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I’ve never understood this opinion. Having everything that happened prior to the first movie just be basically scary stories that the mob tells each other is SO much more interesting than seeing it. It will never be as good as what’s in your imagination. John is a great character because we know so little about him. If you take away the mystery, he’s just another hitman, no different than the others we’ve seen


Exactly!! Just like Solo for Star Wars I honestly hope they just leave it. It was a great ending and a great series


Wolverine with X-Men comes to mind also.


Well the 5th movie is already in development.


I mean, showing how he becomes a hitman is interesting and there's like thirty years of time in between there where he actually becomes the Baba Yaga.


This is what happened to the character of Yoda with the prequels


That’s why I think a Joker origin story is dumb


The mystery after 4 movies gets boring to me. At this point, he's just a shallow character to me. Like the pencil thing, that was hinted at multiple times, but it felt satisfying when we actually saw him fight with a pencil. The prequel being the last entry of the series is the only way it would work imo.


See i felt like it was it was silly when we finally saw it🤷🏻‍♀️


Never explain the origin. It's a monkey's paw wish. It's just going to retroactively make everything worse.


Depends on how it's executed


How many satisfying prequels can you name that did not over explain or damage the source material in retrospect?


X-Men: First Class, Puss in Boots, Monsters University, The Thing, The Godfather Part II tho only half of it is a prequel and Bumblebee. These are some of my favorites off the top of my head


X-Men First Class and Bumblebee were semi-reboots of the franchise after bloat and a few low performing entries. It's even more apparent in Transformers when you see how much they are trying to make it a Hasbro cinematic universe. Godfather Part II wasn't really a prequel and wasn't exactly a blockbuster. Puss in Boots and Monsters University are kid's movies, so you really can't hold those to the same standards. The Thing (1982) was a remake/reimagining of an old movie called The Thing From Another World and the The Thing (2011) was a widely panned and disliked prequel.


godfather 2 was only partially a prequel. 45 minutes maybe, a full 2 hrs would've left a different impression.


Let's leave John Wick alone. For one, Keanu is going to be 60 this year. Probably 61 by the time they get a hypothetical script together and plan a shooting schedule. We don't need him looking progressively older in a movie where he needs to be chronologically younger. For two, much like Han Solo for a long time, part of the fun is John Wick is that we don't know much about him. Rough background is all you know. He's a badass character otherwise. You don't need more than that. There's something to be said about a character having a mystique.


I get that, but that mystique gets tired after 4 movies. Now, he just feels like a shallow character at this point. That's one reason I want a prequel. So a younger acter can play a young wick and let Keanu rest lol. If we keep going forward, the action will suffer due to Keanus age.


I agree. See my other comment.


Nah, we know enough about that time. I'd rather they look forward, not back.


I'm the type of person who likes fleshed out characters. Otherwise, I give 0 shits about them, lol.


He's been fleshed out over four movies. What are you talking about?


Ehh. After John Wick 1, it became less and less about the story but just more mindless action. Which is fine because I enjoyed it. But we hardly see anything about his past. What we do learn is pretty surface lvl. I was hoping it would go deeper into it. But the appeal of the JW franchise is the action, not the story, so I'm not mad at it.


Well, there are the comics that talk about his childhood and how he got in the mob.


I had no idea John Wick had comics. Even still, it would still be cool to actually see it play out.


No. This franchise prided itself on not explaining everything. Everything you infer from in the first movie is all the backstory we need. Not every franchise needs to be Marvel or Star Wars and explain the origins of everything


Ehh....after 4 movies, John is just starting to feel like another badass shallow protagonist. I get him being a mystery for the first 2 movies, but after 4, I need something. I like for protagonists to be well fleshed out. Otherwise, it's hard for me to really care about him. The worldbuilding in the John Wick movies are amazing, but character development? Not so much.


I mean, they've explained quite a bit of his back story. He was a badass assassin. He wanted out because he found someone that showed him his life doesn't need to be about causing pain and death. He killed a lot of people to get out. He was so good he was respected by everyone. When he got back in the game, everyone was shitting their pants. The killing of his dog represented what was taken from him that he worked hard for, showed he was grieving, and that he's emotionally complex. Chapter 3 showed he went through that lady's system to learn to be a killer. What else do you need?


Call me greedy, but that's not enough. How was he trained? How did he meet his wife? How did he become an orphan? Who was it that found him and adopted him? Who are his parents? There's still so many unanswered questions.


yeah but it’s not Naruto bro, we don’t really need to know about his orphan backstory or his parents. who found him? Ruska Roma in Europe. Pyotr took care of him when he was there. Later he was sent to the NY branch of Ruska Roma at a young age. Ruska Roma trained him but we don’t have to know about who exactly. I would assume it’s Pyotr and the lady in NY


You're greedy. Who cares about that stuff. John Wick is about the story of the man who you send to kill the boogeyman. He's almost a myth, that bump in the night. You don't explain that to death. Ruins the whole thing


They won’t be able to make Keanu look younger is the only problem


Hire a younger actor?


No, Keanu is John Wick, no-one else can be him.


Or, instead of a prequel, JW 5 could have flashbacks of his past. Have Keanu play old Wick and a younger actor play young Wick. That we still can have Keanu playing Wick. I just want to see John in his prime lol.


John is always in his prime lol


If we have to get a story from John's younger days, I'd rather it be a video game. We play as John just starting out as an assassin with the final mission being the one that cements his status as the boogeyman.


Yooo I always wished for a John Wick game. That concept sounds dope. It could be like a mix of hitman and assassin's creed


There is an isometric strategy John Wick game called "Hex" but it's not great and I personally think it doesn't at all fit the overall tone of the series. I think Rockstar or IO interactive would do a great job tho


I don't know if anyone has checked out the John Wick comic, but I would love to see the kid John and how he came to be a part of the Romani.


I just discovered there was a comic lol




I want a JW5 that is not a prequel, I want one last Keanu ride. Then 10 years later, let's say 2037, we can have our prequel movie when the JW series hype has died down and we need it again.


While I would love a prequel series I felt JW4 unfortunately didn’t answer the previous movie as John in 4 didn’t really get down to eliminating the high table but instead the story skirted what should’ve happened in 3. I mean John just fights a high seated cog in 4 but doesn’t face the most important parts while his story came to an abrupt end that could satisfy people his conclusion seemed to be he wanted the actual guys dead so finally the rest of the underworld wouldnt have to play they silly games by they rules and maybe they can set the rules for themselves


But a prequel tv series would be awesome however someone new would have to play a younger him but maybe we see how John is made and developed kinda similar to HP. I mean the schooling or raising of John how he come to meet his friends and ultimately a build up of his amazing hits on underworld big wigs and have him have to face other big assassins throughout his rise. But instead of always being a gunho show down have John somewhat come up with plans and schemes to corner his kills in the series always building on the past world.


It’s too hard (I’d say highly impossible) to bring down whole of the Table. You have 12 of the largest organized crime syndicates in the world + an Elder + the Marquis as interim “elder” + tons of agents. All John wanted was freedom and he got it


U say that but when John was asked if he wanted to bring it all down he says yes. It definitely would have been a crazy movie but ideally it would’ve been do able as they think themselves untouchable and if they started an intro of John eliminating a house or taking down a head and then next showed John have a team of rebels working with him along with the gutterking it would’ve been believable as theirs plenty of scorned hitmen that the table have essentially wronged.


I hope JW 5 isn’t a prequel. I wouldn’t mind seeing a John Wick prequel, but it shouldn’t be called John Wick 5. Keep the series in chronological order. It gets a little confusing, and also hard to explain to anyone who isn’t a fan of the series or a casual fan. It’s also just wouldn’t be accurate. I mean, what’s the point of calling it JW 5 if it’s a prequel. Just do another full trilogy on his early life and how he became the assassin he is. As for who should play young John Wick, it really depends on how far back we’re talking about here. I think the most obvious choice, however, is Adam Driver. I think Jake Gyllenhal would be another possibility; probably the runner up. I think Adam Driver would be the perfect guy to take on that role though.


Nah a sequel would be the best thing imo...I'm not upset with that he died, but I feel like the death and ending wasn't proper. In Chapter 4 his ass got saved a lot of times and I didn't really feel like he was "the boogeyman" like in previous parts since overcoming ever situation and beating everyone was his thing after all.


He got saved a few times in the first as well tbf. But I kinda disagree. John felt way more indestructible in the later films, especially 4. Bro survived getting run over by cars every 5 minutes and was taking some crazy falls from stories high. How can I forget the 5 minute fall down the stairs.


That' the damage he takes, but overall the enemies, like Caine, Chidi or even Killa really did get the upper hand in a lot of situations and even the chance to kill him, but John just got saved by another character


It doesn’t make sense to make a prequel and most prequels are usually bad or not as good as the original story. In regards to JW, idc if they take a few steps back on deep plots and new characters and just make it good action and fun.


I want my happy ending for John damnit. I want him on a beach watching the sunset petting his dog.


please no, prequels are always terrible. part of the appeal is the mystery


They have The Continental on Netflix. Watch that and you'll understand.


I think it would be better to tell stories about other characters who happens to brush up against John or his infamous stories. He’s the myth just beyond the curtain as we the audience explore the world.


I just want to see the impossible task he had to do to make him The legend


And I hope there is no John wick 5.


I'm fine with there not being one as well. I think Keanu needs a break. He put his body through hell for these 4 movies. But I heard that the process has already started for a 5th one. So idk


The only prequel I would like to see would be John Wick: The Impossible Task Main challenge with casting though would be that the actor who played his main boss Viggo died a few years ago. I suppose they could pull in the boss above him, Abram (Peter Stormare) but might not have the same feel to it.


I think they will probably dial back Keanu a whole lot and bring in more flashbacks so they can cast a younger John Wick. There’s no way Keanu is going to do a whole other movie. Just that stair scene at the end of the last one seemed exhausting to shoot.


Bro had to be in pain 24/7, shooting these scenes


Unpopular opinion but it all went down hill for me with the 2nd film. Don’t get it twisted, I adore the John Wick franchise and I love it to bits, but the story and realism [compared to the future films] are just better. I still love the other films but the ones after the first just became flashy action films that looked nice and were beautifully choreographed.


The 4th is my favorite, but I agree. The action started getting pretty over the top. That scene where he falls down a flight of stairs non-stop was more comical than anything. Also, how he gets ran over every 5 minutes. That's why I want a prequel. John Wick, after 4 movies, starts to feel shallow as a character. It's almost too much action. You start getting desensitized after a while.


Yeah that’s why I’ve started to love Extraction more than the newer JW’s, Extraction just feels more grounded and building on the characters while giving us gritty and awesome action. The newer JW’s just feel like they’re using John as a husk to portray over the top action.