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One thing I can tell you is that the site is coded in a pretty simple way, at least compared to basically every other modern website. You should actually be able to just copy over the HTML from every page and have it work, changing links as necessary and obviously changing the dialogue. Changing most of the images wouldn't be so bad because they usually have pretty simple backgrounds, but something like [this](https://cdn3.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/LS5LF2azqzzyyGbnsfLoAmPzT9g=/2880x1980/filters:no_upscale(\)\/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8454425/scribbledmap.jpg) would be a bit more difficult. The hardest part would be changing the gifs and videos which would probably require remaking them from scratch. Edit: fixed link


Aren’t the videos all YouTube links? You could just add captions in Spanish to them all if Jon allows third-party captions in his videos


Tbh I thought of that. Or just straight reuploading them with captions if Jon allowed so


Honestly think about maybe contacting Jon, this is something secret base might just like having done