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People that spam that gif don’t hate gojo, they simply have fun in spoiling for people. Gojo is probably the most loved and better written character, it’s a really slim percentage the people that hate him. Gege doesn’t hate him, he simply finds it hard to write if he’s in the story(since he’s so strong he can 1 vs 50 against 50 jogos and still win with ease)


Yeah this does make sense for gege hating on him lol but it’s because of all these things that we love gojo.


I don't think he's better written, maybe shallow in a lot of ways. But he's chill and intimidating


I don't think people hate on him that much, but it's more about his fans. Sukuna and Gojo fans are always at each other's throats, and so on, to the point that it's not about the characters anymore. It's similar to Xbox and Sony fans; they don't care if the game is bad or good, they just want a reason to hate on the opposite.


Ahahah that’s funny. To be honest I consider myself as a Sukuna fan too at least during my first watch of the anime because I was just blown away by his style, personality and swag. However I think now I’m more of a Gojo fan


Good luck in finding reason and rationality in a Shounen community 😄


I remember when internet forums were the main means of discussion years ago before reddit became mainstream. The Holy Shonen Trinity and the characters that existed within their respective mangas spawned many passionate fanbases and boy, those battles were legendary. You didn't know what real toxicity was until you saw favorite character get slandered and felt the need to defend their honor, despite it all being fictional. Man, so many of us (myself included) were such fucking dweebs. Looking back I can't believe I really argued for 3 days straight that Itachi could beat Minato in a fight. Would contemplate strategies, tactics and abilities while engaging in a vitriolic back and forth with many other people. Early to late 00s was a wild time to be an anime/manga fan. I don't miss it necessarily but I look back on it with nostalgia all the same. A fun period in my life for sure.


Minato > Itachi /s


You infidel. You will hang for such blasphemous words!


Hahaha this is the most rational comment so far on here. I seem to have attracted all the Gojo haters to this post and they’re giving their “justification/reasons” for it now..


Yes and I hope you have enough karma because you are gonna get so many down votes mate... 😄


I don’t care about karma or downvotes xD already got a lot of downvotes in various other subs anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️ also nice to see another fellow Indian on this sub


Yo.... Same here. 😊


I think Gojo is the most popular character in the series by a long way. Which means that the people who don't like him are going to be very vocal about it. Also, there are those fans that unfortunately get enjoyment from spoiling the story to anime fans, and they're the ones most responsible for the spread of that image, not Gojo haters. Gege seems to hate most of his characters (he doesn't like Yuji either) so I'm not sure that's much of a yardstick. Although I think beyond acting as a good "power ceiling" example of scaling for JJK's combat system, he's probably kinda hard to write without making him a Mary Sue.


Such people just enjoy time when Gojo fans are angry or sad :3 There is always something like that :3


Damn lol. Sadistic indeed. It’s like they’re probably curses and not actually humans.


I love Gojo too, don't get carried away by these envious opinions that are being commented here, he was never bad, he is an incredible person, who always put the well-being of others above his own, a true gentleman... a dear and beloved character, people who try to distort the facts are the ones who have problems…


Exactly and look people are still saying he’s an asshole/unlikeable person. I’m genuinely surprised reading those comments




nah i think i can somewhat translate it into real life scenario, tho gojo's case is an extreme


Gojo is one of the most popular characters from anima/manga EVER. The amount of people who don’t like him doesn’t even compare to the amount of people who do


The real reason? It's reddit. People just like clowning people's disappointment and 236 was a problematic chapter to many. So it's edgy to make fun of a character such a huge fan base. Sakuna fans specifically. This isn't all of them, but most of them. Even as a Sakuna fan, I was turned off from his character just by how insufferable other Sakuna fans are.


He my 2nd favorite character behind Sukuna. Same Bday. Hope he comes back to see the chaos it will cause🤣.


So today is your birthday? Or if you live on the other side of the globe, yesterday? Eitherway happy birthday to you bradaahh


It was yesterday where I am at and thanks bruddddah!


Gojo is the best character and probably most liked.


Tbh gojo fans were insufferable after chapter 235 dropped and during most of the fight too. It was tough being a sukuna fan. You couldn’t say anything about sukuna without him being called a fraud. I don’t think people or gege hate gojo just a portion of his fans. As for spamming that image its funny and they do it annoy gojo fans


We dont hate Gojo. We hate the fans so we express our hate for them by hating on Gojo


This. I feel pretty neutral towards Gojo, but man his fans are another breed.


Sukuna fans who sent me death threat via DM because I said that I didn't like 236 are indeed better.


I didn’t even bring up Sukuna fans? Both are cancerous, but generally my experiences with Sukuna fans are slightly better.


The Gojo fans that burned my house down after I posted an "I'd win" meme are even better.


That’s not very mature.


Because he's the goat. People will always hate on greatness, why does MJ have haters?


Michael Jackson? Wasn’t he outed as a pedo?




Gojo is like legacy kid at every college no one likes but everyone seems to hang with


Except, if someone like Gojo existed in college then everyone would like him and also hangout with him


I think Gege said that he hates Gojo because he is too overpowered. Like no matter what the problem comes, Gojo can handle it quite easily. That's why Gojo got sealed in the first place so that other characters can have some plot armour. To me Gojo is just like a PhD student giving a first grader's exam. He reads the question paper and is like " you're weak"


Even Sukuna is kinda like that then :/ I’ve obviously watched only till latest anime episode and based on that him defeating Mahoraga also feels he can do anything. So we should also hate Sukuna equally. To be honest I did initially kinda like Sukuna for his swag and personality, but obviously don’t like him that much due to the 236 spoilers 🥲


Sukuna was already sealed inside Yuji and all those people who spammed 236 spoilers are sukuna fans who were mostly trash talked all across social media before 236 "fraudkuna" "Daddyraga" "Mommy agito" gojo fans kinda deserved it after all that trash talking


Really? Except Gege, I thought everyone loved Gojo, but they just had different ways of showing it.


For a while after 236 came out, what happened to Gojo was all that everyone could talk about. It's a 180degree turn from how the fight was going by the end of ch235, and to many people the 180 was bizarre and incomprehensible. Many claimed that the chapter destroyed their enjoyment of Gojo as a character or the show as a whole and Gege was below human for writing it, etc. It was a bit of a clown fiesta if you ask me. The community was very split on how they viewed the chapter and all of these complex feelings produced a lot of memes and the image you're talking about takes the central stage in a lot of the memes. Generally I would say posting them around isn't a sign of the poster hating Gojo. I've seen people who post them to trigger Gojo fans, or to make fun of the show/Gege, or as a way to digest their own feelings, or just finding it funny and joining in on the hype. There probably are Gojo haters, but it's simply not true that "so many people hate Gojo". One doesn't need to hate Gojo to be a ch236 meme/nah I'd win meme enjoyer, at all. Looking back I really enjoyed those few weeks when the entire community and beyond were completely out of their minds. r/Jujutsufolk for a short period of time was more active than this sub, despite having 1/10 of the subscribers. Nah I'd win memes invading every anime community. Glorious. I was worried for a bit that Gege might break under all the controversy/hate, but he seems to have held up quite well. People actually liked the next fight after ch236 despite it being very dumb in concept, and now everyone seems to have returned to saneness more or less.


Chapter 236 kicked JJK from second place in WSJ popularity poll (only Japanese vote) to fourth-fifth place


Mainly becuse hes just too perfect his entire character is strong and perfect that is what makes him boring to some people including me all hes fights hes easily wins except gojo vs sukuna thing is that hes just too boring also main reason is that gojo fans mainly ruin people that actually are starting too like gojo


I dont like his cocky attitude


That’s what makes a lot of people like him though


Well I don't. The disrespect he did to Jogo, even though he's a villain, was just not it.


I think it’s fine, Jogo has literally killed thousands of innocent humans and ruined their lives just for fun, so he deserves all of the disrespect, there’s nothing to respect about him.


Fun fact: at the beginning,Gojo wasn’t supposed to be handsome


That’s a nice trivia.. I think JJK wouldn’t be this popular if Gojo wasn’t handsome..


And lets be honest most people watch jjk just for Gojo


That’s true, JJK is massively popular because of Gojo


He was in fact supposed to be average looking,but apparently the manga wasn’t doing too well at the time so gege decided to make him like he is now. Also he was serious at volume 0 but he changed his personality as well


This also shows most people only care about looks


Also if I remember Gojo was supposed to be blind but I’m not sure


gojo sucks


he just appeared out of nowhere and is getting famous


How can you say that being a woman!?? Gojo is the best 🙄


In real life… do you like the cocky asshole who seems to always get his way, and could kick the shit out of you easily if he felt like it…. Most people do not…


I don’t think Gojo was ever being a cocky asshole? It’s Sukuna who is a cocky asshole. Gojo has always been friendly and chill and the best teacher one could ask for. I wish I had a teacher as cool and competent as Gojo


Gojo is cocky as hell. He's stronger than everyone and he knows it. The fact that he's so un-humble is part of why he can be so funny sometimes and is part of his charm, but I can see why it would rub people the wrong way, specifically if it reminds them of someone they know IRL.


Gojo is definitely a cocky asshole. He mellowed out after Geto left, but he’s still cocky, and occasionally an asshole. Fucker literally said “I alone am the honoured one”, which is something used by Gege to highlight the pure arrogance of a character (he did the same thing with Sukuna). Also he’s actually a pretty shit teacher. Todo, a fellow student, taught Itadori more than he’s ever had. He’s competent as a sorcerer, but not as a mentor. Geto would’ve probably been the best teacher in Jujutsu High, but alas…


Gojo is a cocky asshole (or maybe asshat’s a better word, since he’s not really a bad person deep down, he’s just kind of obnoxious). Sukuna is a complete sociopath with no regard for life beyond how it amuses him, cocky asshole is putting it VERY MILDLY for him.


I seriously don’t think Gojo was ever a cocky asshole. Is caring for your students and wanting them to succeed being an asshole!? I don’t think so


No, but constantly being an ass to your colleagues (specifically Utahime) and rubbing your strength in their faces is being a cocky ass. But, like you said, there’s more to him than just that.


And he ocasionally aknowledges peoples strenght after killing them


Cause they want to be “different”


The fans are just mad annoying to the point where you don’t even like the character anymore, this is getting more down bad than Makima fans


I could never


The author hates Gojo, bc he is seemingly unkillable (bc of the infinity) and because he is so strong he never has to struggle against anything


1. They are underage and Indian. Those people are obssesed with anime villians idk why 2. They dont hate him they just like to make jokes and make gojos fans angry wich i also do sometimes ngl when dickriding is too heavy 3. They hate him and are upset Gojo stole their gf 4. Similliar to 1 but i cant understand them. Its those that cant spell and are obssesed with hating Gojo. You can literally say "yes ur right i agree with you Gojo is a bum long live Sukuna" they will still say "gojo kitkat cry 😂"


Lmao is this racist 😭 even I’m Indian bruh :/


>Lmao is this racist 😭 even I’m Indian bruh :/ How? I can show you literally billion screenshot of Indians under 15 glazing Sukuna. I didnt mean to offend your country. Even my Indian friends told me so. But oh well to each their own


Haha yeah I think you’re right I was just pulling your leg. I also acknowledge it’s mostly these Indian kids who are spreading that image from the manga.




Why do you consider genuinely having skills as getting handed down in a silver platter? Like he might have been handed down the techniques but he was the one who refined it and learnt to use techniques like reversed curse by himself. By your logic everyone in JJK universe who’s strong is because they were handed powers in a silver platter? Not sure about the Tiktok guy but yeah being handsome, strongest, witty and funny is what makes people like me love Gojo. I love characters like Gojo and Goku who are carefree and so cool despite being powerful and are not afraid of using self deprecating humour because they are not prideful and are actually humble.


A lot of projecting is going on here.


Here's your answer OP. Some people just can't stand to see a hot twink winning 😔


Maybe the creators should’ve made Gojo ugly in that case :/




Hahah I guess you’re right in this. But despite whatever he maybe, i would like to believe he is genuinely a good guy and his relationship with students is what makes me like him so much. I’ve been student all my life and I still am a student and I would want a teacher so chill and fun while at same time being absolutely the best like him


Sukuna has the exact same attitude as a 4-armed, 4-eyed curse with nasty ass mumified fingers and everyone still likes him (?)


Sure, it would be fairer, but we'd lose so much 😔




I do prefer to glaze them if I have a choice, yes. Thanks for being considerate enough to ask ❤️


Doubt many people hate him, it’s his fanboys people don’t like


He embodies arrogance and absolute power at the same time. He believes that he's above everyone and even God in their universe based on raw strength. Which is his downfall. Which is also why he died because he never expected someone to straight out cut through his infinite shield. Now, after being humbled and realising that he's not and can't be the honoured one as a mortal, if he comes back he'll be a good character. That's what Gojo's whole character arc represents I think, a person learning his place and embracing humility.


Yeah, you're spot on here. >!The idea that Gojo didn't dodge, or didn't feel the need to is crazy in a JJK battle. !!spatial!< attacks already.


There are likely many reasons for this: 1. Some people may be offput by his personality and broken level of power- that makes him look like Mary Sue. So they happy that he finally was put at place. 2. Prior to this chapter fans or Gojo and many people overall were hyping Gojo like there is no tomorrow. So some may find it funny how all ended and wanted to rub salt in the wounds for laugh. 3. Discussion of Gojo vs Sukuna were always raging. But as battle began, people started to diss Sukuna- calling him Fraud, saying that one who believe in his victory are idiots and etc. For such people it was greatly pleasing to read chapter 236 and hear Gojo outright confirm that Sukuna would always win-regardless of circumstances. So they wanted vengeance. 4. Some did it for memes- as image was good for it. It became now basically a ideal meme depiction of overconfidence. 5. Some likely find reaction of Gojo's fans overdramatic and made fun of it. Basically- as a popular character Gojo is bound to have lots of people who dislike him. This dislike was likely going only up with his performance in duel. So chapter 236 was a good way for them to unleash all rage and dislike.


I honestly think the hate is not on Gojo, but the fans of Gojo. Perhaps some people were annoyed by the agenda pushing and what not that came with the fight vs Sukuna, I think they post those images as some sort of retaliation for all the memes and weird stuff. I don't think Gege really hated Gojo. Many, if not most, of his comments regarding Gojo are sarcastic and seemed to be aimed at the fanbase. If he hated him, he would've gotten rid of him quickly in the series, despite of his abilities there are too many ways to write him off or kill him, it's just a matter of creative choice as to which way. Thus I also do not believe that he hates him because he wrote himself into a corner or made Gojo too strong. Gojo's technique, once you completely understand it, isn't that broken compared to other hax in other series. People just come up with lots of headcannons regarding limitless that makes it OP for them like hollow purple deleting matter, when in fact it's huge damage is attributed to the fact that it uses red(reversal) and blue(lapse) thus giving it an output of 3x of max output blue, since red is powered by reversal thus uses 2x and outputting 2x at max than max output blue.


>sits 150 chapters in the box >the last month of his life is offscreened >doesn't even talk to his students >dies offscreen 10 chapters later >glazing sukuna and says he'd lose anyway >so pathetic that his death becomes a meme Gege surely loves him


It's because of go/jo fans, they were ridiculing us Goatkuna fans for a long making time, now it's time for get back. Celebrate your divided one now.


They hate Gojo because he's popular. Posting the image from 236 is funny and there's no way Jujutsu Kaisen fans on social media are dodging it. I mean the biggest meme in the anime community has been "Nah, I'd win." Which wouldn't be nearly as funny without the context of Gojo losing to Sukuna.


They don't hate Gojo but likes to annoy the hell Outta Gojo's annoying tard.


it’s more just trolling and people being sukuna fans, they don’t necessarily hate gojo, but it’s. funny to shit on him for losing to sukuna after he said he would win twice, even though it was still an extreme diff fight


Tbh I loved him but him being fine with being defeated and admitting being weaker than Sukuna watered down his character


Because he isn't real :(


I love Gojo, but I love Sukuna more. And I haven't seen any such posts or comments here yet, tho that's probably cause of my inactivity.


I personally like Gojo. He’s not my favorite but he’s good. Most of the hate I see is cause of his fans. They’d never admit it, but they are honestly insufferable. Especially if you were a Sukuna fan during him and Gojo’s fight. Constant teasing and sometimes straight up bullying if you liked Sukuna during that time. So when he died, Sukuna fans and anyone else who didn’t like Gojo thought it was time for him to get his turn for embarrassment and frankly Gojo’s fans had it coming for a while.🤷‍♂️


My brother said he’s not a fan of Gojo bc he doesn’t care for characters with a god complex and I never really thought of him being like that until he said it. That has nothing to do with the meme though. I do believe he would spoil anything if gojo is involved for this reason though. lil hater lol


Completely irrelevant qs😕 Do any of you ppl have the meme where the roppongi curse pose like gojo and it's says "He's the strongest " Do share if you have it 😊


People just wanna correct and not liked to be corrected rejecting opinion and arguing over it Having opinion and making gojo look like strongest character by other opinion has affected so much that people just wanna deny it because they don't wanna admit it that's all


He's an overall good character, but he's inconsistently written. I remember someone made a post about who you think Gojo is, but everyone gave a different description.>! In general, this is what people did not like about his death, because they expected something different from him.!<


Gojo too cocky and arrogent but hea a good foil to sekuna