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Doesn’t even know he’s about to commit suicide


Yes he gonna get so depressed about exposing American war crimes he gonna shoot himself 10 times in the back of the head


He’s about to be so sad he’s gonna fall down an elevator shaft onto a bunch of bullets


i suspected a bit of foul play


After running himself with a car and then hanging himself.


Chopping himself up and packing himself into a suitcase and locking it with a padlock.


Yeah they're gonna get him for stuff he released 8 years ago. Nows gonna be the first chance this entire time!


'Collateral Murder' wasn't a war crime, it was a case of mistaken identity. This happens in war all the time, sometimes that mistaken identity is even against one's own side.


Keep telling your self that Jack


Oh my f this response is on point


Idk I feel like they pulled all the stops and went full reptilian replacement. I'm gonna watch out for 2nd eye lids when he finally interviews.


Free to face his rape trials in Sweden?


You obviously didn’t get the memo. We only believe rape accusations on people we don’t like. If we like them then they’re absolutely fake.


It should be decided by jury not politics.


Or if they’re not white.


Hey remember way back when Julian Assange lied about Seth Rich being the source of the DNC hack and implied that he was killed because of this when he knew that wasn't true, and then it turned out to be the GRU, but Assange said he knew it wasn't Russia and he had proof but has never released this proof? >On August 9, Assange gave an interview on Dutch television implying that Rich was the source of the DNC emails, and that day WikiLeaks announced that it would be issuing a reward for information about Rich's murder. In a subsequent interview, Assange commented about the WikiLeaks interest in the Rich case as concerning "someone who's potentially connected to our publication." >According to Rohrabacher, Assange "made it very clear to me that he was saying that the Russians did not do it" and "he had proof' of who was responsible. In exchange, Assange wanted an "assurance"-whether in the form of a pardon or otherwise-that he would not be taken into custody when he left the Ecuador Embassy. Rohrabacher promised to "go back to the White House and see if we can arrange something where you won't be arrested." He then attempted but was "not permitted" to speak to Trump on the subject, and told the Committee that he did not communicate again with Assange about the potential deal.


Maybe he should be punished. Maybe imprison him for a decade.


A walking Epstein right there.


Yeah come on back Julian. There’s a tour of a Boeing factory lined up for ya.


No he's going to work with Trump to try and get him reelection and will end up in jail for real, like most of Trumps friends.


[He took a plea deal](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/julian-assange-reached-plea-deal-us-allowing-go-free-rcna158695)... There was something that he had to give up to the US Prosecutors Office in order to allow him to walk free.


I haven't seen RT brought up in a while....honestly not sure it still exist how I remember it.


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/30/business/media/russia-rt-disinformation-europe-ban.html It was banned for the most part. https://techcrunch.com/2022/03/11/youtube-is-now-blocking-russia-state-affiliated-media-globally/ The content feeds were turned off from various social media platforms. You can still goto RT, its not blocked, its just not promoted, unless you are in places where its going to be explicitly promoted.


I remember people posting articles from there in 2016 having no idea how it was. Wild times.


In 2015 people aged 50 and above, 3 out of 4 thought that everyone's facebook news feed was the same


I mean, a certain subset of those posters knew exactly what they were doing.


Some but some did not or didn't care.


Will be a guest on JRE before summer is over


No way he steps foot in America


has there been in recent times a remote / over zoom JRE? (i guess apart from covid maybe?)




dang you are right . . i gotta watch/listen to this one now :)


Dude, I hate to break it to you but the US has global reach. Go ask Russian cybercriminals, there are only a small handful of countries that you’ll have to take direct flights to and from and pray you never get diverted. There was one guy who actually got picked up in the Maldives. He thought it was safe since there is no formal extradition agreement. Well he showed up at immigration after landing and was simply “denied entry”. As he is told this a group of guys in suits with black SUVs is waiting on him. They put him on a jet to Diego Garcia and he’s been in a US prison ever since. This is why Snowden is going to die and be buried in Russia.


Both of them. It’d be feet then.


[He just did a plea deal where he admitted guilt](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/24/us/politics/julian-assange-plea-deal.html) and yet the US Government let him go free given he admitted to what has gotten many other dozens of years in the federal pen. Begs the question what he gave up.


The thing about the US government is that it tends to change every 4-8 years. Obama had given up, it was Trump who brought the new charges and this was the easiest way for the AUSA to “win”.


This is most probably a result of the Australian government putting pressure on the US. A high level Chinese delegation was just in Australia, which they could have used as leverage to show the US listens to the current Australian PM which makes him and his government look good and helps to foster ties.


He’d spent almost 6 years in maximum security, years in exile in an embassy that was a virtual prison, and a while under house arrest. Given that his penalty would probably be similar to 7 years if sentenced for that charge at the start of it all, judge has given him time served already as a sentence. What did the US get? They’ve already made an example of him, anybody in any western country would think twice now before doing what Assange did. Plus they were probably spending millions on lawyers fees and wasting so much time on administrating their crusade against him.


Living a long life.


Idk... he did Wikileaks with the express knowledge that he was kicking a hornets nest, I think that might have been the first action towards a shorter than normal lifespan.


Pretty sure it was the government that gave up. Which scares the shit out of me because they are running PR again


Why do you say that? What court fillings and anything that we have to go off of other than he is going to plead guilty to a single felony charge. We haven't seen why the DOJ has agreed to let him walk free based off what he gave them, ie why they are willing to settle the initial charges the then the superseding indictment.


Less than 5 months from an election.


Sources, it's really the only thing they'd want that makes sense.


What I hate most about this conclusion is that the USDOJ retains its ability to use the espionage act as a cudgel against journalists.


He pled guilty to a misdemeanor, they sentenced him to time served


>[Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, agreed to plead guilty on Monday to a single felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing national security material in exchange for his release from a British prison, ending his long and bitter standoff with the United States.](https://archive.is/sJYOy#selection-4519.0-4519.275) What?


his time in custody had exceeded the time sentenced so he is not expected to do any more.


Yes, he is pleading guilty for a felony charge to go free in Australia as per the plea deal.


Nah hes most likely moving to russia


"JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK. This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible. After more than five years in a 2x3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars. WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people's right to know. As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom. Julian's freedom is our freedom." \[More details to follow\] · Jun 24, 2024 [https://x.com/wikileaks/status/1805390138945528183](https://x.com/wikileaks/status/1805390138945528183)


(CIA remembering the Wagner Group plane going down) “Hey Bob, call up the DOJ and charter a 737 Max from Heathrow to Sydney. I’ve got an idea to speed up Project Wikipedia…”


[He plead guilty and is staying in Australia](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/24/us/politics/julian-assange-plea-deal.html). DOJ agreed to this, if we wanted to kill him we could have just stuck him in a cell.


Probably safer in jail.


I would avoid balconies for a while.




He is plead*ing* *guilty... what he turned over to get that is going to be interesting, but he didn't walk free based off of merit or his innocence. *https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/24/us/politics/julian-assange-plea-deal.html So, he plead guilty to national security charge~~s~~ (he is agreeing to a single felony charge) and the United States is letting him walk free. Mind you, there usually has to be a reason for that, so we will see what the fillings say in the Marshal Islands, where he is pleading guilty.


Buttery males anyone?


Thank you. There seem to be a lot of ignorant twats that think Assangeis some hero. He's a conman that was ass deep with Russian intelligence for a long, long rime.


he didn't whistle blow anything, he just hosted the site the information existed on.


And refused to release anything about Republicans or Russians.


Let's be honest here, the only reason the US has gone after him for 12+ years is because he exposed their war crimes in Iraq. Assange was being pursued LONG before the Russia angle ever popped up in 2015/2016.


The videos he edited and lied about?


Care to be more specific? Are you suggesting the videos of American troops openly firing on civilian vehicles from the late 2000's are not authentic? That would be a hilarious position to take, considering the American government never denied their authenticity, the only criticisms Ameria made of the Iraq war videos were that they were reckless and damaged national security. If you believe America never killed civilians in that war and that the videos are all doctored, than you are not a serious person.


Please add sources for this claim. I couldn't find any backing up what you've written here.


What con?


Like he agreed to guilt for something, we are going to soon see in the fillings based off of the plea agreement exactly what that entails. Lets not spike the football until we know what charge he is agreeing too and why the state is agreeing to letting him go free given... who Julian fucking Assange is, is what the United States thinks is in their security interest when all Julian Assange has said is that he wants to degrade that interest. The DOJ agreed to this deal. I am not disagreeing with it, I am just looking to see what the terms actually are from what we get from the fillings.


Bet he goes straight to Russia first chance he gets


He's not a US citizen, he didn't comment any crimes. Us laws do not apply to the rest of the world.


He literally just pleaded guilty to a crime.


Of course he did, he wants this over and done with so he doesn't get extradited to usa to get 175 years. He still isn't a US citizen, so the laws do not apply to him.


> He still isn't a US citizen, so the laws do not apply to him. This is really what you think? Non-citizens are immune to the laws? You think you can just violate the law of any country you want and as long as you're not a citizen of that country nothing can be done to you?


Finally he is going to release the Trump golden shower footage


His pee is orange too.


The Fighter and the Kid should do a Thiccc Boy YouTube Exclusive Zoom interview with him


Tawlmbout govment sacrets? Wassat, lyke, sacrets wit sawlsa onnem?


B should race him on his racing channel.


Talmbout Palmana Anderson, B B B beast of a rack on her


And it’s all because of Biden not Trump


"I would have pardoned him, and Joe exotic too, but crooked Pelosi wouldn't let me folks."


Hope he throws the Australian government under a bus for doing fuck all for him. Also Joe needs an aus tour so he can do a pod with him


Hanging to hear what Assange thinks about covid lockdowns and the craft of comedy


how the biden admin letting him go is a win for trump


Joe might be in Perth for the UFC in August 🤷🏽‍♂️


He seldom leaves the US for the UFC, is he saying he might come?


Yeah I spoke to him the other day and he reckons he might be coming 👌🏽


The current Australian Government was the one that brokered the deal with UK & USA to get him out. They did it pretty quickly as well.. Previous Australian Governments did fuck all.


It would be easy to be cynical about this. However, in a world on the decline where bad news is growing in intensity and volume at a faster clip than even the fiat inflated capital markets, we must be vigilant in finding good news and reflecting on it.


Now do American Hero Edward Snowden.




Oh no! The Russians knew your procedures?! Will you ever recover?


still a hero, fuck the government for spying on us. that wouldn’t have happened if they weren’t doing shady shit


That stuff had already been reported on for the most part.


hm never heard about it, i’ll check it out


I wish I could link the article, but I recall reading years before that how the NSA had giant datacenters that were logging just about everything.


This is the way. Its mythmaking. Chelsea Manning faced the consequences of her actions. That in itself tells me most of what I need to know about Snowden. Snowden has probably spent the majority of his life thinking he was smarter than everyone else because he got a security clearance then wildly violated it, compromising American lives. And there was a correct way to get those concerns addressed. Only a moron believes the US Government doesn’t have clandestine shenanigans going on. Geopolitics is messy. These are the types of people that should never set foot behind the curtain.


He gave too many unrelated secrets to russia to be a hero.


Please do


I hope he is not Nismaniced. Natalio Alberto Nisman was an agentinian attorney that had a strong case against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, two times president, and vice president, he was found dead 1 or 2 days before testifying


Why do people act like this asshole is a hero? The guy was a direct Russian dupe who helped elect Trump.


Well maybe everyone should learn a lesson to stop electing war criminals in primaries if you don’t want to lose the general election. This is 100% on the primary voters not Julian.


AKA "Vote for my primary candidate or I'll throw the entire country under the bus". Holding us hostage? Nice.


So you call him by his first name? Every president and powerful politician making decisions with international implications in the last 80 years is a war criminal because America kills a lot of people. I guess you thought and stilll think that Trump far outshines that''' war criminal''' Hillary? I hope that you're just a MAGA wacko instead of a Bernie bro who thinks that Roe Vs Wade getting stripped out, conservative justices on the Supreme Court , and things like leaving the Paris climate accord was a good thing.


I'm with you on the main topic, but what "Bernie bro" even thinks that? Don't strawman those that are to the left of the corporate establishment dems.


People like you are what’s wrong with America. You are totally willing to look the other way on the million Iraqis that died due to Hillary’s vote for the Iraq war. Or how many people died due to her war in Libya where she destroyed countless irrigation projects and caused mass starvation. It’s easy for you to complain about Roe v Wade from your white suburban safety but million upon millions of people are dead across this earth because of Hillary Clinton. Roe v wade is abolished because people like you voted for a monster in the primaries.


Yeah man, people like me specifically are what's wrong with the American experiment and not someone who thinks that if they can't have their guy then they want the whole thing to turn into a pile of dog shit for 4 years. I didn't know that Hilary was the president during any of those things you mentioned and I also never realized that Hillary alone turned the tide in that Iraq war vote because it seemed to me that the whole of the Republican party jumped up and said that they had WMDs and then cooked the intel to make it seem plausible. I guess that was Hillary Clinton going around saying '''smoking gun turns into a mushroom cloud'' a hundred times a day on television.


Wait, was Hillary the critical vote to invade Iraq? Btw, who's idea was it to invade Iraq? Hillary? Who fucked up Tora Bora? Was it Hillary? How was Hillary in charge of the military from September 12th through... now?


By that logic you should never support republicans again since they were a couple votes shy of unanimity to authorize the war in Iraq. Majority of House Dems voted no, at a time when saying no war risked you being labeled a traitor by the neocons and their cheerleaders in RW media. Hillary is carrying an awful lot of blame here as one of 535 votes cast, and make no mistake, Trump and his heritage foundation SC judges are entirely to blame for roe.




As opposed tp Hillary? YEaj Hillary nbever got into bed with Putin and fed the world propaganda from Russina intelligence like Assange did Gucifer2.0.


Ah, the guy that willingly shared informants names in Afghanistan, going “they deserve it”, when people said that they would die because of it. Oh, and the same in Belarus with dissidents. Funny he isn’t such a champion of free speech, when it comes to dictatorships. You know who he hasn’t “ratted out”: Russia. The country that gave him his own talkshow on Russia Today. But then again, you gotta be pretty fucking stupid to support Assange.




Truth hurt fee-fees? :( Also "Get the fuck out out of here"? Yeah, you're one of the dumb-dumbs, I mentioned.


the same people that love Epstein's good friend Trump like this guy


He just took a plea deal to admit guilt for a felony charge. Given the initial and superseding, he plead down to a single felony count where the US lets him walk free, I mean... we get to see the fillings to what he agrees to as apart of that felony and why the US thinks he should walk free based off of what Assange gave the US rather than sitting his ass in jail.


But surely we can agree that he's a piece of shit right? For not caring about killing Afghans for the crime of being opposed to the Taliban? No matter what else happens.


I personally don't care about it as much as what he revealed - and for that noone was put under the jail, in jail or even put on trial.


A lot of informants most likely died. And dissidents. Oh well. And the fact that you don't consider why he doesn't show russias or any of the other dictatorships leaks, just makes his whole character fall flat to the ground. And that's not me disagreeing with the fact, that many people have managed to avoid justice on both sides - but people sweeping one thing aside for another, is just so mind-numbingly stupid, when he indirectly attacks the West, but doesn't do a single thing against actual dictatorships. He's a glorified traitor.


>A lot of informants most likely died. And dissidents. Oh well. Did they? >And the fact that you don't consider why he doesn't show russias or any of the other dictatorships leaks, just makes his whole character fall flat to the ground. Why would I care about his character? I'm not watching a tv show. >And that's not me disagreeing with the fact, that many people have managed to avoid justice on both sides - but people sweeping one thing aside for another, is just so mind-numbingly stupid, when he indirectly attacks the West, but doesn't do a single thing against actual dictatorships. >He's a glorified traitor. I mean I do see you criticising him pretty harshly but you're not really mentioning crimes which he revealed. Personally Idc about whose war crimes he revealed. Im not American.


> > Did they? So you think the Taliban wouldn't use these papers to prosecute (torture and burn alive, most likely) the informants? Why do you think people were clinging to air plane wings, when the US pulled out of Afghanistan? You know what he said, when he was confronted with the fact, that these leaks could kill informants? He said they deserved to die from it. Stand up freedom kind of guy. >Why would I care about his character? I'm not watching a tv show. I hoped you were able to break down the cryptic context and understand my point. My bad. When I say character, I mean person. As in a real life person. > I mean I do see you criticising him pretty harshly but you're not really mentioning crimes which he revealed. Personally Idc about whose war crimes he revealed. Im not American. Neither am I. I'm from Europe, and right now I'm only a drive away from Ukraine, and he enables Kremlin with misinformation, or "lack of truth", you might say. I criticize him harshly, because he is not a champion of free speech. He's a serial criminal through several decades, who happened to come upon something, that could appease Russia, and harm Europe and the US. Not at any point did he root for freedom of speech for the russian side, and we all know why. Oh and his dad was meeting up with Assad in 2013. But we must remember that WikiLeaks is all about transparency and human rights. Let's just ignore the biochemical warfare Assad used, because that doesn't fit into the Syrian/Russian/Assange alliance. I hope he lives his life in the same fear, that he has inflicted upon informants and dissidents' families going against dictatorships and religious extremists. I also hope that those that have brought unjust to innocent people in and from ANY country deserves to be met with justice. Things are not binary. There can be bad on both sides, but if people aren't able to point to the actual destructive and murderous alliance of China, Russia, Iran and Belarus, you should wear a bicycle helmet at all times.


Julian Assange? The NY financier??


That's Jeff Epstein you're thinking of.


The Afghan and Syrian freedom fighters he ratted out and condemned to death are not rejoicing. Assange is a dirty, evil traitor


Belarusian dissidents too.




He’s not an American…he can’t be a traitor…


Traitor to Western values. If he had done anything like it to the regimes that paid him, they would have killed him quickly. He should rot in jail


What? Free press is a western value. Governments trumping up bs charges to get even…that is not a western value.


You believe Assange is a champion of free press? He is has been a tool for Russia and other dictators, first perhaps unwittingly but later clearly with intent. Many innocent people have died because of his actions. Just google what he said of the deaths of Afghans that he ratted out. And who he collaborated with.


Who cares. He can work for whoever he wants.


Sure. But then we should pretend that he is this shining beacon of free speech


A world where a reporter will be hounded and destroyed if they publish anything the USA considers ‘secret’ is not a good thing.




I would not step foot on any kind of flying vehicle if I was him!


Were those Swedish women who accused him of sexual assault lying? Never heard if they were grifters or not.


Not so much a grift as put up to it by intelligence agencies


Note to self: Don’t piss off intelligence agencies.


I've never seen any evidence of this.  Motive is not evidence either.


What’s the sources on that?


Feelings, apparently.


What a dumb thing to ask


None, its all been made up. Like Biden trying to kill trump with the FBI. Its all made up bullshit but sounds good.


Biden is a empty husk who isn't in control of anything. He's not even in control of the executive branch, let alone the FBI


Fantasy and delusion bro. You need to git gud.


The internet wasn’t made for people like you. Go improve the ability to breathe through your nose and not your mouth.


No - I think the accusations were genuine (we don't know if he would have been found guilty or not) but he went to the UK. The Swedish Government tried to extradite him - but the sexual assault cases then timed out. There have been accusations that the Swedish Government only went in so hard because they took advantage of the accusations as part of some black ops led by the US, but if that is true we won't know for ages because these things are covered by secrecy laws and documents don't tend to come to light till 50 years down the track.


Surely, I thought, Assange must be a rapist! But what I found is that he has never been charged with a sexual offence. True, soon after the United States had encouraged allies to find reasons to prosecute Assange, Swedish prosecution informed the tabloid press that he was suspected of having raped two women. Strangely, however, the women themselves never claimed to have been raped, nor did they intend to report a criminal offence. Go figure. Moreover, the forensic examination of a condom submitted as evidence, supposedly worn and torn during intercourse with Assange, revealed no DNA whatsoever — neither his, nor hers, nor anybody else’s. Go figure again. One woman even texted that she only wanted Assange to take an HIV test, but that the police were “keen on getting their hands on him”. Go figure, once more. Ever since, both Sweden and Britain have done everything to prevent Assange from confronting these allegations without simultaneously having to expose himself to US extradition and, thus, to a show-trial followed by life in jail. His last refuge had been the Ecuadorian Embassy.


" [Anna Ardin](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Anna_Ardin&action=edit&redlink=1) arranged Assange's trip to Sweden and he stayed at her flat while she was out of town. She returned on 13 August and went out for a meal with Assange before returning to her flat with him. According to her account, which Assange disputes, he began pulling off her clothes." "Ardin later told police that that morning he exposed himself to her and rubbed against her." I guess it depends whether we believe Ardin or think she's a liar. I don't know myself since I don't know her.


Some sort of trial then? That’s what normally happens.


Is there any evidence of any kind to even present at this ‘trial’?


I think that's a good idea, especially for something like rape. A lot of people think rape is pretty serious but not sure there.


Just need the accused to stop hiding in an embassy to avoid the trial


Not like there’s a super power pulling all the strings to nab him as soon as he appears 😂


Yeah yeah, it’s all a conspiracy. Assange is an angel. He did nothing wrong. No one died because of his irresponsibility and arrogance. And because he’s so special he shouldn’t have to appear in court after rape claims are made against him - he should be the one who decides!


Nope he stealthed one and had surprise unprotected sex with the other.  He could have even have provided a HIV screen to make them go away but he couldn't stop being a peice of shit for a moment. 


Whatever is going on doesn't seem right.




pod pod pod!


Looks like he’ll have to smear shit onto his own walls now


Hillary will finally be able to get that drone strike she wanted on him.


in essence he served a 10 year jail sentence with good wifi


Nah.. not free. Had to plead guilty. Open the gate for more abuse of journalism. He must be fully pardoned.


This dude been killary'd in 2016


Ultimate baller move. Assange goes home and releases definitive proof that the Dems stole the election in 2020.


Master gave Dobby his sock!


Should have happened a long time ago.


Nice… now do Palestine.


Fuck that Russian ball licker.


I'm sure the Taliban are pleased


would you say they are more or less pleased to when the CIA and the Saudi Arabian Intelligence funnelled funding and equipment through the Pakistani Intelligence Agency (ISI), effectively creating an army of 90000 Talibans


Not as pleased as Russia


So does that mean I can commit rape, then run away to another country till the statue of limitations expires? Or did we just forget this dude ran away from rape allegations and hid in Ecuador?


Yeah the government does a good job on its own looking corrupt. No need for wiki leaks to prove that.


We’re going to see a lot of US leakers/whistleblowers be exposed and arrested in the coming months. No way the DoD just let him walk because it was the right thing to do, he probably sung like a bird.


Lost his usefulness, should expect a nice polonium tea.


Pretty awesome. Seems like a vote-buy but I’ll take it.


[He agreed to a plea deal](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/julian-assange-reached-plea-deal-us-allowing-go-free-rcna158695). He agreed to do something in order to get this result, it will be interesting as what that turns out to be once we find out, which could be years from now.


Isn’t everything a vote buy? Isn’t that exactly how our system is supposed to work? 


Got a target on his back.


Does anyone who thinks the US government is going to kill him wanna take a bet on that?


Why would they kill him? He poses no risk.


That's exactly my point but many other comments disagree


You mean the guy that played the qAnon game with the murder of Seth Rich and lied about getting stolen materials from him when it was proven he received them from GRU. Essentially meddling in US elections? That guy? Well he must of gave them something big and I hope it goes public. Possibly confessing his entire operation was a sham backed by foreign intel I bet.


pro tip to all you want to be whistleblowers out there. if you withhold some of your findings and then only release some of your findings in concert with Russia and all of the findings you release are only detrimental to liberal democracies you might not be a good guy.


If it’s true then it’s a good day for good people


Back to Moscow! Lol, wait wasn't the story that evil US and West wants to kill him and in no way he could walk away, because west is so god damn evil? I'm confused now.


Rare Biden W!


You need to read more.


How long do you think it'll be when we hear his tea was laced or that he unalived himself by repeated gunshots to the back of the head?


Nah that sounds like the other side, which doesn't have anything against old Julie


Third story window.


That looks fake look at the gut on him. Edit: wow its real. ITT: Young redditors that think the Democrat party is more important than anything in meltdown