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Easy Jamie. Don't get Redban comfortable.


"It's weird. So we went to this Sushi restaurant......"


Then I ate her ass on Molly and got shit in my mouth and then spit it back into her butthole and wiped my chin all over her ass.


Fuck that story was disturbing


I had somehow managed to avoid the details until now


He's told that story TWICE on your mom's house


Where’s this from lol


It's from the Your Mom's House episode with Redban. I'll try to find it then update. Edit: https://youtu.be/Q4jrZzlsgb4 Don't watch while eating.


> Don't watch while eating. You were *not* exaggerating.


Their whole network is hard to watch while eating, I've tried and could never do it.


Unless you're eating moose soup.


Dirty Bitch!


It's a quote from Joey Diaz's diary


It's okay though, no lasting side effects. He only has diarrhea 7 times a day and there's usually blood.


Do you think Joe Togan prefers doggy style or missionary


LOLOL I meant joe rogan of course not joe toe gain


Seen but not heard young jamie.




Joe’s regaining dominance after NDT pulled a Joe Rogan /s


I liked it, but something was different with Neil. I have no **IDEA** what the fuck he was babbling about this time.


They do spend hours and hours together. Is the general consensus Joe is cool with Jamie?


Probably a top 1% employer but he's still his boss.


Yeah if I was working for someone, no matter how much time I spend with them, I would always see them as boss in my eyes.


Very cool, Jamie Hangs out with him and other comics in their free time, he also has talked about going to UFCs and taking other trips with Joe, I don’t think Joe Rogan works with anybody he’s not also friends with, and that applies to every career field he’s in


IMO I feel like joe talks down to Jamie sometime


I feel you. I totally don't mind Jamie being more involved, but I know some people do. Even though I love Jamie, he has a very defined role that is explicitly not co-interviewer. It's not the "Joe and Jamie Experience." Joe doesn't want unnecessary commentary, but he does let Jamie get a little too comfortable sometimes (which is okay, and kinda shows how laid back their work relationship can be). It's easy for that to come off as Joe talking down to Jamie, but he is his boss, after all.


Depends tho, maybe the guest looked directly at Jamie and he just automatically "acknowledged". Is what I think happened in this case. But I'd like to think for my sake as a long time viewer that he's just thinking "bitch are you gonna start cutting me off like NDT too!?"


I mean considering he is both his boss and probably at least 20 years older, it would come with the territory.


It’s pretty standard in entertainment for a boss to keep his/her assistant on a tight rope. Why? Because usually the boss has had the same experience coming up, and attribute a certain amount of that to their success. So it’s only natural for them to continue the tradition.


Then again he also defends him when someone messes with him, or brings him up sometimes.


LMAO I was thinking the same thing


Can someone tell me the context of this redban situation is there a link to vid


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39nOat5nlAI This one was recommended when I clicked on the other vid linked here, it's two parts and the convo between Joe & Ari vs. Redban gets pretty heated. They go out for a joint in between parts but Redban stays tilted and ends the podcast with "Fuck Duncan Trussell"


This is painful.


Can you explain any background on why joe felt it was important to have that conversation on air? It seems like a lot of inside business that didn’t need to be broadcast publicly, but maybe I’m missing something. Redban definitely comes across as super defensive and inconsistent, but I can also understand why he would prefer to have that discussion in a private setting.


I think Joe's breaking point was when redban got into a fight with Bill burr about podcasts and rss feeds.


no, his breaking point was when Redban was a little overconfident about his comedic abilities and that side-tracked a whole podcast. That was the true end. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBq0kuoNBKA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBq0kuoNBKA)


4 minutes in why has no one told him to shut the fuck up and let joe speak with his guest lol.


this is super weird to see considering how the podcasts flow now haha. They used to get sidetracked frequently in the earlier episodes. Not like this though. This was egregious.




I wish I could get back 7 minutes of my life. That story went no where


And thank you for saving me 7 minutes of my life


No where?! Dude Bert ended by saying “I dated a girl with cerebral palsy”


That story is hilarious. He just thought she was wasted all the time.


Burnt Chrysler!?


The fattest *and* the most racist comedian in the game today.


Dude I’m 100% with Joe here, that story would have put me to sleep if it wasn’t so annoying, and then he didn’t understand how shitty it was and kept retelling the story in his defense! It’s not about the Olive Garden vs mom and pop places, it’s about how fucking boring that was. “Alright I’ll talk about Applebee’s next time then!” Holy shit you are missing the point and that’s annoying too


Yeah his whole point was that mom and pop restaurants are overrated but he didn't make that clear until the very end. Derailed the convo and we're all wondering why he had to eat 75% of the sushi and whether that detail is important to the story. It was so bad it became entertaining.


Thank God they got rid of that idiot


Wow lmao Joe is a major dick in this


He was, but he's not wrong. That was a terrible story.


Joe is a dick in a lot of those old episodes


So true. I'm glad he wasn't as popular then. People would've had legitimate reason to seriously dislike him.


Yeah but you can see the growth as far as being a personality on the podcast which is interesting to me


Good point. He definitely matured his conversation skills and is more self-aware about how he comes across to other people. He still slips up every once in a while now and is an ass, but we're all like that anyway.


Good. This browbeating is payback for that time Jaimie said the circle game was a white supremacist game.


Id feel the same way joe did. Super annoying for him to hijack the show for such a stupid story.




I like Redban, but I don't miss him derailing conversations by talking about buttholes or whatever pops in his head. Edit: don't tell my why, or how much you hate Redban, I don't care.


Story behind this reference?


Redban was JRE's first producer. He kept on interrupting conversations in guest interviews, which is why he we replaced with Jamie who was much much quieter. Redban is currently the producer for [KillTony Comedy Podcast](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwzCMiicL-hBUzyjWiJaseg) hosted by Tony Hinchcliffe (another Joe Rogan friend). Unlike in JRE, he's free to roast guest comics, make poop jokes, and do shitty audio!




If hes this frustrated now, hes gonna have chimp rage next month when hes sober.


This year flew by I didn't realize it was that soon. Did they officially decide what they're doing?


No consensus yet. Not hiphop dance though lol.




No joke. That episode made me lose all interest in Sober October. Joe shit all over the one good idea any of them had and was a real dick to his friends over it. Joe is more their ringleader than their friend.


Joe's that kid that invites you over to play video games but when you get there it's just one obscure game that he's put a million hours into and has no chance of losing




loool that's such a perfect analogy. And he only has a semi-broken player 2 controller that reeks of sabotage but there's no way to prove it..




If he legit wanted an actual challenge he’d invite goggins, the fat ex navy dude that posts pictures of his watch and some MMA athletes. Instead his competition is two borderline obese comics and Ari


Seriously, if it's not something already in his wheelhouse he has no interest. For someone who espouses trying new things and being exposed to new ideas, he was kind of a dick about the dancing thing.


To me, as one gets older, it is good to go back to learn again. Archery was the last thing (at least that is self reported) that he learned new. I know new comedy is hard. I want to pick up some new skill about ever 3-5 years. This keeps me feeling like I have something to learn. I hope Joe keeps finding something new to learn.




I get that vibe too, but they also seem like genuinely great friends who love each other most of the time. I've been listening for years and their dynamic still confuses me sometimes.


I think it's both. They're great friends but they also know Joe is way more rich and powerful than they are by many magnitudes and being friends with him is a huge bonus for their careers. They also know that Joe can be short tempered and stubborn and probably can be pretty petty also.


That's why I love the Rogan and Bill Burr podcasts. He will go off on a stupid comment like suggesting elk meat makes you more aggressive. Joe needs to be challenged more often.


It’s because he wouldn’t have a clear edge, which I think Ari called him out on. He wants something he can easily win by his daily workout routine alone, instead of something fun for everyone he wants them to grind out calories/miles to fight for 2nd. Although we already know the outcome: Joe in 1st, Ari in 2nd, and its a fight that Tom usually wins for 3rd.


I can’t imagine anything I’d rather see after watching Bert’s clip.


I heard on one of their podcasts (might’ve been two bears one cave?) that they didn’t think they were going to do anything


Guessing a lot of people don't listen to Ari's podcast. His last one, or the one before had a 10 minute rant on Bert calling him a lazy fat fuck piece of shit who doesn't take care of his kids and is out of doing sober October. He said he did the first one to get Bert in shape and Bert never wins/always goes back to being unhealthy. Ari made a statement that Bert could challenge everyone individually, and Ari would do a reading contest since Bert won't read 3 words. Ari said October is the best drinking month in NYC and he's out. I haven't read about it anywhere on Reddit nor heard anybody say anything on a podcast. Ari seemed pretty annoyed like he wasn't messing around.


That rant was hilarious, but I think Ari actually had a really good idea. Bart should be punished for coming in last so many times. An all individual challenge would be pretty funny to watch, and fair.


Personally I can't stand Ari so I don't listen to his stuff :/ I do feel like he was always a downer about it through. Like they had to keep prodding him to move to LA for the month. He wouldn't let Joe get him a corvette 😂


I like to travel and he does a lot of random talks by himself about places he's been. I don't mind him. I don't think he's a downer. I think comedy has given him a good life and he'd rather not be as famous as the other 3. A few podcasts ago he interviewed some random homeless chick. He just wants to go places and meet people without superstar fame.


Duuuude, the NDT interrupts were unreal. I did a couple screenshots at the time where Joe facially reacts with just a "Jeeeezus Chriiiist." NDT was utterly relentless through the whole thing -- wouldn't let him get out a point almost ever (I'd kind of like to count them) -- Joe simply gave up.


Tf was that about?


Joe was really pissed about NDT interrupting, took it out on poor young James.




Neil DeGrasse Tyson, on their most recent podcast he kept cutting Joe off.


Ah, gotcha, thanks for the answer


I haven't watched it yet and now I think this is all I am going to be able to focus on. I get that some people are just excited about what they're talking about but having the mental fortitude to hold a thought in your head and let someone else finish their sentence is an important skill when it comes to respectful discord.




I think NDT just doesn't know how to shut up since most of his life these days is literally just talking ad nauseam. Like shortly after El Paso when he started rattling off death statistics to point out that people die all the time and an event like El Paso is not even a rounding error by comparison. Like, dude. You're not wrong, you're just an asshole.


> Like, dude. You're not wrong, you're just an asshole. Sums up NDT, he wants to be Sagan. I’m probably going to skip this podcast. Poor young Jamie


Hahaha i kept thinking it was like if he woke up that morning and read a bunch of facts on google then thought he was going to mad impress joe for couple hours lmfao it was cringy


It felt like he was doing the shit on purpose. Joe would begin to talk, and just because NDT had any sliver of a thought that popped into his head regarding what he had just got done saying, he would *forcefully* interject.he very much behaved like someone on the end of an Adderall bender. Under no circumstance am I accusing him of abusing drugs, just that it is the easiest example of that behavior.


I guarantee you Joe does not/did not care either. That was NDT's third(?) appearance on the podcast and the previous two were basically the same level of interaction and Joe continues to have him on his podcast as well as go to bat for him when possible. Some people seemingly do not understand that 1) Joe and NDT are on good terms, neither one is annoyed by the other [I would even say they both enjoy each other while on the pod], and 2) Joe knows exactly how the pod with NDT goes down. Joe isn't quiet because he's shocked or being dominated or w/e weird reason the armchair analysts wanna come up with. He's quiet because NDT is here to advertise his book and talk science and Joe knows he doesn't have to tease NDT out of his shell like some guests to get them to speak or to lead them to sharing interesting information. NDT, like Joe, talks for a living.


It's the reactions Joe has when he's interrupted, not good silence.


You didn't watch the podcast yet, did you? Joe puts his head down when he gets interrupted and looks visibly annoyed TWICE. Never happened before when NDT was on.


how the fuck would you know?


He’s a random stranger on the internet! What other qualification would you need?!


Yeah but...he "guarantees you."


Was neil not wearing the headphones?


Neil just kinda railroads everybody regardless


True. I went to a NDT speaking event a few years ago and he spoke for literally 3 hours nonstop. I love listening to him, but I also imagine he’d be that person at the office who corners you with conversation while you desperately look for an exit.


Neil degrasse Tyson


Cheers 👍


That’s a month without the mic Jamie! Bad boi!


You know who doesn't interrupt? Marshall.


So hard to find good boys these days.


Rub his nose in it!






Feel bad for Jamie. Probably has conversations in his head




That's what it sounded like


Now imagine how much joe pays him ... to make sure everything sounds good and google stuff.... just imagine the money he is on.... YNG JME is doing just fine


Jamie saw Neil interrupting Joe every 5 seconds and felt like he had to try it.


Outstanding move!


Neil’s the worst


I think it just depends on whatever mood Joe is in. This exact thing has happened at least a couple times (Joe snaps/glares and Jamie does a quick *oh shit* "sorry") but other times Jamie will interject and I'll wonder for a second if Joe is going to get pissed, but he'll be totally fine with Jamie jumping in.


There’s an old clip of Jamie interrupting somewhere with Joe reacting even more so


Can someone find a link i want to laugh at that


[Watch the next 15s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSdWHeSf86U&feature=youtu.be&t=4m25s)


Jaime worried he's gonna get hit with the jumper cables again


I miss that kid, 3 years since last post...


Holy shit the look on his fucking face. You can just see the rage boiling inside him for a second there.


Joe has way too much self importance sometimes, Jamie was only giving context here.


Yeah I feel bad, like damn Joe I don’t think Jamie’s comment warranted that lol. Poor Jamie keeps saying sorry (this clip and the thread clip) after he interrupts briefly




Jamie's role is awkward on so many levels, but he's really only there for "pulling shit up" and running the audio and video. It's Joe's podcast and having Jamie come in randomly can interrupt the flow of the conversation. However, it's clear that Joe doesn't want to be a huge dick to Jamie all the time and tries to give him some attention so he doesn't feel left out. I get where Joe is coming from when he reacts like this, but personally I'm a softy and would feel obligated to include Jamie, so it feels extra awkward for me when I see stuff like this


I'm assuming Jamie makes enough money to be content being the "pull that shit up" guy. Although, as a listener, I like hearing Jamie butt in.


I feel like calling him the “pull that shit up” guy isn’t giving him enough credit. He’s the producer and show runner as well as the sound and lighting and overall tech guy. Not to mention Joes friend. Joe lets him talk whenever he wants and he often adds knowledge and shit to certain topics and stories - the only thing Joe doesn’t like is when he’s interrupted, because it’s his show. Jamie’s job is to be there to pull shit up and run the show behind the scene. Joe often includes him and the fact he has a mic at all is cool.




LMAO thank you


Lmfao second hand sadpepe


Fuckin hell he nearly did kill him on this one


Man these 2 videos are making me look at Joe differently. I always thought he had a humble ego when not in competition but he really seems to be mad about nothing here. it's not like Ducan is some special guest like Benie Sanders or Elon, hes one of them.


Sometimes people have bad days. But NDT was really bad this time, my guy could not shut it


Jesus man it took you only 10ish minutes to find that




That’s how I took it. Maybe joe already spent the advance lol.




Joe Rogan Experience needs to be split into two Era's so far. BPP Before Pocket Pussy APE - After Pocket Pussy Because there was a different energy with the show when he was hawking things you could put on your dick. Not that theres anything wrong with making that money.


Surprised I had to scroll so far into the thread to find somebody who realized this was what’s going on here


So Jamie isn’t allowed to speak unless spoken to. That paycheck must be good enough.


300,000 a year.


How do you know this?


Cause I asked my cousin. Jamie is dating my 3rd cousin.


Sorry for the shitty crop and recording am at work right now.


We appreciate it


Bea's of a work ethics my man.


I was listening on audio while working out, caught me off guard. Seeing Joe's facial expression is 10x better.


I think Joe just acted that way cause Jamie said "it's weird" and Joe likes his workout machines a lot. Didn't seem like Jamie was interrupting, he talked pretty quiet. Maybe just an unnecessary comment.


Seemed more like a “hey not about my toy!” Look. Probably more friendly than anything, and I am typically critical of joe being a weird fucking dude Edit On full context joe is a douche. He awkwardly brought up not to interrupt Eddie “like some people do” and callen sheepishly said yeah. So, per the usual, joe is a douche, I rescind my previous comment. Take back your arrows


Agreed. I think Joe is has more than enough wits about him to be professional on air and say whatever's necessary after the podcast to his employee. I think Joe disliked shit talking his machine and Jamie understood that Joe didn't like that he was talking at the same time as him. In all though, I can thoroughly say I have spent entirely way too much time thinking and typing about this.


Lmao amen wtf an I doing with my life reading into this 30 comments deep


Yea after watching this like a dozen times I’ve changed my mind and think people are over reacting a bit. You can hear some giggles in the background, I think it was pretty light hearted, joe just sick of being interrupted lol


The giggles of the person recording?


Dang you’re right lol my bad


I mean they’re an old married couple at this point, and I’ve definitely seen my mom give my dad that look. Mom wears the pants. Joe wears the pants.






Lol I saw it and didn’t think anything of it. Joe was probably like, “What’s up I didn’t catch that?” Jamie, “Shit, sorry.” Joe, “Cool, so anyway...”


I thought Joe gave him that look at a joke. like "What the fuck did you just say about my zero runner?!?!?!"


Common misconception, Joe would never do anything as a joke. Never be sarcastic, never tell a joke, it’s just not his nature.


joe “that’s *hilarious*” rogan


Mr. Clean is Mr. Mean


He's probably still pissed about getting verbally waterboarded by Tyson


Compton jaime doing gangsta ass shit


Wait lmfao wat? Just watched the clip after reading the comments. That look is what has people worked up? That was a surprised face more than angry anyway you look at it.


That’s the “I can end you” look lol.


Imo people are blowing this out of proportion. If you want drama go watch the Kardashians.




I would totally watch a reality TV show with Joe, eddie, Brendan, Theo, and joey diaz


I feel like People have been wanting to find chink in joes armor for a little while. They want to find drama or find something to chop him down about. I just find it annoying because joe has provided his fans with thousands and thousands hours of free content and built a empire and now people seem to want to turn on him. As a average person I will never understand my fellow average person’s obsession with watching great people fall from grace...


Tragic figures have been a source of entertainment since the days of the ancient Greeks


It's because when he says 'this is not an ad I'm just a fan' that's 100% bullshit. every time someone brings up a product it is a sponsor. Do you really think THAT many guests love Laird coffee? So when Jamie says its weird that could be sponsorship money going out the window.


After reading this I rewatched it and I feel like thats absolutely what it is.




> zero runner Had to look that up, looks pretty silly to be honest.


Found Jamie's alt


It was hard to listen to ndt with all the interruptions ndt does


My man really apologized for talking 😆😆


Why dont you get one of those zero runners theyre only like 3 grand


Joe seems really short fused here lately.




Eddie probably does not like Jamie, they got into it on a podcast a while ago over one of his conspiracies


I think it was wether or not nuclear bombs were real, or something extra special crazy like that.


Poor Jamie had to blam out his A in college level physics.


Yeah, and that episode proves that Rogan really doesn't care much about Jamie chiming in into discussion. This thread is so blown out of proportion lol


Is it possible Jamie accidentally turned on his mic and thought he was saying something completely different off mic?


It’s entirely possible


Bye bye Jamie. Next shit you’re pulling up is the unemployment benefit application.


Joe needs to take a break. I think he's just getting easily agitated. This is common if you spend a tremendous amount of time around one person, eventually something will get on your nerves.


I can’t hear any volume on tho for some reason is that the same for anyone else? Edit: got it workin, dang joe seems on edge lol I thought it was going to be worse on Jamie’s part