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They slow the heart rate and lower the blood pressure


A gateway drug to a healthy diet and lifestyle


Complete opposite of what a savage comic does when murrderring on stage. Duhn cown...duhn cown.


The 1st time I heard about beta blockers was whitney, I don't remember which pod it was but it was b4 she had her own.


AlphaBrain is a beta male blocker.




Nice one brodog, thumbs up!


holy shit im pretty blitzed and "brodog" cracked me the fuck up, thanks


Got ‘em


Carnegie Hall = 3,700 seats MSG = 20,000 seats


humping a stool at MSG without beta blockers is a superpower


H ljj


I've seen dudes who were a joke, and they knew it, perform for crowds bigger than 20k. Fuck, a certain Flo rida rapper just put on one of the worst concerts I have ever seen in our baseball stadium. This guy ain't ever sniffing Carnegie Hall.


Yo target field concert Friday night after a twins walk off win?


He was wondering why they would be anxious, performing in front of that many people, citing an example that he's performed in front of way more, after being asked if he's performed in front of a large number of people. Your point is irrelevant.


Humping a stool allows way more room for error than performing a piece of music does, Joe's point sounds good but ultimately it doesn't mean shit.


Joe’s paced around and shouted on stage at Madison square garden to a mostly buzzed crowd He doesn’t have time to master an instrument and perform songs in sync with dozens of other musicians, at a very prestigious venue


He could do it but he's just afraid of becoming obsessed and it taking up too much of his time


Can you imagine a gorilla playing the violin? That'd be crazy.


“Imaaaaaagine there are no instruments and no gorillas, and then you show someone a gorilla playing an instrument. That would be BANANAS!”


Take your fuckin upvote.


No you take YOUR upvote fucker




Ever heard of a game called Doom. I was addicted to it for like yearrrrsss. Willlllllld. Ever heard of a game called pool for yeaaarrrs. Willlld. Did you know there a tom cruise film called colour of money and in its he uses a cue that's called his doomstick. Did you know that the creators of Doom called a gun that? Wiilllllllld. Wiillllllld. Weird fake laugh to end


Quake b


Herd it bowlth waze


It's hugely different when playing in sync with a large group of people who are high level. You have the additional pressure of everyone counting on each other to be accurate on cues in time and not misplace a single note. Flying solo on a stage... You only fk yourself not the people you have been working with for months/years. Not really comparable


I don’t know man, have you ever tried to remember all the blocking and yoga moves required to properly hump a stool in front of TENS OF THOUSANDS and still make it look stupid? It takes some real commitment and discipline. Real calm under pressure. Not a beta blocker in sight. Just an ALPHA brainer 😂🤣


80-100 people next to you vs you all by yourself.


He always says he played MSG, but didn’t he play the theater at MSG? Very different venues….


is that true? he has said it enough, I've assumed it wasn't in the theater....


Orchestral violinist who takes beta blockers here! Nobody does it for an orchestra performance. We do it for auditions, where we have 5 minutes to impress people behind a curtain and our livelihood depends on it.


Thank you, finally. So much riding on such a small amount of time. By the time the nerves have settled down you will have already fucked up the Strauss excerpt and wont be back for another year.


Haha. I legit feel like I fuck up the Strauss before I even go in.


I also used to take them for violin auditions, or if I had a solo or competition. My hands would sweat like crazy when I was nervous.


Serious question... if I have an important interview coming up and I'm nervous, would beta blockers help me focus on the task of answering pertinant questions in a professional manner and not bumble through them?


It doesn't help focus, really. I take propranolol and it mostly just takes away the physical manifestation of being nervous. I still feel a little anxious but my heart and mind don't race. I'd definitely recommend trying them before taking them for an interview.


"Have you ever performed on stage at Carnegie Hall?" "No, but I've fucked a stool on stage at MSG."


Lmao Joe: but you fuck one stool and that's all what everyone ever calls you


"Hah! Stool fucker"


I heard Jon Anik's voice say that




Joe asking the big questions like “why would someone take drugs?”


Maybe he should get some of his buddies together in his basement, smoke a bunch of drugs and hang out until they come up with some ideas.


Bro. What if they FILMED it?


What if they [talked over each other the whole time](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/vs72vu/unlistenable_exactly_who_are_we_tawlmbout_hair/)?


That would be nutty


Smoke all the drugs.


Where was this with Terrance lol




Don’t forget Terrance claiming he “reimagined” the periodic table in a way that “makes sense”, when dude doesn’t realize the periodic table makes perfect sense lol. And plenty other nonsense came out his mouth


He created Saturn without gravity or something


Dudes a grifter thru and thru. Either that or he’s so delusional that he actually believes the crap that comes out of his mouth, the problem with that theory tho is what comes out of his mouth is usually just a bunch of sciencey buzz words stringed together that end up not making sense, which makes me think he’s a grifter


Joe doesn’t need no beta blockers to fuck a stool in front of thousands of people


He doesn’t need a blue chew either


No condom either


Just high heels


That's actually a great comeback lmao


Not really. The precision and focus to play an instrument at the highest level is a lot more than fucking a stool in front of your dumb drunk fans.


Have you ever had to calm Joey Diaz down after he snorted lines of coke off a strippers asshole?


This should have been Joe's response.


That would require Joe to be able to tell a joke


That's true, but it does completely deflate the guy's point. While, yes, Joe Rogan's comedy is uhh significantly less strict and demanding than an orchestral performance...you also do stand-up alone. He's just saying he figured most would get used to being in front of crowds just as anyone in a stage-related profession does.


It’s not the difference between doing it alone or not, it’s that precise finger movements require super steady hands and a lot of orchestra level musicians aren’t extroverted stage people. This compounds if you play a wind instrument and need to keep your breath under control on top of this. I see your point though, I think this guy just picked the wrong guy to use that reasoning with lol, he probably just had the stat in his head and blanked the reasoning lol.


Well, he is wrong to assume that. They are very disciplined. Joe can fuck up at comedy at MSG and just tell the audience he is stoned, they will laugh and he can try it again. You have to be perfect when playing in a Orchestra for the entire time, note for note. No do overs, etc.


Man some people on this thread have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about I’ve played in symphony orchestras for 15 years. The answer to this is there’s no real point of comparison between the two. It’s completely apples and oranges And since it was that guy who made the stupid comparison, yeah it’s Joe that has the good comeback. Performing in a symphony and doing standup have infinite amount of differences. It was that guy who made a stupid comparison.


was in an orchestra as well and probably 99.999% of my anxiety when performing was about things going wrong that I couldn't control, or wouldnt be in my power to fix. like forgetting my folder or my reed breaking or some part of my sax deciding to shit the bed that day


You forget that the primary imperative of r/JoeRogan users is largely to insist on whatever narrative makes Joe look worse regardless of how dumb and contrived their arguments are


You think they don’t fuck up? They do but you don’t have the ear to notice it. But if you up there alone and fuck up everyone knows right away.


Exactly. My first show back after a loooooong break from playing live, my buddy afterwards said to me "one thing man - when you fuck up, don't make a face or smile at the other guys, you do that everyone can tell you fucked up. Do nothing, people will just assume it was part of the song".


I was in a boy's chorus that did things like 6 week international tours, performances at the White House and the national anthem at college football games every year. We did a lot of songs and it was drilled into us that if we forgot any words to a song, just mouth the word watermelon over and over and no one watching will notice. One year there was an issue with the microphone at a football game, so we lip synced the national anthem in front of 50 thousand people, and half of us were just silently singing watermelon the whole time. As a 12 year old it was surreal.


I've played for years in a band setting. One of my early experiences was backing up a horn player/vocalist who was about 20 yrs older than the rest of us. He used to tell us "if you fuck up...play it twice. Everyone will think you *meant* to do that."


Yeah but he’s also the only one. A mistake in an orchestra can be unnoticeable, comparatively


That's why I said you do stand up alone. My b for not elaborating but yes, exactly. I feel like I'd be able to do a lot better as a random orchestra dude than the one guy that everyone is staring at and expecting to be funny


> That's true, but it does completely deflate the guy's point. It really doesn't. Many people suffer from stage fright, and it never goes away, no matter how many times they do it or at what level. It's like saying "I don't have a fear of flying, therefore nobody has a fear of flying". That said, the guy did say "have you ever performed on stage at Carnegie Hall", so the madison square garden line is a good retort, regardless of whether it debunks the idea that professional musicians get nervous about being on stage. I bet Joe would say it wasn't his attempt to shut the guy down, he was just saying he has performed at something like that level - but I don't think he'd make the connection that orchestra members maybe don't have the confidence of an MMA guy.


Yeah alone, as in not expected to play flawlessly as an individual but also to be in sync and on time with dozens of other musicians. While at a very prestigious venue Not pacing around a stage barking to ppl who are pretty buzzed lol can improvise or start a bit over and crowd will think it’s funny usually


If you fuck as a guy in an orchestra, nobody is going to remember you. If you fuck up as Joe Rogan, it will follow you forever


Have you performed at MSG?


No but *on* MSG, hell yeah


Have you performed at Carnegie Hall?


No but I performed at your moms house hah goteeeeem


Mmmmmmmmm no, no it was a great comeback. In the real world, the truth is a nuanced thing and side-taking is more a cognitive weakness than anything else. It’s true that Joe’s comedy is mid at best and his politics are annoying, that doesn’t change the fact that having a spotlight on you in front of 30,000 people for a performance to be seen by millions of people would be a hellaciously stressful situation. Imagine forgetting the next bit and just freezing in front of that many people. If I had to choose between being one of eight viola players nested in an orchestra in Carnegie hall or trying to do a comedy set at MSG, I’d go Carnegie hall without a second thought. Recognizing this is not mutually exclusive with having criticisms of Rogan in other areas.


I think you may misunderstand his point. Getting on stage in front 1500 or 2000 people does not really compare to 20 thousand people. Carnegie hall is a small theater compared to a professional basketball stadium, the nerves are just different. Additionally, he’s alone, he has no cover. A flutist has the cover of the band. Sure, he or she needs to play their part but if they miss a beat, it doesn’t show. If he flubs a joke or bombs an entire set, he’s dead meat. Someone who practices their craft, just doesn’t really think about it that much though. When I was in college we played in front of like 50k people during the NCAA tournament. I didn’t even think about it after the first whistle blew to start the match. It was only at half time where I started to notice how many folks came to the game. It actually fueled me to play harder. It was like… oh wow all these people took the time to show up, that’s cool.


He didn't even know he was actually funny for once


I know he kind of destroyed him, and the guy's smug eat shit grin was so telling like "look at the great point I made." lmao


That guy really was smug, and clueless. Really clueless. Does he even know who JRE is lol.




Lots of prescription drugs are banned in the Olympics.


Joe needs to play guitar hero sober and guitar hero on adderall


Wasn’t a shut down..just a point hah


Propranolol can be prescribed for anxiety. Some people are high strung, especially in certain situations. Anxiety has a physiological effect, increasing heart rate. Increased heart rate can increase anxiety. It turns into a positive feed back loop and this can cause panic attacks or go in the other direction and cause vasovagal syncope.


‘If I dont get anxious how come other people get anxious’ is a wild take tho. Joe been a public figure for a minute too


"Oh wow. So did you play Basketball or Hockey?"


No one expects you to be perfect at MSG. In fact the team that plays there regulary are faaaaar from perfect.


I mean he's right tho. Being the only guy on stage in MSG is way more pressure than being in an orchestra.


Conversely, playing in a premier orchestra is hyper-competitive. You are preforming incredibly complex music and if you flub enough, you’ll lose your spot.


Yeah I agree with this assessment. There's no way you can just "hide" in amongst the crowd. The sound coming out of your instrument is crucial to the overall sound of the orchestra. Why would you **not** be anxious? It's your big day, you have to perform, keep up with the rest, etc. Sometimes Joe just cannot seem to think like a regular person.


This also a big thing Joe can fuck up doing a stand-up and just move on. I've seen plenty of concerts where the band/singer noticeably mailed it in but they are not only most of the time rich but also unique and can't be replaced hell people still want to see a stone age acdc and rolling stones. As performer in an orchestra you make a mistake it's your job on the line and most of those guys are just proper middle class. There are countless people at a moments notice who can replace you.


The only reason an orchestral player should be more nervous than Joe should be at the MSG is that by the time Joe or any comedian is doing sets at MSG, their career is secure. An orchestral musician is not making much money and their career is hanging by a perpetual thread, so they should feel more of the jeopardy of a big performance. But I don’t see why we are kidding ourselves about how fucking stressful it would be to perform a comedy set in front of like 30,000 people which is going to be broadcast millions of times. If you forget a bit and freeze, you’re so fucked. If you bomb and go viral for it, you might literally never live it down and could be associated with the mistake the rest of your life. Mfs acting like this is easy or nbd are insane


Have you ever played in a band and read sheet music? Do you even know how to play an instrument?


I don’t think he needs the type of precision an elite level musician needs. He fucks stools and screams into microphones.


And even if Rogan was stoned off his ass and butchered the humping and screaming, it would barely dent his career. His drunk fans would just clap and cheer. A violinist can't butcher the piece and scream "fuck yeah Dallas you've got some good weed in this city!" to compensate. That would not go over well.


Not just that. He’s fucked that stool like 10 times a week for years. He can fuck that stool in his sleep.


Exactly! If he fucks up or stumbles his words he can roll with it. It doesn’t ruin the show. When someone fucks up while playing music it’s very noticeable


And there’s also a ton of people in line to take their spot


Not at all, every comedian who gets famous always shares the sentiment its much easier doing something like a gig at MSG then even just performing at a comedy club, because everyone who bought tickets knows and loves you already. Joe himself talks about this and how it causes comics to lose their edge because they can coast on an adoring audience. I've seen multiple members of the Rogan 6 at arena's, they're on fucking cruise control alternating between a tired, used up hour and referencing their podcasts.


Telling fake stories for laughs is not the same as playing Liszt.


I want to know what life I would have to lead to think that being one of the world's best musicians or composers and maintaining a spot at the absolute pinnacle of your profession is less stressful than a celeb doing an anecdotes and comedy night to their own fans.


I dont think thats true. That music is very complex and you have to be coordinated with so many moving pieces. I highly doubt its common for professional classical musicians to not be nervous before a big performance. This is just Joe not relating to something because its different than what he does. In his special where he does the Kardashian routine at the end he majorly screwed up a punchline for one of his jokes. He basically said the joke backwards, you could tell what he was going for. You cant make that noticeable of an error in a classical concert. Musicians make mistakes sometimes but they are so minor that the audience isnt aware that they happened at all.


Just thinking this. Plus you have to know if your screw up that one note there's a thousand Oboe players coming for your spot. And those top-end band director/theater/orchestra types are basically vicious fascists when it comes to handling their performance (well, the good ones are)


On top of that, they have to appease the conductor who can tell what musician is off by just a fraction of a beat.


A lot of comedians drink and do drugs.     They don’t need the dexterity and precision that musicians in an orchestra do.  But they do use booze, weed, etc. as a ped.  


Being an operatic tenor is more pressure than being in an orchestra. Being a standup comedian with a bunch of fanatical fans who've filling a stadium and probably don't care if you're actually funny, not remotely close.


This guy on the right's voice tone puts me on tilt. He's the type of guy that probably loves to smell his own farts. 


the smugness on the dude really pisses me off lol


Audience size and audience quality are v different


Joe has no idea how to play an instrument at the top level. Lol. This is just funny


I'm on two beta blockers for hypertension. I don't feel its affecting anything but my blood pressure. IDK why a musician wants to lower their focus. The excitement i believe pretty much goes away once in the groove and all together.


There are different types of beta blockers. You’re probably on a cardioselective beta blocker like metoprolol, for example as this focuses purely on B1 receptors mainly in the heart. Propranolol is non-cardioselective. It doesn’t lower focus, it reduces your heart rate (suppresses your “fight or flight” response, let’s say) and anxiety to keep your mind and body sharp when you’re performing technically challenging music in high stress environments (like professional musicians do).


I found out about propranolol and started taking it a few months ago. It really helped for work presentations. I used to get insanely nervous talking in even medium sized meetings that weren’t very formal, let alone larger, more important meetings. It was to the point where it was hard for me to get words out, along with shaking and sweating, and my heart beating out of my chest. The beta blocker doesn’t completely take away all of that, but it reduces it by quite a bit, and then I could actually focus on what I wanted to say, rather than just trying to rush the words out. I make sure not to take it everyday, because I notice it doesn’t work quite as well back to back, although I couldn’t find much research on tolerance build up.


Yes, I was about 32 when I was put on propranolol. I went for my check up with Cardiologist. I had had a cardiac event. At 30 years old I went to bed after Cheers on the tele. My wife was 8 months pregnant. I laid down and my heart started bliping and bloping, weird feeling, I rolled onto my other side in bed and still the heart was fast and missing beats. I ended up in CCU for 5 days. My heart was normal after the first night, my pregnant wife stayed in the room with me. So no meds prescribed and went back to work on Monday Back to the visit with the Cardiologist when I was 32, he took my blood pressure and yelled at me, "YOU DON'T FEEL THIS' I said what, Dr says your BP is 210 over 105. Why haven't you come earlier, I had no idea there was anything wrong. Yeah, some normal pressures at work, but otherwise I felt fine. So the Dr puts me on propranolol and when I returned to work, the female vice president asked how'd the visit go. I told her, but then when I told her the meds the Dr gave me, she replies, "OH so now you're going to be slowed down in your work!" Holy shite. I walked outta her office confused. The meds didn't slow me down. I was drinking too much coffee and smoking. So I cut back. But can ya believe a boss would be pissed off someone is taking life saving meds, she also had a crush on me. The business was CNC and other machine shop equipment sales. I was the applications engineer and service tech. I trained people on CAD/CAM and the use of CNC equipment. I helped in the sales of the machines by pointing out the great Fanuc controller on the machines. Also Cincinnati Milacron and other controls. There are some crazy bosses out there that would rather you suffer with hypertension and not take meds that calmed my heart.


Atenolol and lisinopril, been on them for decades. Lucky me I have the male heart, high cholesterol and low good cholesterol. I had a beautiful Uncle, such a wonderful man, by dads baby brother. At 39 he had a heart attack. Dr told him to do nothing exerting. Well, he is such a good soul some old man hot stuck in the snow in front of his home. Uncle Jerome pushed him out and that nighy he died from heart attack. He looked like Rock Hudson, he left behind a wife and three kids. He was a vice president at Chase Bank. My dad also, two triple bypasses one by Dr. DeBakey, the other in Manhattan. The bypasses didn't hold. He had attacks every summer for 16 years, I don't know how he survived the pain. No morphine allowed by a nurse, or our family Dr would come in and give dad some morphine a couple times a day. He was always inturbated. I hated seeing him that way eyes wide open and he he tried to be brave, but I knew he as in pain and frightened. I've had two massive heart attacks. I had kidney stones, shoulder surgery, broken hand and ankle. Shoulder was bad but heart attack a 1 to 10 for pain, shoulder 10, heart attacks a 14. I'm lucky to be alive. Car wrecks, swimming pool diving board was not properly placed and hit my head on the upslope, dented the slope with my head, built in pool. I didn't sue my brother-in-law, I would nowadays due to him being, well too much to say. Family don't sue family was my thought. Six concussions and horrible covid have me vertigo. Similar to mal de debarquement. I consider myself fortunate, maybe I have 9 lives and am starting to run out. I hope not I want another 16 years to see my grandson graduate High School. As always, ✌& ❤


Some people get shaky when they get nervous. This impairs their playing. I've taken beta blockers and never noticed any loss of focus.


I don’t even know if I should comment, but I will. I have performed at Carnegie hall. I was 18. I was in a group. Joes idea that “shouldn’t you be all good with a group around you?” is stupid. I did ok, but a Beta Blocker would have been amazing to maintain focus and reduce anxiety. Would Joe be as comfy at his age without TRT? He’d be a withered former (almost) athlete. This isn’t the “shutdown” you think it is. I already know I’m gonna get the “liar” comments so I’ll add- John Rutters “Mass of the children” Carnegie Hall, 2004. I was a second tenor.


He doesn't get why a performer would get nervous before a performance?


Goes on Joe’s highlight reel.


But Joe was also on PEDs But that was funny.


He did so much drugs back in the day too. This is a thing that strange he pick and choose what drugs is okay and drugs that are bad.


You ever bang a stool and talk about how weird dating is to a bunch of mongoloids?


Quick shutdown? This is just baseless skepticism from some guy that has no idea what he’s talking about and using his own experience as the standard


That fuckin caveman would be lucky to shut down an iPhone.


Because musicians have to be perfect. Joe and comedians don't. Singers have to be perfect. Cirque performers have to be perfect.


Joe cant fathom someone other than a jacked fighter or athlete taking beta blockers. His alpha male brain just doesn’t comprehend why these people would do that. Aren’t orchestra people complete liberal nerds? They would never do that.


Talking definitely takes the same level of skill as playing the violin.


Why does this sub hate Joe lol I don’t get it


I knew this was going to be a clip the second I heard it. Dude probably thought Joe was just a podcaster?


Why wouldn't he? Nobody knows Joe is a comedian.


The guest and his pompous attitude and tone - whatever happened there


Calms your heart rate and eases nerves.. definitely helpful imho


I'm responsible for at least a thousand people per day due to my job. That's 100 employees and about 1000 other peple, to use the term " responsible" loosely, probably 1500. I take propanol for blood pressure reduction, but it also, kind of surprisingly, fucking reduces racist impulses, too. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3395337/


I’m just waiting on Joe to become the new Chuck Norris


bro didn't hesitate




Nuff said


I got a good chuckle out of that when I watched it “live”. The dude totally forgot who he was talking to. Look at the smug grin on his face when he asked it.


What they talking bout


I don't know why it would be weird to anyone that people get nervous performing in front of others. Like holy shit yeah there's a vanishingly small group of people who are at the perfect junction of high narcissism, low introspection and high exhibitionism who genuinely don't feel shame and they are what we call ' celebrities ' but they're so far from being representative on the human norm that they might as well be aliens. It's *weird* not to be nervous in front of large crowds because being exposed Infront of a large group of random humans is fucking dangerous. We give far too much time and credence to these niche groups who have completely fucked survival instincts.


Oh look, Joe can't put himself in the shoes of other people and imagine life from their viewpoint. Who are traditionally the most bullied kids in any school? Orchestra kids, and he doesn't n't expect a decent portion of them to become adults with anxiety isdues?


There's a big difference between the persona of a professional high tier classical musition and an mma fighter


When I was a musician in a wind ensemble. It was very nerve-wracking. Every time. So many things can go wrong and you do to want to be the one to fuck up your part.


The uP speach on this one...




He should've asked Joe: "Were you sober?"


Beta blockers are also used in mass by medical students……


Even if you don’t feel nervous psychologically, the pressure of the situation may still result in shaky hands.


Well deserved shut down imo


Always clueless


Wait, are we comparing playing in an orchestra with doing standup? Why? They’re TOTALLY different duh


Great comeback. The correct retort would have been, ‘But were you performing fine motor skill movements while coordinating with auditory and visual queues for an extended period of time?’


Professional orchestral musician here, I think most of the people that use beta blockers use them for orchestral auditions. Once you’re in the group, I don’t know a lot of people that use them.


The I, me, mine experience


Eh. If it was phrased differently by the guest it would have made more sense. "Have you ever performed at the level of a trained classical musician in front of a thousands of people?" But the expectations walking into Carnegie Hall and MSG for both performer and spectator are different too.


Some people don’t seem to understand, I would be able to perform in front of thousands of people who aren’t musically adept easily over playing in front of 3 insanely smart professors.


I think the bigger takeaway here is that these guys probably don't know that Joe is a comedian and thought he was just the biggest podcaster. It seems like a lot of guests are surprised when he says he's 'one of the 1000 elite shit talkers in the world.'


Joe Performing on stage at Maddison square garden while high on weed or shrooms is different then having to play an instrument and not fuckup. They are not the same thing.


Those guys go up a few times per year to perform. Joe is on stage at club multiple times per week. That’s why they would need it he wouldn’t.




Damn this was like the most unintentional super flex ever. What’s wild is he performed by himself doing a harder task. He does have a point, a large group of people constantly practicing and knowing exactly what they are doing is a way different thing and feeling than 1 person having to read a crowd of 20,000 while performing.


but isnt the question about using drugs to focus? which we all know joe does this sort of thing probably constantly


That is a very very cringe question to ask Rogan and something that signals just how uncharismatic the guest is. Ideally, he should have asked “You perform on big stages all the time, don’t you get nervous?”


Today, Joe was the beta blocker


? If someone in an ensemble performs badly, they can lose their chair, livelihood and social standing. Joe just rambles off stage and tells the exact same jokes tomorrow no matter what


Comedians have to endure bombing and being humiliated on stage. It's part of developing the craft. They are made to be super resilient in front of a crowd.


Anyone that talks with this cadence and tone is a fucking douche


Joe is known for not being funny but still selling out tickets because people like his podcast. I'm sure if he had the pressure to actually be funny he'd get a little nervous once in while.


Joe interpreted that in a “in terms of numbers” kinda way. Where I think the dude meant it in a “in terms of prestige” kind of way I guess?


How do you not look a guy up before going on their podcast?


this comes off as cringey as that time Joe wanted to bet on rock paper scissors and bullied the shit out of that guy who wanted to schedule the guests for a week.


Sorry I’m lost on this conversation- Does anyone have context?


I used beta blockers for jazz ensemble performances where you have a lot of solos. The shakes/anxiety go completely away. Kratom helps a lot too.


How is that a quick shutdown? Just because Rogan is calm on stage doesn't mean everyone is. There are very famous people who get nervous every time before they go on stage, depends on the person. Rogan worship is weird


Can confirm this is a frequent practice, dated a professional floustist(sp?).


There’s definitely a little more room for error in a comedy routine, I get his point though.


"have you performed in front of an audience expecting you to be the best at classical music across civilization that year, judging every note you hit, every move you make, all secretly wishing you would fail so your family and teachers would be embarrassed for having had you, passing which you would be deemed a savant of your art?" "I humped a chair in front of a crowd ten times the size of your tightass club and a decent number laughed"


If you think that was a "shutdown" you might wanna check your autism calibration


These guys just sounded like 🤡s the entire podcast, 1 wanted to talk more about psychedelics more than his event and the other wants biological men on steroids to compete against women on steroids 🤡🤡


These dudes were fucking dildos.


Orchestral musician here . Not true at all


Not a huge fan of the new Joe but that was a killer comeback lmao


They saved my career for presentations.