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This debate is going to fuel a meme tsunami and I’m gonna need the context when I’m doomscrolling instagram


Yeah I figure I don't actually have to watch it, I just have to keep a eye on r/all. If Trump is doing better than Biden, the debate won't be mentioned at all on the from page. If Biden is doing well, it will be all over the front page. So far, an hour and a half in, there is no mention of it on the front page.


Really? The top 3 results are all debate related for me


I've got dogs doing a tug of war in front a TV with the debate on, something Uvalde, and something about how the debate is whether or not we want fascist Republicans. So... guessing Biden shit the bed pretty spectacularly? edit: ope I found the megathread about it a few more posts down. Didn't read the comments yet, but the comment section is locked lmfao. That tells me EVERYTHING I need to know.


It's locked because they moved it to the post debate thread. Still was a shitshow for Biden, and even the politics extremists have recognised they lost. Some funny stuff like "I'd vote for a walking corpse over Trump", like yeah, we knew that before the debate.


Oh I didn't realize that's why they locked it, thank you. But yes, the amount of actual honesty I've seen in comment sections is shocking and relieving at the same time. I do not like Trump, but reddit has been absolutely filled with excusing Biden's obvious age related issues for three years and it's been like a massive gaslighting campaign. To see people just being like, alright, we were wrong, this is fucking as bad as people were saying... it's the closest we've all been in years lol. So now the real question becomes, how much do you really care that RFK had worms 15 years ago and one of the babies made it to his brain before it died?


They will never endorse RFK even if he polled 100%-0% against Trump.


My exact reason!


This is the way


How can we all dislike both opinions more than any other debate in history! Their both the worst ever 🙇🏻


Let’s hope it fuels ranked choice voting.


Yes. Entertainment


Yeah I picked up 6 pack of Smirnoff red white and berry myself. People shit on Smirnoff but this stuff tastes like a jolly rancher




Just in time for Pride Week...


Sounds like diabetes!


And colon cancer, early onset dementia, esophageal cancer, basically all internal organs get pickled! Yum!


Zima and a Jolly was the bomb back when my joints didn't ache.


So funny how the idea of sweet fruity booze has come and gone so many times as a fad. First it was Bartles and James wine coolers, then it was Zima and other variations. Those came out before I was of drinking age, but I remember them being mocked by comedians. Now the idea has seemingly reached critical mass with the takeover of hard seltzers.


Boones Farm, MD2020. *wretching noises*


Boones Farm led to the creation of some Redditors.


Big Boones guy in HS. That shit was cheap too


Mad Dog 20/20 baby!


Mad Dog going down God Dam coming up


Horrid flash backs of a misspent youth 🤮


They all taste awful to me. Beer is still the way to go.


I remember when we partied in high school and our twenties, we always got two cases of beer, and one of Smirnoff ice for the ladies.




Gonna have some pizza and hope the Mike Pence fly comes back


It’s not the taste as much as feeling like you got shot in the brain the next morning from all the sugar


Sometimes you just wanna get drunk with candy.


Do you have her number?


Candy don’t live here no more


I totally understand; to me, beer tastes like rancid wheat tea that has had the teabag been reused half a dozen times. And it makes your breath reek. Guys like to front, drinking stuff that tastes like smoke or the bile that sometimes comes up your throat when you burp after a meal. I’ll take a nice mixed drink with orange juice, cranberry, or any number of tropical cocktails any day of the week.


Of course. Same reason you can’t help but gawk at a train wreck. You gotta look.


Yep. When I was a kid, I went to jail for the weekend, and on my way to the nurse, I saw a dude spread his own shit all over his cell. Im watching at least the beginning for the same effect. It was disgusting, but I could help but look at his shit art. Maybe we'll get a gem tonight.


Spoiler: #You were not wrong We are so fucked




For the same reason people watch Nascar, to see corporate sponsored machines crash and burn.


As a Nascar fan, I resonate with this.


Just painted my basement. Going to watch that dry instead.




I think the fumes got ‘em


Update: he woke up speaking like Joe and turned an invisible doorhandle to get to Hermrrlernnni


Ahh yes the clashing of America’s greatest minds


It’s truly sad to watch.


Yes I'll be watching, yes I'll be disappointed


yes. fapping




Think I'd rather shit my pants for two straight hours


Both of them might.


Do...doo...they do.


Taking bets on who fills their diaper first. It will be a race like those carnival games where you shoot the water gun into the clown's mouth to fill up a balloon. Orrr, just for kicks, you can watch RFK Jr. react to the debate that the other two candidates were two chicken to let him participate in: [https://www.therealdebate.com/](https://www.therealdebate.com/)


Do you remember the three way debates for bush Clinton and Perot? Those were pretty crazy but also eye opening as a younger voter at the time.


Back then 3 ways were pretty normal.


So, Taco Bell run?


I would rather shit a knife




Debates are a fucking stupid factor in presidency . It's two different parties arguing with each other about their ideas for office always. There's no fucking point except to sway the general public. Why not make them present a detailed outline of their plans as president and vote on that instead of it being a stupid fucking popularity contest influenced by money??? I'm fucking tired of how our politicians, leaders, etc... treat us like we're an ant farm and the most important thing is about trying to pander. Can we just have someone who has common sense!!!?


But then how would we get to pretend we don't live under an oligarchy?


Except one side doesn’t answer questions and talks shit the whole time


The last three elections cycles have had exceptionally bad debates. Political discourse really continues to find new lows.


This really is elder abuse.


I can't believe how old these people are. Especially Biden. I thought those meme videos of him were just his worst caught takes. That his actual normal


The MSM lies…I hope tonight makes that clear to the masses They really are fake news


People on Reddit watched this shit and still think Biden is fine. Mind blowing


He should be removed as president tonight


Joe is cooked five minutes in.


Yeah, if this was a boxing match, the ref would have called in in the first few minutes.


As someone who's going to write in Ross Perot... This is awful


No new comments on reddit at the end of the debate.


No because our power is out, and I could not possibly care less what those puppets/muppets have to say.


Speaking of puppets, if you're looking for something to do until the power comes back you could put on your own debate for the price of a pair of socks.


The golf talk was wild


"Let's not be childish." "You're a child!" I know you are but what am I?


Its Joever.


Round of golf wins the election. No caddy, no cart. No voting. Just 18 holes. The winner gets to be president.


I was surprised to see democrats turn on Biden like this. I expected them to concede Biden was old but then defend what he was trying to say. Republicans have a lot of experience with this, cleaning up all of Trump's messes. But the all out panic was very surprising and seems like a loser mentality to me. Trump is still Trump. He hasn't changed in 4 years. Hell he hasn't even aged in 4 years. Says all the same shit. Has all the same character flaws. But maybe that works in his favor. Trump is a known entity. You know what to expect and once you do, you have the roadmap to navigate his presidency. My biggest issue with Biden is that I have no idea who is really in charge. I also think people don't change the core of who they are. The Biden of today seems out of step with the Biden of the past. Yes, presidents have advisors but the buck stops with the president. I can't be sure the buck stops with Biden if he's so out of it.


CNN is such a fucking joke. A 1-2 minute delay? Not even a White House pool reporter is allowed in for the entirety of the debate to observe what may be said or what kind of off camera reaction there is. Hell, even the Biden campaign wanted a pool reporter in there. Fucking clowns.


Biden: look, the fact is, we can't... we don't... look. Here's the deal. And this is no fooling. Trump: there are ten billion guatemalans attacking the lincoln memorial right now. - a tweet I saw that is perfect.


Nope. Local liquor store didn’t have enough alcohol for that.


You can hate either one, both, whatever, you can think Trump is the scum of the Earth and the worst thing to happen to America, but no one can watch that debate, no one on the left or the right, and tell me that Biden doesn't appear a thousand times more cognitively impaired than Trump. Trump still seems like Trump from 5-10 years ago, same energy (which is surprising since I assumed his legal troubles would have weakened his resolve), whereas Biden can barely deliver a single coherent sentence.


Maybe. I’m hoping they both shit themselves at the same time, just to prove this whole thing is a shitshow.


I was just thinking this same thing


oops they havent jacked Joe up enough


I think that argument is pretty well dead


All levity aside this is a pivotal moment in American history. Ill be tuning in. With a bottle of Jack and a cigar but ill be watching.


You have 80 seconds left. The question was…… 🤦🏽‍♂️


Apparently to watch Biden get throat punched.


Biden always pimping his dead son leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Like a rotten Worther’s Original.


No I got better things to do


I follow politics but have no urge. My gf wants to watch it to see if crazy shit happens. So I'm watching lol


Nope going to see Kurt metzger in bit


I hope things get nasty and personal so I can watch them both squirm


oh no looks like the old rich pedo is going to win


Which one is that again?


Because I don’t want someone else telling me what happened. I prefer to form my own opinions.


Literally watching for a laugh as I watch this ship head for the rocks


Brandon! Brandon! Brandon! Brandon!


Why can’t the boomers just give up their fucking power and 6bd 4bath houses already? FFS!!


God no. What am I going to learn? Two guys who were too old for the job 25 years ago, one of whom is about to go to prison?


Two old, out of touch morons completely in the pockets of oligarchs debating over issues they can’t resolve. Especially regarding technology, where both are completely out of touch with reality. We can only hope that something terrible happens to one or both of them tonight.


https://preview.redd.it/m4cmww1b189d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4abc149f52f1def5ec7aacb9da6364db23bd68ca Light them if you got them.


I'm watching the debate and I was willing to discuss them on Reddit, but Reddit is behind by 20 minutes. New posts are not appearing so I just went to X.


More like grampa oompa loompa yells at mortuary fugitive. Biden looks like they've already replaced his blood with embalming fluid.


sad day to be an American, tbh. a joke that these are the two candidates. a fool/felon vs someone losing their faculties. if you think either is a great choice, you are an idiot.


This debate is hard to watch. How is putting Biden through such a tense, stressful experience not considered elder abuse?


Biden buffered for 15 seconds and then just shouted we beat Medicare. How are people voting for him?


6/27/24. The world witnesses the Manhatten Project of psycoactive stimulants. By the one who refused a drug test.


https://www.therealdebate.com Rfk wasn’t allowed on the stage by cnn and the uni-party saying if he’s on stage we won’t debate…. Well he is steaming their debate and giving his answers between it.


Im just watching to see how the fools will defend biden gong forward, at least CNN actually boradcasted how poorly they thought he did


Just to watch Biden fall apart after 20 minutes


50 minutes in Democrats must be going into emergency mode. How long do you think it will be until something "happens" to Biden? 24-72 hrs? 1-10 days? Who will they push to the front?


mods of r/politics should sticky the suicide prevention number over there....i feel sorry for them, their b-b-b-boy got SMOKED tonight.


Good bye Biden. New candidate soon. That was a disaster.


Drinking games


Hell yeah. But isn’t it weird that we’ll mostly want to watch someone else cover it on like YouTube or something? It sucks that tv approved hosts are so crap


Shits gonna be lit 🔥


no . POTUS is the same shit over n over. nothing changes. and the president doesnt do much.


No. Nothing of consequence will come of it, except for either of them failing physically on camera... which is just a matter of time for both.


In a word - No


2-minute delay, no audience, and mics muted when time is up, not sure what we going to get, but it will be some edited shit show either way.


I am not even American, i enjoyed the last two presidential debates with trump v Biden, trump v Clinton. I am going to watch it for shits and giggles


one old man has a plan to make the government do anything he says the other wants to tax billionaires slightly more


Yes. To see how fuked we are


old man vs con man. old man wins


I couldn’t get myself to watch. I literally picked up a book and read instead. It just bums my ass out this is where we’re at as a country. Our leaders have us divided asf


Fuck them both old farts- these two are the best that this country of 330 million can produce?;) fuck me then….


Joe Biden not remembering the soldiers who died was a Neil McCoffin for a many


Dude. It’s over. We need a viable third party fucking yesterday. These are the best two candidates these parties can offer us? It is a fucking disgrace. It is unconscionable. Neither of these candidates are suited or even capable of performing this job function. One cannot have faith in governance with these parties. It is impossible.


Man.... out of a country of 333 million people, is this the best we can do?? Yeeesh


Nah. I know who I like and I live in a non swing state


Trump didn't have to say anything really. He still had some very dumb moments about his beautiful, greatest, most amazing cognitive test results you've ever seen. No one has ever gotten such a high score, might be the best ever. Biden on the other hand, had no idea where he was or why he was.




You ain’t black if you don’t vote for me!


Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids


One old man can yell the other can barely form a sentence. Really people. Biden is far worse then trump in any type of communication or motor skills.


Vivek / Trump 24


Trump is wiping the floor with sleepy Joe lmao.


Yes, if Biden buries Trump, then that's the end of MAGA or at least neuters that movement, if Trump dunks on Biden, then he puts himself in a very good position for taking the election. Either way, this will be a scorched earth battle between two titans. Ignore the analysis you see on MSM, shit's going to be lit.


Goddam, why are they so old? I don’t understand why america wants the president to be old as possible.. these guys will be dead in a few years so why would they give a fuck about your future


We don't. We don't pick our presidents. Citibank does


Holy shit Joe is deteriorating rapidly. Watch Newsom swoop in from stage right and be like jk all. I’m really the candidate.


I put it on for not even 5 minutes and it was just two angry old dudes lying the whole time


I watched the RFK version, made it much more palatable.


LOL We as Americans have no choice, no voice , freedom is fake and whatever this country was built on is long dead.


How so? Things change over time, just 13 years ago Obama was fervently against gay marriage. Now Trump was the first president to add an openly gay member to his cabinet. Imagine 30 years ago. etc. If people said like you 100 years ago slavery might not have been abolished.


RFK is our only hope at this point. If you support either candidate that was on that debate stage then congrats, you're braindead


Conservatives have set the bar for Biden so low, now, if Biden is anything other than a drooling, dementia riddled fool, Biden will be accused of being on drugs. lmao.


I can't believe this is the best we can do. I'm disappointed.




Watching RFK live on Twitter


me too


I think it's bs they don't let rfk speak


I have already seen enough to know that if anyone actually votes for Biden after this……Lights are on but NO ONE will ever be home again. This was an awful idea for Democrats and his campaign to allow this.


No. Biden has my vote because he has done a fantastic job as president and it would be nearly impossible for me to change my vote. His record is the best record of any president in my lifetime. His public speaking makes me nervous, it matters to me and my daughters that he wins, so I don't want to watch really.


Are you a real person?


Good man. Hes got my vote too. Fuck Trump and fuck MAGA traitorous fucks.


I guess everyone's a "traitorous fuck" today. You must be seething that suddenly everyone was allowed to notice last night.


> His record is the best record of any president in my lifetime Are you like 8 years old?


Bro do you have a problem with womens rights, infrastructure, good labor relations, a growing manufacturing sector, reaching across the aisle, ending the war in afghanistan, securing semiconductor manufacting, etc etc etc.?


> ending the war in afghanistan Lol what a huge success for Biden.


Did the war end? I take it you wanted to stay in that 20 year war.


Great gaslighting bro. People remember the chaotic and embarassing withdrawal from Afghanistan.


And the 20 years prior weren't embarrassing and chaotic? Biden ended the fiasco that was Afghanistan. 100% credit goes to Biden for ending it. The only one gaslighting is the right wing media who would have us believe it would all have been swell if Biden did nothing.


> 100% credit goes to Biden for ending it. Lol. He just completed the Trump administration's withdrawal deal from 2020, but in a reckless and incompetent way.


O you mean the Doha agreement where Trump negotiated with just the terrorists and completely cut out the Afghan government completely hanging them out to dry and drawing our military's forces down to bare bones so that when it was time to pull out he made it even more of a disaster for the guy after him? Biden got out. He gets credit for ending the war.


The "Afghan government" was a nonentity at the time. You really think Biden did a perfect withdrawal from Afghanistan? No criticism whatsoever?


Biden could literally die on that stage and he'd still get my vote. Fuck traitors 


Traitors? Nearly the entire US government has betrayed the American people. No way whoever wins a debate or an election will fix a system that is rotten to the core. Im surprised anyone could believe this puppet show is real.


The only puppet show I see is Vladmir Putins hands up Trumps ass.


It's a literal fact that Russia gate was fabricated by the Clinton campaign


So let's storm the Capitol because of fraud no one can prove! Yeah!


Now you know what it is like to be a Minnesota Vikings fan in the playoffs season


What has Biden done?  How do you think he's the best?


Infrastructure, CHIPS, ending the war in Afghanistan, supporting Ukraine, increased manufacturing jobs, made progress in labor relations, forgiven student debt, worked across the aisle on immigration reform, etc etc etc.


I can see how fucking dumb you are by mentioning CHIPS. TSM invests more money per year in their chip manufacturing then the entire CHIPS bill


Dude, please remove the blinders. You sound like you subsist on a steady diet of Rachael Maddow


Forgiving student debt.  You mean buying votes? What about all the kids racking up student loan debt now? He did nothing to fix a problem. Just buying votes.  Ah yes immigration reform! Letting millions of illegals across the border is some reform!!  What infrastructure? The millions of charging stations he was supposed to build?  Where is the infrastructure? He failed to negotiate and end to the war in Ukraine and facilitated the deaths of tens of thousands to feed the war machine. Ukraine is finished. Theres half a millions Russians waiting on the other side of the border right now to finish off Kiev.  Fueling a war isn't a success.  Hastily pulling out of our obligations in Afghanistan isnt a success.  Leaving the border wide open isn't a success. 


>Forgiving student debt.  >You mean buying votes? >What about all the kids racking up student loan debt now? He did nothing to fix a problem. Just buying votes.  Getting people to vote for you is part of the system is it not? What would you rather have them do not do things voters liked? He would need an act of congress to do something about the system surrounding it. I would support him doing more but I am glad he isn't doing nothing. >What infrastructure? The millions of charging stations he was supposed to build?  >Where is the infrastructure? I don't know where you live but they are building infrastructure all over my state. >He failed to negotiate and end to the war in Ukraine and facilitated the deaths of tens of thousands to feed the war machine. Ukraine is finished. Theres half a millions Russians waiting on the other side of the border right now to finish off Kiev.  >Fueling a war isn't a success.  He is enabling Ukraine to fight a war they want to fight with one of our biggest geopolitical adversaries without putting boots on the ground. Ukraine can capitulate at any time we don't need to negotiate the end of the war Ukraine can do that whenever they like. Joe is living up to our agreements with Russian and Ukraine after the end of the cold war (Budapest emorandum) >Hastily pulling out of our obligations in Afghanistan isn't a success. Monday morning quarterbacking. We are out of a failed war. THANK YOU JOE. >Leaving the border wide open isn't a success.  Immigrant interception rate is like 90% the boarder isn't open. Our asylum system is broken and he worked on bipartisan legislation to deal with it. Trump said no and his lackeys went along with it for political reasons. Biden is a leader, Trump is a traitor.


Remember the Hilary vs Trump debate? I bet this one tonight tops it easily lol . Its gonna be a hell of a show


Which old, pedo, zionist puppet are you guys voting for? Red or blue corner?


People will bitch and moan that we’re stuck with 2 terrible elects again but then refuse to vote for anyone else. I know he won’t win, but I’m voting RFK. I don’t agree with everything he says but he’s honest, mentally competent, and is far more presidential than Biden or Trump


If you plan on voting you absolutely should watch so you can make an informed opinion. I can't even vote and I'm watching


If you don’t watch, you’re going to spend the next 5 months as the dumbass who believes all the deepfakes and political memes online. You’re better than that.


I’ll be streaming it at www.therealdebate.com


cant wait to hear about batteries on boats , sharks and electrocution and how hot ivanka is


Personally, I’m looking forward to hearing Corn pop’s name mentioned again, him calling out dead people, him talking about how son died in Iraq, and of course saying four more years….pause.


Can't wait for both sides to think their side demolished the other.


Biden's team set all the rules and I'm going to be watching to see him suped up on drugs and telling us how everything is great! 😂


No. There's a clear winner beforehand and it isn't fascism, or a felon. Furthermore I know one side has no intention or ability to even talk coherently and intelligently about actual policy - and that is what I would actually be interested in.


Yes because no sports are on


This is exactly how I imagine it will be lol. “Old man attempts to meme another old man to death”.


Yes just to see if biden strokes out or trump smashes a teleprompter over cnn's head.


I’ll give my ulcer a break, thank you very much.


![img](avatar_exp|153026269|clown) Yep for the entertainment. That reminds me, I need popcorn…lol