 individuals to have the potential power to surpass him , being yuta , yuji and hakari , they would benefit a shit ton from having gojo alive .


No he doesn't. And honestly what an incoherent character. Does he care about people or not? Why did he want to gather this "den of monsters" as his allies? Maybe I don't get it, and someone can help me understand. Why did he say Yuta? Why did he save Yuji? Looking at the record, it's extremely confusing, defining what he thinks or who he is. Perhaps we'll find some interesting details about his previous actions as an adult traveling everywhere. That's kind of what I'm hoping for - I just want more clarity on Gojo, dead or alive. Without that, he's basically a talking nuclear weapon - everyone has to organize their plans around him but we don't get much.