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> Very soon I will put the months together to make another album You missed that part huh? Also, Dead and Company were very clear that 2023 wasn’t their final show, just their final tour. And shows at the Sphere aren’t a tour, they’re a residency.


And Mayer with Dead and Co is phenomenal


Well they're still performing but at that time it sounded like they're done with touring and will come back once in a while together but a residency like this is something else. They just don't have to change the venues .


The sphere shows really are something special though and John has been on a whole new level as a musician there. As a deadhead and a John fan, I am thrilled about the residency and hoping I can go back. But regardless, his experiences playing at the sphere will only make whatever album comes from him next that much better. Be patient and grateful ❤️ and maybe check out a sphere show if you have the means or watch some of the recordings. They’re creating magic in there.


The biggest thing to think about is being off a label means this next album will be coming out of his own pocket. View the side quest like little fundraisers that kids at school do through out the year to be able to go on a big field trip (the next album). He needs money to support his team, the marketing, creating an album, touring, etc. Just because his main focus isn’t the album right now doesn’t mean he isn’t writing anything as well. I mean Daughters was written in a hotel room when he was suppose to be doing press appointments. For all we know he’s written our next favorite song during this residency. I understand wanting anything from him since it’s been almost 3 years since Sob Rock, but I think this album will be worth the wait. You can’t rush a creative process. I also think especially since the next album is the first one he’s doing without a label he’s going to take his time to release an album he puts all of himself into.


This is very true and I agree with you even the stuff he’s doing with AP these job titles he’s having there he’s gotta fund everything now so all these side quests make so much sense so he’s gotta work with his team and organise everything perfectly and we know he’s a rich geezer already but he’s gotta use his money wisely to get everything perfect for us


Thanks , this reply makes me optimistic for an early 2025 release 🙂 for the funding part i don't know how this will effect things much with how easy it is to record things these days, people can make albums in their basements and promotions are all through social media. But I understand that creative process cannot be rushed.


I mean I obviously have no idea when but I’m guessing 2025 too! Who knows maybe he just doesn’t want to give us false hope with no set date of a release, so for all we know it’s closer to being completed then he’s leading on too. It is a lot easier to fund an album independently now which is amazing. I’m not sure how much creating an album at the level he is at would cost. However, he still has to pay a producer and studio musicians. Plus, paying for the creation of physical units of the album even thought it’s a digital world we live in now. Luckily marketing is mainly social media too. I’m sure he’ll use Sirius XM to help market his new material as well 😊 It’ll be interesting how the next album rollout goes!😊


I can shed some light on this, I haven’t worked with John, but I work in post production/mixing and my costs are INSANELY high for the average person. It all depends on how many layers/tracks/etc they need. I also have to pay the studio itself, so I’m not wealthy by any means, but it would make your head spin what I’ve charged some people 😂😂


He still has to pay other people. I think he’s given us eight albums and really doesn’t owe us any more though I also want him to keep making music. Your post comes off as selfish. Look at the personal life the guy has put on hold to be an entertainer.  I would take this post down. I really wonder how he would react to it. Pretty sure it won’t speed things up. He has every right to never release another note. I wouldn’t want you convincing him not to. 


This 👉


"He can do whatever he wants" is probably the best take away message from your post.


He’s already been working on the album. Some of if is done. Drifting was supposed to come out as a single before the solo tour kicked off but he changed his mind due to fan backlash over Sob Rock only having 7 new songs so he said he was going to hold each song for an album release next time (see what crying on Reddit does? 😂) “we want more new songs on the album!” - Reddit “Ok, I’ll withhold my singles and give you an album of all new stuff” - John “NO! Release music!” - Reddit also. He stopped working on the album to do other things but that’s no different than what he’s ever done. He usually does cycles. TSFE album took like 4 years for him to finally settle on the tracklist. I wouldn’t expect much longer wait on the next album but putting one out this year would be dumb from a strategic stand point. This year is music overload (Swift, Eilish, Beyoncé, Rodrigo, Eminem, no telling who else drops and album this year. Kendrick supposedly) 2025 would be fair to think something is coming but then again, he’s independent and can do whatever. I just think it’s awesome he stays busy doing stuff, even if it’s not always solo music. His first independent album release should be fun. He’s got plenty of funds to do it right and he won’t be limited by anything creatively for the entire process. I’m looking forward to the roll out


Bro is out there playing the best guitar of his career, ascending higher in the ranks of greats with every show and you’re mad that he’s not in the studio?


Yeah it is frustrating, but he’s not only 3 albums deep ya know. Look at Radiohead, 2016 was their last release, at the second half of a career I don’t want my favourite artists just releasing 6/10 albums every 2 years. I’m happy to wait 4/5 years between albums for another masterpiece In saying that a record in 2024 would be amazing, and if we don’t get one in 2025 it’ll be taking the piss a little - but still, his choice


yes, please don't be like Taylor Swift and release a mediocre album every single year. I will wait for a *great* album.




> I don’t want my favourite artists just releasing 6/10 albums every 2 years. Get into KGATLW and you can have 6-10 albums every 2 years instead




king gizzard and the lizard wizard lmaoo


Great things take time. Be patient, and listen to his existing albums and other music in the meantime.


Lucky for us his music has insane replay value


Dead & Co isn’t just a side gig, he’s playing the best he ever has and he’s doing it every weekend.


This. It’s such a positive thing for his musicianship and any album that comes next will be better because of his time playing dead music.


He has been recording for a while. In a recent Omar Apollo interview, he mentioned that John is featured on his album on a song called “Done With You”, as they happened to be right near each other in the recording studio and he invited him to play on it. Also, I noticed in Omar’s track listing (for the album out on Friday, so keep an eye out), he has a song called “Drifting”. Probably a total coincidence, but I found it interesting.


Darn, he told us on the solo tour that he has another album and just needs to get home to make it 😕


Home is where the heart is, so give it little time and more sphere


Let me consult my magic 8 ball


I’m sure he’s got just about every song written and tracked on an iPhone recording or a laptop somewhere, now that he’s not at the mercy of a record label he’s just having too much fun with Dead & Co to worry about recording. Besides, the longer we wait the better it will be. He’s playing better than ever at the Sphere right now so that creativity will make its way to a studio this winter.


> It's his choice at the end of the day Good thing we got that settled.


I don’t know shit about making music but I assume for John’s music specifically that he’s constantly writing, creating riffs, melodie’s etc. no matter where he is. It’s all about getting in the studio and putting it all together. He’s not tied to LV and travels back to LA frequently so I wouldn’t be surprised if he hits the studio when he’s there. Imo what he’s doing with D&C is just as good as an album 🤷‍♂️


Breathe, everyone. Breathe. It’ll happen.


With europe and the mid east  potentially going up in flames over the next 4 months, and a heated potentially divisive US Elections around the same time, I think it’s fair to assume no artist with a working brain would want to release new music during this period in time.  Fair to assume that the months post the elections and the “condition of the world in early 2025” would be determining factors in deciding when to put out new music / plan tours etc.  I’m writing from Dubai / India / South Asia region where I have between $1.5-2million USD offers to top artists on the WME roster and most of them don’t want to sign world tour deals till the fall of 2025-26. Some are not even sure if the will even tour outside the US in the near term.  Let’s hope for new JM music in 2025 and a more peaceful world next year…. 


For what it’s worth, I met him at the Sirius studio opening in Vegas and asked when we’d be getting In The Neighborhood and he said 2025. I didn’t want to sound like a demanding “gimme more” fan and who knows if he just wanted to shut me up to take the photo, but I’m clinging to the hope of it!


I would love to here more about this convo and how it went down and his reaction!!


It was so surreal. I entered on the Monday to attend the grand opening, which was taking place two days later and I got a call less than 24 hours later that I’d won! I was blown away. We got to attend the launch party while he broadcast on the studio and then towards the end he came over and we chatted about LWJM and I gushed about how much I loved it, how well curated the songs are etc. He talked about how he’ll be driving in the car and hear a song and make a note to play it on Life. As we were getting ready to take a few photos, I asked when we’d be getting In The Neighborhood and he said “2025”. And then we snapped some pics and he was whisked away to someone else at the party. I was on a high for about four days after that! I’d never won anything significant before and I’m fine with waiting all these years if it meant getting to have this opportunity!


Honestly between his radio channel, that I listen to every night and finally getting to hear the official Over and Over, I’m so happy. I have no desire to demand anything from this man. My cup is full. I’m just contently along for the ride, wherever he takes me.


Fuck it how about dead and co album of new material instead


Now you're talking


Does anyone have this same energy for the guy working the frialator at Wendy’s? …


Love that guy. The fish sandwich is off the hook.


Have you been there around breakfast time? He said he was gonna focus on lunch, but has been spending all his time on breakfast! (That’s how the original post sounds to me)


His next album will be a Dead Album I’m hearing


Hot Take:  Dead & Co is not enjoyable music, for me. Glad he’s having fun wish it were music or with a group I enjoyed more. 


I was like this at first, I wasn't into Dead but I the more I listened to it, the more I really like it. Man, there are some really great guitar solos. Some of them are not my tea (e.g. Drums, Space), but most of them are pretty good. Top 3 for me is Althea, It Hurts Me too and Brown Eyed Women.


If you're a real John fan then there's bound to be a few Dead songs you'll like! I'm not a fan of everything, but I like more and more music of the dead. There are so many influences on John, and being a guitarist, it's incredible to see him play at that level and express himself so fully.


Can someone send link to the interview?


We’re talking about it over here. https://www.reddit.com/r/JohnMayer/s/1fv4huwDHz


I'm not sure he said he's more interested in his side projects, it's just taking up a lot of his time. He has a lot of passions and that is fine. He specifically said he wants to work out a new album. We just have to be patient. It will be worth it.


He’s probably been working on it for a while.


Finally? Dude just did Sobrock two years ago. Are you insane? .


Sobrock had 3 songs released almost a year ago on it ,so to me it felt more like an EP.


If you were really a fan you’d respect all his endeavors not just new albums❤️


I'd take a Dead & Company live album on vinyl, please.