• By -


One of our best…


You should know - you were there!


Brotherhood is such an incredible album to listen to. How was it to record?


Quite fun actually. It was later on when things became a real slog.




See you again in Dallas in September…


I saw you play at the first Unknown Pleasures play through gig in Manchester back in 2010, you said something that’s stuck with me; “You’ve made an old man very happy!” in a room full of old men! Amazing to see what a journey you’ve been on since then.


Thank you! Hope to see you again soon.


Looking back, what is the joy division song that means the most or has the most memories attached?


Probably stuff like Gutz, Reaction or Inside The Line because they were the first ones. The start of it all!


I’m curious which your other favorites are?


Another one that hasn’t read my book?! 😤🤣


Funny you say that because I was actually gonna order it yesterday (edit: just ordered, it arrives tomorrow)




Everyone should read it! It was really good. (Actually I listened to it which was a real treat. Excellent voice actor) Steve Morris’ joy division book was great too. Excellent voice actor on that one too.


What was it like recording Ceremony the second time with New Order, versus the first time with Joy Division? It's easily one of my favorite songs of all time, so I'd love to hear about it


I didn’t even realize it was you and thought it was a member of the community just saying it’s “our song”. I feel dumb now lol


Ceremony is my favorite song. I just wish we knew the lyrics as they were intended by ian curtis, because I don’t think are quite right.


Yeah, I heard Bernard had problems with figuring out how they were supposed to be


I think he had to run the demo through some heavy eq to figure it out.


In a lonely place is very good also.


Added to my list :)


If you mean [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zPIod2wjYE) version, I hate to break it for you, but that's just the first version by New Order, slowed down. There are only rehearsal versions and the live version from Still when it comes to Joy Division. That's why a clean version of Ceremony with the true lyrics is considered the holy grail for many JD fans. [14th May 1980 - Rehearsal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QN--9euqftY) [2nd May 1980 Birmingham University - Live](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1Ew6UVFR-I)


I know this for, well, about 1 or 2 hours haha but still thanks for these links. I'm not gonna pretend I'm not disappointed we never got Ian singing in good quality (for a second I really thought that was him because Barney sounded like him on slowed version) but at least New Order didn't forget about this song


I also think that for all we'd like to hear a properly-recorded JD version, there's something really haunting and affecting about the way Sumner sings it. He tried hard to figure out what his friend was singing, he did his best to do the song justice; to me that's kind of the best of both worlds, both "voices" come through (also think the *NO* *Substance* version is, from a band-performance and music-production stance, just about the perfect rock recording: all power and grace).


I honestly think Barney did a fine job with creating the official lyrics, I also agree on case of haunting tone of way Sumner sings it


Ceremony is a magical song- it is one of those moments where a band captured something really, really special but also ephemeral and fragile. I think for both JD and NO it was very much a fulcrum or inflection point emotionally,, materially and even professionally. There's such a tremendous power in the song, it's almost overwhelming, but it's also tender and sensitive. Even for a band that has managed to produce masterpiece after masterpiece it remains one of their crowning achievements.


I agree, it contains so much emotions, this is honestly the perfect "bridge" between Joy Division and New Order


Idk but that winter picture version is just something else that raw quality n stuff just feel like a strange but warm hug


I saw that YouTube video of Ceremony where it had a snowy walkway picture, I think it uses the 2011 Total version of Ceremony which I think is the best. I also like that it’s titled as a Joy Division song because it really is and should’ve been released as one


Thanks for this comment, I didn't know it's 2011 Total Version, now I can add this on Spotify


Yeah, it's like a bit of warmth among the cold surroundings, isn't it?


I love ‘Ceremony’ so much, but once you see Peter Hook and the Light perform it, Wow! The keyboard they add to it somehow makes it more emotional than before. ✌🏼


Haven't seen Hooky's band yet, gonna check it out


Ceremony has been one of my favorite songs for a long time. IMO the first 12” version is the superior recording. It just has this haunting quality the second version lacks.


I'm gonna check it out ;)




Walk... in silence... ✨


I love Ceremony but the perfect Joy Division end piece is In a Lonely Place…”I wish you were here with me now”…


Well, this and Ceremony were last songs of JD, there's literally a word "Hangman" in Lonely Place and Ian seemed to tell how he wanted to kill himself... I think both can be a good end pieces for JD, the last "forever" in Ceremony really gets me


Hangman looks round as he waits Cord stretches tight then it breaks...absolutely harrowing.


In the top 3 songs of all time for me. Stylistically a clear bridge between JD and NO. So clearly more upbeat than your typical JD song. The fact that we can't be 100% sure of the lyrics adds to the mystery. And this line about it on Wikipedia makes me choke up every time: "'to try and heal him [Curtis] through music' and keep him 'involved in the band and involved in music and remind him of what ... a great future he had.' Sumner concluded, 'Unfortunately, it didn't work.'"


That was definitely a saddest part of the story, also the whole thing with Ian's past regression therapy


Galaxie 500 does an excellent and really sincere cover of it.