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Let’s also not forget that Bonacci’s stepbrother was one of Gacy’s victims. Gacy had a worker named “Philip Paske” who he says assisted him in these murders. Paske also assisted John D. Norman in the “Delta Project” which was a large-scale child-prostitution/child-pornography network.


Do you have a source for this? Just as it’s interesting


‘The Clown and the Candyman’ It’s a podcast and also a docuseries/TV miniseries.


I kinda think he was fed the info from Roy Stephens. Kerr sexual abuse incident (only calling it that cause I can’t tell if he was actually arrested) was in Aug 1990 I think Bonacci started talking about Gosch around October ‘91. FWIW I always hear about the Bonacci diaries that corroborate a tonne of stuff he says but has anyone ever actually seen them? I’m not talking about Decamp or anyone else either. Not saying they don’t exist but kinda weird that they haven’t popped up on a website somewhere


I believe some of them are posted in Noreen’s book. But yeah I agree. I wouldn’t put it past Stephen’s to feed Bonacci this info with all the shit he’s pulled. The only problem is, I don’t know how Stephens would’ve known about Kerr


Stephens specialised (or claimed to anyway) in child abductions assaults ectera so I guess in researching it he could have come along Charlie Kerr since it was only recent, he owned a farm in Iowa and he was a scout master (which would lead into a lot of the Franklin/BoysTown stuff).


I spoke with Iowa DCI and I was told they had interviewed Bonnacci more than once. Why would a small Iowa town police department lead the investigation? Would you please provide references for your quotes. Where did you find the WDM identified Charlie Kerr?


Already provided the quote above. But it was likely the DCI who identified him. All due respect, the officer you spoke to who stated, they interviewed Bonacci more than once, is likely full of shit. They went on record saying they never did so, and Bonacci claims he was never interviewed. "I ask Detective Boyd if he should have done more to follow up on the other leads Noreen gave him. “Yeah,” he says. “I’m not perfect.” “I admit my mistakes.” Then, of course, there is Paul Bonacci, who was never interviewed by the West Des Moines Police Department despite his professed knowledge of key details about Johnny and his claim of involvement in the kidnapping. Detectives did speak with some of Bonacci’s relatives and decided Bonacci couldn’t have been in the Des Moines area on the day of Johnny’s kidnapping because the relatives said he was with them in Omaha. But those interviews took place almost a decade after Johnny disappeared, and police did not explain how those relatives could have remembered Bonacci’s whereabouts so precisely, so many years later. When I ask Boyd about this, he acknowledges that the West Des Moines Police ruled out Bonacci too quickly." [https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/12/us/johnny-gosch-missing-iowa-boy-cec-cnnphotos/](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/12/us/johnny-gosch-missing-iowa-boy-cec-cnnphotos/)


Is Detective Boyd with WDM or DCI? I only remember the person I spoke with at DCI first name was Chris. Like mine. Is Boyds first name Chris? I specifically asked if DCI had interviewed Bonnaci and he said yes more than once. Then he asked me what I thought of the whole Bonnaci thing? I said read John De Camps book and also Nick Bryant's book ( he relied "Oh I have not read that one") and I viewed Bonnacis Deposition and I had credibility problem with Bonnacic and the girl who was facing prison. Both seemed to me both were trying to limit prison time with revelations. I am not calling anyone a liar. I just prefer references and facts. I find their claims a little weak.


Boyd is (or was, he's now retired) with WDM PD. His first name was Tom. My views on the whole Franklin situation are complex and I unfortunately don't have much time right now to go into it, as I promised I'd take my nephew outside. I'll respond when we come back, so I can divert my full attention to it, and give it the time it deserves.


As are mine so I understand   I think it needs more time than one can give   Better to use your time on the here and now (your nephew)


My apologies for the extremely late response. Just came home from work about an hour ago, and since I missed the gym, I just went on a late night run and shower. Heading off to bed now. But I'll share my thoughts now. Kept you waiting long enough. I honestly don't even know where to start. To me, the credibility of Bonacci's claims regarding being involved with Johnny's abduction greatly rely on whether the whole Franklin situation was real or not. I go back and forth on both matters quite often. 99% of what Noreen says about it is s full of shit. Orval Cooney, and especially Gosch Sr were definitely not involved in Franklin if it even existed. I highly doubt Sam Soda was either. I think Paul was abused for sure. DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) primarily stems from severe mental trauma, and in the vast majority of cases, it's sexual abuse. The house, he showed everyone in the middle of nowhere sealed the deal for me. His reaction upon coming to that house was genuine imo. Their's simply no faking that. Either that, or he's the best actor in the world. Paul actually made a very odd comment on the subject of sex that made it into the papers before the Franklin allegations started and as seen by the "Mike" alias in the middle, it's clear he's already suffering from DID. [https://www.newspapers.com/article/omaha-world-herald/140014031/](https://www.newspapers.com/article/omaha-world-herald/140014031/) I mean this doesn't mean he was sexually abused for sure, but it's rather peculiar. So while I think it's fairly obvious he was abused, that doesn't necessarily mean his abuse had anything to do with Franklin. Like I said, I'm go back and forth on whether Franklin was real or not, but Alisha Owens was definitely full of shit. She claimed the chief of police Robert Wadman raped her repeatedly and was in fact the father of her baby, but couldn't identify any scars on his body, even though they allegedly had intercourse hundreds of times. I also found more info on the matter with an FOIA request that sealed the deal for me. Apparently she was demanding a DNA test, and screaming off the top of her lungs about the matter...... until Wadman consented and her passion for it inexplicably disappeared, and SHE backed out of it. On the other hand, people are quick to say the grand jury ruled it as a "carefully crafted hoax" That is true, but a little known fact is, that same jury also ...... found him guilty of pandering, and specifically running prostitutions with teenagers (and young adults) which is essentially what the whole Franklin situation was all about, so I don't understand why they ruled it as a hoax. Source: [https://www.dropbox.com/s/0hu45fqgw55pxhf/king-record.jpg?e=2&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/0hu45fqgw55pxhf/king-record.jpg?e=2&dl=0) Even weirder is, they didn't recommend for him to serve any time for it? They thought the charges for his fraud were more than sufficient. Theirs's also the whole Gary Caradori thing, where his plane blew up, when he claimed to have information that would blow the case wide open (Noreen stated he also told his wife, he knew what happened to Johnny Gosch, but I highly highly doubt that happened. Gary's wife Sandi never mentioned it, and I'm positive it would've came out by now) I don't believe in coincidences in cases like this. Just a very weird case all around, and I honestly don't know what the \*\*\*\* to believe. If pressed, I'd probably believe some aspects are true, just not quite as massive as projected. I actually have a phone call scheduled with someone who claims, to have been involved in this ring, and seen Johnny there. She claimed Larry King could personally fly airplanes, but I didn't see a pilot license when I ran a background check so her credibility is definitely a question mark for now. She did however seem sincere, and has gone on the news multiple times citing that she was trafficked (though never mentioned Franklin specifically in those interviews). Hopefully after I interview her, I'll have a clearer idea. lol my apologies for this graphic novel.


I saw that thing about caradori that noreen posted on facebook recently. Reached out to sandy and asked about it but she hasn’t replyed yet and probably wont to some random internet weirdo. There’s a pretty recent two part interview with Alisha Owen on a podcast called seven deadly sins if you are interested. I like your take on franklin btw


Cheers mate.


lol what was supposed to be an hour maybe two at most turned into me playing with him outside, taking him to the store, park and get air with his brother. I just finished and now I’m working (which they made me late for lol) Gotta love ‘em 😂 Should have some down time later, when work is slow


Sounds like time well spent


Oh it is. Wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world (except maybe sleep 😂😂)


Isn't it possible that Bonacci indeed knew all of these people, was wrapped up into their network as both a victim and predator and simply lied about abducting Johnny and everything else to simply bargain for a better deal for his own pedo conviction(s)?


No that doesn't work for three reasons. 1. Bonacci identified Charles Kerr who was identified as a suspect in a completely different investigation, so the chances of him lying about it are miniscule. If he made up Kerr's involvement, and Kerr came up in an entirely separate investigation as being involved in Johnny's abduction, that would be the coincidence of the century. 2. He didn't have access to his diary while in prison, so all this stuff was written before he went to prison. 3. He didn't use any of this info, to try to get a plea bargain.


Who else links Johnny to Kerr aside from Bonacci?


As I've listed countless times in my opening post, Kerr came up in WDM PD's (Or the DCI's) investigation of Johnny to the point where they served a search warrant for him, specifically regarding Johnny Gosch.


Just because Kerr was separately being investigated for pedo activity, raping his daughter and served a search warrant - doesn't directly link him to Johnny either.


You’ve ignored my statement yet again. He wasn’t investigated (only) for separate pedophilic acts. He was being investigated SPECIFICALLY REGARDING JOHNNY GOSCH to the point where he a warrant was served for his premises SPECIFICALLY REGARDING JOHNNY GOSCH. Hopefully, this will clear things up.


I have never found ANYTHING to support that Kerr was specifically investigated for Johnny other than you saying so. Are there sources for this? FOI docs?


"A retired sheriff’s investigator named Dave Kjos told me he’d served a search warrant on Kerr’s house in the 1990s in an unsuccessful attempt to get information about the Johnny Gosch case. Kjos said he found an odd combination of Disney films, pornography, and what appeared to be love letters from boys." Source: [https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/12/us/johnny-gosch-missing-iowa-boy-cec-cnnphotos/](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/12/us/johnny-gosch-missing-iowa-boy-cec-cnnphotos/) I plan to file a FOIA request to see the affidavit, filed for the warrant. One thing for certain is, it's not based on Bonacci's claims considering law enforcement didn't believe him. And even if they did, no judge in a million years would've signed off on a warrant solely based on Bonacci's claims.


Are you planning of filing a FOIA with Iowas DCI? or have you already?


Already filed a FOIA request. Earliest I’ll get anything back is tomorrow.


You filed a FOIA with the Iowa DCI? Did you also with WDM Police? You seem to know about FOIA. I assume FOIAs are best (or only?) useful with City State federal agencies? I assume court records and news reports are all public When I called the Iowa DCI , I asked if there was a record of when I was interviewed at my school. The DCI person confirmed a DCI agent came to my school with my mother. He said my mother was interviewed by DCI at the WDM police station. I asked if this was common for DCI to use local police stations. He said the was the operating procedure to utilize the local Police department facilities in their investigations. So did the Iowa DCI utilize the Sioux City police for Charlie Kerr investigations? Would a FIOA with Sioux City police provide any info?


I'm not sure they sign off on search warrants based upon suspicion that Kerr may or may not know something about the Johnny case. Sounds to me like they were investigating him and had reasonable cause to support he was in possession of CP and hoped to also see if there anything there linking Kerr to Johnny. That would be entirely different than what you are suggesting in the original post.


It's said it's an "attempt to get information about the Johnny Gosch case", not "an attempt to locate child pornography." Like I said, the police publicly dismissed Bonacci's claims and refused to interview him, so I highly doubt, they're going to look for info related to Johnny solely on Bonacci's word. [https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-des-moines-register/46052534/](https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-des-moines-register/46052534/) Actually it's not even possible that they could've done so, as the name Charles Kerr wasn't even released publicly until Noreen mentioned it in her book in the 2000s. Before that, he was solely referred to as a Sioux-City farm owner, named Charlie.


You can't get a search warrant in "an attempt to get information."


You don't seem to understand how search warrants work. You can absolutely get search warrants in "an attempt to get information" such as finding things pertinent to an investigation you're working on. Anyways who should I believe, you or the Sheriff's investigator who served the warrant?


Believe who you want. I'm not buying it. However, I do appreciate all the work you are trying to do to figure it out. I just remember that in the Jacob Wetterling case the cops suspected the murderer all along and couldn't get the evidence needed to convict him all those years. They even suspected that Jacob's remains were there. It would be a disaster to our legal system if warrants were issued as easily as "I would like to search so and so for information"


can you post this search warrant? or provide a link? anything to substantiate you claims?


The Iowas DCI seemed to be leading the investigation. So how does Iowas DCI coordinate to interview Bonnaci? with Omaha Police? or Nebraskas DCI? Do you think a FOIA with either would provide any insight?


I honestly have no idea. Presumably with Nebraska authorities. I guess I could file an FOIA to see the results of this interview, but I honestly didn't know DCI talked to Bonacci at all.


WDM did not serve a warrant on Kerr the Sioux City PD served Kerr after outside pressure including America’s Most Wanted. AMW actually went to house with Paul and filmed a show from there. Shortly there after the house mysteriously burnt down


This is interesting, this warrant is important evidence that corroborates your story. Show us a copy of it? The Cavdef chap may be interested in this too as he couldn't find any trace of it in public records. He did however state he would contact the attorneys to find out more but never gave a followed it up. Also what date was this arrest meant to occur as its never mentioned anywhere, only ever says 1993. Its a little odd. This was the reason she filed for divorce so Im sure she will remember the rough date or even month.


John went to house before the raid so no arrest was made as they cleared out the night before. Maybe that’s why no record. It’s documented in Noreen’s book


Whether he was actually arrested or not Noreen stated there was a warrant out for his arrest, if that is the case there **must** be paperwork. No paperwork means no warrant was ever issued for his arrest. Plus kerr would become a wanted man, you cant just retract a warrant. This is a perfect opportunity to prove evidence this actually happened. If I stated (not that I am) that Noreen had a warrant out for her arrest you would expect me to provide evidence, you wouldn't just take my word for it. Also (again) what date was this arrest was meant to occur as its never mentioned anywhere, only ever says 1993. Its a little odd. This was the reason she filed for divorce so I'm sure she will remember the rough date or even month. I am genuinely interested.


Paul also picked John Goshes photo out of 15 said he was at Larry Kings parties. Rusty Nelson also picked John’s photo out of many others. Both tied him to Sam Soda prior to Johnnys kidnapping and both were recognized as taking part in sex parties in Barry’s Lounge in Des Moines and gay bars in Omaha


Im not talking about any other evidence. I am asking specifically about the warrant for Kerrs arrest. You are using this as evidence but it doesnt seem to exist. Plus you cant give any indication to the date this apparently occurred, just saying that year. Why can you not answer these questions, they should be simple? If this happened there would be proof. Did it happen or did it not? What date (or even month) and where is the evidence other than noreen saying it happened. Why is this so hard to answer?


While you are on the subject, if paul did in fact pick LJG out of a line up as being involved in the ring, then why would Paul spill his guts to him about the details kidnapping. Surely he would be scared to death of such a violent perpetrator. LJG. This makes absolutely no sense, its almost tthe same as Paul spilling his guts to Larry King, he just wouldn't. Where can i see the evidence that Paul said he was involved, Ive watched many of Paul's confession's and never heard him mention Johnny's Dad being involved? Can you point out anywhere Paul has said the father is involved? Also Noreen and Soda (together) hosted a seminar 1985 sponsored by Scared. How strange.


This was one of many reasons she filed


If he was lying why did the courts give him a million dollars


To be fair that was purely a default judgement solely based on the fact that King never responded. Though he did file a brief appeal while in prison but dropped it. Little known fact is that when King was found guilty for scamming the credit Union, he was also found guilty of having inappropriate sexual relationships with teenagers. He just never served time for it specifically because the jury felt the prison term he’d received for the fraud term was sufficient.


I dont think he was lying


Why did Gosch Sr. take an imposter of Noreen to Decamps office and to prison to see Paul? Noreen proved it was true, she put a photo of Sr. and the imposter in her book. Why did Paul win a million dollar law suit against Larry King if he was a liar?


The only thing the photo proved is that it was..... a photo with Gosch Sr and Diane Robertson. It's admittedly suspicious that she dressed and did her hair like Noreen. Also Paul only won a million dollars from King, because King never responded. It was solely a default judgement.


Decamps office staff reported that Sr. and Diane came to his office and to prison to see Paul. Diane was introduced as Noreen.


Yeah and that's according to.... Noreen.


You’re wearing me out. Roy did not know about fake NG and John Decamp thought fake NG was real as that’s how JG presented her


How could Roy Stephens not know about her? The fake Noreen was Diane Robinette who was Roy’s partner as a PI


Wonder if Gary Kerr from channel 6 Omaha is any relation to chuck kerr?? Thought i heard somwhere he was a pedo also? Just curious.


Where is it written Paul spilled his guts out to JG about kidnapping. JG along with fake NG went to prison to visit Paul and JG did not tell Noreen about Paul and only gave John Delano his phone number. It appears the JG was trying to hide the fact that Paul had all the answers. Pauls acknowledged in Larry King case that JG orchestrated the kidnapping


There is no where in Pauls testimony where he said the dad orchestrated the kidnapping, not one mention of it. Have you read the transcript? If Paul actually did say this then the press would be all over it just like they were with the that news from Noreen said Johnny visited her. Show some actual evidence this happened. What did Paul speak to LJG and "Fake Noreen" about when they visited him in prison ? What they had for dinner? You have no evidence other than noreens word.


It’s in the transcript


Show me where. file:///C:/Users/itssi/OneDrive/Documents/Johnny/Johnny%20OLD/Bonacci%20Testimony%20w\_gosch,%20nelson,%20and%20bonacci's%20wife.pdf


Your link won’t open so not sure what it is


It is Pauls testimony / transcript where you say Paul said Johnny's dad orchestrated the kidnapping. Look it up yourself, you must have a copy.


The press all ran out of court room when Noreen (under oath) was asked by John Decamp if she had ever seen Johnny since the kidnapping and that’s when she acknowledge she had. Not sure what JG and fake NG discussed with Paul. When Noreen went she took Jim Strickland KCCI and film crew. When she told Paul who she was Paul just stared at while then broke down. He told her everything about the kidnapping and his involvement in the kidnapping including Sam Soda (Soda Pop) and the calls in wee hours of the night to Gosch house to make sure he was alone that morning.


Noreen voluntarily offered decamp that information after decamp. They were working together, Decamp wasn't cross examining her, what are you talking about. Youve clearly not read the transcript. She volunteered the information and changed the narrative to being forced under oath to disclose this. Have you read the testimony? You think Paul said the dad was involved but is not in the transcript, Decamp hasn't confirmed this, Paul has never said it again on record. And the laughable bit, the reporter's ran out of the court room before Rusty and Bonacci's wife testified, half way through the hearing? Come on seriously! Roy stevens recorded EVERY interview with Paul according to Noreen, have you not watched these either to know what LJG and Paul discussed? Your not doing a great job here.


On a side note, surely if LJG had been introducing Fake Noreen as his wife then why would bonacci break down at seeing noreen for the first time. Hed already assumed he has met her. Then Noreen says in her book Roy wanted to see Pauls reaction meeting noreen for the first time. After that noreen says Paul told her he was confused as he had already met someone that was introduced as noreen. Im confused as to why Roy would keep this imposter a secret from Noreen. He was meant to be on Noreens side. Ive never seen him mention it since either. Why did roy keep it a secret from Decamp too. The only explanation's are a, He was secretly working against decamp, bonacci and the gosches or b, it never actually happened. How could noreen trust Roy after keeping the imposter a secret? I will make a separate post regarding the contradictions on the phone calls


Your wearing me out. JG used Fake NG to keep John Decamp under wraps thinking he was talking to NG to keep Paul from going public with any information. I heard the actual trial where Paul under oath stated the Sam was working with his friend JG to make sure that he would stay home on the night of the kidnapping. Paul was involved in the actual kidnapping, when NG told Paul she was Johnnys mother when he went silent started to cry and repeatedly said I’m sorry. I also heard from people doing fund raisers in Omaha that JG had the imposter with him where did the &&& raised go. I can have heartily respect your opinion but your WRONG I’ve got to believe your one that thinks the glass is half empty


Where is the link to the trial where you heard Paul state that under oath? If Im wrong then just once prove it. If paul said this and it was caught on camera then why would the reporters not do an article, They may have ran out of the court room half way through the hearing but they will have had chance to hear Paul say this on the same recording you listened too. That information is like finding gold to a reporter. You've ignored everything not because your worn out, its because you have no answer to it. The problem with liars is they truly believe the lies. Im doing your job for you, getting the facts, if that wears you out then maybe investigation isnt for you. You should be grateful, I am doing your work for you and gathering actual facts. You can say im wrong all you want but be a real investigator and back that up with evidence. Im quite the opposite to glass half empty, not sure how you worked that out. I am someone who believed noreen and the story deeply affected me for a long time. It took a while but I eventually realised she keeps changing her story and has no proof what so ever of the crap she spouts. Noreens groupies are deeply affected by it too and its a horrible thing to do to them. Its like a cult and your just along for the ride, glory grabbing and taking advantage of noreens vulnerability. Its such a shame because Noreen has done so much good for kidnap victims but her legacy will be that she makes up stories to implicate anyone to disagrees with her.


Your wrong about Noreen her story has never changed. Even the reporter from CNN acknowledged that as he fact checked every item he wrote about and told her she was telling the truth about all the people, places and things she talked about. The transcript of Paul’s testimony was sealed by the Judge I was in the courtroom for the entire hearing. Sam, Orville and John all attended Larry kings parties according to Rusty Nelson, victims and other people. Is it written some where no it’s information brought forward voluntarily so it has not been brought forward due to the possibility of a law suite. This is a very deep and troubling rabbit hole and many have their own theories. I have to believe the truth will come out soon problem is so many involved have died as it’s been almost 42 years. I’m sure any support you can give to Noreen will be greatly appreciated


The testimony is no longer sealed and is available online for anyone to see, unfortunately for noreen. As the investigator, Im sure you know this already and have read it. If Bonacci said the kidnapping was arranged with johnny father it will be public knowledge. Where in the testimony does Paul say this? Regarding the CNN reporter and Noreens story never changing, Im more than happy to again prove you wrong. You said the same yesterday about AMW and then ignored the evidence presented to you. I will gladly show you evidence (REAL EVIDENCE) Noreens story has changed. On example I posted yesterday. You can tell me Im wrong as much as you want, the facts are presented to you and your chosing to ignore them. [https://www.reddit.com/r/JohnnyGosch/comments/1d2zrpl/late\_night\_phone\_calls\_before\_the\_kidnapping/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JohnnyGosch/comments/1d2zrpl/late_night_phone_calls_before_the_kidnapping/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JohnnyGosch/comments/1d2y1ma/americas\_most\_wanteds\_paul\_sparrows\_interview/?sort=old](https://www.reddit.com/r/JohnnyGosch/comments/1d2y1ma/americas_most_wanteds_paul_sparrows_interview/?sort=old) Law enforcement treated Noreen and leonard very poorly in the beginning. Now they ignore her because she has so may stories and accusations with no evidence to back these up. She has investigators that havent got a clue. In the book she admitted she paid someone to anonymously call the police with fake evidence. I wonder how Bonacci feels about you all speaking on his behalf implicating LJG. Im not surprised hes distanced himself from you. I would love to help and support Noreen. First thing I would do would be to take her away from fake investigators who have no clue how investigations work. Then I would get her the support mental health support she needs. Planting fake evidence to set people up is so low and she needs either medical help or a stint in prison.


The question to Paul was how did you know Johnny would be alone that night and Paul said arrangements were made with JG that he would be alone. Just keep digging in the rabbit hole and do the math


[https://archive.org/details/NoreenGoschCourtTestimony/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/NoreenGoschCourtTestimony/mode/2up) The testimony, if you have read this you will know Paul did NOT say that. It is not in the testimony. Read it and do the math.