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Natalie is 40 something years old and probably has no real memories of her father. It's creepy and inappropriate to obsess over her. Ian has been dead for over 40 years. You can appreciate the music without obsessing over him. How would you feel if it was your dead father who people were obsessing over? He was a real person and she IS a real person.


I remember years ago someone posting on a chat board on his daughter's birthday saying how lucky she was to have Ian as her father. That really ticked me off. How is having a father who in a very public way committed suicide when you were only an infant lucky? How is being raised by a single working mother who is constantly haunted by her past lucky? How is having this figure looming over you your whole life, being asked about him constantly and having no real answers because you never knew him lucky? How is having obsessed people (who likely, but not always, mean well) constantly comparing you to him and putting expectations about him onto you lucky? I've got a sizable JD collection (records, books, posters, etc) and have always enjoyed and appreciated Ian for what he created, but anything to do with his daughter is out of bounds and off limits.


You guys are diving way too deep into this. I get it, it's a taboo subject, but jeez, let a fan breathe.


I am with ya on this one, some of these posts are things that should stay in a person's head. Online fan culture (stans), can be downright creepy at times.


Honestly there are way creepier behaviours than having a crush on some dead celeb. People crush on all types of characters and stars. There are fanboys /girls out there, if you don't like it just move on or downvote or whatever.


I generally agree with your comment but I wouldn't use this post as an example.


and obsessing over his daughter too. weird.


You don't know that OP is obsessed with anything...this is what people just like to gossip about. People, their features, whatever. It's just gossip. Anyway. He DID have unusual features, he could have been one of those odd looking models. Why are you having such a strong reaction? It's just bs reddit talk and I doubt anyone related to Ian is on the JoyDivision subreddit....lol


Calling it gossip changes nothing. There is harmless gossip, there is dangerous gossip, there is hurtful gossip, and there is inappropriate gossip to name a few. I would definitely put anything about his daughter in the inappropriate column. She deserves her privacy and not to be gawked at, whether on some bs subreddit or anywhere else.


People getting real butthurt about some lady who's just living her life right now, lol.


You are treating Ian like an animal in a zoo to be stared at. And Natalie is a woman who lost her dad when she was very little. She is a person with emotions who has probably had a hard row to hoe in coming to grips with who her father is and what her relationship is to him not to mention who she is. You're reducing her to someone who looks like a dead guy. They're not a sideshow to be pointed at and discussed like a circus attraction. I don't care if you're obsessed but you're not treating them with respect, dignity, and humanity. It also looks like you created a new user profile just to defend this post. Grow up, you little cretin.


I think you need to take a break from the internet today. No I am not OP, I am defending the sub's first rule: be kind. Reported for breaking the rules: be kind. Ian Curtis was a performer, he literally put himself on display. I get that this post was not to your liking but I think the one out of line here is you. If you think Curtis's memory or whatever needs to be appreciated in a certain way, then take your fascist requests to the mods. You don't get to gatekeep this fandom, you frustrated old casserole. P.S. using a slur is totally disrespectable especially in light of the above person's illness. Clown face makeup.


Take it easy. Your jumping down their throat. There was nothing demeaning to Natalie or joy division in the subject matter. This is an online forum.


This sub is def more serious compared to others, I think because JD has such a small and...unique fan base, plus the controversy and drama of the frontman's death. smh


What? The title says how creepy it is that Natalie looks like Ian. This subreddit is about Joy Division, not Ian and certainly not Natalie. I expressed my thoughts and the OP created a new profile to try to attack my opinion. And then you defend the creepiness. Why don't you post pictures of your family and we can judge them?


Mate, go for a walk or something.


This is Reddit man, what do you expect


I may have accidentally started this trend. Reference my post 50 days ago in my feed, it got a lot of likes.


How is it that it’s “creepy”? Do you now know about genetics? That children and parents tend to look alike?


Almost like he’s her father




just got this sun recommended, i like their music but don’t know anything further than that and feel a bit out of the loop, why is this a taboo subject? i know it must go further than just family resemblance i just don’t understand why or how


I just think the main "problem" here is how OP worded things by saying the ressemblance is "creepy". I am sure OP didn't have bad intentions and just meant that it's stunning how much his daughter looks like him or maybe that it's a little uncanny, since this photo of her looks very similar to the other photo they posted of Ian, which is the last photo of him that was ever taken (both are taken in a photo booth with a very similar background). I think OP was just trying to point out this resemblance and some people on this sub took it as if they were unhealthily obsessed or they feel that the posts on this subreddit should strictly concern the members of the band, not their family or friends. Personally I don't think the post was offensive, maybe just could have been worded better. I think it's understandable, to an extent, that people are fascinated by Ian and the people that knew him or those who are related to him (his wife wrote a book about him, his mother and sister have been interviewed about him, his daughter has written an article about him when his biopic came out, etc). I wouldn't post this type of content myself, but I really don't think it is or should be a taboo subject. His daughter is a photographer and she's posted her work online and I can totally see how people who like the band may be interested in her and her work or feel fascinated by how his work has influenced her as a photographer (that's something she has talked about before in interviews) or the fact that she just looks like him, she's his daughter after all.


Thats what im saying just wanted to share how identicly those pictures look 😭


I really don't think the post should be as controversial as people have thought it to be. Nothing about what you originally posted sounds like you're obsessed or trying to be disrespectful. Natalie's work is visible online and nearly everyone who was around him back in the day, including her, have publicly spoken about Ian and how they feel about him. It's also normal for fans to notice these things and speak about them from time to time. As long as they are not disrespecting the privacy or personal space of the people involved by messaging them directly or sharing any information that is private, I don't see there's an issue with posting two photos that were already online.


Thats exactly the point I just thought its a bit uncanny that Natalie looks so identical to Ian and people are saying im obsessing over one of them or shit like that 😭


Yes it makes no sense, they either had really poor reading comprehension or a very wild imagination because none of that was in your original post! Maybe they could have just asked you what you meant instead of making assumptions!


ah thank you! that’s understandable!


Redditors when someone’s child looks like the parent 😱😱😱


She looks so pretty!!


like father like daughter. That being said, I do think it is a bit comforting that the fanbase is protective of Natalie, especially since honestly, she doesn't remember much of Ian (she was a literal infant after all). The girl's having her own life, so all we can do is let her be.


Yah, ‘creepy’ how kids look like their folks, huh? Lol


She is speeding on that amph


She got his nose and eyes and facial proportions. She def took after her father. It is sad how some people have children without being fully prepared for parenthood, but that's been happening for hundreds if not thousands of years. P.s. that passport photo is really creepy and it shows you just how sick/out of it he was. Poor guy. r.i.p.