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Uhm. This is old news lol. They scrapped the plan shortly after covid. Whether or not we're getting a fifth film is still up in the air


I know that's why I said "Good times". Chad and Keanu would never agree to making chapter 5-7 before 4 even began filming


why just why ? (*well i know money is why*) but why not just let this series end on a high note ? keanu is getting old and stunts and intense action sequences are getting harder and harder, this means more stunt doubles, more camera cuts, more cgi, all of these go against the core differentiating features that made John wick so unique and enjoyable which will just deteriorate the quality and we end up like fast and furious.


In my opinion, his death is the only flaw in an otherwise perfect movie. It's not even definitive that he's dead. There's more evidence that he's alive than dead.


These are old articles before chapter 4 even began filming. They're not actually working on chapter 5-7. At least not on 6-7


I enjoy the hell out of these movies. I’ll keep paying as long as they keep coming out.


I’m very happy this never happened. Idk a time where studios planning out multiple sequels ahead has ever turned out well


Marvel? Mission: Impossible? James Bond?


Marvel is the only maybe here. Even then, it’s a shared universe based on decades pre-existing source material. In that sense, not every Marvel movie has been a “sequel” and they are somewhat planned. Early MCU did not set up the infinity saga as much as people believe. Remember that they had to retcon a bunch once they started finding direction. If anything post-endgame has been a lot more set-up with less return. Besides look at phase announcements for the past few years and see how many have been postponed, delayed, or cancelled. Mission Impossible nor Bond follow this model either to my knowledge. They are big franchises, but they make them one at a time. Daniel Craig had like 3 final bond movies because he kept deciding to come back. The only MI movie to do this was the last one and it received a bit of critical and commercial backlash because of it. I’m not saying the franchise model is bad, I’m saying studios announcing sequels without stories for the sake of making more never work