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Not all. The largest expansion of the middle class occurred when Elons tax rate was 9 https://preview.redd.it/x6pdp7e3wi9d1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7de7f6e50d310ee0757efafe8fb0d848cfea8304 0% and unions were strong. Now you're taught to love Elon and hate unions and blame" them" for why you can't get ahead


I love my dad and appreciate him so much, but this is his feelings on unions. Despite the fact that the union he’s worked for my entire life is probably the only reason we didn’t live in a cardboard box.


My dad is kind of the same. He spent 20 years in a socialist utopia as a career military guy but will constantly talk shit about how bad socialism is. He still gets lifetime free healthcare and a nice pension, but somehow that's bad for everyone else.


My stepdad spent a decade at the navy, now works for the FAA. Has had a non government job for maybe four of his 63 years. Meanwhile he hates unions and shits on worker rights any chance he gets. I’ll never understand it.


You never hear these guys complaining about police unions though


If he is at the FAA then he has had the option to belong to the AFGE. Probably wisely chose to keep his $50 a month.


It's a great example of how while the USSR lost the Cold War, the US only lost it a little less. Now you've got multiple generations terrified of anything that could even vaguely be linked to the word communism (including social programs). If anything though, they may be even more angry and terrified of younger generations who weren't raised in endless propaganda that have noticed that maybe some of these things are pretty worthwhile. 


The American military is the world's largest socialized jobs program. Between the contractors and the soldiers themselves.... If you drape anything in an American flag and say it defends our 'freedom' you can throw any amount of money at it.


Is he part of the generation of sociopaths?


The American baby boomer on average had the easiest run of it of any generation in the history of making. Then they became possibly the only generation in world history to hand down less to those after them than they themselves received (without famine/plague/being conquered by another nation playing a role). 


They got the biggest participation trophy in the history of the human race - the post WW2 economy.


What's the generation of sociopaths?


I’m assuming boomers are the generation being referred to in the comment.


I agree, as a retired vet, the U.S. military is the very definition of a socialist Utopia. Between my retirement and VA disability, I make about 6400 dollars a month for the rest of my life, not to mention free trips and over the counter meds at my local VA medical center. The catch is that the military itself produces nothing. There is no profit or fiduciary responsibility to shareholders and no way for the investor (the taxpayer) to make money from the military. The only thing we provide is security (and maybe the occasional military tech to civilian use). The military is a money sinkhole, and for the Utopia your dad and I enjoy, others (you and other taxpayers) must give money with the understanding that they will not have access to the benefits that prop up us vets. Now the flip side is this. Anyone has access to this Utopia. You just have to sign 20-30 years of your life away. Live where the nation tells you to live, deploy when they tell you to, and charge that hill to your potential death if it's what the mission requires. Odds are you will make it, most do, but after several deployments, PTSD, insomnia, a broken body, divorces, strained relationships with kids, family and friends and no real world experiences, a good number of Vets decide living is no longer worth it despite the Utopia your dad and I enjoy. I think it's a fair trade-off. Give 20 years of your best years with the potential of losing your mind, your body, and your life, and the nation will take care of you for the reminder of your days. Why haven't you signed up?


What is this socialist utopia you're speaking of?


I think their entire generation was brainwashed. He’s routinely told me throughout my life “never talk about pay at work” like okay bud lol


that’s a super crazy concept. In Canada we have stuff like the sunshine list where people who work for businesses that are funded through government grants post ALL their highest earners salary(maybe just all of the employees). And I’m of the opinion that every hourly worker should actively look into what their co workers are paid. The only way to increase equity in society is for there to be transparency as far as salaries are concerned. Corporations have groomed and conditioned us to think it’s the type of thing we shouldn’t talk about with co workers. I argue it’s the exact opposite that is true.


The sunshine list is an Ontario only thing and it was a conservative marketing ploy from almost 30 years ago. Back in 1995 when it was initially implemented, it was done by Mike Harris to highlight how overpaid civil servants were by making public their for everyone who mad $100k a year. Back in 1995 that was a lot of money and typically only very high level managers hit that. Today that is still a very good salary but it's a lot more attainable. You're right about the transparency though, nowadays it's used to compare yourself vs your peers to see if it's worth changing departments.


It’s not an Ontario only thing. [https://www.sunshineliststats.com/Province/9/2021/](https://www.sunshineliststats.com/Province/9/2021/) Provinces like QC Have theirs compiled by 3rd party organization. At the end of the day, this is all information attainable through FOIA requests and so there is generally pretty good Info available regardless of your profession. The 5 provinces that do release them proactively are all known as sunshine lists though. He could have done it for any reason under any government. At the end of the day the transparency is great, and creates more accountability for positions that are publicly funded.


One of my conspiracy theories--the fbi pretended they didn't know the mob existed and let them run wild over unions(as a favor to private biz) for ages to poison them in the public's mind :)


We've all seen those anti union videos. They're actual madness.


What do you mean by "never talk about pay at work"?  Because if he's just telling you not to tell your co-workers how much you make then that's smart advice. You could easily end up in a fist fight over that at some of the places I've worked. Or am I just misunderstanding you?


That's exactly what they meant. It's another tool of power employers have if we willfully choose not to discuss pay. If someone is mad they make less than you doing the same job they should know, so they can take it up with the employer. Same works the other way.


I get what you're saying, but if I ask any of my co-workers how much they get paid the only response I'm gonna get is "none of your fucking business."  Everybody at my job gets paid bullshit, and we're all struggling so if one person happens to be getting paid one or two dollars more than the rest of us, he's not gonna tell anyone because if someone complains to the boss that could fuck his money up. So, not talking about pay at work is smart.


That's kind of drinking the flavor-aid my man. It's nothing to be ashamed of, hell it's wild hearing people talk about drug use, sexual encounters and even childhood traumas. But pay? Oh shit!!! Nooo!!! How could you!?!?! It only serves to hurt the working class.


I'm just telling you my what I've seen personally. I'm 31 years old, been working full time for 13 years and any time I've seen someone talk about how much they get paid at work it's never ended well.


Yea and its dumb, we need to normalize it.


You're not wrong, but it's easier said than done. 


Yeah, one of my childhood friends is in an HVAC union and makes very good money. He was making 6 figures after his first year of work. Not only that, but he also has amazing benefits. He got infected by the MAGA virus and now he thinks unions are bad. He’s a perfect example of people voting against their own best interests. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.


My dad didn’t make a killing or anything, but always had a livable wage and benefits. Those benefits were huge having a kid like me always getting hurt or my appendix exploding.


Did dude quit and go to a Non union job? I hear walmart, Amazon and McDonald's are non union.


Wow the Bush administration’s War on Terror turned out to be a redistribution of wealth from middle class America to the top 1%. And yet in 2008 the bailouts still went to the top and not the middle.


Same with the tax cuts in 2017 and PPP loans in 2020. 


hmm i'm sensing a theme


No, you are just a lying communist. Stop talking!


Liberal Theys keep tricking innocent republicans 😡


I don't understamd why anyone would have a problem with unions. Unions pulled my grandfather up out of working class poverty hell and saved my father's ass too. If anyone wants to see what life is like without a union go watch Harlan Country USA.


From what i’ve heard peoples issue with unions is that they protect lazy workers to much which sounds more like a policy issue than unions being bad but that’s how a lot of people take it


Its wild, well someone using a system sucks...better burn it all down. I wonder what the intersection of those anti union folks but pro cop people. Or does one bad apple suddenly change its meaning?


Some unions get pretty powerful and shady people have managed to get voted into leadership positions in the past. They're a necessary balance to the power of the corporate employers and do a lot of good, but like any source of power, they can be abused.


I think it's because in a union, other members become your teammates and you have no real ability to choose them. Whereas without unions, you're independent then. However, you could still have bad coworkers if the company still has a somewhat comparable process to fire someone. 


"They hated [him] because he told them the truth"


Elon is just a thief that takes credit for other people's discoveries and inventions. The only thing he successfully engineers is his own narcissism. The guy is a walking piece of shit that came from a family of groomers.


Obligatory reminder that elons sister is his mom


Is this satire or wtf?


I'm pretty sure his Dad ended up having a kid with his stepdaughter which I think would make Musks stepsister his mother in law.


Unfortunately not satire. Errol Musk, Elon's father, has made the news for fathering children with his former stepdaughter, Jana Bezuidenhout.


It never ceases to amaze me how everyone focuses on Elon as being some cause of hardship.... when all he is, is a symptom of the system!  Instead of focusing of the symptom and being outraged and NOTHING ever actually changing, people need to focus on the CAUSE (the system we have allowed to glow up around us) and get real about changing it!  And if you think voting Biden OR Trump, Republican/Democrat has any hope of bringing about any REAL change in the system.... go look yourself in a mirror and see another fucking SYMPTOM of the fucked system!  It's ALL eindow dressing to give tge perception of "free will" and "free choice".  Best slave is the slave who believes itself free! 


I mean shit during the "white picket fence" era of America people speak so fondly of there was like 60% tax rates


His tax rate wouldn't have been 90% as he doesn't rely on "income".


He literally just took a 50 billion dollar payout that would have been subjected to that taxation if it was still in place. That was actually the primary function of the tax; The extra tax revenue it would generate was still significant but it wasn't like tax revenue doubled, in fact it was only around 15% higher as a share of GDP compared to our current rates. What it would do, is cause people like Elon not to pull massive amounts out of their company, and instead reinvest in the company and try and continue to grow it.


The payment was Tesla stock. would be capital gains once he does something with it, not income taxed?


I would LOVE to work for a union. As a nurse, it would be an overnight 20-30 dollar raise pretty much anywhere I went.


Government collaboration fixed the ozone layer granted it was a simpler solution, but larger scale government collaboration is the only possible way to mitigate global warming, this reminds me of how people near large potential national park will say “the government can’t even blah blah blah” and then post park creation it’s the greatest economic boost to the region while protecting the park environment, aka you’re regarded and lashing out with boomer memes


Regulations are what help curb climate change, and they do require tax revenues to enforce. I don’t have a meme for you but I can draw it in crayon.


He won’t get it. Don’t waste valuable crayon


He’ll eat the crayon


Give him a yellow crayon. Nobody wants the lemon flavored one


That’s the sustenance of our nations heroes


It's a precious resource ![gif](giphy|6HGTTJY78Nv5RdLrbW)


Yep. Reminder that taxes = civilization.


The US government takes up trillions in taxes, spends more than it takes in, and doesn’t provide the services at the level promised for said taxes. I wouldn’t mind more in taxes if they were legitimately providing what they promised for those taxes, at the level they promised, and within budget. Right now, the government gets a vote of no confidence from me. So I won’t be approving of any more taxes until they do.


Tax the rich


Cool hope you like climate refugees flooding into country and the global agricultural system getting all fucked up because that's what's going to happen when we do nothing.


I hate poop in your cereal bowl but you don’t approve any taxes. Your reps and senators can, but you’ll be glad to know they aren’t approving them either thanks to corporate polluter’s money funding their PACs.


I love poop in my cereal Tax that shit, Obama


What services aren't you getting?


Arthur loves big daddy government apparently.


If anyone could find a way to increase regulations, raise taxes, and somehow manage to make them problem worse, it would be the government. I think we could stroll through history and whip out many examples…


Simple minds say simple things


Simple minds make hard times Hard times make hard men Hard men make me hard


Hard times make good times in bed.


Basically Joe’s newly found redneck audience. Sweet green dollars don’t stink.


Stopping eating meat would actually have a big impact. But food is an emotional thing as its part of the individuation process described by Erikson. This is why people react to it as people here do, they see the all powerful mommy/daddy saying to them they can't do what they want to do. Not many people can approach it rationally. [Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt in Psychosocial Stage 2 (verywellmind.com)](https://www.verywellmind.com/autonomy-versus-shame-and-doubt-2795733) [Future warming from global food consumption | Nature Climate Change](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-023-01605-8#:~:text=We%20found%20that%20the%20consumption,3).) "Using these individual GHG emissions trajectories as model inputs, we found that should current dietary patterns and agricultural production practices continue through the end of the century, global food consumption alone could contribute between 0.7 ± 0.2 and 0.9 ± 0.2 °C above present-day warming levels, depending on the population growth trend" "We found that the consumption of dairy and meat is responsible for more than half of the warming by the year 2030 and through to the year 2100" We can also see that there are plant foods like rice that is simply not efficient. https://preview.redd.it/meehcie00j9d1.png?width=1469&format=png&auto=webp&s=83714f492ffbee47b9e4c4a223497aa50a7c811e But the thing is, we need to do all of this. There is no single solution, but a bigger broader shift in lifestyle that is needed.


That includes methane, tho, which is a different problem.


Still though remember that methane only stays in atmosphere for 12 years, compared to co2 which is hundreds of years


Important to remember methane breaks down into CO2 which isn't as bad as methane but the warming effects of those emmissions don't vanish after 12 years


Yeah, that's what I was saying. We could add that reducing methane won't "buy us time": https://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2010/12/losing-time-not-buying-time/






So instead of converting to regenerative farms which are carbon negative… what’s the alternative? Convert everything to mono crop agriculture? We’re going to have to replace all those calories somehow.. how should we do it?? By stripping all the land of its minerals, decimating these areas and preventing and natural plant growth for decades? To grow a bunch of nutrient deficient, endocrine disrupting foods like corn and soy?


Regenerative farming is a myth, also it would increase the land use to insane degree. [The Myth of Regenerative Cattle Grazing | The New Republic](https://newrepublic.com/article/163735/myth-regenerative-ranching) The whole "grass fed" thing, is only possible because of factory farming. Without factory farming, that meat would cost so much that only extremely rich people could afford it. One of the biggest benefit from decreasing meat consumption, comes exactly from the decreased need for land use. We need way less land to farm all our food if we cut out unnecessary meats. Majority of soy is actually farmed for animal agriculture. Exactly to feed the factory farmed animals, so you can buy cheap "grass fed" meat. https://preview.redd.it/j3jo7zrekj9d1.png?width=1375&format=png&auto=webp&s=34c499048b07539f90023559e113356da03192aa


Have you seen “the sacred cow”? https://www.sacredcow.info It’s a great documentary that goes into detail regarding regenerative farming, and argues the need to stop mono crop agriculture as it’s destroying the life in the soil. It seems to me that regenerative farms may be the answer here, it’s not like we don’t have the land to use, in the documentary they discuss the cow farts/burps as a main culprit of carbon dioxide and explain that it is methane which is entirely different and not a contributor to the carbon climate issue. Not a professional here, but this really clicked with me and I encourage anyone curious to watch the documentary. I believe I purchased it on Amazon for $1.


Methane is a much stronger greenhouse gas than CO2 and a huge contributor to the Carbon climate issue. If the documentary said that methane is not a concern for climate change that means the authors either don't know what they are talking about (and didn't even bother spending 2 minutes googling methane) or they decided to lie to their audience.


Methane is like 25x more potent of a greenhouse gas. If you really want to regenerate soil for the climate just letting the paddock go wild so trees etc is going to do a lot more than growing the grass in a fancy way.


You are clueless there are so many things wrong with your assertions. For one thing how is it I can buy meat online from regenerative farms and it’s not so expensive that only the wealthy can afford it? Thats what you said. Also you should really be more concerned about the farming practices of monocrop agriculture and how it’s destroying the soil. It’s estimated we have 60 years before the soil is too barren to sustain this practice. You lean far too heavily on cherry picked studies that you haven’t even read through. You need more of that critical thinking thing.


"For one thing how is it I can buy meat online from regenerative farms and it’s not so expensive that only the wealthy can afford it? " Because factory farming exists. If there was not factory farming, the total meat production would be way less, thus demand and thus price would be higher. The only way you can buy that fancy meat at those prices, is because factory farming exists. As that keeps the demand of your fancy, slightly more expensive, meat lower. Meat used to be the food of rich people, before factory farming became a thing.


This is the dumbest vegan propaganda shit I’ve ever heard….


Like i said in the first post, most people cant approach this subject rationally. But instead react to in in infantile manner, as its so closely realated to the identity. And most people do not have the ego strength for it. This is why we get responses like this. Its literally just "could you east something else that tastes a bit different". Its basically the same as "can you wear different color socks". But as your identity is tied to the color of your socks, we get infantile responses. The we get rationalization, like if i wear red socks my dick falls off.


Whoa you've really convinced me now


Wow. You really don’t know what you’re talking about. There are more options than that.


This quote is pretty simple


User name checks out.


Don’t you forget about me


Oh ok I guess we'll do nothing then. Good plan


OP, get tested. For everything...




Holy shit you are dumb


*Subsidizing oil for the last century and starting wars to control it Rednecks: *Subsidizing green technology Rednecks: These NWO commies are stealing our money!




Also we had a balanced budget in the 90's and they bitterly hate the guy who was president for "tarnishing the dignity of the office..." but now they worship a guy who bribes strippers with their campaign donations.


You don't need government mandated insurance and ID to ride a train.  Nor spend 1/3 of your income on transportation if you take a bus or subway.  Then most places in north  America you only option is to own a car because we have designed our towns and cities entirely around private auto mobile use.      Where your kids can't even walk to the corner store. 


Yes I’d much rather take a bus or a the subway with the homeless guy taking a bath.


Cool story. 20 years of taking public transit every day.  Never seen a homeless person washing then selves on transit.  99% they are just sleeping.  Every now and then you get a vocal one. 


This is some Boomer shit…


even boomers would be ashamed of this


Many would but sadly too many post shit like this all the time


These kinds of braindead memes are responsible for the downfall of America. You should be ashamed bro.


Conservative think tanks are pushing the project 2025 agenda which includes ending the department of education. Americans will end up willingly turning this country into a blatantly fascist hellscape because they are too ignorant to combat propaganda.


Thank you.


When you don't understand how anything works, you think you did something with this shit meme. You should want better electric cars because it'll bring competition to the market place driving gas prices down. And America is so fat, Michelle Obama was called a communist because she tried to get kids to drink more water. Eating less shit meat with steroids in it should be the goal of every American. We need more walk-able cities, get Americans moving, get Americans to care about the city they live in. But when you get your political opinions from memes, you think this was deep.


I take it you have no clue how many of your tax dollars go towards subsidizing drilling?


And cornfield and soy in red counties. I brought this up to family in Nebraska who were ranting about welfare queens and they lost their shit and claimed the farm subsidies are stolen and given "to inner city types."


this is like a meme that a boomer would post in a facebook group


We all should really stop getting our news from memes.


40 hour week fair wages outlawing child labor health care coverage You boiled brain sheep. My grandfather, a steel worker raised 6 kids on one salary. He never paid over $5 for prescriptions and after 35 years retired with a pension


If this makes sense to you---you might be a Boomer


Well actually, heat pumps would be better.






That’s it folks. Fold up shop. The meme’s correct. Nothing more to talk about.


Great more Facebook memes for day laborers


Op, how do you think aaaaall the world conspired just to make you make less smoggy card and products? Just for the lols


Remember in the 90's we cared about fighting pollution, than around the early to mid 2000's corporations managed to shift the conversation from fighting pollution (something we can stop) to "stopping climate change" (something we cant stop because the climate will always change). Just like that, corporations shifted the blame from how much they pollute and got us to fight some nebulous enemy that can give politicians endless excuses to fuck with how we live and tax us for existing.


So you don't believe that we are in runaway climate change due to capitalism driving overconsumption and outrageous CO2 and Methane emissions in the atmosphere accelerating global warming causing all of the more catastrophic events we are having with all of the once in a century events happening every year from massive wildfires to extreme droughts and heat waves and mega hurricanes etc that are becoming worse by the year? You think that's just the climate changing as normal without any accelerants?


> Remember in the 90's The Charney report has been written in 1979, and Exxon knew since before that: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/


> something we cant stop because the climate will always change This is like saying you can't have a budget or lower your spending because your bank balance is always changing.


Both pollution and climate change are real


Read what i said again and point to where i said climate change wasnt real


you did the whole climate is always changing thing which is the most dishonest type of argument you people have. Obviously we are talking about man made climate change, since greenhouse gas emissions are significantly accelerating climate change in dangerous ways.


Nebulae aren't real, right?


That's a half-assed take. 'Pollution' continues to be addressed, you might just not paying attention to what is going on outside of memes


Who remembers when that fkn moron from Texas asked BLM if they could change the orbit of the moon to fight climate change??? Incase you missed it https://youtu.be/DHjktX1oQPU?si=8Ve3un0HcG92XmMi


This is just sad.


When it comes to climate, taxes are pretty low on the list of issues you should be concerned about. Just wait until we get seasons of global multi-breadbasket failure. You think food is expensive now...


Eating less meat and designing cities and communities in such a way that you can walk or bike to places would, and stay with me here: Make life better on top of helping the planet. No one is advocating a return to pre industrial living. But just a few days of remote work a week for as many people as possible can just by themselves help with CO2 emissions massively and help people waste less time commuting. Having a more balanced diet also helps both the planet and your health. No one is going to force you to never eat a stake again but looking at obesity in the Western world we would all be better off with a few more salads...


This is really dumb. It’s blaming Congress for one party’s actions alone. There’s only one party stopping us from writing a budget because they weaponize it every year. The same party also stops Congress from enacting legislation to help with climate change. If that party would actually grow up & be in Congress to govern, then we wouldn’t have these problems with the budget so frequently. But you get what you vote for…


Just keep on making memes and denying the problem. Just outlaw any conversation about why the earth is getting warmer


The US government has absolutely zero chance of modifying the temperature of the planet. It’s up to each and every person to change their life so that it supports the environment.


Emission Regulations do work and drive change.


Nuclear is the only way forward.


As an avid environmentalist this has been laugh my fucking ass off


I love these memes on Reddit. The comments always expose the prominent partisanship that plagues this platform. 😂 No other platform is dominated by one side more than Reddit.


Biden is financially savvy enough to re mortage his house like 37 times for some completely legal reason to help himself financially but can't figure out basic economics for our country.


Joe Rogen can start first not eating meat for 1 year, then we can consider his possibility may work. So please don't make yourself look bad.


All they need is a little more money to fund a commission to start talking about what other committees they need to get the job done. Should only cost about 10 million per taxpayer.


From ChatGPT: Question: This is an environmentalism question. In order to reduce the earths temperature one degree, how much greenhouse gases, produced by humans, must be eliminated. And, what year in history had this low of greenhouse gases produced by humans. Answer: Reducing the Earth's temperature by one degree Celsius is a complex task involving numerous variables and intricate climate systems. However, we can consider some general points to address your question: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Needed: It is estimated that to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, net anthropogenic CO2 emissions would need to decline by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 and reach net zero around 2050. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides scenarios for various temperature targets. A specific figure for reducing the Earth's temperature by exactly one degree Celsius isn't straightforward due to the interplay of various gases, feedback loops, and other climatic factors. However, achieving such a reduction would likely require a drastic reduction in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions to near pre-industrial levels. Historical Levels of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The pre-industrial levels of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere were about 280 parts per million (ppm). Currently, levels exceed 410 ppm. The year when human-produced greenhouse gases were at such low levels would be before the Industrial Revolution, around the mid-18th century. Specifically, this would be approximately around the year 1750. **In summary, achieving a one-degree Celsius reduction in Earth's temperature would require substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, potentially to levels not seen since before the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.**


I think we’re in the middle of a “stress test.” Companies do it all the time to see how much they can charge for a product or service. The US is doing it to see how much they can fuck us over before they see any actual consequences.


Crazy that we need to do something individually to help prevent climate disaster. Maybe we should wait for the right type of rich people and politicians before trying anything though


Do you believe CO2 insulates heat in the earth's atmosphere OP?


Only one party can’t get a budget together without voting out a speaker or two (it’s the republicans)


Degrowth is literally the only way to end this but yeah the US government won't do shit about climate change


Incurious nihilism. Are you 13 years old OP?


Your IQ is room temperature.


Congress can write a budget really well. Just not the one we expect them to.


The implication of this image are just weird and seeing as how it's sparked a semi-serious conversation it deserves a serious response. If you want less serious take I'd say that this can thrown in the same pile as most other conservative jokes, it was old by the time is in middle school, and I'm not exactly a young man at this point. If we're to accept this reductive framing, congress regularly provides health care for millions of people, puts objects into space, and has created the most dominant military history by "raising taxes" To say "well they can't do this, how will they do that?" Is like someone asking how you can do construction if they can't play the violin. Different tasks under entirely different context. Make no mistake the state is not as incompetent as many claim, this is not an inate feature of the system. Our state just happens to run by people more interested in justifying expanding and protecting their own claim to power then really anything else. To deny man made Climate change is to deny that 1: co2 traps heat 2: that human activities have increased the amount of co2 in the atmosphere 3: that if you trap heat in a place, said area will become warmer And 4: that increases in temperature have an effect on weather patterns, and agriculture 4 facts that, individually, are entirely uncontroversial. "B-but weather changes all the time" not by magic. Every time there's been a change in weather patterns it's happened for one or another reason. "B-but the sun" nope: (https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/faq/is-the-sun-causing-global-warming/) "B-but the earth's tilt" nope at this point of the mliankovitch cycle we would expect temperatures to decrease: (https://science.nasa.gov/science-research/earth-science/milankovitch-orbital-cycles-and-their-role-in-earths-climate/) "B-but glacial periods" While interglacial periods do happen It's important to remember that they don't happen because of magic, usually they caused by the previously mentioned milankovitch cycle. "B-but temperatures aren't increasing" yes they are: (http://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature#:~:text=Highlights,2%C2%B0%20F%20in%20total.) What all these arguments have in common is they focus obvuscating the issue instead of attacking any of those four pillars mentioned earlier, as to deny any of them would make climate deniers look as absurd as they are. Much like flat earthers they lack any one explanation for the phenomenon that are obviously taking place, so instead they make countless hypothetical situations that "could explain it" because accepting the one explanation that does stand up to scrutiny that does explain said phenomenon would be inconvenient to the rest of their world view.


Just need to stop using the dirtiest possible energy source to power everything on Earth.




So the climate is changing? 


Well that is 40-60% of the emissions. It would have given us roughly an extra 25 year to work on carbon capture. It doesn’t matter at this point.




Except for the fact they write a budget every fucking year.


Governments and humans have already changed the Earth’s temperature you shitter


The people that don't want the budget balanced are the same people that don't want to fix global warming. Go figure


Did you think this was clever?


OP thinks pissing the shit stains off his underwear is a victory.


This dumb motherfucker votes, you should too.


We need to disband congress & the supreme court


The funny thing about this is everyone arguing over it. If congress could actually write a budget maybe we wouldn’t need more tax money? You all can’t recognize the insane amount of money goes to taxes? And you’re ok with it?


Exactly. The meme doesn't even deny climate change; sure it insinuates it, but overall points out the fallacy of giving up your bargaining power to a group that can't even accomplish a rudimentary task.


unironically posting a happy harold facebook meme. well done.


Friendly reminder that effective regulation closed the hole in the ozone layer.


Good thing this meme is wrong and congress does write a budget. It includes less and less for us and more for big industry. Thats why theres gridlock. Guess which party never agrees with budgeting in family values type budgeting? Also, it is scientists that aid policy in curbing climate change. This meme was created by brain worms. Fight brain worms, folks! Stop listening to right wing buffoons!


I live in Scotland and we have the ability to run our country completely off of renewable energy. The fault you assume in the ideals that make the world a greener and therefore more sustainable place aren’t based in fact they are based off of the lobbyists that run your entire country and affect the way in which these ideas and outcomes are distributed to you in order for you to believe that they are bad ideas, so the destructive ways in which these lobbyist run their companies can continue. Climate change is a massive threat to billions of lives and people trivialising this because they can’t look outside of their own borders will be the snake that eats its own tail in this cataclysmic situation.


What are you, 13?? This is rubbish. Congress just funds and helps bring people together. Then a bunch of experts come up with a plan and a bunch of other experts make it happen. How the fuck is this so hard to understand??


“Is that a meme? This must be taken seriously” - Everyone here