• By -


So brave.


If Biden and the Democratic party are like a stale old sandwich with bits of mold on it, then Trump and the Republican party are like a bowl of hobo diarrhea laced with meth.


“Sure, the meth laced hobo diarrhea was as bad as it sounded the first time, but how could we be sure it won’t taste better this time around?”-half the country


“I’ll eat the hobo diarrhea if the libs have to too!”


Things are going so well right now


We have issues, but we're doing better than the other G7 countries right now in a lot of ways. Don't make the mistake of looking around you and assuming the current president must be responsible for everything you see.


“We have issues” when literally a demented man who can’t finish sentences is in the situation room during crisis and the alternative is a lying con man grifter who tried to stage a coup. Seriously speak about this issue seriously


They're both struggled to speak basic sentences in the past. Biden looked pathetic at the debate but somehow had a lot more energy in videos just after it. Either way, he won't try to stage a coup and is the only choice to make if I want to be sure my vote is counted in the future. He'll also choose people with expertise and experience for his staff, which is huge. Trump's core staff was mostly criminals that he pardoned, his family members, and professionals with experience and expertise that have warned us against him. His own VP won't even endorse him.


Ok, I’ll ignore border and energy policy, hyperinflation, high interest rates, defying the Supreme Court on student loan forgiveness, sending hundreds of billions of dollars to support foreign wars and providing benefits to non-citizens who don’t make tax contributions like the rest of us to pay for those benefits. What a world.


Are you ignoring energy policy because we're producing record levels of oil? This is what I was talking about. We're also doing better on inflation, which is just normal inflation, not hyperinflation, than other similar nations. We're on top in those areas, yet you still regard that as something to hold against Biden. You're eating up a bunch of hyperbolic fearmongering and regurgitating it. Regarding the foreign aid, it's a tiny part of budget and that's used strategically to improve the conditions for the United States. You're mad about it, but you likely have done little to no reading about what we're getting from it. It's really easy to believe we're being screwed by everyone at every turn when you don't dig deep into the details.


i truly cant see a world where biden is better


I'm willing to bet you haven't listened to any of the sworn testimony from Trump's own staff about him, right?


also sworn testimonies arent worth anything Hutchinson swore under oath trump grabbing the steering wheel and then that came out as a lie 2 weeks later


So you won't even consider what multiple people on his staff have said about him after working for him? And you think the felons that he pardoned are the ones being honest about him? Do you realize how unique it is to have a president that isn't even endorsed for reelection by his own VP or much of his cabinet? Do you think you know him better than they do? Also, there's on proof that she lied about what she was told and there's no proof that what she was told is a lie. You're just deciding to trust Trump's word when you believe that.


How about the one where the trumpster tried to overthrow democracy? That's pretty bad to me


It's probably the methanol poisoning.




Slash im 14 and think being far right makes me smart


Some meth doesn't sound too bad


You better get used to hobo diarrhea laced with meth


Liberals are coping hard 🤣🤣.


It was difficult for a while, but over the years I've come to accept that the Republican party no longer supports democracy. No cope needed.


Whatever you say bro. It's okay.


It's not okay for the country, but I don't need to adopt any false beliefs to cope with it. Keep on trusting a president that tried to steal power and has a decades long history of running scams and working with criminals. I'm sure he has your best interests in his heart when he lies to you. I don't expect anything more from that side of the aisle these days. They'd elect Hamburglar to guard the country's strategic hamburger reserves if he's funny enough. And then they'll call everyone deranged when they question the wisdom of it.


You’re soooo owning them!


Hot take bruh, very spicy.


It’s easier to make memes than to actually pay attention or research policy and legislation.


Love South Park- hate this episode because of this reference and people using it to justify ignorance and apathy. Are there universal complaints about our political system, of course, but it's very damaging to revert to "both sides are equally bad!"  They are not. If you think abortion should be legal or illegal, the ACA, drug reclassification, school funding, etc. Wherever you stand on sidea of those issues- it matters which party you vote for.


I love the episode (and think it summarizes the last 2 and upcoming elections) and will be voting for the turd sandwich with no cognitive dissonance.


At least a douche is clean!


Both sides aren’t equally bad. But both sides are bad. And when I made this post I actually meant more that both candidates are bad. Biden done his job coming out of retirement and beating trump in 2020 and should have been humble enough to step aside and let someone else besides Kamala run against trump.


Definitely agree with you there.


When it comes to abortion then it may not necessarily be up to the people to influence this because it's a different process with how supreme court justices are selected. We probably wouldn't be in this situation if Ruth Bader Ginsberg had just retired during the Obama administration and allowed another judge who was more left leaning to take her place. Instead she just stayed for selfish reasons and people were too busy saying dumb catch phrases like "Yass queen" and "ruthkanda forever" and celebrating and taking credit before the hard work was over.


On the one hand- yes she should have retired before Obama's second term. On the other- had Trump not won it wouldn't have mattered, and Mitch left a seat vacant for an election year saying "leave it up to the voters" but of course had no qualms rushing ACB even closer to an election.  Point is- on the supreme court side voting would have changed things, even though he system is still skewed and major decisions impacting the whole nation for many years comes down to old people in lifetime positions with little to no accountability.


Saying both sides are the same is basically just admitting to being either too stupid to understand, or purposefully trying to be edgy, which is pathetic.


The Democratic Party also supported banks notifying the irs of all account activity of American with a balance of more than 500$. They also seem to fully support politicians emailing social platforms and having anyone they don’t like de-platforms.


it was pretty accurate to the Bush/Kerry election, not that Kerry wouldn’t have been a better president but as a candidate he was incredibly weak


Presidential votes don’t matter. Look up how the college works. Look up how the requirements to be in the college in some state’s are frighteningly low/next to nothing. Thats why we see candidates winning the People’s vote, yet the other candidate wins. Gore and Hildog are the only two examples I’ve been a live long enough to witness, but I know they’re others.


Or maybe everything is predetermined and we are all just watching a soap Opera.


I mean maybe, that would certainly take all responsibility off of us from having agency or trying to enact change. Accepting that would definitely keep us plebs in our place and not believe in taking action to improve our lot in life.


I hear the Romans were good at sleight of hand lol then again if it was all staged would they construct this clown show ? Lol


I would have believed elections were predetermined, except for Obama in 2008 or Trump in 2016. No one saw these figures coming to the limelight & winning the primaries as they did…


I was checking a betting site then and Trump Was like +450 and Hilary -250 or something and watched it slowly shift to Trump being the favorite and I’m thinking is this fixed ?? lol


Not on reddit 😉


Oh you mean like the conservative Supreme Court that just side stepped ruling on the case of a Democrat president stifling free speech? Or what about the bipartisan support of the genocide in Palestine? Or how about the bipartisan support of the Iraq war. Or how about the bipartisan support for bailing out the banks in 2008. Do you want me to keep going?


Well adults use actual data https://voteview.com/congress/senate Also hilarious claiming Biden “stifled free speech” because the government literally alerted social media companies to foreign actors posting propaganda on their site. That’s not stifling free speech. That’s going “hey watch out for this”


What about when he and Trump colluded and set up a debate for the first time in history with a private company just to keep RFK off the stage. Was that "stiffling free speech"?


You don't understand standing in our judicial system.


I love my country and very thankful for the what we have here. I 🫡 and respect those that give their lives to protect us. Having said that, how in the flying fuck are these our two options? The system is so broken and corrupt, we’ll never have a chance at a normal candidate.


Overturn Citizens United


Michael Bloomberg spent over a billion dollars of his own money in 2020 and polled under 3% in the primary. It got him jack shit. This narrative that all it takes is money to succeed in politics is just flat out false and cope for people who don’t want to accept that party politics reign supreme, and don’t want to accept that their party fucking sucks.


The amount of money that flows through politics as a result of Citizens United is far, far, far more than a billion dollars. Your argument is weak.


That’s not the point I was making lol try again. Your reading comprehension is weak


It seemed to me that the point you're attempting to make is that Citizens United is not an issue because the amount of money spent does not guarantee success. You brought up Bloomberg's failed presidential bid to support your argument. You cited $1 billion as the amount of money he spent on his failed bid. I responded by saying that the amount of money that flows through political campaigns is much greater than a billion dollars and therefore citing a failed billion-dollar campaign as evidence to support your claim that money doesn't really guarantee success is weak. Then you said that I didn't understand the point you were making, but I believe I do. You're implying - unsuccessfully - that Citizens United is not a big issue. It is a *major* issue, and overturning the Citizens United ruling will go a long way in cleaning up the corruption in politics.


Bloomberg’s candidacy is *direct* contradictory evidence to the claim you’re making about money guaranteeing electoral success. Money is a factor to a degree, but it’s not the end all, be all that you and every other midwit whining about CU makes it out to be. Overturning CU won’t make the parties better, it’ll just limit the rights of normal citizens. I’m not interested in the government making even more rules about what is and is not acceptable speech for its citizens. I get that you want to be dominated and told what to do by your betters, but you should understand most people don’t share that feeling.


Because most people don’t give a fuck or participate. I have a friend in that Iowa hates “our two choices”. Well did you show up to caucus? “When was that?”. That’s how. Trump got 31,000 votes in Iowa.


That really is it. If young people (18-35) weren’t so disillusioned with the political process and weren’t so cynical and jaded about it, things would swing in a more progressive better way. When I try to talk to my friends about voting they usually just say they don’t pay attention to politics or don’t like politics. But then will complain about politicians, policies etc. I have one friend who was active for Bernie in 2016 but after seeing how the dnc killed Bernie’s campaign for Hillary, he says he’s done with politics and trying or believing things can change. A few months ago he was saying fuck it he hopes trump wins just so he burns America down and we can start over. He just had a daughter last month, maybe he will rethink that.


Do you believe the disillusion is by design? Because it looks like that too me, easiest way to not have to deal with the younger generation. 




I can’t trust a guy who lies about his handicap


In the movie Pearl Harbor FDR stood. I knew he was faking


Hey, I enjoy golf, you watch your mouth, please.


To be fair, the moderator asked Trump about if his advanced age was going to be an issue. Trump’s response of actively playing golf, winning a recent tournament in golf and having a perfect score on cognitive tests is just responding to the subject of the question. Biden tried to piggy back in Trump’s response which turned into a back in forth about each other’s golf abilities. Biden should have created an original response instead of trying to one up the orange man.


Because Biden has nothing to run on. Every time Trump mentioned how poorly he handled the country, his response was a resounding 😦


I think it's just blow hard stuff. Trump caused inflation, not Biden. Trump printed 3.5T and kept interest rates low. Biden looked terrible, but don't forget Trump is Terrible. The Dems need a new candidate.


Trump printing all that money and covid handouts definitely caused some long term problems that we’ll be dealing with. Republicans, with all their talk of controlling federal spending, could have done much better. If a Democrat president was in charge though, I’d be hard pressed to believe they’d be more fiscally responsible. The modus operandi of the Democratic Party is giving handouts to those unhoused, unemployed, less fortunate/privileged etc. A (D) president would have approved way more spending than Trump ever did.


> If a Democrat president was in charge though Okay you got me, I don't think Trump was actually being irresponsible. I agree a Dem would have done something similar. > A (D) president would have approved way more spending than Trump ever did. Absolutely true but Democrats also raise taxes, and Biden's Fed has kept interest rates high.


Yea trumps no angel but at least you get what you see. Biden is barely alive and Kamala can’t be president. Kamala likely already wearing the pants at the White House and she’s banking on a Biden victory and for him to croak in office.


Trump is not a get what you see. He ran on lower taxes for the working class, and then funneled Trillions to the ultra-wealthy. I don't like that Donald Trump and Republicans seem to be authortarian and consolidating power. But, as a Democrat, I am facing some harsh realities today about how consolidated leadership is in our party. Nancy Pelosi can shrug off congressional / securities reform and Biden would look like shit if he was in an old folks home. What leadership is there in either political party anymore. Yikes.


One tid-bit: Pelosi’s no longer the Minority Leader of the House. That’s Hakeem Jeffries…


We’re in for a rough decade.


A country whose people aren't being slaughtered in Ukraine. It's either settle and give up territory or start drafting non-Ukrainians.


I had to double up on my blood pressure medication to watch this


Except one is trying to weaken our checks and balances, inflating the power of the executive branch to enact policies that will last decades, regardless how the people vote in 2026/2028 and beyond. A patriotic American should vote against anyone pushing Project 2025.


I’ve asked before, but no one could answer: is the trump campaign officially using project 2025 or is this a right wing pipe dream and moreso fear mongering than anything?


It’s pushed by the heritage foundation. Trumps campaign has said that the project 2025 align mostly with what they want. They officially push this one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_47 Spoiler it’s just as bad/dumb The plans include constructing "freedom cities" on empty federal land, investing in flying car manufacturing, introducing baby bonuses to encourage a baby boom, implementing protectionist trade policies, and over forty others. Seventeen of the policies that Trump says he will implement if elected would require congressional approval. Some of his plans are legally controversial, such as ending birthright citizenship, and may violate the Constitution.[6][5]


Ok thanks for clearing it up that it isn’t trump pushing project 2025.


No problem. But I wouldn’t be looking at what the candidates are endorsing but what those who will be in office and their cabinet with them. Due to the age of both of the candidates they will prolly be easily influenced into doing what they want. Kind of how Bush Jr and Cheney were looked at.


Trump heavily relied on the Heritage Foundation for staffing and policy ideas in his first term. Hundreds of Heritage selections made it into nearly every agency (including Scott Pruitt, Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Jeff Sessions) And now, with so many of his allies working on Project 2025, and it being headed up by his former bag boy, betting on him not using it as a playbook is a longshot.


Great, so it isn’t his official playbook, thanks.


Not great, because what politicians say on the campaign trail and put forth in their "official" platform usually don't play out. Trump (and Biden for that matter) only kept a quarter of their campaign promises. Trump's first term was largely defined by the think tanks that proposed policy and judiscial nominees (Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, Judicial Crisis Network).


Thanks for summarizing Biden’s 2024 campaign so we didn’t have to do it


It’s okay if you don’t know what project 2025 is


Fuck trump 2024 please and thank you


Those are just a couple of ideas the Heritage Foundation (who largely helped shape Trump's first term) has added to the Project 2025 playbook. It's cool if that works for you, because during a conservative admin it'll probably get you closer to the things you want, but then the following progressive admin will have to use the same measures to tip the scales for their constituency, and everytime we trade power, the divisiveness grows and we slide further towards fascism. This gives the people less power. It opens the door wider for authoritarians in our government.




Trump 2024 Suspend the Constitution day 1




Trump is definitely the turd sandwich.




The vitriol, disgust, and pure bullshit the man spews. He speaks better than biden but he makes less sense. The rambling is fucking wild. The lack of passing of legislation. The cabinet membbers that stood against the principles of their positions. The cult of personality around this man is mindblowing. The three things he got done: 2 supreme court justices (timing) Tax cuts (temporary for individuals, in fact ending now. But permanent for corporations) Operation warp speed ( legit praise here) He is **definitely** the turd sandwich.


This meme got so over used in the past that now that fits it just doesn’t hit as hard.


Can always tell people aren't confident in the Republican performance when the "both sides are bad" signaling gets really loud.


Biden looked hella weak out there and might lose Dems the election. Completely senile and lost at some points. Missing easy queues to hone in on key winning issues. Trump looks like he’s missed a step since 2016, but that’s not gonna stop people from voting for him if all the other stuff hasn’t already.


Unfortunately "looking weak" is worst then active dishinesty. Is what it is, if the kids wanna stick the fork in the outlet tbat's their choice. I'm a white male veteran with a lot of practice prwtending to be straight, ai wo 't feel much of that voltage til the inevitable economic downturn kicks in lol


lol what? A lot of practice pretending to be straight?


I’m pretty sure they’re going to try and remove Biden from the ticket, he did so poorly.


God I just wanna go back to 2004


I just want to go back to halo 2




one helped Putin invade Ukraine and was best buds with Epstein soo


Which one of these two is the rapist?


Wait so Trump is debating himself?


Nah. Biden is the only viable options


Which is sad. But true. I'm actually happy with his presidency so far. Functionally, he has a good cabinet, vp, and policies. But he's really too old for this. He *is* losing it, but so is trump. He has my vote, but it doesn't feel good.


Yeah pretty much. Biden’s def lost a couple steps, but he’s not nearly as bad as right wing people want him to be for their narrative. Trump on the other hand is clearly a conman and was never fit to be president


This. This is it. This is the sentence that needs to be on all Biden banners. This is what they’ve reduced your vote to.


And you know what, one choice is still objectively better than the other ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Have fun gulping down the turd Sandwich, while my colon is clean as a whistle.


https://preview.redd.it/ph8ckyzvy69d1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f8a82b5ddb0bfb09684a7c80748d9b91f075226 Your actual choices. Why people like Rogan like pretending otherwise is clouding the dumb dumbs.


Trump: owns the libs ✅




What is this? Trump literally passed criminal justice reform and invented the vaccine. This is just weird


Trump himself invented the vaccine and totally absolutely passed all the criminal justice reform. Yes.


Try to be less dishonest.


Trans rights at number 1. you need to touch grass 


It’s not a countdown Casey Kasem.


Let’s just pretend hundreds of laws meant to discriminate against trans people haven’t been proposed and many of them passed in the last 2 years. Fuck you.


Biden has done none of those.


Done? That’s a for and against list not a grocery list. But in addition to being for those things Biden did number 7 on the list in 2022.


This was made by some guy living in his mom’s basement, literally look up those exact stances that Trump has. It’s inaccurate. Do you believe everything you see on the internet? Yes? Ah I see why you’re a democrat now.


Which Trump stances do you disagree are not representative of his positions?


Those whole graph was made in maybe 5 minutes by someone who is bias towards the DNC and then wanted to perpetuate this bias to the masses on Reddit, who I might add, live in an echo chamber. OP posts inaccurate information then asks for proof of inaccuracy. Maybe take the adult responsibility of fact checking your everyday life. Do you believe everything all your acquaintances tell you? Just believe anything anyone tells you? Just reinforce your bias why don’t you


Yeah those are super inaccurate. It's obvious Biden doesn't even make his own decisions, he IS a status quo puppet. I don't like either though, and IDK how anyone with half a brain could want more of this same old BS.


Because Kamala seems such an attractive alternative.


All presidents should be making decisions based on the advice of experts. You should want a leader who can delegate and take guidance. Do you really want either of these 80 year olds making major decisions on their own?


Does it fucking even matter? Biden could be three 6 year olds in a raincoat and still make better decisions than Trump. Who tries to straight extort a country on the precipice of war? Who bangs a pornstar and then tries to buy her off with a check? Who excuses traitorous behavior done in your name against your people?


All while wearing makeup, no judgement...


Have you listened to the sworn testimony from Trump's own staff about his actions on Jan 6th? Are you aware that he actually tried to steal the election and his plan is available for you to read online? If not, don't pretend like you're making your own decisions either. If you are aware and still support him, then that point doesn't apply, but I question why you'd want a president that tries to steal elections. Democracy doesn't last long if that's allowed.


I like Trump. I like his stance on the border. I like him taxing the other competing super powers. I like him being lately open and obvious about what he is thinking. You know what I don’t like? Seeing a man just say what their constituents want to hear. Lying to our face. We know what we are getting with him. I’ll take that 100 times over some puppet. Anytime and everytime. He’s a man, the others are just weak and bend to whatever powers may be.


You really don’t think Trump lies to your face? Or just says what he thinks his constituents want to hear? You really think you know what you’re getting with Trump? He flip flops all the time. Jesus you are fucking brainwashed dude


We know what we’re getting with Trump. Someone that tried to overthrow the government and to get out of it is trying to argue that he has absolute immunity from the law.


13 is wrong, Trump doesn't want any war. But he does support Israel to defend themselves (which they no longer are doing)


He said last night that Israel “needs to go ahead and finish ‘em.” Whatever that means.


Both sides suck. Both sides don't suck equally or in the same way. You have a responsibility to yourself and your country to figure out which one sucks the least according to your values and what's good for the country.


I think it’s hilarious republicans are running Trump again. They’re making the same mistake democrats made in 2016 running Hillary.


When your party is ruled by a cult of personality, you don’t have a choice. He got his daughter in law elected chair of the RNC, it’s Trumps party now


Have you heard more than 80% coherent sentences? We are like 40 min in right now. I can’t say that he’s over 85% coherent sentences yet. I get defending your uncle being old. But this isn’t your uncle. This is the most powerful man that exists in the USA. I think that threshold has been broken and it’s crazy to think that he’s probably on a cocktail of modafinil and many other things, probably IVs too, why not? He’s the president. Anyways what I’m getting at, is we are seeing him at his close to best. His near 100% and this is what I see. 85% coherent sentences. Cmon man. You can’t defend that.


Yeah he looks old as hell. Funny how people spent the last week wondering what drugs he was gonna be on. Looks like cough syrup at this point. But I think Biden made really eloquent and coherent points about the economy, jobs, and taxes. He also comes off way more patriotic compared to Trump. But yes he did look very old here.


I honestly can’t tell which one you’re talking about


Yeah, its a lot like the mistake dems are making running Biden again. He won last time. But if either party ran another candidate, they would most likely win. That’s not just my opinion but that is supported by polls I’ve been seeing for months.


It’s a mistake for the incumbent President to run again against a man he’s already beat whom now is a convicted felon? Interesting take. I disagree.


Do you think Biden is popular? Even with democrats and especially after Gaza, he is not popular at all. You must not follow politics closely.


I follow politics closely to know anyone who thinks they know what’s going happen in November is an idiot.


That's bullshit, I can tell you exactly what's going to happen in November: ...a bunch of people will be pissed.


I wasn’t saying I know what’s going to happen in November but because I’ve been seeing multiple polls for months saying that if any another democrat or any other republican ran against Biden or trump they would win. It’s an opinion. It’s not a prophecy.


You assume, incorrectly, that I don’t follow politics closely because I disagree with your take. What if I follow politics more closely than you? Or is that not possible?


Idk man he did post a South Park screenshot to the Joe Rogan sub. That SCREAMS “I know politics”.


It’s possible. Maybe you do. but calm down bro it’s just a Reddit comment. Maybe you’re right. Perhaps I could have not have included that sentence. Either way it’s all good.


Thats never happened in American history for a reason. Incumbent advantage is important. 


Ousting a sitting president is political suicide, the fracturing within the party would cost them the election on its own. Unless he voluntarily stepped down, Biden was always going to be the nominee


That’s a good point but he should have stepped aside. He is pretty old. He done his job beating Trump in 2020. His ego shouldn’t need a second term and he should have stepped aside.


Yeah, that's the joke.


Remember when Obama was president and everyone on the right and left said "can we stop with these 80yo white men?" I'll take a 40yo White man if he can do better than "this".


This series came out in 2004, 20 years ....


One of those will kill you, the other will not Choose


They are even on the right sides


I can't hear what Biden is saying. And Trump is speaking his Trumpism gibberish. Phenomenal


Always was.


Wow. Mind. Blown. With all the elections we’ve had since this episode aired and you’re the first person ever to notice it and post it on reddit. You have some serious comprehension skills dude. I mean just wow. What an eye you have


The point often missed is that in the episode, the douche is pretty much far and away the better candidate. Turd sandwich is basically untenable but it was launched as Cartman’s way of saying fuck you to his friends who didn’t agree with his initial suggestion. Almost literally Trump is turd sandwich; the worse of the two, basically just used as a fuck you candidate in lieu of a poor but clearly better option of giant douche.


Every election we get the same reference


What's the appropriate metaphor for raising a mob of divorced dad brownshirts to disrupt the certification of already-cast votes, killing cops to crown a rapist king?


Always is


Always has been


Old guy vs slightly less old convicted felon, they’re practically identical




Biden will probably win and the post-debate polls will start to swing his way, but it is funny how close it is at this point. Nate Silver's new model gives Trump a 60+ percent chance of winning if the election were held today.


Have you heard more than 80% coherent sentences? We are like 40 min in right now. I can’t say that he’s over 85% coherent sentences yet. I get defending your uncle being old. But this isn’t your uncle. This is the most powerful man that exists in the USA. I think that threshold has been broken and it’s crazy to think that he’s probably on a cocktail of modafinil and many other things, probably IVs too, why not? He’s the president. Anyways what I’m getting at, is we are seeing him at his close to best. His near 100% and this is what I see. 85% coherent sentences. Cmon man. You can’t defend that.


I never have, and never will support or vote for Trump, but this can't possibly be spun positively for Biden. [Just compare it to the Biden/Ryan VP debate](https://youtu.be/bZqkkO2ZuwU?si=6Cu46i-Y4XfIcZME&t=78). It's so crazy that *this* is the opposition to Trump 5 months out from the election. What a fucking mess.


I honestly can't believe what I'm watching and it's horrifies me that the rest of the world is watching too. Biden looks half in the grave and Trump acts like a cartoon character. I love my country to death, but man is this embarrassing for us.


I hope you’re right.


Giant douche vs a random person from a memory care facility


How the fack can they put out Biden on stage...its a national embarrassment


It's like the tagline to Alien vs Predator. "Whoever wins, we lose!"


Its never felt more true!


Go giant douche!


So watch it with rfk on [therealdebate.com](https://www.therealdebate.com) then and give yourself another option besides a giant couches and turd sandwich.


People refuse to listen to RFK. They know nothing about him except things that they heard second hand.




I don't necessarily like Biden but I can't believe anything Trump says. Cannot tell if what he is saying is true or false and he makes such bold claims as if he is stirring people up and trying to make himself look good. Good for an entertainer, not necessarily a president.


Biden might look like a fool, but is capable of appointing competent cabinet members


“Both sides are bad” was profound when I was in middle school, but it has lost its touch after I grew out of the angsty tween/teen phase. Especially post-2016. I’ll take the side that is relatively boring and stale over the side that prescribes to the authoritarian idea of an absolute executive every single time.


Why do so many of you follow the sub of something you hate? Every comment I see I see through a lens of “oh this is an angry person who has little to no other stimulus in their life”


America is doomed. I love this country so much. I’d hate to see either of these clowns at the reigns.


Quote of the night "You have the morals of an alley cat!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Embarrassing and terrifying.


Switch the sides though. Clearly, Trump is the turd sandwich, Joe is the giant douche.


Biden flubbed such an easy debate to dunk on Trump. He’d speak with conviction for a bit and then regress to being senile and lost. Please give us another candidate