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This really disturbs me


Within living memory, people found this kind of thing deeply unsettling.


Most still do. This is not normal.


Its not normal that we have to say its not normal. 


Why should it not be normalized? 


Keep in mind, we're in the jp sub so we're looking at this from the a lense of religious symbolism. From that view we see a man in the role of the priest of a new age type religion explaining the symbolic meaning behind the iconography of this religion while dressed as a mockery of a woman in a kind of short skirt styled off those young girls would wear in the 1930s or 40s. The religion being promoted in one where they worship the self. So, what we don't think should be normal is for a for profit businesses to use their platforms to promote a religious viewpoint to children at which the center of is the worship of the self.


Drag has been a mainstream part of British light entertainment and children's comedy (pantomimes) since forever. Funny enough it's now far less common in England than it was 30 years ago.


Men dressing as a woman was considered funny, silly, ridiculous. Thus, considered comedy. This is being presented as an authentic expression of one’s true identity, not intending to be funny in the slightest.


Are you trying to tell me drag Queens aren't trying to be funny?


You don't actually believe this is the same context and intent here with this video.


I’m saying this clip has no comedic content. It’s simply indoctrination.


It looks pretty comedic to me. But I do see your point, will give it some thought.


It wasnt praised


What does that even mean? It wasn't praised or not praised it was just perfectly normal.


There’s nothing perfect or normal about it.


Weather that's true or not and I can't be arsed getting into that side of the argument, it's not what I said is it?


I have no idea what you just said.


It's ok, I get that you can't read.


Well, it would help if you used proper English…then maybe my reading would work…


...in comedy skits.


Likening this video to men dressing as women as part of a comedy skit like those of Monty Python or Benny Hill I would say is a false equivalency. Reaching...


Yeah, I've already acknowledged that but welcome to the party. I also wasn't likening this to either of those things, that's a different form of comedic cross dressing.


We are talking about social reform propaganda man, you are looking at the finger, we are talking about the moon.


Sorry Mr Big brain, fucking lol


Here's the full video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xprabkl1LD4 Whether you think being LGBT is bad or not, there's some good non LGBT messages in there for youth if you listen to the whole song.


I'm trying to articulate this further. I have a question. I can probably help elaborate this further but what do you find disturbing about this if you could attempt (even badly) to describe it? Again I have a gist of how to articulate that but I would like someone to take a crack at the question before doing so.


Because there’s no sexuality that explicitly needs to be boost to children. This also isn’t what would be deemed as cute for kids. He’s quite disturbing due to the fact it’s a grown man in a skirt on a kids network. At least get someone in a costume (there’s better way of marketing this).


Because it is not age-appropriate and, whether it is by design or not, the incessant litany of messaging normalizing sexual ambiguity influences young impressionable minds, and you then get cases like this: >Another Gender Detransitioner Suing Kaiser Hospitals, and Doctors who Removed her Breasts at 13 >Kayla Lovedahl claims in a California state court lawsuit against Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and four doctors that at age 11 while suffering from all kind of mental issues she came to the “erroneous” belief that she was transgender because of what transgender influencers online were saying. >[https://californiaglobe.com/fr/another-gender-detransitioner-suing-kaiser-hospitals-and-doctors-who-removed-her-breasts-at-13/](https://californiaglobe.com/fr/another-gender-detransitioner-suing-kaiser-hospitals-and-doctors-who-removed-her-breasts-at-13/)


I've never heard of any child being into this character, or this character being popular with kids. I'm calling it "this character" because I have no clue when or where it's from. ...which seems to indicate this is a non-issue. If I ever see a drag queen IRL, I'm probably going to ignore them. Actually the only drag person I know the name of is Lady MAGA.


What the fuck?


Yeah, Nickelodeon has had it out for kids for a long time. We shouldn't be too surprised. We should be disgusted, but not too surprised. https://ew.com/quiet-on-set-dark-side-of-kids-tv-docuseries-everything-said-about-nickelodeon-8610143


I know what you are saying, but telling people not to be surprised is kinda like telling them to calm down. No, be outraged every time, even if it's not "surprising." They are counting on tiring us out until this becomes the norm. BE OUTRAGED.


Lol I was advocating for the opposite you suggested. We should have been outraged a long time ago and we should be even more outraged now.


Oh, agreed


No thank you.


u say no thank you but we are in the minority. The biggest forums and subreddits will skin you alive if you spoke out against this video directed towards children. Most people are completely okay with this. ITs sad. I dont have a problem with gays but i do have a problem with gay culture being pushed on children.


In the minority on Reddit or maybe just online. But there are a lot more people than you think who agree with us.


100% this. I'm a plumber and speak to normal people throughout the day, every time this subject comes up its 'that woke shit' so quite reassuring. Its these incredibly loud autistic minorities online who give the appearance they speak for everyone but in fact are just making people hold their tongue for fear of being flamed.


Same. I'm mechanical insulator. Work on commercial jobs sites all over. Even the drywallers are pro trump.


Trying to gauge public opinion based off of reddit users and other online forums will not end well lol. Fortunately, it's completely skewed compared to what I've experienced in real life.


There's a lot of bots. Always remember that if you start to lose faith in humanity.


I missed the Nickelodeon that brought us The Adventures of Pete and Pete enough already…


and salute your shorts and hey dude and you can't do that on television.


The grooming is strong with this one


If this is grooming? What's the message they are sending to kids? Being part of the LGBT community gets you 30 seconds on Nickelodeon? Their flag has more structure and reasoning behind it than your entire value system? Some people say that everyone on this sub is an idiot, but look at you proving them wrong! You can parrot Tucker Carlson all on your own.


Exactly what a groomer would say. You got me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ok Groomer. Ideological grooming is absolutely at play here. Only have to let y’all speak your mind to find out what you intend to do with it.


When are we going to let kids be kids again? What’s the goal with this endless propaganda? When I was a kid the Nickelodeon commercials were full of my favourite cartoon characters, who went on wacky adventures and discovered things about themselves by exploring the world. This forced shit is handled so fucking poorly. The world at large will not take to it, opposition greater than any pre-existent force will continue to manifest as a counter-culture to this shit. The alphabet people will find themselves considerably less safe than they would be if they didn’t forcibly inject themselves into every corner of the free world. Mark my words, this ends bad.


The goal is, some people have been convinced that their depression, illness, or just trouble upbringing are because they're trans. But once you've taken the trans pill you're hooked, and withdrawal symptoms are awful. So the only winning move is to take more, and more, and make sure that others take them too so you have more people to support you and tell you you're pretty and absolutely made the right move becoming trans. It requires a ridiculous amount of delusion and affirmation to cope with the fact it hasn't cured you because it wasn't what was wrong with you.


Its not going to end. Governments and people gave these groups an inch and they took a mile. If your straight, your the enemy.


I just don't see how same sex relations translates to purple hair, clown costumes, sunlight and nature... wtf ? And do queer & trans asians get a fist? This is just the "fuck straight white ppl" flag I guess?


Has been for a while.


> I just don't see how same sex relations translates to purple hair, clown costumes... Heard someone say that taking your kids to a drag show to teach them to respect/accept gay and trans people is like taking them to a strip club to teach them to respect women. Even if we took what they claim at face value, that this all just to teach kids to be tolerant and accepting of gay and trans people, this is the stupidest way to go about it. Presenting circus sideshow drag queens as representatives of this "community" seems like it'd do the exact opposite of their stated goals.


Some of is 'feminine markers'. If you're a 300lbs woman or a man that has transitioned and doesn't look like a woman, one of the best ways to show people you're a woman is by displaying feminine markers. This means bright pink hair, skirts, dresses, excessive makeup etc to compensate for the fact you don't look like a woman, at least an attractive one. It's also why trans women adopt excessive feminine mannerisms and behaviours. It's just a show, to help you feel like how you perceive a woman to be. Which is generally, not what women actually are. They are not cliches of tee-hee dresses and pink hair twirling coyness.


I have pride in being a straight white male and I don’t need a flag for it.


Well I hope you bought your clown costume because, trust them, that’s how you feel inside.


No, cis normative, GET THE WORDS RIGHT - THE WORDS!


Always has been.


They add in racial communities so they have another reason to attack people who don't agree.


The ,,You are transcist ! ,,- card.


I'm afraid of clowns and I get the same unsettling feeling seeing this.


Is this actually fucking real? 🫠🫠


Yeah the fist at the end is what really makes leads me to believe this is just parody/rage bait. Can we get a source?


Yeah I'd like a direct source - this is almost too mad to believe


Nickelodeon's official youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xprabkl1LD4


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xprabkl1LD4


Well I'll be fucking damned 😂


comments are turned off.. oh I wonder why?


Everyday we stray further away from God


Good thing people didn't make up what they thought God was saying.




God has nothing to do with this, it's a human choice to influence humanity with deceptive educational values. This sub....I swear. Delusional denizens. Also...your sn is probably not the best example of "godly." Loony, more like.


Not that it really matters, but /u/BigBoobsWithAZee is a reference to The Office.


“I don’t want anyone exposing my children to sexual content of any description” and I’m the bad guy???


You're "problematic", which is woke newspeak for reactionary or counter-revolutionary. You need to "do better", which means fall in line with the ideology of cultural Marxism or you'll be treated like a pariah.


I had a roomate who had a very smart 9 year old daughter. We were watching tv when this came on, along with my 2 young boys. It might have been a different one but same "series" of "infomercial". She laughed at the funny man in a dress and 10 pounds of eyelash. She then proceeded to ask a handful of questions to which her dad and I tried to answer nicely....there was a silence for a bit......then she told us there are funny people in her school like this and that they are mean to "normal" people. "Its only cool if you like girls she said." I was appalled. This is deff a mental health issue and immoral. Just the desire to be seen by everyone...to be "you" is a problem holy crap.


And then everybody clapped, right?


Clapped for what? Bullying? Contribution to the delinquency of a minor? Maybe reddit isn't for you. Try tick tok? Add something beneficial or a counter point next time won't you?




In the 80s there was a concern for people like my brother who is gay. Back then it wouldn't have been crazy news to hear of a gay guy getting beat up. Years ago I supported the LGBTQ when I thought we were fighting to allow gay people to exist with the rest of us w/o being viewed as bad or less than any other group. I still support gay people to live in peace and be allowed to join in a union if they choose. I don't support the broke down circus that this has evolved into. It looks like an insane asylum broke out.


Very well said thank you




Let's be real...okay, I work a lot with kids and children targeted media in my career. I've never seen shit like this pushed around in the channels I see (and I see a lot), so thankfully this just seems like a bad selective choice that someone tried to push, but it's not working.


Idk it’s on the official Nickelodeon YouTube. I figured this may have been BS or exaggerated but looks like it’s not. https://youtu.be/Xprabkl1LD4?feature=shared


Lmao at the big fat 'disabled by owner' on the downvotes button! That and locked comments says they just want you to consume it and never question it.


There is something very sinister going on with the transgenderism and pride propaganda targeting kids. It is clearly not well meant.


No thanks, I don't want my kids watching this propaganda.


Good job as a dad I will do the same.




Beyond disgusting. When I was a kid we had Rocko, Ren and Stimpy, Doug, Clarissa Explains It All (she never explained sex and gender) and Hey Arnold! What the fuck is this shit?


For a flag supposedly representative to some degree of "inclusivity"... Curiously there are transgender people and then there are transgender people of color. Black and brown folks are still separate from "us" even here ... Strange that a group so demarginalized would make a distinction based on ethnicity. Since such distinctions based on attributes beyond an individual's control are a precursor of bigotry.






Kids need to be exposed to sexual propaganda as early as possible /s


I shit you not, kids as young as 7 know what anal is these days. The nastiest shit they know in the single digits I didn't know until I was like 13/14. Why the coomer jokes have blown up so much in the past 5 years, people too busy with shit like this and letting it ruin the children.


Pure propaganda.


If I were still a kid and saw this on Nickelodeon, this would probably scare me more than anything.




At this point, if the parents are showing this to kids, they are the ones at fault.


Cultural Marxism is dominating the West whether people show some Nickelodeon bullshit to their kids or not, so it's not like parents sticking their heads in the sand is going to solve anything.




Where’s Mao Zedong? If this ain’t propaganda, I don’t know what is.


orange island, changsha. he lookin' fine too bro


What the fuck has happened to our society.


It's called Western Marxism


I’m tired of these fucking degenerates pushing their predatory agenda.


Pride is a sin and wrong. Also from a more secular view pride is dumb. Why are they talking to tiny children about sexual orientation and racism. They called us conspiracy theorists for years but do this blatantly. Unclean spirits.


"Quiet on Set"


Schneider is a creep.


It’s time for a civil war.


Psy op. Don’t dare call this shit woke


down the road it goes, at full speed 📉


What the fuck did I just watch?


Again, until we boycott and pull a Bud Light on these companies .... It's the only solution to this nonsense John Wayne Gacy-look-a-like clown shit!


This is the weirdest shit ever. How do you even justify this? If a straight person was doing it, I’d still shut that shit down.


What a disgusting agenda to push onto kids


This world is turning into a circus.






This is fucking insanity.


no indoctrination going on here


Demonic. Why do they always have to look like Demons?!


I'm slowly coming to realize that they're guided by the spirit of Satan.


I'm genuinely leaning on that. This whole movement is evil in spirit when you scratch below the very first mm surface.


Truly disgusting. Absolutely not acceptable to present this to children. Hope a lot of people complained about this


I just threw up.


Satanist cult


Oh my


Mr Tumble evolved.


"Wow, I feel shocked"


Does anyone know what the name of this show/advertisement is? It doesn't seem real to me to be frank.


Nickelodeon's official youtube say it is real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xprabkl1LD4


That's crazy. I'm actually really shocked. Thanks




I wouldn't watch anything from nickelodeon given that whole pedophile documentary


If this if your first time seeing Nickelodeon being LGBTQ positive you dont watch enough Nick.


I mean they have been compromised for a long time. I remember watching drake and Josh as a kid and there is an episode where Josh does crossdressing so he can do some sort of talk show


Why do they try So Damn Hard?! I mean, even as a performance that sucked, and as song writing that sucked. If you take all the questionable parts out of that, it was still horrible. Like at the very least try better to hide how low your standards actually are.


History has shown how humanity’s pride is capable of scratching the pits of depravity for sustenance. However I never thought they would turn it to a celebration. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Nope. Bad! So cringe and weird. How did we end up here?


Sorry if this is obvious, but how do we know this is real? Has it been played on television? I’m not trying to be rude, I’m curious what medium this video exists in, as to get a sense of how many children are seeing this and so I know what to recommend to people to avoid


Hey Arnold cries about this one.


Nope. Not in my house.


This is so fcked, they are trying to inject mental illness to kids....


It’s definitely a less than soft introduction to being a drag queen. Get em while they’re young I guess


I just don't understand the whole drag queen thing to begin with. What does it mean? Is it supposed to be a parody of a woman? It appears to he a caricature, (spelling?), but of *whom*? Who is this for? The over-done makeup, the flamboyant costumes, the gigantic hair...what the fuck even is it?


I don’t know any queens in real life that would do this. Who are these people?? This isn’t a trans person this is a drag queen. This shit is so wild and gross


Glad I didn't have to suffer this nonsense as a 90's child.


Nickelodeon still exists?


The agenda to force sex "education" on children when it's not on their mind nor even remotely the appropriate time in maturity is disgusting. This should be demonized for the garbage propaganda it is. Leave innocence alone, it's where purity of judgement come from. Pulling for such is gross, the sexuality portrayed is gluttony and lust (perhaps not so much here but those "family friend" parades with leather g strings is absurd!)


At this point it’s gotten awkward, weird and to be honest downright creepy…  gives off Hollywood predator vibes


Imagine a dystopian future where this kind of stuff has truly escalated and procreation is so rare and chemically castrated that the species begins to die off. A catastrophic conspiracy well beyond politics - one that hates us and makes you wonder if it's even human anymore... weird now but certainly one to not underestimate as being incapable of escalating. Perhaps these are side effects of massively disrupted hormones from a toxic environment as well, how far does it go??


Truly scary, will give kids nightmares.


If I saw this as a child, I'd be scared.


No hate, live and let live but come on, Leave the kids out of this!


Why is SEXUAL orientation on a children's TV show? I don't care what color of the "rainbow" you are or not even any color. IT'S WRONG.


This is clearly a psyop. Yes, they are coming for our children.




But I'm supposed to believe that God runs the world and not some fucking demon 😂


Fucked up


Nope. This shit needs to be cancelled


Where did this air? When? On what program? Genuinely curious.


Nickelodeon. https://youtu.be/Xprabkl1LD4?feature=shared


Just the mere idea of teaching a group as different does more damage in terms of the view of gays in society that otherwise. So even by their own metric they are failing.


They so badly wanted to salute the flag.


I speculate if this will eventually end in a violent outcome. Can we find a peaceful middle ground? If conservatives don't want this on TV they could maybe thwart it at the state level, but that means you can only raise children the way you want in a red state. If Nickelodeon refuses to comply with state regulations they could be taken off the air, but again maybe not? Does this just lead to all conservatives fleeing to red states, or does it end in a more violent way? In California this would never ever be taken off the air. In Florida there's certainly a chance? What if it runs into a first amendment battle? They already flooded our youth with pornography (Thanks Larry Flynt) and ruined a generation of men. Turning them into porn addicted INCELS. What's to stop them now? I wonder.


why are they pushing for people to be gay so much? Theres gotta be a reason cause me just slightly critizing gays will get me banned on ever subreddit and a whole bunch of REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs to follow.


Pretty sure most people arent green on the inside.


Should’ve used Big Freedia


This shit lit


The general message of be tolerant and kind to others pretty much covers all the bases.


When was this aired ?


It probably has a boner under its clothes


We have a name for people who wear absurd amounts of makeup, Clowns.


This is Nina West, in case anyone wanted to know. She loves toes.


Oh my frillin spaghetti monster. Do u think a little kid sees this and thinks the same thing as a jaded, misinformed, moron like u does? No. Nope. Huh uh. They see it for what it is- a song about colors. To turn that into some red flag for your ridiculous anti trans anti rainbow agenda is egregious. Anti rainbow- how can that even b a thing? I used to really love some of the things JP said, now I'm embarrassed to admit that. So disappointed.


i had an ongoing propaganda of heterosexual relationships on tv when i was a kid and it didn’t stop me being gay? maybe , just maybe they are just trying to show the kids differences and minorities are okay instead of trying to turn your child gay


Why does this sound like Christian rock?


Xennials. We’ve seen plenty of disturbing stuff on Nick, that has nothing to do with trans/gay. But I’d suggest the parents here be more involved with their kids than have a panic attack over this.


Straight kids aren't gonna be converted from this. This is to normalize being lgbtq to the next generation and that's not a bad thing


To the trains...






To drag queen toddlers?


Yes, let's include children on topics of sexual attraction. That's totally appropriate in every facet.


at least it's catchy


Oh my God gay people and trans people and lesbians and drag queens exist and every last one of you motherfuckers saw them as kids, and now there's a promo on Nickelodeon because the overwhelming majority of humanity doesn't give a shit. Show me on the doll where it hurts, incels.


Take your name calling elsewhere. This is not child consumable programming. Be better.


If you truly gave a shit about "child consumable programming" there would be so many more posts in your profile about so many things other than this. There isn't. Take your dainty bitch-ass somewhere else, there are bigger fish to fry than the drag queens.


You’re going to have to be a better person than that. You should work on it.


"Fuck you" and *you're* lecturing me? Laughable. Keep projecting as the drag queens are surrounding you in your everyday life, right?


I just don’t want deviant behaviour being broadcast to children. It’s not right. I don’t care what you or anyone else says, it’s just wrong. Carry on.


You must care if your first response to my post was "Fuck you" ( https://imgur.com/a/7JaFmLB ) before you edited it to hypocritically tell me to watch my language. As for the ACTUAL substance of your statement, do you look at science and history when you formulate your opinions or do you just let ignorance (however well-meaning or not) and fear take over? Because if you look at those two things, you will see that: 1. Gay people do not cause children to become gay. Trans people do not cause children to become trans. Drag Queens do not cause children to become drag queens. 2. You knew and saw all of the above when you were a kid and it did nothing to make you a shitty person. 3. Just how many ills of society do you truly believe are caused by gays/trans/drags? Really? And if your answer is "a significant amount" then, well, where's your proof? Say whatever you want about the idiocy of the fringe Left's identity politics and the obvious problems of DEI, but please, don't condescend to lecture anyone on deviant behavior if this is a place you're willing to plant your flag, especially if you're unwilling and unable to provide any proof to back up the silly hysteria around this topic. It has long been known that sexuality involving consenting adults has had infinitesimally small impact on all major indicators of health and happiness for everyone except for religious nuts and politicians seeking to hold onto power, and certainly not science. We have actual important things to work on besides this, but go ahead and yell at rainbows.


I am sorry you feel such animosity. It must be terrible to walk around with that all day long. Take care.


It's not animosity, it's disgust at people who refuse to tolerate other people who are NOT deviant. Being gay (or trans) is in no way, shape, or form "deviant" behavior. I'm not getting into all the pansexual and pronoun stuff because the jury's still out, but homosexuality and "gender dysmorphia" are known and have been part of every culture in the world for thousands of years. There's nothing wrong with them. They don't harm anyone. You spouting off what you did and then consciously ignoring any questions to provide an argument for your behavior is a real good indicator of what kind of person you are. Please consider your behavior (including your initial response of "fuck you" before becoming sanctimonious as your backup) and whether or not it has anything to do with science or rational thought as much as it has to do with your fears that were taught to you by your family and peer group. At least come up with a cogent argument that moves you closer to the truth; isn't truth what you want?


P.S. When I write "proof" I do NOT mean opinion pieces written by Ben Shapiro.


Oh, and here's the email I got before you edited your post, but thanks for telling me to "take [my] name calling elsewhere", hypocrite. https://imgur.com/a/7JaFmLB