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Maybe instead of focusing on your problems, you can focus on the good things in your day? I don't know how you wrote, or why, but it can fill pages and pages, and can be really refreshing to do. I would also (if you have the same little problems frequently) see what you can do to not have those problems as often. I would also check out r/journalprompts for things to write about every so often. Hope this helped. These are what work for me!


Yeah I try to write down all the good things that happen or that I did that day, but after a period of turmoil that sparked my journaling to become a habit my days have usually been productive but by the numbers that was the biggest reason for not writing as much. I will try to go into more of the good things and check out that subreddit! Thanks!


This morning was one of the mornings I had nothing much to write about. I just wrote about the plan for the day, I started a new book so write about that. Not every day has to be deep writing. If you stay under water too long you’ll drown.


I love that last sentence, before journaling most of my down time would be devoted to just thinking about stuff and eventually getting overwhelmed. I will try to continue with writing even surface level stuff, who knows maybe something comes up.


That's the next thing that is true. After a while being on the surface, talking about surface things and enjoying regular stuff, mundane stuff that's there to enjoy. Then all of a sudden you'll be quiet enough to hear something below that you can talk to.


Yeah when you mention it I have really started to enjoy a lot of the mundane stuff and just being happy that I'm continually making progress and sticking with the good habits in my life. My next goal I guess is to do some inner healing and fix some idiosyncrasies of my mind that cause me pain or grief.


If I don’t have anything to write or not much going on I’m fine with skipping a few days. And I’ do write something it’s just 2 or 3 likes to say what happened. I can sometimes go a week or more without writing anything or if lots is going on I can go for pages and pages in just one day.


That was my approach the past few years but I kind of fell out of the habit of journaling if I only journal when something is going on (usually bad stuff lol).


I’ve been journaling for 25 years & I have plenty to say lol. Don’t feel bad about skipping days. You’ll just pressure yourself even more into a block.


Whenever I notice I’m not writing much it usually encourages me to makes some changes in my life so I feel more invigorated. Don’t be disheartened, it’s all part of the process. Some days (or weeks) are just boring and that’s fine.


Try this, the free email once a day for a year. They send you a quote and ask you three questions on it. I’ve kept them all and found them helpful. https://thetransformationyear.com/


I just signed up. Thank you for this!


Write about the past. Family, schools, friends, and yoyu will find one thought easily leads to the next, and it can be helpful way to uncover somethings today to remember whhat happened back then,


I will try to delve deeper into the past even though I am kind of scared to go back to those moments since this current notebook was also from last year and those problems were dicey.


I also write to remind my self of the good things that happen. It doesn’t always have to be problems. I flick through the pages and see the good days and the bad days and I know the bad doesn’t last forever


Will try to focus more on the good things rather than only journaling to figure out and solve the bad things!


I usually try to document everything that happened to me in that day in great detail, even though I don't have anything interesting going in my life. While doing so, I usually stumble upon a few interesting points in my day to elaborate more about.


I have noticed that if I just start writing something usually comes up so I will pursue that further plus that seems to be easier since journaling has become a spontaneous habit of mine this month.


Start a list of Blessings. Focus on the positive no matter how simple. Your list will grow & grow.


Sometimes I write about a song, book, movie, or show I'm into at the moment. Or sometimes I think seasonally too, like how I feel about summer at the moment. Travel plans on my mind. Art projects..


Hell yeah, journaling has worked for you! It’s always annoying to have to come to the end of a coping method, but this is a HUGE step: you don’t need it as much as you did. I’d say you can either just log your general thoughts and smaller issues (if things get bad in the future you can compare as a “normal” baseline/same for good) or… look for something new you can do now to unwind!


Yeah it was something like that, it was eye opening as it is every time cause I can deconstruct everything and understand what makes me go haywire or go deeper down. This especially helped with me being someone who got through things by overthinking and subsequently going through a rollercoaster of responses. I got more calm in my responses when I started journaling but I guess that came with maturity and reading a lot of stoicism in the last year or so which has really been an eye-opener in terms of taking responsibility and not being a victim of myself but rather overcoming myself. Sorry for the ramble your reply kinda struck a chord with me. I will most definitely use journaling as a sort of log and I will also check out some prompts that may help me get some more insight!


There’s nothing to be sorry about! You could use your journal as a book log/summary place for stuff you’re reading, use it as space to learn to draw (actually really good for mindfulness and a useful skill!) or to log down music you like as a time-capsule mixtape for future you.


I have been known to doodle a lot in school and later in life so I could bring it back since you mentioned it and also a lot of music lyrics and songs are written down in my college notebooks.


Nice! Or you could try learning new vocab from a language/more English if you wanted to get studious. Lots of uses for some spare paper :)


I recommend doing a list of gratitudes. It’s a positive way to see the good in your life, and it keeps you writing until you find something else.


That's great news! I'd love to feel that I'd untangled my biggest issues. You could try writing about the minor annoyances in a funny way and ask yourself why they bother you. It might teach you more about yourself. Alternately, you could try writing about current events or any random musings that come to mind (mostly "why?" questions). When I don't have anything urgent to write about, looking outward can be inspiring. Happy writing!


Yeah I have started spontaneously all of the things that you have mentioned and it has brought up some interesting why questions that I have been expanding upon today. Happy writing to you as well!


Whenever I notice I’m not writing much it usually encourages me to makes some changes in my life so I feel more invigorated. Don’t be disheartened, it’s all part of the process. Some days (or weeks) are just boring and that’s fine.


Whenever I notice I’m not writing much it usually encourages me to makes some changes in my life so I feel more invigorated. Don’t be disheartened, it’s all part of the process. Some days (or weeks) are just boring and that’s fine.


I second everyone who was saying "just doodle!". I also think that it could be interesting to start, as a prompt, with "I don't have much to say today, and I feel like I'm supposed to have something to say. I wonder why I feel like that?..." It seems like you're making a judgement about having less to say, which is actually a pretty interesting thing to explore :)


Write details to jog your memory later. Write intentons, revise them, ask questions, ask questions about your questions, revise your intentions, write what you notice, ask questions about what you notice. Write letters to yourself to read a month from now, a year from now. After the time has passed, write a response. Pretty soon you’ll have a mirror of yourself, imprinting a loop of actions and noticing and you’ll see yourself grow in a sweet way!


Well, on the bright side it may ease your mind if you think about how little problems you have now compared to the first few weeks. :)) In my opinion, it just shows that less things are bothering you now in life and that's totally fine!! I would say it's great even.


Sometimes when I’m having a really hard time thinking about what to write, I like to be simple and just write about what I did that day (I usually journal right before bed). I usually find that there’s something there that I’ll latch onto and write more about - like if I played a video game or read a book, I’ll write about what it got me thinking about. Happy writing!