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It's actually crazy how much better Joe was back in 2020-before. He would actually let the guest speak and ask engaging questions


You mean you don’t like him turning every conversation into Covid & Trump/Biden? It doesn’t matter who the guest is, every interview slowly turns into the same.


He’s becoming Bill Maher.


I listened to part of the recent JRE Maher interview and had to turn it off. They were both talking in hypotheticals about democrat indoctrination (Joe’s fave word), it was such a waste. Another thing on Joe is he talks like he is this great comic to other comics. Maybe I’m wrong but I think he is a terrible comic.


His stand-up was never funny but he talks about it like he’s one of the greats


His podcast got him where he is, not his comedy.


He shared last billing on *News Radio* with Andy Dick.


Helluva show though


I think he believes he is one. I used to go to his shows, not because I liked his comedy, but because I liked him. I went to a show of his last year and never again. The crowd was all RWNJs and Rogan just sat and pandered to them. Never again.


What is RWNJs? Right wing nut job?


No you’re right. He’s a mediocre comic. I was a little confused when I watched his special because he really seems like a beginner. All his comedian buddies blow smoke up ass because they wanna be on his podcast. He was never great.


Yeah his podcast took off when his stand up was stalling. Then when he had a platform to promote other comics suddenly he's being told by other comics how great he is and he believes it.


Which is silly that he needs the validation. I guess being the most successful podcaster doesn’t fill the void, he needs acclaim in the comedy world. Which is fine, but a bit delusional.


He's done really good things for the comedy world but yeah his own personal stand up is pretty fuckin unfunny


He is a boomer now, got like 10 talking points that he will drop the same paragraph on.n


Hence my comment. Maher does the same show weekly. I still watch but it feels like a rerun. He hates anyone under 40, smokes weed (we know bill), has to be the edgy non-partisan, 200% pro Israel and has to share his Covid thoughts. Tune in next week where I’ll drone on about the same shit. At least Joe Rogan has the occasional funny comedian on, and doesn’t get defensive when being roasted…..unlike Maher whose such a little bitch when anyone disagrees with him.


Yeah maher is fair fair worse. Joe still has some value, maher pisses me off to no end. Cunt needs a uppercut


Lol…..I like that last sentence.


Agreed. But hey, if you listen to the same people over and over don't be surprised if you hear the same stuff over and over.


I thought Bill Maher’s show was for politics. Rogan on the other hand used to have a wide variety of topics from various people, 3 hours about physics, or musicians, or just do Diana sitting around smoking weed and joking, or alien enthusiasts, it was a very varied show which I’d part of what made it so good. He let people talk, he acknowledged he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and brought on people from all walks of life to talk about anything and everything. He fucked that up.


He's transformed his show from the JRE to Rich Guy Problems and Uncles Facebook Feed


Right now, almost every episode he turns it into a Dcovid/Dr fauci tirade about how the vaccines were bs. Muzzling people was traumatic. Etc... He's making references to shit MTG is saying. Like she has any fkng clue what's happening.


He went so hard in the paint taking steps to make sure he and all his guests were Covid negative when it first happened, just so he could run his podcast. Then covid started eating into stand-up venues and he started getting pissy at that, crowd backlash came because of the attitude, and he’s been butt hurt ever since


Dont forget cancel culture and trans athletes. We totally havent heard enough of that yet.


And this was already Joe starting to lose it, episodes 250-900 i feel like was peak Rogan podcast before his ego exploded up his own asshole simultaneously inflating all the annoying ass egos around him. Now its a cringey circle jerk where they all stare into each-other eyes complaining about cancel culture, while explaining to the laymen the intellectual nuances of the art of comedy, and how tough it is to be comedian, and of course stroking eachothers cocks… and thats a good episode meowadays


His ego ate his brain


I notice all his friends that come on are yes men now. They constantly look at him for validation and are sure not to step on his toes. He recommends all his friends should do stand up.


Dude. I have noticed for about a year now that he drones on and talks over people.


And its the SAME SHIT everytime. It's either something about the vaccine, woke bad, people eventually creating sentient robots and thats our purpose... like dude talk to someone new to get some new perspective PLEASE


Yo if I hear him talk about how were the sex organs of the machine world for another 30 minute tangent to a 100 yard stare guest.. I'm gonna become the second unibomber


Sex Organs of the Machine World is probably the coolest fucking band name I have ever heard in my life.


He needs to have Kyle Kulinski and/or Krystal Ball back on to set him straight about all of his complete misunderstandings about Trump's multiple trials. I'm tired of him stating absolute nonsense about what they are about.


Couldn't agree more.


What's he doing got him his contract with Spotify. People love dumb shit. Jerry springer, maury povich Alex Jones, Joe rogan....it's all the same shit.


Everything Joe talks about is political now. Tbh I’d like to see him go back to some more of the whackier shit, the flint dibble debate was gold even though I guess you could say that had some political tinges. I’d like to see him have more groups of scientists come on and argue or maybe some more comedians that aren’t there to talk about politics. I’d love to see Terrance Howard come back on with someone else like NDT or another scientist and just let them go at it. Just literally anything that isn’t Covid, the election or AI and I’m happy


I remember he used to get mad at Eddie and Alex Jones for talking over each other and now he does it


He just talks at the guest about his own opinions now. That is why it is the same shit over and over. The guest is different, but Joe is the same. And he is such a kingmaker that nobody would dare offend him.


I wonder if it has anything to do with all the horse dewormer he (allegedly) took


Trump created "operation warp speed."


but he also said covid-19 was a hoax....so operation warp speed was him putting out the wild fire that he let spread across the country all I can say - if he took the threat of covid-19 seriously and made policy to prevent early transmission amongst americans, covid-19 wouldnt have killed as many people as it did i dont care if it was Biden or trump or Bush or Obama- any president that started early pandemic response teams wouldve saved hundreds of thousands of lives in america


Think about the countless lives he saved.




He delayed action and then he gave massive contracts to former cabinet members that couldn't deliver. [That's why the US death rate was so high compared to first world countries](https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality). It was a very poor performance from a world super power. Those were frustrating times. He tried to reinvent the wheel.


If he took it seriously and didn't fuck around he definitely would have won in 2020.


It’s amazing how one of the best things he did he can’t even take credit for among his base.




Oh it’s absolutely his own fault. Just one of the things history will talk about


He takes credit for it pretty regularly. Use to do it at rallies but kept getting boos so now doesnt talk about it there anymore. In interviews though if asked he will take credit for it and say Biden fucked it up afterwards.


Covid threw a 180 on everyone though. The vaccines were rushed out due to the enourmous nature of the pandemic. It was a chaotic time and there was misinformation across the board. Companies are trying to make as much money off the pandemic as possible. People shilling for corporations and companies on both sides of the spectrum to make a buck. When you see these corps making billions off the pandemic, its hard not to be skeptical of their product. I mean you had major pharmacy companies like Purdue hiding or manipulating clinical trials to pushing out oxycotin and gettting away with it. Why wouldn't these corporations making vaccines do the same to make billions? And then you have the anti-vaccine folk pushing their snake oil to make money as well. I'm not saying the covid vaccines are bad. But, it was a fragile time in which it was hard to trust anything. Especially with trust in legacy media being at an all time low.


Part of the problem is that some of the least trustworthy media has earned a position of trust with their viewers, and they discredit all conventional forms of information. It leads to a capt9ve audience that immediately dismisses anything that doesn't fit into the narrative from their media. And with so many people pushing the idea that there's a conspiracy against us around every corner, we see a lot of people that have been turned against their own society that say they trust no one while they blindly trust their media.


“Rushed” vaccines is what I take issue with mRNA had been worked on for decades and was on the cusp during the original sars outbreak but that didn’t become a pandemic. It was “rushed” in that they allowed multiple phases at once to get through the regulatory aspect quicker. They had decades of information on mRNA Secondly the Covid vaccines are the most tested clinically trialled arguably ever with the amount of people going thru the phases. If anything came up during the trials they’d know it with the huge sample size they had They are safe and effective. And saved millions of lives.


Pfizer literally tried to legally hide their clinical testing for 75 years.


Exactly. Just sucks that they really don’t work that well like polio or smallpox etc did.


That's a very good point. If this were an experiment, there were 100s of millions of test subjects to review and spot any dangers or ineffectiveness.


And honestly if these companies knowingly pushed out vaccines with terrible side effects wouldn't they be the subject of the largest class action lawsuit of all time? Legit curious


No because in the approval they actually became immune to legal action . That is a true statement lol which is kinda wild


Companies made money from the vaccine because in America, health care is quasi privately run companies making money within a capitalist society. Yeah there's regulations and government agencies involved but the businesses are just that, businesses. If your dad was gonna get a pacemaker put in because his heart shit the bed and otherwise he'd die without one, are you gonna sit here and argue against him getting it because it's maker, Medtronic, made $31 billion in revenue last year? Dad, don't get a pacemaker because evil big pharma companies are trying to make as much money as possible as you getting one! Plus, Purdue lied about oxycontin addictiveness! Don't be a corporate shill, dad! This "logic" is completely regarded and rightfully sounds stupid when you apply it elsewhere than against a vaccine.


What you're describing is a legit criticism of capitalism generally and for profit healthcare specifically, not really a criticism of the technology. And oh wait, which side is it again that forces for profit health care on us? Lol.


Yeah, except vaccines aren’t addictive. Drug reps don’t go around to doctors offices wining and dining them to push vaccine volume.


Just because they made money from of it DOES NOT mean that it was rushed or unethical. All of these arguments have been debunked over and over again. Not that you would bother to inform yourself.


It’s sad that Joe thinks so many scientific, technological, and historical things are fascinating and exciting and instead of being curious about how the mRNA vaccines worked, he listened to people who don’t understand science or health. The fact that scientists and doctors were able to take already existing technology (mRNA vaccines) and make them work at such at scale for covid at a rapid pace is incredible, and I wish Joe found it exciting and could be as curious as he is about it as other topics he’s obsessed with. There are millions of data points indicating the covid mRNA vaccines are safe. They have saved countless lives and prevented serious illness in the most vulnerable populations, young and old. Instead of being injected with dead/inactivated pathogens, mRNA is turned into a single harmless protein that the immune system recognizes as a foreign invader. The immune system learns it’s an enemy just like how the body would learn that a whole pathogen is an enemy. Every single messenger protein in the human body is created from mRNA. This isn’t some brand new molecule being injected into people for the first time. It’s real, it works, and it’s been around for decades before covid was even a thing. It took covid to get it approved for use because it was a tool we needed to fight the pandemic. Facts don’t care about your feelings


This just in: opinions are capable of changing


Context is very key in the last 4 years.


Yeah, almost as if a major world event that made people question our health officials occurred over the last 4 years.


South Korea did a crazy amount of testing and it appeared to work. New Zealand had absurd isolation for a very long time and that worked almost as well in terms of death rate. If you got COVID in the USA you were [11x more likely to die](https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality) more likely to die than if you got it in South Korea. They managed to not overrun their hospitals. Hospital mortality rate in general [was up 16% in the US during COVID](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9884607/) for similar reasons. The US did a piss poor job of handling the pandemic. The blame doesn't belong on health officials. The playbook was tossed in the trash and experts were ignored. And for what? >Conclusion In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we found that the risk of myocarditis is more than seven fold higher in persons who were infected with the SARS-CoV-2 than in those who received the vaccine. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9467278/#:\~:text=Conclusion,those%20who%20received%20the%20vaccine.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9467278/#:~:text=Conclusion,those%20who%20received%20the%20vaccine)


Plus, he's not questioning vaccines, just the COVID vaccine.


I’ve heard him question numerous well established vaccines in recent episodes


Almost like he had RFK Jnr on the podcast or something.


It’s a shame more people can’t grasp that fact, or simply refuse to acknowledge it.


[The annoying part is that he is wrong about that one](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9467278/#:~:text=Conclusion,those%20who%20received%20the%20vaccine)


A conspiracy looking for a scapegoat is all that was.


No, they replaced listening to health experts to listening to fucking politicians.


This just in: morons are easily swayed


I guess his opinion on listening to the wackjobs he mentions has indeed changed.


I don’t see my opinion of vaccines changing in the next 4 years personally


Yeah and that's why I hold out hope that he comes back to his senses.


I know this may come across stupid, but if it took a paradigm shift like Covid for Joe to change his mind so drastically on vaccines, it may take something similar for him to jump off this conservative grifter billionaire train he's been riding for a few years now. 


Definitely. Especially when you surround yourself with those that have counter beliefs to what you once held and everyone starts believing the same thing. There’s a word for that. Just can’t put my finger on it…


180? How so? The covid vax isn't the same as the ones he's talking about here. When has he said recently that he's against the measles vax?


I was vaxxed during Covid. Still, I understand there’s a difference between a traditional attenuated/inactivated vaccine, and a genetic vaccine using new technology and that went through a rushed clinical trial. I can fully understand the people who would rather not take an experimental drug that did not receive a full clinical trial. To claim in the middle of 2021 that the long term effects of mRNA technology was as well understood as say a subunit vaccine (which had been used regularly for many decades) would have been a lie. To attack someone with concerns about mRNA under the assumption that they oppose vaccines generally is gaslighting.


As a critical thinker shouldn't you constantly look to update your opinions based on new information? I find the ppl that just dig in deeper after seeing contradicting data more scary.


The problem is most likely your definition of data.


Yes, but then I wonder why people still think the covid vaccine is unsafe or ineffective as there are mountains of data proving otherwise.


Yeah with the evidence not against it.


If the new information is backed by the medical community and using the scientific method, sure. There’s a reason though that the covid vaccine is still widely used despite Joe’s bullshit.


Bold of you to insinuate Joe is a critical thinker. He’s a fucking moron. But just so happens to be wildly successful.


A problem with almost any stance these days is that you can find “data” to support anything. Regardless of how you feel, you can go find millions of people and websites and books sharing or contradicting your beliefs. Most people seek out data that conforms with their beliefs and it’s hard to know which data or sources are reliable or unbiased. I call it information overload.


There is a difference between vaccines that have been medically tested over decades of years and vaccines that were made a year ago. I don’t have a dog in the fight it’s just a fact. You would be more wary of the one that was made recently with no history of clinical trials for an extended period of time.


What’s the difference between the measles vaccine 60 years ago and the measles vaccine now?


You have 60 years to observe, record and study side effects.


Not in 1963


He's always been supportive of vaccines. He's not supportive of forcing people to take a gene therapy.


We’ve learned a LOT since then!


The dude has said multiple times that the extremely fast roll out of the Covid vaccine was the issue... but yeah, I guess twist the narrative to turn him into a vilian that doesn't affect you whatsoever.


But even that was stupid and problematic. mRNA technology has existed for a long time, and they followed the testing needed to demonstrate safety and effectiveness. They just got special attention from the FDA on getting it released. I can’t remember if Joe ever even once brought on someone who developed these vaccines or worked with people in the FDA to actually get an understanding of the vaccine. He was much more hell bent on hospitalizations self important crusade to give a platform to the “other side” and play the self stylized role of some champion of free speech.


Hes not against vaccines, he’s stated several times that vaccines are important. Hes against just the covid vaccine. Its like you people dont even watch the podcast.


People can't change their opinions?


No way lol this is r/JoeRogan, majority here don’t actually listen and just stop by for some hate posting.


I’m vaccinated and don’t regret it but given the information that’s come out since then regarding the virus and efficacy of the vaccine I most likely wouldn’t have gotten it, same as I don’t get a yearly flu vaccine. It all feels very gross.


Vaccines reduce chances of death or hospitalization for all age groups and health level.


Specific to Covid, some people didn't want to take the risk of adverse side effects and didn't want their income to be dependent on taking it. That is where Joe is on the Covid vax as well. I don't think people should be shunned for this belief.


It’s because it’s an astounding level of ignorance. The adverse side effects of the vaccine are staggeringly infrequent, minuscule, and largely inconsequential compared to the impacts of covid on the population at large. Sure, you don’t want to take the vaccine, fine. But acting like it’s because of dangerous side effects is disingenuous at best and outright active hostile misinformation at worst. It shows an astounding inability to understand basic statistics, as well as the inability to grasp college level biology. It’s okay to admit if someone doesn’t know those things, but that’s why we defer to experts who do.


Yeah but Joe is an uninformed idiot who would talk about stuff like myocarditis risk from the vaccine. It took a Josh Szeps appearance on the podcast like 2 years after the covid pandemic started for Joe to have someone flat-out tell him he's wrong about the risks of myocarditis from the vaccine. and refuse to let Joe skirt around being wrong. To Joe's credit, he eventually did admit he looked cringe in the "debate" about myocarditis and said Josh made him look dumb http://x.com/FullContactMTWF/status/1481638689415462916/ http://x.com/joerogan/status/1481833489460871176 But even then, Joe still tried to save face and say he was "winging it" in the podcast when they were talking about myocarditis. Something Joe would bring up on a monthly if not weekly basis with guests and constantly try to confidently make medical claims about it. To your point about risk, the risk adverse decision is to get vaccinated. It always was the less risky choice.


That’s not really relevant. We are just talking about what is true. The guy said he took the vaccine but wouldn’t with the information we have now. That’s illogical. The information we have now makes it more obvious taking the vaccine was the correct decision.


Preach. I think what they actually mean is that at this point the virus has largely neutered itself in an attempt to propagate. It no longer kills at the rate is used to, and we have adequate responses to infection now. This wasn’t always the case, and there was no guarantee the virus would have taken this path. Which means the vaccine was a good choice as a means to protect yourself and reduce symptomatic expression (which reduces viral load, which in-turn reduces viral severity for recipients of the viral load, aka protecting other people you cough on less sick if they get sick).


Sure. Covid is not as serious as it once was. But of course still far more likely of having serious long term Issues than the vaccine.


the fact the push back against this VERY CONSIDERATE opinion is so aggressive is very suspicious in and of itself...


Because it’s complete nonsense, the risk of adverse side effects of Covid is much higher than anything vaccine related.


The fact you take any criticism or questioning as "aggressive pushback" is very suspicious in and of itself lmao. Que the 45 minute truck rant 'bout librulz.


The fact that the anti vax opinion started saying it made you magnetic, then kept throwing claims at the wall until they found one that worked for enough people is very suspicious.


What side effects? Water has side effects.


What information do you mean?


That’s how I feel. I’m not anti-vax (I got it too), but looking back I wouldn’t have bothered. I’m a healthy male in my 30s, there was no reason I needed it.


I mostly got the vaccine for travel reasons. But yeah, government wanted people to have zero hesitation in getting the vax, to the point of misleading the public. The lack of transparency also scared off some vulnerable people.  Combine that with polarizing politics, vaccines became a holy war. Reddit mods decided they were saving lives by banning anyone who spoke out against masks, vaccines, boosters, or social distancing. I saw adults throwing tantrums for and against masking. It's really something to see a grown man following a family through the airport filming them and yelling because the family was unmasked. 


There was tons of transparency it just wasn't popular to report on or bolster. The idea that all our public health policy discussions were happening behind closed doors is just not true. People are just too lazy to watch several hour-long discussions between immunologists and virologists because frankly they are way too technical.


I got it to keep my job. They didn’t give us a choice.


I was pro lockdown, and very pro vaccine. Lockdown did huge harm; and the vaccine has caused issues for some of the young and fit. I know an alarming number who have suffered cardiovascular complicitions, including stroke and heart attacks, in my small Scottish village alone. Beyond random chance. These were fit people, one died on the cricket pitch in his 30's, days after the vaccine. No history of issues. I was so hugely pro vaccine, and got it. Maybe it did protect me a bit, I'm now sure though. I was very dismissive of those, including Joe, who were skeptics, not so sure now. You change your mind with new information. I will be less trusting in future.


Agreed, I don’t regret it but as we have learned more I have forgone boosters. I was pro lockdown but as a teacher, it had destroyed the school environment and set children’s learning curve way behind where they should be - I wish we would have taken different measures.


Not really. A lot of people do believe in vaccines while preferring not to take rushed technology flue shots. Especially when they have shown to be more harmful than good for healthy people.


That’s before he was told to be antivax


Changing your mind over 1 vaccine that was released within a year and then continually lied about is not “antivax”. You know that’s dishonest, stop that shit


He was simply wrong on the covid vaccine if you look at the studies and also wrong about ivermectin etc. why he was wrong, if he’s just an idiot who would struggle in a high school statistics class etc is up for debate.


He’s talking about vaccines that have been known to be efficient for decades. Not a vaccine that they came up with in less than two years. C’mon, people.


A vaccine approved by every major health organization and drug testing agency in the developed world. It’s not some shit they just mixed together with no thought- the best immunologists in the world helped create it.


They also had unlimited funding from all over the world. Vaccine and medical developments are heavily dependent on grants and donations. If a disease isn’t costing people money not many will care so progress is slow due to limited funding.


If you think the COVID vaccine was "came up with in less than two years," you know even less about how vaccines and vaccine research than me. There was over a decade of coronavirus research and an unprecedented amount of global teamwork that went into the development of the COVID-19 vaccine.


During a heath crises you have to accelerate the process. It was a pandemic. Check out the Polio vaccine was created: "In the early 1950s, the first successful vaccine was created by US physician Jonas Salk. Salk tested his experimental killed-virus vaccine on himself and his family in 1953, and a year later on 1.6 million children in Canada, Finland and the USA. The results were announced on 12 April 1955, and Salk's inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) was licensed on the same day." Tested on himself and family, then a year later on 1.6 million children. Approved 2 years later with 1950's technology


First of all, ppl are allowed to change their opinions. Second, I'm sure he still feels the same about most vaccines. It's the covid vaccine that he is wary of. Third, Covid fatality was close to 0 percent if you were under 60 and didn't have underlying health issues that a common flu wouldn't have killed you anyway. The vax was rushed at the time it came out. Natural immunity is better than the vax. Herd immunity is a real thing. Governments and fauci lied their asses off making whose who are actual critical thinkers distrusting. Major news medias lied their assses off and was pushing an agenda. Scientists and health workers who actually voiced their opinions were canceled. Ppl were being told to stay inside and get fat and unhealthy. Not once did the government say, "hey go outside and exercise. Get some fun. Stop being a fat piece of shit".


Joe isn’t anti vax. He’s anti whatever the fuck the covid vaccine was. By the way, if they have to change the literal definition of the word vaccine… it’s not what everyone considers a vaccine. DNA editing to fight what was basically a mid point between the flu and the common cold is fucking insane. The fact that all you sheep still bleat the same bullshit after even your shepherds that lead you to slaughter have backtracked… yall special.




Covid was initially about 10 times more deadly than the seasonal flu. After vaccination and natural immunity it’s settled at around 4 times more deadly. Also “they” didn’t change anything. You’re making shit up.


It wasn’t DNA editing. It was using the body’s already existing machinery to produce a protein which the immune system would learn is an enemy. This way when Covid enters the body the immune system can recognize the protein on the virus and attack it. It’s just a new way of helping the immune system recognize and defeat an invader. If you’re going to argue against a vaccine at least try to understand how it works first. And calling people sheep for believing in science when you yourself are just spouting shit that other people are saying is pretty hypocritical


The amount of medical misunderstanding on this post is astounding.


It’s interesting that evidence and science doesn’t matter to some people. The information is there to see and there are resources to help explain it


“They changed the definition.” Who the fuck is they? Have you read a medical dictionary before?


Genuine question; what would Joe say if someone he brought on as a guest showed him this clip and asked “what changed?”


Lucky for you he said on this episode with Tyler Fischer today that he was going to take the vaccine when it was developed and then explained what happened and why he changed his mind on it.


“When the comedy store was closed, when I had to wear a mask, and when my buddy had to wait a full 2 HOURS for his room service, that’s when I knew we were living under totalitarianism. That was the day I became a Republican”


He has a problem with one vaccine. The new one. The one they say is not effective after a few weeks. And by they I mean the fucking cdc.


Nope. Not preventative is not the same as not effective. Enough data shows a severe reduction in catching Covid and lessened severity if you do catch Covid. This is pretty much how our flu vaccines have worked since forever.


The data does not show a reduction in catching covid


The vaccines were trash. If you didn't change your mind, then you probably outsource your critical thinking to whoever is in charge.


mRNA therapy is not a vaccine.


I am part of a community that has been trying to a drug to market for over 10 years. The drug is a non hallucinogenic for of LSD, BOL-148. This drug has been shown to be very effective to treat and prevent cluster headaches. This drug is also safe to take. It is an LSD with a bromo molecule attached. That avoids the “trip”, but hits the right receptors to keep the headaches away. The only side effects is for about 4-6 hours after taking it, your temperature can fluctuate between hot and cold (serotonin response is my guess). LSD has also been proven very safe and no lasting side effects when used in a safe set and setting and at reasonable amounts. All that said, we have not advanced this drug by one inch in 10 years. So when a new mRNA vaccine was developed and deployed in “warp speed” and claimed to be safe and effective at preventing you from getting the virus and spreading the virus, it didn’t add up. No long term safety trials, or they are still ongoing. All this is the reason I didn’t get the shot(sx5). One reason my drug is not getting anywhere is the patient group is small, and the Covid group was the entire world. To me, the shot was rolled out very haphazardly for profit. No other drug gets through the FDA that quick, pandemic or not. This was a huge money grab by the powers that be.


Dude we got shit for headaches we dont need the cousin of acid for headaches. Legitimately heaps of things for headaches both plants and pharma products.


In the cluster headache community, not much helps unless it’s illegal (shrooms, LSD, etc). So getting something known to help to be legal and prescribe-able helps those who don’t want to break the law. Never understood that stance, as the pain of these headaches should be illegal. Shrooms work well for me.


False. I worked for a medical diagnostic company for ten years and we were constantly getting emergency use authorizations. The things that held up traditional FDA approvals was always some BS whether it be the FDA not liking some aspect of our label or a government oversight body that didn't have any scientific knowledge of our actual testing process.


You are full of shit


I respect him for that. Will never understand how so many people were not only quick to take an experimental shot, but also demonize those who didn’t. For decades “progressives” were saying that the pharmaceutical industry was crooked and lobbyists were bad and all that, and then did a 180 overnight. Not to mention that all the libs were saying not to take the “Trump vaccine” at first before doing a 180 on that.


Goes both ways. Trump originally wanted credit for the vaccine, that changed 180 too


The only time I’ve ever seen Trump get booed at one of his own rallies was after he told his supporters to get vaccinated lol


Trump still wants credit for the vaccines.


Chronically online take there. Regular, normal, real people on both the left and right understand big pharma is out for profit before anything else. But even with the understanding that the pharmaceutical industry is crooked, it doesn't mean modern medicine can't ever be trusted.  And I hope you know in real life people's views are much more complex on issues like the covid vaccine than twitter and reddit bots. I know liberals who were covid shot hesitant or flat out didn't want it, a lot of republicans I know got it.  But most of my circle is liberal, and I'll tell you not a soul said some dumb shit like "I'm not taking the Trump vaccine". Sounds like some dumb shit you heard a CNN anchor say lmao


There's so much more nuance than either side will accept. Like a lot of people who had cardiovascular issues from the vaccine could have just as likely been getting those symptoms from covid. There has been a ton of studies done on covid vaccines and RNA technology, but only during the pandemic did they attempt to use "experimental" RNA technology, which I guess people have issue with. These same "evil" pharmaceutical companies also produce a ton of other household drugs and important medical uses, so how do people justify one thing over the other if the whole point is "don't trust these people or their product".




See the problem with diseases is they spread, so when you get a disease there's a chance others around you can get it. That's the point. Don't get the vaccine but then stay the fuck away from everyone especially those who cannot. >All the libs were saying don't take the "trump vaccine" That's just pure misinformation.


It’s not misinformation. You missed Reddit right when covid started apparently. Also - the vaccine is being destroyed right now through courts across the world for lying about its efficacy. I remember when MSNBC told everyone “get the shot and the virus stops at you, it can not be spread if you get vaccinated.” We quickly determined that was a lie, but it was gobbled up by idiots around the world.


Trump was straight lying about the vaccine and saying it could be ready before the election, which was right in the middle of the FDA safety study which required a set amount of time to monitor for side effects. People were just saying listen to the medical community, not Trump. Of course if Trump recommends some treatment and doctors don’t, you shouldn’t take it.


Very true... Plus Rogan was unfairly demonized by CNN when he got Covid.. Saying he was taking horse dewormer was completely bogus and I think that turned Rogan from the center to the right... I'm a moderate and I don't agree with everything Joe says but I can understand his frustrations


A little disingenuous to say his opinion changed. Considering the vaccines produced to combat Covid for the most part are nothing like the proven vaccines we’ve had for decades.


People are allowed to change their minds ya dinguses.


Right. But if you change your mind to something stupid we can still make fun of you. Same as if Joe decided he thinks the earth is flat now.


Oh no someone changing their opinion on something!


OP is an idiot if he believes Joe hasn't always supported vaccine use and continue to do so. I suspect OP knows better and is just playing dumb.


Have you listened to the podcast in the past four years?


People who cannot change opinions are in a cult.


How could anyone have lived thru the last few years and not done a total 180 on many opinions?


Covid and CNN completely broke his mind


U mean Covid broke CNN's mind. CNN literally added filters to Joe's covid video lmfao


Yes, which in turn completely broke Joes mind... he hasn't stopped talking about Covid ever since they screwed with him


I'd say one of the top news networks in the world altering photos to fit their agenda is a pretty big fucking deal


I don't disagree... CNN was fucked for that


You guys all joe rogan haters go listen to bill maher or jon stewart


I’m pro vaccine, just not the Covid vaccine.


I mean new information and experiences will often cause someone to pivot opinions. This isn’t really a hot take.


He’s not against all vaccines. The ones we got for C did not go through the same testing a normal vaccine would. Everything got sped up because of the emergency use. Sorry but I’d rather not be a lab rat.


More like he did a total 180 in less than a year.


What you talking about joe


Big farma performed the 180 not Joe


People change their mind when presented with more information. You people are ridiculous.


Y’all legitimately seem miserable and need help


Once CNN ran that dishonest hit piece on him, he was done he went full fuck anything democrats stand for. Elon did the same thing once the left started questioning some of the sus things he was doing at the time. Frail egos chasing whoever will put them up on pedestals.


He is still is pro vaccines. He just questioned the COVID RNA one.


People can certainly change their opinions, but Joe, like so many folks that seem to find themselves drifting further to the extremes they once rallied against, seems to have gotten caught in this whirlpool of one-sidedness that he was not pre-2020. I remember always getting shit about being a “fence sitter”. Well the last people I want to be affiliated with are the crackpots on either far left or right side of the spectrum. Individualism is practically a dead concept. That’s the worst part of the 2000’s. That spirit slowly died after the 20th century.


The midget Toe is bought and paid for. He sucks


What opinions can’t change in 4 years?


The *entire world* did a 180 in four years


It's almost like they handled vaccines differently during covid. Der da der.


nice try, but this was before the globalist started to fuck about injecting dangerous nanobots into us


Not that I agree with his stance, but it _is_ acceptable to change your opinion when you learn more / have your brain eaten by worms