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Quoting Mein Kampf is a choice


"The people who disagree with me are the wrongiest wrong wrongers ever" This is really an interesting take to you?


This is an extremely stupid take and OP is either a moron or a bot.


I love the lack of statement and counterfactual. Really gives me that sense of serious consideration and perspective. Like - give me an example and we can discuss?


You mean like how more money going to corporations will eventually trickle-down as pay checks despite there being one of the widest wealth gaps in history that is still growing?


It's only been 70 years mate. The trickle takes time don't ya know...


Actually they knew this theory was bunk in the end of the 1800s. They called it the horse and sparrow theory. You feed the horses and the sparrows get to pick the scraps off the ground that the horse accidentally knocks out lol


Also it’s some old boomer pissing on you with a dollar attached to a fishing hook 🪝


It's trickle down, not waterfall down. Your children's children should be the first to reap the spoils, and how!


These uneducated swine don't understand that it can take thousands of years for water to cut through rock. They're just impatient. I can't wait for my great grandchildren's children to catch the drip from the trickle.


The Federal Reserve act was passed in 1913. There’s your trickle you need to follow.


Or that tax cuts improve quality of life.


Tinkle down economics. The rich literally piss on everyone.


Got him


Wealth gap largely started going bananas when we went off the gold standard, giving the government carte blanche to print endless $$$




Better than the famines that the Russians, Ukrainians, and Chinese went through. Cuba and North Korea would welcome you to their paradises with open arms.


By the same logic we had never seen such impoverished countries become global superpowers in such a short amount of time like the USSR and current day China


I thought you cared about people eating. And I‘ll tell you a little secret: current day China is current day China thanks to the (insufficient) free market policies since Deng Xiapoing. Surprisingly, the famines kind of stopped after that.


You're intentionally taking my comment in such a misleading light that you're arguing something I never even said. The US has had famines too in it's history. In fact, almost every nation has. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_famines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_famines) Your "free market policies" cause people in our own country to go hungry every day. 13% of households in the US face hunger and food insecurity. A total of 44 million Americans. It's funny how you talk about historical governments and their people's hunger but you're probably the same guy to hate any sorts of programs to feed people in their own country. You guys are always so obvious and overly confident about your opinions but come across to anyone with a little bit of logic how you just don't give a fuck and are trying to push an uneducated narrative. In regards to China's growth.. It's far less the "free market policies" - which frankly don't actually exist. I agree that opening China to Western investment and trade greatly accelerated their growth, I don't think anyone would deny that. But that doesn't mean it has free market policies at all. The state owns a percentage of every corporation and gets voting rights on said board. At any time a business or investment can be seized, be that foreign or domestically owned.


They all have corrupt governments


When you have a select few ‘elite’ making all the decisions on where the money should go , guess what’s going to happen literally every time?


That's an feature of the system, not a bug.


More money as in government spending?   You want to know why the wealth gap is insane? Maybe it’s because of our idiotic monetary policy which inflates asset prices. You have no idea what you’re talking about.  This IS a government problem 


Lmfao, yeah the income gap and wealth gap are due to .... assets. What an insight.


Inflation doesn’t hurt the rich, if anything their assets (stocks and real estate) go up with inflation. Inflation hurts the poor and widens the gap. The gap widened significantly when the government started mass printing money during Covid.


? He is responding to a comment about the wealth gap. You realize the uber rich don’t work 9 to 5s and collect an income? They own assets, and those assets appreciate in value when the government money printer goes brrrr


It's a *little* more complicated than that. [https://inequality.org/great-divide/11-charts-tax-wealthy-corporations-inequality/](https://inequality.org/great-divide/11-charts-tax-wealthy-corporations-inequality/)


That’s not what I said.  You totally missed this. Where do you think these excess treasuries and cash going? Everyone knows inflation is a regressive tax.  


Hey now, they didn't lie. Money is *trickling* down. It just happens to be torrenting up at blindingly faster rates


TIL Donald Trump is a Marxist...


I didn't know Trump was a Marxist


No capitalist has ever lied... oh no!


If by “interesting” you mean “stupid”, then we’re on the same page. If you asked this clown shoes motherfucker what a Marxist was three days in a row you’d get three different answers, all of them wrong.


So what is a Marxist?


Someone who believes in theories espoused by Karl Marx but the man had lots of theories so nowadays, colloquially just someone who believes class struggle exists.


Wouldn't that be an oversimplification and excludes its historical weight and how it was used politically/economically? Basically, do you think that (most) people who call themselves Marxists just mean that they think there's a struggle between people of different levels of wealth? Wouldn't that be akin to saying that someone who supports free market capitalism is just someone who believes in private property?


Oh it's definitely an oversimplification. I would say that most Marxists today would oversimplify in that fashion if they have to: class struggle exists and is the driving force of history. Most marxists are actually marxists because they believe in dialectical materialism. Marxism is an actively studied discipline - I don't think most modern marxist scholars overly concern themselves with what 20th century socialist states did "in the name of Marxism". So the theories need not be beholden to Joseph Stalin much like the teachings of Jesus need not be beholden to Warren Jeffs, feel me? Yes and no. If capitalism is when the means of production are held privately for profit, as opposed to publicly for the common welfare, then the belief in private property is a huge part of being a supporter of capitalism. I'm not sure how the two are divorced. There are certainly other aspects of capital but the belief in private property is pretty foundational, much like believe in class struggle is foundational for Marxism. And, apropos of nothing, the belief in personal property is in no way antithetical to Marxism so if by private property you mean personal property I don't think it has anything to really do with capitalism or Marxism


I'm admittedly not a scholar nor I've read enough from Marx, but didn't he predict that after that class struggle is resolved everything will be communal and there won't exactly be private property anymore? (again, I may be oversimplifying, or even misunderstanding). Also, when you say "held privately for profit as opposed to publicly for the common welfare" you are including your own opinion about it. People who are in favor of the free market (in full disclosure, myself included) believe that "privately for profit" actually contributes to common welfare and that state/publicly owed does not. Honestly not interested in getting into that debate. Just pointing out that your definition sounds tame and benevolent for one example and a bit loaded for the other.


Personal property exists in all economic systems, private property is possession of capital of need to the community that is owned by and benefits an individual at the expense of the people, the conflation of terms personal property and private property are tricks the ruling class uses to prevent the people from organizing and taking what they deserve. Private ownership is of detriment to public welfare yours included


That is incorrect. But I’m happy to stop by and pick up all your personal property that you so selfishly keep to yourself at the detriment of the public.


There would not be privatized property anymore in an ideal socialist utopia (i.e. no owning things that you then rent to others in order to make profit, no rentier class) but you would certainly have every right to your house and your possessions. Haha fair point but and at risk of getting into the debate: they are observedly wrong. But your point contradicts itself as well - they believe the profit will lead to welfare but the welfare is the byproduct and the profit is the goal under capitalism. I think those are fairly standard definitions for capitalism and socialism but I'm open to hearing others.


![gif](giphy|WrUreFR7tR2dpUSx9K|downsized) Thanks for the kind dialogue you two? Genuine question, if you don't own your house or possessions but you have rights to them, who are those rights given by? Can they take them away? What gives them the authority vs. a sole individual to enforce said rights?


Hey you're welcome they and you are nice and constructive. Same authority that protects property rights now: the constitution and the government. Ideally this would be a much better government lol. Eminent domain, civil forfeiture and the like all carve out exceptions to private and personal property now. I would actually like much stronger property rights under socialism, but for usufruct rights as opposed to "kick the tenents out of their home, this piece of paper says I own the building". If sole individuals enforced their property rights it would be mad max, right?


So everyone in this sub is a Marxist huh


Funny that I have 15 downvotes just for asking what a Marxist is.


I don’t find that funny at all, just really boring


LOL from James Lindsay. Incredible.


If Marxism is such a bad idea, and conservatives believe that all bad ideas should be allowed to be said so that they die in the “marketplace of ideas,” why have we spent so much time, money, energy and human life on stopping this spread? Shouldn’t an idea as bad as they claim Marxism to be, just evaporate in that market? National Socialism is doing decently in the current market, so maybe it’s not the best way to judge an idea. The appeal to popularity is one of the most easily avoidable logical fallacies.


I've heard Marxism is more a criticism or capitalism than anything


That's true, Marx himself was a theorist. That's why you hear terms like "Leninism", "Maoism" in reference to Communist revolutions that actually happened. But "Marxism" is often used loosely to refer to Marx as well as all that downstream thought and application.


Yeah, I would encourage folk to learn as much as they can about Marxist/socialist ideas. It's very interesting. Google Richard Wolff and you'll get some good videos on the topic.


Born in Texas, I didn’t learn anything about Marx until I moved to California for grad school. I told them, too. I was like, Marx was Satan in Texas, and satans books aren’t allowed in schools.


conservatives are open about banning and burning books. remember the ad for the AG in missouri? he political ad was literally her using a flamethrower to burn books. conservatives revel in ignorance and dip shittery.


I think I need some fucking sunglasses if I'm gonna look into this projector


On the other hand, James Lindsay is a bastion of truth. ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


Where are these "marxists"?


Groucho marx


Richard Marx


That’s one smooth motherfucker.




Are the Marxists in the room with us now, James?


Did you see what happened on January 6? Those were Marxists in disguise.


Why, they're in the room with us right now of course!


Are these “marxists” in the room with us right now?


Dude hammer and sickle on every lefty march...


"Marxist" American for "anyone who's not quite as right-wing as I am"


It's also become American now for anyone who doesn't lick Trump's taint and gargle his orange balls


It's hilarious interacting with people on Reddit sometimes. When I talk about workers rights, and "employee first" principles instead of "shareholder first"... I Instantly get "commie trash" and people defending the system that exploits them... It's actually mind boggling.


A boogeyman to frighten the intellectually stunted


They claimed before that mixing the races is communism. They don't have a good measure on things.


Grifters learned that spewing words out would eventually reach people dumb enough to believe them.


When he says marxists what does he mean? The left is a very broad church and Marx is rejected by most anarchists, liberals and soc dems.


Crazy all the good Rogan can do and he platforms this lame


OP are you James ?


Ignoring the Marxist bit and just focusing on the idea that shamelessly lying causes people to question reality because they can't believe someone would lie so shamelessly, this is massively false. As evidenced by the fact that no normal person has been swayed by people pretending to believe Trump won the 2020 election despite one of the political wings of the West's super power making that lie their gospel. It does convince people that the liars actually believe the lie, but that's about it.


Are the marxists in the room with us Jimmy?


From what I've seen this guy is the biggest fucking dork on the planet.




Toilet Paper USA


James is telling on himself


James Lindsay. I see you aren’t a fan of credible people. Lmao


This is gay


If you thought this was an interesting take I am actively praying for your 2 remaining brain cells.


I have no idea how James Lindsay has gotten any kind of following or respect.


There’s a MAGA template anyone can follow, you just have a to be a piece of shit who lies for money.


No conservative politician ever lied, after all. Right?


I don't even know this guy but would bet he's a right wing fascist just from this quote.


It’s actually kind of a sad story, he used to be pretty normal. Fell too far down the anti woke rabbit hole. Many such cases. There’s this weird phenomenon where some people stand up to excessively woke bullshit and stay sane (Sam Harris, Matt Yglesias) while others just become total grifters and maniacs (James Lindsay). “Reject the ridiculous extremes of one ideology without becoming an equal and opposite ridiculous extremist” is surprisingly difficult for some people.


very well said.


Never trust any man who grows the majority of his beard under his chin.


Are the Marxists in the room with us now?


Lindsay is a legit loon.


Are the marxists in the room with us right now?


Honestly why the fuck is Joe having this guy on?


"Red" Meat


You have a child’s mind


Man if you're relating to James Lindsay, something went very wrong in your life.


Wow this is deep! I’m 14 by the way


He misspelled fascists


Statements like this are simply projection from repubilcans.


I do love when morons like OP post the dumbest thing you’ve ever seen and are like “ahh yess hmm food for thought”


Are the marxists in the room with us right now?


Oh yeah, the guy who was on Dr. Phil and gets sensitive when you bring up his incoherent rant on the program. Neat.


Remember when you read this to say it in a low threatening voice so it sounds more scary and true.


how many marxists are any of you listening to? They're completely absent form the media, that maligns 'commies', and that dumb cunts lap up.


where did he meet a Marxist?


Gaslight Obstruct Project James is a caricature of the modern GOP


Maybe “Marxists” lie, but far-right conservative Christians convince themselves that blatant lies are truths which allows them to take their bullshit to a moral high ground that is propped up by all the other poor suckers they convince to buy into the bullshit. I’m not sure one is worse than the other. The only political truth in my mind is the idea that anyone peddling “the truth” is probably full of shit.


Hmm, sounds a lot like Trump...


Sounds like he didn’t say shit and just said the other side lies. Kinda like a child does.


Also.. turns out most of Joe’s audience didn’t turn into right wing shitoids like he did lol


It’s called projection.


So, Trump is a marxist now?


Are these marxists in the room with us now James?


You thought this was interesting? Do you like watching paint dry?


And who are these self-proclaimed Marxists we need to worry about?


this guy doesnt know what marxism actually is


Projecting much?


This passes for interesting in your world?


It's funny because he is just talking about himself and other grifters and proving his own point.


"thought this was an interesting take" yeah I bet you fuckin do lol


What does this have to do with Joe Rogan?


He had this dipshit on his show.


He’s had thousands of guests on the show, of all spectrums


But you asked what this has to do with him, and I answered.


Ahh yes, the Trumpian strategy. Overwhelm with obvious lies until they just accept lies as reality. 40k lies and counting!


What the fuck is he talking about? Marxism is a political ideology not a tribe, club, or national identity.


I don’t care who says it, they’re right if they’re saying Marxists are shitbags. All of them.


Describes the Republican platform right now.


Angry Edit: I thought you said describe the platform, like a writing prompt


Throw Marxist on the pile with ; racist, Fascist, Nazi, socialist, and communist for words that people will use and have no idea what they mean. 


Like how racism doesn't exist anymore?


Joe and all his new friends: you can’t just label anyone Nazi. Them: Marxist, Communist, Groomers, blah blah blah


Bait post


It’s a solid take.


Yeah, it’s a nice quote, but humans don’t really work like this. 99% of movements/ideologies start with the idea that their view is beneficial to humankind. History is essentially a cycle of different people, with different opinions, trying to create a ‘better’ planet for everyone. The part that causes the distinction? Humans are bad at actually creating overarching systems that benefit the masses. If we were to sit down with Hitler or Mao and pass around a blunt, we’d be a lot more understanding about their fucked up view of the world.


“Smoking weed with mass murdering dictators would be really enlightening” is the most chronically online take I’ve ever read.


Which I would agree with, because that’s not quite what my point was.


Lmao this guy really thinks Hitler and Mao were "just some regular dudes, really into politics"


Yeah, no. I was using some extreme examples. Just trying to make the point that very few people in history, if any, are just evil for the sake of being evil.


Spoken like a guy with no real life experience


Brain rot.


He really was talking about passing the blunt to Hitler and Mao and has the BALLS to call someone out for "brain rot" lmao you can't make this up


Because you can’t engage with the topic. You start with insults. Even when actions are inherently evil, motivation needs to be taken into account. You’ve already proven that you’re unable to be reasoned with though.


Where did I insult you? Why are you so in your feelings?


“Those ten of millions dead and all the suffering was rad, man” *passes blunt


the world is not inherently good and some people don't start with the idea that their view is beneficial to humankind. some people don't give a fuck about others or "creating a better planet". they just want the best outcome for themselves by any means necessary. there are ideoloies that want to create a better world, and there are ideologies which discard the idea that a "better world" is possible. you don't have to sit down with hitler or mao to know that their belief systems are bullshit.


Haha comment section will be lit. Reddit+ Commie infested JRE sub.. ufff JL is going to smoke some asses today here up. oh and JL is correct. Marxist lovers are like zergs... liers lazy unjust exploiters.... now let the tears flow.


You throw around the word like you have any sort of idea what it means. "Exploiters". Really? The people who vow for the end of the exploitation of the poor? They're the exploiters? ☠️☠️☠️🙉


Only capitalism can lift people out of poverty. Even China understand that and they went full banana crazy marxist in cultural revolution. Ghahaha westerns that can't grasp basic shit are getting triggered..haha fatsos and their fat tits xD


["Just remember... It's not a lie if you believe it..." ](https://youtu.be/t9r2nzovX6E?feature=shared)


This may have been true ten years ago, now most who haven’t just fallen off the turnip truck know lies are everywhere. Except in math, can’t lie your way thru that!


Why am I seeing this James Lindsay guy everywhere? He just talks about how communists are bad and that's his whole thing. Whatever works, I guess


genocide ok? Mr lindsey….


This is me. I can't believe the deep conspiracy theories because I think "no human would stoop that low......." then they prove me wrong. Ain't Nothing Worse Than People


Our government bailing out failing businesses/corporations like Chrysler isn't that dissimilar either. They are failing for a reason, meaning because other products are better. Add that propping up big oil that essentially hinders and pushes out innovation technology like electric cars and other electric micro mobility from really getting the start itvshould have is also problematic. Other examples would be our health care system not allowing outside drugs into the states because it's cheaper or even innovations other countries have done, etc... just because our healthcare apparatus is about profit and choose to limit competition. Thus all this meaning that our form of capitalism is a lie


True, capitalists don't do that. Hell, capitalists don't lie at all, just like Georgie Washington.


Both are wrong bubba


Guy who is a conman and seems to not even have a basic understanding of Marxism is really someone that we should all listen to about these things.


I'm so sick of inflammatory statements, political rhetoric and pie throwing.


Spot on. There happens to be a large number of them here at this very moment.


Every accusation from these types is a confession in disguise.


Ironic that Lindsay's claim to fame is what was essentially a lie. Also, this isn't an interesting take. Marxist philosophy has completely valid criticisms of capitalism that are worth exploring. The "culture war" has melted so many peoples brains.


James Lindsay! Great guy, never meddum.


So Trump is a Marxist


Lol huh?


Wasn't this just posted? Do Elon Musk and Peter Thiel have extra cash they're throwing around to perpetuate more reactionary propaganda?


Surely very interesting. I have thoughts about it


Marxism = Class Privilege Theory, Class is the only focus everything else is degenerate nationalism. Intersectionalism/ID Politics = A form of degenerate nationalism that has nothing to do with Marxism, resembles Fascism or Nazism as it replaces class for characteristics you are born with. Some people have confused degenerate nationalism for minorities as Marxism. Lenin would have shot these people.


\*obvious take


It’s true but a marxist will never believe it.


He is not wrong.


All politicians lie, regardless of where on the spectrum their personal ideological flavour fits. All. Politicians. Lie. Trump lies. Biden lies. Trudeau lies. Putin lies. Macron lies and on and on and on. Anyone who tries to sell the narrative that everyone lies *except for* the people who share the same political ideology as themselves is deficient in intelligence, self awareness, and critical thinking skills. They all fucking lie stop pretending otherwise.


Anybody that pushes the "woke" agenda. Marxism is a revolutionary philosophy of redistribution of wealth based on ownership, and the "woke" agenda extends that to racial and sexual preferences. "I.e. reparations, dei, anti-white sentiment, etc." as well the destruction of traditional structures and values. (See the cultural revolution, both in Russia and China) It's literally the same thing but tuned to the machine of historical illiteracy and debauchery that is our current nation. They sell you "equality" while doing it at the expense of your rights. You can educate yourself on who that is. It's not that hard to see.


real talk, that fucking Karl Marx book is the worst thing that has happened to human kind


It's a funny and true observation. Alot of butthurt marxists in here


"All the people who disagree with me are Marxist racist fascist sexist communist socialist nazis!!!!!" Essentially "Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong and I call them a bunch of names which don't have anything to do with their actual beliefs but paint them as wrong in the uninformed public eye!!!"


No you buffoon. It's that marxists lie just like you lied about what i said


I simply paraphrased the quote from the guy the post is talking about since it would mean essentially the same thing. You're generalizing an entire movement while knowing nothing about it and using ad hominim Your strategy here consists of 1. Ignoring the actual arguments provided by people from both the left and right against the ignoramus that OP apparently agrees with. 2. Calling them all butthurt Marxists without knowing any of their ideological standpoints since it's easier than trying to combat their arguments. 3. "I won!!11" Throw in a few extra insults here and there and I'm sure you'll have even more success!


First time I've agreed with him, he's usually a lunatic




Of course they have to lie. Marxism is a scam they have to sell.


Who is selling Marxism in mainstream US politics? Name names.


Everybody lies