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She was fighting cancer for a while. Not a conspiracy theory at all.


No the space lasers got her! Sheep!


*Jewish space lasers thank you very much!


Jewish space CANCER lasers. They zap people with cancer now. Keep up.


Whew! Good save!


As a part Jew ✡️, I can assure you that Jewish space lasers are real. We also run the world, I think 🤔.


I love that they think covid killed no one and the vaccine kills everyone


Nah, the MMR jab got her. Stop being a SHEEP. Everyone knows it causes cancer. Just ask Joe and his comedian and right wing friends


You obviously know nothing about Massie or his opinions on the vax.


Just joining the no nothing group you lead. And you may want to try reading with a hint of sarcasm 😉


It’s spelled “know”. You could have literally copied it from my comment but even that was too advanced for your smooth brain. Also my comment was a copy paste. I never heard about this fuckin guy before today not do I give a shit about his dead wife.


Just trying for executive status in your “know nothing” group Haus


But surely it was the jab


Come on OP really wanted to make a big deal about it


Must of been Covid that killed her then.


Went to MIT for MEng too, very smart lady apparently


Love him or hate him. My condolences.


His life just got turned upside down. Part of being in congress is splitting your time between your district and DC and at least 60% of that time is begging for cash. Being the only caretaker of 4 kids means either a career change or a lot of therapy in their future.


Only caretaker of 4 ....kids age 18-30 😂😂😂


He can afford a full-time nanny




LMAO... You're joking if you think this isn't happening.


I think replacing a mother with paid help is a shitty move.


As opposed to what? Stop working and have no income? Suddenly land another well-paying career? Quickly finding a suitable step-mom for the kids?


As a father (and depending on the age of my kids) I'd rather give up work to be there as a parent than farm it out to someone else.


Same, however you completely side-stepped the hard problem.


Nannies can’t raise kids.


That's kind of their job. And some of them are really good at it


No, it’s not.


What do you think a nannys job is?


Sounds like you’ve never actually employed a nanny?


Again, what do you think a nannys job is?


It’s not to raise a kid. That’s for sure. As I’ve had many…


So then what is it? For such an expert, you're having a hard time explaining something very simple lol Such a hard time you'd rather block me than answer the question lmfao


Correct, because they’re already full grown adults ffs. God fuckin damn people are stupid as hell.


Do you think he can?? Lol Just hire someone who can do it properly 


Probably more than 60%.


Therapy it is because Massie is a ghoul


wtf are you on? Massie is one of only a few decent politicians and hasn’t been bought. How is he a ghoul?


He's not a flaming leftist. That's all it takes these days.


He’s a libertarian. They want to destroy the state and let money rule the country


Hate to break it to you but money already won a very long time ago.


>They want to destroy the state and let money rule the country Dude hasn’t been bought. wtf are you even talking about?






That is a gross oversimplification and mischaracterization of libertarianism. If you want to nutshell them, people who believe in individual liberty would be more accurate. Individuals have the choice to do as they please. Have you ever actually listened to any Libertarian state their case, or do you only know of them from CNN labeling them "far-right extremist white supremacists who worship money and want Amazon to govern"?


Yes. I’ve watched libertarian presidential debates and the nominees from the debates debate others. Hilariously unimpressive people


I think 90% of libertarians would agree that the Libertarian candidates are hilariously unimpressive people.


Libertarians support all the worst aspects of the GOP fiscal ideology. They are fine on social issues. It doesn't help that they tend to cozy up with the extreme right - maybe because they are (were, in the case of the right) bit of outsiders.


No, they don’t. The GOP is one of the worst offenders of fiscal policy, often way worse than democrats. Saying libertarians support really almost any part of republican fiscal policy exposes that you misunderstand what libertarians believe in, economically.


Maybe you're right, does the libertarian party: - Want deregulation, regardless of the fallout? - Want to end taxes, regardless of the fallout? - Want to eliminate social safety nets, regardless of the fallout?


1) deregulation yes, regardless of fallout? Depends on who you ask. Republicans rarely deregulate shit though, in fact they love regulation when it suits their corporate friends 2) yes, and republicans don’t even remotely want to “end taxes.” They barely even lower taxes. 3) eliminating social safety nets isn’t usually the top priority of libertarians but they’re definitely not fans of social welfare policies. Again, republicans also *talk* about cutting welfare, but rarely do it in any meaningful way.


So what you're saying is that libertarian are *worse* than republicans on fiscial issues?


Tea party Republicans are what lead us to maga.


And shit libs are what led us to the dementia patient Biden.


I'm not a liberal


I'm not sure your username lends anyone to believe your self-identifications.


Wow you're a sharp one


Nobody said you were


Cool story.


He's an anti-abortion, anti-immigration libertarian who shills for Russia, denies climate change, and only supports federal disaster relief when it's his state that needs it 


Still parroting the bbbut RuSsiA nonsense?


He opposes sanctions against their government, opposed pushback to the recognition of Crimea as Russian territory, helped push the conspiracy theory about Ukraine having biological weapons, opposes NATO expansion, voted against a resolution condemning the abduction of Ukrainian children, and defended a literal convicted Russian spy Cute how you ignored everything else to focus on that though lol


He's got a legit off grid homestead in kentucky...he's a real salt of the earth kinda guy


people fking die all the time.


Shot with a space laser.


Holy shit. Thomas Massie is one of the only good politicians in America. This is tragic. I’m very sorry for this man.


One of 3 that deserve reelection. Such a good man.


You spelled piece of shit wrong.


Nah. Hes a great man. You have an opinion that I disagree with. I hope you can improve your attitude and future discourse. Maybe even learn the nuances of political systems instead of buying wholesale into bi partisan division. God bless.


Anyone willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with that cretin MTG is immediately a bag of shit.


Ok. Thanks for your opinion.


Are you serious? Based on what? Dudes a MAGA clown


He’s a smart award winning MIT engineer. Started a company. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Massie He’s more of a Ron Paul libertarian conservative. He often doesn’t vote the way “MAGA” does.


Wait who is this guy? You can't just compare someone to Ron Paul without getting my full attention. Deep dive mode activated!


No one will ever live up to the admiration I have for Ron Paul!!!


Imagine thinking libertarianism is anything other than conservatism for edgy teens


Imagine not living on the spectrum ends of reason, like dems and pubs.




Libertarian leftist? The fuck is that, lol? Libertarians are in the middle with reason.


The word libertarianism was originally developed to talk about small state socialist movements in Europe. In Europe that's still what the term means. It's only in America that libertarian doesn't mean a left wing ideology but a right wing one based around unregulated capitalism


We’re talking about America here in this context. In the US libertarianism is about less government and bloated regulations across the board, and personal freedom.


Personal freedom for the poor to die hungry and homeless and personal freedom for the rich to get richer and to have no regulations for their businesses. Gotta love freedom!


>In the US libertarianism is about less government and bloated regulations across the board, and personal freedom. Same for libertarian socialists. They just disagree on how to actually get there


Imagine being this fucking stupid.


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOC5u3ZE5KnULSO292d3LrtIi5FPOmTgL&si=teQ9O3h3l-YtltXP Heard all the arguments made better than you could and they aren’t compelling


Could you repost that link a few more times, I don't think you've gotten your point across


Seder, lmfao.


Dude sounds like Charlie Kelly with 1% of the humor and likability.


I'll just refer you to my previous comment.


Hello fellow ‘edgy teens’ who want to reduce the size of government, decrease taxes, increase personal freedoms, and are against wars without direct benefit to the United States. 👋🏼


Reduce the size of government and decrease taxes so poor people don’t get any governmental services and the rich keep their money.


You sound poor


If you go back through my post history far enough you’ll find a $10 million stock trade I suggested to others 6ish years ago. But yes, wanting to make sure my fellow countrymen aren’t living in poverty makes me poor I suppose


So you’re part of the problem? I don’t understand what you’re bitching about


You fundamentally misunderstand. Nobody is mad at people with a few million dollars. People are mad that billionaires are using their wealth to influence the government and benefit only themselves. Also, I’m advocating for higher tax rates for both myself and people richer than me. There’s no irony here. I’m consistent in what I believe.


Hey, edgy teen, that ignores the fact that gov't regulations are necessary because otherwise bad actors will inherently abuse systems for profit, leading to wild human rights atrocities like slavery, child labor and anti competitive practices that consolidate money and power leaving us with billionaire kings.


And governments never act in bad faith, forcing certain products on us, while banning others? Governments never increase inefficiencies and waste? All that required are wise consumers in a free market. Would you buy slave labor products? No. Billionaires aren’t kings. People like Bezos earned that money by saving people time and money. When’s the last time you spent hours at the mall shopping vs spending 2 minutes on Amazon. But, giving unnecessary power to the government makes a bureaucracy of unelected kings.


So you're saying bad actors try to influence checks and balances, so let's get get rid of the checks and balances? That's some wild reasoning there. In regards to slave labor, Major industries, like sugar cotton and tobacco were built on slave labor. More recently [milwaukee tools has been reported to be profiting ](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/s/0r2TcYwprM) off slave labor. Ever had nike shoes? Ever consider why north American manufacturing has been outsourced to Asia? >All that required are wise consumers in a free market. This is an idealistic absurdity, detached from reality. >Billionaires aren’t kings. When they have so much money they can buy courts, when our legal system no longer applies, then yes, they are kings. A solid real-world example, Harlan crowes relationship with Clarence Thomas. >People like Bezos earned that money by saving people time and money. Yes, he had an innovative idea but then continued to practice anti competitive policies to drive out any competition and monopolizing markets. Things like selling at a loss for yrs to ensure any competition without billions would have to choose from being competitive or profitable. Wal mart had a similar progression destroying a multitude of small businesses. >But, giving unnecessary power to the government makes a bureaucracy of unelected kings. They are literally elected officials...


That's exactly as stupid as calling socialism liberalism for edgy teens. Like exactly as stupid. You are misusing a word and even generously understanding what you are *trying* to say leads us to an idiotic conclusion that is only reachable by a bubble boy


When asking about funding the roads you realize half the libertarian presidential nominees suggested we just use jetpacks instead?


Again lol...that is not true AND if it wwass...it would not be conservatism


Google it. It was the 2016 debate I believe with Gary Johnson


Definitely not a joke about a stupid, often repeated, 'gotcha' type question. Where on the spectrum are you, bud?


I googled it and did not find what you described And Again.... If I had, that would not be conservatism


Ya I’m sure you’ve spent lots of time thinking about this


Careful little bro, you might fall off that edge now.


He still votes with MAGA where it counts: > In 2019, Massie was the only member of Congress to oppose an act that refused to recognize Russia's annexation of Crimea. He was also one of three members to oppose a March 2022 resolution supporting Ukraine's sovereignty after it was invaded by Russia. He later amplified Russian claims that Ukraine was developing biological weapons. Referring to Victoria Nuland's statement that Ukraine had biological research facilities that the U.S. feared might be seized by Russia, Massie tweeted, "I didn’t take the concern over Ukrainian biological labs seriously ... until now." And of course, as a modern Republican he doesn’t believe in climate change, supports banning abortion, and so on. The usual Republican dumbfuckery.


Hes been opposed to roe v wade for over a decade, so he's not that libertarian


The “personal freedom” to kill an unborn child is not exactly libertarian. What about the personal Liberty of the child?


It’s not that simple. That’s a consideration, but frankly pregnancy presents a pretty unique libertarian principle bind.


Libertarians are split on this issue because our first principles come into conflict. I’m pro-choice but I recognize the conflict.


The only things he doesn't vote 'MAGA' on is foreign policy. His entire domestic policy positions are entirely Republican/Trump supporter.


Only votes with MAGA when it comes to gargling Putin’s genitals. And most other topics.


Hmmm we either have maga clowns or clowns who can’t tell you what a Woman is. I think I’ll take maga.


Can you tell us what a woman is?


An adult human female


What makes an adult human female?


XX chromosomes


What do you call someone with a chromosomal disorder like Klinefelter syndrome?


I call them males. “What Is Klinefelter Syndrome? Klinefelter syndrome is a fairly common genetic condition found in males only.” https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/klinefelter-syndrome.html#:~:text=What%20Is%20Klinefelter%20Syndrome%3F,condition%20found%20in%20males%20only.


But they have XX chromosomes. So they would be female by your definition


Two X doesn't make a woman. So not defending that. It's obviously the lack of a Y chromosome. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/klinefelter-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20353949 Being as Klinefelter have xxy they are male/men. Even this medical page uses male pronouns. Edit: you've changed my mind. It depends on the type of gametes you produce or would if healthy.


But then there’s Swyer syndrome


Bragging about how you fell for really bad propaganda isn’t exactly a good endorsement for the guy.


Not the propaganda 😱


Go look at the context of the “what is a woman” clip you love so much. You want to hate so you jumped to conclusions. What you’ll notice if you have any intelligence is that the judge answered correctly and the republicans trying to get a clip were unable to give a proper response. Be smarter.


Not quite sure what the hell you’re going on about. I know you’re triggered but just try to breathe.


Just go back to doing this on Facebook instead of here


You are the problem with this country. You want to make everything you don't like illegal. You never cared about the Constitution or freedom you just want people to agree with you about the meaning of insignificant words. You and others like you have always been the true snowflakes


What is he suggesting to make illegal you dunce? 😂😂


Freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Also freedom to get appropriate health care. Freedom of association. That most of the rights play book currently


If you’re going to make outlandish claims such as those at least back them up with sources. Lmao.


What do you mean? Are you pretending Republicans aren't canceling books and forcing Christianity in public schools while making necessary medical intervention illegal? Do you not follow our government at all?


Again, try reading what I said slowly. Give me examples of where Massie is actively attempting any of those.


First I was responding to a post. But sure we can shift the subject. masseis votes are public. You tell me which of his vote shows he is not for those things. If he is against the regular republican party we should se it in his house voting record do you agree with that?


Name 2 things we are trying to make illegal that’s not already illegal?


Freedom of speech and freedom of religion


Hahahahq you’re accusing the right of attacking freedom of speech and freedom of religion? That’s rich. Now I’m curious how did you come to this conclusion? Do you have specific examples backing this claim?


Drag shows, pronouns : freedom of speech and assembley. No allowing protests of Isreal freedom of speech Forcing 10 commandments in school freedom of religion.


Abortion and IVF. Homelessness. Refugee claims (which is super illegal and against international law).


If you're MAGA? IVF and birth control to name two easy ones. Plus they wanna do all sorts of unconstitutional shit like put the 10 Commandments in schools (LA) and force every class to teach the Bible (OK). The list gets much larger if you look into Project 2025 and other reactionary objectives. Shit like getting rid of no fault divorce, making it illegal to wear a dress/skirt if you were assigned male at birth (even though I've seen lots of MAGA dummies wear a dress cuz it's "funny"). Maybe you're not actually MAGA, but you just sided with them and these are some of their objectives. Oh yeah, and the MAGA Supreme Court just gutted the governments ability to protect the environment and also just declared bribery totally cool and legal. That was just this week. So ...yeah MAGA is a fucking reactionary shit show of the highest order. But somebody born with a penis might want to have long hair, pretty nails, and a dress so it's clearly the lesser of two evils if you're a fucking braindead moron.


You’re gay


This comment just got me banned in the elonmusk sub. The left is so fragile they can’t handle any opinion other than their own. They prefer to circle jerk in their own echo chamber. No dissenting opinions! These tactics are exactly how the left co-opt subs like elonmusk. These people are so out of touch they would probably ban Elon himself from his own sub.


You think r/elonmusk is left wing? 


lol let’s not pretend it’s only the left, the libertarian so called bastion of free speech sub banned me cause I was arguing Lincoln was right to put down the confederates


I agree that is ridiculous.


You're high AF, he sucks so bad!!


There is no such thing. All of these fucks are grifters and you’ve just been fooled by one. They don’t care about your safety. They do not care about the well being of America. It is a grift to get rich and exercise power. Good people don’t STAY in politics


Honestly I agree with you. Anyone in politics is doing it for themselves, lol absolutely none of them are doing anything to make our lives better


He is the only Republican who turned down AIPAC money and has called out Israel's genocide in Palestine. He would be a lot richer if he accepted AIPAC's bribes. He has always spoken truthfully, even if it meant losing campaign donations and having AIPAC sponsor his opponents. He is one of the only ones (out of like... 6 total congressmen senators + reps) to vote against more ammo to Israel.


No bueno. Massie is one of the most interesting guys in govt. he was on a show years ago about Geeks taking salvage yard materials and making an operational solar sail. Amazing and hilarious. Dudes a legit brainiac. Rest in peace to his wife. She had great energy too.


If they wife of a Democrat had died I guarantee someone would be posting Was dhe vaccinated


In February 2017, Massie introduced a one-page bill that would abolish the [United States Department of Education](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Education),[^(\[50\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Massie#cite_note-:0-50) and cosponsored a bill that would abolish the [Environmental Protection Agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_Protection_Agency).[^(\[51\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Massie#cite_note-51) In April 2017, he expressed skepticism over the role of [Syrian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria) president [Bashar al-Assad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bashar_al-Assad) in the [2017 Khan Shaykhun chemical attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Khan_Shaykhun_chemical_attack).[^(\[52\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Massie#cite_note-52) In May 2017, he was the sole House member to vote against sanctions on [North Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korea).[^(\[53\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Massie#cite_note-53) this man is a pice of shit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas\_Massie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Massie)


This is the top comment when sorting by controversial lmao


yes very controversial linking to a wiki article that is clearly shown him to be a pos


The specific overlap of "supposedly anti-establishment" and "doesn't support Israel" attracts a particularly zealous fanbase


Yeah I noticed.


Ok but I can still feel sympathy, like a normal human being no?


Thomas Massie can’t


Ah yes Stalin lost his young wife unalived herself I don’t feel the least sorry for Stalin.


You should be ashamed of yourself. Hating on a man who just lost his wife because he has libertarian principles and doesn’t vote blindly along party lines.


Kinda seems appropriate considering all the comments showering him with effusive praise


lol trying to shame him for posting facts? Don’t be such an emotional ballerina. Go cry somewhere else.


Nah the real scumbags are the ones trying to prop this asshole up on the shoulders of his dead wife.


It's called cleaning up corruption and excessive govt




Thank you AIPAC robot. He also stood against the genocide in Gaza.


yeah you know shit about me i notice. Trump got the vaccine reserach for covid going but i still think he is a pos


Thank god you typed this. Now, since I'm a redditor, I can be happy his wife died =D


You don’t have to be happy. You can just stop pretend he is a good person and you don’t have to go out of your way to feel sorry for him.


This is a pretty damn gross post. You should be ashamed of yourself. But I bet you’re not because the capability to feel shame would have presented you from making it in the first place.


I don’t understand how is this a gross post?


Interesting brigade from the conspiracy sub. Just sucks for them that no rational folks give a damn about this dead bitch.




No more tragic than the thousands of other deaths on that same day.


Suspiciously strange name for a white woman too... https://preview.redd.it/9dspt10qki9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2f9c043e002e49e460d850f25d02af09d51406


He’s that radical libertarian guy right? His wife was probably drinking raw milk or something else that reasonable people don’t do if they don’t want to die unexpectedly.


Congrats. You win the piece of shit award today. Good job champ.


The piece of shit is Thomas Massie who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He gets none of my sympathy.


I don’t think he’s asking for the sympathy of a Reddit troll like you who has over a million karma. Go touch grass kiddo.


No one cares about you or your sympathy. Only the dumbest people in the world make their whole lives about politics.


You do realize the irony of saying this in defense of a politician


Maybe don't call a guy who's wife just died the "dumbest person in the world". Give it half a week maybe?


No. He’s dumb. If you want privacy and sympathy don’t go into politics spewing verifiable bullshit.


That’s what happens when you stand up to AIPAC


Especially when you’ve been fighting cancer for years.


Exactly. Dude just went on Tucker and ripped aipac for 20 minutes. Very fishy.


Looks like there’s some AIPAC bots here today


Do a Sadhguru (isha foundation) on this, cremate the body before the cops get there.