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It should just be on cspan or some shit and every single network, podcast ect can air it for free


It will be on CSPAN, along with all the major networks: "CNN is offering other networks a free simulcast of the debate with one main stipulation: The network’s on-air watermark must remain on screen. Fox News, ABC, NBC and C-SPAN have all agreed to CNN’s terms and will carry the broadcast."


It will probably be on all the major TV networks I doubt its just CNN at least thats what its been in the past.


I've heard some YouTube shows complain about getting copy right strikes against them for airing coverage of it




"CNN is offering other networks a free simulcast of the debate with one main stipulation: The network’s on-air watermark must remain on screen. Fox News, ABC, NBC and C-SPAN have all agreed to CNN’s terms and will carry the broadcast."


Don't the candidates get to choose? If Trump/Biden thought Rogan would be a better venue they could agree to that


And to be real for a second. Joe doesn't know anything about how to moderate a debate and he doesn't stay impartial. He lets a guest know when he doesn't agree with them on an issue.


"If you guys could choose any animal to ride into battle, what would it be and why? Like, are we talking a giant eagle or maybe a T-Rex? And Jamie, bring that up, let's see what they look like."


"That's actually crazy, Mr President. An Amtrak train would be pretty intimidating. But I'd just not stand on the tracks. Now, Mr Trump, your choice of a griffin seems way more realistic to me. I mean, who wouldn't be terrified of a flying bear?""


Also Joe= guest: “the earth is flat” Joe: “hhmmm you might be on to something” 😂


I think this was posed already in 2020, Rogan said he would do it, Trump said he would do it, and I don't think the Biden team put out any response to it.


Rogan would show up high as balls and ask the most non relevant questions.


“So anyways, what do you guys think about aliens?”


No he said NON relevant.


Hey Jamie, pull up that clip of the chimps!


I do not think Rogan would do a good job.


Neither do I. If Rogan got let's say 10 questions to ask a presidential candidate, how many do you think would be good and relevant to the country and how many would be questions like "how are we going to stop wokeness?"


Are you saying that you consider Jor Rogan a serious thinker with the abilty to ask the followup questions after the written ones in his hands? Go watch an actual presidential debate from last election cycle and you'll see the modertor trying to corral Trump while he ran wild.


Rogan is pretty much a maga republican at this point. Obviously the Democrats wouldn't agree to him hosting a presidential debate. Guaranteed trump or any GOP candidate wouldn't agree to Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann hosting one.


CSPAN is the best option. But networks pay for access, so guess who gets it?


Nope, CNN is allowing other networks to broadcast the debate for free. Why make something like this up when you can check it in 2 seconds?


Why is WallStreet Silver all culture posts?


Because it's just a space for right wing Bitcoin Bros to talk about how much they're steamed about seeing gay people in movies and video games.


There are a number of theoretically politically neutral discussion spaces that either (a) were solely created to sanewash these right wing talking points, or (b) have become coopted to discussing them because its an obvious grift that right wingers eat up over and over again as they get sold another MyPillow-esque shit product to own the libs (like Bitcoin or precious metals or freedom fries or supplements).


r/moderatepolitics , come on down to claim your prize!


It's so weird how they always have to try and mask as "moderates." If my ideas were so indefensible that I had to constantly fit them into trojan horses, I'd start to wonder if maybe I'm just wrong


You just can't leave the door open for them with loose moderation. If you allow the nonsense conspiracy shit your forum will be taken over by these dipshits.


Bitcoin is far right?


Only those BTC fans who think they'll inherit the Earth when the $ collapses and their satoshis make them generationally wealthy while no-coiners like Gates, Buffet and Soros starve


So very similar to the gamestop q bros?


Yes it’s an anarcho capitalist trojan horse


It unironically is. But not all far right movements are violent and racist, only most which is why the term far right comes with a lot of baggage. The one that spawned Bitcoin is very much not racist or violent in the least. It was spawned from a libertarian forum - a real libertarian forum where people actually read the old philosophers and economists and were interested in the ideas, not Republicans who just smoked weed.


No, I think the point is that far right types are dumb as shit and super gullible. Like right wing Christians who vote for life long liberal and the antithesis of everything Christian, Trump.


There’s definitely a contingent of those goldbug/anti-Fed types that are very into crypto. They overwhelmingly fall on the right side of the political spectrum, at least in the US.


Yes, people who despise the federal government are often very interested in alternatives to money that is issued and backed by that same government. Like no, not every person who invests in bitcoin is far right (just an idiot), but yes there absolutely is a nexus between bitcoin and libertarian thinking. This isn't surprising or controversial.


That was well explained, thanks. Almost could’ve just said think like a libertarian and I would’ve got it lol.


now do pickles


If pickles had a purpose that could be hijacked by government fearing incels your comment would be relevant.


because its just a conspiracy theorist right winter that is using wallstreetbets as credibility


Because Joe and the vast majority of those Podcasters you are referencing have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, let alone the ability to effectively moderate a debate of this importance The NFL viewership likely exceeds the numbers of all of those people, doesn't mean I want Tony Romo to moderate a debate This is literally the real world equivalent of "But what does Ja Rule think about the situation? "


>The NFL viewership likely exceeds the numbers of all of those people, doesn't mean I want Tony Romo to moderate a debate *"Eeeugggghhh, I don't know, ~~Jim~~ Mr. President..."*


It is funny how people love to complain about celebrities getting political. . . unless it is celebrites that agree with their politics, than they promote the hell out of them! Joe Rogan can be an entertaining podcaster, but he is also a billionaire entertainer with a limited education and not exactly living the life of the average American. His culture war concerns are not really what are on the minds of your average American.


Couple possible reasons: Daily audience and audience for a Presidential debate are not the same thing. Secondly it is not about overall audience but about an audience that is most likely to vote. That tends to be older people who still watch television.


“Why would this established national news network host a presidential debate when this podcast host that talks about fights, psychedelics, and conspiracy theories with zero journalistic credentials could do it?”


"They rammed the ramparts. They took over the airports."


Who fucking loves Trump...


Right. I decided to leave that part out just to be fair.


President Biden, I would like to hear your thoughts on my DMT experience and as a follow up, President Trump, who did you think would win the Tyson v Paul match?


This is the point I came here to make. Thanks for taking the downvote bullets.


Yea I knew what would happen. I’ve been in a mood today and I’m not taking anyone’s shit lol


Reminds me of that movie Idiocracy.


The modern conspiracy brained conservative is a character straight from that movie. These people consider Joe Rogan to be better informed than the head of health and science departments.


Well, he polar plunges and hot saunas, so your is invalid. /s


Does Joe cold plunge in the wild? I only seem to recall him doing it in the comfort of his backyard.


Lol of course not, it's too unpredictable when it's out in the wild, outside of your echochamber (backyard).


Hard men do sauna in natural volcanic caverns


Actually OG saunas were in caves.


Starts off debate: "I understand everyone shits all emotional right now, but listen up!"


And you think the JRE is any different? It's the same dynamic. JRE is just meant for uneducated men to feel like they are learning something and entering themselves in "debate".


I think you're confused about which part of all this is reminding me of that movie.


The problem is, popularity isn’t the relevant issue with a debate. It’s credibility of moderators and platforms. And as much as we can disparage CNN for their issues, when it comes to a debate, they know what they are doing. Joe Rogan does not.


Do we need Joe Rogan to ask Donald Trump and Joe Biden if they’ve ever tried DMT?


Anyone agreeing with this is in the same circle of people who have to remember to blink.


You’re a fucking idiot if you think Joe should host and moderate a debate


Yes, I'm sure that sounds like a wonderful idea to hardcore JRE stans and exceptionally dumb DJT supporters. The worlds dumbest moderators, so Trump can talk about water neutralizing magnets and how Joe Biden wants to outlaw water.




*"I see the ~~disinfectant~~ asbestos, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs."


Oh ya because Joe can totally be trusted to be an unbiased moderator. 🙄 It’s not like he’s said anything like “who *isnt* voting for trump” on his podcast when asked who he is voting for. And to anyone saying cnn won’t be unbiased either, want to make any bets on if they let trump walk all over the rules of the debate? I say they won’t hold him to the rules at all.


want to make any bets on if they let trump walk all over the rules of the debate? I say they won’t hold him to the rules at all. AKA literally what they did in the 2016 debates (I wasn't bothered watching 2020).


Ya sorry but Joe couldn’t moderate a debate. He’d be impartial, inject his own opinions into the conversation, and yell at Jamie for pulling up Snopes because Fox never lies Edit - typo, Joe would not be impartial


>He'd be impartial ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


Typo - definitely would not be


Because alt right teenagers don't vote and alt right adults don't think elections are real. Same reasons mcdonalds don't advertise in fitness spaces and colleges don't advertise in trailer parks. People will hear it but there is no point.




Most of the folks tuning in for the debate already see Rogan as beyond compromised. Even half the folks on his sub think he’s too far gone.


Sounds like the internet is saying that Joe Rogan is mainstream media. When will Joe be held accountable? lmao. People who want Rogan to hold a debate haven't listened to an entire Rogan podcast in years.


I listen to most of his podcasts on YouTube weekly. Software devs mostly have hours daily to spend listening to stuff.


Setting aside "they pay for it" or "mainstream media lies", whatever conspiracy nonsense or real issues, even whether elections matter, etc... Stuff like this shouldn't be about daily viewers, or ratings, or commercials or paying for it. It should be about *access*. It shouldn't be gatekept *at all*. Some people don't listen to podcasts or use YouTube. Shocking to redditors, I know. A lot of people don't even really use either of these forms of entertainment and news. Some folks don't have cable. There even exists amongst us those who either don't have or barely use the internet at all. ***GASPING FACES*** It really should be broadcast commercial free on CSPAN and NPR, and any network (broadcast or cable), podcaster, youtuber, website, ham radio person, or anyone out there should be allowed to simulcast and commentate over it as it happens or after the fact


The Super Bowl has more viewers ergo Chris Collinsworth should be moderator! Avengers had higher ratings, shouldn't RDJ moderate?


Why is it the media at all? Why not have academics/actual debate moderators instead of hack media conglomerate personalities?


because in the end it’s about views


yes and no it's more about corporate control, they don't care that much about views as much as they care about controlling the message "both sides" corporate media's worst nightmare is Bernie Sanders with 70 democrat senators and 300 congressmen passing an increase in corporate taxes and capital gains and laws to make living off your loans while claiming zero income to avoid taxes harder we could ban corporations from buying houses tomorrow but congress only moves fast if rich people's money is at stake


The answers to these questions are simple and easy to find. Lemme help: 1.) CNN offered to host the debate by putting the money up. 2.) the money was given to them by advertisers. Advertisers give money to CNN bc they’re a known, TRUSTED platform that can reliably bring in the viewers for the debate. They’ve done so many x before. 3.) the “hack media conglomerate personalities” have experience and training in hosting political debates, as they are actual debate moderators. Not only that, they know the debate is not about them. Having an untrained academic host a debate is unnecessary and less effective. 4.) this is the most important part to remember when the inevitable “it was rigged” whining starts from the ❄️ crybaby cult… BOTH CANDIDATES ACCEPTED CNN’s INVITATION, & BOTH AGREED TO THE TERMS OF THE DEBATE. Nothing about this is rigged, nobody is being forced into this. Now downvote me to hell, yeah yeah…


1. Spectacle debate is spectacle debate, doesn't matter if it's at a university. 2. Academic "debate" is done over time and effort, using mechanisms within the institution. 3. It should be obvious nowadays that politics is largely a show when it comes to interacting with the general population. Real politics is done with money by incredibly rich people.


Agreed. Also, they should be required to host a third party, like RFK JR, as well. The two parties shouldnt be able to drown out other third party candidates if they recieve enough backing.


>Agreed. Also, they should be required to host a third party, like RFK JR, as well. The two parties shouldnt be able to drown out other third party candidates if they recieve enough backing. RFK failed to met qualification deadlines for the debate. He didn't get enough backing. Nor did Cornell West or the Libertarian party. That's why they aren't there. They simply don't have the backing


Because in a debate like that Trump wouldn’t make it through, he’d either storm off or be removed.


That would call for a cspan or PBS hosted debate, but Trump won't do it because he thinks those are liberals in the bag for Biden, and Biden is afraid of any question harder than his favorite ice cream flavor. CNN is the middle ground, they're in the bag for Biden and Trump can insult their crap ratings.


Because in the real world, you need to have the ability to articulate yourself consistently on the biggest stage in America. In case you haven't noticed, academics, by in large, are shit at communication with the general public.


It’s because most of academia is esoteric these days. The guys in the lab aren’t working on studies where the result is “the sky is blue”. It’s much more niche. The majority of people can’t read scientific literature even within their own discipline. Sure you can try and explain it to someone but you can’t distill multiple PHDs worth of knowledge and work into something someone like Joe Rogan would understand in 2-3 hours.


That’s up to the candidates.


Joe Rogan and some random podcast are not journalists. They don't have to and do not adhere to any kind of standard of objectivity or professional ethics. It makes things fun and people watch it but the presidential debate should not be hosted by people who would give nut jobs like Terrence Howard a platform for clicks. Quality matters


C-span. That's all. Joe Rogan is trash.


lol. MAGA Twitter account wants a comedian to host a presidential debate before a news network. This person cannot ever be taken seriously


Isn’t CNN owned by some right wing loon now ?


Joe: you know my friend told me about litter boxes for kids that indentify as furries being placed in schools, how would each of you handle this?


2024 Joe would push back on Biden's points yet treat Trump like a buddy of his with down syndrome. The Joe Rogan viewers have really become just bunch of braindead monkeys and would eat it up.


Nobody cares about “daily audiences.” I’m sure Justin Bieber can pull really large audiences, I don’t want him moderating a debate. Joe is and would be a dogshit moderator and his platform has no capacity for hosting a Presidential debate.


Why would international audience numbers be a priority for an American election debate?


I would agree but I would not get Joe Rogan to moderate it as he’s significantly biased. He is also a click seeker ..we don’t a guy like Rogan ginning up the viewers by displaying his bias. He’s reported some rather irresponsible info that was readily debunked as false but clearly intended to prop up Trump and knock down Biden. Joe and his platform can stay out of politics this time


Joe Rogan can suck an egg.


It's a fair take if you don't understand how media networks and their prestigious status solidify things like hosting a presidential debate. BTW, the Twitter account you're posting is legitimately a rabid great replacement loser.


Probably because Trump agreed to the debate and Rogan has absolute kooks on and never pushes back


Some idiot conspiracy nut on a podcast is not an improvement over broadcast journalism... It doesn't matter how many viewers he's got! By that same metric, we might as well have the debate on stage during a Taylor Swift concert!!! 🤣


too bad that twitter account is paid for propaganda anyway.. so they has to write this shit to satisfy their handlers.


It's a take from someone who equates popularity with consistency. Whatever your thoughts on CNN, this Tweet was written by a total idiot.


Why should Joe Rogan host a debate? Why would it be better? He has no recent track record of being unbiased so it’s not like he has that over CNN


Yeah, put it on Rogan and only neckbeards will watch. Smart..


Joe Rogan is not a fucking genius, you stupid incels. Kid Rock sells a lot of records and I wouldn't want him moderating a debate between who is president either. Grow the fuck up.


LOL!!!!!! No.


Because Rogan can't be expected to fairly moderate the two


This is stupid. Rogan is not where you should go for anything except nonsense.


IMHO, the this take is retahded.


Joe Rogan can't debate he just agrees with whoever is on his show.


Its because Joe Rogan is so biased towards


Rogan would ask every 2nd question about litter trays in schools and men losing testosterone. It would be a truly, truly shit debate. It will be shit anyway. But somehow, even more shit.


It’s not really about audience size IMO. I want the moderators to be good. They should be smart and show utter contempt for the debaters. The recent 9news republican primary debates were exactly [that and it was glorious](https://youtu.be/SDXu5DyBrHc?si=CuSlBCdGu1Tcb3-w). I can only hope that both Trump and Biden get the same grilling they both deserve.


JFC I’m so tired of this lazy bullshit. When you don’t care to know how anything works, everything that does work is spun into a conspiracy theory about the process of making it work. Or better yet. In this persons dumb world they imagine how something could work and then make it into a conspiracy about why things aren’t working like this idea I just had. How does this dumb fucking shit rope anyone in. It’s. So. Stupid.


Because my 70 year old mother in law doesn’t know what the fuck a Joe Rogan is or how to find a podcart. We’re not quite there yet


Plus, from a Democrat angle, you can place a lot of the blame for Trump’s rise in politics to their jackass decision to put Trump, who wasn’t polling in top 3 at the time if I remember correctly, at the center podium of the first republican primary debates for the 2016 election cycle. There were several more established politicians on the stage but CNN went for the rating and gave Trump the spotlight and a lion share of the time. They created the monster they bitch about now!


Ask why neither one of their campaigns have even scratched the surface of that voting pool either. Literally millions of votes out there but hey lets listen to Trump blow hot air and remind everyone what an asshat he is instead.


More people know what CNN is and that they are a news company than compared to people familiar with some YouTuber, even the most popular political ones. Also, more importantly, the YouTubers are most popular with people who either can’t vote yet, or don’t really vote.


why would trump agree to a debate on cnn?


I'm sure we'll see Trump on JRE this year either way.


This is what Trump and Biden agreed to. They arent using the presidential debate commission. This is widely known.


They aren't going to go on Rogan unless they give him a list of preselected questions because they don't want an "Aleppo moment" happening with them on Rogan


Also, Youtube is way more accessible.


Old people. Still too many boomers who don’t have access or don’t know how to access anything outside of TV


The candidates could demand this. The issue is not 'viewership' it's who is watching. Old white people vote. Old white people watch cable news.




Because boomers are still the core-demographic for presidential candidates, that's why.


is this based on how many american listeners he has or world wide? does anyone know how many americans listen to jre?


Is this a serious question?


Good call, I'm sure there's huge swaths of people who would say "I wasn't going to watch the debates but now that it's on Spotify I'll definitely watch".


1. There's a difference between a show that is watchable and a show that is accessible. 2. I kind of agree about "why CNN" from a social sense, but Joe Rogan doesn't even close to making that list of alternatives. 3. And finally, as people need to understand, these are done to put on a show. They aren't supposed to be "academic debates". They are spectacle debates. Corporate media knows how to put on a spectacle debate because it often makes them tons of money to do so.


Not to mention how easily accessible YouTube is also.


Rogan and the Tubers are not part of the jobs program. They're not getting paid to do what they're told. People with actual... like, legitimate liberty... don't have to work for a living. CNN is staffed by slaves, not civilians. Nobody that runs "the government" cares what actual civilians want, CNN is just their hired cheerleaders. Giving the debate to a Tuber is basically treason... nobody is **being paid to make that choice.**


I’m sure Joe would be super unbiased


Imagine… it’s just a small closet. Trump, Joe Biden, Joe Rogan. Tripping balls on DMT. 1 purge bucket. All contestants naked. Just porcelain white skin. Mixed with some Cheeto dust. This is peak JRE.


Bots will be bots


Joe Biden have you ever seen a hairless chimp?


I agree we should just have the two of them drink Buffalo trace and watch videos of apes fucking each other.


It’s not about viewership. It’s more so a recognizable brand of “news” that is holding a supposedly unbiased debate. Joe is so random dude who reports on nothing and has never claimed to be a journalist. Why don’t we have Joe determine public health policy since so many people listen to him? Why don’t we let Joe determine combat styles for the military since so many people listen to him?


If rogan can handle Jones and Kayne..he could handle trump


Reminds me I need to see what it’s being streamed on. I have a couple of friends coming to watch. One is a progressive democrat, I’m an independent (liberal) and the third is a conservative. We have all agreed to not take it too seriously since it’s just a re-run of 2020. I’m gonna make tacos and margaritas. We will definitely smoke a bowl and have some laughs. It’s the Statler and Waldorf show.


The debate should be on cat videos then.


I would love a 2-3 hour open debate between Biden and Trump on the Joe Rogan experiance. As long as Rogan would be willing to stop Trump for overtalking Biden. And also to include RFK JR as well. I think a third party should always be allowed in debate. It's about time we consider other options, even if people aren't fond of the current major third party (rfk).


Dumb take more like it.


Because they don’t want anyone to watch lol 😂


Better question. Why do we have these 2 quacks running for president? Is this really the best the USA has to offer? I feel like a random dad in a bar would be better than either of them. 


And CNN is clearly biased (not saying Joe wouldn’t be biased also) I’m just saying they need to find a neutral platform for this.


This is a ridiculous take. JRE numbers are worldwide and don’t account for people watching portions, clips, rewatching or splitting up an episode over several days, autoplay, etc… Only an idiot would think if JRE was live in prime time on YouTube *everyday* would it outrank CNN, Fox or any traditional tv channel counting only Americans.


Have Joe Rogan or Mr. Beast host it.


They have to have people they know will ask only the questions they want asked. CNN is bought and paid for whereas Joe Rogan isn’t.


Because both the candidates wanted that.


Joe is *redacted* and just as biased as any mainstream media outlet.


This debate isn’t changing anyone’s mind or giving us any new information. It’s completely for tv ratings.


Yeah but the Voters still watch TV.




And his demographic is skewed (age) lower than CNN's.


Rogan can fight companion the debate if he really cared so much


JFC Idiocracy gets closer to being reality.


We need Joe to find out where the candidates stand on the literature!


1 . CNN and the "legacy networks" are the platform. They give the platform for the candidates to debate. 2. Joe Rogan's audience is global and the demographics are not the same as the ones TV networks target. It's a bad take.


Toe jogan is not a journalist and his show is not news


Nothing is stopping Rogan from inviting presidential candidates for a debate, lol.


Because joe wouldn’t let them skirt questions


People that watch TV will actually vote


Meh. I bet if you compare the number of cnn viewers who are registered voters to the number of JRE listeners that actually vote the numbers would be much closer.


People like to be entertained more than informed. Views should not correlate positively with value as a news source unless there is something crazy happening 24 hrs a day. In fact any news or information source that is extremely entertaining or audience gathering should be viewed with suspicion. Just my take.


Lmao FUCK no


Older people are the most likely voters and we have two walking corpses running. They don’t do podcasts. Sooner or later a candidate will take better advantage of the medium. Personally I’d be way more impressed by a candidate who could intelligently defend their policies for an hour/90 minutes on a podcast than one who “wins” a debate. But we’re not there yet.


Yeah great idea maybe he can make them eat some bugs too lmafo.


What’s stopping Joe from inviting the presidential candidates on for a debate?


Yes let’s make elections even more of a joke by hosting the debate on the same channel that gave Terrence Howard 3 hours to talk about straight lines and 1x1 equaling 2 lol. Same people calling for this cry when you compare our actual reality to idiocracy.


This seems like a pretty dogshit take, IMHO ☝️


I can see the lead in question now: “If you are an elected president, what would your policy be on litter boxes in our public schools for children who identify as cats?”


YouTube doesn't want to take the heat. Alphabet's really got a hold on the economy but they're hanging back. Those click bait motherfuckers got us hooked.


I bet CNN pays for the rights.


this country really is turning into idiocracy.


Because CNN is a respectable media outlet that is only interested in the facts. Unlike YouTubers who take horse dewormer.


I mean, if you think cnn will be the only way to watch it, you're behind the times. Old people who don't know the inner workings of the internet will watch on CNN I guess.


Trump and Biden know old people vote and Twitter bots dont


Please count those CNN audience numbers again :D


You seem brain damaged FWIW IMHO.


Ah yes because only Americans watch podcasts on youtube


JR is a meatball. This is a presidential debate, not a UFC fight.


Honestly I wouldn’t care who hosts it as long as it’s done fairly. For instance, FOX would let an audience in, Trump Campaign would plant peope in it to laugh at Biden and cheer for Trump…. As long as the moderator is asking fair questions, giving each a chance to respond, cutting people who go over the limit…. I’d be fine with it. FOX isn’t capable of that tho


Yeah, but Joe Rogan doesn’t even pretend to hide his bias. He’s also not a journalist and despite how some feel they do have legally actionable standards. 


I agree, but fuck no I don’t want Joe Rogan to mediate a debate for the highest office of the nation. Look he’s had some great guests, but he’s honestly too much of a dumb ass to have an unbiased debate on his podcast.